Short filmTranscript
00:01:20It's a money I go say yeah, I think you know you got a few centuries ever met this tragedy with that America
00:01:25Oh, yeah, I'm not gonna stop. It's too loud Rihanna
00:01:31derechita para arriba
00:01:33Que tu padre te está esperando y no está para que lo hagan esperar nerviosito perdido está el señor de la casa
00:01:39Te pido por favor que no me ven más sustos
00:01:42Hoy es un día muy importante para esta familia mi niña después de tantos disgustos no vayamos a estropear una alegría
00:01:48un baile una alegría
00:01:50Lo será para ti para padre y por supuesto para mi hermana pero no para mí pero no es un baile cualquiera
00:01:56La hija mayor de baristas alcedo invitada por el mismísimo marqués de esquilache
00:02:02sabrá dios lo que habrá tenido que hacer tu padre para que tú estés ahí
00:02:05para que tengas oportunidades para que sea algo más que la hija de un prestamista pero es que yo no quiero ser más isabel
00:02:11no quiero
00:02:12no digas dilates
00:02:15Se dicen mentideros que el mismísimo rey carlos tercero acudirá al baile el rey mi niña el rey
00:02:23Ya te imagino en la corte allí sirviendo alguna de sus hijas
00:02:28y lo que te gusta una fantasía y sabe no castigues a quien sueña y menos si lo hace por otras
00:02:34por mucha corte del rey que sea sabes que nunca podría separarme de pedrito
00:02:39Válgame el cielo que lo sé y ahora dame el pan y lo llego hasta la cocina
00:02:47Se lo de a dos niños que dormían en la calle adriana
00:02:53Es todo corazón
00:02:55igualita que tu padre no te preocupes yo me acerco y lo vuelvo a comprar y por favor no diga usted a tu padre
00:03:03que hoy ha vuelto a amanecer entre toses y fiebres
00:03:07De acuerdo
00:04:09Como se encuentra padre mejor
00:04:12a la salida del sol tengo mucha tos pero a medida que avanza el día voy remontando
00:04:17y el galeno dice que eso es muy buena señal me alegro
00:04:21Aunque aún le encuentro un poco desmejorado debería descansar sí sí debería descansar pero ahora no es el momento
00:04:39Quién era el hombre que acaba de irse don antonio el conde de maldonado
00:04:44un viejo amigo a él y a su único hijo
00:04:48Le presté ayuda tiempo atrás le deben a usted dinero
00:04:52es algo más complicado que todo eso
00:04:54pero no pensarás que te he citado aquí para hablar de mis negocios verdad
00:04:59Hija mía hoy es el gran día y quiero que sepas que estoy muy orgulloso de ti y tu madre también estaría
00:05:09Espero estar a la altura
00:05:11Sé consciente de lo que le ha costado que me aceptaran en ese baile
00:05:15Lo cierto es que no lo eres
00:05:18y siento decirte que después del baile de hoy tendrás que aceptar tus obligaciones como mujer pero padre por favor no por favor
00:05:26adriana es lo que corresponde
00:05:28y sabes con certeza que tendrías que haber desposado hace tiempo
00:05:32y tengo una proposición en firme que no deberíamos rechazar no quiero padre ni se le ocurra firmarla
00:05:38no quiero irme de esta casa es un hombre honorable y nadie va a impedir que vengas a visitarnos siempre que quieras
00:05:44le pido por caridad
00:05:46que reconsidere su posición y yo te pido por compasión que no me lo pongas más difícil por favor
00:06:03no eres consciente que más pronto que tarde voy a morir
00:06:07y qué pasará entonces
00:06:09Quedará sin defensa y a merced de cualquier hombre de cualquiera
00:06:15debo desposarte ahora que podemos elegir
00:06:18ha llegado el momento
00:06:20pero padre lo hemos hablado en varias ocasiones a mí
00:06:26A mí me gustaría casar por amor
00:06:29idealizas demasiado el amor y dejas de verlo como lo que es un negocio
00:06:33negocio a que hay que sacarle el mayor provecho posible para tu bienestar para mi bienestar o para el suyo
00:06:39no nací rico
00:06:43Y todo lo que tenemos es fruto de mi esfuerzo
00:06:47el baile de hoy es un salvoconducto hacia un futuro mejor para ti y tus hermanos
00:06:54Eres la primera de esta familia que tiene la posibilidad de tener la vida con la que todo el mundo ha soñado
00:07:01y estoy eternamente agradecida padre
00:07:04pero déjeme hacerlo a mi manera no rompa mis ilusiones
00:07:10Siento que mi familia aún me necesita y yo aún les necesito a ustedes
00:07:19Madre me pidió en su lecho de muerte que cuidara de Pedrito y jamás sabe dios que fallaré en ese empeño
00:07:27Pues tardemos un poco mis obligaciones como mujer
00:07:32Tras el baile
00:07:35Usted y yo juntos estudiaremos mi matrimonio
00:07:43Esta bien Adriana
00:07:46Así lo haremos
00:07:50No firmar ese acuerdo nupcial
00:07:56Padre te lo juro
00:09:02No son como las de nisidro pero están muy buenas no te gustan no tengo hambre
00:09:13Pero si hemos salido de casa sólo para comprarlas
00:09:16Yo no he sido te has empeñado tú
00:09:19Pensaba que te iban a gustar y no has comido nada
00:09:24Pedrito mi amor qué te pasa tú sabes que me lo puedes contar todo
00:09:31Si es por padre no te preocupes
