Auf einer wahren Geschichte basierend zeigt Words of War den Kampf der renommierten Journalistin und Menschenrechtsaktivistin Anna Politkovskaya, die in Putins Russland unter Einsatz ihres Lebens für freie Presse kämpft.
00:00War has two sides.
00:04I say it has three.
00:06The innocent civilians caught in the middle of a medieval brutal war.
00:12Come on! Stay down!
00:17Did you know that the war between Russia and Chechnya is the longest ongoing conflict in the world?
00:24I don't think we need a war correspondent in Chechnya.
00:27We need a people correspondent.
00:31If you really want to report the truth, I'll show you difficult things for you to see.
00:36Someone who's willing to confront the powerful by asking hard questions.
00:41Even if it means pissing them off.
00:44The Kremlin wants the world to believe that Russia is waging a war against terrorists.
00:50Its real purpose is a dedicated campaign of genocide.
00:55You said you were going to be tough on him.
00:57You've dropped a bomb on his doorstep.
01:00I was aiming for his lap.
01:02If you choose to be a journalist in Russia, you have to accept the risk.
01:08Your wife, she's making quite a name for herself. A bit reckless, isn't she?
01:13So she's well aware of the danger she's in.
01:16But are you?
01:20We expect many more mass graves to be found.
01:23I've woken up every morning and wondered if my mother has been found in a ditch.
01:26I'm a journalist.
01:29The tactics employed by the Kremlin is itself creating a wave of violence that has never been experienced.
01:37Oh my God.
01:38The war is coming on.
01:40People are killing each other. You get in the middle and you're dead too.
01:43Chechnya's your baby, while this newspaper is mine.
01:47There is nothing of value apart from this.
01:50There is nothing of value apart from the truth.
01:55And I do not intend to stop.