• el año pasado
La medicina en 2050 promete transformaciones radicales que revolucionarán la forma en que entendemos la salud y el tratamiento de enfermedades. A medida que la ciencia avanza, se plantea la posibilidad de que la prevención sea el enfoque principal, reduciendo la necesidad de curar enfermedades. Imagina un futuro en el que una sola gota de sangre sea suficiente para diagnosticar múltiples condiciones, gracias a tecnologías de análisis avanzadas. Además, el desarrollo de órganos impresos a medida podría hacer que el trasplante sea una cosa del pasado, eliminando largas listas de espera.

Las prótesis biónicas, que combinan tecnología y biología, podrían ofrecer a las personas una calidad de vida sin precedentes, superando las limitaciones físicas de hoy. Con avances en genética y biotecnología, surge la intrigante pregunta: ¿podremos alcanzar la inmortalidad? En este fascinante viaje, el equipo de Soñar el Futuro ha explorado diversas naciones, como Estados Unidos, Francia, Suiza, Camerún, Suecia e Islandia, para conversar con médicos e ingenieros que están a la vanguardia de estos desarrollos.

La medicina en 2050 no solo se basa en curar enfermedades, sino en reinventar nuestra relación con la salud. La educación y la investigación continuarán siendo pilares fundamentales en este proceso de transformación.

**Hashtags:** #Medicina2050, #FuturoDeLaSalud, #InnovacionesMedicas

**Keywords:** medicina en 2050, prevención de enfermedades, diagnóstico con gota de sangre, impresión de órganos, prótesis biónicas, inmortalidad, avances médicos, tecnología de salud, biotecnología, salud del futuro


00:00Is eternal life the supreme dream for humanity? For normal people like us, doesn't that basically
00:24mean protecting our most precious good, our health, and those around us?
00:34Living as long as possible, of course, but also living well. Isn't that what we expect from medicine in the future?
00:41One of the biggest goals in this field is, without a doubt, to improve the lives of patients.
00:45Especially when more than 2 billion people on earth will be over 60 years old in 2050.
00:51Today, people live longer, but not always with good health.
00:58The number of supercentenarians of people who live up to 110 years has not skyrocketed.
01:04People want to enjoy the most of their life, of their youth, of their good health.
01:15That's just it. It has become an obsession.
01:19To keep us all healthy, the medicine of the future will have to overcome all kinds of challenges.
01:26Will it develop superdrugs capable of eliminating many terminal diseases in one shot?
01:31Will it regenerate organs and give them new life?
01:34Will it predict our future from the moment of birth, as we have seen in science fiction?
01:39With just a few seconds of life, we already knew the exact moment of my death, as well as its cause.
01:50Will it be able to repair us indefinitely?
01:55Or even bring us closer to immortality?
02:00I was born on February 9, 1975.
02:06So, I guess it must be his birthday.
02:18Prevent diseases as soon as possible.
02:21Cure them, repair our bodies, recover from the accidents of each day and become stronger than ever.
02:28That will be the challenge for medicine in 2050.
02:32Scientific and technological advances announce a new era that could radically change how we are going to solve such challenges.
02:40Engineers, doctors and scientists from all over the world dream and invent the medicine of the future.
02:46I wish the doctors would find out how to grow a leg.
02:51That would be a great future.
02:54Get that, I don't know, like salamanders and bugs, whose tails grow back.
03:02My dream for 2050 is to build a medical industry in Africa to improve living conditions and monitor patients from all over the continent.
03:16I asked myself, what good is it to develop technologies if we don't use them to solve the most serious problems of humanity?
03:23And ideally, we will be able to produce human organs and tissues.
03:29If we look at the 20th century, it was dominated by the development of electronics and computer science.
03:35The 21st century will be dominated by biology.
03:39These pioneers follow in the footsteps of the visionaries who, from the dawn of humanity, have dreamed of protecting our health.
03:48Human beings have always tried to fight diseases and overcome them, looking for remedies in nature to heal their wounds and regain strength.
04:00They tried to repair the bodies early.
04:03Some, like the Egyptian Imhotep, developed the art of closing wounds more than 3,600 years ago.
04:10But they also wanted to understand diseases.
04:13Hippocrates, 2,400 years later Galen, and finally Avicenna, in the 11th century, laid the foundations of Western medicine.
