How to USE Microsoft PowerPoint On a Mac - Tutorial 17 - Add Notes - Basic Tutorial | New

  • 2 days ago
How to Use Microsoft PowerPoint On a Mac - Tutorial 17 - Add Notes - Basic Tutorial | New #office365 #computersciencevideos #MicrosoftPowerPoint

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00:00Computer science videos here today to show you guys in this tutorial how to
00:05use Microsoft PowerPort on a Mac computer tutorial 17. Add notes to your
00:09presentation. Without further ado let us start the video. So in this tutorial you
00:15need to have access to a Mac computer, have access to the desktop application.
00:18We can now start the tutorial. Let's now go over to the dock. Go to finder. Go to the
00:24OneDrive folder. Locate the file work.pvtx. Double click on this. In the
00:29meantime we can minimize finder for the moment and now we have the PowerPoint
00:35presentation on screen. Let's go to the first slide. If we go to click to add
00:41notes on the bottom of the screen we can add a couple of notes which we can then
00:47print off and view at the same time as presenting the presentation. So and why
01:01may you want to add notes when it comes to presenting. As reiterated before you
01:07can give yourself a head start with the notes on the printouts so when it comes
01:13to presenting you are then more comfortable with your lines that you
01:18will be using to present to an audience. Let's go to slide number two, three, four
01:32and so on. So we can now quit PowerPoint and so that's it for this video. I'll see
01:40you guys on the next tutorial. Thanks for now. Thank you for making it towards the
01:46end of the video. Be sure to subscribe to my channel Computer Science Videos. Be
01:50sure to check out the previous video on screen now or you can ideally click on
01:56the playlist and watch all the journey for computer science videos from the
02:01start until now.