00:09:34Porque estado con él esta mañana y estaba mucho mejor no es por eso entonces qué te pasa
00:09:42Es por el baile
00:09:44Por el baile
00:09:47Bárbara me ha dicho que después del baile marcharás con un hombre
00:09:51No te volveremos a ver nunca
00:09:53Y que más te ha contado nuestra hermana
00:09:55y después seguir otro baile
00:10:00Marchará con un hombre y me quedaré solo pedrito mi amor en los bailes no pasan esas cosas perdí a madre no quiero perderte aquí
00:10:09Siempre hemos estado juntos
00:10:13Pues no te preocupes por nada porque eso no va a pasar me lo juras
00:10:18Lo juro
00:10:28Vamos a casa que me tengo que preparar para el baile
00:10:33Entonces en un baile que se hace además de bailar pues eso mismo me pregunto yo hermanito
00:10:43Están muchísimo en la garganta aquí así pero no te das como estás que luego te duele la tripa
00:10:57Usted es la hija de don Evaristo el prestamista verdad la misma nos cruzamos esta mañana en mi casa
00:11:06Tengo que llevarle hoy unos legajos a su padre
00:11:09Sería usted tan amable de acercarse conmigo a mi casa y llevárselos usted misma
00:11:13No puedo señor llevamos prisa serán solo unos minutos se lo prometo son los papeles muy importantes que su padre requiere confianza
00:11:25Se lo ruego señorita
00:11:35Y así es como terminé debiéndole dinero a su padre
00:11:45Usted se la pierde
00:11:46Es un caldo excelente señor si nos da los papeles se los llevaremos a mi padre no le importunaremos más
00:11:53Qué muchacha más directa
00:12:03Señor tenemos prisa los papeles
00:12:09Quieres esos papeles
00:12:21Niño de por ellos están sobre la mesa
00:12:55¿Por qué?
00:12:57¿Por qué?
00:12:59¿Por qué?
00:13:01¿Por qué?
00:13:03¿Por qué?
00:13:05¿Por qué?
00:13:07¿Por qué?
00:13:09¿Por qué?
00:13:11¿Por qué?
00:13:13¿Por qué?
00:13:15¿Por qué?
00:13:17¿Por qué?
00:13:19¿Por qué?
00:13:21¿Por qué?
00:13:32No grites
00:13:36Vas a pagar con sangre en la frente de tu padre
00:13:40Pedro, Pedro háblame
00:13:46Tu padre y yo fuimos grandes amigos de jóvenes
00:13:49But now that bastard forgets that he's a low-mountain loan shark, a count.
00:14:01Sir, I'm sure this can be fixed.
00:14:05The confrontations, once made, have a difficult solution.
00:14:12My father stained the smell of my house with a few coins, but now he will regret having done it.
00:14:19Don't hurt us.
00:14:20Shut up.
00:14:21Please let us go.
00:14:22I said shut up!
00:14:28I'm going to have a lot of fun with you.
00:14:31You have fire in your eyes, and I love that about women.
00:14:41Your time has come.
00:14:43Maybe I should have enjoyed you before.
00:15:14No, no, no, no.
00:15:20Let me go.
00:15:24Let me go.
00:15:31I don't want you to leave me.
00:15:34Let me go.
00:15:45Let my sister go!
00:15:46Let her go!
00:15:53Come on, boy.
00:15:56Drop the sword.
00:15:58I'm sure no one has to get hurt.
00:16:02Pedro, leave!
00:16:04Why should we leave?
00:16:07Pedro, can't you hear me?
00:16:10Drop the sword, boy.
00:16:11Pedro, can't you hear me?
00:16:15Drop the sword, please.
00:16:19You should have listened to your sister and left when she told you.
00:16:22Now you're going to die.
00:16:25Drop the sword, please.
00:16:31Look at me, boy.
00:16:32Look me in the eyes.
00:16:34Be brave.
00:16:35Look in the eyes of the one who took your life.
00:16:37Look in the eyes of the one who took your life.
00:16:40I'm going to kill you.
00:17:17Come on, my love.
00:17:18We have to get out of here and escape.
00:17:22Come on.
00:17:57Listen to me, for the love of God.
00:17:59No one can find out what happened.
00:18:03Pedro, can you hear me?
00:18:06Pedro, for God's sake, no one can find out what happened.
00:18:10If you understand what I'm saying, sit down.
00:18:20My love.
00:18:22I know you're listening to me.
00:18:24I know.
00:18:26I need what happened to be a secret between you and me.
00:18:31And I need you to tell me if you understand what I'm saying.
00:18:36Or sit me down with my head.
00:18:41Jesús, María and José.
00:18:44I didn't know where to look.
00:18:45Where did they put you?
00:18:46I had to lie to your father and tell him
00:18:48that I was getting you ready for the dance.
00:18:50Had you gone out with Pedrito to tell him a few things?
00:18:53We have to hurry or he won't make it.
00:18:55You know I love you like a daughter,
00:18:57but doing this to me today, precisely, what a shame.
00:19:01What a shame.
00:19:11She won't make it, Father.
00:19:12I'm telling you, she won't make it.
00:19:14Bárbara, don't make me more nervous.
00:19:16And stop moving like an idiot.
00:19:17But she doesn't want to.
00:19:19She has no interest in getting involved with the court.
00:19:21Don't talk like that about your sister.
00:19:23I should have gone to that dance.
00:19:25And all this circus would have been saved.
00:19:26Stop saying nonsense.
00:19:28It's still time to send me.
00:19:31I promise you that in a little while I'll be ready.
