A recently Beautiful woman follows her ex-boyfriend to his new home, where she insinuates herself into his new relationship HD ( Drama, Thriller )

  • last week
A recently Beautiful woman follows her ex-boyfriend to his new home, where she insinuates herself into his new relationship HD ( Drama, Thriller )
00:00:00Well, it's just down to Abbott International.
00:00:04That kooky venture capitalist guy?
00:00:07Yeah, he's my last shot.
00:00:10Might as well be in the dark.
00:00:14The guy's a beast. He only invests in three companies a year.
00:00:18That doesn't sound very profitable.
00:00:21I'll tell that to his 14 billion dollar track record.
00:00:29You're gonna get this.
00:00:32In fact, it's already yours.
00:00:34Might as well walk in there tomorrow and pick out your office.
00:00:42What's this?
00:00:44It's just a new production my old company's putting on.
00:00:48Just thought I'd reread it.
00:00:51It's about this king who during a long drought falls madly in love with this beautiful dancer.
00:00:58He wants to marry her, but the problem is he already has a wife.
00:01:03That's a big problem.
00:01:04I know, right?
00:01:06And so he begs to God, and God tells him that if he surrenders his crown to the poorest man in his kingdom,
00:01:15and he sacrifices his wife, he's free to marry his beloved.
00:01:23That's funny.
00:01:28Thank God you're not doing shit like that anymore.
00:01:40What time do you have to be there tomorrow?
00:01:42Around noon.
00:01:43Do you want me to come with you?
00:01:48Ram, did you open another credit card in my name?
00:01:52Yeah, why?
00:01:54I just asked you not to do that.
00:01:56Yeah, I know, but you fell behind in modulation, so...
00:02:01I'm still paying off the last one.
00:02:03Yeah, I hear you.
00:02:05It really doesn't seem like you do.
00:02:12What is all this?
00:02:15Hey, listen, listen, listen.
00:02:17I know, six months without dancing has you wound up.
00:02:22Let's not pick fights when we're so close.
00:02:26Okay, I nailed this pitch, we're set.
00:02:41Degagé forward, and side, and back, and we plié.
00:02:51Now we take a bow.
00:02:53Beautiful, good job, you guys.
00:02:55Go find your parents.
00:03:01Miss Sabina?
00:03:02Hi, Vivian, what's up?
00:03:03I like being in the water.
00:03:05Do you think we can dance underwater?
00:03:06You can dance wherever you want.
00:03:09What are you doing?
00:03:10I'm talking to you underwater, and you can't hear anything.
00:03:17I'll see you next week, okay?
00:03:18Okay, bye.
00:03:23So, still got it.
00:03:28No, seriously, even underwater and post-injury, you still have that perfect form.
00:03:37How have you been?
00:03:38I'm okay.
00:03:39You know, class, domestication, rehab.
00:03:42Right, the holy trinity.
00:03:45So what, New York star choreographer came all the way over here to tease me about my class?
00:03:50Of course not.
00:03:56I actually came to share some news, and a bit of gossip.
00:04:02So, Giordano has been forced to step down as director, and his replacement is Eva Graf Scherling.
00:04:11She wants a big bang for her first show.
00:04:14She asked me to do the choreography, and rumor has it, her eye is on one premature retiree.
00:04:22You're doing the Becker King?
00:04:24It looks like it.
00:04:25It's going to be epic, and you and me, together again, like old times.
00:04:31I don't know.
00:04:33Ramsey's company is about to take off, I've got to be there for him.
00:04:37We need money, not dancing.
00:04:41Well, if money is a concern, what do you think starring in Eva Graf Scherling's first American production will do for you?
00:04:50I don't know.
00:04:52Listen, I know how devastating an injury can be.
00:04:59Or an illness.
00:05:01I mean, at least now I get to choose my hair, right?
00:05:07Life is short.
00:05:10Second chances don't come often.
00:05:14This could be good for you.
00:05:17Tell me you'll think about it.
00:05:40Okay, good luck.
00:05:42I'll call you when I'm done?
00:05:44Lunch after?
00:05:45Yeah, deal, I'll be at the park, okay?
