• yesterday
01:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
02:00I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
02:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
03:00I'll be able to get revenge on Sefnam. That's life.
03:08Get revenge on what?
03:10Do you know why I'm here?
03:13For your wife.
03:17What are you talking about?
03:20What does my wife have to do with you?
03:23You've never really met her.
03:25Let's see, it makes sense that I don't show you her dark side.
03:29I'm in jail because she blamed me for a murder she committed.
03:40What are you talking about? What murder?
03:44She killed Anijasi Adali. She buried him and blamed me for everything.
03:51Do you want me to continue?
03:52Do you want me to continue?
03:54Are you ready for the truth?
04:01I want to know everything.
04:07And I want...
04:09every detail.
04:16I met Sefnam in Esmirne.
04:23He's a murderer.
04:30He's a murderer.
04:40He didn't have much hope. He paid him well and became an expert.
04:45Until he preferred to become a bounty hunter.
04:48You should know that.
04:49You were part of the plan, Honorable Mostio.
04:52I have no regrets.
04:54I will never forget what you did to me.
04:56I will never forgive you.
04:58I will never forgive you.
05:00I will never forgive you.
05:02I will never forgive you.
05:18My dear husband.
05:20Cielo no sirve de nada que quedes conmigo en un sitio público no cambiará tu destino en algún momento te pillaré solo
05:29Pilla me a solas
05:31mi querida llamada esposa
05:34Te echaba mucho de menos
05:36llegas tarde cariño estoy embarazada por cierto
05:41Esto te pasa por haber confiado en ser una ma ahora vas a perderlo todo
05:45Venid chicos
05:52Pero que es esto te has vuelto loca ahora me pegarás aquí en medio
05:58No ex maridito van a llevarte de vuelta a la nave para que recuerdes un poco los viejos tiempos
06:06No te acuerdas
06:08Creo que me habías pedido tres millones de dólares
06:12Deja que me vaya vas a firmar los papeles
06:17Tranquilos tranquilos no me toques los firmaré
06:23Mi firma es válida en verdad ahora a ver la tuya
06:33Chico se le ha olvidado cómo se firma igual habrá que convencerlo
06:42Me maldice mucha gente pero ya no me afecta chicos podéis seguir
06:52No deberías estar tan segura picha mala venid chicos
07:04Qué pasa
07:07Los mercenarios obedecen al mejor postor así que se quedan conmigo
07:13Hoy pobre pero cómo te has gastado tus 100.000 dólares en algo así cómo le vais a pegar a una inofensiva mujer embarazada
07:25Converte el miedo en los ojos ya me vale
07:30Bueno que es lo que quieres no te pases que tengo un límite no le puedo pedir a ese el otro millón de dólares
07:37no quiero pescado sino
07:39que me enseñes a pescar
07:42porque me hablas de pescado no eras una alta directiva en la compañía de honor
07:49Claro pero llevo bastante sin trabajar porque estoy de baja por maternidad vale eso da igual
07:55me contratarás en la empresa pero no de cualquier cosa seré
08:00tu asistente personal
08:03Como te voy a contratar de asistente si nunca me ayudas
08:08además tampoco voy a meter en la empresa de mi novio a mi ex marido el acosador pues es justo lo que harás
08:15de lo contrario
08:16ambos pagaremos la condena por evasión fiscal lo pillas
08:24Maldito sea segment me maldice mucha gente pero ya no me afecta
09:29Quieres decir algo más
10:03Disculpa tienes algún tatuaje
10:07A qué te refieres ahora como eras pobre tengo curiosidad
10:13tengo algunos pero no se ven
10:17Bueno si tú quisieras me gustaría verlos
10:24Te diré una cosa como eres joven voy a ignorar el comentario y no te echaré la bronca pequeño bongos
10:32El pequeño príncipe está detrás de dirian que curioso
10:37No te interesa el asunto para mí la ley es aburrida
10:45Dígame qué te pasa cariño que dice el pequeño príncipe nada tranquilo sigamos con la fiesta
10:58Parece que conociste a los niños y les caíste bien si los niños dan la vida así que no querría separarme de ellos
11:06Tú ven a verlos cuando quieras no te cortes vale gracias
11:29Tela con los hummus chup no quieren soltar a nuestra hija
11:34Si de mir fuese un poco más mayor que habría pasado se fna me estaría con él
11:42Por dios que es el hermano el hermano del ex no sabes lo que dices tú sí que no sabes son una dinastía
11:50Hacen lo que quieren no tienes ni idea
11:54Espera y verás atento a lo que voy a hacer ahora mismo se va que haces
12:00Espera voy a hacer una foto para rememorar el momento
12:07La enviaré
12:14De brindemos
12:17Por los buenos momentos luego tomamos otra
12:21Boy me dice que planta flores lo que me falta el señor acaba de recibir un mensaje
