
  • 2 days ago
00:00The hardest battle in the Special Forces is the one you'll face in your mind.
00:19Lose that battle, and you won't last two seconds.
00:22Turn around.
00:23Let's move!
00:24Come on then!
00:25In this series, fifteen celebrity recruits have been taken to the other side of the world.
00:39The only way these celebrities are going to find their potential is to make their lives
00:44a living hell.
00:45What's happening?
00:46There isn't going to be an easy way out.
00:49They're going to go through the most grueling stages of SAS selection by an elite team of
00:56ex-Special Forces soldiers.
01:01Stripped of all home comforts, they will be pushed further than ever before.
01:06Oh my god, if I pass this course, I'd be as happy as a dog with two dicks, but it's going
01:12to be a challenge.
01:13Take his head off!
01:14I like to think of myself as a bit of a hard nut, but probably when I'm out there, I might
01:20crumble like a pastry.
01:21No allowances or exceptions will be made.
01:24I'm actually a member of the most unpopular family in the country, so whatever happens
01:30I can survive.
01:31Dig, dig, let's go!
01:32There you go!
01:33Oh my god, no.
01:34No other test asks as much.
01:35I don't want to give it a go.
01:37I can't do this.
01:38Or means as much.
01:39Look at me.
01:40Don't look at me.
01:42Or means as much.
01:43Look at me.
01:44Don't give up.
01:45Say it again.
01:46Get your head up.
01:47Head up!
01:48To the few who make it through.
01:49If you want to be here, then use the pain.
01:50You nasty things!
01:51Frank, he's off.
02:11No, my tea!
02:12It just happened.
02:13Oh my god.
02:14I don't even have a towel.
02:15Right, well.
02:16No, should I just tip it?
02:17No, no, no.
02:18She'll swap bibs.
02:19No, no, no.
02:20Look, Rachel's dead anyway, man.
02:21I'll take hers.
02:22Is anyone feeling a little bit sore today?
02:23No, I'm good.
02:24I'm good.
02:25I'm good.
02:26I'm good.
02:27I'm good.
02:28I'm good.
02:29I'm good.
02:30I'm good.
02:31I'm good.
02:32I'm good.
02:33I'm good.
02:34I'm good.
02:35I'm good.
02:36I'm good.
02:37I'm good.
02:38I'm good.
02:39I'm good.
02:40Well, I don't feel my body's feeling it.
02:41The remaining 8 celebrity recruits are approaching the final stages of selection.
02:48For the past three days I am dragging stuff like this.
02:51It breaks me.
02:52You know, it's because it's been every day on the bounce.
02:54It's just that our mind's prepped for whatever is coming.
02:59Mind, body and soul.
03:02I think I'm going to struggle today, guys.
03:08It's just so hard to be away from my baby.
03:10Oh, God. Lordy, Lord.
03:15Get on parade!
03:17Are you joking? Look at my hair.
03:21Go, go, go, go, go, go.
03:25Get on, then.
03:32Everyone, it's going to be hard today.
03:34So stick together. Yeah.
03:39We're getting to that stage now.
03:41Day six. A little bit tired.
03:43And we have to continue the fight.
03:45Find that survival instinct in your minds and go,
03:47I'm fighting another day.
03:49When I say go, get in these vehicles, snappy,
03:51let's get moving.
03:56Come on, then. Let's do it.
04:00Thanks, Skybridge.
04:02Thanks, Skybridge.
04:08Mind's going.
04:09Don't let this baby brain affect you.
04:11It's mind over matter. You can overcome. You're almost...
04:14At this stage of the course,
04:16the recruits are physically and mentally exhausted.
04:20And many of them will be contemplating giving up.
04:23My body checked out three days ago,
04:25and now my head's checked out, but it's not here.
04:27I'm done.
04:31Come on, then. Out of the vehicle, Bergen's on.
04:34Right, let's start moving.
04:36This will be a test to see who has what it takes
04:39to be a Special Forces operator.
04:41Let's go. All the way to the top.
04:44Go, go, go.
04:45To reach their next task,
04:47the recruits must hike across two kilometres,
04:50a treacherous icy terrain.
04:53I feel my breathing's getting bad the higher I get.
04:55We're not up the fucking Everest.
04:57We're not up the fucking Everest.
04:58It's hard work, this soldiering shit, isn't it?
05:00I think it's because I've checked out stuff.
