
  • last week
00:00The hardest battle in the Special Forces is the one you'll face in your mind.
00:19Lose that battle, and you won't last two seconds.
00:22Turn around.
00:23Let's move!
00:24Come on then!
00:25In this series, 15 celebrity recruits have been taken to the other side of the world.
00:39The only way these celebrities are going to find their potential is to make their lives
00:44a living hell.
00:45What's happening?
00:46There isn't going to be an easy way out.
00:49They've been put through the most grueling stages of SAS selection by an elite team of
00:56ex-Special Forces soldiers.
01:01Stripped of all home comforts, they will be pushed further than ever before.
01:06Oh my God, if I pass this course, I'd be as happy as a dog with two dicks, but it's
01:12going to be a challenge.
01:13Take his head off!
01:14I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a hard nut, but probably when I'm out there,
01:19I might crumble like a pastry.
01:21No allowances or exceptions will be made.
01:24I'm actually a member of the most unpopular family in the country.
01:27Come on!
01:28I take whatever happens, I can survive.
01:31Dig, dig, let's go!
01:32There you go!
01:33Oh my God, no.
01:34No other test asks as much.
01:35You don't want to give it a go?
01:37I'm sore.
01:38I can't do it.
01:39Or means as much.
01:40Look at me.
01:41Don't give up.
01:42Stay in the game.
01:43Get your head up.
01:44Head up!
01:45Head up!
01:46To the few who make it through.
01:47If you want to be here, then use the pain.
01:48You nasty things!
01:49Frank, he's off.
02:11Get out of the car now!
02:12Get out!
02:13Get out!
02:14For the penultimate phase of selection, the four remaining celebrity recruits were split
02:19into two teams and sent on the run whilst being pursued by a hunter force made up of
02:28We're getting chased.
02:29We've got to get moving.
02:30Let's go!
02:32Let's go!
02:33Team Bravo, made up of number three Bianca and number 10 Georgia, were ambushed and captured.
02:42I love you.
02:43Love you too.
02:48Down here, look.
02:49They're very close.
02:53Let's go straight into action.
02:56Team Alpha, made up of number eight Anthony and number nine Lani, are still on the run.
03:03Stay on me.
03:04I've always thought I'd make a great soldier.
03:08I'm a very strong, resolute person.
03:11Steely, determined, rugged, resilient.
03:14Oh, it's a boat.
03:15It's a boat.
03:16And I don't quit.
03:17Team Alpha have arrived at the extraction point.
03:20Shall we chuck our boogers in or just quit?
03:23But the hunter force have spotted them.
03:27When you get captured by the hunter force, it is absolutely brutal.
03:32You're getting manhandled, you're getting chucked to the floor, and then you're getting
03:36a bag put on your head.
03:38And that's the point you realise that your life is in the hands of someone else, and
03:43it's an absolutely terrifying place to be.
03:53The recruits will now face the most feared phase of selection.
04:01Resistance to interrogation.
04:03The DS have enlisted a specialist team of interrogators with over 30 years combined
04:24experience in war zone and special forces training.
04:33We as interrogators have one job and one job only.
04:36We are there to extract information out of you.
04:39Everything we do is designed to put you in a place where you're not comfortable.
04:48It's my job to get inside these people's heads.
04:54The longer they can keep me out, the longer they'll survive.
04:57Because if I get in there, they're fucked.
05:03Number three, open your eyes, look at me, listen carefully to what I'm going to say to you.
05:08Interrogation will be led by one man.
05:11I am the umpire, and I am in charge of this phase.
05:14The umpire.
05:15If at any point you wish to leave this phase, you just have to raise your hand and ask to
05:19speak to the umpire.
05:20Who cannot be identified for security reasons.
05:23The next time you see me, your participation in this phase will be over.
05:30Step down. Step.
05:32For the next 12 hours, the recruits will be subjected to brutal interrogation.
05:38But first, they must be processed.
05:42The purpose of processing is to put the recruits in no doubt that we are in charge.
05:48It's to strip them of their personal belongings, their dignity.
05:52It's a sharp reminder to them that they're not in control of anything.
05:57Is that taking all this stuff off now?
06:00First in is number three.
06:02What's your name?
06:04Bianca what?
06:07At the start, we weren't sure at all about her.
06:10She didn't look like she was too fit.
06:12She's a new mum, which is amazing when you think about it.
06:16Get that on.
06:19She's a strong character.
06:21Just a tough woman.
06:23She's a strong character.
06:25Just a tad confused as to why I'm here in this room with you.
