FTS 20:30 02-10 Yemen: Houthi forces fire missiles at Israeli bases

  • 2 days ago
*U.N. Security Council holds emergency meeting on the situation in the Middle East
*Gabon claims sovereignty over 3 islands before the ICJ TeleSUR
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00:00In Yemen, Houthi forces of the Ansar al-Ain movement confirmed Wednesday the launching
00:18of three missiles against Israeli military installations.
00:24In the United Nations headquarters in New York, members of the United Nations Security
00:28Council met to discuss the situation in the Middle East.
00:33And on Wednesday, the Gabonese government claimed sovereignty over three islands in
00:38oil-rich waters before the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
00:46Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
00:49From Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
00:58In Yemen, Houthi forces of the Ansar al-Ain movement confirmed Wednesday the launching
01:12of three missiles against Israeli military installations.
01:15A Houthi movement spokesman stated that the intended targets were hit and expressed their
01:20support of Iran's attack against Israel as part of the Iranian nation's right to
01:27Furthermore, the movement confirmed the launching of drones against military targets in the
01:31Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Eilat.
01:33Since November 2023, Houthi forces launched attacks in the Red Sea against Israeli ships
01:39and those of their allies in solidarity with the Gaza Strip in the face of the aggression
01:44of the Zionist occupier.
01:50The criminal Netanyahu continues his large and dangerous project, committing crimes and
01:55terrorism against the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
01:58The blood that is being shed is pure and innocent, and the Israeli criminal Netanyahu must be
02:03punished for it.
02:04If he does not stop these actions and crimes, the Islamic resistance and the Axis of Resistance
02:08will take it upon themselves to deter him from these terrorist actions.
02:14A memorial ceremony was held in Yemen for martyred Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed
02:19Hassan Nasrallah.
02:21President Mahdi al-Mashad addressed several officials and citizens in the capital, Sanaa,
02:26and affirmed that the Axis of Resistance is united and will confront all conspiracies
02:30despite the immense pain caused by the assassination of the leader.
02:35The Yemeni government assured that Hassan Nasrallah was a leader loved by the majority
02:39of the Yemeni people and the Arab and Islamic peoples.
02:43For his part, the head of the Supreme Political Council pointed out that the response of Lebanon,
02:47Yemen and Iraq against the Israeli occupation was welcomed by the free peoples of the world.
03:01The response that came from Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq to the enemy entity, and what we
03:08saw from Iran was a torrent of missiles that delighted all the free peoples of the world.
03:16The blood of the martyr, Commander Hassan Nasrallah, will sweep away the entity of the
03:20Zionist enemy.
03:24The Islamic Republic of Iran carried out on Tuesday a retaliatory strike against Israeli
03:29military positions in the occupied Palestinian territories, an action that the Persian nation
03:33claims was entirely defensive and in response to the Zionist regime's terrorist acts inside
03:39Tehran and against Iranian-linked targets elsewhere.
03:43Our colleague Hisham Wanos with the details from Damascus, Syria.
03:52Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps claims that 90 percent of its Iranian-made
03:57hypersonic ballistic missiles, loaded with cluster warheads, hit three military bases
04:02and an Israeli intelligence command center, from where attacks against Hezbollah Secretary
04:07General Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh were planned and carried out.
04:13An operation that Iran warns will be followed by much more forceful actions if the Israeli
04:18entity and its allies dare to respond.
04:27The missiles fall on the Israeli military positions in Tel Aviv and other areas of the
04:31occupied territories. This action is the beginning of other painful blows by the resistance movement
04:36against the Zionist entity until it's forced to surrender and stop its crimes that have
04:42shed the blood of the inhabitants of Gaza and the inhabitants of Lebanon. Otherwise,
04:48the war will be long and the victory will be of the whole axis of resistance.
04:56Coordination is constant at all levels as we coordinate with Syria and Syria coordinates
05:01with Hezbollah and I believe that the axis of resistance is at the best level of coordination
05:07among its members. And our joint action would lead to victory as the enemy cannot divide
05:12us and cannot incite sedition in the axis of resistance and its actions would only lead
05:19to its inevitable defeat.
