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00:00Last Monday night, in a match previously scheduled for the injured 1, 2, 3 Kid.
00:06His tag team partner, Marty Jannetty, filled in against Johnny Polo,
00:11allowing the 1, 2, 3 Kid to join the announce team.
00:15We all know what you got in that briefcase, sir.
00:17You got raisins going in the briefcase.
00:19I see you cheating.
00:20Irwin R.
00:21Shyster was outraged by the Kid's accusation.
00:24Irwin R.
00:24Shyster then shoved the defenseless Kid to the floor,
00:28attracting Jannetty's attention.
00:30While IRS encountered Jannetty's disapproval, the Kid grabbed the briefcase.
00:37The Kid then removed the briefcase in question and
00:42hobbled away to safety, leaving Irwin R.
00:45Shyster looking for Jannetty and looking for his briefcase as well.
00:52Blaming Jannetty for his missing property, IRS went to start Marty Jannetty's
00:55permanent retirement fund until, yeah, he encountered the walking
01:00rebound of not only Marty Jannetty, but also his new found business partner,
01:07Razor Ramon, as Ramon had just been reunited with his precious gold.
01:14Suddenly, Irwin's desire for revenge for Marty Jannetty had been stopped short.
01:19As Razor Ramon and Jannetty looked on,
01:22they disdainfully threw IRS's briefcase.
01:26And tonight, the deal has been closed.
01:29Tonight, Marty Jannetty meets the taxman, IRS, on Monday Night Raw.
01:35["Monday Night Raw Theme"]
01:58The Taxman cometh.
02:01What a matchup.
02:02Irwin R. Shyster squaring off against Marty Jannetty tonight on Monday Night Raw.
02:09Hello, everyone.
02:12Welcome to Monday Night Raw.
02:13I'm Vince McMahon along with Bastian Booger.
02:16No, thank you.
02:17And tonight, ladies and gentlemen, an initially-let matchup.
02:19You'll see in action a young man by the name of Thurman Plug, who has dual careers.
02:25He is a stock car racer as well as a WWF superstar.
02:29And Thurman's friends call him Sparky.
02:31You know, something in there.
02:33I think maybe I got a little bit of extra gas for Sparky.
02:35In addition to Sparky being with us, joining us as well,
02:40The Rocket, Owen Hart, and The Rocket is headed to WrestleMania.
02:44Whoa, you know something about that rocket?
02:47I feel like I'm ready to blast off right now, too.
02:51In addition to that matchup, ladies and gentlemen,
02:53joining us as well will be the great Kona Crush.
02:56Crush will be here.
02:58Crush is gonna take all of his opponents and crush them, just like these nachos.
03:01Now, Bastian Booger is headed for a Maylots moment.
03:07Let's take you to action.
03:08Here we go.
03:09Ladies and gentlemen, this tag team rivalry is scheduled for one fall.
03:19One narration for the Sparky Guns headed to the square circle.
03:24Bastian Booger continued the match.
03:27On what is that, nachos?
03:28Yeah, they're really, these are the greatest nachos I've ever had in my life, I think.
03:32That's what you say every time you have them.
03:34The Spoken Guns, ladies and gentlemen, running for tag team action,
03:37kicking things off here this week on Monday Night Raw.
03:40Vince McMahon and Bastian Booger.
03:44Look at that, Barry Horowitz in there with them.
03:46He's the Buffalo Fields of professional wrestling.
03:48He is, that.
03:50What about Whoopi Goldberg, by the way, beating you out of the spot there at the Oscars?
03:55Well, I'm man enough to congratulate her.
03:56She's the first black person to ever host the Oscars.
03:59And I'll tell you what, next year when I need a 400 pounder, I'm sure I'm in line.
04:03Well, maybe next year then.
04:04Imagine that, Bastian Booger, the host of the Oscars next year.
04:08Who knows, anything can happen, or at least anything can happen in the WWF.
04:12Billy now, locking up with Reno.
04:14Nice takedown.
04:15And a, look at that, nice arm drag takedown.
04:18I'll tell you what, these Smoking Guns are in tremendous condition.
04:23They look awful thin to me.
04:24You have to see right through them almost.
04:26The two of them don't make a good one person like me.
04:29You gotta be a good 400 pounder, man.
04:30Give me a break.
04:31Look at this double team effort.
04:32Come on, ref, get in there.
04:34Billy trying to get out.
04:35Double team.
04:35Come on, ref, do something.
04:37Do something about this.
04:39They got a good five count.
04:40You can see the referee still counting there.
04:42It looks like Billy's taking matters into his own hands.
04:44Billy trying to make the tag to his brother, Bart, and yo.
04:48That's one way to be tagged, I suppose.
04:51Not so sure that was a legal tag.
04:53Billy and Bart now hammering away with Barry Horowitz, Reno Riggins.
04:56And wait a minute, look at this.
04:59Wow, a little dysfunction there.
05:02Ooh, look at that double team effort.
05:05I hope somebody wins this match in a hurry, man.
05:07I'm sitting with my feet up in the air because I see these Smoking Guns.
05:09They're getting some horse manure with them.
05:11I see.
05:12Well, speaking of saying things, the Groundhog, we understand, came out recently.
05:16Saw you and won't be back for six weeks.
05:19Any good for that?
05:20I'm gonna be there in six weeks when he pops out again this time.
05:23I'd love to get one of them Groundhogs on the barbecue one of these days.
05:26I would imagine you would like to have anything on the barbecue.
05:30I would, I love barbecue, and it's a lot of fun.
05:32And I just, that's my ideal weekend, barbecue and eating.
05:36Surprise, surprise, Billy tagged back in now.
05:39Right back on Reno Riggins, working on the left arm and shoulder.
05:44And another frequent tag here, Billy and Bart.
05:46A lot of double teaming there by the Smoking Guns, McMahon.
05:49I think you only see that one-sided.
05:50I've seen the guns doing the same thing there.
05:52I see.
05:53And now, look out, someone's gonna go for the ride.
05:56A nice suplex coming for Reno Riggins.
05:59Wow, he had to be ten feet in the air right there.
06:01The Smoking Guns were at the Tag Team Championship Bound earlier this weekend.
06:05The Steiner Brothers, in a non-title match,
06:07had ten minutes to defeat the Quebecers.