06:30I've just had a baby, so I've got a little bit of baby brain.
06:33Baby brain, eh?
06:35I like that.
06:36She's polite, she's deferential.
06:38Take your hood off.
06:41Next to be processed is number nine, Lani.
06:45So start taking those clothes off for me.
06:47Do that now, quick as you can.
06:49Come on, Lani, come on.
06:51She's a Maori.
06:53She's a professional boxer, world champion.
06:55I don't have time to muck about.
06:57Please don't throw the boots at me either.
06:59Training camp.
07:01These are garage.
07:02There were sulphur in it.
07:03She sleeps in the fucking garage and trains and trains.
07:06Private, doesn't moan.
07:09She's a great woman.
07:11What brings you all the way out here then?
07:16We got lost.
07:21Was that a sigh?
07:23I'm cold and...
07:25Why do I have to do this?
07:29What did you say?
07:31I don't know why I'm here.
07:33Good girl.
07:35She's coming across subservient and weak.
07:37Pop that on you, quick as you can.
07:39But then you just need to look at her face to know she's none of the above.
07:44I'll be seeing you again.
07:56In between questioning,
07:58the recruits are held in stress positions
08:01and subjected to distressing sounds
08:05aimed at breaking their resolve.
08:08What the fuck are you moving about?
08:11The key for the recruit is that they have to try and win over the interrogator.
08:15Move, move.
08:18And that's all about humanising yourself.
08:21Don't be a dick and don't antagonise the interrogation team.
08:29Number 8, Anthony, is next in for processing.
08:33The issues we've had with him is just cocky.
08:36He's an alpha male.
08:38I think he'll find it tough having authority pushed in his face.
08:42Everything you've got on...
08:44Off, all of it. Hurry up.
08:47Come on, stop pissing him out.
08:51What's that mean?
08:53It's a tattoo, sir.
08:55I can fucking see that. What's it mean?
08:57It's writing. It's for my sisters.
09:02They're not here with you, are they?
09:04They're not staying, no.
09:06No. I am.
09:08Tattoo about my mum here, I reckon.
09:11Did he ask about that one?
09:14That bad move.
09:16That's getting cocky.
09:18He's like, I don't give a fuck, mate, do what you want.
09:20That's what he's doing.
09:22I'm going to leave you a little tattoo there of me.
09:24Thank you, sir.
09:26You're welcome.
09:28There you go. That's my little bald head.
09:30He doesn't like that, look.
09:32He doesn't like it at all. He's struggling.
09:36I hate bullies. I hate unfairness.
09:39I grew up, I had a lot of anger inside me.
09:42Luckily, I was able to channel my violence and anger as a boxer.
09:50Don't fiddle with yourself.
09:52It's a bit fucking disconcerting for me, you playing with that.
09:56Tugging at it like a fucking toddler.
09:59I don't want to see that.
10:03He can't help himself, can he?
10:05Put them on.
10:07He is a heartbeat away from losing his temper on this.
10:13I'd like to think I'm quite rational now, much less hot-headed.
10:17It's been lovely chatting.
10:20I enjoyed it too.
10:22Good. I'm sure we'll chat a bit more.
10:25I'm just checking that it's not false.
10:27Listen, when you have that, I don't think it ever just goes.
10:31You've always got it.
10:37I am watching him and thinking, you could get yourself in trouble.
10:40He's on that line.
10:47You all right? Yeah.
10:49Last to be processed is number 10, Georgia.
10:53So what I want is nice, friendly, unthreatening.
10:56Let's really bring our guard down.
10:59Let's get you out of that wet and cold kit.
11:02So we use the friendly approach on a recruit that we think will respond to it.
11:06Have you got anything in your pocket?
11:08I think they should hurt you.
11:10Well, I don't know, I might be allergic to nuts or something,
11:13that might hurt me, mightn't it?
11:15Yeah, but they're sealed.
11:17That's a good point.
11:19But it's always a trap.
11:21Everything that is put in front of the recruit is a trap of some description.
11:25So what are you doing out here, then?
11:27Well, I've been out here campaigning for the Fight For The Flightless campaign.
11:31For Kakapo birds.
11:33Right, OK.
11:36You're here to utilise your celebrity
11:40to bring awareness to the cause of protecting the Kakapo.
11:4424 hours ago, the recruits were provided with a cover story
11:49to be used in the event of capture.
11:52When they're asking questions, don't be antagonised.
11:55Build a rapport, make that person want to keep you alive.
11:59The reason you're doing that, you're delaying time,
12:01because we're coming for you.
