• l’année dernière
Les colistiers de Donald Trump et Kamala Harris, le républicain J.D. Vance et le démocrate Tim Walz, se sont affrontés cette nuit pour ce qui devrait être leur unique débat télévisé avant l'élection présidentielle américaine, le 5 novembre. Lors d'échanges principalement cordiaux, les deux candidats ont notamment évoqué l'immigration, l'assurance-santé, ou encore le Moyen-Orient.

L'un de ces deux hommes deviendra vice-président à l'issue de l'élection américaine de novembre: les colistiers de Kamala Harris et Donald Trump se sont affrontés sur les propositions phares de leur candidat lors d'un débat ferme mais courtois mardi à New York.

L'avortement, l'économie et la crise au Moyen-Orient ont dominé la confrontation entre le démocrate Tim Walz et le républicain J.D. Vance -- particulièrement civilisée dans une campagne jusqu'ici marquée par une rhétorique très violente. L'une des séquences les plus tendues de cette émission de 90 minutes a été consacrée à l'immigration.

Tim Walz, bras droit de Kamala Harris dans la course à la Maison Blanche, a accusé son rival républicain de "déshumaniser" les migrants en relayant la théorie mensongère selon laquelle des migrants haïtiens mangeraient des chats et des chiens, reprise ensuite par Donald Trump.

Le colistier du milliardaire républicain a quant à lui reproché aux démocrates d'avoir des positions "radicales" sur les interruptions volontaires de grossesse, lui qui est connu pour avoir défendu une interdiction fédérale de l'avortement.

"Nous sommes pro-femmes. Nous sommes pour la liberté de faire ses propres choix", a rétorqué M. Walz.

L'escalade entre Israël et l'Iran s'est également invitée dans le débat des deux colistiers, chacun défendant le style de leadership de leur candidat à la Maison Blanche. "Un Donald Trump de près de 80 ans, qui parle de la taille des foules (à ses meetings) n'est pas la personne qu'il nous faut en ce moment", a tancé Tim Walz, saluant la "solidité" du profil de la vice-présidente américaine.

Plus que celle de Kamala Harris, c'est bien la personnalité et la politique de Donald Trump qui ont émaillé les échanges entre les deux hommes. "J.D. a tout explosé!", a commenté le principal intéressé à l'issue du débat, moquant au contraire le "faible Q.I" de Tim Walz. Le camp Harris a lui aussi crié victoire, saluant la "passion" du colistier démocrate.

Même s'il est généralement admis que les débats entre les candidats à la vice-présidence ont une influence relativement faible sur le scrutin, celui-ci pourrait revêtir une importance particulière: Donald Trump ayant refusé d'affronter à nouveau Kamala Harris, cette joute oratoire pourrait être la dernière de la campagne. Leur face-à-face pourrait peut-être convaincre les électeurs indécis susceptibles de faire basculer les fameux sept Etats-clés très disputés.

Mais l'émission de mardi a aussi été l'occasion pour chacun de combler un réel déficit de notoriété. Tim Walz, gouverneur du Minnesota, était peu connu en dehors de