05:02Stop talking shit.
05:04In war, there is no downtime.
05:07There is an enemy out there who wants to kill you.
05:09If you want to see your family again, you can't give up.
05:18Get in there. Everyone in, quick as you can.
05:22Let's get that gun.
05:23Get in there.
05:24Get in there.
05:25Get in there.
05:26Get in there.
05:28Let's get that gap closed, number three.
05:30Close it up.
05:33The recruits will now face one of the most intimidating tasks
05:36of the course...
05:40..taken directly from winter warfare training.
05:51Ice-breaking drills.
05:53It's something that every one of us have done multiple times.
05:58When you're working in a cold-weather environment
06:00and you want to cross mountainous terrain,
06:02you want to cross the flattest area, don't you?
06:05But the danger of using lakes is that there's a possibility
06:08you could go through the ice...
06:12..and be under no illusions.
06:15You fall through the ice,
06:17you're in a fucking survival situation.
06:23You need to get yourself out of there
06:25or you will become a casualty.
06:27Oh, I don't want to go.
06:29Is it fear, or just you don't practise it?
06:32I just want to check it out in my mind.
06:42See how he does it, Bea?
06:45Enter the ice.
06:49To pass this task,
06:51the recruits must first fully submerge in the freezing lake.
06:56Look at me, look at me.
07:00Repeat to me.
07:02Ear. Alpha.
07:05In the sub-zero water,
07:07recruits must prove they still have cognitive function
07:11by reciting letters from the NATO phonetic alphabet.
07:19Exit the ice.
07:22I don't know if I'm in it, but I'm all drunk, bitch.
07:35I just don't know if I'm going to be able to even get up.
07:40Number 15.
07:42Enter the ice.
07:44First to face the icebreaker drill.
07:47Hurry up, Number 15.
07:48Sorry, sir.
07:50It's recruit Number 15, Bobby.
07:54If I pass this course,
07:56it's the biggest two fingers up to haters ever.
08:00They're like, do you know what, I've done it and I've proved you wrong.
08:03You will compose yourself.
08:06Yes, sir.
08:09And proved to myself that I can do it, so I ain't giving up.
08:13I'm going to be like a chihuahua of a boat.
08:20Enter the ice.
08:34Number 15.
08:37What is the letter E?
08:47I, F, I.
08:49Exit the ice.
09:00Come on, 15.
09:02It's a survival situation.
09:04Fight your way out.
09:07Stand up.
09:12That's a pass. Well done.
09:15Let's hassle 15.
09:16Survival situation. Let's go.
09:19Head up.
09:20Come on.
09:21Get naked, get dry.
09:24Once out of the water,
09:26the recruits have just minutes to change into their dry kit
09:30to prevent hypothermia from setting in.
09:33Hurry up.
09:34It's not a fucking Sheraton spa, then.
09:41Let's go, 12.
09:43Keep your composed. Speed and aggression, yeah?
09:45Yes, sir.
09:48Number 8, enter the water.
09:56During one of my deployments to Norway,
09:58we were crossing a frozen lake.
10:00From behind us, we heard the ice crack.
10:05We looked back, and one of our team members
10:07had fallen through the ice.
10:09Straight away, he was in cold-water shock.
10:13Give me the letter E.
10:18The letter I.
10:20In the air, sir.
10:22C, Charlie.
10:23He couldn't communicate.
10:25He was hyperventilating.
10:26He was in an emergency situation.
10:29Exit the ice.
10:32Fight your way out.
10:33There was speed and aggression.
10:35It's a pass.
10:36Go, 10!
10:37Obviously, we didn't want to fall through the ice ourself.
10:39We grabbed some rope to pass.
10:41Yes, sir.
10:42And we managed to pull him free of the ice.
10:45Fight your way out.
10:46Strong pass.
10:47Well done.
10:53Come on, survive the situation.
10:55You're going to be OK.
10:56You're going to be OK.
10:57You're going to be OK.
10:58You're going to be OK.
10:59You're going to be OK.
11:00You're going to be OK.
11:01Survive the situation.
11:03Fight your way out.
11:07Dig in!
11:10All right, number seven!
11:13He probably spent about two to three minutes
11:15in that freezing cold water.
11:17If it had been any longer, he could have died.
11:22Keep pulling!
11:29On exit, you were struggling,
11:30and you would have been stuck.