00:05:46Wait, wait, wait, hold on.
00:05:49I gotta go.
00:05:50Hold on, you just look so cute.
00:05:51Okay, go.
00:06:03First day?
00:06:06See you later.
00:06:29Well, what do you want?
00:06:31Sir, my name is Ramsey Stranger, and I've been calling your office about a hundred times, really.
00:06:36Well, hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:06:38What the fuck are you doing here?
00:06:40Do you work for me?
00:06:41Do I know you?
00:06:42No, but I do believe you should, sir.
00:06:44Oh, Jesus.
00:06:46No, no, no, I don't have time for this.
00:06:58You got one minute, then I go back to the sports page.
00:07:01When it comes to the fight against malware, it's always been one-sided.
00:07:06We build high walls and we hide behind them.
00:07:09Every year the walls get higher, more sophisticated, and we stay reactionary.
00:07:15Aegis changes this.
00:07:17What the fuck are you doing here?
00:07:19Can't you see I'm in a meeting?
00:07:20Go to your desk and eat like an adult, will you?
00:07:22Please, go on, get out of here.
00:07:23Go, go.
00:07:27I continue.
00:07:28You got thirty seconds.
00:07:31Aegis isn't just the newest line of defense.
00:07:33It takes a fight to the malware itself.
00:07:35It goes on the offensive mirroring.
00:07:37It uses the very same malicious code to confuse and destroy it.
00:07:41This gives users the highest quality protection and discourages generations of hackers.
00:07:45And have you given any thought to how this is going to jive with the DMCA?
00:07:51I'm sorry, could you clarify?
00:07:52The DMCA.
00:07:55The Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
00:07:59It expressly prohibits circumvention of tech measures that allow access to copyrighted work.
00:08:06So your mirror programming is going to be a problem.
00:08:11It's going to be a problem.
00:08:14Data collection comes with every website nowadays.
00:08:18So your software is going to be on attack mode 24-7.
00:08:22What do you think, hotshot, huh?
00:08:24Think that's going to be an issue?
00:08:27Well, I still think you should take a look at my projections.
00:08:30Hi, Dad, I'm so sorry I'm late.
00:08:32Where have you been?
00:08:33The three of us went to the local. Here's the paper.
00:08:35Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
00:08:37No, no, no, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine.
00:08:41These are the properties that I was telling you about. I think they're very good investments.
00:08:45We can finish up our discussion later.
00:08:47No more to discuss. We're through here.
00:08:48What about a follow-up?
00:08:51It's the end of the line. I wish you luck.
00:08:59I don't know. I'm not on this, so I really don't care.
00:09:04What do you think?
00:09:25Check the front pocket.
00:09:27Always check the front pocket.
00:09:29Oh, thank you.
00:09:32I'm sorry about that in there, by the way. I know he's...
00:09:36Your father has some very strong opinions.
00:09:38Yeah, he's a bit like a snapping turtle with an Ivy League degree.
00:09:42I'm Albie.
00:09:44Ramsey Stranger.
00:09:45Nice to meet you.
00:09:49I've got to go catch my train, but...
00:09:51Where are you headed?
00:09:53You live upstate?
00:09:55Why do you look so surprised?
00:09:58No reason.
00:09:59No reason?
00:10:00Would you like some company?
00:10:21Hi, how did it go?
00:10:31No, I'm... I'm in the park.
00:10:36Okay, bye.
00:10:46So why did you move upstate?
00:10:49I spent most of my time there growing up, and I hated it.
00:10:53I felt so trapped in this small town, and so I left for college.
00:10:59And then a couple years ago my mom got sick, and so I moved back up to help her.
00:11:06And I kind of fell in love with it again.
00:11:08It was just... I don't know, it was like I got to see it through her eyes, and she loved that place so much.
00:11:15She was helping to rebuild it, because it got hit really hard by the recession.
00:11:21So when she died I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to finish what she started.
00:11:27Sounds like I'd love it up there.
00:11:31That was not an invite.
00:11:33It wasn't?
00:11:34No, I don't even know you.
00:11:36Well, I don't know you either, but...
