Victor says yes

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video


00:00Victor says yes.
00:04On the island of Sodor, the engines like to puff and huff their hardest.
00:11Sometimes they huff too hard.
00:14Their pistons pop.
00:16Their traction rods rattle.
00:18And then they must go to the steamworks to be fixed.
00:23Victor liked fixing engines.
00:26And he liked being busy.
00:28And today was a very busy day at the steamworks.
00:32Trucks and engines were everywhere.
00:35Hurry up with those valves.
00:37We don't have all day, you know.
00:40Percy was waiting to be painted.
00:43I'd like to be gleaming and green, please, Victor.
00:46And Edward had to be fixed.
00:49And Edward had to be fixed.
00:51My broken boiler is bothering me, Victor.
00:54Victor clickety-clacked along the tracks from one engine to another.
00:59I know, I know, my friends.
01:01You all need to be fixed.
01:03And you all want to be fixed right away.
01:06But I only have one set of wheels, you know.
01:09Then the Fat Controller arrived on Gordon.
01:13Gordon spluttered and stuttered as he steamed.
01:17Victor, Gordon's valves are blocked.
01:20They must be cleaned as soon as possible.
01:23The children are going on a boat trip.
01:25Gordon must be ready to take them to the docks at tea time.
01:29Victor was worried.
01:31There was no room for Gordon in the steamworks.
01:34And the workmen were all busy.
01:37But Victor didn't want to upset the Fat Controller.
01:41Of course, sir.
01:43I will have Gordon puffing perfectly in no time.
01:46That made the Fat Controller very happy.
01:49Well done, Victor.
01:51I'm pleased to see that you are a really useful engine.
01:55Really useful engines do their best.
01:58And they are the best.
02:02Thank you, sir.
02:05Thomas chuffed cheerfully up to his friend.
02:08Oh my, Victor, the Fat Controller is very pleased with you.
02:12Victor puffed with pride.
02:14Thank you, Thomas, my friend.
02:17Now, what can I do for you?
02:19I have a loose footplate.
02:21Victor knew he had too much to do.
02:24He knew he didn't have time to fix Thomas' footplate.
02:28But he wanted to be the best.
02:31He wanted to be a really useful engine.
02:34Come on in, my friend.
02:36I'll fix your footplate.
02:38Gordon, jump back to let Thomas in.
02:41Come on, move over everyone, please.
02:45What about my blocked valves?
02:48And my broken boiler?
02:50And my gleaming green paint?
02:53And our valves?
02:54We were here first.
03:01Sorry, boss. Slipped me the hook.
03:03Victor huffed and heaved.
03:06All in good time, my friends.
03:09Fix Thomas' footplate, please.
03:14Then, Emily steamed in.
03:17She had to collect an important visitor from Brendam Docks.
03:21Emily, my friend, hello.
03:24What can I do for you?
03:26My buffers need a perfect polish.
03:29Victor knew he had too much to do.
03:32He knew he didn't have time to polish Emily's buffers.
03:36But he wanted to be the best.
03:39He wanted to be a really useful engine.
03:43Come along in, Emily, my friend.
03:45I will have your buffers polished perfectly.
03:50Emily wheezed and squeezed in front of Gordon.
03:54What about my blocked valves?
03:57My broken boiler?
03:59My gleaming green paint?
04:01My footplate?
04:03Our valves?
04:04We were here first.
04:11Sorry, boss. Slipped me the hook.
04:13Fizzling fireboxes.
04:16Give Emily some room.
04:18Puff back. Puff back, please.
04:25What about my blocked valves?
04:28Then there was trouble.
04:30Black smoke and soot shot from Gordon's valves.
04:35All over the Fat Controller who had just arrived in his bright blue car.
04:41Suddenly, the Fat Controller's car wasn't bright blue anymore.
04:46It was black and sooty.
04:48Victor gasped.
04:51Fizzling fireboxes.
04:54Oh, the indignity.
04:58Even hooks. Was that meant to happen, boss?
05:04No, it was not.
05:07The Fat Controller was cross.
05:10What are you doing, Victor?
05:12My car is ruined.
05:14And Gordon isn't fixed and ready to take the children to the docks.
05:19I thought you were really useful.
05:22Victor felt terrible.
05:25I'm sorry, sir.
05:27This is a disaster and it's all my fault.
05:30I wanted to show you that I really am the best.
05:33That I am really useful.
05:36So I tried to do everything and I ended up doing nothing.
05:40Can I help, boss?
05:42No, thank you, Kevin.
05:44Now I must do something.
05:46Victor screamed sadly to the Fat Controller.
05:50Sir, if you will let me, I can have Gordon ready in time.
05:55Your car will be bright blue again.
05:57All the engines will be fixed.
05:59And I will be really useful again.
06:02The Fat Controller could see Victor was sorry.
06:06Very well, Victor, but you better hurry.
06:09Victor smiled.
06:11Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
06:16Please, my friends, I have been silly.
06:19Now I ask you to help me.
06:22I can fix all of you, but I cannot fix all of you at the same time.
06:26Some of you will have to wait.
06:29The engines hooted and tooted.
06:32We'll all help you, Victor.
06:34Stand in by, boss.
06:36Victor smiled at his friends.
06:41First of all, Gordon's valves must be cleaned.
06:44What about my buffers?
06:46Emily, my friend, your buffers are going to be beautiful for your visitor.
06:51Tomorrow I will have them polished perfectly, but not today.
06:56What about my broken boiler?
06:59Victor smiled kindly at Edward.
07:02Your boiler will be bubbling soon.
07:05Please wait.
07:06Then Percy puffed up.
07:08I really want to be gleaming green.
07:11Victor chuckled.
07:13I know you do, Percy.
07:15And you will be the greenest green there is.
07:18But maybe not today.
07:20Wait, please, with your friend, Edward.
07:23Harry and Burr creaked crossly.
07:26We were here first!
07:28I know you were, my friends. I have not forgotten you.
07:31After Gordon, it will be your turn.
07:34This made Harry and Burr very happy.
07:37Then Victor chuffed to Thomas.
07:40Hand your food plate, Thomas, my friend.
07:42I was silly to say I could visit today.
07:45Don't worry, Victor. I can easily come back tomorrow.
07:49Thank you, Thomas.
07:51Kevin trundled up.
07:53Well done, boss!
07:57Later, Victor looked happily round the steamworks.
08:05Then the Fat Controller arrived.
08:08Gordon's bars are cleaned and his funnel is steaming.
08:12Well done, Victor.
08:14I see you are, once more, a really useful engine.
08:19That made Victor very happy.
08:22Thank you, sir.
08:25Boss, do you think I'm really useful?
08:29Victor smiled.
08:34Yes, you are, my friend.
08:37We are really useful together.