00:19:33Bárbara, Adriana is the eldest sister.
00:19:36And she is the one who should go to this dance.
00:19:38You are still very young.
00:19:40Father, she has no interest.
00:19:42And if this night fails, which is most likely,
00:19:45there will be no dance for me.
00:19:47You know it.
00:19:48And I know it.
00:19:49I don't allow you to talk like that about your sister.
00:19:51Do you hear me?
00:19:52The same blood runs through your veins, the same.
00:19:55You are not aware of who you are talking nonsense about.
00:20:01Come on.
00:20:22I would give everything I have so that your mother could see you.
00:20:26I'm sure today would be one of the happiest days of her life.
00:20:32An angel fallen from heaven.
00:20:36May God bless you, Isabel.
00:20:39It can't be more true.
00:20:42And what do you think, Bárbara?
00:20:44She is beautiful.
00:20:46But she will be late.
00:20:49The carriage is waiting for her, miss.
00:20:52My sister, stop crying.
00:20:54You are going to go to the palace to a priest.
00:21:02I knew that at this moment you were going to get excited.
00:21:10But you have to contain yourself.
00:21:14And I want you to enjoy your great night.
00:21:18Because today is a very special day for the family.
00:21:31I love you very much, Adriana.
00:22:01I love you.
00:22:22Take that face off, Adriana.
00:22:25I understand that you are scared, but if you don't mind, enjoy the dance.
00:22:28I'm not scared.
00:22:29Your face says otherwise.
00:22:31You are scaring all the men who invite you to dance.
00:22:33And since I'm with you, they don't invite me either.
00:22:36You can't say no to everyone.
00:22:38I just don't feel like dancing.
00:22:41Well, you couldn't have gone to a better place.
00:22:43Adriana, please.
00:22:47Think about your father.
00:22:49Think about everything he has done for you to be here today.
00:22:51Don't ruin it.
00:24:43The boy you danced with is the eldest son of the dukes of Mallorca.
00:24:48That's great.
00:24:50Adriana, his parents own one of the largest fortunes in the country
00:24:53and he has expressly asked to dance with you.
00:24:55He will have a lot of money, but he was a loser and a terrible dancer.
00:24:59I don't know what's going on with you today,
00:25:01but the loser can assure you that it's you.
00:25:06I'm sorry, ma'am, but we'll have to leave the dance for another time.
00:25:10Right now I need to get some fresh air.
00:25:15Excuse my friend, ma'am.
00:25:18I'll dance with you, if you don't mind.
00:25:44Does it bother you?
00:25:46You men always do.
00:25:51We're not all the same.
00:25:53I think so.
00:25:55Especially at nights like this.
00:25:58Don't waste your time.
00:26:00I'm not here to court you.
00:26:01What if I didn't want to court you?
00:26:04I'd call you a liar.
00:26:05I don't like it when people call me a liar.
00:26:07Then don't lie.
00:26:09I'm not used to telling lies.
00:26:11I haven't said a word.
00:26:13It's just a matter of time.
00:26:16We're all the same.
00:26:23I thought I saw her sad.
00:26:28And sadness is always less if it's shared.
00:26:33With a stranger?
00:26:36With someone who's also sad.
00:26:39That's why I'm not a stranger.
00:26:48Have you ever done something terrible?
00:26:50Have you ever done something terrible?
00:26:54Something that you know you'll regret for the rest of your days?
00:27:07And you?
00:27:12I've come from fighting in Barbaos against the Portuguese.
00:27:17And I've done terrible things.
00:27:20Things that no man, in the name of any country, should have done.
00:27:25But there are times when you're forced to resort to violence to survive.
00:27:29And at that moment you feel that your soul becomes a little darker.
00:27:33And you're fully aware that you won't be the same as before.
00:27:36And you notice that something has broken inside you.
00:27:38Or rather, that they've forced you to break it.
00:27:40And you think there's no solution.
00:27:51I love you.
00:27:57I love you too.
00:28:20I love you too.
00:28:50I love you too.
00:29:01You can't blame yourself for what you've been forced to do.
00:29:04Just blame yourself for what you could have done and didn't do.
00:29:17Wait, Adriana, I'm coming with you.
00:29:28A beautiful name.
00:29:31For a beautiful woman.
00:29:36Like I told you, the job was just a matter of time.
00:29:47Good night.
00:29:48Buenas noches.
00:30:18Good night.
00:30:19I love you.
00:30:45Not a word throughout the journey of the mysterious man.
00:30:49Is that what you really liked?
00:30:54I already missed him.
00:30:55My tongue is burning.
00:30:58I don't know what he told you or what he did to you, but...
00:31:00But it worked.
00:31:02You're smiling.
00:31:05Things in life.
00:31:06Things in love.
00:31:07I don't want to know everything.
00:31:09You only know his name.
00:31:14I don't know.
00:31:16I don't believe you.
00:31:19I didn't expect you to know.
00:31:21You know everything.
00:31:23Well, you're going to be nameless.
00:31:25Because I don't know who you are.
00:31:49I love you.
00:32:16What's going on?
00:32:24Isabel, look at me.
00:32:32I couldn't do anything.
00:32:34I couldn't do anything.
00:32:38When you went to the dance,
00:32:40the fever started to rise.
00:32:43And then...
00:32:49And then...
00:33:19And then...
00:33:54It's me.
00:34:22Cry it all out, my child.
00:34:25You have every right to do it.
00:34:29Life isn't fair, it isn't.
00:34:33My child.
00:34:36So cry.
00:34:39Cry everything you need.