04:21They listed diseases, developed cures, and standardized methods.
04:26To understand the human body and its malfunctions, to take better care of it and, who knows, to overcome death itself.
04:34To achieve these goals, some dreamed of reaching the interior of the human body.
04:39At the beginning of the 19th century, a French doctor named Leineck invented the stethoscope to hear the sounds of the body.
04:46Then, in 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Rengen marked the beginning of the era of imagination in medicine.
04:53Now we could see the interior of the human body.
04:56It was also at the end of the 19th century when scientists began to look for the origin of diseases at a microscopic level to be able to fight them better.
05:04Louis Pasteur discovered the role of microorganisms in infectious diseases.
05:09As science advanced, our hope was focused on erasing certain diseases from the map.
05:14In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
05:18That discovery marked the beginning of antibiotics, a powerful weapon against infections.
05:23In the mid-20th century, scientists also dreamed of replacing key organs in the body that did not work well.
05:29In 1967, Christian Barnard performed the first successful heart transplant.
05:34That same year, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of the DNA, the molecule that transports genetic information.
05:42Years later, in 2001, the human genome was finally decoded, prefiguring the ability to cure and repair the human body by acting directly on the genes.
05:53Throughout the 20th century, in hospitals, in doctor's appointments and even at home, medicine has been improving its effectiveness more and more.
06:01So, how will it be tomorrow?
06:03In the future, medicine will use technological advances that are emerging rapidly.
06:09Its main objectives will be to detect diseases earlier, personalize treatments to minimize side effects and integrate the complexity of the patient.
06:19It will be selective, personalized, digital and molecular.
06:28In public transport, at home or at work, communication technologies are everywhere.
06:38We are constantly informed and connected to each other through smart phones and computers.
06:47In 2050, digital technology will have transformed our lives, altering the relationship between our bodies and our health.
06:58A growing number of watches, bracelets, clothes, scales and toothbrushes are already connected to the Internet and allow us to monitor our body in real time.
07:08The heart rate, the body mass index, the number of calories consumed or burned, blood pressure, no personal data escapes this control.
07:23Our lifestyle is examined and analyzed to improve our knowledge of ourselves.
07:31Among these connected objects, there will be some that change the face of medicine, because they will facilitate access to medical attention and could save lives in the most remote places in the world, where 80% of the population still does not have such attention.
07:49Could it happen that in 2050, remote and connected medical care would put an end to medical deserts?
07:59In Yaoundé, Cameroon, a young engineer is making his way. He has developed an innovative system to diagnose and perform therapeutic monitoring to solve this global problem.
08:12It all started out of curiosity. At first, I was intrigued by the way medical devices were developed.
08:21In the field of cardiology, for example, the electrocardiogram machine is quite impressive, because it translates traces that only doctors can understand.
08:41The cardiopath project was launched in 2009. At that time, I was studying computer science at Yaoundé Polytechnic School, and I began to develop software for medical programs.
08:58Then I realized that there was a shortage of cardiologists in the country. Today we have between 50 and 55 for 20 million people. The consequences are disastrous.
09:15This forces patients who live in villages to travel every time they need medical control. That is more difficult, more expensive, and consumes more time.
09:27In remote areas, few people undergo these tests, which can lead to an increase in mortality due to cardiovascular diseases.
09:40In 2014, we launched the pilot phase of this project. We chose two hospitals and equipped them with our devices for free. One in a village and another in a city.
09:53The devices are being used and cardiac tests are being carried out in the village hospital.
10:01Mr. Banah, come in.
10:09The cardiopath is equipped with a GSM, a GPS or 3G modem, and can send data remotely to a server. The results are transferred from the village to the city, where a cardiologist will interpret them.
10:40The device will identify each heartbeat as normal or abnormal. According to the percentage of normal beats, the tablet will give an initial diagnosis that will be confirmed or corrected by the cardiologist.
10:55Then we can tell patients what happens to them and how to act.
11:01The pilot phase has been very useful because it has allowed us to collect the comments of the doctors to improve the device.
11:11Over time, we have added many functions to integrate all the parameters necessary for a precise interpretation.
11:21Currently, we are working on a project to develop devices for personal use. It would enable us to transfer the results directly from the patient's home to the cardiologist.
11:34For me, the medical care of the future in Africa should be accessible, universal and much more affordable.
