On this particular Friday morning the students of Eastbrook High are arriving at school to complete their final exams before the Christmas Holiday HD ( Drama )

  • 2 weeks ago
On this particular Friday morning the students of Eastbrook High are arriving at school to complete their final exams before the Christmas Holiday HD ( Drama )
00:00:00Samantha Byram in the weather center as we watch the progression of this storm.
00:00:16Bye. Have a good day.
00:00:27Oh, I like your picture.
00:00:30Oh, come on guys. Again? I haven't had milk with my cereal in over a week.
00:00:35Mine's charred too, Brant. I want to try to save you some.
00:00:38Sorry. I'm starting to enjoy the crisp texture of cornflakes in the morning.
00:00:41Sorry, Brant. This past week's really been tight and I haven't made another trip to the store,
00:00:45but did you check to see if there's any bread for toast?
00:00:47Oh no, it's fine, Mom. Really. I should get paid tonight after my shift,
00:00:49so I'll just pick something up from work.
00:00:55I really appreciate all you do, Brant. I know how hard you've been working lately.
00:00:59I'm showing the McConnell Street house this couple for the third time,
00:01:01and as soon as this sale goes through, things are really going to start looking up.
00:01:04That's great, Mom. Good luck. I get off at nine,
00:01:07so just call me at the store if you think of anything you need me to bring home.
00:01:10Thanks, Brant.
00:01:12Hey, Brant. Want me to the bus stop?
00:01:14I have about 50 vocab flashcards Huckadee's was on.
00:01:17Okay. Um, lackadaisical.
00:01:21Oh, lackadaisies. Can you keep an eighth grade for my sake, please?
00:01:25Hey, you're going to have to learn soon enough. You're really close, though.
00:01:28You two better hurry up. Brant's going to miss her bus.
00:01:30Yes, Ma'am.
00:01:31Love you, Mom.
00:01:32Love you too, guys. Have a good day.
00:01:34And bundle up. There's supposed to be a pretty heavy snow tonight.
00:01:37Bye, Mom.
00:01:52Mom, are you almost ready? I don't want to be late again.
00:01:56Mary Jake, I thought I told you I had a job interview this morning.
00:02:00It's on the complete opposite side of town. You're going to have to take the bus.
00:02:04Are you kidding me? It's freezing outside, Mom.
00:02:08What about Dad?
00:02:09Don't bother your father. He was up again half the night.
00:02:12He needs to catch up on his rest. You know how stressed he's been lately.
00:02:14Well, maybe if I still had my own car, I wouldn't have to be such a burden on you.
00:02:18Mary Jake, I don't want to hear it.
00:02:20You know as well as I do why you don't. I'll see you after school.
00:02:25And you act like it's my fault.
00:02:28Guess I'll freeze to death waiting for the bus.
00:02:34Did you get something to eat, sweetie?
00:02:36Uh, there's some bacon and eggs left if you want, or I could toast you a bagel real quick.
00:02:42No, um, I'm not that hungry. I'll just grab a banana or something.
00:02:46Well, sweetie, a banana is not going to tide you over to lunch.
00:02:49Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
00:02:51Just give me two minutes. I can make you a cinnamon raisin bagel.
00:02:54Mom, don't worry about it. It'll just get wasted. I'm not that hungry.
00:02:58Oh, uh, Lynn, do you need a check for your lunch count?
00:03:00It seems like it's been a while since I've given you one.
00:03:03No, I'm fine. Um, they lowered the prices in food lately, so it's just lasted a lot longer, that's all.
00:03:09Plus, it's the last day before Christmas break anyway, so see you later.
00:03:21Hey, can I catch a ride with you? My car's been acting up in the cold.
00:03:46I'm really running behind this morning, son, and I want to pick up Starbucks on the way.
00:03:50Mindy's still out on maternity leave.
00:03:51Dad, it's right on the way.
00:03:53You know, you can walk there as quickly as I can drive you, Grayson.
00:03:56If your car's still acting up later, we'll take it to the dealership. I gotta go.
00:04:08Anyways, I'm so sick of how she acts like her life is so much more important than mine.
00:04:12Riding the bus this morning was humiliating. What a way to start Christmas vacation.
00:04:17Sweetie, you know you can call me next time. The mini is a little bit small for three,
00:04:21but we can make it work. Can't have you waiting at the bus stop.
00:04:25How long is your car going to be in the shop, though?
00:04:27It seems like it's been forever. Who knows? It's messed up pretty bad.
00:04:32Geez, you think your parents would at least rent you something while you're waiting?
00:04:35Yeah, well, it's like I said, their lives are so much more important than mine.
00:04:39You poor thing.
00:05:10Attention, students. The National Weather Service has just issued a severe snowstorm warning for
00:05:15our area. Your remaining exams will be rescheduled following the holiday break. Please contact your
00:05:20parents or guardians immediately so they may arrange to transport you home. Due to the severity
00:05:25of the storm, you will all be required to wear a face mask and wear a mask while traveling.
00:05:32Please contact your parents or guardians immediately so they may arrange to transport you
00:05:36home. Due to the severity of the storm, you will only allow students to drive themselves home once
00:05:42their parents have given permission. All students that have not been picked up or signed out by 2
00:05:48p.m. are to wait in the gym until transportation has been arranged.
00:05:52Oh, my mom's showing today.
00:06:22Hey, guys, listen up. Bobby Cawthorne, Caroline Tripp, Tiffany Reeves, Jason Carnegie,
00:06:36Damon Bryant, Jessica Walsh, Amy Price, Andrea Redman, and John Gloria, you are free to go.
00:06:44The rest of you, we're still waiting to hear from your parents before the school can allow you to
00:06:48leave. Now, if we hear from them and they don't want you driving during the inclement weather,
00:06:53then I'm afraid that you're going to have to wait here until they can come get you. Thanks, guys.
00:07:11Look, I don't care. I am not sitting here all day. Sydney,
00:07:14just call the school and pretend to be my mom. Hey, are you okay?
00:07:21Oh, you've got to be kidding me. No one is going to find out it's you.
00:07:25I'll run out the door really quick, please.
00:07:32Dad, it's me. I know you're in a meeting. It's not an emergency. I'm fine. I just,
00:07:37I really need you to call the school so they can release me, okay? It's only going to take 30
00:07:41seconds. Thanks, Dad. Bye, I guess.
00:08:02Well, hello, students. I'm sorry I've not been able to get a hold of your parents.
00:08:06The school's attempted to contact them as well, but unfortunately, we have no luck either.
00:08:13I'm going to attempt to go home to my own children before the storm gets any worse.
00:08:17Mrs. Burgess will be here near the phones,
00:08:19and she'll be checking on you periodically until everyone has been dismissed.
00:08:37Well, all right, then. Basketball, anyone?
00:08:44Yeah, man, I'm in. Lynn, did you want to shoot a few?
00:08:48No, no, I'm not very good. And you think I am? Come on.
00:09:00Not like we have anything better to do.
00:09:06Hey, what's her name? Dude, how do you not know her name?
00:09:19Give him a break, Brent. He's only gone here a few weeks. It's Mary Jake. Mary Jake Harper.
00:09:24Her family owns like half of Raleigh, and her dad is- Hey, Mary Jake, come join us.
00:09:30I'm good, really. Come on, what are you afraid of?
00:09:34Nothing, okay? I just don't feel like playing.
00:09:36Well, I don't really feel like being stuck in the gym all night either,
00:09:39but it looks like we're kind of out of luck, so...
00:09:44Come on.
00:10:03Okay, so let's play horse. But if you miss your shot, you have to tell everyone the reason why
00:10:13you're stuck here today. Come on, man, that's dumb.
00:10:17I agree. What's so dumb about it?
00:10:19What do you have to hide? I didn't mean it like that.