00:34:42And let the Almighty know that you're not sick.
00:35:50Ioanna's Radio
00:35:56Episode 4
00:36:06Now heat the alumniej in hot water.
00:36:09I don't want anything.
00:36:10You should have something to start off with
00:36:12if you don't want to fall ill.
00:36:13You're right. I'll have some hot water.
00:36:15I like it like that, girl,
00:36:16And my Pedrito will also drink broth, whether he likes it or not.
00:36:21Why is it possible to be in heaven and not be locked in a box on the floor?
00:36:38Because what is in the box is only the body.
00:36:41The memories, which are what remains of him in you forever, have gone to heaven.
00:36:47That's why when you want to remember your father, look at the sky.
00:37:01Don't lie to the child.
00:37:03Barbara, this is not the time.
00:37:06And what do you want now?
00:37:07Surely money. The compadre is dead and has no dog to bark at him.
00:37:14Keep that tongue, sister, that one day you will bleed.
00:37:18He is the secretary of the father and his trusted man.
00:37:32What can I do for you, Don Federico?
00:37:34I need to talk to you, Miss Adriana, it is urgent.
00:37:37Go ahead, here you have me.
00:37:40If you don't mind, I would prefer it to be private.
00:37:43It is very important information that you have to know as soon as possible.
00:37:55It's not possible.
00:37:57Believe me, it is.
00:37:59My father promised me that he would not sign this marriage proposal.
00:38:03Well, he did.
00:38:08And what am I supposed to do now?
00:38:11Go to the wild valley in the north and do it now.
00:38:14Your aunt will be waiting for you there.
00:38:16I have already sent my SIVA so that everything is ready for your arrival.
00:38:20Your future husband is an acquaintance of your aunt Victoria.
00:38:25Your father and she left everything planned.
00:38:29Do you want to know the signs of your fiancé?
00:38:32It is in your right.
00:38:38And if I decide not to go?
00:38:40Not to marry?
00:38:42Then your aunt, according to the marriage proposal, will marry you by force.
00:38:46Understand that this is not about whether or not to marry, but when she will do it.
00:38:49And my brothers?
00:38:51Will they stay here?
00:38:53No, my brothers will come with me.
00:38:55Isabel will also do it.
00:38:57There is no mention here of any of your brothers.
00:38:59Well, no more talk.
00:39:00But they are only waiting for you in the wild valley.
00:39:02Well, they will be surprised.
00:39:04I will marry because I have no other choice.
00:39:07But my family will live with me.
00:39:09And if I don't have anything else, I have to prepare a long journey.
00:39:23He will be at your disposal in case you need anything.
00:39:26Today and always.
00:39:34You know how much I appreciated your father.
00:39:37And my father to you.
00:39:39Go with God, Don Federico.
00:39:54Don't worry, my girl. Everything will be fine.
00:39:57How could he do that to me?
00:39:58I trusted him.
00:40:00And he gave me his word that he would not sign.
00:40:03As the hours went by, I clearly saw that your father knew he was dying.
00:40:07Only then could he explain to me what he did.
00:40:10He saw himself in the last moments and wanted to leave everything tied up.
00:40:14Yes, well tied up and far from here.
00:40:17I have heard everything, my girl.
00:40:21Well, let's not delay any longer.
00:40:24And let's start preparing everything.
00:40:25I'm sure your Aunt Victoria is waiting for you with open arms.
00:41:40I don't like to be interrupted, and you know it.
00:41:43It's important.
00:41:45There is nothing more important than being at peace with God.
00:41:48You are right.
00:41:50But they require your presence in the big house.
00:41:53Surely it is because the peace of my niece Adriana arrives today.
00:41:57And Don José Luis wants to close the gates of the reception.
00:42:00All fools are lucky.
00:42:02Don't talk like that about her.
00:42:04I tell the truth.
00:42:06It was difficult for me to convince my late brother to sign the marriage proposal.
00:42:09I had to insist with a multitude of my vows.
00:42:11What I don't understand is how he managed to convince Don José Luis to marry his firstborn with her.
00:42:15Marrying Don Julio was out of his reach.
00:42:19Adriana's miscarriage will always be in debt to me.
00:42:23But with the death of my sister-in-law, my brother always spoiled her.
00:42:27And he turned her into a capricious dreamer.
00:42:30A little girl who thinks she can do whatever she wants.
00:42:33Well, Adriana is called to be an important person when she marries Mr. Julio.
00:42:37She will be an important person if Don José Luis allows her to be.
00:42:41It will be because she will marry her son.
00:42:43He will be the one to inherit all the land we step on.
00:42:46Dear, women are only women.
00:42:48What men allow us to be.
00:42:50And unfortunately, men do not allow us to be anything.
00:42:53Wives, lovers and mothers.
00:42:56Things of little envy.
00:42:58I don't think so.
00:43:00Why have they educated you so that you don't think so?
00:43:11Make sure that there is not a single beast left in the whole prairie.
00:43:14Make sure that there is not a single beast left in the whole prairie.
00:43:19Today we received my niece, the promised one of Don Julio.
00:43:22If he wants there to be no shit with his son, he is the boss.
00:43:27My husband is not for those menesteres.
00:43:29He has more important things to do in his time.
00:43:32Don't be relieved, dear.
00:43:34Bernardo has lost the modals for years, in addition to his fortune.
00:43:40And thanks to Don José Luis, Mrs. Pilar has been alive.
00:43:43But I know perfectly well what is the place that corresponds to me,
00:43:46not like others who believe in dukes or marquises.
00:43:48And they are not.