00:11:39I'd like to.
00:11:44Can I see you again?
00:11:48I mean, only if you want to.
00:11:51You see, I kind of have this rule about dating my dad's failures, so I don't know.
00:11:57A failure is nothing more than a chance to revise your strategy.
00:12:00Is that right?
00:12:04Well, maybe I'll see you around.
00:12:34Sorry I'm late.
00:12:38You know, I waited for like an hour, right?
00:12:40Yeah, I know. That's why I said I'm sorry I got you flowers.
00:12:44Well, how did it go?
00:12:46Great. I mean, it was until he had to bail.
00:12:50Yeah, I was mid-pitch, and some work situation came up. Stock fluctuations or something.
00:12:56But, he loved you just so much, he insisted we reschedule.
00:13:00Wow. A very boss of him, and unsurprisingly...
00:13:06Oh, come on. He's a busy man. Shit happens.
00:13:08No, it's rude. It's incredibly unprofessional, actually.
00:13:11Just drop it, Sabrina.
00:13:14He's the windshield, I'm the bug here. It's the way everything works.
00:13:17I know. You were in the middle of your pitch, and what? He just gets up and like walks...
00:13:20Sabrina, enough.
00:13:28You don't have to get so upset.
00:13:30I'm not upset. I'm just tired. It's been a long day.
00:13:34Did you read it?
00:13:36My note.
00:13:46It's very nice. Thank you.
00:13:54What's wrong?
00:13:58I just think it's time for you to start thinking about a different job.
00:14:01Something that pays more than spinning toddlers.
00:14:05Sorry, what?
00:14:06Well, I think Abbott's going to come through for us.
00:14:08I need you to start pulling more weight.
00:14:11Maybe you could start teaching somewhere better, like college or something.
00:14:15Okay, well what are you going to do?
00:14:17Well, while I wait for Abbott, I'm going to make some tweaks to Aegis.
00:14:21Line up some new pitches.
00:14:22I'm a dancer, not a hedge fund manager.
00:14:27I could always go back. It would pay more than teaching ever would.
00:14:33I thought we talked about this and decided it was time to stop.
00:14:38You had a major injury. You're getting older.
00:14:42What? I'm getting older? I'm an old geezer now, huh?
00:14:46Better hurry back and go get my Metamucil.
00:14:50It's been a long day. Sorry.
00:14:54Let's just go home.
00:14:59Come on.
00:15:03Let's go.
00:15:22Changed your mind?
00:15:23I don't know. I'm freaking out.
00:15:25She's going to be so upset. It took me so long to get back.
00:15:28Don't let some boy get in the way of your dreams.
00:15:31Why should he hold you back for his goals?
00:15:34Now, it's just an audition, so...
00:15:37Don't be like that.
00:15:39Listen, you haven't performed in a minute. An audition is fair.
00:15:42She just wants to see you still got it.
00:15:44But I don't. I'm out of shape. I can feel it. I'm not going to be ready in time.
00:15:49You will be once I train you.
00:15:52We could light that fire back within you.
00:15:56I don't know why you're fighting me on this. We both know you want this so bad.
00:16:01This is Ramsey.
00:16:02It should be over the moon for you.
00:16:11I'm in.
00:16:25I'm in.
00:16:55I'm in.
00:17:25I'm in.
00:17:37I had this dream that I was jogging down this winding road.
00:17:42It was a hillside and I was lost.
00:17:47Everything felt so haunting and picturesque.
00:17:53I felt like I was being pulled to the edge.
00:17:58But I never fell.
00:18:04I woke up and I was crying.
00:18:09We were still asleep.
00:18:10We were still asleep.
00:18:18All day I felt like I was dealing with a tragedy that hasn't happened.
00:18:28Have you ever felt that way?
00:18:41Sorry, what?
00:18:43Tell whoever it is I said hi.
00:18:47Sorry, what were you saying?
00:18:50I just asked if you...
00:18:53I'm just a little scab today. I'm sorry.
00:18:56Was there any word on Abbott?
00:18:59How'd your little date go?
00:19:02It wasn't a date.