12:03We are fucking coming, and the longer you can give us,
12:05the better chances the fucking Jedis are coming
12:07through that door and that window.
12:10You hungry?
12:12I don't eat meat. Don't eat meat?
12:14Would you like to eat the chips?
12:16I'd love a chip, yeah. Help yourself.
12:18I honestly have no idea how I'm going to cope
12:21in terms of the interrogation.
12:23Tell me a little bit about what you're doing, then.
12:26Like, I cannot control my tongue.
12:29We've got to do a speech tomorrow at 9am,
12:31I don't even know what time it is anymore.
12:33I was always getting in trouble at school for, like, answering back.
12:37If something comes into my head,
12:39even though I know I shouldn't say it, I'll just say it.
12:42You sound a little bit sort of confused
12:44as to what's sort of happened, then.
12:46Well, I'm jet-lagged, I'm hungover. Yeah.
12:48Hungover? Yeah.
12:49So where were you drinking, then?
12:51At the hotel. Right, OK.
12:53And basically, we went out looking for some Kakapo birds.
12:56Right, OK.
12:57We'd already seen the birds on an island today.
13:00Yeah. And they're meant to be extinct here.
13:02Yeah. Was it planned?
13:04Are you saying, or what? No, it was, like, spontaneous.
13:09Whose idea was it?
13:11It was my idea.
13:14My idea.
13:16Shot herself in the arse a little bit here.
13:18That she is the self-professed leader of the gang.
13:21The key in surviving in resistance to interrogation
13:26is to try not to highlight yourself for anything,
13:29whether that's being the strongest or the weakest or the leader.
13:32Have a couple more chips if you're hungry. Eat up.
13:35If we can construe you as the leader, then, by default,
13:38you're the person that knows most about what you are doing.
13:41That is probably not going to end well for you.
14:04The four remaining celebrity recruits will now enter the next phase...
14:11..solo interrogation,
14:13where they will be questioned further on their cover story.
14:25Put your top up for us.
14:27First in is number three, Bianca.
14:30Sit down.
14:37Very cold.
14:39My upbringing has definitely made me strong.
14:42Growing up with the Gascoigne name was definitely difficult for me.
14:46I got really bullied at school.
14:48So what happened after seeing the Kakapo's on Codfish?
14:52We made our way back to the hotel.
14:54At lunchtimes, I had to spend my lunch with the dinner lady
14:58in another room.
14:59So I think that's probably why I'm quite strong now,
15:02is because I had to be strong then.
15:04We had a few drinks and we thought...
15:07Well, mainly my friend Georgia.
15:09Georgia, she thought that it would be a good idea
15:12to see if there was any Kakapo's, obviously, where we were staying,
15:17cos they're nocturnal. Yeah.
15:19So if they're nocturnal...
15:22..why did you go to Codfish Island in the day to see them?
15:25They're nocturnal, so how would you have seen them?
15:31I'm not 100% sure on that one.
15:35I've wrote a couple of things down and already it looks like horse shit.
15:42I'm just a little bit all over the shop just from...
15:44You fucking will be.
15:47I just had a baby, so there's a lot been going on.
15:50I couldn't give a fuck about your baby.
15:52Unless it's here in the room and you need to change its fucking nappy,
15:55I don't care.
15:59I care about the fucking shit you're writing down!
16:02It's bullshit!
16:04How's that sound?
16:06Sounds wonderful.
16:07It's fucking better. Stand up.
16:17I thought she was good, mate. I thought she was good.
16:20Didn't allow herself to get flustered,
16:22she didn't allow herself to get in a tizz about it.
16:25They've bought themselves more time.
16:31Right, nine.
16:32She's physically strong, she's robust.
16:35Mental pressure, I think, is going to be her, I can reassure you.
16:39I really need her to feel the psychological pressure
16:44of the questions, answers running out.
16:49It's all right, you can put your hands down.
16:51Right, what are you doing here, Larnie?
16:53I'm down at the bird assembly.
16:58I think the biggest skills that I have would be my mindset.
17:02So what happened after you'd seen these kakapoos?
17:06I'm quite headstrong, and I'm willing to do what it takes.
17:11Whatever my coach says, I do, and we win.
17:15Who decided to go looking for these things?
17:18Yeah, cos we had, like, she wanted to go on an adventure.
17:21I didn't really want to go, but I didn't want to get left out.
17:24Good call.
17:26It's good thinking.
17:27She's at least portraying that she's been swept up
17:30in something that's of benefit to her.
17:32So she's not trying to present herself as a hero today.