00:43:50Because they never were.
00:43:52Because they were born poor and they will die poor.
00:44:00Listen to me well, filthy scum.
00:44:03You were a duke, yes.
00:44:05But now you are nothing.
00:44:07And if I tell you that Don Julio wants you to clean the shit out of the animals,
00:44:09well, you obey without complaining.
00:44:12You are nobody here.
00:44:22Bernardo, have you seen Gaspar?
00:44:59How are you today, my love?
00:45:02The same question every morning.
00:45:04And the same answer every morning.
00:45:10I'm fine.
00:45:12But I have to tell you something that you won't like.
00:45:15If you are not going to come to receive Adriana, you can save it.
00:45:19I'm not going, José Luis.
00:45:21I don't understand why you marry our son with the daughter of a loan shark.
00:45:25That girl is not to blame.
00:45:27And I don't protest against her.
00:45:29I do it against you.
00:45:31We haven't talked, Pilar.
00:45:33She is Victoria's niece and I thought it was a good choice.
00:45:35There were thousands of better choices than that and you know it perfectly.
00:45:40Besides, we don't owe Victoria anything.
00:45:43We saved her life when we moved to live here.
00:45:46Let's talk seriously, please.
00:45:48No, you don't.
00:45:50The truth is that you want Julio close to you.
00:45:53Tied and controlled.
00:45:55He loves these lands, but not as much as Rafael.
00:45:58And that consumes you.
00:46:00That you divorce him with Victoria's niece is just an excuse to have your son's wife in control.
00:46:07But I'll tell you something.
00:46:09You give Victoria a lot of power and I don't like that at all.
00:46:16Don't come to receive her if you don't want to.
00:46:19But as soon as she rests, she will come to take a cold drink and meet Julio.
00:46:25And I'm going to need you there.
00:46:29You are a troublemaker and a crook.
00:46:32But I don't promise you anything.
00:46:34I told you that I was not going to be part of something in which my opinion has not been required and I keep it.
00:46:40Pilar, help me get this right.
00:46:43For the happiness of our son.
00:46:45And for yours.
00:46:47For ours.
00:47:08Did you want to see me?
00:47:11My husband wanted to see you.
00:47:15Today is the big day.
00:47:17My niece will be here soon.
00:47:19She spent the night in Vidancio and is now heading here.
00:47:24I'll leave you so you can finish the details.
00:47:35I would dare to suggest that you do not force things with my wife.
00:47:39I have not said anything with the intention of offending her.
00:47:42We play too much with this marriage.
00:47:45You don't need to remember how much it has cost us to get here.
00:47:48Now everything has to come out.
00:47:50José Luis, I'm sorry to remind you that you are the one who plays something.
00:47:54Please don't get upset.
00:47:57Pilar will come to receive my niece.
00:48:02Of course.
00:48:04You will welcome her.
00:48:06And then your son will do it.
00:48:08By the way, he should be here.
00:48:10May I know why I prevented him from coming?
00:48:16Thank you for bringing me here, brother.
00:48:19It's been a long time since we came.
00:48:21The hours we have spent in that lake playing when we were children.
00:48:25And Julio.
00:48:28I have to go back.
00:48:30I still have a couple of pending matters to deal with.
00:48:33Take a breath.
00:48:36Always with obligations.
00:48:38Nothing comes out for free, Alejo.
00:48:41These lands that Father bought the savages demand order to get the best out of them.
00:48:51I admire you.
00:48:53I'm your older brother, I didn't expect less.
00:48:56Not for that.
00:48:58Since we grew up, neither you nor I had the slightest appreciation for these lands.
00:49:03But unlike me, you have learned to love them.
00:49:06These lands are the legacy of our father.
00:49:11But not mine.
00:49:15I want to be a comedian.
00:49:17I want to wander the world representing my texts.
00:49:19Make people laugh or get excited.
00:49:23Dreaming generates misfortune, brother.
00:49:26Don't dream.
00:49:36Well, if I'm forbidden to dream, I'll have to bathe to freeze my dreams.
00:49:43And you with me.
00:49:45No, no.
00:49:47Come on, don't be so stretched.
00:49:49Don't do it before your fiancée arrives.
00:49:51If you want, I have to meet her.
00:49:53Well, I'm sure she won't.
00:49:55No one would want to marry someone so...
00:49:57I'm not Soso, it's just that Gaspar is waiting for me.
00:50:04Soso, Soso, Soso, Soso, Soso, Soso, Soso.
00:50:09Gaspar, Gaspar, Gaspar.
00:50:18Gas, gas, gas.
00:50:21Go, go, go.
00:50:23Go, go, go.
00:50:25Go, go, go.
00:50:37Go, go, go.
00:50:39Go, go, go.
00:50:49Your brother should be here by now.
00:50:51He never takes long.
00:50:53Don't suffer.
00:50:55He's probably closing a cattle sale.
00:50:58I don't suffer.
00:51:00But then he gets in a hurry and I'm the one who pays.
00:51:03Is this your favorite horse?
00:51:08I'd say so.
00:51:11Viento is the fastest horse in the whole region.
00:51:14And the most beautiful.
00:51:17Without a doubt.
00:51:19Although it is rumored that today a new horse will arrive at the stable.
00:51:23And they say it is a beauty without a paragon.
00:51:26It's a shame.
00:51:28It's a shame.
00:51:29And they say it is a beauty without a paragon.
00:51:34But no one casts a shadow on this one.
00:51:37Remember that.
00:52:03I'm here with Miss Irene.