11:42This begins with the development of a growing number of low-cost devices that use excessively efficient technologies and that are accessible to neighborhood hospitals, or with a direct connection between the patients in their homes and the specialists who treat them.
12:01My dream for 2050 is to build a medical industry in Africa, that is, a group of companies that mass-produce low-cost medical devices in order to improve the living conditions and follow-up of patients from all over the continent.
12:20Devices such as the cardiopath seem to be a great solution for the future, since they allow the creation of a connected and remote sanitary path. But how do doctors fit into all this?
12:38Their role will evolve clearly. To begin with, they will have to master technology. When doctors prescribe a medication, they must know its side effects and faults. In a similar way, if a technological failure occurs, they will be responsible for the device.
12:53They will also have to learn how to use it and how to explain its operation to the patient. Hospitals will evolve in the same way. Their role will consist of managing digital communication infrastructures and storing data. New jobs will arise, new types of health professionals to provide more personalized digital health care.
13:13Digital health monitoring will create a huge amount of personal data that will move on the Internet, an immense global medical cloud, family histories, surgical interventions, chronic diseases, in short, the most private details of our medical profile.
13:32Will the accumulated data enable patients to improve their health through better prevention or management of diseases? Or will they benefit from insurance companies that will adjust their rates and coverage according to such data?
14:02Thus, the confidentiality of our medical data is a fundamental challenge for medicine. But the ever-growing amount of data also opens a door to a new type of therapeutic monitoring. Each doctor will have permanent access to our complete medical and biological history, which will be digitally analyzed to improve the diagnosis.
14:27A precise diagnosis is essential for preventive medicine to be able to treat diseases as efficiently as possible. Along with the use of medical data, image diagnosis helps doctors improve their precision. It has made tremendous progress and is now able to detect smaller tumors of one millimeter. And it keeps improving.
14:49Thanks to 3D body scanning, everyone will have a digital self in 2050. Then it will be possible to enter the human body without doing any harm. Tracking the location of organs in real time, medical images serve as a complete tool for doctors and crucial for surgeons.
15:13We can expect to see much more detailed medical images in the future. Surgeons will be able to see veins, arteries and invisible nerves at first glance. They will be able to see cells. It is extraordinary to think that thanks to the microscope with a focal, surgeons will be able to see cells of 200 microns in diameter. That used to be unimaginable. So they will see the invisible.
15:39Thanks to advanced fluorescence techniques, they will be able to see blood flow or visualize the vascularization of an intestine before cutting it or saturating it.
15:48In 2050, long and expensive medical exams and long waits to know the results will be over. We will have access to laboratory chips, powerful miniaturized medical laboratories that will be able to diagnose diseases more easily and more quickly.
16:19That is precisely what the engineer Luc Gervais is developing in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. His laboratory chip, the microfluid chip, is a sample of the revolution in medical analysis similar to that of the invention of the microprocessor.
16:34As the 20th century was dominated by physics, the invention of the transistor, the development of electronics and the sciences of computing, many affirm that the 21st century will be dominated by biology.
16:51My father was always passionate about computers. When I was in high school, I used to program my computer. I worked a lot with computers, even before receiving programming classes.
17:07Diagnosis with a single drop is a company that is developing a new class of medical diagnosis, a device capable of detecting various diseases with a single drop of blood in less than 10 minutes.
17:31The laboratory chip is made up of two main components, a disposable microfluid chip and a reusable tablet. It is very easy to use. First I prick my finger and then I put the drop of blood on the chip.
17:55A drop of blood contains millions of cells, platelets, red and white blood cells, as well as billions of proteins, nucleic acids and tiny molecules. The microfluid chip will filter the blood and analyze the plasma, which contains the biomarkers corresponding to specific diseases.
18:13Various biomarkers connected to cancer or cardiovascular diseases have already been identified. Blood sugar levels can be used for diabetes. Doctors will interpret the concentration of these biomarkers to detect a potential disease in a patient.
18:34I thought of various benefits that we could integrate into the chip that would be innovative, even revolutionary, with respect to medical diagnosis. So I started writing these ideas on a piece of paper and developing the technology.
18:59The first microfluid chip was developed in 2012, along with the first prototypes. Then we adjusted the design to improve the performance of the chip. Let's imagine the biomarkers of the blood sample as if they were keys, and the microfluid chip as a set of locks.
