Is Jimmy Butler sending a message to the Miami Heat?

  • last month
Could be something, could be nothing? Jimmy Butler reveals his starting 5 at the premiere of the new Netflix... will Pat Riley hear what he has to say?
00:00Jimmy Butler was at the starting five premiere, which is a LeBron James production.
00:07And so his social media group, the uninterrupted was there and they asked Jimmy a seemingly innocuous question.
00:15Jimmy Butler, if you had your dream cast for starting five, who would you want to be?
00:21Now, you guys may be calling me.
00:24Are you reading into this?
00:26Perhaps it could be something.
00:28In fact, it was the open Margo's.
00:30This could be something could be nothing.
00:33I don't know.
00:34That's why I'm bringing it to you.
00:36But there's a little comment in here a little why would they do that?
00:42What's going on in Utah?
00:43It could be something could be nothing.
00:46What is the meaning of it?
00:47What's what is the object of this?
00:50Why would they do that?
00:52It's a little comment.
00:53It's going to seem like it may seem like nothing, but it could be the biggest in this whole thing.
01:02So I'm going to play this for you.
01:03We'll play the video here for you from the uninterrupted and you tell me Leroy if it stands out to you.
01:11What stood out to me so many players trying to think of people that really got some stuff going me personally.
01:18I think Kirk hiring is just a country individual and y'all really like to see what Kirk is doing behind closed doors besides shotgun and beers.
01:25I mean you got to say Mike.
01:27You got to say Mike because Mike always got something.
01:29I'm curious about Joel Embiid's life.
01:31I want to know more about Jojo now that he's a father and he just signed an extension good for him.
01:36I got two more Jamar.
01:38You got to pick the where he at with Debo at gotta pick him.
01:41Look at him just La from head to toe.
01:43I haven't seen a player wear Louboutins in like 10 years and he's still got it.
01:47You realize I'm probably from like 2012 because he don't spend no money.
01:51And who else would I go with?
01:52I'm gonna tell you somebody is super interesting.
01:54He's a godfather of Riley McHale Butler.
01:56My daughter Kyle Lowry.
01:58I think y'all would be very very impressed with who Kyle is as a person.
02:01I just don't want to see him play golf all day, but take the golf out and he's he's dope.
02:06So there you go.
02:07That was your bullet.
02:08Did you hear the comment Leroy?
02:10Yes, not to you.
02:11I only got his extension.
02:13I know got his extension good for him.
02:20I don't feel like he thinks good for him.
02:21I think you think I think he thinks what about good for me?
02:26Joel got an extension.
02:27He only played averages 50 games a year.
02:33Jimmy Butler's out in the sun.
02:35Good for him.
02:36I got.
02:39No more about Jojo.
02:40Now that he's a father and he just signed an extension good for him.
02:44I got two more.
02:50Good for him.
02:51A lot of Chicago Bulls.
02:52Yeah, it's interesting.
02:53A lot of Chicago Bulls.
02:54Kirk Heinrich, huh?
02:55Kirk Heinrich of all people.
02:57Kirk Heinrich tangibles OG intangibles.
03:03Do you think that was a shot?
03:05Do you think you think he wanted Pat Riley to see that somehow and be like,
03:09well, why would I mean?
03:10I think I think he's probably like, here's the other thing.
03:13You think Pat Riley cares that what?
03:17No, he said, you think you want to Pat Riley to see that?
03:19Yeah, I'm like, oh, no, no, no.
03:25Re Riley does see everything.
03:27Riley does see everything.
03:29He says, you know, that is that's the that is the facts of it.
03:32He does.
03:33He does see everything.
03:34What would be your ideal starting five?
03:38My ideal.
03:38So I will give you that.
03:39I will give you that.
03:40But I want to lean more into this.
03:44Do you feel like because we got, we got, you know, media days going on,
03:47It's a couple days away.
03:48Do you feel like Jimmy's gonna make it as a thing or you think he's going
03:51to no play it?
03:52No play it slow play.
03:53What do you think is going to be his?
03:54No play.
03:56No play.
03:58Don't play it.
04:00I think until the season starts.
04:03And interesting, then like it ain't gonna be nothing now or he might
04:09just go out of his way to just abuse everybody at practice.
04:12Oh, interesting to show that he's better than everybody like a wolf
04:22I don't know man.