17:35She's just... What was I supposed to do?
17:38So who was driving?
17:40Where did you get the keys from?
17:43Ent had the keys.
17:44Ent had the keys.
17:45So who was keen on going then?
17:47Georgia, obviously.
17:49Is Georgia in charge of this little group or something?
17:52Is she the boss?
17:53No, she's...
17:54Do you follow her orders?
17:56She's pretty convincing, if you need her.
18:00That's the third person, including Georgia,
18:02that said Georgia was in charge.
18:04Who's now the most valuable to us?
18:08That's true.
18:09So, you know, you've just flagged her up
18:11for some particularly unpleasant treatment.
18:20In interrogation, the key is to stay under the radar.
18:26You have to be the grey man.
18:28If they feel you are the leader of something,
18:32you're the one that's going to get most of the interrogation.
18:35You're the valuable asset to them
18:37that holds the key or the information of what they want.
18:40You're the one that's going to get the fucking pain.
18:42Take your hood off.
18:46Pass me it.
18:47Number 10, Georgia...
18:48Put yourself out there.
18:49..is next in for interrogation.
18:52Take a seat.
18:57Georgia, I need you to sort of talk me through.
19:00You're ruling all of this.
19:01Everybody else is talking.
19:03Everybody is saying that you're the leader.
19:06You've caused all this.
19:09You have got everybody in this pile of shit.
19:13I'm not a leader, I've only just met these people.
19:17It was my idea to look for the birds,
19:19but I didn't drag them by the necks.
19:21Like, it was just my idea and it was a stupid idea,
19:25and I know that.
19:27So why would they follow you?
19:30Everybody is pointing to you to be the fucking leader.
19:34And that makes you very fucking interesting to me, Georgia.
19:38Because there's more to you than meets the fucking eye here,
19:41isn't there?
19:44Isn't there?!
19:46I'm getting the measure of you.
19:51Put that on.
19:59So for the recruits,
20:00we will make sure that they believe they've made the mistake.
20:06We then put them back into detention
20:08where they have no other option but to dwell on the mistake.
20:13It is far and away a test of their mental ability.
20:20Right, so let's have a look at A.
20:23What I want is to give him the opportunity to show us
20:26that he understands that fighting isn't the answer here.
20:29Subservience is the answer.
20:32Take your hood off.
20:35Pass, mate.
20:42OK, talk me through how yous all met today.
20:44We were doing the charitable campaign for a bird thing.
20:51What the fuck does that even mean?
20:53What's the bird thing called?
20:55It's called Kaka, K-A-K-A.
20:57It's the kakapo and kiwi...
21:01No, he won't like me.
21:04Don't fucking comment on how I write, OK?
21:07That's not your fucking place.
21:09See, that's the mistakes he makes.
21:11He should be reading the room and behaving himself.
21:14I'm not sure where he's gone with this.
21:16The reason why it's...
21:18It's called fight for the fightless.
21:20I'm in a transition period in my life at the moment.
21:23To be honest with you,
21:24I've got a lot of things going on in my life right now.
21:27I've got a whole lot of stuff.
21:28I'm not fucking interested.
21:30You're fucking boring the shit clean out of me now.
21:33Can I cross my legs, please? Can I sit and cross my legs?
21:36Stop fucking me about.
21:37OK, so...
21:38You're fucking just being distracting now.
21:40Like this.
21:41And you're fucking pissing me off.
21:44Oh, all over the place, mate.
21:46He's misread the room.
21:47He shouldn't be pushing her buttons at this stage.
21:49Golden rule, don't piss off the interrogation team.
21:52You have had your fucking chance.
21:54You're just taking the piss.
21:56Stand up and put your fucking hood on.
21:58Fucking stand up!
22:03Oi! Put that fucking hood on you now.
22:13The last thing you want to do is piss off your interrogator.
22:17They would, in the real world,
22:19kick you, beat you and possibly shoot you.
22:23As an example to the other POWs.
22:32Now, do you fucking see what happens
22:34when you fucking piss me about?
22:36I was trying to be fucking nice, but what did you do?
22:38You fucking seen a little female
22:40and you thought, I'll just fucking go for this now, didn't you?
22:43I wasn't trying to be big or clever.
22:45Yes, you fucking were.
22:47I don't think that he thinks he's being a dick
22:49when he's being a dick.
22:51He's given that ear off. I can fight my way out of this.
22:54I'm looking for reasons to keep him.
22:56You just thought, I'll play the fucking big man.
22:59Well, it fucking stops now, do you understand?