19:25Certain biochemical reagents that the chip contains detect the biomarkers. It works like a lock and its key. The reagents are very specific. Only a certain key will fit into the corresponding lock.
19:41With respect to medical diagnosis, time can represent the difference between life and death. The sooner we diagnose a heart attack, the sooner we will be able to perform the appropriate treatment and thus save the patient's life.
20:03This device can detect hundreds of diseases. Cancer, for example, and infectious diseases such as the flu, HIV or hepatitis. Even allergies. It can also monitor the liver or the functions of the thyroid.
20:19One of the main benefits of this technology is that it drastically reduces costs. Medical diagnosis is much cheaper than with automatic analyzers. It will allow doctors to diagnose poor people in developing countries.
20:41I imagine that in 2050 this device will be available anywhere and that patients will be able to use it in their homes, at the doctor's appointment or at the pharmacy.
20:54My dream is that biology becomes a science governed by data and that it ends up knowing everything about the human body. In the same way that we understand everything about a microchip. I hope that we are able to diagnose diseases efficiently, to provide a treatment according to that diagnosis and to treat all the diseases that currently afflict humanity.
21:19At the doctor's appointment or at home, miniaturization and laboratory chips will radically change behaviors. Biological analysis will be more frequent and easier to perform for better disease prevention.
21:34In 2050 we will subscribe to a daily newsletter about our health, in the same way that we will review the meteorological report every morning.
21:45Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could detect heart diseases before they were serious and that we were able to cure them at that time before they became chronic?
22:03Being able to detect diseases before they occur is a chimera? Will medicine be predictive in 2050?
22:12In any case, some technological giants are betting on decoding the human genome to prevent and even predict diseases. They believe that the analysis of our DNA will allow doctors to know everything about our predisposition to certain pathologies, prevent the development of cancer and even evaluate our life expectancy.
22:32Only seconds old, the exact time and cause of my death was already known.
23:02The idea that we could predict each disease that would affect a patient from the sequence of his genome is completely illusory.
23:18We already know that it is a wrong concept. Our knowledge of the genome allows us to predict and therefore prevent some diseases, most of them in extremely rare conditions.
23:32We can also predict intolerance to certain drugs, but all this represents a very small part of medical procedures.
23:40The vast majority has to do with environmental factors, so our knowledge of the genome will not provide excessive information.
23:50Therefore, decoding the genome will have little interest in prognosis. However, scientists agree that it could be a difference in treatment.
24:00Based on detecting the genetic defects of cells or bacteria, doctors will be able to give each of us a personalized treatment.
24:10Personalized treatments use the individual characteristics of each patient. They focus on specific molecular characteristics of their pathologies.
24:25In Paris, a team of young researchers based at the Pasteur Institute is designing the medication of the future.
24:32Their goal is to develop an innovative antibiotic suitable for anyone and less impactful on our bodies.
24:41I have always wanted to research. When I was 12 years old, I met a researcher who loved genetics. He was a French pioneer in that field and his passion infected me.
24:52I specialized in that discipline, but after a while I wondered what good it is to develop technologies if we do not use them to solve the greatest problems of humanity.
25:11The human body has more than 10,000 trillion bacteria, either in our skin, in our lungs or in our intestines.
25:20They are called commensal bacteria and, in their majority, are essential for the healthy and adequate functioning of our body.
25:28Current antibiotics are like weapons of mass destruction. They eliminate all bacteria, both good and bad. This is the main cause of resistance to antibiotics.
25:59Antibiotic resistance has been considered one of the greatest plagues of the 21st century.
26:08In 2050, according to the World Health Organization, the first cause of death in the world will be infections caused by bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
26:19If we no longer design medication that prevents the development and global expansion of these bacteria resistant to a multitude of medicines,
26:27we will not be able to risk operating on a patient to place a prosthesis on him or to remove a tooth from his judgment due to the high risk of infection with these bacteria that cannot be eliminated.
26:39Here at Biociencias El Higo, we are designing smart antibiotics. We call them Eligobiotics, from the Latin Eligo, which means to select.
26:50They can selectively eradicate harmful bacteria while repairing the beneficial ones that are in our body, in our skin or in our intestines.
26:59David Picard works with Xavier Duporter on the development of these nanorobots.
27:05To fight these resistant bacteria, we use a system called CRISPR, molecular scissors that cut the DNA of resistant and virulent bacteria.
