Darcy, an accountant and former event planner, returns to her home town to plan her mother's wedding HD ( Comedy, Romance )

  • last week
Darcy, an accountant and former event planner, returns to her home town to plan her mother's wedding HD ( Comedy, Romance )
00:00:00Alright, good news! I think you guys are in great shape to start your LLC.
00:00:08Yeah, with your combined credit scores, I think you'll have no problem getting a small business loan with a manageable repayment schedule.
00:00:14And, if I may make a suggestion, you might want to set up a 529 for your daughter.
00:00:20That is a college fund that will accrue interest tax-free and can also serve as a safety net.
00:00:25Well, not that I think that you guys will need it. This all looks very promising.
00:00:30Ah, well, I'm happy that you're happy. Awesome.
00:00:34Okay, I will send all of this over this afternoon.
00:00:44Happy birthday to you!
00:00:46Aw, thank you! Cassie!
00:00:49Ugh, this is gorgeous. I still can't believe you designed these in your spare time.
00:00:55Best friends forever! I love you.
00:00:59Ooh, and for your traditional birthday present, your files.
00:01:03You're actually getting a pretty decent return. Minus the late penalty.
00:01:07I'm sorry, I'm such a mess. Thank you.
00:01:10My pleasure. It's kind of like a fun challenge, just I bring all those faded receipts.
00:01:14It's like one big chaotic puzzle.
00:01:17Speaking of big chaotic puzzles, how'd the talk with Anthony go?
00:01:22I don't know. As soon as I broached the topic of moving in, he totally shut down.
00:01:27What if you just sat down and had a frank, even-keeled conversation? You know, map it out.
00:01:32Have you met him?
00:01:33Have you met me?
00:01:35Speaking of frank and even-keeled, shouldn't it be coming up on that time for you and Gordon?
00:01:40I know! We're at the three and a half year mark.
00:01:42So once we hit four years, then we're going to touch base about potentially moving in together and maybe engagement.
00:01:49Oh wow, cute.
00:01:52I'm familiar with the content of your life plan excel sheet.
00:01:55You always have these logical excuses. What about the excitement?
00:01:58What's going to happen next? That wobbly stomach feeling?
00:02:01Nausea? Heartburn?
00:02:06My mom says hi and happy birthday.
00:02:09When are you driving up for the wedding?
00:02:11Middle of next week.
00:02:12It's Rome. It's a good thing, isn't it?
00:02:15Yes. No, absolutely. It's just, it's happened fast.
00:02:19I haven't even met this hungry guy.
00:02:21Sounds like Bonnie knows about the wobbly stomach.
00:02:25Oh, let's be continued.
00:02:28Hi, Marina.
00:02:30Cassie, yes.
00:02:31I was actually hoping to set up a time to meet with you ahead of my upcoming review.
00:02:35You want a review for your review?
00:02:38Kind of.
00:02:39Um, well, as you know, I'm interested in moving into the managerial level, and while I know that it is a little bit early...
00:02:45By about two years.
00:02:49I was just hoping to pick your brain about the kind of work that I could be doing,
00:02:54to at least get the partners and your attention, so they'll at least consider it.
00:03:00This is an accounting firm, not America's Got Talent.
00:03:03You do great work. Keep it up.
00:03:13Hey, Mom. How's it going? How's Henry?
00:03:15Oh, he's wonderful.
00:03:17How's the wedding prep?
00:03:19Funny you should ask.
00:03:21What happened?
00:03:23My wedding planner took off. Flew the coop.
00:03:26What? Why?
00:03:27Yeah, she got chosen for one of these reality shows, some sort of camping survival thing,
00:03:32and they came and swooped her up, and that was that.
00:03:35That's so weird. Did she at least find a replacement?
00:03:38No, she didn't.
00:03:40I did have a thought.
00:03:42I do know this very organized and artistic young lady who would be perfect for the job.
00:03:48Oh, perfect. Yeah, who is it?
00:03:53Are you being serious?
00:03:54Well, you were almost an event planner.
00:03:56You had that big internship.
00:03:57Which I didn't finish. And I'm an accountant now.
00:04:00I work with numbers, not with flowers and decorations and tulle or whatever.
00:04:05None of that matters.
00:04:06Pretty sure it matters.
00:04:08What do you think? You can come out this weekend, tie up loose ends, easy peasy.
00:04:13And you can get to know Henry, since you failed to make it out for my birthday this year.
00:04:19It'll give you a chance to approve of my new husband-to-be.
00:04:23Uh, yeah. Okay. Yeah.
00:04:26Thanks, honey.
00:04:27All right. I love you, Mom. Bye.
00:04:31My mom and dad got married at City Hall with no one there, so I think she's just excited to finally get to have this big day.
00:04:37I still can't believe that you have this mysterious, long-lost party planning hobby.
00:04:41It's event planning. And it wasn't a hobby, it was what I wanted to do for a while.
00:04:46That internship was actually kind of a big deal.
00:04:48But, you know, it wasn't meant to be.
00:04:51So, changed course, which brought me to Perkinson Hill LLP, where I'm the top performer at my level, thank you very much.
00:04:58And it all brought me to you.
00:05:02So, um, are you still coming out Friday, or can you get away a little earlier?
00:05:07Well, the wedding's on Friday, right?
00:05:09No, it's Saturday.
00:05:10I swear you said Friday. I had Friday blocked off. Elliot literally just put something in my calendar.
00:05:16It's my mom's wedding. Pardon.
00:05:18Wouldn't you rather spend more quality time with your mom anyway?
00:05:21I would like to have my boyfriend by my side.
00:05:24I know it's not ideal.
00:05:32Oh, God, I can't see you now.
00:05:46I'll meet you somehow, someway.
00:05:51Oh, you're my blue heaven.
00:05:55I'll meet you right now and make it okay.
00:06:05Uh, excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?
00:06:09Just the seating's kind of limited.
00:06:13Oh, yeah, no, sure, of course.
00:06:21That was close.
00:06:22Sorry, that was my fault.
00:06:23No, no, no, it's an accident.
00:06:25Well, here, here, I'm donating my fries to you for the inconvenience.
00:06:30And then, you know, it's kind of a win-win, since these are some of the best fries you're ever going to have in your life.
00:06:36Do you trust Curly's health and sanitation practices?
00:06:39I just kind of feel like in places like this, it's best to choose the hermetically sealed food.
00:06:44Oh, I see. You're one of those.
00:06:46One of those?
00:06:47Sorry, that came out the wrong way.
00:06:49Of course, it's important to keep one's health and safety in mind.
00:06:53Especially with a candy bar.
00:06:58Okay, fine.
00:07:05You win. That pie was delicious.
00:07:08See, that's because Curly uses fresh potatoes, not the frozen pre-cut kind.
00:07:13Okay, so you're acquainted with this Curly.
00:07:15Yeah, occasionally I drive out just to eat here, actually.
00:07:19I'm trying to figure out his special spice blend.
00:07:22It's amazing the gems that you can find in such unexpected places.
00:07:25Wow. Well, thank you for the daily aphorism.
00:07:32Doing some homework?
00:07:33Oh, yeah. Beginning to wonder what I got myself into.
00:07:37That's not a very good sign, but congratulations.
00:07:39Oh, no, no, no. No, no, I'm not the one getting buried.
00:07:44No, I'm single.
00:07:46I'm not single. I have a boyfriend.
00:07:49We have a plan.
00:07:51My mistake.
00:07:52But hot tip, it's actually best wishes.
00:07:55Oh, well, thanks for the tip.
00:07:57Thank you for the fry.
00:07:59I should probably actually get going.
00:08:02Oh. Well, hey, good luck with all that.
00:08:06Thank you. Good luck with your spice quest.
00:08:09Best wishes.
00:08:36There she is.
00:08:44Henry, she's here.
00:08:47Oh, at long last.
00:08:49Mom, I mean, it's one birth and I never hear the end of it.
00:08:53Thank you for swooping in and saving us.
00:08:56Cassie, I want you to meet my fiance, Henry.
00:08:59Henry, this is my favorite only daughter, Cassie, who's also our new wedding planner.
00:09:04Hey, easy on the titles.
00:09:06I'm just here to help out as much as I can.
00:09:08Well, it's so nice to meet you, Cassie.
00:09:10I've heard so much about you.
00:09:12Any favorite daughter of Bonnie's is a favorite daughter of mine.
00:09:15It's nice to meet you, too.
00:09:17Come on in.
00:09:18Hey, so tell me, how was the drive?
00:09:22I got you all set up with fresh sheets and towels.