05:24The Iranian operation was also in response to Israeli crimes against the peoples of the
05:29axis of resistance. An offensive that hit only Israeli military sites, responsible for
05:35the death of defenseless civilians in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. The Israeli air aggression
05:41against Damascus in the early morning of the same day of the Iranian attack, is a sign
05:46of the terrorist nature of the Zionist occupation entity.
05:53All the victims of this Zionist aggression both dead and wounded, were from the civilian
05:57population, including a girl, so that the Israeli attacks reach mainly residential areas
06:03because these targeted areas are not military areas and should not be attacked by the Israeli
06:08occupation as much as it does in Gaza and Lebanon.
06:14We condemn this aggression which we qualify as a terrorist act because the Israeli occupation
06:19is a terrorist entity which for almost a year has been murdering civilians in Gaza and is
06:24currently attacking the civilians in Lebanon and now it is attacking us.
06:31Meanwhile, the Lebanese resistance fighters took advantage of the Iranian retaliatory
06:37action to intensify their attacks against the Zionist troops, like their brothers on
06:42the other fronts in Palestine, Yemen and Iraq. Operations that they claim they will not stop
06:48before ending the Israeli war of extermination against Gaza and putting an end to the repeated
06:53aggressions of the Tel Aviv regime against the other peoples of the region.
07:23Welcome back. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that
07:36if the United States and its European allies abandon the Middle East, conflicts and wars
07:41will disappear. The Iranian Supreme Leader indicated that after the withdrawal of the
07:46U.S., the states of the region will be able to govern themselves respecting the sovereignty
07:51of the peoples and living together in peace. He also expressed his hope that Iran, with
07:57the cooperation of other nations, will be able to expel the interfering countries from
08:01the region. The U.S. and its Western allies have provided Israel with financial, logistical
08:07and intelligence support since October 2023, when the occupying regime began a genocide
08:13against Palestine.
08:19If the United States and some European countries leave the West Asian region, these conflicts
08:24and wars will undoubtedly disappear and the countries of the region will be able to live
08:28in peace with each other.
08:33Following the escalation in tensions in the Middle East, the Venezuelan government has
08:36issued a communiqué in support of the Iranian nation's right to defend itself from the
08:41Israeli attacks on the region. The official document states, the Bolivarian Republic of
08:46Venezuela is following in detail the recent events in the Middle East that have prompted
08:51an action by the Islamic Republic of Iran invoking its right to legitimate self-defense,
08:56as set forth in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations in response to the threats
09:03and crimes against humanity committed by the Netanyahu regime against Palestine, Lebanon
09:08and the Iranian people, including violations of their sovereignty and territorial integrity
09:13and the murder of innocent civilians, as well as political and military leaders of
09:18these countries. It follows the inaction shown by the United Nations Security Council, paralyzed
09:24by the veto exercised in a complicit manner by the United States of America, has prevented
09:29the aggressions from stopping, and Netanyahu's non-compliance with international law, which
09:35continues to be the greatest threat to security in the region. It is urgent to stop the escalation
09:40of war by Israel in the entire region and to determine its responsibilities in the war
09:45crimes committed by its government. To conclude, the communiqué states, the Bolivarian Government
09:50of Venezuela urges the international community to mobilize in order to restore legality and
09:56stop the genocide against the Palestinian people and Lebanon, as well as the unbridled
10:01race to take control of the region by Israel and the United States of America, which has
10:05had serious consequences for international peace and stability.
10:13On Wednesday, the Government of Nicaragua congratulates Iraq through a communiqué for
10:17its 92nd anniversary of independence. Through an official communiqué, the Government of Nicaragua
10:22states, on behalf of the people and Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of the
10:27Republic of Nicaragua, and on our own behalf, we are proud to convey our most sincere congratulations
10:34to you, your people and Government, as we commemorate the 92nd anniversary of the
10:39proclamation of independence and the establishment of the Iraqi state. Finally, the communiqué states,
10:45on this memorable date, and on behalf of the people and Government of Reconciliation and
10:49National Unity of the Republic of Nicaragua, we reiterate an unalterable will to continue
10:55strengthening our fraternal bonds of brotherhood, solidarity and moral cooperation.
