
  • yesterday
00:00So, let's see what's in the box.
00:02What's in the box?
00:04Let's go.
00:05Look forward.
00:06Walk, walk, walk.
00:07Sit down.
00:08The hardest battle in the special forces is the one you'll face in your mind.
00:19Lose that battle and you won't last two seconds.
00:22Turn around.
00:23Let's move!
00:24Come on!
00:25In this series, 15 celebrity recruits have been taken to the other side of the world.
00:39The only way these celebrities are going to find their potential is to make their lives
00:44a living hell.
00:45What's happening?
00:46There isn't going to be an easy way out.
00:49But through the most grueling stages of SAS selection, by an elite team of ex-special
00:57forces soldiers, stripped of all home comforts, they will be pushed further than ever before.
01:06Oh my God, if I pass this course, I'd be as happy as a dog with two dicks, but it's
01:12going to be a challenge.
01:13Take his head off!
01:14I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a hard nut, but probably when I'm out there,
01:19I might crumble like a pastry.
01:21No allowances or exceptions will be made.
01:24I'm actually a member of the most unpopular family in the country.
01:27Come on!
01:28I'll take whatever happens, I can survive.
01:31Dig, dig, let's go!
01:33There you go!
01:34Oh my God, no.
01:35No other test asks as much.
01:36You don't want to give it a go?
01:38I'm sure.
01:39Oh God, no.
01:40Or means as much.
01:41Look at me.
01:43Don't give up.
01:44Stay in the game.
01:45Get in the game.
01:46Head up, head up!
01:47To the few who make it through.
01:48If you want to be here, then use the pain!
01:49You nasty things!
01:50Frank, he's soft.
02:12It's been a tough one, this course.
02:15That's an understatement.
02:21It's weird looking at all these faces that have gone.
02:24So how many's gone now? One, two...
02:26Six have gone. Six, yes. That means nine left.
02:29It's the start of the next phase,
02:32and the nine remaining recruits
02:34have made it halfway through the course.
02:37It's a shame there ain't a place for...
02:40..to remember the lost and fallen.
02:43You'd be good on Countdown, son.
02:45Oh, Rachel Riley's going to have a panic attack.
02:53There was non-stop noise last night.
02:56Turning in the beds is loud enough,
02:58but to get up and kerfuffle someone was putting their boots on
03:01like that, I couldn't actually believe my ears.
03:03The thing is, if people do need to wee, they need to be able to wee,
03:06but just be quiet in the way you do it.
03:08Totally, and I don't want anyone to lie in bed nervous
03:10cos they want to wee and they don't.
03:12There's a level of understanding, but if we don't get good sleep,
03:15we are going to break fast.
03:19Get on parade!
03:21Get on parade. Two minutes on parade.
03:23Two minutes on parade.
03:25Everyone get on the parade.
03:27Once you're ready, get on the parade.
03:29Last person out of that room, close the door.
03:34Come on! Quick as you can!
03:37Hang in there.
03:42Good morning. Good morning, sir.
03:44In our very dangerous world,
03:46we have to rely on everything that we are taught.
03:49In every situation, every operation that we've been on,
03:52what gets the results that we want, which is to succeed, win and live,
03:56is making that split decision when everything around you is chaos.
04:00Drop all the noise, all the barriers and go,
04:03bang, that's what I need to do.
04:06That control will get you the success that you require.
04:09Does that make sense to you?
04:11Yes, sir.
04:13Be good to go 100% once you go through that gate.
04:25When you do a task, what's the last thing you say to yourself?
04:29I always just say a little Bible verse.
04:32God has not given me a spirit of fear.
04:37In war, you'll be faced with situations you could not ever imagine.
04:42Everybody out! Kit on!
04:46Am I? Yep, that's you.
04:48And you need to be able to control your emotions,
04:52be able to stay composed and get the job done.
04:55Come on, 40! Faster, faster!
04:58The best weapon in the armour of a Special Forces soldier is a strong mind.
05:02Fucking hell, 40.
05:04I'm fucking watching you.
05:06Everything we do physically, you're dropping behind.
05:08I want to see you putting the effort in. Yes, sir.
05:10If you hesitate or panic,
05:12you can't make the snap decisions that will result in either life or death.
05:19Make sure all of you can see me.
05:21Now, listen in.
05:23In the Special Forces world, we risk our lives on every mission.
05:28But when you're protecting somebody else,
05:30you really need to stay switched on.
05:33Your mission is to receive a principal
05:37and protect them through a battlefield environment.
05:41You trust your instincts, you trust your training,
05:46and you execute the mission no matter what.
05:49Am I understood? Yes, sir.