11:33That's a feel.
11:34Yes, sir.
11:35Kate, straight in the tent.
11:37Get your shit together and get over here now!
11:43Fucking hell.
11:45I just don't know if I can do it.
11:49Right, get your fucking head in the game.
11:50It's just a bit of fucking cold water.
11:52Oh, Jesus.
12:01Come on!
12:02You've got a fucking job to do.
12:06Go and psych yourself out.
12:08There's nothing you haven't done.
12:09We'll be checked out.
12:13Three recruits are yet to face the winter warfare survival drill.
12:18Number nine, enter the ice.
12:20Next up is New Zealand boxer, number nine, Larnie.
12:26I'm from the north of New Zealand.
12:28I'm from the north of New Zealand,
12:30and I'm so proud to be Māori.
12:33Our tribe is called Ngāti Hine.
12:36A hine is a woman, and I come from a line of strong women.
12:42Number nine, enter the water.
12:56Compose yourself.
12:59Give me the letter Y.
13:04Exit the ice.
13:07Go, nine!
13:12Get serious!
13:16That's it, nine!
13:22Career composure.
13:24Brilliant to see the speed and aggression.
13:26Strong pass. Best so far.
13:28Get your kit straight in the tent.
13:34Come on, number nine!
13:35Hold it there.
13:38Guys, I can't do it. I really can't.
13:41Think back at all of the stuff you said,
13:44I can't do, that you've done.
13:46Now, you can't say that no more.
13:48Come on, get a fucking grip.
13:52Come on.
13:54The next recruit to step up...
13:57..is number three, Bianca.
14:00These are... I feel like an idiot.
14:02When you come to get out, you want them like that, yeah?
14:06I haven't got up a body strength.
14:09My upbringing has definitely made me strong.
14:11Like, the things I've had to deal with in my life,
14:13living my family life publicly, I've definitely got thick skin.
14:17Number three, enter the ice.
14:19In this, I know I've got to face it and I've just got to do it.
14:23I want to do well, I want to get out of here.
14:26I want to get to the end.
14:27If I don't, I'm going to beat myself up about it.
14:34Oh, my God.
14:36Enter the water.
14:40Go on, girl.
14:53Come on, pause yourself.
14:56Give me the letter.
15:05OK, Kilo.
15:07Exit the ice.
15:08I want to see you fight your way out.
15:09Survival situation.
15:11Come on, number three.
15:12Let's go.
15:14And fight your way out.
15:15Use that spike. Come on.
15:18Use the spike.
15:19Dig in.
15:21Fight it. Fight it.
15:27Well done.
15:28It's a pass.
15:30Get your kit straight in the tent.
15:41What am I doing?
15:42Number five, on the ice.
15:46Last to face the icebreaker drill...
15:49..is number five, Pete.
15:53I can't.
15:56I've lost the fight.
15:57Take the bergon off. Take your warm kit off.
15:59Staff, I'm getting in.
16:01No, you're not. Come on.
16:02Staff, I've got nothing left.
16:04Take your bergon off. Take your warm kit off.
16:08I'm sorry.
16:09I've checked out, Staff.
16:10My head is not in it.
16:13I'm sorry, Staff.
16:14I tried. Give me your armband.
16:21I just want to come out with the satisfaction of knowing
16:23that I did the best that I could.
16:25Good luck, Isaiah.
16:27I either was good enough to finish this, or I wasn't.
16:30But even if I'm not, I did everything I can,
16:33and that's all you ever can do.
16:36Number five, Pete Wicks,
16:38is the eighth recruit to leave the course.
16:45Heads up. Job done. Let's go.
16:50Let's go. Fucking hurry up.
16:52Let's move.
16:56I can't believe Pete's gone.
16:57It's sad, but he's been saying it for a couple of days.
17:00He got a lot further than he did last time.
17:03And he's the nicest guy ever.
17:04Oh, my God. That was hard.
17:08We've got a fucking big day.
17:09All the punches.
17:10Helping each other almost helps us.
17:15Come on, then. Out of the vehicles. Bergens on.
17:18I'm going to make an amazing mistake.
17:20Oh, that's sad.
17:30I just feel bad now.
17:31I don't want the boys to think,
17:33oh, God, she, like, wobbled earlier,
17:34she's not going to pull through for us.
17:36Don't let the boys stress her out,
17:38cos their energy's quite, go, go, go, go.
