Tree Fu Tom Tree Fu Tom E070 Ranger Tom And Ginormous George

  • la semaine dernière


00:30Swim time !
00:33Swim time !
00:36Aïe aïe aïe !
00:40C'est tout !
00:42Tributons, tournez le fond, come along now everyone !
00:45Movements on, heedy choos, save the day, enter tributes, yeah !
00:54Standing over a catch, it's very important that you don't let go !
00:56Hi you two !
00:57Hi !
00:58Come and see, we're building a...
01:01Oups !
01:03Hum, what is it you're building ?
01:05It's a tent !
01:07Well, it's going to be !
01:08Obviously it still needs work, but when it's done, I'll get my ranger's tent builder badge !
01:14And Grandad Rickety made me a ranger for the day so I can help !
01:18We rangers love helping !
01:20Oops !
01:21Hum, I don't suppose you feel like helping too Tom ?
01:24Of course ! But first, we need to do the moves that turn our magic powers on !
01:28Come on, join in !
01:30Time for Tri-Fo !
01:37We need to turn the magic on, we need to save the day, come on !
01:40Just follow me and you will see the magic comes from you and me !
01:47To make Tri-Fo spells do what you see !
01:50Slide to the side, and jump right back !
01:54Hold your hands up high, spin around, reach up for the sky !
02:01Touch your nose, now make a pose !
02:04Clap your hands, touch your knees, and run with me !
02:11When you move, you make the magic !
02:14Do what I do to make the magic !
02:18Turn that, turn that, turn that, turn that Tri-Fo magic on !
02:22Look, the sapstone in my belt is glowing !
02:25Moving turned our magic on !
02:27Thanks for your help !
02:36We'll get our badges in no time !
02:38Hello there rangers !
02:39Hi Rickety !
02:40Look how well we're doing !
02:41Check this out grandad !
02:45If you really want those badges...
02:47Yeah we do !
02:48We really really really do !
02:50Then all you have to do is keep at it !
02:52Rangers never give up !
02:54And they always help each other right grandad ?
02:57We rangers pledge to do good deeds and always help out those in need !
03:06That's Puffy and Stink !
03:07And it sounds like they're in trouble !
03:12Rangers to the rescue !
03:14You keep an eye on Ranger Rickett for me won't you ?
03:17She doesn't know all the ways of the fungus forest yet !
03:20Of course we will ! Come on Twigs !
03:22Rangers to the rescue !
03:41Puffy ! Stink ! Are you okay ?
03:43What's going on ?
03:44That's what we'd like to know !
03:46There we were having a great time in that patch of tickled toadstools !
03:50When you and Little Miss Lotta Legs swoop in and spoil our fun !
03:55Oh ! We thought you needed rescuing !
03:57We heard you shouting !
03:59Yeah ! Why would you shout help help make it stop if you were having such a good time ?
04:03Allow us to demonstrate !
04:07Stop it !
04:08Help !
04:10Oh point taken !
04:12We're sorry we interrupted your fun !
04:14Come on Rangers ! Let's get back to our tent building !
04:16Yeah ! Gotta get that badge !
04:21I will never understand those do-goody-tree-foo Rangers !
04:25They always come running whenever you shout for help !
04:28Yeah ! Even if you don't really need help !
04:33I may just have had my most marvelously mischievous idea ever !
04:40Ah ! Those badges have got our names on them !
04:43I'm gonna put mine here ! No ! Here ! No ! It's gonna go right here !
04:46Careful Twigs !
04:48I found all this great stuff to cover the Fred with !
04:52What's that ?
04:57What was that noise ?
05:03Someone's in trouble !
05:05Rangers to the rescue !
05:06Oh ! Come on !
05:08But ! But !
05:09Oh ! Sorry Ted but I'll be back !
05:14The shouts are coming from up ahead !
05:16Keep up you two !
05:22Puffy ! What's going on ?
05:24You've got to help us !
05:26There's a great big fungus chomping creature on the loose !
05:31Ah ! We're doomed !
05:32Fungus chomping ?
05:34Yes ! And it's huge with a curly shell and ginormously big eyes !
05:39It gobbles up all the fungus it finds and the more it eats the more enormous it gets !
05:44What's this huge scary creature called ?
05:46It's called...
05:48Oh ! Let me think !
05:49A chomp crunch, a funger gobbler and a jelly jar !
05:53Jar ! Jar ! Jar ! Jar ! Jar ! Jar ! Jar !
05:56George !
