• letztes Jahr
Mats Steen, ein norwegischer Gamer, stirbt mit nur 25 Jahren an einer degenerativen Muskelkrankheit. Zuerst betrauern seine Eltern ein einsames Leben, dass Mats scheinbar alleine vorm Computer verbracht hat. Doch nach und nach kommen Nachrichten von Online-Freunden aus aller Welt und seine Eltern lernen viele neue Dinge über das ihnen bisher unbekannte The Remarkable Life of Ibelin.


00:00Mads was born with a rare muscle disease.
00:06As he gradually became more dependent on his wheelchair,
00:10his gaming time and screen time increased dramatically.
00:14Our deepest sorrow lay in the fact that he would never experience
00:19friendships, love, or to make a difference in other people's lives.
00:30You proved us wrong. You proved us so wrong.
00:39I spent most of my time in a little place called Azeroth.
00:43Dear Robert, Trude and Mia.
00:46I'm a friend of Mads and I knew him through Iblin.
00:49Iblin was a friend that I could be open with.
00:52In there, my chains are broken and I can be whoever I want to be.
00:57I don't think he was aware of how big an impact he had done to a lot of people.
01:04We had the whole let's go on a date together and he would give the flowers.
01:10It was just a virtual kiss, but boy I could almost feel it.
01:15We knew almost nothing about him in real life.
01:19There was that kind of nagging feeling something was wrong.