00:19:03I know. I'm teasing you. Relax.
00:19:06I am relaxed.
00:19:09It went well. It's just gonna take some more time.
00:19:13He needs to move some things around for me to get back in there and pitch.
00:19:18Okay, so he asked you out to drinks just to say that he didn't have time to see you?
00:19:24It's complicated.
00:19:27We just have to take him at his word.
00:19:30It's gonna take some time, which is why you getting another job would be a huge help.
00:19:35I may have some good news on the job front.
00:19:40I saw Celine.
00:19:42More like she came after me.
00:19:53Ava Graf Sheerling wants me to be her new lead in The Beggar King.
00:19:59It's a part that I've dreamt of.
00:20:01It's a part that I've dreamt of.
00:20:04And it's just an audition, but it's really mine to lose if I go in there and I kill it.
00:20:10I said no.
00:20:13You're not a fucking dancer anymore.
00:20:16I had to peel you out of bed after your injury. You were fucking catatonic.
00:20:20You're supposed to be looking for real work that's safer.
00:20:22This is real.
00:20:25We need the money.
00:20:26And starring in a Sheerling production would pay us-
00:20:29I said no.
00:20:31Just drop it, please.
00:20:32So what? While you're out there chasing something that isn't happening, my only options are mother or secretary?
00:20:37The plan was I take care of us, you find something more stable, and we think about a family.
00:20:42But I'm taking care of us.
00:20:45Why is it so hard for you to stomach?
00:20:49And as far as starting a family, it just hasn't happened yet.
00:20:51You're no shit.
00:20:58You know, it just seems like you...
00:21:02No, please, finish your sentence.
00:21:07It just seems like because you don't get what you want, you just shit all over everyone else's dreams, and that's really not fair.
00:21:22I think we're done here.
00:21:24Why do you get to choose when this conversation ends?
00:21:27This is not about the conversation. I'm talking about us.
00:21:30I invested in you, and you're literally unable to deliver.
00:21:34You just perpetuate your past mistakes.
00:21:37But sometimes to get what you want, you have to sacrifice some things.
00:21:42Have fun at your little show.
00:21:43Wait, Ram.
00:21:44Ramsey, why are you acting like this?
00:21:46What's wrong with you?
00:21:47Don't you put your hands on me, okay?
00:21:49Stay the hell away from me!
00:21:59I love you.
00:22:29I love you too.
00:22:59So, you're the one Celine won't shut up about.
00:23:04I mentioned you once and she went on and on.
00:23:08Not that I blame her.
00:23:11I felt the same way when I saw you in Dilemma di Laszlo at the Beacon.
00:23:15Everyone did.
00:23:19Then you disappeared.
00:23:22I tore my Achilles.
00:23:24It was a very long road, but I'm fully recovered.
00:23:30Painful indeed.
00:23:34My ex-boyfriend, we thought maybe it was time I moved on.
00:23:46We started thinking about having a family, and when he started his company, I would...
00:23:51Give up your last passion to support his dreams?
00:23:54Right after your big break?
00:23:58Sounds like a poorly bargained deal.
00:24:05So, boyfriend's added a picture?
00:24:08Oh, the pictures I burned.
00:24:13For what it's worth, there are award-winning dancers with families.
00:24:17If you wanted to, you could have found a way to have both.
00:24:29I saw you on that stage.
00:24:32You were a monster.
00:24:34A beautiful, fearsome creature designed to do one thing.
00:24:40No one that good gives it up for any reason if they don't have to.
00:24:43He wanted me to.
00:24:45He was worried that I would...
00:24:46That was his supposed reason for you stopping, I'm asking yours.
00:24:53I need to be sure that this is what you want.
00:24:56All that you want.
00:24:59So again...
00:25:00I chose to cater to someone else's ego.
00:25:03His needs.
00:25:05His dreams.
00:25:07And I forgot that I had my own.
00:25:12Okay as in I have the part?
00:25:20If you want a fraction of the light you abandoned,
00:25:23you have to give this everything you've got.
00:25:26I suggest that Sabina I met at the Beacon shows up.
00:25:31I don't know if I can do that.