05:54For this challenge,
05:56the recruits will have to drive through a hostile environment
06:00whilst protecting a VIP known as the principal in the following vehicle.
06:09Look at that face. Yep.
06:11That's a principal. I'll explain more in a minute.
06:13Drop your burger and your hat and your gloves in the car.
06:16Attempting the task is recruit number seven...
06:19Right. ..Ovi.
06:21OK, your task is to take care of you and the principal
06:24and get them across that fucking border.
06:26All right? Yes, sir.
06:28Away we go.
06:30Winning is really high on my priority list.
06:33OK, let's go then. Tell me what you see. What's going on?
06:35I see nothing right now. We're good, straight ahead.
06:37One of my coaches, he told me who's willing to sprint
06:40when they don't know where the finish line is.
06:42That is, I think, the mindset of a champion.
06:45I see a hostile, possible hostile up ahead.
06:48He hasn't started shooting at us yet.
06:50No? OK, let's go then. Let's get round him.
06:52Principal's in my rear view. We're all right.
06:55OK, cool. Let's keep going.
06:57Competition's 100% instinctive.
06:59I don't know what to expect, I don't know what's coming,
07:02but I want to max out what I'm capable of.
07:05We're almost out of here.
07:07I've got my principal stood in my rear.
07:11Shit! What's happening? What's going on?
07:13Let's go! Where's the principal? What's going on?
07:15What are you going to do? Go!
07:17What are you going to do? Do something!
07:19Where is he? What are you going to do?
07:21In the chaos of battle... We're getting shot at!
07:24..the recruits must make the decision to protect the principal.
07:29Head down, head down. Come on, we're getting farther!
07:32Come on! Head down, head down!
07:35Let's go! Get me out of here!
07:39Now what are we going to do? Now where are we going to go?
07:42Where are we going to go? Straight across the border.
07:44To complete the task, the recruits must transport
07:47the principal across the border.
07:49Stop! Stop!
07:52I hope I didn't hurt your head there, mate.
07:56Do you think that's actually wise,
07:58to go running back into a hail of bullets?
08:00I feel like it was a very dangerous decision, Staff,
08:03but the objective was to try and get the principal across the border.
08:07So you'd stick with that? Yes, Staff.
08:10Well done. It was the right decision? Yes, Staff.
08:13That principal is crap his pants. He's going to run off anywhere.
08:16So you got control of the principal, got hold of him, got him back.
08:20That was a good effort, and you passed that. Thank you, Staff.
08:23Go to the back of the vehicle, get your berg and get your kit.
08:26He was good, mate. Cool as fuck.
08:31If we have to parallel park, I'm VW.
08:34No parallel parking for me, thanks.
08:36This might sound stupid, but we ain't got to fuck about
08:38with indicating or nothing like that, have we?
08:41Bobby, it's not a school run, mate.
08:44Number 15. Yes, Staff.
08:49Right, number 15. Yes, Staff.
08:52Next to take the wheel...
08:54Remember what your mission is. When you're ready, let's go.
08:57..recruit number 15, Bobby.
08:59I'm not expecting any of this to be an easy ride.
09:04All clear.
09:05Fear's a funny thing, isn't it? It's like fight or flight.
09:08Where do you put them? Principal behind.
09:11Oh, person on the left, enemy on the left, shooting.
09:14Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to end up screaming
09:18to the point that you're leading me back in Essex.
09:20Potential threat ahead, a boulder.
09:22But if I pass this course,
09:24that's definitely got to be a foot in the door
09:27to sign up to the SAS.
09:30You can see the boulder in the distance.
09:32I see the boulder. Still clear, still clear.
09:36Shit, what's going on? What are we going to do?
09:39What are we going to do? What are we going to do?
09:41What are we going to do? What are we going to do?
09:47What's happening? Principal's still behind, being attacked.
09:50Where are you? Show reverse back.
09:53Where are we? We're on the boulder.
09:55We're over the boulder. We're over the boulder.
09:59Turn the engine off.
10:02What happened?
10:04We got past and crossed the boulder,
10:06but the principal hasn't made it past.
10:08So what's he doing right now?
10:11Probably dead, staff. Probably dead.
10:13Your job was to save the life of the principal and yourself.
10:17Yes, staff. But you went to ratchet, didn't you?
10:20Yes, staff.
10:23You just left him to die. That's what you did.
10:26Yes, staff. You failed your mission.
10:28Yes, staff.
10:31Did anyone see the waterfall as we came in?
10:35I'm too busy shitting myself.
10:39Going to move free.
10:41Can you drive? Yes, I can drive.
10:44I'll be the judge of that, I guess.
10:46The recruits are taking part in a tactical driving task
10:50to test their control in a life-or-death scenario.