00:52:07She was teaching me how to comb Viento.
00:52:09It's a beautiful horse.
00:52:11It's my wife's favorite horse.
00:52:13If you'll excuse me, I'll go get ready for the arrival of my brother's future wife.
00:52:18Who is rumored to be a beauty without a paragon.
00:52:23That's what I came to tell Gaspar.
00:52:24His cousin is about to arrive and his mother is in a dog mood.
00:52:27I'll finish with Viento and I'll go home.
00:52:29Miss, if you don't mind, I'll accompany you to the big house.
00:52:32I wouldn't like anything more.
00:52:34Honey, don't take too long, your mother will end up with my nerves.
00:53:24Do you want me to hug you?
00:53:27I'm sure you do, honey.
00:53:29I hope it's not true, sister.
00:53:31Because then I'll go home.
00:53:33Bárbara, I really can't take it anymore.
00:53:35I've tried not to get into your game and not to follow you.
00:53:37But we're about to get to Vallesalvaje and I ask you to please be considerate with me.
00:53:42The same as you have been with us, dragging us here.
00:53:45Bárbara, please.
00:53:47No, not please or anything.
00:53:49I'm going to marry her, not me, not Pedrito, not you.
00:53:51I don't have to live in the mountains surrounded by animals.
00:53:54I'll tell you as many times as you need.
00:53:56As long as I'm the older sister and Pedrito's tutor, we'll be together.
00:54:01For everyone's sake, understood?
00:54:03That's it.
00:54:08And now let's stop arguing.
00:54:10Because today is going to be long and I don't want to get more nervous than I am.
00:54:24Let's go.
00:54:50I don't see your wife.
00:54:54You know that her health is fragile.
00:54:56I beg you to excuse her absence.
00:54:58I don't accept your apologies.
00:55:00She's at rest to be in condition for the agape.
00:55:03This affront is going to cost you, José Luis.
00:55:06Don't threaten me.
00:55:08I'm not.
00:55:10I just have the indifference to warn you.
00:55:24Let's go.
00:55:55Welcome, dear niece.
00:55:57I want to introduce you to Don José Luis Gálvez de Aguirre, Duke of Valle Salvaje.
00:56:04Duke, the pleasure is mine.
00:56:07It's true that she's a very beautiful woman.
00:56:10She's a beautiful woman.
00:56:12She's a beautiful woman.
00:56:14She's a beautiful woman.
00:56:16She's a beautiful woman.
00:56:18She's a beautiful woman.
00:56:20She's a beautiful woman.
00:56:21It's true that she's a very beautiful woman.
00:56:24Not everything beautiful turns out to be adequate.
00:56:27But it helps.
00:56:32What's going on?
00:56:41Aunt, Duke.
00:56:44I introduce you to my brothers Pedro and Bárbara and our Aya, Isabel.
00:56:51I introduce you to my brothers Pedro and Bárbara and our Aya, Isabel.
00:56:56I introduce you to my brothers Pedro and Bárbara and our Aya, Isabel.
00:57:01This is the pallet that the family has been counting on.
00:57:04Poor man. He doesn't know what awaits him.
00:57:11Miss Adriana,
00:57:13allow me to introduce you to my daughter Irene,
00:57:17my son Alejo
00:57:18and her future husband, Julio.
00:57:27It's a real pleasure.
00:57:31The pleasure is mine.
00:57:41Cousin Gaspar, how long has it been since I last saw you?
00:57:44I don't know.
00:57:48The last time I saw you, you were standing on the floor.
00:57:51I'm his wife, Matilde.
00:58:14I don't know.
00:58:30You didn't go to see Adriana?
00:58:32No one told me she was coming today.
00:58:35Sometimes I feel like a ghost.
00:58:38Oh, Mercedes.
00:58:40That's not true.
00:58:41What happens is that you're always between books and writing
00:58:43and no one dares to bother you, not even me.
00:58:47Different perceptions of the same thing.
00:58:54You don't care what I tell you.
00:58:57I must understand that today your thoughts only concern Adriana.
00:59:01She's the woman who's going to marry my son.
00:59:03Are you surprised that I'm worried?
00:59:05No, not at all, sister.
00:59:08But instead of being here, I recommend you be there,
00:59:12with him.
00:59:16you know I don't approve of this marriage.
00:59:19She's not much for our Julio.
00:59:21But once you've made up your mind, what's the point of hiding here?
00:59:26That girl is not guilty of anything.
00:59:29She's just another victim.
00:59:30That's all.
00:59:34Imagine how she must be.
00:59:38I'm sorry.
00:59:44The marriage proposal does not include brothers or sisters.
00:59:48Who would dare to bring them and without warning?
00:59:51I came with them or I didn't come.
00:59:53My brother, may God have him in his glory.
00:59:56He raised you as he could.
00:59:58He was a weakling with you.
01:00:00But don't make a mistake, Adriana.
01:00:02Things here are going to change, and a lot.
01:00:05And what did you want me to do?
01:00:06Leave them at your father's house, which is where they should be.
01:00:10Don José Luis has agreed to marry his son with you.
01:00:13And he will do it with you,
01:00:15not with your sister or your brother, do you understand?
01:00:18The truth is that no.
01:00:20When you get married, what are you going to do with them?
01:00:22Do you think Don José Luis is going to let them live under his roof?
01:00:28You are a pamphlet and a dreamer just like your father.
01:00:36you can make fun of me all you want,
01:00:38it doesn't affect me.
01:00:40But don't even think about doing what my father did.
01:00:43I'm not going to let that happen.