00:10:21Okay, then you can go first.
00:10:26I know you're new here, so probably no one told you, but Grayson's our local basketball legend.
00:10:30They framed his jersey last year and put it in the principal's office.
00:10:33Hope they washed it first.
00:10:43Camille, you next?
00:10:45Um, sure.
00:10:46All right, Camille. Spill it.
00:11:04I talked to my dad. Actually, he and my mom are in meetings all day,
00:11:08and they couldn't get away.
00:11:09Don't you have a car?
00:11:10Yeah. Yes, I do. But I don't like to drive in the snow, so I'm waiting here until they can come.
00:11:17Well, get someone else your get-out-of-jail card, then.
00:11:20Some of us aren't choosing to be stuck here.
00:11:23Why are you stuck here, then, Mary Jake?
00:11:25I'm not playing.
00:11:26Yeah, I know. That's okay. I'm just asking.
00:11:30Fine, then. My car's in the shop, and my parents are very busy because they're very important
00:11:36people. Happy now?
00:12:05Told you I was terrible.
00:12:06But no one cares if you're good at basketball.
00:12:15I drive, and my car is here, but my parents are so protective,
00:12:19they don't want me driving this weather. So now my aunt is supposed to come get me,
00:12:24but she freaks out a little bit, too. So I think maybe my great-uncle Lou
00:12:28is coming with the semi-truck after he finishes his route.
00:12:31All right, students. Still no word from your parents, so grab your things. Let's move everyone
00:12:40to the library. That way you can at least catch up on any reading or study you may need to
00:12:45accomplish before Christmas break. There are also emergency lights in there,
00:12:49just in case we lose power.
00:12:51Are you sure my mom hasn't called?
00:12:54I'm sure she's tried.
00:12:56I'm sorry, Ms. Harper.
00:13:01Are you coming to the Christmas service?
00:13:11Um, sure. Are you gonna be singing?
00:13:14Well, this will be interesting.
00:13:14Yeah, I know. We'll see. It's gonna be a fun time.
00:13:22Hey, um, I'm just gonna use the restroom. I'll meet you guys there.
00:13:28Okay, we'll see you in a minute.
00:13:31Oh, come on, Sydney. Come on.
00:13:42Hi, you've reached Sydney. I've obviously got something better to do than answer your phone
00:13:46call, so leave a message.
00:13:48Oh, seriously?
00:14:01Come on in.
00:14:22Lynn, can you go check on Mary Jake? I hope she isn't sick or anything. She seemed a little
00:14:28Mary Jake?
00:14:29Mm-hmm. Yeah, sure, Mrs. Burgess.
00:14:32Okay, thanks.
00:14:57Mary Jake?
00:14:59Mary Jake?
00:15:12Oh, no.
00:15:20She isn't in the bathroom.
00:15:23What do you mean? Where is she?
00:15:25Mrs. Burgess, I think she may have left the school. I can't say for sure.
00:15:28She's pretty upset she had to stay.
00:15:31Well, how far could she possibly get in the weather? She said she didn't have a car.
00:15:35Now, we don't have any reason to believe that she isn't just somewhere else in the school.
00:15:39She could have forgotten something in the gym, or maybe she just wanted to be alone.
00:15:43Doubtful. When have you ever seen Mary Jake Harper alone?
00:15:46She's got a point, Mrs. Burgess, and I don't even think Mary Jake knows what the word means.
00:15:52I didn't realize.
00:15:53Oh. Okay, let's split up and look for her. She could still be somewhere in the school.
00:16:15All right, I'm going this way. Who's coming with me?
00:16:17Yeah, okay, I'll come with you.
00:16:18Meet us back at the library if you find her.
00:16:20Okay, Mrs. Burgess, I'll come with you.
00:16:22Mary Jake, please come out.
00:16:26Does she have a favorite teacher or a classroom where she might have gone?
00:16:31Mrs. Burgess, I'm sorry, but I don't know much more about Mary Jake other than what outfit she
00:16:36wears each day to school, but she probably has like 20 friends who would ride their bike
00:16:40into the blizzard and come get her if she wanted them to.
00:16:46Let's go.
00:16:52Mary Jake? Hello?
00:16:56I think Mrs. Burgess is completely pointless. She's probably long gone by now.
00:17:00My point exactly. Not like I've had a conversation with Mary Jake since like
00:17:05preschool, but I think I'm receptive enough to know that she isn't the type
00:17:09to be hiding in the corner of some classroom pouting.
00:17:12So what you guys are saying is that she went out into the storm with no car?
00:17:14Any logical person would know that isn't the best plan.
00:17:18Maybe she called someone to come pick her up. Sidney could have come, or maybe her mom or dad?
00:17:22Well, then we should check the entrance, just so we know.
00:17:25Can we make a pit stop first?
00:17:26Don't you run off on us too?
00:17:28I'd like to keep my fingers and toes, thank you.
00:17:33I like her spunk.
00:17:35Yeah, Camille didn't used to be so spunky.
00:17:37What do you mean?
00:17:39Back in middle school, she was Miss Social Butterfly.
00:17:42You know, she was super involved with our church and was like the head of the whole choir.
00:17:46You don't believe how good she can sing.
00:17:48You know, she was really cool and fun and always really crazy happy.
00:17:51And then, I don't know, high school happened,
00:17:54and I don't really know what she's thinking anymore.
00:17:56But could she use her voice in choir, though?
00:18:01Yeah, I'm a choir nerd.
00:18:04Hey, did you check to make sure she didn't just fall in?
00:18:09No comment.
00:18:12See? She's spunk.
00:18:28Shall we place bets?
00:18:3050 bucks says she's climbing into a horse-drawn carriage,
00:18:33laughing at us when we open that door.
00:18:35Oh, high roller, man.
00:18:36Five bucks says she's off to the faculty bathroom for some privacy.
00:18:39Cafeteria if it'll do that to you.
00:18:41Gross, Brandt.
00:18:42She's gonna owe me five bucks if I have to freeze to death looking for her.
00:18:47Okay, moment of truth.
00:18:51So, it's gonna be like that, huh?
00:18:5350 bucks for a horse-drawn carriage?
00:19:05Mary Jake is no friend of mine.
00:19:08If he's not back in three minutes, I'm going after him.
00:19:10I guess that's the difference between you and me.
00:19:21Did you find her?
00:19:32Well, princess, looks like you owe me 50 bucks.
00:19:36I don't know what you're talking about.
00:19:38I mean, why are you heading into a blizzard on foot?
00:19:41You must at least have a plan or maybe a ride.
00:19:43I'm fine. Just leave me alone.
00:19:46Mary Jake, give it up. It's freezing.
00:19:49Your pretty little nose will turn black and fall off if you stay out here much longer.
00:19:53So, what's the plan?
00:19:56I thought my ride would be here.
00:19:58I guess they couldn't make it in the snow.
00:20:01I'm sure they tried.
00:20:03Right. I'm sure they did too.
00:20:06Come on.
00:20:19Mary Jake, what were you thinking?
00:20:22Um, I...
00:20:23She was waiting for her ride.
00:20:25But some people just don't know how to drive in the snow, you know?
00:20:28They're probably stuck in a snowbank somewhere,
00:20:30leaving poor Mary Jake to fend for herself in the cold.
00:20:34Some friend, huh?
00:20:36I'm sorry, Mary Jake.
00:20:37But you have to let me know next time before you try to leave.
00:20:39You could have been stuck out there for hours.
00:20:44Okay, everyone, back to the library.
00:20:47I'll meet you there in a minute.
00:21:28Oh, man, it's four o'clock already.
00:21:30I should be clocking in right now.
00:21:32So much for that paycheck.
00:21:34Where do you work, Brent?
00:21:36Well, after school, I work at Lowe's Foods.