17:40Yeah, I just don't want to let you see that the scene is a burden.
17:43But no-one thinks that of you.
17:44We're all reaching for the stars.
17:45But no-one thinks that of you.
17:47We're all reaching the end of ourselves.
17:49I'm exhausted.
17:50You know, we're all having to really dig deep and think,
17:53why are we here and why are we doing this?
18:01Chris, do the honours, mate.
18:07Good afternoon, team.
18:09The DS are meeting with ex-Special Forces psychologist
18:12Dr Alia to discuss the morning's task.
18:16Day six, survival.
18:18Saw ice-breaking drills.
18:20A few of them, when they turned up,
18:22looked like they'd had a wobble.
18:23Five from the gecko, he had a face like a slapped arse.
18:27I knew the minute I started to try and talk to him
18:30that he was going.
18:32He's reached this absolute limit,
18:34and we worry that he might push himself
18:36past what he can handle.
18:39Number nine, she's been strong throughout.
18:41There was no change here.
18:42She's all business, in and out, done.
18:44Number three, she was toying with the idea
18:47of turning her arm banded.
18:49What I'm worried about is she was looking very fragile.
18:53Her head wasn't in the right space.
18:55I know it's been difficult with her being away from the baby.
18:59She's got quite an anxious disposition,
19:01and there's quite a lot of internal turmoil.
19:05I just hope that this is the right time for her
19:07to be doing this.
19:09Right, let's go.
19:10I want to get into her head and find out what the hell is going on.
19:18Oh, so sleepy.
19:23Selection is designed to mentally push you
19:26to your absolute limits.
19:28The longer recruits stay on a course,
19:30the stronger their emotions will become.
19:33And this is when they are the most vulnerable.
19:36Pitcher number three.
19:37Let's go.
19:38Hey, darling, hey, baby.
19:42Mental resilience is essential.
19:44And for recruits to survive, they have to draw on this.
19:48Let's go.
19:51You don't want to go?
19:52Yes, I do.
20:05Come on.
20:26Right, what happened this morning?
20:29Oh, just my head went a little bit.
20:32I just...
20:33..felt like... I really did feel like I was going to leave,
20:36and that was, you know, a lot.
20:38But why?
20:41Let's explore this, cos you'll get a better understanding of yourself,
20:44and the next time it comes along, you'll know how to sort it out.
20:47It's a bit wimpy, really, because I think the cold water is my nemesis.
20:52And I thought, if I was going to be in the water
20:55and had to recite all of the alphabet...
20:58But you had a wobble before you even got to the cold water.
21:03I... I can't think I knew that I was going there.
21:08You fucking think too much.
21:10And you ain't got the brains for it.
21:14Yeah, stuff.
21:15You need to calm that down.
21:19Instead of overthinking it
21:21and wanting to pull yourself off the bastard course.
21:24I think I'm going to be OK.
21:26I felt like my home was calling me, and I just felt like I was giving up.
21:30The whole thing about this whole course was like,
21:32I'm not going to give up.
21:34I always thought I would, see it to the end.
21:38That's a fucking strong shout. Mm-hm.
21:41But a lot of people don't say that.
21:42They're like, oh, I'll just see how far I can get.
21:45Now you've got to dig into your pools of resilience.
21:48Yeah, stuff.
21:52Sorry to let you down.
21:56Shut up.
21:58You'll let yourself down if you walk out those gates.
22:02Don't waver as we move forward, cos you're going to need that,
22:06especially the psychological side, the mental focus,
22:09clarity of why you're here, and push on through,
22:12cos we want to see you at the end.
22:14You've been a fucking curveball, I'll tell you that for nothing.
22:17I know. Didn't think you'd get this far.
22:21Stop fucking wavering on the brink of handing that fucking thing in.
22:43Step down.
22:46There's nothing, really, that I am scared about, apart from failing.
22:50Failing scares the hell out of me.
22:55I know I'm going to have my moments, I know I'm going to miss my baby,
22:58but I want to see this to the end.
23:02Like, if I don't, I'm going to beat myself up, like, for years about it.
23:21Do yous know what a kiwi bird looks like? No.
23:23No, what's a kiwi?
23:25I know what the fruit is.
23:27So, what are they, green and...?
23:28Well, they're the same colour as the fruit skin.
23:30Oh, so it's a brown, a brown fairy thing? Brown.