00:09:27Marrying your father was the best day of my life, you know.
00:09:32And this one coming up will be, too.
00:09:35Not better or worse, just different.
00:09:39But the one definite bonus is that I get to spend it with you.
00:09:43Well, we better get started then.
00:09:45What shall we start with first?
00:09:47Oh, I have a list.
00:09:48Oh, good.
00:09:50This was our former planner's work binder.
00:09:53It should have all the vendor orders and contacts.
00:09:55Well, perfect.
00:09:56And a week out, I assume we're down to the final details?
00:09:59Well, we're still looking at caterers.
00:10:02That is a bit of a big detail.
00:10:05Do you guys have a theme or a vision for the wedding?
00:10:09I don't know.
00:10:11You know what they say.
00:10:12Love is all you need.
00:10:14I'm going to go make some phone calls.
00:10:16It's actually time for our daily cardio.
00:10:20All right.
00:10:21Trying to get our wedding bells in shape.
00:10:23Oh, very good.
00:10:29Have a great run.
00:10:30All right.
00:10:32Oh, I get a head start.
00:10:33Oh, it's my turn.
00:10:48Hi, Kyle here.
00:10:50I'm calling about a catering event for a wedding next weekend, June 23rd.
00:10:54The bride's last name is Mitchell.
00:10:56Yeah, you said you were going to call.
00:10:58I just had an interview, but you never did.
00:11:01Oh, no, that was the former planner.
00:11:04I'm the new planner.
00:11:05I'm Cassie.
00:11:06Oh, okay.
00:11:07Well, hi, Cassie.
00:11:09Okay, so I have a few questions.
00:11:11First off, what is your catering company's name?
00:11:18Shaq Catering.
00:11:20Very quirky.
00:11:22Can you tell me a little bit about your culinary experience?
00:11:27Well, I attended the Culinary Institute of New York.
00:11:30I followed that up with a series of noteworthy apprenticeships.
00:11:34One in Paris and the other in New York.
00:11:37Oh, wow.
00:11:38Okay, well, that sounds promising.
00:11:40You know, maybe we should just set up an in-person interview instead.
00:11:45Oh, I was just going to suggest that.
00:11:48Can you actually meet this afternoon?
00:11:50I can come to you.
00:11:51Yeah, why not?
00:11:52I'll send you the address.
00:11:55I wish you would just pull that catering out.
00:11:58We need the extra revenue.
00:11:59No, we're doing fine.
00:12:00Barely fine.
00:12:01Not exactly what every entrepreneur strives for.
00:12:03We have a devoted following.
00:12:05We have a niche following.
00:12:06We're not supposed to be a secret club.
00:12:08Catering could be good to us.
00:12:10It's free advertising.
00:12:11Plus, you could try something new.
00:12:13Maybe add something new to the menu.
00:12:15Maybe something elevated.
00:12:16You know I hate that term.
00:12:18What term?
00:12:20Yes, it's just so pretentious.
00:12:21It actually doesn't mean anything.
00:12:22And there's nothing wrong with our menu.
00:12:24There are five mains in the menu.
00:12:25There are five great mains.
00:12:27They haven't changed in three years.
00:12:28You've got to be bored out of your skull.
00:12:30I'm not bored.
00:12:32I just know what's good.
00:12:33Why don't you try digging into your old repertoire?
00:12:35Let's open dinner with a different concept.
00:12:38Well, one thing's for sure.
00:12:40I never tire of your brisket.
00:12:43Speaking of brisket, make me a sandwich.
00:12:45Uh, when this Cassie woman calls,
00:12:48can you just tell her I'm in the back?
00:12:51Making me a sandwich.
00:12:52Yes, making you a sandwich, brother.
00:13:29Good afternoon.
00:13:31Um, I'm looking for Shaq Catering.
00:13:34You'll want to talk to my brother, the chef.
00:13:36He's on the patio.
00:13:38Follow me.
00:13:40Kyle, your three o'clock is here.
00:13:48You're a caterer.
00:13:49And a carpenter.
00:13:51Oh, no, no.
00:13:52This is just a hobby.
00:13:53Is it for your kids?
00:13:54Oh, no, no, no.
00:13:55No kids here.
00:13:56My niece and nephew.
00:13:57They're Phil's kids.
00:14:00Oh, okay.
00:14:01Shall we head inside and chat?
00:14:04Sounds good.
00:14:05All right.
00:14:07You can have a seat.
00:14:09Uh, Phil, would you like to join us?
00:14:11No, I'm just going to linger awkwardly over here and read my paper.
00:14:15He's my brother.
00:14:18So you're a wedding planner?
00:14:20Oh, no.
00:14:21No, I'm a CPA.
00:14:23My mom's former planner fell through, so I'm just helping her out.
00:14:27Oh, that's really nice of you.
00:14:30So this is our menu.
00:14:33So, Saturday the 23rd.
00:14:35That's a week from today.
00:14:37How many guests?
00:14:40Sorry, I think I misunderstood.
00:14:42I thought you were a caterer caterer.
00:14:44You know, like canapes, a little baby quiche, chicken or shrimp.
00:14:48That doesn't sound very original to me.
00:14:50It's kind of what you do for a wedding.
00:14:53We are flexible and amenable to requests.
00:14:56I mean, this is what we do best.
00:14:59And I happen to know that there are some very, very popular brazen trends in catering right now.
00:15:05You have food trucks, taco bars.
00:15:07Why not barbecue?
00:15:09I get it.
00:15:11I think I was just hoping for something a little more elevated for this special occasion.
00:15:17You had mentioned you have a background in French cuisine.
00:15:20And I take all of those skills that I learned and I apply them here.
00:15:23Food doesn't have to be elevated to be amazing.
00:15:28Okay, well, thank you for your time.
00:15:31I have all your info.
00:15:32I am seeing a couple other companies, so I'll let you know.
00:15:37It was nice to meet you again.
00:15:39Yeah, you too.
00:15:40Nice to meet you, pal.
00:15:44Well, looks like that's that.
00:15:47Nice work.
00:15:56Here at the Cozy Luxe Inn, tables and chairs are all included.
00:15:59We have a darling little archway we can put up for the ceremony.
00:16:03You're currently signed up for the silver package.
00:16:06We do have a gold package that includes catering.
00:16:10That's good to know.
00:16:11Yeah, I was a little stuck on that.
00:16:13Well, you can't beat the convenience and practicality of keeping vendors in-house.
00:16:19You have a lot of freedom with decorating.
00:16:21People like going with balloons.
00:16:24Was there an event in here earlier today?
00:16:27Why do you ask?
00:16:28Oh, getting a strong scent of, um...
00:16:33Roast beef?
00:16:34I like roast beef.
00:16:37Maybe that's just the smell of hundreds of happy memories.
00:16:44Well, I'll let you guys poke around.
00:16:51Did you guys pick this place?
00:16:53Well, we didn't pick it. It was what was available.
00:16:56Ashley mentioned a plan about decorating and frightening it up a bit.
00:17:00Didn't quite see that in the binder.
00:17:02I didn't see much in the binder.
00:17:06You know, the in-house catering is definitely a plus,
00:17:09but how would you feel about looking at other venues?
00:17:12I'm not sure there are better options in Meadowville.
00:17:15Besides, the wedding is coming up so fast.
00:17:18The cozy luxe makes things easy.
00:17:20There's no natural light.
00:17:22I mean, I can't help but think that there's got to be a better option out there.
00:17:25I mean, something that's more you.
00:17:27I'm just beginning to think I'm getting a little carried away
00:17:30having a big celebration in the first place.
00:17:33I'm no spring chicken, and it's my second wedding.
00:17:36I'm so excited about Henry.
00:17:39I was just excited to do it up for once.
00:17:42Besides, all that really matters is that we're all together, right?
00:17:47Well, as your wedding planner,
00:17:49I am obliged to tell you that that is a load of hooey.
00:18:37Your grandmother really knew how to throw a party.
00:18:41She looks so happy.
00:18:44Oh, I forgot to mention.
00:18:47Gordon might not be able to come to the wedding.
00:18:49Oh, no.
00:18:51Is everything okay?
00:18:52Yeah, no, Gordon's fine.
00:18:54It was just a lapse in communication, and his work is at a critical point.
00:18:58You guys have been together a long time now.
00:19:01Don't you think it's time he popped the question?
00:19:04I don't think there will be any pops.
00:19:07He's not exactly the romantic showmanship type.
00:19:10Which is fine.
00:19:12It's no rush.
00:19:13Sounds like someone's putting it off.