23:03Do you understand, yes or fucking no?
23:06I understand very clearly, yeah.
23:07The female thing, I don't understand.
23:09Shut the fuck up and listen!
23:16You're not getting this,
23:18but I promise you, by the end of this,
23:21you will fucking get it, OK?
23:25It's eight hours into the resistance to interrogation
23:28phase of the course.
23:30Number 8, Anthony,
23:32has been punished for antagonising the interrogators.
23:39You're not getting this.
23:47The next two hours for him are going to be the teller,
23:50because he's going to go into detention
23:52not knowing how to fix what he thinks is broken.
24:04The interrogators will now increase the pressure
24:08in the double interrogation phase of the course.
24:14I think poor Georgia has already realised
24:16the folly of flagging herself up as team leader.
24:22Step down.
24:23But I'd just like that brought home a little bit more.
24:26The only real answer to it is either you fess up
24:29or you fucking shut up and you ride it out.
24:39First in, number 3, Bianca.
24:42God, you look rough.
24:45Holy shit.
24:47And number 10, Georgia.
24:49So are you the boss here?
24:52Well, you fucking said you were earlier.
24:54Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you.
24:56Are you the fucking leader that decided to go out?
24:59It was my idea to go out, but I'm not a leader.
25:01So, yes, it's your idea.
25:03Yes, sir.
25:04Which means you've took fucking charge,
25:06which means you took fucking control.
25:08So it's your fault that that fucking mess is here as well, isn't it?
25:13This is your fucking fault.
25:15Don't fucking cry.
25:17Oh, she's crying.
25:19Oh, is there tears over there? Oh, dear.
25:24Put your fucking hand down.
25:27All you do is lie.
25:29I just want to go home.
25:31I fucking want to go home.
25:33Because you're a fucking div.
25:37She's been a fucking twat over there.
25:39And she's going to get you in the world of shit, isn't she?
25:42Take a look, take a look.
25:44There's your leader there.
25:46Keep looking!
25:48That's fucking pathetic, isn't it?
25:51Keep looking, keep looking.
25:53There she is.
25:54A snivelling fucking wreck.
25:56There you go.
25:58How's that? Is that better?
26:00Yes, sir.
26:03You've got to get yourself out of this mess.
26:05You've got to get yourself out.
26:07It's only going to get worse from here on in.
26:09Because of that fucking piece of shit over there.
26:12I'm extremely loyal,
26:14and there's many times in my life where I've had disloyalty,
26:18so being loyal is very important to me.
26:22I just want to keep everyone safe, you know?
26:25I think you need to thank her for bringing you here,
26:30stopping you from seeing your baby, and now you're in captivity.
26:33So say thank you.
26:35Say thank you!
26:37It wasn't her fault.
26:38Say thank you!
26:40I'm not asking you whose fucking fault it is!
26:42I'm telling you what to say!
26:44Now say it!
26:46Thank you, Georgia.
26:47Well done, Georgia.
26:48Big pat on the back for you.
26:52It's really hard for them, this, isn't it?
26:54Like, really hard.
26:56She must feel very fucking guilty.
26:58Does she feel guilty over there?
27:00Cos she fucking well should!
27:01Do you feel guilty?
27:04It's Deliver.
27:06Your fault.
27:07I know, I'm sorry.
27:08Yeah, yeah, I bet you are.
27:10I am trustworthy.
27:12I was brought up in, like, an East End family,
27:15where everyone would sort of take the mick out of each other,
27:18and if you went to tell on someone else,
27:20they'd just tell you off for telling.
27:22So I think I'm the sort of person that doesn't let people down.
27:25You fucking move again, and I'll swear to God...
27:31I told you, didn't I?
27:33You're a fucking liar, and you're clearly fucking hiding it.
27:38Fucking move again!
27:48She's really shown another layer of toughness.
27:51I'm impressed.
27:53Strong. Strong guilt.
27:55I mean, that was fucking brutal.
27:57I thought it was really good.
27:59Put it on, dickhead.
28:03Although interrogation feels that it's all about you,
28:07it's not.
28:09It's about your team.
28:11Every decision you make individually has an impact on the team.
28:16If you lead with the ego, you will be exposed very quickly.
28:21I want nine to have a hard time.
28:23I want eight to be given licence to talk,
28:26like dinner and who drove.
28:29I want to see if he's got the wit to try and come to her defence
28:33when he sees the jurist she's in,
28:35when his behaviour is the catalyst to her discomfort.
28:44Next in to double interrogation
28:47is number eight, Anthony,
28:49and number nine, Lani.