23:33I was going to do a pig, like...
23:35They, like, got two feet, and they, like, their bums are out like this,
23:38and they, like, walk like this.
23:40And what kind of size are we talking? Like this big.
23:43So, we're talking a very, very, very small flamingo that's brown.
23:50They're so grateful for food, you know?
23:52Yeah, thank you, universe. Right.
24:05How come I never get invited to this restaurant?
24:09Right, carry on nibbling away, and just listen to me.
24:13In the military, it's dangerous.
24:16So, you can imagine what that's like for family back home.
24:18You're dreading somebody knocking that door,
24:20and your dad's been killed, or your mum's been killed.
24:23And it does happen.
24:25So, you write what we call death letters.
24:28It's your chance to say what you really want to say,
24:32should you not come back.
24:37This is the brutal, brutal, brutal, brutal, brutal, brutal,
24:42This is the brutal reality of life in the Special Forces.
24:47We do this to prepare the recruits for the worst.
24:51It's unfinished business.
24:53It's what you want to say to who you're leaving behind.
24:56Writing the death letters gives you the opportunity
25:00to leave those lasting words
25:02that you haven't had physical time to do,
25:04because when you get into battle,
25:06you need your head completely clear.
25:08If you're worrying about family back home, it could get you killed.
25:12I've actually done it.
25:13Ready to go across the border, and I had a weird feeling.
25:16I just thought, this is probably not going to be the one
25:18I come back from, so I wrote this letter to my daughter.
25:21And that letter gets sealed,
25:23and obviously your orbit never gets shown.
25:27Understand what it's all about? Yes, sir.
25:32Oh, God.
25:39I'm only one line into the letter, I'm crying.
25:42It's an emotional wreck.
25:44I'm trying to, like, block it out,
25:46and I don't even want to write anything.
25:48When the recruits are at their lowest emotionally,
25:51we want to test their ability to get back into the fight.
25:55Let's go, recruits!
26:00So we throw them right into the water,
26:02and we're going to try and get them out of the water.
26:04We're going to try and get them out of the water.
26:07So we throw them right back into the breach.
26:10Straight out, straight out, quick as you can.
26:12Because in war, this is exactly how it happens.
26:14Let's go, let's go!
26:17Two ranks, make sure you can see DS Chris.
26:27When you are operating in hostile environments,
26:32you will encounter the enemy.
26:34It's paramount that every individual
26:38is capable of extreme aggression.
26:45We dial it up to 100%.
26:51But do not let the red mist cloud your judgement.
26:55Yes, sir!
26:57The recruits are about to face
26:59one of the most aggressive tasks on the course.
27:04They must engage in hand-to-hand combat against the red man.
27:10When you're confronted with the enemy,
27:12you need to have the ability to find that emotion,
27:15to be able to fight your way out of the situation.
27:18It doesn't really matter what you focus on,
27:21but you have to switch it on.
27:23Number seven on me.
27:26First up... Straight into the S-Box.
27:28..number seven, Ovi.
27:29All right, listen in.
27:31I'm going to run you at speed into a hostile environment.
27:34You engage any threats of extreme aggression.
27:37Whatever makes you angry, bring it to the surface
27:39and just fucking let go.
27:41Let's go. All right. Let's go.
27:43Yeah, let's go.
27:44Let's go.
27:45Let's go.
27:47Let's go.
27:48Let's go.
27:49Let's go.
27:50Let's go.
27:52Let's go.
27:56Let's go.
27:57Come on. Head down, head down.
28:01Ready, ready, ready, ready.
28:02The recruits must channel their rage
28:05into a brutal attack on the red man.
28:12Use your hands! Punch!
28:16Use your knees! Use your knees!
28:19Come on, Ace, keep going!
28:22When the DS call time, they must stop
28:25and instantly regain composure.
28:31Over here, now.
28:34Let it go now.
28:35How did that feel? Good.
28:37Feel good to release some demons?
28:39Yes, sir. Get rid of some anger?
28:41Yes, sir.
28:42OK, over to there.
28:43Come over to me.
28:48That may be the most epic red man I've ever seen.
28:50Fucking... He was going for a slam dunk.
28:53Is this hitting people, do you think?
28:55I don't know, I think so.
28:56But picking who to clamp?
28:57Fucking hell.
29:0015, quick, quick.
29:01You can't get started.