00:19:19Hi, Cassie, this is Phil from Shack Catering.
00:19:23It's catering.
00:19:24Before you make any final catering decisions,
00:19:26I wanted to invite you to an unofficial menu tasting.
00:19:29Phil will be catering an event, and perhaps you could come by after, say 4 p.m.?
00:19:33It's at Sycamore Park.
00:19:35Well, thanks for letting me know.
00:19:37I will check with the bride and groom.
00:19:40We'd really love the opportunity to make your occasion special.
00:19:43Okay, bye, Phil.
00:19:44All right.
00:19:46What was that?
00:19:47I just got you a second interview.
00:19:50Look, I know we have our ongoing banter about business goals,
00:19:53but the truth is finances aren't great.
00:19:57I understand your ideals, but what good are they if we have to close shop?
00:20:00Yeah, I hear you.
00:20:07Okay, so I have my doubts about this caterer,
00:20:10but I wanted to bring you guys along just to get the conversation going.
00:20:14I'm so excited.
00:20:19Is Kyle Billings the caterer we're meeting?
00:20:22You know Kyle?
00:20:23Yeah, we meet at the barbecue shack all the time.
00:20:25His barbecue is the best.
00:20:26It's our favorite.
00:20:27Oh, okay, well, it's best if we just, like, hide all the excitement
00:20:31just in case I still want to suss some things out.
00:20:33You're the expert.
00:20:36Hey, Kyle.
00:20:37So these are my clients, Bonnie and Henry.
00:20:40Oh, I know you two.
00:20:41I didn't realize you were getting hitched.
00:20:43Well, congratulations.
00:20:45That's great.
00:20:46Here, come on.
00:20:47Get out of the rain.
00:20:48It's rare we get a sun shower like this.
00:20:50Here, hop in.
00:20:52It's funny.
00:20:53It's funny that it's congratulations to the groom and best wishes to the bride.
00:20:58Yeah, apparently congratulations implies that the bride was lucky to have earned the engagement.
00:21:03So it's probably best to say best wishes to both.
00:21:07It should be congratulations to me.
00:21:10I'm the one who proposed.
00:21:13She was the hunter, and I was struck by her arrow.
00:21:17Well, today we have pork and tri-tip,
00:21:20and I've deliberately put together a couple plates for you along with some sides.
00:21:23So if you just sit tight, I'll be right back.
00:21:41Good, isn't it?
00:21:43It is.
00:21:46She's not sure that it's right for this occasion.
00:21:48I mean, Mom, can you imagine eating this in your wedding dress?
00:21:51I mean, birthday party, yes.
00:21:53Wedding, I don't know.
00:21:55You make a good point.
00:21:57I think for now, maybe we just keep our eye out for something a little more elegant.
00:22:02Well, I, for one, love his cooking.
00:22:04But you may be right.
00:22:05Something elegant would be more fitting.
00:22:07You know, I noticed that the menu at the Cozy Lux was more upscale.
00:22:12I think I even saw chicken Kiev on the menu.
00:22:15Yeah, yeah.
00:22:16I like that idea.
00:22:18Well, yeah, we can keep that in mind.
00:22:24So you donate everything you make here to the Youth League?
00:22:27Yeah, all the proceeds go to the frats.
00:22:29It's a little project of mine.
00:22:31You write it off, right?
00:22:33Write it off?
00:22:34Yeah. Taxes?
00:22:35No, that's not why I do it.
00:22:37No, of course not, but there's no reason not to.
00:22:40If you're not writing it off, you're actually losing money.
00:22:44I can't imagine that your profit margins are exceptionally high at this shack.
00:22:47So you're speculating about my profit margins?
00:22:49I can't help it. It's my job.
00:22:52But I'm actually off topic.
00:22:54If you are still interested in catering my mom's wedding, I would love to hire you.
00:23:01It's very clear that you care about what you do, and I like that.
00:23:05Are you sure you can handle my lowbrow cuisine?
00:23:09I don't think it's lowbrow.
00:23:12That being said, I will need you to meet me at 23,
00:23:16or actually let's make it 35% of the way towards highbrow,
00:23:19if only to save on the direct living costs.
00:23:25Okay, let's do it.
00:23:27For Bonnie and Henry.
00:23:35Hey, well now the catering's all done.
00:23:37We just have to find a venue.
00:23:39Well, I really do think the cozy looks will be just fine, honey.
00:23:42As your wedding planner, I would like to do better than just fine.
00:23:46Well, what matters is we're all together.
00:23:48Just think, your grandma Eleanor got married in a barn.
00:23:52Just shows, anywhere will work just fine.
00:23:55Well, hey, barn weddings are all the rage right now.
00:23:57As usual, grandma's at it for time.
00:23:59Oh, my mom and dad's wedding was outdoors, sort of a spring festival.
00:24:04And there was this huge thunderstorm that came in right after their ceremony,
00:24:09so they had to band together and move inside her dad's barn.
00:24:13But, according to her, it was magical.
00:24:17Well, I have an idea.
00:24:28This may not be for parents.
00:24:30Mom, it's perfect, actually.
00:24:35Can I open the other one?
00:24:44Oh, this is fantastic.
00:24:48Okay, so let's say we wanted to rent the space out.
00:24:51Could we maybe clean some of this stuff out of the way?
00:24:54Do some painting and mending?
00:24:56You can do anything you like. It's a barn.
00:24:59Oh, honey, let's be reasonable.
00:25:03Okay, so it might be a little hard to imagine,
00:25:05but try and picture this place all cleaned out and decorated.
00:25:08We could have the market lights for the reception.
00:25:11That would be beautiful.
00:25:12Rustic chic.
00:25:14Grounded and earthy, with a little nod to vintage.
00:25:17You know? Subtle interplay of sophistication and whimsy.
00:25:20Just like you.
00:25:22That's very true.
00:25:24What do you think?
00:25:26I love it.
00:25:28It's a lot of work.
00:25:30You're not going to try and do it alone, are you?
00:25:43Did I miss a meeting?
00:25:45No, I'm just dropping by.
00:25:48I wanted to express how excited I am that you're catering the wedding.
00:25:53And also to talk to you about an additional opportunity.
00:25:57I found the perfect venue, but I may need a hand prepping it.
00:26:02And maybe, like, a bit of carpentry work.
00:26:05Which, of course, is why I thought of you.
00:26:08And if you'd be willing to help me out,
00:26:11then I would obviously pay you for your time.
00:26:13Also, in return, I could help you get your business finances in order.
00:26:17No charge.
00:26:19You're obviously very talented, and I think this place could thrive.
00:26:23Well, yeah, you see, that's the thing.
00:26:26I have to run this place on top of the catering duties.
00:26:30I could fill in.
00:26:32It's about time I pulled my weight.
00:26:34We could really use the financial consultant, Kyle.
00:26:37Go! Have fun. Make dreams come true.
00:26:40Okay. Let's do it.
00:26:42All right. Go hang up that apron.
00:26:49Okay, so I know it needs a little bit of work, but...
00:26:55people travel from all over for the perfect rustic-chic experience.
00:27:01And we have it right here.
00:27:03You know, it just needs a little bit of love, you know?
00:27:06Picture this all cleared out.
00:27:08A light breeze. Some string lights.
00:27:11You know, back up ambiance from some fireflies.
00:27:15All right. Where do we start?
00:27:18Yeah. All right.
00:27:20So there are so many options here,
00:27:22but I'm thinking that if we do the ceremony in this area,
00:27:25then by later on in the evening...
00:27:27No, no, this is working so far.
00:27:30Okay. Yeah, I did some scene design for theater in high school and college, so...
00:27:35Why didn't you pursue it as a career?
00:27:37Oh, I did. Well, I almost did.
00:27:40I wanted to be an event planner,
00:27:42which is, I guess, why my mom thought I'd be any good at this.
00:27:45Well, seems to me like you're doing just fine.
00:27:48Hey, did you want to add anything to the list for the hardware store?
00:27:51Sure. Let's take a look.
00:27:54This is a lot of paint.
00:27:56Yeah, I thought it might be nice to add some swaths of light paint,
00:27:59maybe like an eggshell, just brighten the place up a bit.
00:28:02Or you could just let the natural wood do its own thing
00:28:05and not try to make it something it isn't.
00:28:07Do its own thing?
00:28:08Well, yeah, I mean, if you're going to go rustic, go rustic, right?
00:28:11Right. Yeah, but you don't want to forget about the cheek.
00:28:14You know, and besides, I'm not thinking of painting the whole barn, just accents.