27:18To send these molecular scissors between the bacteria of our body, we use a virus that attacks them and that we are able to reprogram so that it injects our DNA scissors.
27:31One of the strengths of the CRISPR system is that it can specifically cut the DNA of harmful bacteria, thus eliminating them.
27:46We have to know exactly what bacteria make us sick to be able to destroy them.
27:52So this strategy will be part of a personalized health care program.
27:58The diagnosis will reveal precisely what kind of bacteria are harmful and the Eligobiotic will choose them as whites.
28:06We have already demonstrated this concept live, working with mice.
28:11We are able to achieve the decolonization of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
28:16The Staphylococcus aureus that have already killed human patients.
28:20In 2050, medicine will be much more preventive.
28:24Thanks to the development of new technologies, we will be able to diagnose the cause of diseases.
28:30Within that panorama, the Eligobiotics make even more sense because we can eradicate responsible bacteria with them before they multiply and cause symptoms.
28:41If medicine becomes more preventive, selective and personalized in 2050, could we imagine that we would never get sick again?
28:53In the future, we will combine our knowledge of the physiology of the system that we want to select with the various tools that we have at our disposal.
29:03The treatments will not consist of one molecule per target or the same molecule for all of them.
29:13We will use adapted combinations for each individual situation.
29:25In 2050, thanks to regenerative medicine, we will also be able to repair organs.
29:33Regenerative medicine aims to replace cells, organs or functions that have been damaged or destroyed.
29:44To achieve such a feat, geneticists are reprogramming cells to turn them into all kinds of organs such as the liver, the heart or the skin.
29:54I do not think that the promise of regenerative medicine for 2050 is a matter of science fiction.
30:03There will be great advances, such as the use of nanomaterials that, injected into the organs, will stimulate the mother cells.
30:13Or the ability to print in 3D living cells to reconstruct and replace organs.
30:23Our hope in the future, in terms of potential, lies in being able to heal more organs and help restore more patients using these technologies.
30:40Recreate organs with our own cells.
30:43Although it may seem crazy, our deteriorated bodies can be repaired one day with organs made by order, thanks to a 3D printer.
30:53Swedish researchers at the prestigious University of Salmers in Gothenburg believe it.
31:01They are pioneers in the manufacture of a biotin that will make it possible to print organs.
31:14I have always considered myself as a revolutionary person.
31:18I have always tried to differentiate myself.
31:21My team, Hector Eida and I, are always innovators in the crest of the wave of regenerative medicine.
31:29And in the best of scenarios, we will be able to produce human organs and tissues.
31:33The first time I was interested in bioprinting was in Sweden, and I made a visit to my father's laboratories at the University of Salmers, where they had just acquired a bioprinter.
31:57I went to the lab, I still remember the day I entered and saw that, a new equipment there, and I could see that potentially that could print life.
32:09And I got an idea of what that technology could do.
32:15We are experts in the field of bioprinting of human tissues, human organs and tissue models.
32:23The company started as a biomaterial company focused on producing bioprinting for bioprinters.
32:31Bioprinting is basically the same ink that you use in a normal printer, for example, or the plastic filaments that we see in a 3D printer.
32:41We produce that filament, bioprinting.
32:44Our biomaterial, cell ink, is based on a natural component and contains between 80 and 90% water.
32:51This means that it also creates an ideal environment for cells to survive, but also for them to feel at home.
32:58They feel as if they were inside a human body.
33:02We have developed a tool that we call the cell mixer.
33:06It is a device that allows you to mix human cells together with the biomaterial of the cell ink.
33:12It is a system of two syringes, of two compartments, in which one syringe has human cells in suspension, and the other syringe has the bioprinting, the material of the cell ink.
33:22You mix them and you create a cocktail, an amalgam that is basically live material with which you can print.
33:29The idea behind it is to produce parts and organs of the human body.
33:33And for all that to be a reality, you obviously have to produce them with the appearance they should have.
33:38An ear, for example, must have the appearance of an ear.
33:42Let's say we want to print the patient's own ear.
33:45We take a picture of the current ear and we make a replica, a computer model, and we send that file to the software, and then to the printer.
33:53The printer is able to print the authentic ear of the complete patient, with all the details.
33:59And that is the process behind it.
34:01We will be able to do the same with each and every organ or part of the human body.
34:08We have worked for several months to develop cartilage models, and we are currently also developing a cartilage model.