01:00:45You won't be so powerful when your brothers leave where they came from.
01:00:52That won't happen.
01:00:54That is yet to be seen.
01:00:56And you're not going to be the one to decide it, I'll do it.
01:00:58I hope you have...
01:01:00I'm not going to keep arguing with you.
01:01:02You will go up right now to freshen up to go to the house of the dukes of Valle Salvaje.
01:01:06You will have your best gala,
01:01:08you will spread smiles and sympathy,
01:01:11and if everything goes wrong, I will reconsider that your brothers may stay.
01:01:22Relating to the Gálvez and Aguirre is something that was out of your reach.
01:01:28I hope that one day you will thank me.
01:01:55Miss Adriana.
01:02:16They will serve us an agape right away.
01:02:21You'll see how good the cook is with sweets.
01:02:28I must assume that the Duchess is still resting
01:02:31and will deprive us of enjoying her company.
01:02:50You're wrong, dear Victoria.
01:02:53Miss Adriana.
01:02:55It's a pleasure to meet you.
01:02:57I say the same, ma'am.
01:03:00I know how inhospitable the valley can seem.
01:03:03We would never have moved here if it weren't for my illness.
01:03:07The first winter is the worst, but then the body gets used to everything.
01:03:11You're right, Miss Adriana.
01:03:13It's a pleasure to meet you.
01:03:15It's a pleasure to meet you.
01:03:17It's a pleasure to meet you.
01:03:19It's a pleasure to meet you.
01:03:20But then the body gets used to everything.
01:03:23Over time, you'll learn to love this place.
01:03:26I easily adapt to new things.
01:03:29And believe me, that won't be a problem.
01:03:32I'm happy to hear you say that.
01:03:48¿Quieres que vayamos a dar una vuelta?
01:04:00¿Te preparo algo de comer?
01:04:02Yo solo quiero que Adriana no sufra.
01:04:05Ya, mi vida, pero...
01:04:07eso no siempre depende de ti.
01:04:10No sé por qué la tía ha tenido que gritarle así.
01:04:13Padre siempre decía que no se le grita a las personas.
01:04:15Pero no todo el mundo es como tu padre.
01:04:20¿Crees que Adriana se lo estará pasando bien con los duques?
01:04:23Seguro que sí.
01:04:25A mí don José Luis me ha parecido un buen hombre.
01:04:28A mí también.
01:04:30Solo quiero que Adriana sea feliz.
01:04:32Se lo merece, ¿verdad?
01:04:34La que más.
01:04:36Pues entre todos la vamos a ayudar.
01:04:48Y así es como desposamos, Pilara y un servidor.
01:04:52¿Cómo pasa el tiempo?
01:04:54Nos hacemos viejos, querida.
01:04:56Tenemos que aceptarlo.
01:04:58No pienso.
01:04:59Pues para que estos dos jovencitos se nos hagan mayores,
01:05:02tendremos que poner fecha a su enlace.
01:05:06No da puntada sin hilo.
01:05:11Dejémosles unos días de gracia
01:05:14y luego ya fijaremos la fecha.
01:05:17¿Te parece, querido?
01:05:19Por supuesto que sí.
01:05:22Que Adriana se reponga del viaje
01:05:24y se vaya adaptando a Valle Salvaje.
01:05:28Y para culminar este primer encuentro,
01:05:31les propongo un brindis con un espumoso.
01:05:35Uy, a mí las burbujas no me sientan bien.
01:05:38Un día es un día.
01:05:39Victoria tiene razón.
01:05:43Por Adriana y por Julio.
01:05:48Por su felicidad.
01:05:50Adriana, ¿se encuentra bien?
01:05:56Seguro que sí.
01:05:57Será solo un día.
01:06:20¿Qué ha pasado?
01:06:23Eso no ha parecido un simple mareo.
01:09:38¡Marchaos ya!
01:09:42Tenga piedad por Dios y por la Virgen, que es una niña.
01:10:00Tú eres una insensata y una estúpida.
01:10:03¿Sabes lo que has dicho?
01:10:06Lo siento.
01:10:07Lo siento.
01:10:08¡Lo siento!
01:10:10Te, Victoria, no sé qué pasó.
01:10:12Tal vez el cansancio o los nervios, o una mezcla de todo.
01:10:16Me has dicho pasar, la vergüenza más grande de mi vida.
01:10:19I'm going to apologize to Lourdes and her son right now.
01:10:23Listen to me. I won't say it twice.
01:10:27I won't let you ruin this.
01:10:30You're going to sleep right now while I figure out how to fix this mess.
01:10:35I won't let you put your hand on me again.
01:10:51Don't play with me Adriana, you're not in a position to do it.
01:10:58You're going to do what I tell you for your own good.
01:11:02And for the sake of your brothers.
01:11:19She's a threat to her future husband.
01:11:21There must be a reason.
01:11:22No, there's no reason powerful enough to do what she's done.
01:11:25There isn't.
01:11:26Bárbara, when your sister walks through that door, scream.
01:11:40I apologize for what you just witnessed.
01:11:46What happened to make you run away?
01:11:54I don't know.
01:11:56When I realized, I was walking through the meadow.
01:12:02Did you run for something warm or did you catch pneumonia?
01:12:13Sister, since my father's death, things have been very distant between us.
01:12:21And I don't want it to be like that.
01:12:24Neither do I.
01:12:26But we're very different.
01:12:28Because I'm older, I have to make decisions.
01:12:33I know you won't always agree.
01:12:37Don't doubt that I'm aware that you do it from the bottom of your heart.