12:26un momento
12:34No puede ser
12:36No fastidies pero que problema tiene esta chica como ya no tiene a uno se va a por el otro
12:43Me está volviendo loca
12:53Ahora eres el sicario de serna te vas a enterar
13:06Puedo sentir
13:08Tensión en el aire algo nuevo que buena intuición tienes querida sabes que ha pasado
13:14se fna me ha celebrado una fiesta y sabes quien ha ido
13:18Que no sea honor que me pongo de parto melissa el parto puede esperar
13:24Ha invitado a de mir de mire está y encima se da la madre de se fnam no para de enviarme fotos fotos y mensajes
13:33Porque ha invitado se fnam a de mir y que pasa con ser ya no se llevan mal ni se atacan como antes que clase de
13:40Relación tienen ahora algo ha debido de ocurrir pero como ha pasado tranquila
13:45Me estás agobiando con tanta preguntita yo no sé quién invitó a quien a la fiesta
13:52Y por cierto ya no me interesa en absoluto nada de lo que pasa entre se fnam y su madre
14:05Ya le vale a de mir
14:07Aunque me lo imaginaba sabes defendía demasiado a se fnam la verdad me olía algo raro
14:14tú que vas a saber
14:17No tienes ni idea
14:19De mire es muy joven todavía y no se ha dado cuenta de lo mala que es se fnam
14:24Hay sel se nota que no conoces bien a la generación zeta son mucho más astutos de lo que te puedes imaginar
14:31También pensabas que honor no haría nada y estoy embarazada
14:36Escúchame ni se te ocurra hablar a espaldas de mi hijo te ha quedado claro
14:44De dónde vienes a estas horas has tardado mucho
14:53Hay sel querida como estoy embarazada
15:00No hay paseos largos para evitar el edema
15:06Qué bien
15:07parece el deporte perfecto para esos tacones
15:11muy bonitos
15:13sí sí
15:15no me creo que caminases por ahí sin un objetivo dime
15:19qué le has hecho a met
15:23Parece que lo de acmed va para largo
15:27Eso es lo que ha pasado así que no lo ha solucionado
15:30Mejor no te pregunto más porque al final me acabaré implicando
15:33Segura y mejor que no por favor no hace falta a ver esas fotos que me decías enseña a ver
15:39es horroroso
15:42Mira esto
15:48Esta chica al final te va a dejar sin y la borraré tienes más hijos perdidos por ahí
16:55Conocías etna menes Virna le pidió trabajo a mi jefe
16:58I had already worked as a cleaner and he joined us but now cleaning the murders that I committed
17:05He removed all the blood that I left scattered the possible evidence of the crime and things like that at first he was afraid and it cost him
17:12a lot to get used to but over time he was improving until he became an expert
17:18I killed and Sednam cleaned him
17:21I paid him well for the work so I won a good amount
17:25I realized that I was saving I knew I had a plan
17:29It turns out that it was to pay for an aesthetic surgery and then he started looking for a rich husband. You were part of the plan
17:35onur gumuscu
17:38When Niyazi Adali got out of jail, he went to Istanbul for her, he realized what he had and asked him for money several times
17:45How did Sednam solve it?
17:47Killing him and blaming me, he left a proof with my DNA near the body onur
17:52That is the real Sednam Gumuscu
18:22Sednam Gumuscu
18:46What happen there?
18:49Are you okay?
18:52I'm going to the ICU, I'll be right back, don't worry
19:19Cielo, are you okay?
19:23I'm fine Didem, nothing happens, I'm just a little dizzy, I'm going to wash my face a little, okay?
19:48Sednam Gumuscu
20:22What are you doing here?
20:27I can't be here now, is something wrong?
20:37Of course you can, but why did you come so suddenly? Has something happened to the children?
20:44It's for you
20:52Know what you did, Sednam
21:18Onur, what do you know? What are you talking about? Be clearer
21:27Now I know your secret
21:39You could take care of that
22:05Think we're poor no, I think but okay
22:41Can s policia
22:50Is Sednam Gumuscu?
22:55Yes, it's me, he's been investigated, he has to come with us
23:00Sednam, who is it at this time?
23:04What are you doing? Why are you stopping her?
23:06Madam, calm down, please. But, agent, what are you doing to my daughter at this time?
23:12Stay with the children, I'll be back
23:15Yes, okay, but what an investigation, where are they taking her? Say something, let her go, what are they doing? Where are they taking my daughter?
23:27Come down
23:29It's her, it's her
23:31Here she comes, here she comes
23:33Sednam, Sednam, Sednam, why are you so determined?
23:37We've been waiting for hours
24:13It's over
24:18It's the end
25:41But what are you doing here?
25:49I told you
25:57I know what you did Sednam
26:05I know everything you've hidden from me
26:10You killed him.