11:05In the United Nations headquarters in New York, members of the United Nations Security Council met
11:10on Wednesday to discuss the situation in the Middle East. During the emergency meeting,
11:14United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for an end to the sickening cycle of
11:20escalation in the region, where tensions escalate between Israel, Iran, Lebanon and Yemen, and as
11:26the Zionist regime continues its genocide in Palestine. In this context, Guterres stated
11:31that this deadly cycle of tit-for-tat violence must stop, adding that the raging fires in the
11:38Middle East are fast becoming an inferno. Furthermore, the Secretary-General stressed
11:43that the safety and security of all the United Nations personnel must be ensured,
11:47and said the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon will remain in position.
11:57In Mexico, President Claudia Sheinbaum informed she will continue the daily morning press
12:01conferences introduced by former head of state Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
12:05Precisely, Sheinbaum's first Mañanera was dedicated to remember and condemn the massacre
12:11committed on October 2nd, 1968 in Tlatelolco Square against the student movement that demanded
12:18freedom and democracy. Today, on the day of the first Mañanera morning conference,
12:29on the second stage of the fourth transformation, we are going to dedicate it to October 2nd,
12:39because October 2nd cannot be forgotten. 56 years ago, in Tlatelolco Square,
12:53after a student movement which demanded freedom, which demanded democracy, freedom for political
13:02prisoners, one of the greatest atrocities in history that took place in Mexico,
13:10in the second half of the 20th century, was perpetrated. It was ordered by the then
13:19President of the Republic, Díaz Ordaz, commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
13:27The repression against students who, in freedom and asking for public dialogue
13:35that had been offered, were assassinated, imprisoned.
13:42Argentina's public universities held a massive demonstration on Wednesday,
13:49backed by unions and opposition parties, to protest sharp public spending cuts implemented
13:54by President Javier Milley. Despite a heavy police operation, thousands of people gathered
13:59around the Argentine Congress as part of a federal university march in defense of free,
14:04inclusive and quality public education. Members of social trade unions and human
14:09rights organizations, students, teachers and citizens in general, arrived at the legislative
14:14seat from different parts of this city and the province of Buenos Aires, while other regions
14:20of the country held other demonstrations as well. We have a second short break coming up,
14:28but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel at Telesur English,
14:32there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
14:37Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date
14:40on the world's most recent events. Final short break, don't go away.
15:07Welcome back to From the South. In Afghanistan, authorities reported at least 13 people dead
15:14following recent floods that hit several regions of the country. The National Disaster Management
15:20Authority informed that during the intense rains of the last days, 16 people were injured in the
15:27eight states of the country due to landslides. It also detailed that more than 100 houses were
15:33totally destroyed and more than 650 hectares of croplands were damaged. In this regard,
15:38emergency teams continue to carry out relief and rescue works for families affected by the
15:43national disaster. In Greece, authorities report the death of two people due to forest fires in
15:58the Koninthia region. The Civil Protection Department stated that more than 2,000 people
16:03were temporarily evacuated in 13 localities throughout the region. Around 570 firefighters
16:09are engaged in the firefighting operation using 160 trucks, six helicopters and four air tankers.
16:16The blaze is moving towards the south and east of the country and has so far consumed more than 6,400
16:22hectares. The Bolivian government reported that forest fires have ravaged 7 million hectares of
16:35forestry and pasture after more than three months of fires. President Luis Arce decreed a national
16:40disaster situation due to the forest fires that are mainly affecting the Santa Cruz department.
16:45In this context, the government requested the approval of two credits of $325 million
16:52in the Pueblo National Legislative Assembly to face the flames. Authorities described the
16:57fires in Santa Cruz as the greatest environmental disaster experienced in this region.