00:21:37And then on the weekends, I work concessions at the ball field during the day,
00:21:40and I bus tables at Vincenzo's at night.
00:21:42Wow, you sure keep busy.
00:21:44What are you saving up for?
00:21:47Uh, nothing really.
00:21:48I just try and work as hard as I can to help my family out.
00:21:51They own a, uh, realty business,
00:21:52and with the economy lately,
00:21:53they've been having a little trouble making as much as they used to.
00:21:57Is it just you and your parents?
00:21:59Uh, no.
00:21:59Actually, it's me and my adopted sister, Anna, who's 13.
00:22:03And then we have six foster brothers and sisters.
00:22:05So it's a pretty full house.
00:22:06If your parents are so poor,
00:22:08then why are they taking care of other people's kids?
00:22:11Wow, Mary Jake, well said.
00:22:14You know what I mean.
00:22:15Yeah, I know.
00:22:15And they do it because they love them as their own,
00:22:17and they're doing their very best to give them a better life than they had at home.
00:22:23Maybe I've come to live with you, too.
00:22:25I saw that car you pulled up in.
00:22:26You don't seem to be too bad off.
00:22:29Well, I'd trade that car any day
00:22:32if it meant that my dad would actually act like a human being.
00:22:35Bran, it seems like your family takes care of so many kids
00:22:38because they love being around them.
00:22:40You know, I just wish that my dad was a little more like that.
00:22:44Oh, go cry a little bit more.
00:22:46You guys are all pathetic.
00:22:50What did you just say?
00:22:51Stop playing dumb, Grayson.
00:22:53Just because none of these people are your friends
00:22:56doesn't mean it's okay to whine about your daddy issues.
00:22:59Mary Jake, stop.
00:23:00What's wrong?
00:23:02What's wrong?
00:23:03You want to know what's wrong?
00:23:05Yeah, please enlighten us.
00:23:09What's your name again, new kid?
00:23:11Because I don't think anybody bothered to ask or to care.
00:23:17Grayson, do you care to share?
00:23:22What's your name?
00:23:23I won't say I told you so.
00:23:26It's Anthony.
00:23:28Anthony David Goodwin.
00:23:30And you know what?
00:23:32And this is probably the only time I'm ever going to say this, but she's right.
00:23:35I had hoped people at this school would be concerned
00:23:37with a little more than just themselves.
00:23:42I guess I was wrong.
00:23:44Well, I think you're great, Anthony, and we're all sorry.
00:23:47Careful. Watch out for this one.
00:23:50She'll think you're so great, she'll try to become you.
00:23:53Fifth grade, we were friends somehow.
00:23:56Until suddenly, she's starting to dress like me and wear her hair like me every day.
00:24:02She'll start to freak you out after a little while.
00:24:05Stop pretending you're so perfect, Mary Jake.
00:24:07You're the one that was standing alone in a blizzard.
00:24:10The only reason I was out there is because I'd rather freeze to death
00:24:13than be stuck in here with you.
00:24:15Don't talk to her like that.
00:24:17Oh, give me a break, Grayson.
00:24:19You're the one who completely humiliated Camille in freshman year
00:24:21when you found out she had a crush on you.
00:24:23You made it very clear to the entire school that she wasn't good enough for you.
00:24:26You need to mind your own business.
00:24:28And since when do you think that you have any place here standing up to me?
00:24:32Okay, I might not have as much money as you do
00:24:34or drive some fancy car or live in a huge house,
00:24:37but that doesn't make you any better than me.
00:24:38You don't know the first thing about me, Brant.
00:24:40I know that you hang out with the super cool crowd
00:24:42and you have a different girlfriend every week.
00:24:45All right.
00:24:46Fine, I'll stop.
00:24:48But tell me one thing you know about me.
00:24:54I'm sorry, okay?
00:24:58I'm sorry.
00:25:03What are we doing here?
00:25:07Well, whether we like it or not,
00:25:10whether we like each other or not,
00:25:12we're stuck here.
00:25:14Anthony's right.
00:25:14This is going to be a long night if we keep this up.
00:25:16It's going to be a long night regardless.
00:25:20I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving.
00:25:23Does this place keep anything in the cafeteria after hours?
00:25:26Uh, yeah.
00:25:27They should have some like chips and stuff.
00:25:30Maybe some mean leftover chili dogs if we're lucky.
00:25:32Oh, gross.
00:25:33Brant, you with me on this adventure?
00:25:37Lynn, do you want to go?
00:25:39Um, yeah, why not?
00:25:42So, Anthony, you just moved here recently, right?
00:25:55Yeah, sure did.
00:25:57Where from?
00:25:58Oh, you know, all over really.
00:26:00Military, Brant?
00:26:02Yeah, actually.
00:26:12I meant what I said.
00:26:21When I said I was sorry, that is.
00:26:24I really am.
00:26:26That's fine.
00:26:27I hardly even remember anymore.
00:26:29Yeah, well, I do.
00:26:32It was first period.
00:26:34Both had coach Lester's economics class together.
00:26:38You wrote a note to Kelly Cothran about hoping that I would take you to the homecoming dance.
00:26:43So Kelly tried to pass me the note.
00:26:47Jackson saw what I said and started causing a scene.
00:26:50And I went along with what he said and told him, yeah, right, in a million years.
00:26:55Even though that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to say.
00:26:58Yeah, I'm sure.
00:26:59I mean it.
00:27:00Jackson and all those guys, they're immature.
00:27:04And yeah, there was a point when I thought I had to be just like them.
00:27:08But I've changed a lot.
00:27:10I'm just sorry that you had to experience the old me like that.
00:27:18Can you forgive me?
00:27:23I think so.
00:27:26And thanks.
00:27:28I know it was a while ago, but it means a lot.
00:27:37Do you think she's just proud of you?
00:27:38Do you think she's just pretending to listen to music and she can actually hear us talking?
00:27:44I used to do that on road trips with my parents,
00:27:46just to see if they would actually say anything about me.
00:27:49That's smooth.
00:27:50Did they?
00:27:52I guess they were smarter than I thought.
00:28:08Oh, yeah, remember when I said I wanted a chili dog?
00:28:26Definitely changed my mind.
00:28:29I dare you to eat the whole thing.
00:28:30Lane Barrett's been done.
00:28:33It's no processed meat, but salty and deep-fried has to take a good second.
00:28:36Right, you are, Lane.
00:28:37Good work.
00:28:44Oh, thank goodness.
00:28:45I was about to eat Mary Jake's hand.
00:28:50What's so funny?
00:28:56What kind of chips do you want?
00:28:57Cheese curls, all right?
00:28:58Sure, whatever you want.
00:28:59I'll have a cheese curl.
00:29:00What kind of chips do you want?
00:29:01Cheese curls, all right?
00:29:02Sure, whatever.
00:29:07Lynn, this feast was your discovery.
00:29:09Dig in.
00:29:11I'm really not hungry.
00:29:12Big lunch.
00:29:14You didn't eat anything at lunch.
00:29:16I was sitting down the table for me.
00:29:18And you were watching me eat?
00:29:20That's a little creepy, Brant.
00:29:22Well, I mean, I look at you sometimes, yeah,
00:29:24and I just noticed you were picking at your salad.
00:29:26Just an observation.
00:29:27Why do you look at me?
00:29:29Come on, Lynn.
00:29:30It's written all over his face.
00:29:32He looks at you because he likes you.
00:29:36Yeah, I look at you because I like you
00:29:39and because I think you're really pretty.
00:29:42I'll be pretty when I lose 20 pounds.
00:29:44Lynn, are you crazy?
00:29:4520 pounds?
00:29:47Come on, you look great.
00:29:50Thanks, but you're lying.
00:29:51She's not lying, Lynn.