28:56Come here.
28:58You've been off to a bit of a bad start, haven't you?
29:01You have. You have.
29:03Have I? Well, I'm saying you have, haven't you?
29:06So I'm going to ask you fucking questions,
29:08but I'm willing to give you a bit more of a chance, yeah?
29:11How about you tell me what's happening, then?
29:13The two... Right, OK. Two fellas. Yeah.
29:17He just doesn't seem to be able to help himself.
29:21As long as I agree.
29:23He keeps thinking he knows what he should do,
29:26and, like, he keeps missing it.
29:29Are you giving me fucking attitude?
29:33I'm sad. You're sad?
29:35Yes. So what you fucking need to do
29:38is explain to me why he was driving.
29:42Because he got given the keys.
29:44How? I don't know.
29:46Where are the fucking keys? He was driving.
29:48Where are the fucking keys?
29:52I haven't seen them once yet.
29:54We'll look up and see what's going on over there.
29:57Oi, you, where are the fucking keys?
30:00Do you know where... Where are the car keys?
30:02Do you know where the fucking car keys are?
30:04Apparently you were fucking driving, yes?
30:06Erm, were they not in my bag?
30:08Well, no, we're asking the question, don't we?
30:10I'll tell you what, were they not in the fucking bag?
30:13What do you fucking think, dickhead?
30:15Why are we asking? What are you laughing at?
30:17I tell you what, what do you find funny?
30:19I'm not sure what he's laughing about here.
30:21That's arrogance, he should be fucking behaving himself.
30:24I mean, he'd have got a battering ram, wouldn't he?
30:26They both would have, then. Yeah.
30:28That would have been a punch straight in the mouth for her,
30:30and then he'd have been dragged outside and kicked
30:32within an inch of his life.
30:34I tell you what, nice one.
30:36I'm going to take it out now.
30:40Where are the fucking keys?!
30:42That prick's being smart!
30:44You're fucking getting it, do you understand?
30:48He's smart.
30:49This is what we're fucking talking about, isn't it?
30:51This is fucking your fault, dickhead, isn't it?
30:55Randy Savage, this is for you.
30:57Have that.
30:59And again.
31:00Cos of your fucking arrogance, mate.
31:03Your fucking smarmy arrogance
31:05has just got her a nice douse in the water.
31:09He turned that to her getting water in the face.
31:11If you're going to be flippant,
31:12at least try and protect your fucking colleague.
31:14Punish me, punish me. It was me that did it.
31:17What do you say to me for giving you a drink?
31:22Thank you what?
31:24Look at me when you say it, mean it.
31:26Thank you, sir.
31:27Yes, you are fucking welcome,
31:30my little friend.
31:32She's tough, she's got the right attitude,
31:34she shows the right emotional deference.
31:36Steely fucking eyes, though, hasn't she?
31:38We've tried a nice conversation.
31:41And you just can't fucking do it, can you?
31:43Find these endangered birds,
31:44why are you not taking pictures of them?
31:46Fucking can it, it's a load of fucking bollocks.
31:49Get up.
31:50Up quicker!
31:51Take the fucking piss with this as well.
31:56That was bad.
31:57Fuck me, within three minutes, you'd blown it.
32:00Keep yourself alive,
32:02do not cause harm to yourself or others.
32:04Fuck me, like, that's a failure.
32:06Like, that performance is a fail.
32:13Number 8, Anthony, is taken to see the umpire.
32:18Number 8, look at me.
32:19Who am I?
32:20The umpire.
32:21Your participation in this phase is over.
32:24And has been withdrawn from the course.
32:31How you feeling?
32:32Pissed off.
32:34Mate, listen.
32:35No, I'm fucking pissed off, really.
32:36I'm fucking really wound up.
32:37You've antagonised and pushed them to this point.
32:39That's it, mate.
32:40They were antagonising me, I didn't rise to it.
32:42Of course you are, that's their job, too.
32:43I didn't rise to it.
32:44Well, calm yourself down.
32:45Buddy, hey.
32:48Mate, you've done fucking brilliant.
32:49Listen, take it on the chin, it is what it is.
32:52We've all been fucking rooting for you.
32:55Back in a minute.
32:57Number 8, Anthony Ogogo, is the 12th recruit to leave the course.
33:03I've been through loads of ups and downs in my life.
33:06Whether my dad's beat me up as a five-year-old,
33:08whether my boss and career got taken from me.
33:15I've been through a lot of ups and downs in my life.
33:18I've been through it all.
33:19I'm in a lot of trouble.