00:28:18Is a barn really a place for accents, though?
00:28:21Well, as a designer, I think that I would like to...
00:28:24Well, actually, not to quibble here,
00:28:26but in this instance, aren't you the coordinator
00:28:28and I'm the designer as far as the structure is concerned?
00:28:31I mean, you hired me for a reason, right?
00:28:34I mean, you hired me for a reason, right?
00:28:37Okay, yeah, let's just, uh, let's table this.
00:28:40You know, we're getting rid of ourselves anyway.
00:28:42Absolutely. I'll, uh, let's be over here.
00:28:45Yeah, great.
00:28:48A little more to my side.
00:28:50Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:28:52So I've gone ahead and put the order in for the rose gold chivari chairs,
00:28:55and now the question is, do I go with the round or the circular?
00:28:59All right.
00:29:00All right, what do you think is under this thing?
00:29:02Ooh, something harmless.
00:29:04Oh, yeah, sure, something harmless.
00:29:06Okay, on three, the real question is, why chivari chairs?
00:29:10Oh, they're beautiful.
00:29:11They have these gorgeous ornate backs, I'll show you.
00:29:13No, no, I know what they are.
00:29:14Don't you think they're just sort of a little expected?
00:29:17One, two, three.
00:29:20I can't believe you.
00:29:21I can't believe you.
00:29:22I expected you to be classic.
00:29:24No, I don't.
00:29:26I'm going to do it this time.
00:29:27You're going to listen.
00:29:30On three.
00:29:31We can agree that this isn't a structural design element.
00:29:34You follow me, promise?
00:29:36On three.
00:29:37One, two, three.
00:29:40Oh, see?
00:29:42It's harmless.
00:29:43It's such a shame that we have the ability to do anything,
00:29:45and you just want to just play it so by the book.
00:29:48What is wrong with playing by the book?
00:29:50We're going to have to haul this out of here.
00:29:52It's a barn wedding.
00:29:53Isn't this part of the aesthetic?
00:29:54What do you want, people just hanging out on hay bales?
00:29:58You know, kids can play on it and stuff.
00:30:12In the box.
00:30:13In the box.
00:30:15In the box.
00:30:21What up, wedding planets to the stars?
00:30:24Not quite.
00:30:25How's it going?
00:30:26Oh, it's good.
00:30:27Yeah, I definitely took a lot on, but it's actually kind of cool.
00:30:30Do you at least have help?
00:30:31Yeah, I have this Cedar Carpenter person.
00:30:36Yeah, well, he's definitely not short on input.
00:30:38I'll tell you one thing I don't miss about the theater.
00:30:40Artistic temperaments.
00:30:42I know, you don't miss them.
00:30:44You sound something.
00:30:48Energized, fluttery.
00:30:51I don't know, I guess I'm just excited this is all actually kind of coming together.
00:30:55Oh, speaking of.
00:30:56The reason I called.
00:30:58I might have a fun opportunity.
00:31:00How would you feel about DJing my mom's wedding?
00:31:04You can come down the day before, dust off the old equipment.
00:31:07It would be an honor.
00:31:10We'll start putting a playlist together.
00:31:11Okay, bye.
00:31:19Oh, honey, did you see we finally got our poster from London?
00:31:23No, I didn't.
00:31:24It's right here.
00:31:28Oh, wow.
00:31:29I don't know why, I always thought it was the 12th night.
00:31:32I met Henry at a Midsummer Night's Dream.
00:31:35Life imitating art.
00:31:37What do you mean?
00:31:38Oh, you know, like all the little errors and mishaps that brought us together.
00:31:43The course of true love never did run smooth.
00:31:46I don't know that I know this.
00:31:48Besides the confusion of the night my ticket was for, luckily they let me in on that Saturday.
00:31:54Three seats away from me.
00:31:56But then there were that young couple that were flirting, so they wanted to sit next to each other.
00:32:00So we all moved around one way.
00:32:02Then things went sour, and they wanted to move apart.
00:32:06Just like the two couples of the play.
00:32:08So then somehow, through all the shuffling, I ended up next to your mother.
00:32:14And what can I say?
00:32:16The rest of the play just washed over us.
00:32:20As if Puck cast a spell on us as well.
00:32:23You know, Cassie did the set design for a Midsummer Night's Dream in high school.
00:32:28And that little high school is what started my enthusiasm for the Bard.
00:32:33In fact, I dare say that production stood up to the one we saw.
00:32:38I dare say you're a bit biased.
00:32:41Of course.
00:32:44Sounds like you're making unnecessary work for yourself.
00:32:46Yeah, but you had to see it. Those carpets were awful.
00:32:49I mean, there was no natural light.
00:32:51I wanted to make it special for her.
00:32:54Anyways, um, hey, any luck on Saturday?
00:32:57Did you get a chance to move that meeting?
00:33:00Uh, no. I doubt it'll change.
00:33:03I thought we were settled on that anyways.
00:33:06Yeah, but I thought you'd at least try.
00:33:10Well, we'll see each other soon enough.
00:33:12That's not the point.
00:33:17You know, I think I just need some time to think about it.
00:33:24I thought we were okay.
00:33:26I don't know. I'll call you when I get back to Chicago on Sunday.
00:33:31Okay. Bye.
00:33:43It's just that it's her special day, so I want something nice.
00:33:48Like, maybe a slightly refined version of your menu?
00:33:52Maybe, like, something with dough or little cakes or, ooh, you know what I'm picturing?
00:33:57A fancy Pop-Tart.
00:33:59You really don't know anything about cuisine, do you?
00:34:02No. That's why I have you.
00:34:07Don't do that.
00:34:08I once went to this wedding where they had these cute mini egg rolls.
00:34:11Absolutely not.
00:34:12I will not make anything with cute little or mini in the front of it.
00:34:16And nothing with toothpicks.
00:34:18Wow. What do hors d'oeuvres ever do to you?
00:34:20Terrible things.
00:34:23No, I just think that those things are fake sophisticated.
00:34:26Oh, wow.
00:34:27There's no art. There's no soul.
00:34:29Food should just be honest with itself.
00:34:32Yes, Cassie, beware all the maniacal food out there lying to itself.
00:34:37You're an enigma, Kyle.
00:34:39You're like...
00:34:41You're like a snob, but a snob about not being a snob.
00:34:45But also kind of a snob.
00:34:50Oh, sorry. It's just work. One second.
00:34:53You couldn't get time off for your mom's wedding?
00:34:55No, I did. I'm just up for promotion, so I don't want my work to lag too much.
00:35:00And normally, I find it quite soothing.
00:35:03Normally, I find it quite soothing.
00:35:07Well, it's just satisfying when all the numbers shake out.
00:35:11You know, it's like if everything just lines up.
00:35:14It's like everything's going to be okay.
00:35:17That's astonishingly dorky.
00:35:23Speaking of, I think it's my turn to hold up my end of the bargain.
00:35:27Should we take a gander at last year's taxes?
00:35:30Can't wait.
00:35:33Do you mean now?
00:35:49This is your filing cabinet.
00:35:52Okay. Look, I understand your skepticism, but everything has been running just fine.
00:35:58We pay our bills, we haven't been burned down.
00:36:01You know, if it ain't broke.
00:36:04Besides, I do have a system. Tax returns are in April.
00:36:12So that's about a fourth of the way up from the bottom.
00:36:19Would you hold this, please?
00:36:24Explain what's going on back there.
00:36:27That's the kitchen.
00:36:28This is the line. This is the grill. That's the fridges.
00:36:32That's not what I meant. I can't help but notice that it is especially orderly in there.
00:36:37Oh, well, that's mise-en-place. It's a system or philosophy that chefs use.
00:36:41It means everything in its place.
00:36:44If everything is in its place and there's order, that, you know, the service is that much more smoother.
00:36:49It's an ethical code, really.
00:36:51Right, right. Anywhere else you could maybe apply that philosophy?
00:36:55Also, I know what a mise-en-place is, dummy. I've seen the Food Network.
00:37:01Excuse me, dummy?
00:37:03I hate to say it, but you might need to pull back on the charity gigs.
00:37:07No, it's not an option.
00:37:09Why not?
00:37:10Because it's too important to me and I don't see the point of doing any of this if I'm not giving back.
00:37:15Oh, boy.
00:37:17I understand that, but you can't sustain it unless you offset it with more revenue.
00:37:21I understand that, but you can't sustain it unless you offset it with more revenue.
00:37:24That is just math, but I understand it's a lot to take in.
00:37:30Why all the reluctance to anything upscale or elevated?