29:02Come on, quick, quick, quick, quick.
29:04Next to face the red man...
29:06All the way to me, 15.
29:07..is number 15, Bobby.
29:10My determination comes from trying to prove myself
29:15to people all the time.
29:17You engage any threat with extreme aggression.
29:21Especially the shit on social media.
29:24I've got trolled for how I look, for being gay.
29:27I'm determined to...
29:29Let's go, keep your head down.
29:30..take control and to take power back.
29:34Head down, keep your head down.
29:35Head down, come on.
29:38Come on, I'm getting there.
29:40Let's go, 15!
29:44Get him down!
29:48Do not give up, 15, come on!
29:53Strike, big strike.
29:55Keep going, keep going.
29:56Hit him, hit him!
29:58Fucking kill him!
29:59Take him out!
30:05Over here, now.
30:07Calm down, you violent animal.
30:10Head up.
30:11What got you to our frenzy?
30:13Just thought that if anybody's ever done me wrong,
30:16treat me like shit, mug me off.
30:18So it was a bit of an outlet.
30:20Did you feel good, though? Yeah, I did feel good.
30:23Come on, let's do this.
30:24OK, cheers, John.
30:28How was it?
30:29Good, I think.
30:31Nice to be that side of it for a change.
30:40Number three, on me, quick.
30:42Quick, quick, quick.
30:43Head down, head down, head down.
30:45Come on, I'm getting there.
30:46Get in there!
30:51Wreck him down!
30:57The purpose of the red man is to bring all your anger
31:00and aggression out.
31:03Kick him, punch him, kick him!
31:06Ensures that you can switch it on when you need to.
31:20And then, when you get the order, turn it off.
31:24Stop! Stop!
31:25That is how you survive on the battlefield.
31:29Feel good? Yeah. Weirdly.
31:31Feel you needed to release her?
31:33No, this is tough.
31:35What was going through your head there?
31:37I don't know.
31:38What was going through your head there?
31:41I just thought someone was coming to get my daughter,
31:43so I just thought, I've got to go for it and protect her.
31:47And it gives us the opportunity to see people
31:49who may have been holding back.
31:56Number nine, quick, quick, quick.
31:57Follow me. Quick as you can, quick. Come on.
32:00Last to take on the red man, professional boxer,
32:04number nine, Lani.
32:07As soon as you're in there and I say go,
32:09you engage any hostile threat with extreme aggression.
32:13I think because of what I've been through,
32:15boxing's helped me as a distraction.
32:19Everything you've got, bring it to the surface
32:22and fucking unleash, all right?
32:24It doesn't allow you to sit and marinate in your own problems.
32:29All right, let's go. Come on.
32:31I try to act all tough and hard,
32:34but I tend to feel quite stressed inside,
32:38although it appears that I keep calm and composed.
32:42Head down, head down, head down.
32:43Come on, then get in there.
32:44Oh, nine!
32:45Nine, nine, get in there, nine!
32:48Come on, then.
32:49Keep going, nine!
32:51Get him down, get him down!
32:53Get him down, get him down!
32:55Keep going.
32:56Elbow, elbow!
32:58Good effort, nine.
33:02Keep going, keep going.
33:04That's it, that's it!
33:08Come over here.
33:13Are you OK? Yes, staff.
33:16What was going through your head?
33:18Just keep going, even when I felt tired.
33:22I didn't want to lose.
33:25Just a normal fight?
33:27Yes, staff.
33:29Decompress now, OK?
33:31Anger's gone.
33:32Yeah. It was good, wasn't it?
33:35Go over to the DS, sort yourself out.
33:37Go on.
33:42That was a good one.
33:44She's a tough fucker.
33:49I bet you enjoyed that, didn't you?
33:51Did you bring him down?
33:56Rolling in the mud, not like a pike.
34:15It's nice, isn't it?
34:17It's nice to have a wash.
34:23Do you want anything?
34:27I would have wanted a saffron and blonde.
34:30It's nice to have a wash, isn't it?
34:32It's New Zealand's specialty.
34:38As the phase draws to a close...
34:41Hello, team.
34:43..one of the recruits has come to the attention of the DS.
34:48Number nine.
34:50She's a great woman.
34:52Ain't been highlighted for the wrong thing,
34:53ain't been highlighted for the right thing.
34:56She, for me, has just been a solid character.