06:10They did not.
06:11The Tag Team Championship is up for anybody right now.
06:16I'll start looking for a partner myself, and, Ben,
06:18I think I'm gonna jump in that tag team category here pretty quick.
06:21Let me see, who would your tag team partner be here in the WWF?
06:25I don't know, I'm gonna have to get somebody that's in as good a shape as I am,
06:28somebody that's as peak physical condition as me,
06:30so it might be hard for me to find one for a while.
06:33I see, and down across the arm.
06:35How about a manager?
06:38How about the Roseanne Barr, something like that?
06:41What a beautiful photo I've seen of her on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine last week.
06:45Man, oh man, I bought about ten copies, hung them up all over.
06:48I can imagine.
06:50Bastian Buter and Roseanne Barr, by the way, happy birthday.
06:53Talk about classics.
06:55Happy birthday tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen, to the one and the only,
06:59the all-time great WWF superstar, classy Freddie Blassie.
07:06Yeah, Freddie, thank you for the first 100 years.
07:08Hey, let's be nice.
07:10Reno Riggins, turning things around there on Bart.
07:13Nicely done.
07:14This is quite a tag team matchup here on Monday Night Raw.
07:17And, look at this, reversal across the back now.
07:23It's Bart with Reno Riggins.
07:24He tags in his partner, Billy.
07:27Billy now, from the top rope and down, my, a cover,
07:33a count, a victory for the Smoking Gun.
07:36Boy, back to the pawns of Rosha for those two.
07:42They are smoking.
07:46They are the Smoking Gun.
07:48I'll tell you, McMahon,
07:49they're a better team than the Hart brothers, Owen and Bret.
07:54Well, it was just two weeks ago at the WWF Royal Rumble when Bret and
07:57Owen Hart entered as a unified team to meet the Quebeckers.
08:01Bret the Hitman Hart suffered a devastating knee injury and
08:05was unable to complete the match, resulting in his brother Owen's wrath.
08:11Owen furthered the agony of Bret with a kick to the knee and
08:15then began a public campaign of criticism.
08:17Let's pick up Owen's comments from last week's All-American.
08:21And what did you do?
08:23Give me and give our audience, give our fans, give them some reason,
08:27some provocation, some legitimate provocation for what you did
08:31when you kicked your brother in the knee.
08:33What's the provocation for that?
08:35Honestly, you wanna know?
08:40I kicked you in the leg, Bret, and it felt good.
08:46It really felt good.
08:51I had a lifetime of anger and hostility and frustration.
08:56And when I laid that kick into your leg, Vince, it felt great.
09:02I got a whole world, a whole lifetime of frustration off my chest in that one
09:07little kick, Bret.
09:08I should have kicked you again, but I had composure.
09:13Even though you cost me the biggest title of my life, the WWF Tag Team belts,
09:19you stripped it away from me, Bret.
09:22I'll never forget what you did,
09:24the feelings that I had in that ring when you did that to me, Bret.
09:29I'll never forget it.
09:31I'll never forget this situation with Owen and what happened with Owen and
09:36where it's taken my family.
09:38And I have never, I promised myself that I would never forgive myself if I,
09:45in any way, physically confronted or battled it out with my brother.
09:49That was something I would never, ever allow myself to do.
09:53And I don't know if I can forgive the people that have somehow put this thing
09:57into motion, and I don't know if I can forgive Owen himself.
10:02And I don't even know if necessarily that I can forgive myself.
10:05But I think it's got to the point where I gotta do something about it.
10:10It's obviously not gonna go away.
10:13It has to be resolved.
10:15As much as I love my brother Owen, and I hate the thought of myself actually
10:22physically having to deal with him, I don't see any other way around it.
10:28It's time for Owen and I to settle this thing.
10:30I know my mom and dad are gonna be sick knowing that we are gonna physically go at
10:37it, but I did everything I could possibly do to prevent this.
10:43And I don't see any other way around it.
10:44This has got to be done, and I gotta settle this thing with Owen.
10:48And maybe, just maybe, I can knock some kind of sense into Owen.
10:51This is like a present day version of Kane and Abel.
10:56And ladies and gentlemen, we shall return with Kane, or
10:59I should say The Rock and Owen Hart, for more Monday Night Raw.
11:04We are back, and no, this is not another boring promo.
11:08This is Monday Night Raw.
11:09It would have been a lot better game if I went down and
11:11played quarterback like they asked me to play Troy Aikman.
11:14But I had other commitments, man, so I couldn't make it.
11:17Mr. Booker, the only bowl you've ever been around is the one containing pounds and
11:21pounds of food.
11:22All right, McMahon.
11:23Probably the cereal bowl.
11:25Take a look at this.
11:28Rocking hard.
11:28Boy, he looks good, man.
11:30He's getting ready for that.
11:31He finally had a change of heart.
11:33He got tired of listening to him snorting those brothers of his.
11:35Now he's gonna go out on his own, and he's gonna do great.
11:38You think so, huh?
11:39I sure do.
11:40What a matchup it's gonna be at WrestleMania.
11:42The Rocket, Owen Hart, squaring off against his brother, the Hitman Bret Hart.
11:48All his life, he had to sit up there in Calgary and
11:50watch the other brothers live off of Mommy and Daddy.
11:52Now he's gonna break out on his own, McMahon.
11:54I'll tell you, it's time for the Rocket to soar, and he's really gonna take off.
11:58And you wonder what sort of condition that the Hitman Bret Hart will be in after.
12:05Hey, wait a minute.
12:06That's what I think of Bret Hart.
12:07I'm the number one Hart.
12:09I get to live with it, Bret, because I'm gonna beat your head in.
12:14Wow. Can you believe that?
12:15Gonna beat his head in, McMahon.
12:17I'll tell you what, Owen Hart looks really, really fired up to me.
12:20This is a mission that he's gonna really accomplish.
12:23And I'll tell you, I think Bret Hart's in trouble.
12:25He could very well be.
12:26Could it be that the Rocket, Owen Hart, would spoil his brother's attempt at once
12:30again becoming the WWF Champion at WrestleMania?
12:34The Hitman must face his brother, Owen,
12:36before he faces the winner of the Lex Luger-Yokozuna matchup at WrestleMania.
12:43Listen to this, we want Bret.