01:12:40And thinking about the good of the three of us.
01:12:43Although, as you say, I don't always agree.
01:13:05Don't be scared.
01:13:12Ma'am, what are you doing there in the dark?
01:13:23Adriana won't make it easy for me, will she?
01:13:27The girl is under arrest.
01:13:30I see.
01:13:33Well, if you don't mind.
01:13:35No, don't go.
01:13:37Sit with me.
01:13:46Sit with me.
01:14:01It is important that we are together.
01:14:04That we support each other.
01:14:06That we love each other.
01:14:08Unfortunately, father and mother are not here.
01:14:10But we have each other.
01:14:13And we also have Isabel, who is like a mother.
01:14:17She is also our family.
01:14:22You did very well, Isabel.
01:14:25But for the plan to come out as I need it, we have to finish it.
01:14:29I know, ma'am.
01:14:34Did your first brother die?
01:14:57The poison was fast and deadly.
01:15:20The truth is that it took a few minutes to stop breathing.
01:15:33The poison was so effective that it barely lasted a moment.
01:15:38The poison was so effective that it barely lasted a moment.
01:16:07Well, now you must finish the job.
01:16:32And you must do it here, in Valle Salvaje.
01:16:35I'm sorry, ma'am. Adriana wouldn't have come without her brother.
01:16:39I know that wasn't the plan.
01:16:41Let's take it as a small setback, nothing more.
01:16:46Not so small, ma'am.
01:16:47I know.
01:16:50But you must kill Pedrito so that the plan is perfect.
01:17:02We'll be fine.
01:17:05I swear.
01:17:10I love you so much, sisters.
01:17:15I love you too.
01:17:19I think we'll like living here.
01:17:22It will be hard for me to get used to it.
01:17:25But I'll try.
01:17:30I love you so much.
01:17:32So much.
01:17:34So much.
01:17:44Suddenly, the glass fell to the floor and he left without saying a word.
01:17:48It was as if he had seen the devil himself.
01:17:51And what face did the mother make?
01:17:53The mother made the same face as everyone else.
01:17:55We didn't understand anything.
01:17:57Worthy of one of my writings.
01:18:00If you try to write it, it doesn't come out better, I assure you.
01:18:03It was disconcerting.
01:18:05Maybe I'm wrong about Cesera.
01:18:07Let's hope not, because I'm going to marry her.
01:18:10Julio, more than a month of travel makes anyone lose their mind.
01:18:15It's not obvious.
01:18:17Yes, it is.
01:18:19She's a beautiful girl and I agree with you, brother.
01:18:22I had just arrived from an extenuating trip.
01:18:26What was that?
01:18:29A servant who has drunk too much.
01:18:46Aren't you going to hug your brother?
01:19:26When were you going to tell me?
01:19:48Are you getting married?
01:19:50I'm looking forward to meeting her.
01:19:54I'm going to meet Adriana Salcedo, my fiancée.
01:19:57Your fiancée?
01:19:58I would never allow myself to marry anyone for obligation.
01:20:01Adriana, never.
01:20:03Your life is at stake at this wedding.
01:20:05Your father's last will.
01:20:07He signed an agreement.
01:20:09Raise your glasses.
01:20:10There will be no wedding.
01:20:11Things are like this.
01:20:13I think you said it quite clearly.
01:20:15She will get married.
01:20:17I think she will get married.
01:20:18Do you realize how you leave this to me?
01:20:20How you made me stand in front of my father, in front of Adriana.
01:20:23You took her to the woods.
01:20:28Show a little respect and good will and don't go against me again.
01:20:31You have to tame the beasts, tie them up and cut them short.
01:20:33These days it has become very clear to me that that spoiled girl is asking for a hard hand
01:20:37and my pulse will not tremble.
01:20:39Open the door!
01:20:40Don't leave me without anything, please!
01:20:43Don't leave me here!
01:20:46I found it in one of your pockets.
01:20:49Do you know whose it is?
01:20:50When I'm with you, I live without fear of making a mistake.
01:20:52I will not allow you to frustrate the interests of this family by getting into trouble.
01:20:56I don't know what your mother is talking about.
01:20:58I have been a faithful and devout husband.
01:21:01Her presence in Valle Salvaje is a blessing.
01:21:06I have a bad feeling, Mercedes.
01:21:08You have to promise me that you will take care of this family.
01:21:11You know I do.
01:21:12Nobody knows my husband and my children better than you.
01:21:15You will make this family remain united.
01:21:18You know better than anyone that I have been in the shadows in this house for many years.
01:21:23He has brought me back to life.
01:21:25I'm so sorry, sister.
01:21:27What I intend to announce is the date of the wedding of our son and Adriana.
01:21:32This is not the time.
01:21:33José Luis, it is not.
01:21:34That wedding must not be celebrated.
01:21:36A good wife respects her husband's decisions.
01:21:39I don't like Adriana for Julio.
01:21:41Your grandfather was the victim of two low-income robbers who entered his house
01:21:45as they could have entered anyone else's.
01:21:47Don't give him another chance.
01:21:48These things happen.
01:21:52What if it wasn't two robbers, father?
01:21:54What if the grandfather knew his murderers?
01:22:00The rest of our plan is still in progress.
01:22:03You don't know me enough if you doubt it.
01:22:05When the child dies, Adriana will become the only heir.
01:22:11It is time for those children to pay for their father's sins.
01:22:14Eye for eye, Isabel.
01:22:17It's time to do justice.
01:22:19My love.
01:22:21My love.
01:22:23My love.