10:54Everything's going to be fine.
10:56To test their control in a life-or-death scenario.
11:00There is a man on the side of the road. It's a riot.
11:02When you are responsible for a VIP...
11:05The principal's behind us.
11:07...you have to be in control.
11:10What's happening? Shit, what's going on?
11:12What's happening? What are we going to do?
11:14What's happening?
11:15The principal's behind.
11:17Well, do something, then! Do something! Do something!
11:20After leaving the Special Forces and becoming a bodyguard...
11:23We're going to drown!
11:24...in Haiti, the situation in front of me,
11:26my instinct said something wasn't right.
11:30There was bombs to the side, bombs to the side.
11:32What are we going to do? What are we going to do?
11:35I immediately clocked three people in the centre of the road.
11:38I noticed that two of the people had weapons
11:41and I knew exactly what they were doing.
11:43They come straight towards us to ambush us.
11:45We're getting shot at!
11:47I didn't have time to give direction.
11:49I hit the gas, I sped towards them, they dived out the way.
11:53I then spotted round back to safety.
11:56Get him in the back of the fucking vehicle!
11:58This side, this side!
11:59We're getting shot! Get down!
12:01Head down, head down!
12:02Two hours later, exact same route, exact same place,
12:06the vehicle comes down...
12:08Shit! What's going on?
12:10..gets ambushed.
12:11What's happening? Where are you going?
12:13The driver was killed and a female was taken hostage
12:15for a number of days.
12:17What are we doing?
12:18There's bombs going off! What are we going to do?
12:20I'll cross the border.
12:21There's no room for complacency.
12:25So when it goes down, you have to be aggressive.
12:28Your job is to save that principal's life.
12:30You left him to die out there.
12:32If you hesitate or panic, you could end up losing your life.
12:35Stay calm, it's going to be all right.
12:37Get out of the cockpit!
12:38We're getting shot at!
12:39Get out of the cockpit!
12:40Stay calm, you're going to get my call.
12:42Come back!
12:43Come back!
12:44Principal, stay calm!
12:46Stay calm!
12:47Stay calm!
12:49Stay calm!
12:51Get in my car!
12:53Principal, please!
12:54Stop! Come here!
12:56Fucking come here!
12:57Stand there, take a breath,
13:00get your fucking serious face on
13:02and think about what your mission was
13:04and what you've just done.
13:12I don't even know if I'm crying.
13:14Are you all right?
13:17Oh, Jay, don't.
13:18I just can't calm down.
13:21Oh, darling, man.
13:22It's just so stressful.
13:24What happened?
13:25Georgia, what did you do?
13:26I got out and I went to get him out,
13:28but I got him out the wrong side
13:29and then the fucker just ran off.
13:31You need to get the fuck out of there.
13:34Turn back and run towards it
13:36or you can freeze.
13:37Now, for me, the worst thing you can do is fucking freeze.
13:40He's dead, you're fucking dead.
13:44Number 12!
13:47Taking her turn to protect the principal.
13:50Number 12, Cherry.
13:52Right, number 12.
13:54We're in a two-car convoy.
13:56This car, that car.
13:57And your mission is to get yourself and the principal
14:00over the border.
14:02Growing up, I was quite anxious,
14:04but very happy you wouldn't necessarily have known it.
14:07I've had to deal with some really uncomfortable situations
14:10from my childhood,
14:11feeling nervous about having to get on with life.
14:14Let's go.
14:18Yes, obviously.
14:19That's a good start, isn't it?
14:21Sorry, I am not doing this cleverly.
14:24You shouldn't have to fight that.
14:26That's easy.
14:27You're thinking too hard already.
14:28Let's go.
14:29I'm going to relax.
14:30As a grown-up, I'm definitely intense.
14:34I overanalyse things and I overthink things
14:36and I'm always trying to do the right thing
14:38and make the best of my life and...
14:40And sometimes I would just like to dial it down a bit.
14:44But it's hard.
14:46There's a barricade.
14:47He's bringing us along, he looks friendly.
14:49We're getting clear.
14:50Can you see the border now in the front?
14:52Yes, I can.
14:53That's the border.
14:54Have you got your friend somewhere?
14:55Let's go.
14:56Let's have a go away with it.
14:58Oh, shit!
14:59What's going on?
15:00What's happening?
15:01What are we going to do?
15:02What are we going to do?
15:03Do something!
15:04What are we going to do?
15:06Are we going to get out?
15:07What are we going to do?
15:10What's your job?
15:12I haven't got a gun.
15:13I haven't got a gun.
15:14I haven't got a gun.
15:17Oh, fuck.
15:19I'm frozen.
15:30Stand there a minute.
15:32Take a breath.