00:37:35Well, it's this assumption that upscale is better, you know?
00:37:40I mean, here, I'll give you a perfect example.
00:37:42I've been perfecting my barbecue sauce for years, okay?
00:37:46There's just as much reverence in that that there is in any foie gras foam or whatever.
00:37:51Barbecue sauce is pretty good.
00:37:53What's in it?
00:37:56Well, I'll tell you what's in it.
00:37:58Lyon, Paris, New York, my childhood, years of searching, you name it.
00:38:05Right, so it's a secret and you're never going to tell me?
00:38:07No, I just like putting soul and perfection in the familiar.
00:38:13And besides, it's more accessible.
00:38:16You reach more people.
00:38:18Fair enough.
00:38:28Tell me what you see.
00:38:30The front of a restaurant.
00:38:32Yeah, but how would I know that?
00:38:34Does it look inviting?
00:38:35Well, it doesn't have to.
00:38:36It's the food that matters.
00:38:38Word of mouth, right?
00:38:40Plus, this storefront doesn't protest too much.
00:38:43I think that you should invest in some signage that just really represents you and what you do.
00:38:48You can't afford to overlook the walk-in business.
00:38:51Are you being an accountant right now or a designer?
00:38:54An accountant.
00:38:55And a friend.
00:38:58You do amazing things here.
00:39:00We just, we need to get more people to experience it.
00:39:03I'll think about it.
00:39:05I will take it.
00:39:11Oh, that's amazing.
00:39:13That's homemade.
00:39:15We've met them.
00:39:16Hey, but no butterscotch pudding could be homemade.
00:39:19Yeah, well, I'm full of surprises.
00:39:22So tell me about your boyfriend.
00:39:24Oh, well, his name is Gordon.
00:39:27He's an engineer and he's working in app development right now.
00:39:31Well, he must be pretty excited to get to see your work at the wedding.
00:39:35He won't be at the wedding.
00:39:39It's work stuff, but it's probably for the best.
00:39:43Anyways, I can just focus on the planning.
00:39:46Yeah, that sounds practical.
00:39:50So what do you think about your mom and Henry's whirlwind romance?
00:39:56Yeah, meeting in London on vacation six months later, getting married.
00:40:00Yeah, it's a bold move.
00:40:02But no, my mom, she's a smart lady.
00:40:07Well, you can't deny it.
00:40:09They are pretty cute.
00:40:11They are.
00:40:23Hey, you want to join me and Henry for a game of Monopoly?
00:40:27You can show him your cutthroat accounting skills.
00:40:30I wish.
00:40:32Yeah, I can't. I'm sorry, Mom. I got to work.
00:40:35Okay, just wanted to check.
00:40:37Don't work too hard.
00:40:47Hey, bro.
00:40:48Hey, buddy.
00:40:49Is that what I think it is? Piperade?
00:40:51Don't get too excited. Don't read into it too much, okay?
00:40:53I went into Des Moines today and I was just feeling inspired, you know?
00:40:56Inspired, huh?
00:41:00That's a French brew right there.
00:41:08Hey. Good morning.
00:41:10Good morning. Sorry I'm so late.
00:41:13I was up late last night doing work and I fell asleep without setting my alarm.
00:41:17What's going on?
00:41:18Well, the market lights arrived today.
00:41:21Yeah, inspired me to run some more electricity.
00:41:23Well, that's a good idea.
00:41:25Incidentally, I had another good idea.
00:41:27Here, follow me.
00:41:34Now, I still feel like this space is too tight for both the reception and the ceremony.
00:41:38So what if instead of renting, we just build the tables?
00:41:42That might be a touch too DIY.
00:41:44No, no, no. Hear me out.
00:41:45We could easily build long farm-style tables flanking the sides.
00:41:49I saw Ronald has lumber and we could just use barrels as support.
00:41:53Then we could offset the roughness with your Chiavari chairs.
00:41:57This would leave room for the ceremony.
00:41:59So we use the chairs for the ceremony and then we move them?
00:42:02Either way, for the reception, we just got to clear out this whole middle space for dancing.
00:42:09Oh, and I also thought that we should probably make some decisions regarding food service.
00:42:14I feel like I'm a little torn because full service is a little advantageous presentation-wise.
00:42:20It just feels stuffy for our concept.
00:42:22Well, what if we did family style?
00:42:26Well, I assume that you'd think that'd be too casual.
00:42:28Well, buffet would be too casual, but, yeah, family style is communal.
00:42:32It seems perfect.
00:42:35We just agreed on something.
00:42:37That's a first.
00:42:39It is.
00:42:40What are you thinking? Long or short?
00:42:42Well, I'm not sure.
00:42:44I personally think that you could rock a kneeling.
00:42:48What is it? Getting the pre-wedding jitters?
00:42:51I mean, we're wedding dress shopping. It's supposed to be the most magical part of the wedding prep.
00:42:55Oh, I just had a flash of wishing we were shopping for your wedding dress.
00:42:59Oh, I'm hardly a spinster, Mom.
00:43:02I just want you to feel as head over heels as I do now.
00:43:05Who says I'm not?
00:43:06Well, it's been a while since I've seen your eyes light up.
00:43:10So, are you thinking contemporary or vintage?
00:43:13What do you think of Henry?
00:43:15I think he's great.
00:43:18He very obviously adores you.
00:43:21And I'm still just getting to know him.
00:43:23Are you?
00:43:24Well, I've kind of been busy planning your fabulous wedding.
00:43:27And by yours, I mean yours and his.
00:43:29I know.
00:43:31But I was just wondering if I could ask you to make more of an effort with him.
00:43:35I mean, nothing huge, just an effort.
00:43:38It would mean the world to me.
00:43:40Yeah. No, of course, Mom.
00:43:43On one condition.
00:43:46You get excited about the wedding dress shopping!
00:43:48Okay, what do you have in mind?
00:43:51So, what's the deal with you and the ladies?
00:43:56You got anything on the grill?
00:43:59You know, you own a barbecue restaurant?
00:44:01Or the grill?
00:44:07Well, I had a kind of big relationship a few years back.
00:44:12But it ended.
00:44:16That's enough.
00:44:20I know I've been asking a lot of you lately,
00:44:22but I was wondering if you'd offer to go with Henry to a suit fitting?
00:44:27It just occurred to me that he's new here and doesn't yet have a Cassie.
00:44:33Of course.
00:44:37You know, it occurred to me the other day that it must be hard for you,
00:44:42building this whole celebration for your mom,
00:44:45marrying someone who isn't your dad.
00:44:48It has its moments.
00:44:50You know, letting Henry in doesn't mean that you're betraying your dad.
00:44:54It doesn't mean that you're erasing his memory.
00:44:58I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.
00:45:00No, no. I'm glad you did.
00:45:02Well, before we call it a day,
00:45:05there's still some serious nuts and bolts that need to be figured out.
00:45:09Well, we need to figure out if this space is roomy enough for dancing!
00:45:14Oh, knock yourself out.
00:45:16Oh, I will.
00:45:23Come on, you gotta join me.
00:45:25We need to perform this important test or the whole thing falls apart.
00:45:28Only if you promise to stop doing whatever.
00:45:31Oh, I can't promise anything.
00:45:46Got my flag unfurled
00:45:48I'm singing this song
00:45:50So bring it, bring it, bring it on
00:45:53Think a disco ball would work for our concept?
00:45:55I'm gonna pass on that.
00:45:58I'm losing time
00:46:00This is my time
00:46:02I'm still so far
00:46:05I think now I've got what it takes
00:46:08It's all up to me
00:46:10I'm going home
00:46:12Oh, it's just the telemarketer.
00:46:15Well, there's definitely room for the dancing.
00:46:46Come on, slowpoke.
00:46:49Where's Henry?
00:46:51He can't keep up with me.
00:46:53I was leaning all the way.
00:46:55Yeah, right.
00:47:02What are you thinking?
00:47:04It's gonna look pretty good when we're all done.
00:47:09But I wish I could find a way to make it special.
00:47:12I think it is gonna be pretty special.
00:47:15You know, it's gonna be a beautiful, rustic, chic wedding, just like the magazines.
00:47:19But I wish I could find a way to make it special for them.
00:47:24You know, that's the mark of a truly great planner.
00:47:26I think.
00:47:28Ideally, you can surprise the bride and groom with something they didn't even know that they wanted.
00:47:32Something unexpected and magical.
00:47:35Cassie, I like our pluck.
00:47:38But now I think you're just getting greedy.
00:47:42This is your first event, and we're a few days away from the wedding.
00:47:46Do you know what we need?