34:15We have worked for several months to develop cartilage models, and we are currently also developing a biotin material that is specific to tissues, for tissue applications.
34:44The next step will be to develop a specific biotin for the kidney tissue, and then in the future possibly for the liver and other organs.
35:04What drives and motivates me in this company is the ability to make changes in regenerative medicine,
35:10and to make changes for the population and for the future of human beings.
35:16We have the opportunity to change the way the world works, and that is the core of my way of understanding what I really want to do.
35:24In the future, we will be able to print organs and parts of the human body in the operating room itself, and implant them directly in the patient.
35:34Bioprinting is on the rise.
35:38In 2050, will scientists around the world have overcome the last challenges that remain to recreate hearts, livers and kidneys?
35:52One of the challenges that solid organs present is vascularity, the ability of these organs to survive in the long term with sufficient nutrition.
36:03We are currently using our bioprinting strategies to create miniature solid organs, such as kidneys, lungs and hearts,
36:12but they are miniature organs and we have to make them bigger so that we can implant them back into patients.
36:22Once printed, these organs will be implanted directly in the patient inside the operating room in the future, where the robots and surgeons will work hand in hand.
36:34One could imagine that in 2050 surgery will have become something automatic.
36:42By automatic I mean current robotic surgery.
36:46The operation will be carried out by a robot with a surgeon who will supervise the process.
36:51He will be able to press a button to stop the intervention if something unexpected happens.
36:55Could we imagine erasing the side effects of a serious accident or the consequences of a defect from the map?
37:08Will the disabled be able to regain movement and sensitivity thanks to increasingly realistic prostheses,
37:14full of microprocessors, sensors and transmitters perfectly adapted to each body?
37:21In Reykjavik, Iceland, the company ESUR is developing smart prostheses
37:28and has one of the leading research centres in the world specialised in prostheses for the lower limbs.
37:36In order to improve the company's bionic products,
37:39the innovators have formed a team with people with amputations,
37:43like David Johnson, who works here as an engineer,
37:49or the Olympic champion of javelin, Helgi Sveinsson.
37:53The technology has evolved to a point where it is possible to make prostheses
37:58in a very simple, compact and easy-to-use way.
38:02In this case, the prosthesis will be made by using a machine.
38:06The machine will be made from the same material as the prosthesis,
38:10and will be able to perform the operation.
38:14In this way, the prosthesis will be able to be used in a very simple, compact and easy-to-use way.
38:19The technology has evolved rapidly over the last 10 or 15 years,
38:26and now we can demonstrate that it is not just putting a leg under people.
38:32It has much more to do with the lifestyle in general,
38:35and with providing a life without limitations also to people with amputations.
38:49Most of the prosthetic products are simple mechanical devices,
38:55which are based on a very, very simple mechanism,
38:58in order to generate some movement during the swing phase,
39:03that is, while the legs stop touching the ground.
39:07They have a very simple braking mechanism,
39:10to prevent the prosthesis from giving way when you put weight on it.
39:15The latest innovation in which we have been working for our lower limb technology
39:21is closely related to making a prosthesis for the leg or knee,
39:26which is much more pleasant to use for the typical amputation.
39:30Because our modern prosthetic device has a computer directly integrated into it,
39:36which makes it possible to implement artificial intelligence,
39:40integrated algorithms and sensors,
39:43which would actually measure the speed or acceleration or many other things
39:48to make a decision or an informed decision
39:51about what the user is trying to do
39:53and what is the most appropriate behavior for the prosthetic device
39:57when it comes to achieving this task.
40:02The device will recognize when it is starting to run
40:06and automatically adjust its behavior to better withstand the test of a race.
40:13For sure, one of the greatest achievements we expect during the evolution of prosthetic technology
40:19is to be able to close the gap that exists
40:23between controlling the prosthetic device and the user's will.
40:27So that future technology will allow us to use sensors
40:31that are directly connected to a residual, muscular or nervous physiological structure
40:37that will allow us to actually capture the signal
40:40directly as it is emitted by the peripheral nervous system or the arc reflex, in this case.
40:46Currently, we are doing tests of this concept
40:49or early research with this type of technology,
40:53putting sensors implanted in the residual limb of the trans-tibial and trans-femoral amputated.
41:00This measures the actual muscular electrical activity.