27:43What do you think?
27:45Maybe the Jaffas have told him.
27:48How was he going to find out?
27:51And why do you have nightmares, Evo?
27:53Something is happening.
27:55What did he tell you yesterday?
27:57Did he tell you, I know everything?
27:59What will it be?
28:01And what do I know?
28:05Maybe he was referring to my relationship with Mesut.
28:09Come on, girl.
28:11What are you talking about?
28:13Everyone knows that.
28:16Who knows what I know?
28:18Just you and Mesut.
28:21Isbandut too.
28:23That's it.
28:25I'm sure Isbandut called Onur and told him.
28:28That idiot of Isbandut will have called him to tell him.
28:31He will have told him everything, Evo.
28:34Isbandut called him, but he can't prove it.
28:39Words can kill you, Evo.
28:42What are we going to do?
28:44Be careful, you know that.
28:46Do you think we'll have that bastard?
28:50He'll come for you, he'll do something.
28:52Of course he will.
28:53You have to do something before he does, Evo.
28:56What am I going to do?
28:58I don't know, Evo.
29:00You have to think about it.
29:08Let's see.
29:10If Onur knew...
29:14If Onur really knew, he would tell me.
29:17Why would he hide it?
29:19Don't underestimate such a bad person.
29:22He found out about the horrible things you've done.
29:24I'm sure he's trying to take advantage of them.
29:28Will he try to find evidence?
29:30Yes, that's it.
29:31If he approaches the trial, maybe he'll let him go there.
29:33He'll say, Fnam is crazy and he's a murderer.
29:36He'll put you in jail.
29:40Okay, stop thinking nonsense.
29:43I'm going.
29:44Where are you going?
29:46It's too early.
29:47The crows haven't even had breakfast.
29:49To his house.
29:50I have to go now.
29:51I want to know what evidence he has.
29:54Maybe he's just bluffing.
29:57Evo, please.
29:58Let's have a couple of drinks and then we'll go.
30:01I can't stand the look on his face.
30:03I can't stand his face.
30:05No, let's go.
30:21Good morning, ma'am.
30:24Good morning, Red.
30:26Is Onur awake?
30:28He didn't sleep at all last night.
30:32Where is he?
30:34In the room?
30:35He's in the garden.
30:37I'll tell him you're here.
30:39I'll go.
30:49I'll always be in the center of your life.
30:53Because we have a very special bond.
30:57That can never be broken.
31:02She killed Niyazi Adali.
31:04When Niyazi Adali got out of prison, he went to Istanbul to get her.
31:08He buried him.
31:09And he blamed me for everything.
31:11That's the real Sefnam Gumurcu.
31:25I know what you did, Sefnam.
31:27I know everything that happened to me.
31:30I know what you hid from me.
31:40You've never really met her.
31:42Does it make sense that I don't show you her dark side?
31:45I'm in prison because she blamed me for a murder she committed.
31:54Good morning.
31:56Good morning.
31:57I was waiting for you.
32:01Do you like this?
32:07What did you say?
32:09Rojo told me.
32:10You sat here all the time and drank something.
32:20Okay, yes.
32:22Yes, it's true.
32:24This is my favorite part.
32:26And what?
32:27It's quiet.
32:30Do you know what happens, Sefnam?
32:32The security cameras...
32:37don't record it.
33:01Onur, tell me what's going on.
33:04What's wrong with you?
33:05I don't understand.
33:06I know everything.
33:08Everything you're hiding from me, I know.
33:11What does it mean?
33:12I must have pressed the right button for you to come here at this hour.
33:31Can you bring us a couple of coffees?
33:34Just coffee.
34:06Here you go, ma'am.
34:08You're finally home.
34:17Demir, good morning.
34:20Your mother was worried.
34:23Thank you, Nesmi.
34:26My queen.
34:28No, my Adules.
34:30No, no, no.
34:31I'm very angry.
34:33What do you mean, why?
34:35Where did you get that motorcycle?
34:37I just bought it.
34:40You bought it?
34:42You know how dangerous motorcycles are.
34:44I've told you many times.
34:46There are cars in the parking lot.
34:48You can take whichever you want.
34:50Or even take one every day.
34:52If you don't like them, buy another one.
34:54I'll be very careful.
34:56Don't worry.
34:58Well, I worry if you don't come home all night.
35:01And all these years, what?
35:08No, hey.
35:11Mom, I really didn't mean to bother you.
35:14Relax, I'm fine.
35:20What's wrong with Sefna, son?
35:22I don't understand.
35:23You always go to her parties.
35:25Why are you going to see her?
35:27Tell me.
35:28So what?
35:29She's my sister-in-law.
35:31Besides, if I'm here, it's for her.
35:34What are you saying?
35:35That's not true.
