• vor 21 Stunden
In dem auf wahren Begebenheiten basierenden Thriller-Drama iHostage nimmt ein Mann mit einer Waffe Geiseln in einem Apple Store im Herzen Amsterdams. Die Polizei steht nun vor der schwierigen Aufgabe, die Situation zu entschärfen, ohne die Geiseln dabei in Gefahr zu bringen.


00:00It used to stop.
00:04And today that day has come.
00:13Everyone on the ground.
00:18Right-wingers, get in! Get in!
00:19I always wanted to have you with me.
00:21Now I've got the ball.
00:22Lay down, you. Stay on the ground.
00:24I see one man.
00:25Weapon. Camouflage clothes.
00:28O.C., he's wearing something explosive.
00:33You're talking to Lim, Amsterdam police.
00:35I'd like to talk to you.
00:37All of you.
00:38For a while now.
00:40The injustice you've done to me, that's what this is for.
00:43And I'm working really hard for you. Do you believe that?
00:45I want you out of your life.
00:47Fucking bitch that you're!
00:49God, Kees, this doesn't help. If I say it, it has to be true.
00:52He needs help.
00:54And that's why we're here, as negotiators.
00:56Lim, we can't take that risk.
00:58Am I gonna die?
00:59We have to get out of here.
01:01If we open that door, he'll die.
01:05He's absolutely unpredictable.
01:07And so dangerous.
01:10Let's say they won't give you the money.
01:12You'll kill me, and then what?
01:15Then they win, and they lose.
01:23Give me an hour.
01:24Give me an hour.
01:25There's bullets everywhere!
01:28Lie down. Now! Lie down!