• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Un progetto che attraverso la voce mette in mostra i talenti dei pazienti ed evidenzia ciò che possono fare, non ciò che non possono fare” ha detto ai microfoni dell’Adnkronos Katia Patanella, medico neurologo del Centro Clinico NeMO Roma, intervistata a Milano a valle della presentazione del progetto Sma Talent School sviluppato da Centri Clinici NeMO, Famiglie Sma e Roche. Il progetto è stato pensato per valorizzare e far scoprire le possibilità di utilizzo delle abilità vocali per chi vive con la Sma (atrofia muscolare spinale).


00:00A project like this is a way to get closer to these people at 360 degrees,
00:09being able, through the voice, as we have heard, also to heal aspects,
00:14such as communication, breathing and also self-care.
00:19So it is a way of welcoming these people,
00:23of allowing them to show their talent and everything they can do,
00:28and not what they cannot do because of the disease.
00:31Our role as clinicians is to heal various aspects of the pathology,
00:35and a very important aspect to heal is that of breathing.
00:39And it is up to us clinicians to monitor the progress of the respiratory function in these patients
00:45and provide strategies to be able to keep them as healthy as possible.
00:51Pass me this term.