41:03The sensor then communicates the different information to a wireless system
41:07that is integrated into the computer incorporated into the prosthetic.
41:12All right.
41:18All right.
41:43I run, I walk, I swim, I dive with a balloon, I dive with a respirator,
41:49I walk through the mountains and I do hiking.
41:52I have a dog with which I go out.
41:55I walk about 15 kilometers a day and before I walked 200 meters.
42:00My life is much better now than before I lost my legs.
42:04That's what keeps me going.
42:13I got into an accident when I was nine years old.
42:16A fuel truck hit me.
42:18For 20 years I kept my foot and in 2004, in January 2004, I got amputated.
42:24I have a sensor in my leg and I can move my foot with my muscle
42:29because basically my mind tells the muscle to move the foot and it does.
42:34And it's one of the...
42:36It's still a prototype, but my God, it's a great foot.
42:41That's a great foot.
42:44So that's something.
42:46When I got amputated, I started crying
42:49because I was doing my ankle for the first time in 11 years.
42:54And I was able to move my ankle all of a sudden.
42:57My mind was telling my ankle to go up or down and I was able to do it.
43:02It was overwhelming and it was an amazing feeling.
43:05I still remember it and I smile.
43:08I haven't used my muscle for a long time.
43:11When I started using my foot, I always had to think,
43:14first you have to move like this or like that.
43:18It wasn't natural for me.
43:20I still have to think a little bit about it, but it's a natural for me.
43:24But it's disappearing a little bit.
43:26When I walk up the stairs, I only lift my toe.
43:31I don't really think about it, it just happens.
43:38That is in 40 years.
43:41I wish the doctors would find out how to grow back a leg.
43:45That would be a great future.
43:47That would be a great future.
43:49I don't know, like salamanders and bugs like that,
43:52whose tails grow back the tail.
43:55I don't think you could grow back your leg,
43:58but that would be a great future.
44:02If they don't have it,
44:04you always have a prosthetic leg to attach it to your body.
44:08You always have good vibrations with it.
44:11That would be a great idea,
44:13that you could move your toes.
44:15That would be a great idea.
44:17Restoring sensations and the sense of touch
44:20is the last obstacle to overcome in relation to prostheses.
44:24In 2050, artificial skin equipped with sensors
44:28and directly connected to the nerves,
44:31could solve this problem?
44:34Reality meets fantasy.
44:58He's doing it.
45:10The possibility of repairing patients with smart prostheses
45:14is exciting for doctors,
45:16because unfortunately we still face too often
45:20diseases that destroy organs or functions
45:25and leave the patients incapacitated.
45:28Our hope is to be able to overcome disabilities
45:31as perfectly as possible.
45:35We can imagine that future prostheses,
45:38increasingly connected to the body,
45:40will blur the borders with our flesh and bone members.
45:44But this dream of ideal repairs
45:47could also lead to the temptation
45:49to increase or improve the human body.
45:52The idea of the oversized man has always fascinated me.
45:56Everything goes from prosthetic extensions,
45:59extensions, the extension of the brain,
46:02of intelligence.
46:04We are in a field of action, of investigation.
46:07In a field of research,
46:09in a field of research,
46:11in a field of action, of investigation.
46:14In a kind of laboratory.
46:16And obviously the imagination has no limits.
46:20From a human body repaired like a beacon of hope
46:23to the oversized man,
46:25some dream of a bionic man
46:27whose life expectancy would be very close to eternity
46:31and would finally control
46:33this cumbersome and aged ship
46:35that we call our body.
46:37The vision of the machine man
46:39could be replaced when he got sick,
46:42as if he were a car.
46:44He is certainly very reductionist
46:47and does not take into account
46:49what medicine really is.
46:51A sick person is anything,
46:54except a car.
46:58The temptation of immortality is strong,
47:01but isn't imperfection the essence of man?
47:05Someone who believes, falls ill,
47:07is cured by medicine.
47:09Someone who loves, who dies.
47:16The great challenge of medicine
47:18is to train people
47:20to which the disease temporarily takes from society
47:24to return to it
47:26and recover their humanity
47:29through interactions with the people they love,
47:32their co-workers
47:34and the society in which they reveal their talents.
47:38If the goal of medicine in 2050
47:40is still to cure us all,
47:42we could dream that even being preventive,
47:45selective, personalized and technological,
47:48it will still have a human face.