34:59The fact is, she's of Maori culture.
35:02There's a big difference there, culturally.
35:05She's been a pretty close book to us.
35:08It's a completely unfamiliar environment for her.
35:10She has high need for belonging, which is a good thing,
35:15but it can also take away from her.
35:17OK, I think I want to look at number nine.
35:20I just want to get into her backstory
35:22and see what she's all about.
35:24Recruit number nine!
35:33Put your hands on the wall, lads.
36:04Put your chair in.
36:11How are you feeling?
36:14Really? Your face does not say that.
36:18You're not an emotional person, are you?
36:21I try to hide it.
36:23I keep you busy.
36:24Have you always been that way?
36:28Right, we don't know a lot about you.
36:31What we're seeing, we like.
36:34So I just want to go a little bit deeper.
36:37Tell us about family life.
36:39One of nine kids, number six.
36:44Boys and girls?
36:45Five girls, four boys.
36:48Brought up all together on the farm.
36:52Close family.
36:55My little brother passed away when I was 14, he was 11.
36:58Your brother passed away?
37:01How much did losing your brother affect you?
37:04Heaps, heaps.
37:05I was only 14.
37:08Made some dumb choices.
37:12Drinking alcohol and smoking weed.
37:18That was the only thing that made me not care.
37:21And how long did that period last for?
37:24Ten years.
37:26Ten years?
37:27Yeah, I dropped out of school.
37:29And I just didn't care.
37:31Didn't care about life.
37:33So from going rogue, didn't care, what put you back on track?
37:39I just didn't want to be a disappointment.
37:41So I needed to find something to help me.
37:45My sister did boxing and I just fell in love with it.
37:50My current coach, he took me under his wing
37:53and has just been training me the last five years.
37:56Have you won any sort of titles?
37:59I won the world title like three weeks ago, a month ago.
38:04The world title?
38:06The IBF one.
38:09So you're the world champion?
38:13That's fucking outrageously brilliant.
38:15How do you feel about that?
38:22It's like it's a bit of a pain in the arse.
38:25I mean, that's amazing.
38:29You are in the top half of the course
38:31because you just knuckle down and get on with things.
38:34There's not an ounce of moaning.
38:36You're doing well.
38:39Just need to see a bit more fucking emotion.
38:42It's hard to read you.
38:43But that's what I've always been like.
38:45Like, I don't know what's right, what's wrong.
38:48As in how to conduct yourself?
38:50Yeah, in different situations.
38:52I just feel uncomfortable because I'm just so used to being Māori,
38:56I suppose, and we're a lot different.
38:59Really be who you want to be here.
39:02This is your opportunity.
39:03We've only got a short period of time left now.
39:19I think after my brother passed away,
39:21I just tried to block everything out.
39:25I felt like it was too big that I couldn't even cope with it.
39:30How did it go?
39:31Yeah, it was good.
39:33I just felt like I acted like a weirdo.
39:37They were like, what's wrong with you?
39:39You're like emotionless.
39:42I felt like I was putting on an act
39:45and I was just trying to be myself.
39:47And I was trying to show people I'm happy with a smile,
39:52when really I was quite broken.
40:04We need to be warm tonight.
40:07We've had a horrific day, team.
40:18Right, let's be on keeping this door shut,
40:20because we need the heat.
40:26Everybody all right?
40:28Yes, sir.
40:29After a day of physically demanding tasks,
40:33the DS now want to test the recruits' emotional resolve.
40:37Right, today you wrote your death letters.
40:40Read it one after the other.
40:42Once you've done that, then start getting yourself prepared
40:44for a good night's sleep, because you're going to need it.
40:46All right?
40:47Yes, staff. Yes, staff.
40:53The reality of not coming back from a mission
40:55is a real struggle for recruits.
40:58But you've got to release your emotions and move on.
41:02It's the only way you will survive at war.
41:06God, this is a lot, isn't it?
41:09Shit is fucking hard.
41:11All right, the floor is yours.
41:13This is to the family.
41:16I've always tried to be the best son that I could ever be
41:18to make you as proud as possible.
41:20I hope I've succeeded in some way,
41:23although I'm sure I could have done a lot more.
41:27But the progress I have made has made me realise
41:29how much I've held back
41:31and how much of my life I actually wasted.
41:34I think I was insecure because I always knew I was different.
41:38It is, to me, the most boring thing to feel.