12:45We want Bret.
12:46I'll tell you what I want, McMahon.
12:47I want some pizza.
12:48I told you when I come out here that I had big orders.
12:51I wanted food constantly.
12:53All right, okay.
12:54I want four or five large pizzas sent out here, as big as they make them.
12:57Bring them in a wheelbarrow.
12:58That's the deal we made, no question.
13:00We'll dial up Domino's, see if we can't get them out here.
13:03Yeah. And here we go.
13:04Owen Hart locking back up with John Paul.
13:07Owen Hart is unquestionably a tactician.
13:10Owen Hart is, I don't know if he's as good as his brother, Bret, or not, but
13:14they have very, very similar styles.
13:16We'll find out very shortly who the better brother is, won't we, McMahon?
13:19Yes, indeed.
13:20I gotta say, Owen does look great these days in the ring.
13:23Especially this John Paul guy.
13:24I never trusted a guy with two first names.
13:26Is that right?
13:27That's it, that's one of my mottos.
13:30Elbow striking John Paul.
13:31You have a lot of mottos, huh?
13:32I sure do.
13:33I'd run them all off to you if we got time.
13:35Wait a minute, are you and Kathleen Sullivan on that same fat loss program?
13:39Fat loss?
13:40She may have a little lose, I'm looking pretty good right now.
13:43I see.
13:43Is that his daughter, McMahon?
13:45I'm not sure who she is.
13:46Well, no, let's leave that one alone.
13:50Obviously, Bastian Burger in need of a little Jenny Craig,
13:54a little Nutrisystem, or how about some Icoprothermic for us?
13:58There you go, that'll do it for you.
13:59I'll tell you, that stuff better not be coming out in pieces, I ordered.
14:02And Owen is in fantastic shape.
14:06And again, here we go with the chant.
14:09Wow, you sure that isn't Lee Wan Booger?
14:12No, Booger wants pizza.
14:16Imagine the capacity crowd chanting that.
14:17You never know, McMahon.
14:20Booger mania is starting to run wild here, you know?
14:22Wait a minute, Booger mania?
14:23That's it, that's another motto.
14:26I see, you always said that.
14:27I hope you're right and he's all down.
14:28Look at this.
14:31My goodness, Owen Hart is just taking John Paul apart.
14:35And you can bet he's doing it for a purpose, to show his brother,
14:38to show the world, maybe even his family members, exactly how good he is.
14:42But wait a minute, Paul reverses things.
14:44Paul with a left jab, and another one.
14:47Owen is dazed, Owen being set up now.
14:50Reversal, coming off the rope, Paul.
14:52Underneath him, Owen Hart.
14:54Forget about it.
14:55Wow, I look like I landed right on the point of their chin to me, man.
14:58And they're covered.
15:00Wait a minute, Owen Hart could have had it right there.
15:03Again, he's trying to prove a point.
15:05But will he be able to prove the point at WrestleMania?
15:08Will he be able to defeat his brother, Bret Hart?
15:12Wow, what an uppercut.
15:13I'll tell you, he learned that from Stu Hart.
15:16And, Owen with another one.
15:18You can hear the smack of the flesh there.
15:20Owen Hart, setting up John Paul now.
15:23To the rope, coming off.
15:24Owen there, no, look at this, caught by the leg.
15:28But not for long, not for long.
15:30Owen showed a lot of fantastic motion on you, man.
15:33He looks like he's really been training.
15:34Looks like he's really getting ready.
15:37By the way, any truth to the fact that you and
15:40Ted Turner have been going through the Jane Fonda fitness program?
15:44You notice I've been slimming down a little bit, man.
15:45Yeah, Ted and I get together often.
15:47We work out, we get in front of the TV, we plug in that tape, and wow.
15:52We really go at it, Ted and I.
15:54I see.
15:55And there, ladies and gentlemen, the sharpshooter applied.
15:58The move that the Hitman Bret Hart made so famous.
16:02And The Rock and Owen Hart is picking up right where his brother, Bret, left off.
16:07You can let go any time now, Mr. Owen.
16:11Hey, how about that pizza, man?
16:13I don't smell anything yet.
16:15Unfortunately, I do.
16:16The Rock and Owen Hart is smelling success these days.
16:19He's on his way to lock up with his brother, Bret, at WrestleMania.
16:21And then Bret goes on to face the winner of the Luger Yokozuna match at WrestleMania.
16:29Promotional consideration paid for by the following.
16:32I always like to keep my favorite snack handy.
16:37Need a little excitement?
16:39Step into a Slim Jim, yeah.
16:41In action at the recent WWF Royal Rumble with what he did to his brother, Bret.
16:46No doubt about that, a most memorable moment.
16:48But speaking of memorable moments, let's take a look at some of the most memorable
16:51moments of the WWE World Championship.
16:53Here we go.
16:54I always like to keep my favorite snack handy.
16:57Need a little excitement?
16:59Step into a Slim Jim, yeah.
17:01No doubt about that, a most memorable moment at the Royal Rumble.
17:03Surely that would lead us to The Undertaker.
17:05In a moment that was boringly supernatural,
17:09there have been a number of Undertaker sightings as of late.
17:13With that in mind, let's take you now, ladies and gentlemen, to Mr. Paul Bearer.
17:19Oh, in order to believe, you must have faith.
17:27If you believe in my Undertaker, you must have faith in the fact that one day he'll return to us.
17:37But in reality, he has never really left us.
17:42Why, just the other day, someone said they saw The Undertaker.
17:48But you know, I see The Undertaker every day.
17:53That is the reason why I come here, to be closer to my Undertaker and to his spirit.
18:02If you believe in The Undertaker, you must have faith in the fact that one day he'll rise again.
18:11Oh, yes, he'll rise again.
18:15See the World Wrestling Federation like you've never seen it before.
18:25Be a part of the very first WWF Fan Festival, where you can interact with the superstars,
18:30get autographs and photographs, and maybe even step into the ring.
18:35Experience the World Wrestling Federation Fan Festival,
18:38coming to the Rotunda at Madison Square Garden Friday, March 18th through Sunday, March 20th.
18:43Tickets are on sale at the Garden Box Office or charged by phone.
18:46But WWF Fan Festival, a part of WrestleMania weekend, ladies and gentlemen.