00:29:53I like you just how you are.
00:29:54Yeah, well, I don't.
00:29:56Skinny doesn't mean pretty.
00:29:57Why do you think like-
00:29:57Just stop, okay?
00:29:59Obviously, none of you know anything
00:30:01and you don't know me.
00:30:01So stop pretending that you do.
00:30:03Hey, man.
00:30:32I'm sorry about what I said before.
00:30:33I guess it's really none of my business.
00:30:35It's okay.
00:30:37I just want you to know that I think you're beautiful.
00:30:39Inside and out.
00:30:41And I mean it.
00:30:43I just want you to know that you are, too.
00:30:45Thanks, Grant.
00:30:47Alright, it seems like the generator's kicking on.
00:30:49I wonder what's going to happen
00:30:51after we're done.
00:30:53I can't wait.
00:30:55I can't wait.
00:30:57What are you going to do?
00:30:59I don't know.
00:31:01That's not what I'm going to do.
00:31:03I'm just going to sit here.
00:31:05I'm going to sit here.
00:31:07I'm going to sit here.
00:31:09I'm going to sit here.
00:31:11I'm going to sit here.
00:31:13I'm going to sit here.
00:31:15I want all of you to stay close to each other and no one leaves this room without permission.
00:31:21I'm going down to the home ec room to find some blankets.
00:31:24Storm's getting pretty bad and most of the roads are closed, so looks like we may be
00:31:27spending the night here.
00:31:33Does anybody have any medical concerns I should be aware of?
00:31:36Mrs. Burgess?
00:31:39I'm diabetic.
00:31:40It doesn't really give me any problems, but I should probably get my kit out of my locker.
00:31:43Okay, you can come with me and we'll stop by your locker on the way back.
00:31:57Can I be the first to say I find that very surprising?
00:32:00I mean, I'm not ashamed to say that Grayson Thompson is one of the most seemingly perfect
00:32:03guys I've ever met.
00:32:05Well, being diabetic doesn't make him flawed, but you're right.
00:32:10I mean, everyone sees Grayson as this, like, model high schooler.
00:32:13So he's big man on campus, then?
00:32:15Something like that, I guess.
00:32:17So do you think that if people knew he had diabetes that that would change the way they
00:32:20think of him?
00:32:22Of course it would.
00:32:23They see him as perfect and he's not.
00:32:24Well, who is perfect then, Mary Jake?
00:32:29As far as I'm concerned, nobody's perfect and it's foolish for anyone to assume that
00:32:32they are.
00:32:33I sure wish I lived in your perfect little world, Camille, because the world I live in?
00:32:38That's just how it is.
00:32:40That world is called high school.
00:33:03Yeah, well, it's not something I'd go advertising.
00:33:06Do people know?
00:33:08Um, yeah, people know.
00:33:10I mean, my teachers know, most of my friends.
00:33:13It doesn't make me any different.
00:33:15Wait, so your friends know you have diabetes and it doesn't change anything?
00:33:19No, why would it?
00:33:21How long have you had it?
00:33:23Since I was born.
00:33:24My parents had me really young when I was born with type 1 diabetes.
00:33:30Do you ever think maybe that's why your dad doesn't want to spend time with you?
00:33:33Mary Jake!
00:33:35Not that it's any of your business, but why would that have anything to do with anything?
00:33:39Not that it's any of my business?
00:33:42Everybody's been spilling their business all afternoon.
00:33:45I'm just making an observation.
00:33:47He may have odd ways of showing it, but my dad loves me.
00:33:52You know what, Mary Jake?
00:33:54The way you're acting makes me think that you have some deep, dark secret too.
00:33:59Think what you want.
00:34:01Does anyone else think I may be right?
00:34:06You know what my deep, dark secret is?
00:34:12I love chips.
00:34:21Okay, deep, dark secrets around the room. Go.
00:34:27You go, Mr. Mysterious.
00:34:29Okay, um, I used to bite my toenails.
00:34:34Ew, Anthony, that's gross.
00:34:36I know, that's why it's a deep, dark secret. You next.
00:34:39I don't know, gosh.
00:34:43I used to cook with my Easy-Bake Oven until I was 15.
00:34:46They still make those?
00:34:48Oh yeah, they do. The food is really good.
00:34:51I used to eat it every day.
00:34:53Maybe that's why.
00:34:57You know what?
00:34:59It doesn't matter.
00:35:01It doesn't matter.
00:35:03I might just bust out that Easy-Bake Oven when I get home.
00:35:06If we ever get home.
00:35:08Speaking of home, I built a bat cave in my basement.
00:35:12I was so obsessed with Batman and Robin.
00:35:14I mean, I wore the cape, ears, everything.
00:35:16And when was this? Pretty recently?
00:35:19No, when I was like six.
00:35:21Although, last time I checked, it was still standing.
00:35:24We could have a sleepover if you want.
00:35:26Sometimes I let my little sisters put makeup on me
00:35:29because I am just that good of a...
00:35:31No, that's a sleepover I want to be at.
00:35:33Camille, are you in?
00:35:34Only if I can straighten your hair.
00:35:36And maybe some French tips.
00:35:38Easy there, Brent.
00:35:39I think you may have just made two new best friends.
00:35:42With the risk of sounding uncool,
00:35:44I had a pretty mean perm in the fourth grade.
00:35:48We were living in Los Angeles that year
00:35:50and I wanted to look just like Justin Timberlake.
00:35:53It was the it thing to do, apparently.
00:35:55Look at you, so hip and ahead of your time.
00:35:57I don't know how Raleigh will ever keep up.
00:35:59It's going to be tough, but let him try.
00:36:06Wait, are the phones on?
00:36:08Mom, everybody quiet, please.
00:36:13Oh, no.
00:36:15Is he okay?
00:36:19Oh, no.
00:36:21No, no, no, we're fine.
00:36:23Please, just stay safe.
00:36:25Yeah, no, there's nothing to worry about.
00:36:29Wait, what did you say?
00:36:32What? Mom.
00:36:38What did your mom say? Is everything okay?
00:36:41Storm's gotten pretty bad.
00:36:44My uncle was on his way in with his truck
00:36:47and he hit a snowbank or something.
00:36:50He ran off the road.
00:36:52Oh, my gosh, is he going to be all right?
00:36:54Yeah, he's fine, but the news is advising
00:36:57everyone to stay indoors and off the roads,
00:36:59like Mrs. Burgess said.
00:37:01It just looks like we're going to be stuck here until it calms down.
00:37:04Or starts melting in the morning.
00:37:07What's going on?
00:37:09Towers must be down. Hope you brought a pillow.
00:37:12Very funny.
00:37:15I'm usually not one to worry, but my dad's in Charlotte today
00:37:18and my mom was driving out of town for a house showing.
00:37:20None of us have cell phones, so if anything were to happen,
00:37:23my sister Anna's probably fine with her friend Jesse,
00:37:26but everyone else might be stuck at Daniel's middle school.
00:37:29Should have thought about that earlier.
00:37:31I'm sure they're fine.
00:37:33My mom didn't say there had been any emergencies,
00:37:35just that we're advised to stay off the roads.
00:37:37There's nothing we could have done anyway.
00:37:39We're just as stranded as anyone else.
00:37:41Yeah, but I'm going to go call Daniel's middle just in case.
00:37:44I'll come with you, Brent. I want to try my dad again.
00:37:47All right.
00:37:54You know, I've gone to this school for almost four years now,
00:37:57but I never really looked at this hallway.
00:38:00It doesn't even feel familiar when it's all empty.
00:38:04It's like I get so caught up in myself and my own life
00:38:07that sometimes I just don't notice my surroundings.
00:38:10Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:38:12I'm a junior, so I spent roughly 735 days of my life here.
