• vor 22 Stunden
Schneewittchen wird von ihrer bösen Steifmutter bedroht und flieht in den furchteinflößenden, dunklen Wald. Dort trifft sie auf sieben blutrünstige, mordlustige Zwerge. Sie schließt sich in The Death of Snow White mit den Killer-Zwergen zusammen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/the-death-of-snow-white


00:00Mirror hanging on the wall, I am the fairest of them all.
00:06Oh yes, you are fair, it is true.
00:10But we both know that your wife is more beautiful than you.
00:15What are the Huntsmen doing out here?
00:18She will not survive the Dark Forest alone, and we cannot risk sending my men out there.
00:22Find her, now!
00:24We captured her, Michael, but we were ambushed.
00:27You mean she got away?
00:29The Dwarves, they are protecting her.
00:33The Dwarves? Have they all gone mad?
00:36They do appear to be quite mad.
00:46Take this.
00:52Snow White! Snow White!
01:10Now take her heart from her chest.
01:13And then?
01:15I shall have it all.
01:29To be continued...