00:25:33I don't know if I can do that.
00:25:35I don't know if I can do that.
00:25:36Sabina I met at the Beacon shows up.
00:26:06Sabina I met at the Beacon shows up.
00:26:36Sabina I met at the Beacon shows up.
00:26:52That was amazing.
00:26:54I'm still trying to shake the rust off.
00:26:57No, some lint, maybe some dandruff, but no rust.
00:27:04You look good.
00:27:08Haven't seen you like that since...
00:27:11Sorry, I know you don't like compliments.
00:27:13No, I like them just fine.
00:27:15I just forgot what they feel like.
00:27:19Well I know a place where you'll get lots of them.
00:27:22And we can fake slum up with everyone.
00:27:25Not Brooklyn.
00:27:27I have some friends throwing a little get together.
00:27:31It's our kind of crowd.
00:27:34I always crash after rehearsal.
00:27:36My stomach's a mess, I should just...
00:27:39That's just your body telling you you're ready for the stage.
00:27:43You need some time out.
00:27:46Come on, we should go.
00:27:47It'll be fun.
00:27:49Yes, we're going.
00:27:50Now, let's go.
00:27:51Oh my gosh.
00:27:59I just haven't been out in so long.
00:28:01Yeah, that's the point.
00:28:02We're going to get some drinks.
00:28:03We're going to have fun.
00:28:05I thought you said this was our kind of crowd.
00:28:07It is.
00:28:10Sabine here is going to star in my new show.
00:28:13Directed by Eva Graf Scherling.
00:28:19I have no idea who or what that is, but I'll be donating to it.
00:28:24Yeah, you will.
00:28:27Is that true?
00:28:28You're going to leave Brooklyn to go to the city?
00:28:31Alas, it is.
00:28:32Well, if you're going to start saying shit like alas, it might be time to go.
00:28:44You're smoking now?
00:28:57You look good.
00:28:59You look good.
00:29:03I'm doing okay.
00:29:06I got a job out at the city.
00:29:08In fact, my boss couldn't make it tonight, so here I am.
00:29:13Here, look.
00:29:18Oh, come on.
00:29:19You could at least be civil.
00:29:21I don't owe you anything.
00:29:24Well, that's mature.
00:29:25Says the one that disappeared.
00:29:29Listen, I admit I didn't handle the breakup well.
00:29:32I could have done things differently, but I didn't.
00:29:36I needed space and I took it.
00:29:39Is that the closest thing you have to a relationship?
00:29:41I'm trying here.
00:29:42I really am.
00:29:47I came home and all of your stuff was gone.
00:29:53I tried to call you.
00:29:55I called your friends.
00:29:58And you didn't answer.
00:30:00I almost called the cops, but then I realized how much I fucking hate you.
00:30:04I can't undo it.
00:30:07Why beat yourself up looking backwards?
00:30:09Six months ago.
00:30:10I'm not looking backwards.
00:30:12I'm picking up our pieces.
00:30:14You blew up our life.
00:30:17Six years together, gone because of one stupid fight.
00:30:21It wasn't one fight.
00:30:24It was the one before, and the one before that, and the two coming down the pike.
00:30:27We didn't fit.
00:30:29We didn't fit?
00:30:32You don't know what it's like to bust your ass trying to build something for someone else and have them not even care.
00:30:39Sabina, wait.
00:30:41How can I fix this?
00:30:42I said I'm sorry.
00:30:43No, you didn't.
00:30:44You didn't say you're sorry because you never fucking do.
00:30:48I'm sorry.
00:30:49I'm sorry.
00:30:50I'm so sorry.
00:30:54You're going to need to calm down.
00:30:56Not just for my sake, but for your own.
00:31:01You hurt me.
00:31:07I know.
00:31:08You hurt me.
00:31:09I know I hurt you, but I'm sorry.
00:31:11I'm sorry.
00:32:22Hi, Ava.
00:32:24It's Sabina.
00:32:25I just was calling to let you know how excited I am for auditions, and I will see you soon.
00:32:57You've reached Ramsey Stranger.
00:32:59Please leave a message.