15:36Right, unravel to me.
15:39What happened?
15:41I just froze.
15:42Couldn't think with clarity,
15:44and then sat there looking at me, shouting, pulling handbrakes.
15:47You were all over the place.
15:49What was going through your head?
15:51I panicked.
15:52I wasn't sure whether to go ahead.
15:53I wasn't sure whether to get out.
15:56But then I knew I didn't have a gun to protect myself.
15:59Your job is to take a bit of risk, show a bit of sacrifice,
16:02get him across that border.
16:04By the time you've made any decision,
16:06the enemy's right on top of you.
16:09Consequently, you're both dead.
16:19What happened?
16:20Epic fail.
16:21I just paused. I froze.
16:23I didn't know where to get out.
16:25I didn't know where to drive forward.
16:27And I just, I never thought I'd wreck like that.
16:29And I've got a really protective instinct.
16:31Obviously, that's what happens when you're a parent.
16:33I think so.
16:34I thought I was composed.
16:36That's so not me.
16:37So not me.
16:42Let's go, recruits!
16:44Hurry it up!
16:46In front of me, one straight line facing me,
16:48shoulder to shoulder.
16:50Get up there, 14. Let's go.
16:52Hustle it up, 7.
16:55OK, I spoke to you this morning about what this phase is all about.
16:59Sharp, decisive actions.
17:02We were looking for speed and aggression.
17:05Some of you got it.
17:07Some of you just went to complete and utter ratchet.
17:11Get it together.
17:13Don't give us excuses.
17:16Give us results.
17:18Yes, sir.
17:19You need to take things seriously and step it up.
17:23Got it?
17:24Yes, sir.
17:31Let's go, let's go, go, go, go, go!
17:33Why am I walking past people outside vehicles?
17:36If you don't want to get in a vehicle, we can run.
17:45I just didn't know what the fuck was going on.
17:47Listen, you did more than me.
17:49I didn't even get out.
18:08Oh, what a lovely lady.
18:11That was a big one. That looked like a dog shit.
18:13That was a biggie.
18:16As punishment...
18:17I'll show you one scope.
18:19..the recruits that failed the first task...
18:22Oh, it starts to smell like piss in there.
18:24I've done the toilets more times than I do at home.
18:27..are on clean-up duty.
18:30I actually much prefer the chickens to the toilets.
18:33I prefer chicken shit to human piss.
18:40Oh, yum!
18:42What are you saying, yum tea?
18:44Mince and veg.
18:46It's nice having a hot lunch, actually, isn't it?
18:48It really is.
18:51Yeah, a little bit of veg, yes.
18:52What's your favourite veg?
18:53Broccoli, kale, carrot.
18:55Every time I do something, I think,
18:56I wish I could go back and do it again.
18:58Oh, yeah.
18:59That last one.
19:00Everyone's going to have one that's really bugging them.
19:02That one's really bugging me,
19:03because I feel like I could have done that shit.
19:10OK, good task this morning.
19:12Protect the printable.
19:14One, two, three, four fails and five passes.
19:20Day five now.
19:21I'm looking at this group and there's no spark.
19:25Pissing me off, to be honest.
19:26What we need to do is punish them for it.
19:29They really need to step up to the mark.
19:31Anyway, I'm not going to go for the whole lot.
19:33We've had, you know, good passes as well.
19:36Seven straight through, clean.
19:38Really good, mate.
19:39Saw that, I saw that.
19:42Stellar performance.
19:43Number ten.
19:44Tam just went to a complete, utter bag of nerves, man.
19:49Lost control of the printable and ended up chasing him.
19:52It was pathetic.
19:55Didn't do anything wrong.
19:57She froze, she just went to ratchet.
19:58Did you drive them to the border?
20:00No, I just sat, like, paralysed.
20:03She knew what she should do but just couldn't act on it.
20:06She is an over-thinker, though.
20:08God bless you.
20:10Yeah, maybe there's something else going on there,
20:12I don't know.
20:13Probably worth getting her in.
20:15OK, let's get her in and have a look at her.
20:17Find out what she's all about and what's behind her.
20:28Number 12.
20:36Over here, number 12.
20:38After losing control on the driving task,
20:42the DS want to bring in number 12, Cherry...
20:45One more.
20:46..for questioning.
20:47One more.
20:55Move across.
21:13All right?
21:14Yes, darling.
21:19How are you finding the course so far?
21:21It's a rollercoaster.
21:24So many different emotions.
21:26Incredibly hard.
21:28What do you think you're struggling with most,
21:30the emotional side of it or the physical side of it?
21:34Erm, both together.
21:36It is pushing me to the absolute extreme of my fear every day
21:42and trying to control my fear and the anticipation of what's to come.
