(Adnkronos) - “Con il progetto ‘Su misura’ l'azienda ha svolto il suo ruolo sociale: condensare delle eccellenze, come ad esempio la nuova Accademia delle Belle arti per cercare di portare risposte concrete ai pazienti e migliorare la loro qualità di vita”. Lo afferma Paolo Fedeli, head of corporate affairs di Sandoz Italia, alla presentazione del progetto ‘Su misura’, ideato da Sandoz, in collaborazione con Aism - Associazione italiana sclerosi multipla e Naba - Nuova accademia di belle arti di Milano, con l’obiettivo di migliorare l’accessibilità degli ambienti domestici e il benessere delle persone che vivono con sclerosi multipla.
00:00It is not always possible to see projects like these supported by a pharmaceutical company.
00:10The pharmaceutical company is in general the life science department of the industry,
00:15but it must take into account what its purpose is,
00:19that is, to find open answers to the needs of people, to the needs of patients,
00:25which are not limited only and exclusively to aspects of drug supply.
00:32Our goal is to make available as many drugs as possible,
00:37but to bring answers to the open needs of people, of patients,
00:42in this case of people who live with multiple sclerosis.
00:46Sumisura has been a fundamental element in which the company has played its social role,
00:52that is, to coagulate excellences in the field,
00:58such as the new Academy of Fine Arts,
01:02to try to bring concrete answers to patients and to their quality of life.
01:11In this sense, since you mentioned the Academy of Fine Arts,
01:16how important was it to involve very young people?
01:20It is important because, in addition to the social value of a project of this type,
01:25we also notice the educational function.
01:28For young people in training, to be able to listen to the clear needs of their potential client
01:37represents a training model for them, more than anything else,
01:42which they will carry forward in their entire personal career.