05:57Suddenly it sounds less scary !
05:59It's not just George !
06:01It's ginormous George !
06:04Ginormous George the gigantically giant fungus gobbler !
06:07And it's gobbling its way right through the forest !
06:10Listen !
06:12Come on stink !
06:18Go away you nasty thing ! Stop eating our home !
06:22Ginormous George !
06:25Help !
06:26Oh my poor brave brother ! If only someone would help him !
06:32Rangers to the rescue !
06:39It's working !
06:44No ! Go away ! Leave our lovely forest alone !
06:49Stink ! Are you alright ?
06:52Oh ! Thank goodness you came to help !
06:55George sounds really scary and hungry !
06:58Hey ! Who's George ?
07:00Ginormous George the giant gobbler thingy ! That's his name right ?
07:03Is it ?
07:04I mean yes it is !
07:06Oh ! You've got to make it go away before it eats all our favourite fungi !
07:11He really must be huge !
07:13Look at the big slime trail he's left !
07:15Wowzers !
07:18That'll make it easier to find !
07:20Come on ! Rangers to the rescue !
07:24Stop him !
07:30You call this helping ?
07:39Oh no ! They're stuck in a bouncing ball !
07:42Hey ! Wreck it ! Use a web !
07:46Great idea ! Thanks Twigs ! I'll save you Stink !
07:56Maybe the web wasn't a completely genius idea !
07:59They're in real trouble now Twigs !
08:09Oh no !
08:11We're going to need big world magic to rescue Racket and Stink !
08:15We have to stop that fungus !
08:17So I need your help !
08:18It's time to do the super freeze spell !
08:21Are you ready ?
08:26Right ! Copy me !
08:28Into your spell pose !
08:30This is a really fast spell !
08:32Look out for the freezes !
08:33With your hands, push across to the side !
08:36Keep going fast !
08:383, 2, 1, freeze !
08:42Well done !
08:44Swing your arms forward like you're swimming !
08:48Keep going fast !
08:503, 2, 1, freeze !
08:55That's really great !
08:57Same moves again !
08:59Hands across !
09:013, 2, 1, freeze !
09:08Swing your arms forward !
09:123, 2, 1, freeze !
09:17Now clap and say super freeze to send the magic to me !
09:22Super freeze !
09:34It worked !
09:35Thanks for your help !
09:36Let's get them out of there Twigs !
09:44Thanks Tom ! That was brilliant !
09:47Just as well someone knows how to do a proper rescue !
09:53Did you see ginormous George ?
09:56No, but the slime trail leads right here !
09:59So where is he ? Who can say ?
10:02But he really was here !
10:04Monsieur Promise !
10:08Well one thing's for sure, there's no giant creature here now !
10:11So, as you two don't need our help anymore, we can carry on with our tent !
10:15It's strange that none of us saw this ginormous George, especially as he's so, well, ginormous !
10:25You don't think...
10:26That the mushers made it all up ! I think they did !
10:30So do I !
10:32Those tricky tricksters tricked us with a trick !
10:36We don't know that for sure, they did sound like they really needed help !
10:42That's true ! Still, if it was a trick, I'm not falling for another one !
10:46Me neither ! Come on, let's go !
10:51That was great ! Making the rangers come running just by yelling help !
10:56Let's do it again ! But how do we stop them working out it's another big trick ?
11:00Well, they thought it was strange that they didn't see ginormous George !
11:04So next time, we have to make sure they do see him !
11:10And how do we do that ?
11:12We just... well, all we do is... I don't know !
11:18Oh, Fungle, Fungle ! I've got it !
11:25Behold ! The Transformers !
11:28I know what it is, but how's it going to help us trick the rangers ?
11:32Like this ! We just pop you into the booth and turn you into ginormous George, the big fungus gobbling thingy !
11:41I've got a much more brilliant idea !
11:44Oh yeah ? What ?
11:45I turn you into the big fungus gobbling thingy !
11:55Ginormous George ! It worked !
11:57Now, we just have to plan the best way to...
12:02Yes, very good ! Now, stop eating for a moment so we can...
12:07Hey, don't ignore me !
12:11I'm putting you back in that booth !
12:14I don't think this plan is working !
12:20Come here !
12:21Oh no ! You really do grow fast when you eat !
12:24Now, stop chomping and listen !
12:31Help !
12:34Help !
12:41Easy, easy !
12:44You've got to help me !
12:46Did you hear that ?
12:47What's that ?
12:48I need help, right now ! Please !