17:06In China, there are at least two dead, 70 injured and two missing after Typhoon Kraton
17:12hits Taiwan Island. The island's authorities reported that at least 9,000 people were
17:17evacuated from 11 cities and counties as a precaution. The government cancelled academic
17:23activities in the region to safeguard the integrity of civilians. It also deployed
17:27thousands of soldiers to assist in rescue operations. In this regard, commercial flights
17:32in the area were cancelled, costing hundreds of passengers to be stranded at the Taiwan airport facilities.
17:38On Wednesday, the Gabonese government claimed sovereignty over three islands in oil-rich waters
17:48before the International Court of Justice at The Hague. This way, the Gabonese authorities argued
17:53they reached sovereignty of the islands by the already established 1974 Barra Convention. However,
18:00Equatorial Guinea disregards the claim, recognizing as legal the agreement sealed between French and
18:06Spanish colonial powers in 1900. Furthermore, Equatorial Guinean officials assured Gabon invaded
18:12the islands in 1972, occupying them illegally ever since. As a result, both nations agreed on finding
18:20out an amicable solution, allowing the ICJ to decide whether a claim is valid to define
18:25the legal right over the disputed territory. The Gabonese representative expressed her view on the case.
18:36It is therefore up to you, ladies and gentlemen of the court, to determine whether the Barra
18:42Agreement is binding on the parties. If it is, the dais cast. This treaty, which in our view
18:48is fully valid, resolves all the problems of sovereignty over the islands and the demarcation
18:53of borders. The French National Assembly's Law Committee overwhelmingly rejected a motion for
19:00the impeachment of President Emmanuel Macron, tabled by La France Insoumise, which criticizes
19:05the head of state for not respecting the results of the legislative elections.
19:11Ladies and gentlemen, 69 votes were cast and 69 votes were returned,
19:15giving a majority of 35 for 15 against 54. Thank you very much.
19:23Christmas holidays have begun already in Venezuela and families start to enjoy the
19:27atmosphere of festivities in public areas full of light and music.
19:32Our correspondent Osvaldo Saez with the details.
19:37The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela officially opened the Christmas holidays.
19:41Hence, the streets of Caracas were full in lights and joy.
19:47Christmas is starting early. There are little children who want it to come quickly.
19:51When they see the little lights they say come on, let's go to Paseo de los Prosers.
19:56They see the little lights and they get happy. The child Jesus is coming.
20:02At the Paseo de los Prosers in Caracas, families took advantage of the first Christmas
20:07day to take pictures and celebrate the spark that characterizes them, as they themselves say.
20:16Well, Venezuelans always have an additional spark,
20:19so perhaps that's why they started earlier. Or we started earlier.
20:23For the Venezuelan families, the early Christmas season represents a welcome event,
20:28which had been announced by President Nicolás Maduro in September.
20:35Well, I didn't expect this. I expected this for November, but the president brought it forward.
20:41Everybody was thrilled, even the children. For me it's the best thing to enjoy these moments
20:46here with them, and for them, it is the best.
20:50It's all good, nice, the lights, all very nice, I like it. They are blue,
20:56and blue is my favorite color, everything is fine.
21:00The Christmas holidays bring lights and joy, and a greater economic dynamic that can be seen
21:05in the streets, according to the merchants themselves, who welcomed the celebration.
21:11I think it is excellent that the president brought it forward,
21:14who welcomed the celebration.
21:18I think it is excellent that it starts now in October. It would be three wonderful months.
21:24You can already see the decorations. This brings a lot of customers.
21:30The Christmas spirit brings a lot of customers. When Christmas starts, the excitement is good.
21:36People get excited about shopping. People get excited about going out with their families.
21:42In some areas of the Venezuelan capital, the people enjoyed taking pictures,
21:47walking around and taking advantage of public spaces,
21:50in the neighborhood of Petar people enjoyed live music.
22:06We are very happy, very happy with this.
22:09It's beautiful here in Petar.
22:20According to the people on the streets, the Christmas holidays,
22:23always valued by Venezuelan families, have only just begun.
22:34We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can see that
22:38you can find this and many other stories on our website at TELUSofEnglish.net,
22:43and join us as well on social media. We are on Facebook,
22:45Instagram, Telegram and TikTok. For TELUSofEnglish, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