18:55An opportunity for you to be with the WWF superstars,
18:59perhaps closer than you have ever been before.
19:02Bring your camera.
19:03It is a photo op.
19:04Wait a minute, let's listen to Erwin.
19:07Why is it?
19:10Can you tell me why is it that the Poconos area has more tax sheets per capita
19:17than any other area in the state of Pennsylvania?
19:22Oh, my.
19:23Erwin R. Shyster not making any friends here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
19:26But again, all the superstars will make all kinds of friends
19:30as part of the WWF Fan Festival.
19:33WrestleMania weekend, an opportunity for you to, how about this,
19:36step right into an official WWF ring.
19:40Or for that matter, you can be with Paul Bearer on the funeral parlor,
19:45and an opportunity to meet perhaps that man right there.
19:49Tell you what, McMahon, you'd like to jump in there in that ring
19:52and meet Marty Jannetty or IRS.
19:54I'll tell you, they both look pretty serious tonight.
19:56And I'll tell you one more thing, McMahon,
19:58I think I'm gonna hide some food in that casket of Paul Bearer's over there
20:01where nobody's gonna find it.
20:03Well, no one would look in there for sure.
20:05Look out from behind.
20:06IRS gonna work on Marty Jannetty.
20:08This should be a fantastic matchup.
20:10You will recall, it was last week,
20:12Erwin R. Shyster accused Marty Jannetty of stealing his briefcase
20:15when in fact it was the one, two, three kid.
20:18The kid justifiably took the briefcase and took Razor Ramon's gold out of it
20:23and gave it back to the bad guy.
20:25Nonetheless, the challenge was made by Erwin R. Shyster for Marty Jannetty,
20:30and we've got the matchup.
20:32And Erwin has problems.
20:33Look at this, a scoop and a slam.
20:35Wow, Marty Jannetty's handling Erwin R. Shyster pretty easy here.
20:38I'll tell you something, that human thermometer, one, two, three kid,
20:41shouldn't have been sticking his nose in there anyway.
20:44To the outside now, Erwin breaking the momentum.
20:46Erwin R. Shyster, the consummate professional,
20:49a great tactician, and a great brawler.
20:52This man can put it all together.
20:54He knows when to step to the outside.
20:57Marty Jannetty blew one of his suspenders off.
20:59They're still all twisted up there.
21:01I don't think IRS was ready for the wild thing
21:04that Jannetty came after him with.
21:06Speaking of, do you mind if I look at this all over you?
21:10Please, Mr. Bugger.
21:12What do you mean it's all over me, McMahon?
21:14You've got that pizza sauce just dripping from there.
21:17That's the best way to have it.
21:18It's got to be running down your elbows,
21:20right up to your elbow in case anything gets in the way.
21:22You just reach over and lick it right off.
21:24Can we have some napkins, please, for Mr. Bugger?
21:27You don't need no napkins.
21:28Have a bite of this, McMahon.
21:29You'd probably like it.
21:30Come on, have a bit.
21:31I'll put a slice right here in front of you.
21:33No, thanks.
21:34Erwin R. Shyster ready to get back.
21:35Here we go now.
21:36Locked back up with Marty Jannetty.
21:38Marty Jannetty.
21:40He and the one, two, three kid at one time
21:42held a tag team championship.
21:44Oh, what an upset that was on Monday Night Raw.
21:47And perhaps another one here.
21:49Count of two.
21:50And there.
21:52Back again.
21:55And a real danger of being pinned.
21:57I don't believe he must release.
21:59I don't think that's right.
22:01The official actually touching one of the competitors.
22:05You know, I was worried about the referee
22:07touching somebody, McMahon.
22:08You know, somebody reached out and touched me
22:09at the airport this morning.
22:10I was coming over here.
22:11And what happened?
22:12Chuck Jones, you know, he come up to me and said, hey,
22:15how you doing?
22:16Say hello to a good friend of mine,
22:17Vince McMahon, when we see him.
22:18What's that all about, McMahon?
22:19Chuck Jones?
22:20Yeah, Chuck Jones.
22:21You know, he was Marlon Maples' advisor.
22:23Oh, look at this.
22:24Drop toe hold.
22:25He's the one who took all these shoes.
22:26You got to.
22:27All I can say is if the shoe fits, Mr. Booger,
22:30perhaps you'd be wearing it, as well as breakfast, lunch,
22:34dinner, snacks, and all the other things
22:36that you wear so well.
22:37Is it time to eat again?
22:38Oh, please.
22:39I thought you were just running down my schedule there.
22:41And Marnie Jannetty now with the arm bar on Irwin R. Shyster.
22:47Oh, yeah.
22:48How about that?
22:49That's unusual.
22:50Jannetty whipping IRS to the outside.
22:52Both men on the outside now.
22:54Oh, my goodness.
22:56And now Jannetty pulls him right back.
22:58So Jannetty.
22:59Oh, no.
23:00Oh, man.
23:03Oh, no.
23:04Shyster shoved Jannetty into that ring post.
23:07And Jannetty may not get back in.
23:09Look at the sweat pouring off of the taxman's face.
23:13These two guys are really going at it.
23:15That had to bruise or break some ribs on Jannetty.
23:17He hit that steel post.
23:18Harder than anybody I've ever seen hit that thing in my career, I think.
23:21And Irwin R. Shyster back in the ring.
23:23The official picking up the count now.
23:25Oh, man.
23:26Irwin R. Shyster is hot.
23:28He is angry because, in fact, he blames Jannetty.
23:31But it was the one.
23:32Wait a minute.
23:33The one, two, three kid who got Razor's Gold back for him.
23:35It doesn't matter which one of them got it.
23:37They all think alike.
23:38They act alike.
23:39And look at that.
23:40Such a grab.
23:41And Shyster trying to hang on.
23:43He's trying to hang on.
23:45And now.
23:46One, two.
23:48Almost a count of three.
23:50How about that move by Jannetty?
23:52Jannetty still having the presence of mind to pull something like that off a near fall.
23:59Taking a thumb to the face.
24:00Wait a minute.
24:01What's this?
24:02Shaq and Pierre, the tag team champions.
24:04What are they doing out here?
24:08We're back with Monday Night Raw.
24:09And by the way, during the commercial break, ladies and gentlemen,
24:11the Quebecers were sent back to the dressing room area.
