Die von Tina Fey, Lang Fisher und Tracey Wigfield entwickelten Netflix-Comedy The Four Seasons ist ein Serien-Remake des gleichnamigen Films aus dem Jahr 1981 und handelt von drei Ehepaaren aus New York, die in jeder Jahreszeit einen gemeinsamen Urlaub unternimmt. Doch dann trennt sich ein Paar.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/the-four-seasons
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/the-four-seasons
00:00Where should we go for our next trip?
00:03I want to go someplace warm.
00:04Vacation has a pitch I started.
00:06I hate this place. You want to get a drink?
00:08What happened to dry fall?
00:09F*** dry fall.
00:12It is rare to find your soulmate.
00:13And yet, somehow, all six of us have done it.
00:17Nice wrist tag, honey.
00:20My mattress smells like a cold sidewalk!
00:23You feel strong when you pump this?
00:24I'm gonna kill you.
00:26What are we whispering about?
00:28This is gonna be so special.
00:31I win!
00:32We need a paddle!
00:34What the heck?!
00:35Oh no, I'm dying!
00:36Get in here!
00:38One sec.
00:39Yeah, I'm kidding.
00:40Did you have sex in their house?
00:42Who does that?
00:51Oh my god!
00:53You put your braids on.
00:58What's wrong with you?
00:59I peed a little.