00:33:26It's so early.
00:33:27Where are you going?
00:33:28I should have been back by now.
00:33:29She's going to kill me.
00:33:31The woman I work with.
00:33:32So what?
00:33:33You just follow me back here just so you can leave again?
00:33:34Listen, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I'm happy where I am.
00:33:35My job, my life.
00:33:36This is nice, but I got to go.
00:33:37I'll call you.
00:34:00I'll call you the next time I'm in the city.
00:34:01I know, I know I hurt you.
00:34:02You hurt me.
00:34:03You hurt me.
00:34:04I know I hurt you, but I'm sorry.
00:34:05I'm sorry.
00:34:06Ramsey, don't.
00:34:07Don't, don't do this.
00:34:08Don't hurt me.
00:34:12I'm here.
00:34:13It's me, it's me.
00:34:14It's me.
00:34:15It's me.
00:34:16Can't move over.
00:34:17It's me.
00:34:18It's me.
00:34:19It's me.
00:34:20It's me.
00:34:21It's me.
00:34:22It's me.
00:35:01Oh my goodness, you're so cute!
00:35:03Sorry, miss.
00:35:04He just gets excited when he sees new faces.
00:35:07No, it's okay. I love dogs.
00:35:09You from the city?
00:35:12I know every face in this town.
00:35:14I'm guessing you took the train up.
00:35:18So what brings you up north?
00:35:20I'm looking for someone.
00:35:23Ramsey Stranger.
00:35:25And you would know him how?
00:35:28It's complicated.
00:35:31Would he be the handsome guy who just moved to town?
00:35:36Um, yeah. Sorry, is this? I think I'm lost.
00:35:39Is this not 2120 Valley Spring Lane?
00:35:42Oh, that's just down the street.
00:35:45The young woman who lives there, she's from the city too.
00:35:48Lots of money.
00:35:50A year ago she started buying up half the town.
00:35:52But I do love the chocolate croissants at her cafe.
00:35:58They have that delicious buttery texture.
00:36:03You know what I'm talking about?
00:36:05Well, anyway.
00:36:06Would you happen to have any rooms available here?
00:36:11The last girl who rented this place disappeared on me without paying.
00:36:16But she did leave that bicycle. You can use it if you want.
00:36:20God knows it's not good walking around like that.
00:36:24Great. Thank you.
00:37:08Hey, Charlie.
00:37:09Alvie. How you doing, boss lady?
00:37:12I'm good. How are you?
00:37:14Good. Do you want your ginger tea?
00:37:15Yes, please. Can I have some milk today too?
00:37:19That's a new word.
00:37:21Hey, any updates on your dad?
00:37:23No, not yet. But thank you for asking.
00:37:26I'm praying for him.
00:37:30Can I get a high five?
00:37:31Oh, yeah.
00:37:32Better go smile, girl.
00:39:06You were at the cafe the other day, right?
00:39:11Yeah. You were there.
00:39:15I'm Alvie. It's so nice to meet you.
00:39:17Sabina. Hi. Nice to meet you too.
00:39:19Is this your yoga studio?
00:39:21Yeah. We actually just opened it up.
00:39:23I was trying to have a little do-a-little thing.
00:39:25Oh, I see.
00:39:26I'm Alvie. Nice to meet you.
00:39:27I'm Sabina. Nice to meet you too.
00:39:29Is this your yoga studio?
00:39:31Yeah. We actually just opened it up.
00:39:33I was trying to have a little do-a-little thing with the cafe.
00:39:36It's cute. This is a really, really cute town.
00:39:39It's fun, right?
00:39:40Are you sticking around long or just visiting?
00:39:42No, I'm just visiting. I'm just exploring a bit.
00:39:46You were amazing in there. You looked like you could have taught the class.
00:39:49Oh, gosh. I mean, I used to teach a little bit, but I teach kids dance now.
00:39:55No way. That must be incredible.
00:39:57Yeah, it's fun.
00:39:59If you ever wanted to come in and teach a couple classes, I know everybody in town would love it.
00:40:03Oh, thank you, but I have my hands full.