24:13If we have the footage, perhaps we can roll it.
24:15There you see right now.
24:16Jannetty in the clutches of IRS.
24:18Where the Quebecers were sent back.
24:20Here now.
24:21This is what happened during the break.
24:23Look at this.
24:24The Quebecers attacking Jannetty.
24:27When the official's back is turned.
24:29The Quebecers have no business being out there.
24:32Obviously have not forgotten.
24:34Marty and Jannetty in the one, two, three kid.
24:36Defeating them for the championship here on Monday Night Raw.
24:39And then, yes.
24:40A second official.
24:42He saw what was going on back in the dressing room area.
24:45Threatening the Quebecers with a heavy fine.
24:48The Quebecers, Jaq and Pierre, ushered back to the dressing room.
24:53Let's come back live, guys.
24:54Come on.
24:56Let's go back to the live action.
24:58The Quebecers, during the commercial break, they're gone.
25:01And now, Jannetty must do what he can do.
25:04After being pummeled on the outside by the Quebecers.
25:07Let's see what Jannetty can do against IRS.
25:10Man, oh, man.
25:11After hitting that steel post earlier and having the Quebecers jump all over him.
25:14Marty Jannetty must be in pretty rough shape by now.
25:17And from the dome, nice banana.
25:20Jannetty going for it.
25:22Jannetty timing that one perfectly.
25:25Jannetty lifting the foot right up underneath the chin of IRS.
25:31And a small package.
25:32Get out, ref.
25:33One, two.
25:34Oh, wow.
25:36Oh, he raked the weight across the eyes of the man.
25:38IRS is pulling out a lot of stops here.
25:40He's usually a good, hard wrestler, but he's really going to do anything.
25:43Abdominal stretch and hanging on to the rope for more leverage.
25:50And what action here tonight on Monday night.
25:54Also, he's a maximum man.
25:55I got rid of that pizza.
25:56Those four or five pizzas are gone.
25:58How about getting me some hot dogs and some nice hamburgers out here pretty soon.
26:02You've got to be kidding me.
26:03You're still hungry?
26:04Of course I'm hungry.
26:05That was part of our deal.
26:06Now I want them hot dogs sent out here.
26:08Gentlemen, if you please.
26:10Now the abdominal stretch on Marty Jannetty.
26:12Constantly wearing Marty Jannetty down.
26:15Now note, Irwin does not have the toe hooked around the calf.
26:18Oh, nice escape by Marty Jannetty.
26:20And that's why Jannetty able to escape.
26:22And missing the elbow there.
26:24A cover again.
26:25One, two.
26:26Almost a count of three.
26:27Seesaw matchup back and forth.
26:29Two great competitors.
26:31I can't imagine the reserve.
26:33I can't imagine the stamina of a Marty Jannetty.
26:36He has undergone just about everything that can happen to anyone.
26:39I hope he hasn't been sneaking around getting my training routine, McMahon.
26:42He's acting in that ring like I do.
26:44He is?
26:46He's got that energy.
26:47He's in good condition.
26:48I'll tell you what.
26:49He hasn't been watching me and Jim lately.
26:52IRS now.
26:54Trying to keep Marty Jannetty down.
26:56Jannetty will not stay down.
26:58Jannetty back to his feet now.
27:01Oh, my.
27:02And the chin of IRS stepped right back.
27:04Holy smoke.
27:05I'll tell you what.
27:06IRS is going to be really sore.
27:08He took that big boot under the chin earlier.
27:10Now he's got it under the chin again.
27:12He might need some soup for a while, maybe.
27:14Threw a straw.
27:16And look at this.
27:17Marty Jannetty.
27:18He will not surrender.
27:20IRS to the buckle.
27:21Hand off with a power slam.
27:24A lot of force behind that power slam.
27:26Marty Jannetty with IRS now trying to set him up again.
27:28IRS being whipped from one side to the other.
27:31Oh, yes.
27:32Into the chest.
27:33Marty Jannetty.
27:35Listen up.
27:36What is this?
27:37Johnny Polo coming to ringside.
27:39Polo, the manager of the Club Packers.
27:41He has no business down there as well.
27:43He's got his hand in a mop handle.
27:45Man, what is that?
27:46That's a cue stick.
27:47A cue stick.
27:48I bet a hair in that mop handle might go together.
27:50And down goes IRIS.
27:53Marty Jannetty covering.
27:55Shoots a half.
27:57Come on.
27:58One, two, three.
28:01No, not three, McMahon.
28:03Wait a minute.
28:04What's he out here snooping around for now?
28:06Well, wait a minute.
28:07You've got Johnny Polo in one corner.
28:09The Reigns are coming down to take a look in the other.
28:13And I believe we're going to have a victory for Marty Jannetty.
28:17I think you're talking to chickens before they hatch, McMahon.
28:19I don't know what Ramon thinks he's doing up there.
28:21Ah, yes.
28:22A clothesline up cover.
28:23Not a good.
28:25Oh, so close.
28:26I still don't know what Ramon's doing up there.
28:28Wait a minute.
28:29Wait a minute.
28:30They're shocked to be on their back.
28:31What's going on here?
28:33Jannetty coming up underneath.
28:35Jannetty now on top of IRS.
28:37Going for the sleeper hold.
28:39Wait a minute.
28:40Marty Jannetty trying to apply the sleeper hold.
28:43Wait a minute.
28:44They're circling Razor.
28:45Rupert Becker's coming closer and closer to Razor Ramon on the outside of the ring.
28:49Marty Jannetty coming closer and closer to victory on the inside.
28:53Right in front of Johnny Polo.
28:55Marty Jannetty back on his feet trying to set up IRS.
28:57And oh, look at that.
28:59Polo interfered with the momentum of Jannetty.
29:01Uncovered by IRS.
29:03Oh, no.
29:04Give me a break.
29:05Wait a minute.
29:06Razor Ramon just jumped in the ring.
29:08Hello, IRS.
29:10Razor Ramon with Irwin.
29:12Look out from behind.
29:14Jacques and Pierre attacking Razor Ramon.
29:17Trying to drive him down to the canvas.
29:19Look at this.
29:20Razor back up on his feet.
29:22Razor Ramon against two men.
29:24From behind, Marty Jannetty's back on his feet as well.