21:46Do you feel like you can relax?
21:48There are moments, definitely.
21:50Cos you are hyper-intense.
21:53I really am.
21:54Are you always like that? Yes.
21:57Yes. I try to calm it down sometimes.
21:59It can get a bit much.
22:02Today's task, you did have a mini freak-out to begin with.
22:07You went into a blind panic, I think.
22:10Where did that come from? How did you do that? I don't know.
22:13I've been really trying to get myself into that headspace
22:16where you go inside yourself and you don't let the fear run ragged.
22:22How was your upbringing?
22:24It was a mixture of wonderful and cosy and loving
22:28and then really difficult at times.
22:31My father fought lots of demons
22:34and had some really difficult things to overcome,
22:36had a lot of addiction problems.
22:38And, of course, that comes with it,
22:40some really difficult characteristics and difficult behaviour.
22:43When you're little, you don't understand those problems.
22:46So I was, you know, I was a bit nervous when we were growing up sometimes.
22:51I was, you know, it's a bit like living with a bomb.
22:54You're not quite sure what you're going to get.
22:57There's a lot to unpick there, that intensity.
23:00Where did that come from? Do you think that stems from your father?
23:04I do pick up things. Of course, children are like sponges,
23:07so I picked up things. I was very passive-aggressive.
23:11But I have worked really hard to be a really good parent
23:14because I didn't want to pass on any behavioural problems to my children.
23:18I've really done my absolute best to make sure I give them a good example.
23:23Why are you here?
23:25Because I don't know what the next bit is.
23:27And I've had quite a nice, soft time.
23:29You know, I keep my house tidy and full of food.
23:31I look after my kids and we do nice things.
23:33But I started to feel a bit like I was sleepwalking through life.
23:36I'm 42 and I want to know, have I got that grit in me?
23:41If there was anything I would recommend to you,
23:44it's trying to tone down the intensity
23:47because it can burn you out.
23:49Yeah. I'd like to know how to do that.
23:51That is what you've got to work out in yourself.
23:55See, at the time, to work on the points we've mentioned,
23:58be present and enjoy this process
24:01because when it's done, you'll probably miss...
24:04I think I will. ..this.
24:07We'll see. Oh, God.
24:13Stand up. Keep your hands together.
24:20I know I'm quite sensitive emotionally
24:23and I absorb things and I feel things quite intensely.
24:28All you've got to do is relax a bit
24:31and fucking enjoy the rest of the ride.
24:33Where are you going?
24:35I so want to be the kind of woman
24:38that keeps it together under pressure
24:40and challenges when you're uncomfortable.
24:44Hey! Oh, how did it go?
24:47Yeah, it was really interesting.
24:49I want to have that strength of character
24:52and the physical strength to do difficult things.
24:56Were they really lovely to you? Yeah, it was good.
24:58They gave me some stuff to work on.
25:00What have you got to work on?
25:02I'm just too fucking intense about everything.
25:04Intense? I mean, that's not the first time someone said that to me.
25:08I have never done anything like this, not to this extreme.
25:12I do get a bit intense,
25:14but it clouds your ability to listen to instructions
25:17because I turn up and I'm like this.
25:20Am I the woman I want to be? I don't know.
25:23And that's what I want to find out.
25:26Oh, my God.
25:28Oh, my God.
25:38Yes, Bianca?
25:40Oh, I'm getting my hair right.
25:48The nine remaining celebrity recruits
25:51are halfway through the fifth phase of the course.
25:55Obi, what's the time, please?
25:578.15, 8.14, to be exact.
26:01At this stage of the course, there are periods
26:04where you feel like you can probably take your foot off the gas.
26:10If recruits are mucking around and not paying attention
26:13and are not employing discipline and a military bearing...
26:18..in our world, you'll get killed.
26:20What do you think we're going to do, Georgia?
26:23You never know, but I think we're done for the day.
26:26Do we, huh? Yeah.
26:30Get on parade!
26:32Where's battle dress and no water bottles last time?
26:35Remember your numbers.
26:38Thank you, bro.
26:40Don't go, don't go.
26:42Speed it up! Let's go!
26:45Take your gloves off, take your fleeces off.
26:50We still want that speed and intensity. Let's go!
26:57This is where true fucking grit and resilience comes into play.
27:0320 bar, please! Let's go!
27:06Everything is a competition.
27:08If you want to leave, hand in your armbands.
27:12The recruits will face a continuous beasting,
27:15which won't stop until one recruit either quits
27:19or is removed from the course.
27:22Straight in, straight in. Come on.
27:24Under you go! Under you go! Get him!
27:27Get him!
27:29Get him!
27:31Get him!