00:38:15It's not so much as the surroundings,
00:38:17it's more of like the people and the environment.
00:38:20I mean, how many conversations have you had with Lynn or Mary Jake?
00:38:24That's a good example.
00:38:26Lynn's great, and she seems pretty real, you know?
00:38:29Mary Jake is... where do I even begin?
00:38:32And Anthony, I mean, that guy scared me at first,
00:38:35but now I almost want to be his friend.
00:38:37Yeah, me too.
00:38:39Do you remember Camille back in middle school
00:38:41where she wore lots of pink
00:38:43and was basically the president of everything?
00:38:45Yeah, she sure went the other way with that one.
00:38:48Yeah, there's something about her.
00:38:50You know, she seems different than I thought.
00:38:52I don't know.
00:38:54I think I might like to get to know the new Camille.
00:39:03Ms. Burgess, it's Grayson and Brent.
00:39:05Come in, boys.
00:39:07Ms. Burgess, is everything okay?
00:39:10I'm sorry. I hate for you to see me like this.
00:39:13Is everything okay in the library?
00:39:15Yeah, we're fine.
00:39:17We just wanted to see if we could make a few phone calls.
00:39:20I think the cell phone towers are down.
00:39:22I'm afraid the landlines aren't working either.
00:39:24I've been waiting for over an hour to hear back from my husband.
00:39:27He was on his way home from work last he spoke,
00:39:30and I told him to go so he could concentrate on the roads,
00:39:33but now that the lines are down,
00:39:35I don't know when I'll hear from him.
00:39:37Well, how far from home was he?
00:39:39A few miles. It's a short commute,
00:39:41but I can't help thinking the worst.
00:39:43Ms. Burgess, I'm sure he's fine.
00:39:45Everyone that was caught in the storm is taking the precautions they need to.
00:39:48I know, Brent. You're completely right.
00:39:51It's just hard to stay positive in this situation.
00:39:54I don't know how you kids are doing it.
00:39:56I should be in the library taking care of you students
00:39:59instead of in here worried about myself.
00:40:01We're fine, Ms. Burgess, really.
00:40:03Stay by the phone as long as you need to.
00:40:05Is there anything that I can get for you?
00:40:07No, no, I'm fine.
00:40:09Just take care of the others,
00:40:11and I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.
00:40:14Have you heard anything about the students at Daniels Middle School?
00:40:17Last I heard, we were the only school in the district with students left.
00:40:20We're further out of town, so it's harder for people to get here.
00:40:23Awesome. That's good to hear.
00:40:25Oh, it may be a good idea to start lining the doors in the library
00:40:29to keep the heat in.
00:40:31Unfortunately, I don't know how much longer the generators are going to last.
00:40:34That's a good idea. Okay, I'll see what I can do.
00:40:37Don't worry.
00:40:39Yeah, what he said.
00:40:43And, Ms. Burgess,
00:40:45I'm going to pray for your husband.
00:40:47Is that okay?
00:40:49It's perfectly fine, Brian.
00:41:04Just in time.
00:41:06Did you get a hold of anyone? Is everything okay?
00:41:08Well, main phone lines are down, too, apparently,
00:41:10but according to Ms. Burgess, the rest of the schools are empty,
00:41:12so the Branch brothers and sisters should be safe somewhere.
00:41:15Oh, good. That's so good to hear.
00:41:17But we need to keep in all the heat that we can,
00:41:19so I'm going to line the door with these blankets.
00:41:31Hey, Anthony, give me your jacket.
00:41:33You should be fine in that sweatshirt.
00:41:35No, I'm going to hang on to it.
00:41:37Come on, man. You're making me sweat just looking at you.
00:41:39You can get it back.
00:41:41I said no!
00:41:43Find something else.
00:41:49Forget I asked.
00:41:59no word from your dad yet?
00:42:05I left him a few messages, but there's no one else in his office,
00:42:07so he probably doesn't even know it's snowing out.
00:42:09I thought I'd be the first thought on his mind.
00:42:13You know what, Grayson?
00:42:15Before you're so quick to judge your dad for not being the perfect father,
00:42:17why don't you stop for a second
00:42:19and think about all the things that he actually does for you
00:42:21and what you'd do if he wasn't there at all?
00:42:29Doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
00:42:37Is that your dad's?
00:42:45He's been in Iraq for three years.
00:42:47I'm sorry, man. I didn't know.
00:42:49It's cool.
00:42:51Just remember what you have.
00:42:55Have any threes?
00:42:57Go fish.
00:43:07All right.
00:43:09Come on, Grayson.
00:43:11Here we go.
00:43:13Check this out, guys.
00:43:15Here we go.
00:43:19That's what makes me unstoppable,
00:43:21and I know you guys can all agree.
00:43:23You're totally cheating. I saw you step past the line.
00:43:27Let's go, Lynn!
00:43:31I told you.
00:43:33All right.
00:43:35Let's go.
00:43:43How old are you guys?
00:43:45Keep it down.
00:43:49What are you listening to?
00:43:53Is that New Kids, Mary Jane?
00:43:55Are you listening to New Kids?
00:43:57Is that your big secret, and you've been hiding it from us this whole time?
00:43:59Give it back.
00:44:05Give it back.
00:44:11Look what you did.
00:44:13It's ruined.
00:44:15Thanks a lot.
00:44:17Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
00:44:19I don't care if you didn't mean to.
00:44:21It's broken, and it's your fault.
00:44:23Chill out, Mary Jane. Come on.
00:44:25It's not like you're not getting ten more iPods for Christmas.
00:44:27No. No, I'm not.
00:44:29Oh, one iPod and a new Lexus then, right?
00:44:31Oh, stop. Hey, I'm not getting any of this.
00:44:33Do you want me to kiss you, Mary Jane?
00:44:35No. No.
00:44:37I'm not getting any of those things.
00:44:43My parents are bankrupt.
00:45:03What happened?
00:45:05I don't know all the details.
00:45:07My parents will hardly tell me anything.
00:45:11I guess my dad made some big investment that went bad,
00:45:13and now everything is a mess.
00:45:17My uncle's paying our mortgage so we don't lose our house.
00:45:21My college fund is gone.
00:45:31So what are you going to do about it?
00:45:33Excuse me?
00:45:35I can't do anything about it.
00:45:37Well, you can't change the fact
00:45:39that your family's going through a rough time,
00:45:41but you can do everything you can to try and help them through it.
00:45:43What are you talking about?
00:45:45What can I possibly do?
00:45:47You could get a job.
00:45:49That way you could pay for your own things,
00:45:51like your clothes and your makeup,
00:45:53but there's no way I'm getting a job.
00:45:55Then you know what, Mary Jane?
00:45:57I don't want to hear you crying about how pathetic your life is
00:45:59if you're not going to do a single thing to make it better.
00:46:01It's not like that, okay?
00:46:05I just can't.
00:46:07I cannot get a job.
00:46:11If my friends saw me waiting tables somewhere,
00:46:13they'd tie.
00:46:17I do not want them to know.
00:46:19If they're really your friends,
00:46:21then they shouldn't care.
00:46:25You know what?
00:46:27I have an idea.
00:46:29Let's go, everyone.
00:46:31Hey, Mary Jake, that means you too.
00:46:33Chop, chop, people. Let's go.
00:46:35Come on.
00:46:47All right, people, here we go.
00:46:49I may not know my way around the school so well yet,
00:46:51but I think I remember how to get to this place.
00:46:53Yeah. Come on.
00:47:05All right.
00:47:11All right.
00:47:13Check it out.
00:47:15Impromptu talent show, anyone?
00:47:17Oh, man.
00:47:19What sort of talents are you hiding, huh?
00:47:21The best kind.
00:47:31You're welcome.
00:47:35You're welcome.