41:41Everyone's got to be in this one box.
41:44Where would be the fun in that?
41:48I can honestly say, for the first time,
41:49I've started to feel like a man,
41:51which is something I've never really felt in 36 years.
41:55It's nice to not feel embarrassed.
41:58I wouldn't change anything because it's probably made me who I am.
42:03It's definitely made me who I am today.
42:06I feel like I'm becoming a better person.
42:08PS, please look after baby girl for me.
42:11Wish you my little dog.
42:12Love, always, Bobby.
42:14Oh, Bob.
42:16Oh, I love you so bloody much.
42:20Oh, well done.
42:24All right, darling?
42:27To my beautiful one and only Blake Sunshine,
42:30I can't put into words how much I miss you.
42:33You're my absolute world.
42:34The day I met you, I knew you were the one for me.
42:38The day you was born was the best day of my life.
42:44I'm crying writing this letter,
42:46knowing I'll never see your beautiful face again.
42:50I will always be with you.
42:51Just look up at the sky or the stars and know I'll be there.
42:56I love you. My sunshine up to the moon.
42:59I'm back again a million, trillion times.
43:01You're a proud mummy.
43:04Oh, sorry, guys.
43:08I was trying not to lose my shit there.
43:11So good.
43:12You did so well.
43:14My beautiful.
43:15Oh, that was amazing. I'm sorry.
43:18Who's next?
43:20I think me.
43:26To my niece.
43:29I can't even talk.
43:32You can do it. You can do it.
43:34You got this.
43:37Mahi on, mahi strong.
43:38TĆ« kaha.
43:45If you find yourself reading this one day,
43:47I just want you to know...
43:52..I love you so, so much.
43:56I am so sad I will not be around to see you grow up.
44:00But remember, no matter what,
44:01I will always be with you in your heart.
44:03I know you will struggle to understand...
44:07..me dying, just like I did with TĆ«ki.
44:14My brother was sick all the time.
44:17My mum got a phone call to say he had leukaemia,
44:20and it was quite an aggressive one.
44:23They said that he only had three months to live.
44:25Don't use alcohol or drugs to numb the pain,
44:28because it is going to be hard.
44:30At times, always care about the choices you make,
44:35because they are what will dictate your life.
44:38Tell Nana and Papa I love them eternally,
44:41and I am so grateful for everything they have done for me.
44:48The night before he passed away,
44:51he was just in so much pain,
44:54and then my mum's getting real frustrated,
44:56and I'm just like,
44:57And then that morning, I went and just gave him a kiss
45:00and told him I'll see him later.
45:02And then I just had this feeling all day
45:04that that was the last time I was going to see him.
45:08And then my sister turned up at school,
45:11and we just looked at each other and started crying.
45:16Tell Aunty Shorty and Harps
45:18that I love them eternally,
45:20and I love them eternally.
45:22I love them eternally.
45:23I love them eternally.
45:25I love them eternally.
45:26Tell Aunty Shorty and Harps they better look after you,
45:29or your Aunty Lani will come back and give them a ghost punch.
45:37Death is part of life,
45:39and I really believe that through our struggles,
45:44we can find our purpose,
45:46and I've found that through boxing.
45:51Well done.
45:53They're beautiful.
45:54That was good advice as well.
45:56I'm such a gorgeous person.
46:00What a journey, innit?
46:02I couldn't wish to be in the Mantis with anyone else,
46:05so thank you.
46:08Next time...
46:10Come on, let's start moving.
46:12You'll find yourself in situations
46:14where you have to throw yourself into the fight.
46:18Come on, bud, fight back!
46:20This is where we find out who really has got what it takes.
46:22Look at me. Don't give up.
46:24Stay in the game. Get your head up.
46:26You can do it.
46:27You can do it.
46:28You can do it.
46:29You can do it.
46:30You can do it.
46:31You can do it.
46:32You can do it.
46:33You can do it.
46:34You can do it.
46:35You can do it.
46:36You can do it.
46:37You can do it.
46:39You can do it.
46:40You can do it.
46:41You can do it.
46:42You can do it.
46:43You can do it.
46:44You can do it.
46:45You can do it.
46:46You can do it.
46:47You can do it.
46:48You can do it.
46:49You can do it.
46:50You can do it.
46:51You can do it.
46:52You can do it.
46:53You can do it.
46:54You can do it.