27:33Get him!
27:35Under you go! Get under!
27:37Over and under! Let's go!
27:39Get your head under!
27:41Go back to the 14, get out and do it all again.
27:44Get out, get in, dive in, under and out.
27:49Get under!
27:51Head under, 14! Head under! Head under!
27:56I'm watching you, 14.
27:58Come on, let's go!
28:00When I was fighting in Iraq, it had been two weeks
28:03since I had slept, my entire unit had dysentery,
28:06vomiting and diarrhoea.
28:08That's it!
28:10We were so exhausted and fighting continuously night and day.
28:14Under! Over!
28:16I had to stow away all that pain, the fatigue.
28:19That's it, 7!
28:21We cannot afford to let the pressure get to us.
28:24We have to remain in control.
28:26Because in war, it never ends.
28:29Come on, 14!
28:31You're starting to drop behind.
28:33If this continues, I will take your armband.
28:36Go on, keep the momentum going.
28:40Already struggling to keep up with the other recruits...
28:43Don't feel sorry for yourself!
28:45..is number 14, Shazia.
28:47Let's go, 14!
28:49Let's go, 14!
28:51People make a joke about the Asian work ethic,
28:55but it's true that we feel that the only way to achieve anything
28:59is by hard work.
29:01Show us you want to be here! Get over there!
29:04Quitting is not an option for me.
29:06I've never quit anything in my life.
29:08Let's go! Who wants it? Let's go!
29:12That's it, 7!
29:14Hard work and respect is something that's ingrained in my family.
29:17You know, my mum had two jobs, my dad had two jobs.
29:20My parents, they made it very known when you did well
29:24and when you didn't do well.
29:27I've always associated winning and losing
29:30with how people respect you.
29:32So when I lose something that might not seem as serious
29:35to everyone else around me, to me it's a big, big, big deal.
29:39I want to see maximum effort, number 7.
29:43Star jumps, everybody, star jumps!
29:46Good form, 12, keep working hard.
29:50I love to test myself, I love to challenge myself.
29:53I'm really physical.
29:55Come on!
29:57Let's go!
29:58I do fight when there's something to fight for.
30:01This is not a jog, this is a sprint!
30:05Let's go, then.
30:06Get there, 10! Go!
30:09Keep your foot on the gas!
30:11I think I want to do this just to prove to myself how strong I am
30:15and I just want the challenge, I want the buzz,
30:18I want something that makes my heartbeat, like,
30:21out of my chest.
30:24Come on, 10! Well done! All the way in!
30:28Do not be last!
30:30If you're consecutive and last, you're going home!
30:33Hurry up in the ring!
30:35Keep going!
30:37Come on, number 5, less of the fierceness,
30:39let's get a shift in there.
30:41You as well, 15.
30:43You want to quit, do you, 15?
30:45No, sir. Is it your time?
30:47No, sir. No? No, sir.
30:50Pressure position down!
30:56On your back.
30:58Show us you want to be here, 5!
31:03My Nana always used to say to me I'm like a cockroach.
31:06I am pretty unhealthy.
31:08Up, up, jog on the spot!
31:10But for some reason, I just...
31:12I'll be one of them people that will survive a nuclear war.
31:15Do you want to give us your armband, 5?
31:17We are waiting on 14!
31:19Right, go, go! Fuck off!
31:22Why are you walking? Run!
31:2414, you're letting everyone down!
31:27Bare piece! Let's go!
31:30I'm fucking counting!
31:33I'm watching you, 14. Stop fucking laughing.
31:36Do you want to give me your armband, 14?
31:39Well, fucking get on with it.
31:42Is this too hard for you, 14?
31:44Is this too much for you?
31:46Well, let's go, then! Fast as you can!
31:48Straight round!
31:50Let's go, 14!
31:52We're waiting for you!
31:54Head first.
31:56Star jumps, let's go!
32:01Quick, quick, straight into it!
32:03Come on, 14!
32:05Ten seconds to finish that circuit!
32:09Otherwise, you're going home!
32:1114, are you happy to fucking keep doing this?
32:15Go on, then! Let's go! Let's go!
32:17When a recruit's mind and body are not in alignment,
32:22and when they lose the pace of the course,
32:26they can become a liability.
32:28Now the team is at risk, and the mission is at risk.
32:32Yes! Take the armband!
32:37Yes! Take the armband!
32:4014, get down.
32:44For your own peace of mind, I'm taking your armband.
32:48You are going to become a liability to yourself.
32:51It was a good effort. You're going to hold everybody up.
32:54Do you understand what I'm saying?
32:56I don't want to accept it.
32:58You don't have a choice.
33:00With the withdrawal of number 14, Shazia...