29:28Four men going at it.
29:30Razor has the gold back around his neck.
29:33The gold around his waist.
29:34Jannetty's setting up Pierre.
29:36Oh, my.
29:37And a roundhouse right by the bad guy, Razor Ramon.
29:41Look at this.
29:42Over goes Pierre.
29:43Jacques is left in the ring.
29:46Off the rope.
29:47Double boots to the midsection.
29:52The Razor's Edge is coming to Quebec.
29:56The Razor's Edge coming to Jacques de Quebec.
30:00There is no escape now.
30:02Down to the canvas.
30:05And now, Pierre is pulling Jacques out of the ring.
30:09Johnny Paolo to help out as well.
30:12But unfortunately, this will go down in the record book
30:15as a victory for Irwin Arsheister.
30:17I'll tell you something, man.
30:18I want some hot dogs out here.
30:20It's exciting.
30:21I'm so excited I forgot to eat.
30:22Get some hot dogs.
30:23Mustard, ketchup, pickles.
30:25Bring it all out here.
30:26We'll be back with more Monday Night Raw.
30:32Welcome back, everyone, to more Monday Night Raw.
30:34Vince McMahon along with Bastion Boogers still munching away.
30:36You might say that things are getting a little crusty around here.
30:39By the way, during the break, we were told that on the phone
30:43with WWF President Jack Tunney was Razor Ramon and Marty Jannetty.
30:47They were demanding a tag team championship matchup
30:50right here on Monday Night Raw in two weeks' time.
30:53Hopefully, a little further word from Jack Tunney
30:55as well as from the Quebeckers as to whether or not that match
30:58will take place here in two weeks' time on Monday Night Raw.
31:01What a matchup that would be.
31:02You know something, McMahon?
31:03This great WWF action, it just makes me hungrier and hungrier
31:06by the minute.
31:07What a surprise.
31:08And by the way, next week, we will be preempted here on USA.
31:11USA will be presenting the Westminster Dog Show.
31:16Here's a couple of Westminster dogs right here, want one?
31:19No, thank you.
31:20But you might say that next week, the WWF is going to the dogs.
31:25Hey, what do you mean by that, McMahon?
31:27Here comes a hot dog of another sort.
31:30Here comes Spocky.
31:34An outstanding young competitor from Talladega, Alabama.
31:38Herman Plaggett's friends call him Spocky.
31:41Looks like a weapon, man.
31:42Is that 42 on the back of his jacket?
31:44Is that his old race number?
31:45Is that his IQ or something?
31:48Mr. Booker, please, let's be nice.
31:50And keep those hot dogs to yourself, if you don't mind.
31:52These are fantastic hot dogs.
31:56Hey, listen.
31:57Hey, McMahon, I think I need a little help here.
32:00Booker's choking over here, folks.
32:01Can you get him some help?
32:05There's no way anyone can do the Heimlich.
32:07Booker's choking.
32:08Booker's choking on food.
32:10And I think we're going to see our first fatality of Monday Night Raw,
32:13because I'm not going to do mouth-to-mouth.
32:17I'm all right now, McMahon.
32:19Keep going.
32:20All right, Booker is better, and Spocky is giving it to his opponent here.
32:25Nice reversal.
32:27Spocky with a hip toss.
32:28Spocky with another takedown.
32:30Spocky in control of things against Dwayne Gale.
32:33Oh, my goodness.
32:35Booker, you sure you're all right?
32:36I'm all right, McMahon.
32:38Just give me a few minutes to compose myself.
32:40I got a little tears in my eyes.
32:41I'll be all right in a minute.
32:44Spocky all over Dwayne Gale.
32:46Sorry about not coming to your rescue.
32:48I was busy at the time.
32:49Otherwise, I-
32:50You would let me die right there, McMahon.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:53No, that was not it at all.
32:54I called for help.
32:55Oh, look at that right hand.
32:57And Dwayne Gale needs a little help right now.
33:00However, speaking of the fatalities, it's a fatal tale.
33:04A boy meets girl at an exclusive private school
33:08in an all-new episode of Silk Stockings tonight
33:11at 10 o'clock Eastern, 9 Central, only on USA.
33:15Oh, man, I love that Silk Stockings.
33:17Yeah, I imagine you dropped kick there by Spocky.
33:20That Spocky is an outstanding electric-type performer.
33:25I think Spocky had a few too many hot laps in his life, McMahon.
33:28He looks a little bit burnt out to me.
33:29Oh, no.
33:30Uh-uh, this man, red line all the way.
33:32Red line all the way.
33:34By the way, racing season begins this Sunday.
33:38NASCAR begins this Sunday at the Daytona with the Busch Clash.
33:42Oh, my.
33:44Oh, there's a clash right there.
33:45And quite soon, the Daytona 500.
33:48That'll be in two weeks.
33:49It's the WrestleMania of NASCAR.
33:52Daytona 500 in a couple of weeks.
33:55Sparky plug.
33:56I'll tell you something, McMahon.
33:57He looks like the kind of guy would enter a Volkswagen
33:59and he'd have the 500 to me.
34:00Is that right?
34:02If that's the case, he had a good chance of winning
34:04because this man knows one thing.
34:06Pedal to the metal.
34:08Sparky plug.
34:09Thus far, pretty much in a one-way matchup with Dwayne Gill.
34:13Coming off the rope now, and boom, a nice elbow.
34:16By the way, hopefully a little bit later on,
34:18we will get word from the office of the president
34:21of the World Wrestling Federation, Jack Tunney,
34:23on the possibility of that tag team championship match
34:27in two weeks.
34:28Somebody hurry up and wake up Tunney, McMahon.
34:30You know he sits around in that office all day sleeping.
34:33Another hard right hand.
34:36Coming off the rope.
34:37Dwayne Gill telegraphed there.
34:39Sparky hooks up well.
34:40And Gill, nice suplex by Sparky plug.
34:45Sparky's coming on pretty strong here, McMahon.
34:47I might have not given him as much credit as I should have.
34:50I see.
34:51Aha, here we go.
34:54Sparky to the outside.
34:56Sparky's going out.
34:58Sparky now on the top rope and down.
35:01With what he calls the overhead cam, the cover,
35:05and that's one test right there.
35:07I think Sparky should wear one of them full-face helmets, man.
