Charlie and Lola S3E25 I Am Going to Save a Panda

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Charlie, Lola, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie,
00:30Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie
01:00We'd raise money to help save whales
01:02You know, I would be really, absolutely, extremely good at saving a whale
01:14What about a little, small, baby polar bear?
01:17Oh, we can save them, too
01:21Come on, Lotta
01:25Come on, little bear
01:30And we can save giraffes
01:34Yes, because sometimes, because they're so tall
01:37Giraffes get their heads stuck in the clouds
01:41Oh, no
01:50We're very good at saving animals
01:52Yes, very good
01:54That's not really what they mean by saving animals
01:57It's more like making sure they don't end up extinct
02:00What's extinct?
02:02Extinct means no more of the actual animal left in the whole entire world
02:07Oh, no
02:08Mrs. Finch told us that it's also very important that animals live happily in their own special homes
02:15Some people catch turtles to make jewelry out of their shells
02:20And in Africa, some people chase rhinoceroses to steal their horns
02:25Oh, no
02:27There's not many of these parrots left in Mexico
02:29because people keep on chopping their trees down
02:32Oh, no
02:33Mrs. Finch says they're all called endangered animals
02:37So all these turtles and rhinoceroses and parrots are all extremely in danger
02:42We definitely must help
02:44But that is what we're doing
02:45We're helping the endangered animals by getting money for them
02:48Are we going to buy them a present?
02:51The money that we all raise can help build special places for them to live where they'll be safe
02:56Like a big wildlife park
02:57Look over there
02:59Look, there's a snowy leopard
03:01A blue parrot
03:03Look, a rhino
03:05And sometimes they can even make underwater parks
03:09Where the turtles and fish can swim safely too
03:12There's lots of ways to help endangered animals
03:15How many endangered animals are there?
03:19But you have to choose just one
03:24There's a snowy leopard here
03:26That's endangered
03:27So is the moon jellyfish
03:29And the brown pelican
03:30Oh, no
03:32I can't shh
03:33This is a panda in danger, Charlie
03:36Pandas in peril
03:37What does it say?
03:40Giant pandas live in China
03:46They're really shy
03:49They eat bamboo
03:50And they eat it all day long
03:52They only stop eating when they go to sleep actually
03:55Yes, but people are cutting down all their bamboo
03:59There are less than 1,000 pandas left in the whole world
04:04And one day, they might disappear completely
04:09I like pandas
04:11I think I would like to save a panda
04:13Yes, yes
04:14OK, let's save the pandas
04:15Did you know, Lola
04:16That even though pandas are really big
04:18They're very good at doing somersaults
04:20Charlie, look at my panda drawing
04:22That's really good, Lola
04:24Go and stick it on the fridge
04:29Mum, Dad, we need to get a new fridge
04:34The best way to raise money
04:35Is to get sponsored for something
04:37What's a sponsored?
04:39Well, you have to get your mum and dad
04:41And relatives to buy you a new fridge
04:44You have to get your mum and dad
04:45And relatives and friends
04:46To put their name on one of these forms
04:48To promise to give us money
04:49For doing something difficult
04:51Like, uh
04:52Like swimming maybe five lengths
04:57But I don't do swimming yet
04:59Or eating spaghetti with your hands behind your back
05:04No spoon?
05:06Or staying quiet for a very long time
05:08I'm not very good at staying quiet
05:11Well, think of something you are good at
05:15You know, Lola
05:16I am very good at skipping
05:18And you are very good at hopping
05:20So why don't we do a sponsored
05:22Hop and skip
05:23Oh, yes
05:24And I bet giant pandas like hopping too
05:27Yes, and skipping
05:29Jelly on the plate
05:31Whibble, wobble, whibble, wobble
05:33Whibble, wobble, wobble
05:35Whibble, wobble, wobble
05:38Whibble, wobble, wobble
05:40Jelly on the plate
05:44So what you do is ask someone for their name
05:46And how much money they want to give you
05:47For every minute you can stand on one leg
05:50Look, we've got loads of names
05:52We're gonna raise loads of money tomorrow
05:54I can't wait
05:55I'm going to hop, hop and hop
05:57And I'm going to skip and skip and skip
05:59I bet I can stand on one leg for a whole week
06:03Well, I'm going to get sponsored
06:05To see how long I can balance this apple on my head
06:07Tu n'auras pas d'argent pour les pandas
06:11Tu sais Charlie, je vais certainement sauver un grand panda demain
06:15Parce que je peux hopper pour toujours
06:21Bonne nuit Lola
06:22Bonne nuit Charlie
06:31Réveille toi Charlie, on va sauver un grand panda
06:38As-tu vu ton visage?
06:40C'est tout...
06:42C'est tout couvert en spots
06:44Qu'est-ce qui se passe Charlie?
06:46Je pense que tu devrais aller voir ta mère Lola
06:50Ma mère me dit qu'elle a des pâtes à poulet
06:53Et je ne peux absolument pas aller à l'école
06:55Parce que je suis toute spotée et attirante
06:58Désolée Lola, je me souviens quand j'en avais
07:00Mais je ne serai pas capable de faire le hopping sponsoré, n'est-ce pas?
07:03Je ne pense pas
07:05Ce qui signifie que je ne serai pas capable de sauver un grand panda
07:08Je te promets que je reviendrai à l'heure du déjeuner et je te dirai comment tout le monde se passe, d'accord?
07:15Va-t'en spots, va-t'en maintenant
07:25Allez Charlie, tu le fais vraiment bien
07:27Tu as plus de 8 minutes
07:34Hi Lola, how are you feeling?
07:37I'm feeling spotty
07:39Have you done all the sponsoring things?
07:42Mum's standing on one leg right now
07:44He's been wobbling for ages
07:46And Lottie did 23 jelly on the plates
07:49That's good
07:51Everyone must have raised lots of money
07:53Everyone except me
07:55But you can't help it Lola, you're ill
07:58But I want to save a giant panda so much Charlie
08:02And I can't because of all of my spots
08:08Maybe you can
08:10What if everyone sponsors your spots?
08:13For every spot you have they give you some money
08:16That's a very good idea Charlie
08:18I'll ask everyone
08:22What's wrong?
08:23I'm trying to see if I can get more spots by sounding more iller
08:28See you later
08:301, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11
08:36Viens, voyons
08:388, 9, 10, 11, 12
08:4163, 64, 65
08:45Lola, tu as le plus d'argent de tous
08:48On va certainement sauver un panda maintenant
08:51Et tu n'as même pas vu mon doigt Charlie
08:5472, 73, 74