00:47:41Nice flowers, man.
00:47:43So what's your talent?
00:47:49Well, that works a lot better in the summertime.
00:47:51All right.
00:47:53Watch the line.
00:48:03My sister's told me that, I swear.
00:48:05All right, who's next?
00:48:11Where's he going with my glasses?
00:48:15Where's he go...
00:48:17Oh, no.
00:48:19Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
00:48:21Oh, that's weird.
00:48:23Totally kidding, guys.
00:48:27What you got?
00:48:29All right, here's where it's at.
00:48:31Oh, yeah.
00:48:33You call that dancing?
00:48:35I'll show you dancing.
00:48:43Oh, yeah.
00:48:45All right, Lynn.
00:48:49One more.
00:48:53Now, that's talent.
00:48:55Forget high school.
00:48:57Let's start a talent troop and travel the world.
00:48:59Where should we go first?
00:49:01Let's go to Moscow.
00:49:03Moscow, yeah.
00:49:05Somewhere around here.
00:49:07No, we got to go to Europe, man.
00:49:09We got to bring those flowers, too.
00:49:11Take the rose with vows of holly.
00:49:17Tis the season to be jolly.
00:49:23La, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:49:25Don we now our gay apparel.
00:49:27Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:49:31Truly ancient yuletide carol.
00:49:35Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:49:43All right, Camille.
00:49:45As you were.
00:49:47I didn't know you could sing.
00:49:49I'm not upset.
00:49:51I am not.
00:49:53I am not upset, but please,
00:49:55you have to let me know next time
00:49:57before you decide to disappear.
00:49:59If it weren't for the sound of Christmas carols
00:50:01coming from this room,
00:50:03I might have been outside in that storm
00:50:05looking for all of you.
00:50:07Mrs. Burgess, I'm sorry.
00:50:09It was my fault.
00:50:11I wasn't thinking.
00:50:13We're all here.
00:50:15Don't worry.
00:50:17Okay, okay.
00:50:19The storm, it's getting worse.
00:50:21The temperatures are dropping
00:50:23and the wind speeds are at record highs.
00:50:25Please don't worry.
00:50:27If we stay inside, everybody is safe.
00:50:29But our biggest challenge
00:50:31is going to be keeping warm.
00:50:33I'm pretty sure that generator isn't going to last all night.
00:50:35But I have lanterns
00:50:37and flashlights in the library
00:50:39for us to use.
00:50:41Mrs. Burgess, have you heard from your husband yet?
00:50:43Not yet, Grant. Thank you for asking.
00:50:45And thanks for the prayers.
00:50:47I have a feeling that he's safe.
00:50:53Are you all right?
00:50:57I feel weak all of a sudden.
00:50:59I think my blood sugar level must have dropped.
00:51:01I'm fine. I'm fine.
00:51:03Okay, Grayson. Let's get you back to the library.
00:51:05Boys, will you please help him?
00:51:07Lynn, can you grab the door?
00:51:13Okay, careful, careful.
00:51:27I shouldn't lay down.
00:51:29Just sit me over there.
00:51:31You need something to get your blood sugar up.
00:51:33Does anybody have any candy?
00:51:35I've got a soda in my backpack, I think.
00:51:37That'll work.
00:51:39Here. Drink up, dude.
00:51:41You can thank the blizzard
00:51:43for keeping it so cold for you.
00:51:45I guess Mr. Perfect is pretty normal after all.
00:51:49You know what?
00:51:51I actually prefer him that way.
00:51:55Normal, that is.
00:52:13Why the long faces?
00:52:15I'm fine.
00:52:21I'm starving.
00:52:23Is anyone else hungry?
00:52:25Grab the flashlights, just in case.
00:52:51Well, how many main dishes can you make with coleslaw?
00:52:55On what?
00:52:57Whether you want them to be edible or not.
00:52:59Coleslaw on a chili dog, anybody?
00:53:01Ah, here we go.
00:53:03Spaghetti noodles.
00:53:05Enough to feed the entire senior class.
00:53:07Hey, can you come over here
00:53:09and help me with this tomato sauce?
00:53:17Pasta sauce.
00:53:19Lynn, have you seen any bread, butter, garlic,
00:53:21anything like that?
00:53:23These two are gonna be fine.
00:53:25These fit for our king.
00:53:27Excellent idea, Grayson.
00:53:29I'll get the oven going.
00:53:31What can I do to help?
00:53:33I have just the job for you.
00:53:35Wait here.
00:53:47I assume you see what I'm getting at here.
00:53:49I haven't spent much time in the kitchen.
00:53:51Well, if we're making a feast,
00:53:53we have to have dessert.
00:53:55Um, I've never made these before.
00:53:57Or is it hard?
00:53:59It's easy as one, two, three.
00:54:01Add ingredients, stir, pour in a pan.
00:54:03Although I didn't see any measuring cups,
00:54:05so you have to eyeball the amount.
00:54:07But it's pretty straightforward.
00:54:09I'm sure you can handle it.
00:54:11I don't know, Grayson.
00:54:13What if I just set the table or something?
00:54:15I don't want to mess this up.
00:54:17Hey, Lynn.
00:54:19Not it on dish duty.
00:54:21I second that.
00:54:23Don't forget the most important part
00:54:25of any table setting.
00:54:27Is there anything I can do to help?
00:54:29I think we're all set.
00:54:31It's almost ready.
00:54:33Grayson, will you keep stirring that?
00:54:35Camille, can you find some pot holders?
00:54:37I think the garlic bread should be about done.
00:54:41I think I saw some over near the utensils.
00:54:43I didn't realize how hungry I was.
00:54:45I think this is going to be a really good meal.
00:54:47Just what we need to warm our bodies and our spirits.
00:54:49Thanks for coming up with the idea, Grayson.
00:54:51Yeah, well, if there's anything, I know it's food.
00:54:53I keep me and my dad pretty well fed.
00:54:55That's a very admirable trait.
00:54:57Makes me happy to see today's youth
00:54:59helping out around the house.
00:55:01My dad works hard, so I try to take any chance
00:55:03I can to help out.
00:55:05Just wish sometimes I could do more.
00:55:07I'm sure he appreciates everything that you do.
00:55:09Yeah, thanks.
00:55:11Here you go.
00:55:13Perfect, thank you.
00:55:21Shall we say grace?
00:55:29Dear Lord, we thank you for this meal we're about to receive.
00:55:31Please keep our friends and family safe during the storm
00:55:33and watch over us throughout the night.
00:55:35We thank you for your endearing love
00:55:37and know that you'll keep us from harm.
00:55:41Thanks, Brent.
00:55:43Shall we?
00:56:03This is amazing.
00:56:05We're going to put the cafeteria lady out of a job.
00:56:07It's incredible.
00:56:09Maybe it's because I'm starving,
00:56:11but this might be the best dinner I've ever eaten.
00:56:13It's perfect.
00:56:15Despite the circumstances,
00:56:17this isn't such a terrible night.
00:56:21You going to finish that?
00:56:45I did my best to contribute.
00:57:07Mary Jake, this is amazing.
00:57:09Hands down,
00:57:11best brownie ever to be made from a box.
00:57:13He wasn't kidding.
00:57:17It's better than Grandma's.
00:57:19Thanks, guys.
00:57:29You know what, Mary Jake?
00:57:31I think we can all agree that those brownies were amazing.
00:57:33Better than my easy-bake oven.
00:57:35Oh, man, that spaghetti was awesome, too.
00:57:37I'd say it was almost better than my mom's,
00:57:39but I think I might get in trouble for saying that.
00:57:41It was so good.
00:57:43I'm not one to say,
00:57:45I told you so,
00:57:47but I did tell you so.
00:57:51Everything's all right.
00:57:53Nobody panic.
