Toby's new whistle

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video


00:00Toby's new whistle. It was a bright sunny day on the island of Sodor. All the engines chuffed cheerfully. Everyone was smiling. Everyone except Toby.
00:15Toby was at the steamworks. Toby's bell had stopped working. It was covered in rust and didn't clang and chime anymore. It had to stay in the steamworks to be cleaned, so Toby was very sad. Victor didn't have another bell for Toby, so he had to be fitted with a new steam whistle.
00:37Easy does it, Kevin, my friend. Left a little, no, right a little. Perfect! Very good, my friend. How does that feel, Toby?
00:47Toby thought the new whistle felt very strange. It was much bigger than his old bell. He was worried.
00:55I've never used a steam whistle before.
00:59James chuffed into the steamworks with the fat controller.
01:04Hello, Toby. That's a three-chime steam whistle. I used to have one of those.
01:09This made Toby even more worried.
01:12Is it a good whistle?
01:14It's the best. It's the loudest whistle in the whole of Sodor.
01:18The loudest?
01:20Yes, it's loud and booming. Everyone will hear you coming.
01:26Toby didn't like this. He didn't like loud and booming noises. He liked the ting-a-ling-a-ling of his old bell.
01:34Toby, you must go to Knapford and collect Lady Hat. She's waiting, so don't be late.
01:41Yes, sir.
01:43So Toby chuffed off to Knapford Station with his new three-chime steam whistle.
01:51I wish I had my old bell back. I don't know how to use this new loud and booming three-chime steam whistle.
02:00Then an idea flew into Toby's funnel.
02:03If I puff slowly and carefully, I won't need to use my whistle at all.
02:09I can do all my jobs and wait for my old bell to be fixed.
02:14This made Toby feel much happier.
02:17Toby steamed slowly through Sodor.
02:21Gordon huffed and puffed impatiently behind him.
02:25Out of my way, Toby, you old steam tram! You're making me late!
02:32Out of my way, you old steam tram! You're making me late!
02:47Later, some cows were on the tracks in front of Toby. He couldn't puff past them.
02:54Out of the way, cows, please! I need to chuff through.
03:02But the cows didn't take any notice of Toby. They didn't move. They were too busy mooing and chewing.
03:10Toby knew what he needed to do. He needed to blow his new steam whistle. But Toby was scared.
03:17I don't want to use this new three-chime steam whistle. I wish I had my little bell back.
03:23Then another idea flew into Toby's funnel.
03:27I know what I can do. I'll get help.
03:30So Toby reversed down the track to find help. Some farm workers were working in the field.
03:38Excuse me! Hello? Hello?
03:43The farm workers didn't hear Toby. Toby blew steam and rattled his rods.
03:50But the farm workers still didn't hear Toby. They were too far away.
03:55Bust my buffers! They can't hear me!
03:58Toby knew he should use his new steam whistle, but he was still too scared.
04:04I wish I had my little bell back.
04:07So Toby puffed on. Somewhere he had to find help. But Toby couldn't find anybody to help him.
04:17So he huffed back to the cows.
04:20I do hope the cows have gone back to their field now.
04:24But the cows hadn't gone back to their field. They were still mooing and chewing all over the tracks.
04:32Oh no!
04:34Toby tried to biff them with his cow catcher. But they still wouldn't move.
04:41Oh no, Henrietta! I think we're trapped!
04:46Then there was trouble. Toby heard a noise that made his wheels wobble.
04:52Another engine is coming. They'll crash into the cows.
04:57The engine steamed round the corner. It was Thomas.
05:01Thomas was racing like the wind. His firebox was fuming and his boiler was burning brightly.
05:08I have to tell Thomas about the cows. I'll have to use this new whistle.
05:14Toby closed his eyes. His firebox flared and steam blew into his new three-chime steam whistle.
05:22It was the loudest whistle anyone had ever heard on Sodor.
05:28What was that?
05:30It was a three-chime steam whistle. They're the best whistles ever. I wonder who blew that?
05:36Thomas heard the three-chime steam whistle.
05:40Cinders and ashes! I must stop!
05:43He applied his brakes. Thomas screeched and skidded. Sparks flew and tracks trembled.
05:51Toby didn't dare look.
05:56Phew! Thank you, Toby. Your whistle told me there was trouble ahead.
06:01Toby felt very proud.
06:04I'm pleased I used my three-chime steam whistle. It was even louder than my bell.
06:10Thomas was proud of his friend Toby.
06:13Together with their whistles and wheesh, Toby and Thomas moved the cows from the track.
06:19Then, Toby remembered Lady Hat.
06:22Fizzling fireboxes! I've forgotten all about Lady Hat.
06:27She's waiting for me at Knapford. I must puff faster than Gordon to chuff there on time.
06:33Don't worry, Toby. I'll puff with you. We're sure to make it together.
06:39Thomas and Toby huffed and puffed towards Knapford Station.
06:44Suddenly, the Fat Controller arrived. He was very cross.
06:51Toby, Lady Hat waited for a very long time. Now, Gordon is taking her home.
06:58Toby was upset. He knew he hadn't been a really useful engine.
07:03Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
07:06Then, Toby stopped. He saw something ahead.
07:10There's a fallen tree across the tracks. And Gordon is steaming straight towards it.
07:17Oh, no! Don't worry, sir. I know just what to do.
07:22Toby bubbled his boiler and pumped his pistons.
07:26He blew his three-chime steam whistle as loudly and as boomingly as he could.
07:33Gordon heard Toby's whistle. He applied his brakes and screeched to a halt.
07:41Toby, did you blow that whistle so loudly?
07:45Yes, I did. It was my new three-chime steam whistle.
07:50For a steam tram, you have a lot of puff. Thank you.
07:55Well done, Toby!
07:57Toby couldn't have felt more proud.
08:00Good job, Toby!
08:03Toby was back at the steamworks. His little bell was ready.
08:08It glistened and gleamed as if it were brand new. Toby was happy.
08:14Bye-bye, big new steam whistle.
08:18Victor and Kevin had heard the news that Toby had saved Thomas and Gordon.
08:23Well, Toby, my friend, it sounds as if you had a very busy day.
08:28Did you like the new three-chime steam whistle?
08:31It was very useful.
08:33You can keep it if you like, my friend.
08:36No, thank you. My bell is the best of all.