35:09I'm tired of looking at him already.
35:12Sparky plug.
35:15A dual career going just fine.
35:17Stock car racer and WWF superstar.
35:20Speaking of superstars, let's take you to Todd Pettengill
35:23and the WrestleMania report.
35:25Welcome, everyone, to your WrestleMania report.
35:37Exclusively here for you guys on Monday Night Raw.
35:39I'm Todd Pettengill.
35:40Check out the jacket, huh?
35:42Boy, I'll tell you what.
35:43I've been getting ready for WrestleMania X for ten years,
35:47and I'm going to look good when I get there.
35:49Yes, the event that was ten years in the making,
35:52believe it or not, right around the corner.
35:54WrestleMania X, live from the sold-out Madison Square Garden
35:58in New York City, Sunday afternoon, March the 20th.
36:01This event, not surprisingly, sold out in just one day.
36:05However, you can still get tickets to watch the action
36:08on giant screen closed circuit television
36:10with 5,000 other super fans at the Paramount Theater,
36:14which means you can still be there and be part of the action.
36:17Call Ticketmaster phone charge right now to reserve your seats.
36:20It's 212-307-7171, and do that right now.
36:25Of course, many of you last week saw that historic coin toss absolutely live.
36:30If you missed it, let's take a look back.
36:33Mr. Jack Tunney will toss the coin.
36:37And, again, a reminder, the winner of the coin toss
36:40will indeed face Yokozuna at WrestleMania.
36:43And, Lex, if you don't mind, if it's all right,
36:46would you please call it when it's in the air?
36:49All right.
36:50Jack Tunney, please.
36:53Lex Luger called heads.
36:56And, ladies and gentlemen, heads it is.
36:59Lex Luger will face Yokozuna.
37:06It's been a long, long road.
37:09All right, let's go over this again.
37:10You just saw Lex won the coin toss.
37:12That happened live right here on Monday Night Raw last week.
37:15That means he gets a shot at Yokozuna
37:17in the first of two WWF championship matches.
37:20That is unprecedented.
37:22That means Bret Hart takes on suitable competition
37:25in the form of his brother, The Rocket, Owen Hart.
37:29Now, regardless of the outcome of that match,
37:31Bret Hart would then take on the winner of the Lex-Yoko match,
37:35two WWF championship matches on the line.
37:38Now, this scenario is very important
37:40because it was the only equitable way to take care of the co-winners
37:43in the WWF Royal Rumble, Lex and Bret.
37:45Bret obviously had to have a match under his belt
37:47before he could battle the winner of the Lex-Yoko match.
37:50Standing by right now, Yokozuna and his entourage
37:53with a very interesting spin on this WWF championship matchup.
37:58You know, for the first time in history at WrestleMania X,
38:01the champion is going to defend his title twice in the same day.
38:04But, you see, that doesn't bother us.
38:05No, we're not disturbed by that, not in the least,
38:08because line them up like ducks in a shooting gallery, brother,
38:10and Yokozuna will pick them off one by one.
38:13But what does bother us, last week,
38:14they flipped Tunney's two-headed coin,
38:16and Buffalo's got five legs.
38:18And guess who wins the coin flip?
38:20Lex Luger.
38:21Lex Luger gets the first crack at Yokozuna at WrestleMania.
38:24We don't want to face Luger.
38:26And the reason should be obvious to everybody.
38:28Because at the USS Intrepid,
38:30a hip toss gets called a body slam.
38:33Everybody talks about it.
38:34Jack Tunney doesn't change anybody's mind.
38:36Then at SummerSlam, Luger uses an illegal foreign object
38:39implanted in his forearm to knock this man out for 20 minutes.
38:43And Jack Tunney lets him get away with it.
38:45Well, Lex Luger, believe me, at WrestleMania X,
38:48you're going to feel like you're playing the part of General Custer
38:51in a remake of The Last Stand with the original cast.
38:55Because, believe me, Yokozuna will be ready for you.
39:01Now, keep in mind, this championship scenario
39:04also includes an unannounced guest referee
39:07for each WWF championship match.
39:10No question these guys are in for one heck of an afternoon.
39:13However, so are these two superstars.
39:16The Macho Man, Randy Savage, takes on Kona Crush.
39:19Once the best of friends, now these two guys' bitter enemies.
39:23Keep in mind, in this match, falls count anywhere in the building.
39:27That means they could be going at it near a bathroom,
39:29by a concession stand, way up high in the blue seats.
39:33These guys could roll into the Paramount Theater,
39:35where 5,000 super fans are watching the action live
39:38on closed-circuit television.
39:40It could happen anywhere.
39:41The only hitch is, in order to win this match,
39:44you've got to make it back to the ring in 60 seconds.
39:47Whoever doesn't make it back is the loser.
39:49It's going to be quite a match.
39:50Coming up this weekend on the WWF Television Network,
39:53I will begin to let you know some of the celebrities
39:55who are lining up to be part of the greatest WrestleMania of all time.
39:59It's WrestleMania X.
40:01This Saturday afternoon, March the 20th,
40:03from the sold-out Madison Square Garden.
40:06Now, coming up next here on Monday Night Raw,
40:08the guy who's taking on the Macho Man at WrestleMania X,
40:11it's Kona Crush.
40:15We're back, and we thank you for joining us
40:17for more Monday Night Raw.
40:19By the way, if any of you saw the kickoff of WWF programming
40:22earlier this Saturday, at 10 o'clock,
40:25you saw Todd Pettengill break the story
40:29at WrestleMania.
40:30And if that wasn't enough, he also announced
40:33that there will be a contract signing between Crush
40:37and the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
40:39exclusively this coming Saturday morning on WWF Mania.
40:44I can't imagine what's going to happen there.
40:45I'll tell you what, McMahon, that's going to be a great signing.
40:47You know, Fuji must be the greatest manager at WWF right now,
40:50having Crush and Yokozuna in his stable.
40:52That's two awesome talents.
40:54That's a lot of talent right there.
40:56No question.
40:57And Crush getting a last word from Mr. Fuji.
41:00I hope Crush hurries up and gets rid of this guy quick.
41:02I got a date with Connie Harding tonight.
41:05You have a-
41:06I sure do.
41:07I can't imagine that combination.
41:09That's a great combination.