00:57:55There are plenty of lanterns and flashlights in the library,
00:57:57so let's keep moving in that direction.
00:57:59I'm going to grab my things from the office,
00:58:01and I'll be right there.
00:58:13All right, everyone, let's move to the back of the room
00:58:15to conserve some heat.
00:58:17Here, grab all your stuff.
00:58:19All right, I can take this one.
00:58:21I'll take this one.
00:58:23Helen, you need help with that?
00:58:25Come on, Mary Jake.
00:58:29Just set everything down, and we'll put all the blankets up.
00:58:31I think we're all going to be okay.
00:58:33It's warmer back here.
00:58:37Oh, man.
00:58:39You know,
00:58:41it does make me feel a little better,
00:58:43knowing there's a pretty good chance
00:58:45that my dad just lost his H.D. football,
00:58:47and his heated recliner's probably getting a little cold.
00:58:49Are you kidding me?
00:58:53I thought we were past this.
00:58:55Give me a break.
00:58:57I mean, I've heard what you have to say,
00:58:59but you don't know what it's like.
00:59:01I just think it's a little unfair that I'm stuck here at school,
00:59:03and he's probably off watching the DVR.
00:59:05Don't talk to me about unfair.
00:59:07My dad's off in Iraq, and that's rough.
00:59:09But my dad might as well be there, too,
00:59:11because that's exactly what it feels like.
00:59:13Well, at least your dad's alive.
00:59:21You heard me.
00:59:33But you said...
00:59:35it's just easier that way.
00:59:41He died two months ago.
00:59:43I don't like to admit it.
00:59:45I mean, he'd been gone so long before it happened
00:59:47that if I don't talk about it,
00:59:49it seems like he's just still away.
00:59:53I was hoping that
00:59:55staying here today with you guys
00:59:57would help me take my mind off things.
00:59:59Anthony, I'm really sorry.
01:00:01And I know it's hard to accept
01:00:03in a situation like that,
01:00:05but you have to remember
01:00:07that everything happens for a reason.
01:00:09I don't see any reason
01:00:11why my dad had to be the one to die.
01:00:13You may never know,
01:00:15but there is a reason.
01:00:17His death served a much higher purpose.
01:00:19It doesn't make it any easier.
01:00:21No, no.
01:00:23I'm sorry.
01:00:25I'm sorry.
01:00:27No, no.
01:00:29Maybe one day it will.
01:00:33Sorry that took so long.
01:00:37Is everything all right in here?
01:00:39We're fine, Mrs. Burgess.
01:00:43Bathroom break?
01:00:45All right.
01:01:07You okay, Grayson?
01:01:13I'm just doing some thinking.
01:01:17I feel like a total jerk.
01:01:19You know.
01:01:21But that's not the point.
01:01:23I know.
01:01:25It makes me so...
01:01:27so angry.
01:01:29But I can't imagine
01:01:31what I'd do if he was gone.
01:01:33Just enjoy all the time
01:01:35you do have with him.
01:01:37Even if it seems like nothing at all.
01:01:43Easier said than done.
01:01:47I feel like I should go apologize to Anthony.
01:01:51I think he knows you're sorry.
01:02:05Thank you all.
01:02:07For your help.
01:02:09And for staying in good spirits.
01:02:11I know none of us anticipated this when we started our day.
01:02:13You've all done really well
01:02:15to make the most of the situation.
01:02:21What does everybody want for Christmas?
01:02:29I don't know.
01:02:31I don't need much.
01:02:33My dad usually gives me gift cards.
01:02:35My mom sends me clothes.
01:02:37I'll probably get some new music
01:02:39and like 20 pairs of socks.
01:02:41I want a guitar so I can play and sing.
01:02:43Maybe I'll start a band.
01:02:45I don't know.
01:02:49And socks.
01:02:51I don't know.
01:02:53I think I'm going to ask for some clothes.
01:02:55Some clothes I actually like.
01:02:59Well, my family's been saving up for a while to get us a Wii.
01:03:01A Wii and 10 remotes.
01:03:03Big family.
01:03:15I have everything I need.
01:03:17I'm just looking forward to spending some time with my family.
01:03:19My mom and I are taking a cruise
01:03:21and not taking any of this snow with us.
01:03:25So, Mrs. Burgess,
01:03:27what do you want for Christmas?
01:03:31My husband and I
01:03:33have been trying to have a baby.
01:03:35That would be
01:03:37the greatest gift we could get.
01:03:41So if everything happens for a reason,
01:03:43what's the reason
01:03:45that we're all stuck here?
01:03:51we can't be sure, but I can think of a few.
01:04:13Wait, what's that sound?
01:04:15Does anyone else think that sounded like someone knocking?
01:04:19There's someone out there.
01:04:21Grayson, wait. I don't think anyone should go out there.
01:04:23We have no idea who that could be.
01:04:25I know, Mrs. Burgess, but whoever it is
01:04:27is caught out there in that storm.
01:04:29They could die if we don't help them.
01:04:31Look, you stay here with everyone else. I'll go.
01:04:33I'm coming with you.
01:04:35Brant, stay here and keep an eye on the ladies.
01:04:41Please be careful.
01:04:43We'll be back.
01:04:49I mean, who could possibly be out in that storm?
01:04:51I don't know what to expect.
01:04:53Wait, we're coming!
01:04:59Okay, I got him, I got him.
01:05:05Wait, Dad?
01:05:07Dad, you're freezing.
01:05:09Anthony, give me a hand. We gotta get him warmed up.
01:05:13We need help!
01:05:17We need some help!
01:05:19That's Grayson. He needs help.
01:05:25Camille, come with me. Hurry.
01:05:37Grayson! Down here!
01:05:45Man, is he okay?
01:05:47He's fine, Dad. He's freezing.
01:05:49Fine. I just need to lie down.
01:05:51I know, Dad. We'll get you there.
01:05:53Brant, give us a hand and help us get him to the library.
01:05:55Camille, I need hot water and lots of it.
01:05:57Try to find any bottles to fill, okay?
01:05:59Everything's gonna be okay. We'll meet you there.
01:06:15Come on!
01:06:17Come on!
01:06:23Gas stove.
01:06:25This has to work.
01:06:29Uh, perfect.
01:06:43Oh, my goodness.
01:06:45Girls, grab some blankets and make a place to lay him down.
01:06:47It's my dad, Miss Burgess.
01:06:51I said Camille to get some hot water, but we gotta get him warmed up.
01:06:53Quick, put some blankets on him.
01:06:55Make sure he's covered up.
01:06:57Quick, grab another blanket.
01:07:01Come here.
01:07:07I'm coming, I'm coming!
01:07:09Quick, put him in the blankets all around him.
01:07:11These will work great.
01:07:13Good job, Camille. These will work great.
01:07:15Like this? Good job, girls.
01:07:19Thank you, thank you.
01:07:21It's gonna be okay.
01:07:23It's gonna be all right, Dad.
01:07:25It's gonna be okay.
01:07:27It's gonna be okay.
01:07:31It's going to make a huge difference, Camille. He's going to be fine.
01:07:33Good. I was really scared.
01:07:35Me too.
01:07:45Dad? Dad?
01:07:47You okay?
01:07:49Yeah, I'm fine.
01:07:51I think you got to me just in time.
01:07:53I can't believe you could hear me over that storm.
01:07:55I've never seen anything like it.
01:07:59And you, what's your name?
01:08:01Anthony Goodwin, sir.
01:08:03Good to meet you, Anthony.
01:08:05Thanks for coming with Grayson to get me.
01:08:07It's nice to meet you as well.
01:08:09Grayson talks about you a lot.
01:08:11Good things, I hope.
01:08:13Only the best, sir.
01:08:17Dad, this is Brent.
01:08:19And Mary Jake.