33:21I've been through a lot of ups and downs in my life.
33:24I can walk away with my head held high knowing that I could have done no more.
33:33Okay, let's go back to work.
33:57Of the 15 celebrity recruits who began the course,
34:01only three remain.
34:06It's important to recognise that the recruits have been through hours and hours and hours of physical and mental duress.
34:14They are exhausted and hungry and freezing.
34:20We were going to run a three-way.
34:22This is a point at which the ante has to go up considerably.
34:26It's about them all collectively recognising that there is duress now.
34:31Step down.
34:33We use water.
34:35Kneel down.
34:38To simulate an increase in duress in the real world, which could be a beating torture.
34:46It's to show the recruits that the temperature has gone up and they need to adapt accordingly.
34:57Well done.
34:59You're in a cage.
35:00This is what happens when you're the leader and you put yourself forward.
35:03And you've got a fucking attitude.
35:05So you have to be punished.
35:06So well done, you.
35:11Keep looking at me.
35:13Keep looking at me.
35:14This is your own fault.
35:15We've got one for you as well, don't worry.
35:17You get your turn as well.
35:22Oh, God.
35:23Oh, God.
35:35It's like being hit in the head with a cold hammer.
35:38Take that.
35:39Come on.
35:40Hurry up.
35:41Hurry up.
35:42Let's go.
35:44Come on, princess.
35:45Let's go.
35:46This is all for you.
35:49Come on.
35:50Hurry up.
35:51Let's go.
35:54Go back.
35:55Let's go.
35:58Fucking heart breaks for her, doesn't it?
36:04I'd rather not be tortured.
36:06Don't really fancy it.
36:08I'm not into all that, if you know what I mean.
36:13But I'll step up to the mark when it comes to it.
36:19There's a way to make this stop.
36:24Good girl.
36:25Good girl.
36:27You don't want to make this stop?
36:30Well done.
36:31Tough as fuck.
36:32Fucking freezing out there, that's ice-cold water on you.
36:35Brain freeze.
36:36She's like, fuck you.
36:43You would never think she has got that resilience.
36:47Tough girls.
36:48Tough girls.
36:54The recruits have been awake for 24 hours,
36:58with limited food and water.
37:05In a further attempt to break their cover story,
37:09the interrogators now turn their attention
37:12to number nine, Lani,
37:15and number three, Bianca.
37:17Don't you start looking round.
37:19It's how you are.
37:20Don't you start looking round.
37:22It's how you are.
37:29You have got to be the worst leader.
37:32We're going to create the illusion to the other two
37:34that 10 has fessed up by feeding her a nice dinner.
37:38Start eating and watch the show.
37:43Welcome, ladies.
37:44Come on, eat, eat.
37:46You need to eat.
37:47To the save your life quiz.
37:49Who wants to play the fucking quiz?
37:50Do you want to play?
37:52Yes, do you?
37:54Keep eating, Georgia.
37:55Keep eating.
37:56You're out looking for these flightless birds.
37:59Is that a yes or no?
38:01It is.
38:04Ah, bollocks.
38:07Oh, no, no, you can't move.
38:08Get fucking back.
38:10Get fucking back.
38:11That's better.
38:13Right then.
38:14Get back.
38:16Get back.
38:18Get back.
38:19I can't, I can't.
38:20I've got a VW and VWing.
38:23Oh, VW, no, no, no, no.
38:27Why are you letting them go through that?
38:29Number three, Bianca, has voluntarily withdrawn from the course.
38:35That shouldn't have got rid of her.
38:36Let's be brutally honest.
38:40All right, mate?
38:41Yeah, after all of that, a bit of water scares me off,
38:43but I just can't.
38:46That's a fucking superb performance.
38:48Keep your chin up, mate, all right?
38:54How are you feeling?
38:55I feel a bit shit, obviously.
38:57That's all right.
38:58You have done unbelievable.
39:02Absolutely brilliant.
39:03We're all proud of you, honestly.
39:05And we don't say that lightly.
39:06Come here.
39:07Thank you very much.
39:08You're welcome.
39:09Number three, Bianca Gascoigne.
39:11Don't be sorry.
39:12I know, I know.
39:13Don't be sorry.
39:14Take a seat.
39:16She's the 13th recruit to leave the course.
39:18Be proud.
39:20You've done amazing, OK?
39:21Well done.
39:23Now, just two recruits remain.
39:34What's that?
39:37I don't know.
39:38What do you think it is?
39:39A box.
39:41A box that looks a bit like a coffin.