00:47:49We need to clear out the cobwebs.
00:47:51Oh, we did plenty of that.
00:47:53No, I'm not talking about that. We should just get out of here.
00:47:56We just need to stop looking at it so hard.
00:47:59What do you say we go on a field trip?
00:48:02We'll just take the day off.
00:48:04Only this time, let me be the event planner.
00:48:07Works for me.
00:48:09Follow me.
00:48:19I didn't even know this place was here.
00:48:21Yeah, hidden gems.
00:48:23You like tracking these kinds of places down, don't you?
00:48:25Oh, yeah. I mean, I think it, you know, I kind of look at them as the underdogs of the culinary world, you know?
00:48:31Just waiting to be discovered.
00:48:34Which I would like to remind you is not a good business model.
00:48:37But you were right. This Italian beef is real good.
00:48:40Like, better than I've had in Chicago.
00:48:42I know, right?
00:48:43Oh, by the way, did you ever figure out Curly's secret spice blend?
00:48:46Not yet.
00:48:52Oh, no, uh, you're interesting as well.
00:48:58Well, that's, you certainly know how to compliment a guy.
00:49:01No, it is a compliment.
00:49:03You're full of all these little contradictions.
00:49:05You have four things on your menu.
00:49:07Five things.
00:49:08Sorry? Five things on your menu.
00:49:10Which you are quite stubborn about.
00:49:13But then you do things like traveling halfway across the state to study roadside diner fries.
00:49:19It's interesting.
00:49:22Well, speaking of contradictions.
00:49:24Oh, here we go.
00:49:26How'd you go from scene design and maybe event planning to being an accountant?
00:49:32Well, um, back in high school I did rock the math portion of the academic decathlon.
00:49:38Thank you very much.
00:49:39Yeah, I bet you did.
00:49:41But I was also, uh, did scene design for theater.
00:49:44And in college too.
00:49:46I just, I loved creating these designs and concepts for the shows so much that I thought,
00:49:51how cool would that be to create that kind of transformative magic,
00:49:54but for real people during these big moments of their lives.
00:49:58You know, so right out of college I, I got this big internship.
00:50:03That would have, um, but that was the summer my dad passed away.
00:50:10So, you know, I had just graduated and then all of a sudden,
00:50:17life seemed a little messy and chaotic and scary.
00:50:24Uh, so in that moment I just, I chose the more stable and safe route.
00:50:32How long ago was that?
00:50:35Ten years.
00:50:37Feels like yesterday.
00:50:40I'm sorry to hear that.
00:50:45You know, I always thought the lavender ice cream would taste like soap, but you're right, this is delicious.
00:51:00And this place is beautiful.
00:51:03Thank you for bringing me here.
00:51:06I just was really in it for the ice cream.
00:51:08Yeah, fair.
00:51:12So, you always wanted to be a chef?
00:51:15Yeah, you know, since I was a kid.
00:51:18My mom was this genius cook and she studied in France, much longer than I did.
00:51:25Anyway, I was just this really anxious kid and anytime I'd get really stressed out,
00:51:33she would just surprise me with my favorite dessert, butterscotch pudding.
00:51:38Yeah, same one from the other night.
00:51:41And, um, it's just like as soon as I would taste it, I just knew that everything was going to be okay.
00:51:49You know?
00:51:51And, um, that's what I want to do for other people.
00:51:59No, I'm just trying to see that anxious kid who made me stay one night.
00:52:07Here, can you hold that for a second?
00:52:08Yeah, yeah.
00:52:10I must eat it.
00:52:12You had one job.
00:52:13I'm so sorry.
00:52:15Do you want to go back and get another one?
00:52:17No, the lineup is so huge.
00:52:19I really wanted you to taste that one.
00:52:21Okay, well here, share mine.
00:52:25Okay, well now we have to go get another one.
00:52:29We're in it together.
00:52:39So out of all the set designs you've made, what would you say your favorite one is?
00:52:44Oh, it's easy.
00:52:45Senior year of high school, I did Midsummer Night's Dream.
00:52:52Okay, well, you know how a lot of the play takes place in the woods?
00:52:56It's where the fairies are and all the magic happens?
00:52:59Well, the theater in my high school was pretty small, so I ended up building the set around the audience.
00:53:05I tried to envelop them in the magic of the woods.
00:53:08I had, like, twinkle lights for stars and vines everywhere.
00:53:14You could almost smell the summer night.
00:53:16It was rough around the edges, but it was very nice.
00:53:21Listen, I got a confession I gotta make.
00:53:28This is my first real catering gig.
00:53:34Phil just kept putting advertisements in the newspaper, and yours was the first one to amount to anything.
00:53:40You just seem to know so much about weddings.
00:53:44Yeah, it's because I planned my own.
00:53:48I didn't know you'd been married.
00:53:50No, I never was.
00:53:53My ex-fiancee called it off at the last minute.
00:53:57It was the day before, actually.
00:54:01Yeah, it was just a big celebration. Elaborate design. Chiavari chairs and everything.
00:54:08We had planned to move to New York, and both had big jobs lined up.
00:54:13And I just ended up staying here.
00:54:18I'm so sorry. I had no idea.
00:54:21So this job must be pretty hard for you.
00:54:24No. No, it isn't, actually.
00:54:29Yeah, it's kind of like exercising demons.
00:54:33And I've had great company.
00:54:36Me too.
00:54:38Here, come on. I want to show you something.
00:54:42Come on.
00:54:44I'll give all of me.
00:54:48Every day, I'll love all of you.
00:54:54Every way, all the ups and downs.
00:54:58What is this?
00:54:59It's a side project I've been working on for fun.
00:55:02For fun? This is spectacular.
00:55:05Yeah, I just threw it together with some spare lumber.
00:55:11Why would you keep this to yourself?
00:55:18Oh, this light is perfect.
00:55:21Yeah, I think we need to have the ceremony here.
00:55:24Do you think we'll need to decorate?
00:55:26Oh, some flowers and candles, but this is perfect.
00:55:29I mean, the barn is a five-minute walkway, so people can just caravan between the two spaces.
00:55:35It's like a midsummer night's dream. You are a genius.
00:55:37I can't believe I didn't think about this myself.
00:55:39I mean, the barn will still need some work, but I mean, it'll be totally worth it.
00:55:44The course of true love never did run smooth.
00:55:48Wait, wait, wait, wait. I need more information.
00:55:51I'll give all of me.
00:55:54Every day, I'll love all of you.
00:56:00Every way, all the ups and downs.
00:56:06It all's been right, so let's get lost.
00:56:12You and I, if we're never found.
00:56:18I don't mind, so let's get lost.
00:56:24Side by side, let's get lost.
00:56:29You know it's two days before the wedding, right?
00:56:31Oh, I know.
00:56:32So what about all the work we've done?
00:56:34Oh, it stays.
00:56:35We just integrate these elements into what we already have.
00:56:38We're just bringing the outside in and adding a little magic.
00:56:41And we're going to make flowers and leaves from crepe paper and fabric,
00:56:45and then we just intertwine everything with fairy lights, and like the forest is aglow.
00:56:50All right. Let's make magic.
00:57:04All right. It's time.
00:57:21These guys have got to go.
00:57:22Are you sure?
00:57:23I mean, I know we settled on the Chiavari chairs, but just look at these things.
00:57:27They're so soft and bouncy and aromatic.
00:57:33I don't know.
00:57:34Well, if you like the smell that much.
00:57:41Oh, you want to play that game, do you?
00:57:49Okay. Truth.
00:57:50Okay. Okay. Truth.
00:57:59Hey, guys.
00:58:00I just thought I'd bring by some lunch for my worker bees.
00:58:03Oh, great. Thanks.
00:58:04Yeah, we were just moving the hay.
00:58:06Working hard.
00:58:11There you go. Hungry?
00:58:13It's awfully aromatic.
00:58:21Oh, hey.
00:58:24Hey, how are you feeling? Ready? Excited?
00:58:28Yeah. All of the above.
00:58:30I'm really excited for you guys to see the new ceremony space. And the barn.
00:58:34We added some elements I think you guys are going to love.
00:58:38I'm sure it'll be wonderful.
00:58:40Your mom showed me some pictures of your past scene design work. It's truly impressive.
00:58:49Sometimes I miss it.
00:58:51And knowing Bonnie, I'll bet she talked to you, urging you to try real hard to connect with me.
00:58:59She may have.
00:59:02Look, all I know is it moved pretty quick for Bonnie and me, so it must be lightning quick for you.
00:59:10So, no rush.