12:52Let me guess, ginormous George ?
12:54Yes ! No worse !
12:56I accidentally turned Stinky into ginormous George !
13:00Please, help me change him back !
13:02Well, we could do that, or we could not fall for another musher trick and stay here and finish this tent !
13:09But you're treefoo rangers ! You always help when there's trouble !
13:13Real trouble, yes !
13:15Sorry Puffy, you're not fooling us again ! We've got a tent to build !
13:30Stinky, you're ginormous !
13:32Oh, stop eating, please !
13:37Oh no ! You won't even fit in the Transformo booth now !
13:41Maybe we can squeeze your tail in !
13:44Come on ! Be a good George !
13:55Oh no ! Now there's no way of changing Stinky back !
14:00If Tom and the Rangers attempt to help, we could have stopped this happening !
14:05We don't know what to do !
14:07And I want my brother back !
14:10Well done Twigs ! It's perfect !
14:13Aw, thanks Tom ! I'll mention how much you both helped me in my grand badge acceptance speech !
14:21What was that ?
14:22Save the tent ! Save the tent !
14:30Wow ! What is that ?
14:32It's a trick ! It's a trick !
14:35It's real !
14:38Of course it's real ! It's Stink !
14:40I told you, but you wouldn't believe me ! And now he's enormous ! And unstoppable !
14:43Unstoppable ? I don't like the sound of that !
14:45What are we going to do Tom ?
14:47I don't know !
14:48Stink ! Come back !
14:56Stink !
14:57Oh no !
15:00Stink ! This way !
15:03No ! Stop !
15:07We can't stop him !
15:09Puppy ! Don't you know how to secure that thing ? My tent !
15:15This is definitely not a made up problem !
15:18Problem ? It's a disaster ! A huge unstoppable tent smashing disaster !
15:23Now he's heading for the clubhouse !
15:26Please stop Stink !
15:31Oh no !
15:32We've got to use big world magic to turn Stink back to himself and save the clubhouse !
15:37So I need your help ! It's time to do the magic go back spell !
15:41Are you ready ?
15:43Trick or go !
15:46Right ! Copy me !
15:48Into your spell pose !
15:51Right ! Copy me !
15:53Into your spell pose !
15:55Start with your palms together !
15:57Fingers crossed !
15:59Kick one leg back !
16:01Kick your other leg back !
16:03Shake low on one side !
16:05Shake low on the other side !
16:07Shake it high on one side !
16:09Shake it high on the other side !
16:11Zoom your hands up the center !
16:13And undo them !
16:15Brilliant !
16:17Same moves again !
16:19Palms together ! Fingers crossed !
16:21Kick one leg back !
16:23The other leg back !
16:25Shake low ! Shake low !
16:27Shake high ! Shake high !
16:29Up the center !
16:31And undo them !
16:33Now clap and say magic go back !
16:35To send the magic to me !
16:38Magic go back !
16:50Yeah !
16:52We did it !
16:54Thanks for your help !
16:56What happened ?
16:58And why is my tummy so full ?
17:03Thanks for helping !
17:05I suppose !
17:06But you certainly took your time about it !
17:08That's because we didn't believe you !
17:10If you hadn't pretended to be in trouble before,
17:12we would have helped out much sooner !
17:15We understand !
17:17And we've learnt our lesson, haven't we Puffy ?
17:19We certainly have !
17:21What you're saying is,
17:23next time we make something up,
17:25we've got to make it even more believable !
17:29Yes ! That's it !
17:31No !
17:33I never thought I'd say this,
17:35but I'm glad you're you again, Sting !
17:39Get off !
17:41My tummy hurts !
17:43I didn't learn anything at all !
17:45Our tent got smashed for nothing !
17:47Now I'll never get my badge !
17:49No !
17:51Rangers never give up !
17:53Come on !
17:55Better do as she says, Twigs !
18:01Ta-da !
18:03Excellent work, Rangers !
18:05Now that you've built this tent,
18:07again and again,
18:09tent builder badges all round !
18:11Great !
18:13Thanks, Grandad !
18:19That was the most tiring badge
18:21I've ever earned !
18:23Let's go and find loads more
18:25good deeds to do, Twigs !
18:27Twigs ?
18:31Looks like the good deeds
18:33will have to wait !
18:35Time for me to head home !
18:37Bye for now !
18:39See you soon !
18:43Merci de m'avoir aidé
18:45dans Treetopolis !
18:47A bientôt pour une nouvelle aventure !
18:49Au revoir !