01:08:21That's Lynn.
01:08:23And of course, this is Camille.
01:08:27Mr. Thompson, I'm Cynthia Burgess.
01:08:29Is there anything we can get you?
01:08:31Nice to meet you.
01:08:33And call me Chad.
01:08:35I'm fine, I just need to thaw out.
01:08:37Of course.
01:08:39Let us know if there's anything you need.
01:08:43What are you doing here, Dad?
01:08:45I mean, why did you go out in that storm?
01:08:47Well, Grayson, I got your message,
01:08:49but it was hours after you called.
01:08:53I guess I got caught up in a meeting
01:08:55and I didn't recognize the magnitude of the storm.
01:08:57But I felt terrible not being there for you,
01:08:59so I guess I thought I could get to you
01:09:01before it got too bad.
01:09:03How long did it take you to get out of here?
01:09:09I was, uh...
01:09:11I was on the road for about an hour.
01:09:15I'm trying to cut through the snow,
01:09:17but eventually the car got stuck in a snowbank.
01:09:19And I was only about a half mile
01:09:21from the school at that point,
01:09:23so I tried to walk the rest of the way.
01:09:27I'm not really sure how long I was out there.
01:09:29Dad, come on.
01:09:31I mean, think of what could have happened to you.
01:09:33Did you not hear the weather alert
01:09:35for no one to leave their homes?
01:09:37I know.
01:09:39I didn't care.
01:09:41I just...
01:09:43I didn't want you to think
01:09:45that I didn't try to get to you.
01:09:47I mean, and with your car acting up in the cold...
01:09:51my car's fine.
01:09:53I just said it this morning
01:09:55because I wanted to spend a few minutes with you.
01:09:57I don't know why I did it.
01:10:03I'm sorry.
01:10:05No. Really, it's fine.
01:10:07I mean, you worked so hard
01:10:09to provide for me,
01:10:11I just shouldn't be ungrateful.
01:10:13Yeah, I work hard,
01:10:15but sometimes I just get caught up in it.
01:10:21I just don't want you to ever think
01:10:23you come second to my work.
01:10:25You don't come second to anything.
01:10:29And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way.
01:10:31I know.
01:10:35Thanks for understanding.
01:10:37I love you, Grayson.
01:10:43I love you too, Dad.
01:10:55Thanks for what you did.
01:10:57I did it for a reason.
01:11:07I love you.
01:11:23So what about you, Camille?
01:11:25What about me?
01:11:27Well, you know, I feel like we've all talked a lot
01:11:29about ourselves, but we haven't heard much from you.
01:11:31What's your story?
01:11:33What's my story?
01:11:35Geez, I don't even know where to start.
01:11:39My story, uh...
01:11:43I have a pretty normal life.
01:11:49My family is well off.
01:11:51My parents love each other.
01:11:55I'm doing well in school.
01:12:03sometimes something just...
01:12:07doesn't seem right.
01:12:11What do you mean?
01:12:17It's hard to explain.
01:12:23I guess that sometimes I just...
01:12:28I just don't feel happy.
01:12:33I get this feeling like something is...
01:12:37wrong or, um...
01:12:45Wow, I've never told anyone that before.
01:12:51What do you think it is?
01:12:54I don't know, it's...
01:12:59Not like I'm depressed or anything, it's...
01:13:05I guess I'm just trying to figure everything out.
01:13:12I know what you mean.
01:13:23What are you guys doing for Christmas?
01:13:26I don't know, probably just spending time with my family.
01:13:28Same here, why?
01:13:30We're doing a Christmas Eve service at our church.
01:13:32You guys should come and bring your families.
01:13:34Anthony, you can bring your mom.
01:13:36Thanks, Brent.
01:13:39Hey, um...
01:13:41what time?
01:13:437.30. And I can give you directions.
01:13:53You're welcome.
01:14:07Not quite how you planned to spend your day, huh?
01:14:11Not to mention your night.
01:14:13Not even close.
01:14:16And I think after everything,
01:14:18this day turned out a lot better than I'd been planning.
01:14:23I agree.
01:14:27Can I ask you something?
01:14:29Um, a serious question.
01:14:32Yeah, of course.
01:14:34You pray a lot,
01:14:36and you're a really good guy.
01:14:40That wasn't really a question.
01:14:42I know, I know, just wait.
01:14:45You and your whole family,
01:14:47it seems like everything you do is so...
01:14:52And you love God.
01:14:55I guess what I want to know is...
01:15:00how can you trust so much in God
01:15:03when He lets your family struggle the way they do?
01:15:13God gives us everything that we need.
01:15:17You know, we don't need a mansion
01:15:19or fancy cars to be happy.
01:15:23And sometimes...
01:15:26I think God takes things away,
01:15:28and we need to be reminded of what we actually have.
01:15:36Good night, Mary Jane.
01:15:38Good night, Brian.
01:15:52Good night.
01:15:59I haven't even watched these in so long.
01:16:01I know.
01:16:02Everybody's got a white eye, right?
01:16:04It's still a lie, even if it's white.
01:16:09I'm gonna miss you.
01:16:10All day.
01:16:11I'm gonna get out of here.
01:16:12Me too.
01:16:13Don't diss the marshmallow chocolate.
01:16:14Marshmallow chocolate?
01:16:16What are you gonna get when you get out of here?
01:16:18I'm gonna get a juicy cheeseburger.
01:16:23Good morning.
01:16:25Phone lines are back up,
01:16:26and I was able to reach my husband.
01:16:28He's home safely.
01:16:29And he tells me that snowplows are hitting the roads now.
01:16:32So I need you all to call your parents,
01:16:34let them know you're okay,
01:16:35and as soon as the roads are clear,
01:16:37we can all go home.
01:16:41And until the roads are clear...
01:16:43Snowball fight, anyone?
01:16:45I'm in.
01:16:47I'm in.
01:16:48I'm in.
01:16:54Oh, awesome.
01:17:01Hey, Brad, watch out!
01:17:05I needed a shower.
01:17:06How about another one?
01:17:17Hey, Lynn.
01:17:20Do you have plans this weekend?
01:17:22I know you probably do.
01:17:25Well, you know, I had a few things in mind.
01:17:27Um, sunbathing, pool party to go to.
01:17:30But I think the weather may have ruined those plans.
01:17:36What were you thinking?
01:17:39I don't know.
01:17:40I thought it would be fun to, like, hang out and catch up a little bit.
01:17:44It's been a really long time.
01:17:47Don't you have plans with Sydney or April?
01:17:52Nothing I wouldn't miss.
01:17:54I'd really like it if we could just spend some time together.
01:17:59That sounds great.
01:18:05I'm going in.
01:18:07Watch out, Miss B!
01:18:08Oh, look out!
01:18:09What are you talking about?
01:18:16You want to be inside?
01:18:23Oh, my God, it's like an ice storm.
01:18:28Oh, it's so small.
01:18:29I can't reach it.
01:18:30I know.
01:18:34Oh, my God!
01:19:22Lynn, you look beautiful.
01:19:25Merry Christmas.
01:19:27Merry Christmas, sorry.
01:19:28Uh, Lynn, this is my sister, Anna.
01:19:30Anna, this is Lynn.
01:19:32I've heard so much about you.
01:19:38So, look at all those kids up there.
01:19:39Aren't they cute?
01:19:40They're so cute.
01:19:41We should invite them.
01:19:42Yeah, totally.
01:19:43It's awesome.
01:19:44You like the church?
01:19:45I love it.
01:19:46It's huge.
01:19:47Yeah, we had a bunch of people come out and decorate it.
01:19:48Oh, look, there she is.
01:19:49Hey, Jake, over here.
01:20:04Silenced night, holy night.
01:20:09All is calm, all is bright.
01:20:14Mother and child, Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