35:38Well, I don't want you to see her anymore.
35:41I'm afraid you'll get infected.
35:43With her personality or her bad temper.
35:47Okay, calm down.
35:49Calm down, calm down, please.
35:52Call me if you're going to be late.
35:54Okay, I'll call you, don't worry.
35:56And I promise to drive the motorcycle slowly.
35:59Don't take it.
36:16Okay, Onur, tell me what I've hidden from you.
36:19It's here.
36:23Not even Yesia Dali was here.
36:25It's here.
36:35What are you saying?
36:38Mesut had come here for that.
36:45He worked in homicides.
36:48Do you remember?
36:51He gave me the name of Niyasi Adali.
36:54That employee asked me.
36:58So what?
37:00So what?
37:01So what?
37:02What's wrong?
37:03Well, it turns out that my wife is a murderer who buried the man she killed in the garden of our house.
37:12And who says that?
37:15That's the important thing.
37:17Of course.
37:19Because whoever said it has slandered me.
37:24Well, yes.
37:34Was he a bandit?
37:37And you believed it?
37:41Do you know that he is in jail for killing Niyasi Adali?
37:46I know.
37:48But only because you incriminated him.
37:52Well, if we weren't divorcing, you wouldn't even take it seriously.
37:57You're looking for something to attack me.
38:00But do you really believe that idiot?
38:05So he's lying.
38:09Of course he's lying.
38:11Well, those guys are scum.
38:16And they don't leave me alone for nonsense.
38:19How do they know I'm rich?
38:22They ask me for money and if I don't give it to them, they attack me with whatever comes to their mind.
38:37Is he your boyfriend?
38:39He must be worried.
38:41He's my boyfriend, yes.
38:43Is that what you want to hear?
38:56Good morning.
38:58Good morning, Mom.
39:00I'm going to a meeting. Is something wrong?
39:03It's important.
39:10Now you see everything in pink because you've been fooled.
39:15You can speak clearly, Mom.
39:17Let's go.
39:20I hope you don't regret it.
39:23Regret what?
39:26I'm talking about Sefnam.
39:27Let's see.
39:29I'm scared of women who hold on to one branch without letting go of the other, son.
39:33You should be scared too.
39:38Yesterday you apologized.
39:41And you still insult her.
39:43No, I don't insult her.
39:45It's an observation.
39:47Well, it's an observation made after observing thousands of people.
39:55Sefnam is sick.
39:58Well, she's very hurt.
40:02And who is not hurt, Mom?
40:08Call your trusted students, your teachers, whoever you want.
40:13I'll ask them.
40:16We're all like that.
40:31Onur, look.
40:32These men are very dangerous.
40:34These men slander and these men lie.
40:38That's it.
40:39You're the dangerous one, Sefnam.
40:41You're very dangerous.
40:42Did you know that?
40:44Because you're still lying to me, looking me in the eye.
40:47And I must say that you're doing very well.
40:52Okay, that's enough.
40:53Say whatever you want.
40:54Say whatever you want to whoever you want.
40:59But you can't prove anything and I'm sure you're going to be ridiculous again.
41:04You called me crazy and you put me in the asylum.
41:07Well, what are you going to do now?
41:09Send me to jail for murder?
41:11What else?
41:12Look at this before you go.
41:14What do you want me to see?
41:17I've been analyzing the images of the cameras and there's nothing.
41:24Well, you deleted some images, for sure.
41:37I wonder what you're going to come up with now.
41:41I don't need to come up with anything.
41:44I looked for an expert to recover the images that you had deleted.
41:49And it worked.
41:54Look at this.
41:56Sit down.
41:57Come on.
41:59Let's go.
42:24You moved the body from the garage to the garden.
42:38And over there and over here.
42:41But there are no images of this part because the cameras don't record it.
42:45There's a dead angle here.
42:50And I know you worked for a young bandit.
42:54He had a boss.
42:59Coincidentally, he died not long ago.
43:04And do you know who killed him?
43:10Mesut killed him.
43:18What does that mean?
43:26If you don't accept my offer, you and your boyfriend will go to jail for a few years.
43:45Don't force me, Sefnan.
43:47Don't force me to do this.
43:49Stop it and accept my offer.
44:15I'm sorry.
44:18I'm sorry.
44:21I'm sorry.
44:24I'm sorry.
44:27I'm sorry.
44:30I'm sorry.
44:33I'm sorry.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:39I'm sorry.
44:42I'm sorry.
44:45I'm sorry.
44:48I'm sorry.
44:51I'm sorry.
44:54I'm sorry.
44:57I'm sorry.
45:00I'm sorry.
45:03I'm sorry.
45:06I'm sorry.
45:09I'm sorry.
45:12I'm sorry.
45:15I'm sorry.
45:18I'm sorry.
45:21I'm sorry.