00:40:08Would you ever consider maybe doing a private?
00:40:11I would love to do something by myself, not in the stuffy room.
00:40:15I'd be happy to pay you for your time.
00:40:19I don't know.
00:40:21Give you free croissants at the cafe for life.
00:40:24You'd be really doing me a favor.
00:40:27Yeah, sure.
00:40:30Thank you so much. It was so lovely to meet you.
00:40:33It was nice meeting you, too.
00:40:34I'll see you tomorrow.
00:40:56All right, just inch forward a little bit.
00:41:07Oh, my God.
00:41:08You're good.
00:41:09Press down on your legs a little bit.
00:41:11You've got it.
00:41:13You've got it. You're doing good.
00:41:15Oh, that feels so good.
00:41:19It's going to help.
00:41:21Yeah, that'll help a lot.
00:41:24It has been so long since I've taken a moment for myself.
00:41:29I feel like everything that I've been trying to do for the town and getting ready for the baby to come, I'm just...
00:41:39I didn't realize that it's been so long since I just slowed down for a second.
00:41:44Yeah, I get it.
00:41:50It's really nice to come out here and take a breath.
00:41:56The past few months have been hard.
00:42:09I know we don't know each other that well, but if...
00:42:14If you need someone to talk to, I'm more than happy to listen.
00:42:34I, um...
00:42:37I just got out of this really long relationship.
00:42:44I kind of feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me.
00:42:50You know, when he left, he took so much of me with him that I don't really even recognize myself anymore.
00:43:04So I guess I'm here just trying to find that version of myself that I lost.
00:43:12You might be able to find one you like even better.
00:43:20I'm not quite sure what that would even look like.
00:43:42I don't know.
00:44:13This place is really amazing if you need to get some perspective.
00:44:18I could really use some of that right now.
00:44:22Moving up here, I had the chance to find a version of myself that I could love.
00:44:31I think if you wanted to, you could find that here too.
00:44:37I would really like things to end up that way.
00:44:41You never know.
00:44:51Thank you again. That was so lovely.
00:44:53Yeah, of course.
00:44:54If you have time, I'd love to show you around.
00:44:56I should probably go. Thank you, though.
00:44:59Oh, you know what? I have to get this. Do you mind just showing yourself out?
00:45:04Oh, you know what? I have to get this. Do you mind just showing yourself out?
00:45:07Yeah, of course.
00:45:08Okay. I'll see you soon.
00:45:12Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
00:46:03Can you explain this to me?
00:46:11What do you think it means?
00:46:14I think it looks like someone can barely take a focused photo.
00:46:18You don't like it?
00:46:19No, I just don't understand it. Like, what is it?
00:46:22I like it, but what is it?
00:46:26Why don't you look at it again? I don't want to give it away.
00:46:29It's a tree in a storm.
00:46:36It's a double exposure.
00:46:39Two photos on the same negative.
00:46:44Okay. I think I can see it now.
00:46:50It's trees in fire?
00:46:54There you go. You got it. Well done.
00:46:59Thank you for coming to help me today.
00:47:01Yeah, of course.
00:47:02I really appreciate it.
00:47:03I appreciate you.
00:47:04Can we go home now, please?
00:47:06Okay, good.
00:47:21Where the hell are you? You've been ducking my calls.
00:47:23I haven't heard from you in a week.
00:47:26Busy. Like, taking care of a few things, but I'm still training.
00:47:31Fuck training. Why are you dialing Eva for no reason?
00:47:35I don't know. I think I was nervous. Maybe having a panic attack.
00:47:40You can't call Eva mid-panic attack, okay?
00:47:43She's going to be your director, or soon to be ex-director, if I didn't cover for you.
00:47:47I told her you had the jitters, so take some fucking Xanax, okay?
00:47:52I just, I had to run upstate and do a few things, but we can do a session when I'm back.
00:48:00I promise.
00:48:02Listen, I gotta go.
00:48:22Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
00:48:26What are you singing?
00:48:28I didn't even realize that I was.
00:48:31Sounds beautiful.
00:48:33You think so?
00:48:36It sounds really nice with the rain.