00:59:14I'll be here.
00:59:16Take your time.
00:59:20Thank you, Henry.
00:59:24All right.
00:59:26See you later.
00:59:27Talk to you later.
00:59:55You look nice.
00:59:58What's going on?
00:59:59Well, I thought that we would do an unofficial menu tasting.
01:00:04I'm still tweaking some things, so I'd love to get some feedback.
01:00:09You'll really do anything to avoid working on the book, say?
01:00:12No comment.
01:00:16I told you I trust you.
01:00:17You didn't have to do all this.
01:00:19Oh, I know.
01:00:20I just thought it'd be fun.
01:00:22Oh, I like the string lights, by the way.
01:00:24You should keep them.
01:00:26Yeah, I was just auditioning them, but yeah, maybe.
01:00:29Here, let me...
01:00:38I'll be right back.
01:00:50I honestly thought we were just going with the standard menu.
01:00:53Well, I wanted to try some things.
01:00:57Well, thank you.
01:00:58This is...
01:00:59It's very nice.
01:01:01Herbed gougere.
01:01:04The H is silent.
01:01:08I don't know.
01:01:09Looks an awful lot like an hors d'oeuvre.
01:01:11Well, it 100% is an hors d'oeuvre.
01:01:13I don't even recognize you anymore.
01:01:20Cal, that is so good.
01:01:22And this here is a caramelized leek and cheese souffle.
01:01:26Let me know if the cheese is too sharp.
01:01:32This is all incredible.
01:01:35What brought it on?
01:01:37I don't know.
01:01:38I was feeling inspired, I guess.
01:01:41By you, actually.
01:01:44What you created for your mom.
01:01:47It's extraordinary.
01:01:55This is extraordinary.
01:01:59The rain is at the window.
01:02:02The wind is at the door.
01:02:05If I may say, you can do no wrong putting any one of those items on the everyday menu.
01:02:11They'd be a hit.
01:02:12Baby steps.
01:02:16I cannot believe the wedding is the day after tomorrow.
01:02:19I know.
01:02:20Me neither.
01:02:23Are you excited to go back to your normal life?
01:02:34I feel like I've just been in this amazing creative universe this past week.
01:02:42It's really been a dream.
01:02:44So it just feels surreal that I'm going to have to wake up and go back to Chicago, to the firm.
01:02:51You liked your life back there.
01:02:54I do.
01:02:55No, I do.
01:02:57No, everything's great.
01:02:58I mean, my job is great.
01:03:00I'm great at my job.
01:03:02Yeah, no.
01:03:03Everything's great.
01:03:09It's just that this has been special.
01:03:17I think I know what you mean.
01:03:23Well, I got to get going.
01:03:26Still have some work to do tonight, and my mom's dress fitting in the morning.
01:03:32But I'm really excited about the new menu, Kyle.
01:04:04Hi, Marina.
01:04:05Hi, Cassie.
01:04:07Sorry to call so late.
01:04:09I was just thinking of the little query we had in the hallway about a couple weeks back.
01:04:14As it turns out, we are doing an investigative audit for one of our new clients, and we are stretched quite thin.
01:04:21Now, I know you're with family, but if I could send you a few things, your efficiency would be an asset, and it would serve your cause.
01:04:30Yeah, of course.
01:04:31Of course.
01:04:32Yeah, absolutely.
01:04:35I will send you the documents.
01:04:38Thank you, Marina.
01:04:57The fitting.
01:04:58Mom, the fitting.
01:05:00I'm so sorry.
01:05:02It's okay.
01:05:04You look so tired I didn't want to wake you.
01:05:06Besides, you will get to see it at the wedding.
01:05:08Yeah, but I wanted to be there.
01:05:10It's an important part of the process.
01:05:12It's okay.
01:05:16All good.
01:05:19Do you have another wedding?
01:05:20Just kidding.
01:05:21This is good.
01:05:35All right, thanks a lot, everyone.
01:05:36Yeah, I'll get that out to you right away.
01:05:38Okay, bye.
01:05:46How's it going?
01:05:48Well, I'm upset with myself because I missed my mom's fitting this morning because of all this last minute work.
01:05:54I'm so sorry.
01:05:57I can't believe this is almost over.
01:05:59Yeah, well, it doesn't have to be.
01:06:01What do you mean?
01:06:03You've got to acknowledge that something happened here.
01:06:07You said it yourself last night.
01:06:09Something special.
01:06:11You said that creating this has made you feel like you were in a dream that you couldn't wake up from.
01:06:15So why wake up?
01:06:17Well, because I have to get back to my life.
01:06:19Yeah, but you were on that path before.
01:06:21Why not try it again?
01:06:22Well, that's a nice thought.
01:06:25But I chose a different path, you know?
01:06:28A great path.
01:06:30So I've got to stick with it.
01:06:34I just really like collaborating with you.
01:06:37I really believe in you.
01:06:38I really believe in you, too.
01:06:40I mean, I couldn't have done all of this without you.
01:06:44Are you going to be able to make the rehearsal dinner today?
01:06:46No, I'll be busy prepping.
01:06:49But hey, if I get a break, maybe I can make dessert?
01:07:01Hi, Gordon?
01:07:03You're where?
01:07:07I guess I'll see you soon.
01:07:10That was Gordon.
01:07:12He's in Meadowville.
01:07:13He just got in.
01:07:15I guess he's going to make the wedding after all.
01:07:20That's my cue.
01:07:22Time to cater.
01:07:41Hey, you.
01:07:45I got these for the wedding planner.
01:07:48This is a surprise.
01:07:50I could tell it meant a lot to you, so I worked it out.
01:07:55You did all this?
01:07:58Well, with a little help.
01:08:00The concept is a midsummer night's dream.
01:08:03You did all this decorating?
01:08:06It's just plain old barn before.
01:08:08Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?
01:08:13Well, we should probably head back to the house if we're going to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.
01:08:21All right.
01:08:22And by the time they had switched seats three times,
01:08:27I knew I was sitting next to a very special lady.
01:08:31And if they dared ask me to move again, it wasn't happening.
01:08:34I was leaving and I was taking Bonnie with me.
01:08:36Who are you looking for?
01:08:37Your cater-carpenter person?
01:08:40But I've learned a few things.
01:08:41He's prepping for the wedding, so I hope he's going to make it.
01:08:44That's too bad.
01:08:46So what's up with you and Gordon?
01:08:48I don't know.
01:08:49I'm surprised you haven't showed up.
01:08:51Good surprise.
01:08:53Maybe not.
01:08:55If you find love, rush to it.
01:09:01Head on.
01:09:03Right now.
01:09:05I love you, Bonnie.
01:09:06I love you, too.
01:09:18So, what's going on?
01:09:21I know things have been strained between us lately.
01:09:25And it occurred to me that maybe I've been misreading what you want.
01:09:30I know we had a plan to hold off, but I was thinking that maybe it's not about a plan.
01:09:36I don't have a ring right now.
01:09:39But maybe that's apropos. Maybe it'll make a good story.
01:09:43You know me.
01:09:45Come on.
01:10:08I'm normally not into these rituals or conventions, but I could be into them for you.
01:10:14Because I don't want to lose you.
01:10:17So, Cassie Mitchell.
01:10:21Will you marry me?
01:10:37Will you stand up?
01:10:44Your proposal had so many maybes and disclaimers in it.
01:10:48I can't marry you, Gordon, but I don't think that you want to marry me either.
01:10:54We've both been so good at coming up with all these logical reasons as to why we haven't gotten here yet, right?
01:11:04But preparing for this wedding and seeing my mom's big love...
01:11:10It's just, it's made it really hard to ignore the fact that we haven't been right together for a while.
01:11:18And I don't think I've even fully been myself in a while.
01:11:23So, I can't. I'm sorry, Gordon.
01:11:33I'm sorry.
01:11:51I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you.
01:11:54It seems like you really found something here.
01:11:57And also that barn was really amazing, Cassie.
01:12:01I'm sorry I was so dismissive this afternoon and before that.
01:12:05Thank you, Gordon. That means a lot.
01:12:10Drive safe.
01:12:53Hey, Cassie.
01:12:54Hey. Can you check on the catering and the caterer?
01:12:58I'm going to take a little break.
01:13:07Hey. You look like you're in a really good mood.
01:13:11Yeah. Surprisingly, I am.
01:13:15Want to maybe take a break? Get some cake from the rehearsal dinner?
01:13:20Clear the cobwebs?
01:13:22I already went.
01:13:23Oh. That's weird. I didn't see you there.
01:13:25I saw you.