41:10She's a fantastic girl.
41:12Imagine, Bastian Booker on skates.
41:15What do you mean?
41:16I can skate, McMahon.
41:17Yeah, I bet.
41:18We'll be skating if we slide on some of that pizza
41:21you dropped earlier.
41:22Speaking of that, I'm not paying for any of that food either, McMahon.
41:24I don't want you trying to sneak that out of my check.
41:27Well, I must say that after tonight's performance,
41:30as we see Crush here locking up with Thornburg.
41:32Oh, forget it.
41:34Tore some skin off him that time.
41:36I could hear that one way over here.
41:37I'm just wondering how you are going to be received
41:40by the producers of Monday Night Raw.
41:43And again, I wonder, as far as other networks,
41:46are they looking in at the performance of Bastian Booker?
41:49I mean, let's take the Fox Network as an example.
41:53Let's stay with this action here.
41:56A couple of clotheslines.
41:58A little low on the mark.
42:00And, oh.
42:02Oh, man.
42:03That almost took the shoulder out.
42:04Wow, I thought he'd bring that arm home with him.
42:06It's reported that the Fox Network is going to offer
42:09Dianne Sawyer as much as $10 million.
42:14Now, imagine, Mr. Booker, what they would offer you.
42:17I don't know what they could come up with as a figure for me.
42:19I think I'd take $20 million, $25 million,
42:21and maybe a food allowance would probably get me interested
42:24in talking to them, maybe.
42:25A food allowance could be more than your salary, in your case.
42:28Exactly, McMahon.
42:29That's what I mean.
42:30I want to make sure that's written in there.
42:31And Thornburg is having problems with Crush.
42:34Crush, a master of the martial arts.
42:37He's going to have to be a master, all right.
42:39When he locks up with the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
42:41Falls will count.
42:43In this particular WrestleMania match,
42:45Falls can count anywhere in the building.
42:47For that matter, outside the building.
42:50And then, the combatants will have 60 seconds
42:53to get back into the ring.
42:54And whoever doesn't return by 60 seconds,
42:56obviously the loser.
42:58So, who knows?
42:59They could wind up over in the Paramount
43:01with this particular matchup.
43:03I hope they keep away from the concession stands.
43:04They've got great concession stands there.
43:06Yep, right where you'll be, no doubt.
43:07I sure will.
43:08I'm going to have my own there, I think.
43:11And, oh, mark.
43:12A chop there.
43:13On the cover of this month's edition of the WWF Magazine,
43:17it is The Undertaker.
43:19Talk about the supernatural.
43:21However, on the inside,
43:23I'm sure Crush will read all about it tomorrow
43:25when the magazine is out on sale
43:27because Macho Man Randy Savage makes it very clear
43:31as far as his feelings about Crush.
43:34And it was about four months ago
43:36that Crush made his feelings very clear
43:38here on Monday Night Raw.
43:39Two former friends, Crush and Randy Savage,
43:42but Crush turned against the Macho Man.
43:46And by the way, inside the magazine,
43:48Macho Man Randy Savage talks also
43:50about being cool, about being bad to the bone radical
43:54as it relates, oh, my, to drugs.
43:57Interesting reading, and this match is history.
44:01By the way, speaking of history,
44:02we've just been given a note.
44:03Jack Tony has ordered the tag team title.
44:06Will, in fact, be up for grabs in two weeks' time?
44:09Yes, here in two weeks on Monday Night Raw.
44:11The Quebecers will face the tag team of
44:13Raze Ramon and Marty Jannetty.
44:17Whoa, whoa, excuse me, McMahon.
44:19What was that?
44:20I think that left me a little room for some dessert.
44:23Send some dessert, McMahon.
44:24That felt fantastic, didn't it?
44:26We apologize for Mr. Booger.
44:28Dessert on its way, and we'll be right back
44:30with more action here on Monday Night Raw.
44:34Try one of these.
44:36These are marvelous.
44:37My great-grandma sent these.
44:38She told me to give you one.
44:39Come on.
44:41Standing by right now, ladies and gentlemen,
44:42the Quebecers.
44:43Gentlemen, can you hear us?
44:45Tag team champions, the Quebecers
44:47defending a title in two weeks' time.
44:49What about it, Johnny Polo?
44:51This is a moral outrage, McMahon.
44:54Never has one organization
44:56gone to such extremes
44:57to terminate one team's career.
44:59I don't care.
45:00Jack Tony, it's a conspiracy.
45:02He's a no-good Canadian.
45:03It's a conspiracy.
45:05Amen, McMahon.
45:08Well, thank you very much.
45:09Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen.
45:10I have to agree with that, McMahon.
45:11Tony shouldn't be making them kind of decisions.
45:13I talked to that fool one time.
45:14He couldn't manage a paid toilet,
45:16let alone make decisions like this.
45:18All right.
45:19We'll be right back with more Monday.
45:21Thank you. No.
45:22We'll be back with more Monday Night Raw,
45:24and we'll have the tag match in two weeks' time.
45:29Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
45:30Next week.
45:31Well, actually, no.
45:32Not next week.
45:33In two weeks' time,
45:34you'll see an unbelievable action-packed matchup.
45:37The hitman Bret Hart
45:38will square off against one of Jim Cornette's
45:40heavenly bodies.
45:42Speaking of heavenly bodies,
45:43no offense, Mr. Booker.
45:45In addition to the tag team championship match,
45:47the SNB, the Quebecers,
45:48putting the title up for grabs
45:50against Raze Ramon and Marty Jannetty.
45:52And by the way, during the break,
45:53Mr. Booker,
45:54too many crew members chipped in,
45:56and, uh, there you go.
45:57Hey, what do you mean by that, McMahon?
45:59Elfo, Elfo and Milk Bones,
46:01what do you mean by that?
46:03Go ahead, knock yourself out.
46:04This is chicken flesh.
46:05Hey, there's some pretty good stuff in here, McMahon.
46:07You don't like that, do you?
46:11You might say, ladies and gentlemen,
46:13that there's some good stuff in here, too.
46:15It's a dog-eat-dog world.
46:17And I got a reminder,
46:19we'll see you in two weeks' time.
46:20Next week, the Worst Mr. Dog Show is coming at you.
46:23Oh, my goodness.
46:24What a barbarian.