04:23Like again, I ain't mad at Jimmy for one an extension and I ain't mad at
04:29Pat for saying no.
04:31I find funny why like everybody here is saying they're shocked.
04:36They don't think Riley is going to see that Smitty says I'd be shocked
04:38if I saw that Pat's not in the video.
04:40First of all, Pat Riley knows everything guys.
04:44They have a media relations department, a department who are all very
04:49good at their job.
04:51Second of all, he sees everything guys.
04:54He used to have he probably still does.
04:56I've I exposed one that you know, it probably should have just kept
04:59to myself.
04:59Yeah, it's closed.
05:00One Twitter burner account years ago.
05:02Oh, you do it man.
05:06Most of his burner accounts.
05:07You know, he's got a new one, dude.
05:09I don't know what it is, but you know, he's got a new one, you know,
05:12if he doesn't have a media relations team, letting him know he's got
05:16a chatty Patty journalist.
05:18So hey, he did see that video.
05:22He saw Jimmy Butler talking.
05:23Oh gosh.
05:26Don't shut up.
05:28Chatty Patty, dude.
05:32I don't know.
05:32I think he sees it and I think he'd take notes of it.
05:36But I think Jimmy Butler is not going to do anything crazy with his
05:40hair or anything like that for media day.
05:43And I think he's going to slow play this whole thing.
05:45Jimmy Butler is getting back to basketball this year.
05:48You heard it here first.
05:50I like that.
05:51Me too.
05:51I mean, I think it should be, you know.
05:56Probably one of the most important things he does this year.
06:01And here, this is one of those situations where if Jimmy doesn't
06:09go out and ball, then Pat's going to be justified.
06:14You see what I mean?
06:15I will say he did have a video that came out on his socials and
06:20it was very telling that Jimmy Butler does still hate the Celtics
06:25guts because he was shooting in his gym and you'll notice.
06:30He starts shouting heat intangibles while he shoots and then somebody
06:35mentions another intangibles and he did not like it.
06:55You misplayed it there.
06:57Coachy guy.
06:58I thought we were just doing intangibles.
07:01You don't mention Celtics intangibles here.
07:04Yeah, good.
07:05It's still in there for Jimmy.
07:07It'll in there.
07:08In there.
07:09And to be honest, what he said last year wasn't wrong.
07:15Well, I know he can't be proven wrong.
07:18That's the thing.
07:19Pat Riley didn't like it, but it wasn't wrong.
07:23It wasn't wrong.
07:23He can't prove it.
07:24Didn't keep Pat Riley from being Pat Riley, but Pat Riley and Jimmy
07:28Butler are the same kind of their confrontational.
07:32They'll ruffle feathers and that's kind of what makes it a sick
07:37Yeah, extremely sick relationship.
07:39But again, I would say that both guys are right.
07:50Jimmy's not going to see Pat side.
07:53And all Pat can see is the number of games and how far they are out
07:57of the second seed and come to the conclusion.
08:00If my injured guys will play more.
08:03We wouldn't be in that situation.
08:05So no, I'm not paying more money.
08:07Reminds me, you know, Pat Riley and Jimmy Butler, you know, Pat
08:10Riley's a president.
08:10I was once president of fraternity and it reminds me when there
08:13was sometimes beef in the fraternity, you know, it was tough to
08:16pick sides because you could see both sides, you know, this is
08:20this is where all heat fans are at.
08:21I'm not asking heat fans to pick sides.
08:23I, you know, I've picked my side, but I see Pat Riley side,
08:27you know.
08:28Were you ever in a robe and like with a gavel at any point?
08:34I knew it.
08:37Of course, I would love to go back and see exactly how a
08:42fraternity courtroom would look inside it.
08:45It's about Joel and B's life.
08:46I want to know more about Jojo now that he's a father and he
08:49just signed the extension.
08:50Good for him.
08:51I got it's even got tone of good for him for him for him.
08:57Why would that like, why his knees and his whole body's made
09:00of peanut brittle, but good for him.
09:03He barely did anything in the Olympic run, but you know, good
09:06for him.
09:07I know he's never been to a conference finals and I go to a
09:10conference finals every year, but good for him, you know, he
09:15falls almost every other play.
09:18Um, I don't, but you know, good for him and his extension.
09:22His face is made out of eggshell, but good for him.
09:27What the hell's wrong with you guys?
09:34Was Judge Joe Clown.