01:13:27What's going on? What's wrong?
01:13:29I'm just concentrating on my work.
01:13:32So, you let me know if you need anything as far as the catering goes.
01:13:56What's going on?
01:13:58Oh, nothing.
01:14:01Something happen with Cassie?
01:14:03I don't know.
01:14:05I, um, I don't think anything really ever happened.
01:14:11She's got a boyfriend. No. A fiancé. So, nothing's going to happen.
01:14:18You've been different this week. Is that how you brought out the old books?
01:14:23It's kind of exciting.
01:14:25I was hoping you were back.
01:14:27What do you mean back?
01:14:28You're my brother, Kyle, and I love you, but this place has been a time capsule of your heartbreak for three years.
01:14:35I want better for you. You're going to have to put yourself back out there.
01:14:38I did. And it didn't work.
01:14:41You told her how you feel?
01:14:43Not exactly.
01:14:44You're killing me, man.
01:14:45Listen, I only know what I know, but I definitely sensed a mutual chemistry there.
01:14:50And even if it comes to nothing, at least you had the feelings again.
01:14:53That's something, right?
01:14:55I think we should call it for the night.
01:14:57See you bright and early.
01:15:16You made it!
01:15:19Oh, okay.
01:15:24So, you got that?
01:15:25I'm laying list ready to go.
01:15:26Oh, I got you, girl. I got you.
01:15:29Uh, where's your catered carpenter person?
01:15:32Oh, he'll be around. I'm sure he'll bust a few moves for you.
01:15:35Oh, can't wait, can't wait.
01:15:36What's this do?
01:15:37Hey, hey, stop, stop, stop, stop it.
01:15:40Ooh, um, maybe on the back wall.
01:15:46Hey, Henry.
01:15:49Oh, I'll be right there.
01:15:51What's the problem?
01:15:53She came straight from the hairdresser. She's in your room.
01:16:02Hey, Mom, can I come in?
01:16:04Please, come in.
01:16:06I am sorry.
01:16:07I just had to hide out for a minute in one room that hasn't changed.
01:16:13That's okay.
01:16:15What's going on?
01:16:17I can't do it.
01:16:19I can't marry Henry.
01:16:22What? What happened?
01:16:25I went to pick up his shoes today.
01:16:27And the clothes were in the closet.
01:16:30And I didn't know where they were.
01:16:32I went to pick up his shoes today.
01:16:34And the clerk asked me what size shoe he wore.
01:16:38And I didn't know.
01:16:40Because I don't. I mean, I've only known him for six months.
01:16:44What am I doing?
01:16:46I have to admit, at the beginning I was a little bit skeptical.
01:16:53But you two are perfect.
01:16:55He is crazy about you.
01:16:58And you're crazy about him.
01:17:00Do you think maybe it's just the whole wedding whirlwind got you spooked?
01:17:08You know, I look at you and you are so careful with your choices.
01:17:13That is the adult way to be. Like you and Gordon.
01:17:16Well, Gordon and I broke up last night.
01:17:20I am so sorry.
01:17:23See, that is another bad sign for today.
01:17:26No, that is a good sign.
01:17:28That is a good sign.
01:17:30I feel kind of free.
01:17:32Like I don't know what's going to happen next.
01:17:34And for the first time, exciting.
01:17:40Can I show you something?
01:17:42Yeah, I would love that.
01:17:49Such a great job.
01:17:55Oh my.
01:17:57This is gorgeous.
01:18:00It's a midsummer night's dream.
01:18:03I was inspired by you guys.
01:18:05By the way, you met, your love, your shared passion.
01:18:10I just thought that maybe if you saw it, it would remind you.
01:18:14But that being said, you don't want to get married, you don't have to.
01:18:18Everyone can just go home.
01:18:21No, I want to marry Henry.
01:18:23I love him.
01:18:25This is wonderful.
01:18:28You are such a wonderful daughter.
01:18:31Let me show you.
01:18:36You look beautiful, Mom.
01:18:38So do you, honey.
01:18:40Is everything okay?
01:18:44I'm just going to miss this.
01:18:47And Kyle, does he know how you feel?
01:18:52I don't know.
01:18:54I was going to tell him last night, but something changed.
01:18:58Well, does he know you're not with Gordon anymore?
01:19:01No, but I don't want to complicate things.
01:19:04And besides, it's your wedding day, so we're meant to be focusing on you.
01:19:08So, let's go get you married before you change your mind.
01:19:14Let's do it.
01:19:21Let's do it.
01:19:42What do you think?
01:19:45So glorious, so imaginative.
01:19:48How did you come up with this?
01:19:49I was inspired by you guys.
01:19:51How you met.
01:19:52I feel so honored.
01:19:54Well, I'm glad you're here, Henry.
01:19:57I'm really happy you and my mom fell in love.
01:20:00Welcome to the family.
01:20:07Everyone loved the food.
01:20:09A woman from the Cozy Lux Inn just asked me if you'd be interested in catering events for them.
01:20:13Someone else just asked me if you'd be interested in servicing Chicago.
01:20:17Could be a big deal.
01:20:19Yeah, well, I'm just really happy for Bonnie and Henry, you know?
01:20:25You really did it, man.
01:20:27You should be proud.
01:20:28I couldn't have done it without you, bro.
01:20:32And Cassie.
01:20:36Cheers, bro.
01:20:46Hi, Marina?
01:20:47Hi, Cassie.
01:20:48I hope this isn't a bad time.
01:20:51I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm putting in the paperwork to fast track your promotion.
01:20:56Really great work these last few days.
01:20:58Thank you. That's, that's great news.
01:21:01Okay, bye-bye.
01:21:12Wow, look like it worked out.
01:21:15It did.
01:21:16I really couldn't have done it without you.
01:21:19And the ceremony in the woods was just beautiful.
01:21:22They look so happy.
01:21:26Where's Gordon?
01:21:28Oh, he had a work emergency in Chicago.
01:21:33Do you think he would mind if we danced?
01:21:53Your food was a hit.
01:21:57I don't know, I owe that all to you.
01:22:00I guess I did need that little push.
01:22:03You know, I could be persuaded to add one or two of those items to the menu.
01:22:08Maybe a special.
01:22:12I, I got the promotion, by the way.
01:22:14Cassie, that's amazing. Congratulations.
01:22:19You'll be great no matter what you do.
01:22:24When do you leave?
01:22:45I'll call you when I get anywhere, okay?
01:22:54Bye, honey.
01:23:11Hey there, Kyle.
01:23:12Hey, Henry.
01:23:14I just wanted to stop by and thank you again for your delicious food last night.
01:23:19So, I guess, uh, Cassie's on her way out of town?
01:23:23That she is.
01:23:25I just hope she can get some rest.
01:23:27You know, what with planning a wedding and going through a breakup at the same time.
01:23:32What? Oh, yeah, she and that Gordon fellow broke up a day before the wedding. You didn't know?
01:23:39Well, I think it's a good thing.
01:23:40They didn't seem like a match.
01:23:42I, I gotta go.
01:23:46Thank you!
01:23:47You've got about 20 minutes on you.
01:24:11Excuse me.
01:24:13Do you mind if I sit here?
01:24:16Kyle, what are you doing here?
01:24:18I came to find you. You're headed in the wrong direction.
01:24:22What do you mean? On the highway?
01:24:25Yeah, just in general.
01:24:27Look, I, I made a mistake and I owe you an apology.
01:24:31I'm so sorry for the other night. I thought that you and Gordon had gotten engaged and, and I just, I acted like a child.
01:24:37The truth is, is I came over with the intention of telling you how I really feel.
01:24:43And I thought it was too late.
01:24:45How you really feel?
01:24:47You said that this week has felt like a dream you didn't want to wake up from.
01:24:50Well, I feel it too.
01:24:52About being with you.
01:24:55So you can't go back to Chicago. You need to stay here.
01:25:01I want you to help me out with my bookkeeping and I just, I, I just really want you to be my girlfriend.
01:25:05And I just really want to kiss you.
01:25:19You want some fries?
01:25:20You want some fries?
01:25:34Guys, we just had our highest sales in the history of the restaurant.
01:25:39Yes! High credit specials.
01:25:41And we just got our first event client confirmed. The Cedar Rapids wedding.
01:25:46That's amazing.
01:25:47Yeah. And it says here that they heard our barbecue was resplendent.
01:25:52Resplendent? Wow. This, this just keeps getting better and better.
01:25:57Did you two settle on a business name yet?
01:25:59Oh, why yes we did. Yeah. Elevated celebration.