33:03It's all the way in!
33:05..the bee sting has come to an end.
33:11Stand up straight.
33:16Heads up. Look like you want to be here.
33:19Let's not go backwards.
33:26Oh, my God.
33:32You all right, Pete? You all right, you all right?
33:35Just checking.
33:40Fuck. That was hard.
33:43Shaz gave it a good go, though, didn't she?
33:45Fucking she did.
33:47Oh, that's good. What will you have to do?
33:51Chris, could you do the honours, please, mate?
33:57So, we had the bee sting and 14 fell dangerously way back
34:02to the point of, she'd become a safety problem to herself.
34:06We've seen this on a number of occasions
34:08when people have had a bee sting,
34:10and they've had a bee sting, and they've had a bee sting,
34:13and they've had a bee sting, and they've had a bee sting,
34:16and they've had a bee sting, and they've had a bee sting,
34:19and we've seen this on a number of occasions
34:21when people, they don't want this to end
34:23until they are pulled out of it or they collapse on the ground.
34:26It doesn't matter how far you push yourself,
34:28if your maximum takes away from the rest of your team,
34:31it's just not good enough.
34:34Overall, we got some good results out of it.
34:37Number 12 was an absolute workhorse.
34:40She sees herself as vulnerable and sensitive,
34:43but she's got a lot of grit.
34:45Yeah, I mean, I'm just really impressed.
34:48And she put out as hard as an Olympian boxer.
34:52It was a good performance.
34:53Number 7, I mean, what I like about him is his trust.
34:56He trusts in us, he trusts in the process.
34:59I think something about him is that
35:01he's created high standards for himself, very high standards.
35:04He also has high need for respect and being respected.
35:07What kind of pressure can either make you or break you?
35:11All right, let's get him on parade.
35:14All rise.
35:17I'm absolutely gutted about Shazia
35:19because she was becoming one of my fucking favourite people.
35:22I'm going to use Shazia's bed as an extended wardrobe
35:24just for tonight until they turf her cocks out.
35:27There's two pillows. Anyone want another pillow?
35:29I've already got two, so let's share them out.
35:31And there's a pair of dry boots here, which are a size 7.
35:36God, we are proper grave robbers.
35:38The body ain't even in the morgue.
35:43You're on parade!
35:45On parade now.
35:47All of my shit is breaking.
35:49This, the zip on this is broken.
35:55I mean, what else can I throw at her? Fucking hell.
35:59Stand still, stop fidgeting.
36:15Slowly but surely, people are falling by the wayside.
36:20The curve gets steeper tomorrow.
36:23If you don't want to be here, save yourself the pain,
36:27do the honourable thing and hand in your armband.
36:33Anybody want to do that?
36:34No, Steve.
36:36Number 7, have you got number 12's fleece on?
36:42My fleece is broken, Steve.
36:44We'll get you a bigger one.
37:08I think I'm about to go home. Huh?
37:10I think I'm going to go home. Nah.
37:13I'm taking the fucking piss.
37:15No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
37:17It's just, like, don't fucking take the piss out of me, like.
37:21Don't do that.
37:23Also, I'm taking the piss out of me for stuff that's too small for me
37:27because, one, I was fucking born this way.
37:29You can effing blind me all you want,
37:31you can ram me up and down all day, fine.
37:34You can push me, fine.
37:36But that's not fucking cool, bro.
37:39People respecting me has always been a super big deal
37:43because I just feel like growing up as the younger sibling,
37:46I didn't always get that.
37:49If you don't show respect back to me, I'm not going to engage
37:52and if you keep on going back and forth, I'll remove myself.
37:55Nah, just shut up.
37:57When I get angry, I'll go quiet and I'll go inside myself
38:01to try and understand, all right, what is pissing me off so much?
38:07Baby, no, don't go.
38:09And then if I'm really, really wound up,
38:11if it's gotten to boiling point, I'll leave the situation.
38:31Obi's going to the medic.
38:33Where's he going?
38:35Obi's going to the medic.
38:37Is he? Mm.
38:50Obi's going. What?
38:55Where's he at?
38:57Maybe he's at the thing with Arthur, cos of his face.
38:59He may be that's where he is.
39:01I didn't see that coming.
39:03Who's that? That's...the Dears.
39:06Hey, big lad. You all right? What's going on, mate?
39:08Yeah, what's up, brother?
39:09Don't get it. Shit not fit me. Like, I'm just...
39:13I'm a big guy, you know?
39:16There's something I can't help, you know what I mean?
39:19I just have to stand there and take it.
39:22That, to me, is, like...
39:25Well, it's never meant that way.
39:27That fucking stupid joke, whatever it is, you know?