00:00Welcome back to the CBS News vice presidential debate.
00:03It is now time for the closing statement.
00:05Senator Vance won the virtual coin toss and elected to go last.
00:09So, Governor Walz, you are first.
00:11You have two minutes.
00:12Well, thank you, Senator Vance.
00:14Thank you to CBS News.
00:15And most importantly, thank you to all of you.
00:18If you're still up and the folks who missed dancing with our stars,
00:21I appreciate it.
00:22But look, the support of the democracy matters.
00:24It matters that you're here.
00:26And I'm as surprised as anybody of this coalition
00:29that Kamala Harris has built,
00:31from Bernie Sanders to Dick Cheney to Taylor Swift,
00:34and a whole bunch of folks in between there.
00:36And they don't all agree on everything,
00:38but they are truly optimistic people.
00:41They believe in a positive future of this country
00:44and one where our politics can be better than it is.
00:47And I have to tell you, that better than it is
00:51is the sense of optimism that there can be an opportunity economy
00:56that works for everyone,
00:57not just to get by, but to get ahead.
00:59And the idea that freedom really means something.
01:01Not the freedom of government to be in your bedroom or exam room,
01:04but the freedom for you to make choices about yourself.
01:07Now, look, we all know who Donald Trump is.
01:10He's told us, and as Maya Angelou said,
01:12believe him when he told you that.
01:14His first inaugural address talked about American carnage.
01:17And then he spent four years trying to maybe do that.
01:20Senator Vance tonight made it clear
01:23he will stand with Donald Trump's agenda.
01:26He will continue to push down that road.
01:29Kamala Harris gives us a different option.
01:32Now, I have to tell you, I'm going to be careful about the quotes,
01:35but there's one that Senator Vance said that does resonate with me.
01:38He said, Donald Trump makes the people I care about afraid.
01:42A lot of America feels that way.
01:44We don't need to be afraid.
01:46Franklin Roosevelt was right.
01:48All we have to fear is fear itself.
01:50Kamala Harris is bringing us a new way forward.
01:52She's bringing us a politics of joy.
01:54She's bringing real solutions for the middle class.
01:57And she's centering you at the heart of that,
01:59all the while asking everyone, join this movement.
02:03Make your voices heard.
02:05Let's look for a new day where everybody gets that opportunity
02:09and everybody gets a chance to thrive.
02:11I humbly ask for your vote on November 5th for Kamala Harris.
02:15Governor Walz, thank you.
02:17Senator Vance, your closing statement.
02:19Well, I want to thank Governor Walz, you folks at CBS,
02:22and of course the American people for tuning in this evening.
02:25One of the issues we didn't talk about was energy.
02:27And I remember when I was being raised by my grandmother,
02:30when she didn't have enough money to turn on the heat some nights
02:33because Ohio gets pretty cold at night
02:35and because money was often very tight.
02:37And I believe, as a person who wants to be your next vice president,
02:41that we are a rich and prosperous enough country
02:43where every American, whether they're rich or poor,
02:45ought to be able to turn on their heat
02:47in the middle of a cold winter night.
02:49That's gotten more difficult thanks to Kamala Harris's energy policies.
02:52I believe that whether you're rich or poor,
02:54you ought to be able to afford a nice meal for your family.
02:57That's gotten harder because of Kamala Harris's policies.
03:00I believe that whether you're rich or poor,
03:02you ought to be able to afford to buy a house.
03:04You ought to be able to live in safe neighborhoods.
03:06You ought to not have your communities flooded with fentanyl.
03:09And that, too, has gotten harder because of Kamala Harris's policies.
03:13Now, I've been in politics long enough to do what Kamala Harris does
03:17when she stands before the American people
03:19and says that on day one,
03:21she's going to work on all these challenges I just listed.
03:24She's been the vice president for three and a half years.
03:27Day one was 1,400 days ago,
03:30and her policies have made these problems worse.
03:33Now, I believe that we have the most beautiful country in the world.
03:37I meet people on the campaign trail who can't afford food,
03:40but have the grace and generosity to ask me how I'm doing
03:44and to tell me they're praying for my family.
03:46What that has taught me is that we have the greatest country,
03:49the most beautiful country,
03:51the most incredible people anywhere in the world,
03:54but they're not going to be able to achieve their full dreams
03:58with the broken leadership that we have in Washington.
04:00They're not going to be able to live their American dream
04:03if we do the same thing that we've been doing
04:05for the last three and a half years.
04:07We need change. We need a new direction.
04:09We need a president who has already done this once before and did it well.
04:13Please vote for Donald Trump.
04:15And whether you vote for me or vote for Tim Walz,
04:17I just want to say I'm so proud to be doing this,
04:20and I'm rooting for you.
04:21God bless you, and good night.
04:22Senator Vance, thank you.