39:43There'll come a point where it's clear
39:45the pressure's mounted to such a degree
39:48that your life or the life of a fellow recruit is in danger.
39:53You think box, which looks like a coffin, means?
39:58Where do you think you're going?
40:00At that point, you have to break the cover story
40:03and admit the truth.
40:04It's the only way to stay alive.
40:07Do you know where you're going?
40:09You're fucking going in there.
40:10Come here.
40:11Come here.
40:15Don't move.
40:18Legs in.
40:19Come on.
40:20Step in.
40:22Step in.
40:24Don't look at her.
40:25Don't look at her.
40:26Get in.
40:27Get in the fucking coffin!
40:28Get in there!
40:29Get in!
40:32Yeah, I think it's gone too far.
40:34We're training for the Special Forces.
40:37Are you sure?
40:38Is this fucking true?
40:41Is this true?
40:43So why have you been lying?
40:46Because that's what we were trained to do.
40:50Yeah, true.
40:52It's better be true.
40:57Last chance saloon for both of them.
40:59Demonstration of threat to life, recognised by ten.
41:02Two survivors.
41:08All right, let's crack it.
41:10With the interrogation phase now over...
41:13I'll just open up and then please jump in when you feel free.
41:16..the DS will decide if either of the two remaining recruits
41:21have done enough to pass selection.
41:25Right, number nine.
41:27Very grey woman at the start.
41:29She's grown with the course,
41:31really came into her own, obviously,
41:33on the aggressive task that we did.
41:35Help! Help!
41:38Push! Push!
41:40She has failed a couple of tasks.
41:42Your left leg seems to have lost the ability to manoeuvre properly.
41:47She took advice, learned from it...
41:51..got up and bounced back.
41:53That's it, nine.
41:54The only thing I will say is she's been very quiet.
41:59For me, she needs to be part of a team.
42:01All right, let's move on to number ten.
42:03I mean, if you asked me at the start,
42:05would she be here, I would have said 100%.
42:08In the beginning of the course, we noticed she lacked maturity.
42:13Look at me.
42:15Take that smirk off your face before I take it off for you.
42:22She's took the bollockings for it.
42:24She's attacked tasks, she's passed tasks, she's failed.
42:27But then when the physical task came to bear...
42:31Go, ten!
42:32..she actually really did impress me.
42:34She's dug deep and she is studio at the end.
42:40So the question is, do we pass them or do we not?
42:46Difficult one.
42:47Big step.
43:04Take off your hoods.
43:06Drop them behind you.
43:16I told you from the start what we were looking for.
43:19Have you got guts?
43:22Determination? Grit?
43:26Can you get knocked back and get up and go forward again?
43:29Do you have courage?
43:31Do you have trust, honesty and integrity?
43:36Would we have that person stood next to us?
43:43Number ten.
43:49You have passed selection.
43:54Number nine.
43:57Good stuff.
43:59You have also passed selection.
44:04Congratulations. Well done.
44:07Well done.
44:10I can't believe it was me and you.
44:15That was brutal.
44:18You lot are sick.
44:22We did it.
44:23When you finally get through interrogation and you've passed selection,
44:27the feelings you get standing there in front of the DS,
44:31knowing that you earned something.
44:34I don't know if I'm ready to be happy yet.
44:37I'm so traumatised.
44:40It was bloody terrible.
44:43Passing selection is one of the most exhilarating feelings,
44:46not just for yourself but the other guys you pass selection with.
44:49I can't believe that we were only two that done it.
44:52Two girls.
44:55This course has shown me that women are fucking tough.
45:00They're resilient.
45:03They have outshone the men that have been on this course.
45:13When I leave this course, I just want to feel that I gave it absolutely everything I got
45:18and I want to feel proud of myself.
45:21I feel like over the last few years I've been mentally, quite frankly, pushed to my limits
45:27and I've seen how far I can go.
45:30No matter how hard life gets and no matter what you come up against,
45:35you can find that inner light inside of you and you can shine through anything.
45:39I actually can't believe we've done it. It doesn't feel real.
45:43I think my downfall is that I've never really believed in myself.
45:48This is my time to shine and there's nothing that's going to stop me.
45:52I'm just a Māori girl from Pipiwai, rocking it on the world stage
45:57and I just, yeah, it's unbelievable really.
46:01Passing selection, it's a life-changing moment.
46:04The blood, sweat and tears that you put into that course,
46:07you can't even imagine until you've done it.
46:10You surprise yourself with the confidence that you can find and dig into.
46:14It is definitely something you'll always remember.