39:30It's just hard for me to, like...
39:33When I feel like someone makes me feel small,
39:36and I can't fight back, I've just been in that situation.
39:39Yeah. I'm always the bigger guy.
39:41You've got to fucking be under control all the time.
39:44It's all opposite me, and I can't fucking fight back sometimes.
39:48It just fucking kills me, man.
39:51You're a fucking big, stellar, strong lad, you know?
39:54And the thing is, everybody looks at you that way.
39:56Only you know what's going on inside your head
39:58and what's going on inside your body, and that's always the same.
40:01But I think, emotionally, something's triggered something today
40:04that's obviously deep in your heart, mate.
40:09If you decide you want to go, we respect that.
40:13But if you feel a strengthening in your heart,
40:16you want to get up and go again, we're here.
40:18We just move on.
40:20All right.
40:23Keep your chin up.
40:30I think he's going to be all right.
40:33I think he wants to go before he snaps.
40:38Yeah, I actually thought he was going to make it to the end.
40:43Oh, he's back.
40:45I'm so happy.
40:46I think he just needed to talk to someone and validate how he's feeling.
40:55I'm a very relaxed person.
40:57I don't really get fucking aggy or anything,
41:02but I saw red, bruv.
41:06How come? Why?
41:07Because in my head I was like,
41:09you're making me feel like an arsehole
41:11for something that's clearly out of my fucking control,
41:14and I think humiliation from someone who you trust,
41:17it cuts very deep.
41:21But, you know, I'm glad that I turned around and fucking walked right back.
41:25So are we.
41:35Recruit number seven!
41:41No, it's me, it's me, it's me. Stay, stay, stay, stay.
41:50One, two, three.
42:01Hands by his side.
42:16How are you feeling?
42:21But mentally I struggled.
42:23It's about trust, you know, trusting people in uncomfortable situations,
42:28which is something typically in my life
42:31I can always very easily just go my own direction.
42:35Where does the old trust issue come from?
42:39I think it's...
42:43..from when I was young, like.
42:45I was probably the bad sheep, so to speak.
42:47I've got one older brother, super smart, super intelligent.
42:51My mum, she's a tough nut, do you know what I mean?
42:55She grew up in Nigeria,
42:57and she had a relationship with her father that was rough.
43:01It wasn't easy for her.
43:03And that made her...
43:07..have to be a certain way, you know,
43:09where it wasn't really so much affection ever.
43:13You know, it's get shit done or don't.
43:16And when you don't, the whole family knows about it, you know.
43:20But every time I did make a mistake, it was broadcast,
43:23you know, in front of all my cousins, all my siblings.
43:28And that space for a child is just...
43:31It's not easy, you know.
43:34It's tough, so...
43:38..if I put trust in someone
43:40and I feel like they're humiliating me,
43:43it almost feels like...
43:46I don't know, I feel like that just fucking...
43:50The world that we come from, we have to trust people regardless.
43:54We're walking onto helicopters, we don't know the pilot,
43:58we're reliant on people we've never met before
44:00to bring in indirect fire that isn't going to kill us.
44:05And so what I'm trying to get at is we are on this course as the DS,
44:09asking you to trust us,
44:11and all the time we're looking to press your buttons.
44:14We're looking to see where your weak links are.
44:17Because then we want you to realise
44:19that you can still bounce back from those moments
44:22where all you want to do is run away.
44:24We're trying to build up layers and layers of resilience
44:28and get you to understand that regardless of what's happened,
44:31you have to go again and you still have to trust people.
44:35And even if people are pushing your buttons,
44:38don't let it get to you.
44:41How do you deal with the staff, if you don't mind me asking?
44:44I don't think about it.
44:47Don't overthink it. I don't overthink anything.
44:50I don't think any of us do.
44:52Be under no illusion, the mental side ain't going to kill you.
44:56The way to deal with it, just take it on the chin and go,
44:59pass it in time, let it go.
45:18It doesn't like being humiliated, does it?
45:22Being able to trust people, a lot of the time,
45:24it comes from being able, I think, to trust yourself.
45:27And that's always, I think, a big challenge for me.
45:30English interview.
45:35I feel like I'm insecure about just the idea that I'm not good enough.
45:40Like, it's never good enough.
45:42But would I quit?
45:44Nah, I don't see myself quitting.
45:47I know what's on the other side of quitting.
45:50And when you quit, it's regret.
45:52So whatever is required for me to hit the goal,
45:55I have to just make it happen.
46:04Next time...
46:05Head to the ice!
46:08You have to know how to operate in the Special Forces,
46:10in any environment.
46:12We are taught to fight everywhere or anywhere in the world.
46:19That's what the survival instinct's all about.
