Thomas and Scruff

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video


00:00Thomas and Scruff. On the island of Sodor, all the engines are busy engines, but some
00:11have special jobs. Percy pulls the mail trucks, Gordon pulls the express, Thomas has his branch
00:22line, and Whiff works at the waste dump. One morning, Whiff was biffing and bashing rubbish
00:33trucks. Thomas chuffed cheerfully into Whiff's waste dump. Good morning, Whiff. You look busy.
00:41I am, Thomas. I can't stop to talk. I have to puff round the island to pick up more trucks.
00:48I have to shunt them back here and it must all be tidied away by tea time. The Fat Controller said so.
00:54Thomas smiled. He had good news for his friend. Don't worry, Whiff. When you puff back, you will
01:02have a helper. His name is Scruff the Scruncher. I'm going to pick him up at Brendam Docks now.
01:07Whiff wheezed with excitement. Are you sure? A helper? For me? That's right, Whiff. Just for you.
01:17And Thomas huffed happily away to Brendam Docks. At Brendam Docks, Scruff the Scruncher was waiting
01:28for Thomas. Hello, Scruff. I'm Thomas. Hello, Thomas. Scruff was small, square and very scruffy.
01:39Thomas liked Scruff, but he was worried. Really useful engines couldn't be really dirty ones.
01:48An idea flew into Thomas' funnel. Before I take you to Whiff's waste dump, I'm going to bring you a
01:56welcome to Sodor Surprise. Wait here. Scruff was puzzled. If you say so, Thomas. And Thomas steamed
02:06swiftly away. Thomas collected a flatbed full of buckets and brushes, soap suds and sponges.
02:15Being clean is being really useful. Whiff will be happy to see Scruff shine and clean. And Thomas
02:24chuffed cheerfully back to Brendam Docks. Thomas whooshed into the docks. Here you are, Scruff.
02:33You're welcome to Sodor Surprise. With a splosh and a splash, you'll be clean in a dash.
02:40Scruff gasped. He'd never seen soap suds and he'd never seen brushes. They looked very scary.
02:51They looked too scary. Bye, Thomas. And with a clickety-clack, Scruff whooshed away down the track
03:01and was gone. Thomas was surprised. Fizzling fireboxes. Scruff's scared of being clean.
03:10I must puff after him as fast as my pistons will pump.
03:15Scruff rattled and raced down the track. Thomas puffed and pounded after him. Stop, Scruff!
03:24But Scruff didn't stop. He slipped down a siding and disappeared.
03:32Thomas huffed to a halt. He peered down the siding. There was no sign of Scruff.
03:40Then Thomas saw a little puff of steam. Scruff had hidden himself behind the bushes.
03:48Scruff? Hello? But Scruff didn't answer and he didn't come out.
03:57Just then, Gordon shoved grandly by with the express. What are you doing, Thomas?
04:05Scruff the Scruncher is hiding because he doesn't want to be cleaned.
04:09Can you help me? Can you think of something to bring Scruff out of his hiding place?
04:15I know. Scruff, it's Gordon here. Would you like to see my express carriages?
04:23They're the grandest on the island. Thomas and Gordon waited. But Scruff didn't whoosh
04:31and Scruff didn't wheesh. He didn't do anything at all. Oh, dear. Thank you, Gordon. I don't think
04:40Scruff wants to see your express. Oh, the indignity. Gordon huffed huffily away. Then Henry rolled by.
04:52Hello, Thomas. What are you doing? Scruff the Scruncher is hiding because he doesn't want to
04:57be cleaned. You're old and wise. Can you think of something to bring Scruff out of his hiding place?
05:04Hmm. I think I have a very good idea. Scruff, hello. It's Henry the Green Engine here.
05:13I wonder whether you might like to come with me to get my special coal. Thomas and Henry waited.
05:21But Scruff didn't whoosh and Scruff didn't wheesh. He didn't do anything at all.
05:29Bust my buffers. Thank you, Henry. I don't think Scruff wants to see your special coal.
05:36What a shame. Maybe another day. And Henry steamed sweetly away. Next, Percy puffed perkily by.
05:45Hello, Thomas. What are you doing? Scruff the Scruncher is hiding because he doesn't want to
05:51be cleaned. Can you help me? Can you think of something to bring Scruff out of his hiding place?
05:59I know. Hello, Scruff. I'm Percy. I pull the mail trucks. They're red and they're wooden and they're
06:08full of very exciting parcels. Would you like to come with me? Thomas and Percy waited. But Scruff
06:17didn't whoosh and Scruff didn't wheesh. He didn't do anything at all. Flatten my funnel, Percy.
06:26What am I going to do? I don't know, Thomas. But I have to go. I'm late with the mail.
06:35Just then, whiff were down the track, pulling a long train of rubbish trucks.
06:41He smiled when he saw Thomas. Hello, Thomas. I'm really looking forward to having Scruff to help
06:50me. He'll enjoy biffing and bashing all this rubbish. And whiff wobbled away. Thomas felt
07:00terrible. Cinders and ashes. I promised whiff a helper. Now I've scared him away. All because
07:08I thought that to be really useful, he had to be really clean. And all Scruff really wants to do
07:16is scrunch rubbish. Suddenly, an idea popped into Thomas's pistons. Of course,
07:24I know what to do. Thomas's axles tingled and tinkled. Scruff, there are lots of rubbish
07:31trucks waiting for you to scrunch. Would you like me to show you them? Suddenly, Scruff whooshed
07:38out of hiding and onto the track. Scruff was ready and raring to go. First,
07:46Thomas and Scruff picked up rubbish at the Sodor Steamworks.
07:52Next, they rattled to Knapford Station for another rubbish truck.
07:58And then Thomas and Scruff steamed to the quarry. At last, Thomas and Scruff rattled into
08:07Whiff's waste dump. Well done, Scruff. Then Whiff wheeshed in. Trembling tracks,
08:17you must be Scruff. And look how really useful you are already. Scruff was scruffier but happier
08:26than ever. Pleased to be here, Whiff. Let's get scrunching. So Whiff and Scruff biffed and bashed.
08:35They crashed and smashed and Thomas laughed until his wheels wobbled.