00:48:44I have to get up so early in the morning.
00:48:48What for?
00:48:52I don't know.
00:49:11I haven't even been here since they finished renovating.
00:49:15So many big acts used to come through here back in the day, or they would go to the city.
00:49:25My parents actually had their first date here.
00:49:34It's magical.
00:49:45Oh, wait, don't move.
00:50:03Oh, man.
00:50:11I'm sorry.
00:50:15I didn't realize that coming here would make me think about my dad so much.
00:50:28I found out a couple months ago he was sick, and I don't really know what it is.
00:50:34It's just so frustrating.
00:50:41I don't know, I'm just...
00:50:43I'm so scared to do any of this without him.
00:50:50I feel like I have all these, like, big, huge life things in front of me, and...
00:50:57I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't have him.
00:51:04I mean...
00:51:06I know I'm making my own family and everything, and...
00:51:10I'm so excited.
00:51:11And Ramsey has been amazing.
00:51:16But I still...
00:51:20I still just feel really...
00:51:26And I feel so awful for saying that.
00:51:31You know, if I've learned anything from being here and meeting you...
00:51:44You're a lot stronger than you think.
00:51:49I don't necessarily know if we do really need anyone.
00:51:58But I am here.
00:52:00If you do.
00:52:31What is all of this?
00:52:34Cooked us dinner.
00:52:37Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I ate after work.
00:52:42Oh, okay. It's no big deal.
00:52:45I'm kind of wiped, so I'm going to just wrap mine up.
00:52:49Oh, and don't forget the contractor is coming by the gallery tomorrow morning.
00:52:54If you don't mind letting him in. I think he said he'd be there at 10am.
00:52:58Do I have to be there the whole time they work?
00:53:00No, no, no. All you have to do is just let him in and he'll walk off after.
00:53:05Hey, how's your dad?
00:53:07Did you speak to him any more about Aegis?
00:53:10I think he'll take it more seriously if you, you know, play me up.
00:53:15I haven't had a chance to, I'm sorry.
00:53:17But I think if you just give him a call and chat with him...
00:53:20I think it would mean more coming from you, don't you think?
00:53:22I mean, sure. If you think so, then I'm happy to bring it up when I see him.
00:53:33I'm going to run a bath and go to bed, but I'll see you in there?
00:53:53I just don't even feel like I'm in New York anymore.
00:53:58I went to elementary school over here.
00:54:00Oh yeah?
00:54:02That's so cute.
00:54:03Miss Susie.
00:54:08I've actually been dreaming of turning that place into an apothecary.
00:54:11You know, make my own oils, do a whole thing.
00:54:13Oh, wow.
00:54:15That'd be so cool.
00:54:16So this exhibit hasn't even opened yet.
00:54:18I found a bunch of my mom's old photographs and I blew them up.
00:54:21I'm very excited to show you.
00:54:24Come on in.
00:54:25After you.
00:54:33Wow, this is beautiful.
00:54:35I love it.
00:54:36I know, right?
00:54:38It's so pretty.
00:54:40I love it.
00:54:41It's so pretty.
00:54:42It's so pretty.
00:54:43It's so pretty.
00:54:45I'm glad you like it.
00:54:48It always makes me miss her.
00:54:52Oh, thanks so much.
00:55:00Babe, what are you doing here?
00:55:02The guy quoted me about double the rate, so I told him to take a hike.
00:55:05No, no, he could have come to fix it.
00:55:07No, I'm handling it.
00:55:08It's fine.
00:55:10Oh my God, I'm so sorry, babe.
00:55:11This is my friend Sabina.
00:55:18So you work here?
00:55:21I am head of business operations with Bowman Holdings.
00:55:25Sure looks like it.
00:55:26I'm just doing some chores around here, plumbing and all that good stuff.
00:55:31I hope you're better with the paperwork than the pipes.
00:55:35You guys will have to excuse me for a moment.
00:55:37This baby has been pressing on my bladder all day.
00:55:40I'll be right back.
00:55:42What the fuck are you doing here?
00:55:44Let go of me.
00:55:46What are you doing here?
00:55:47Why are you up here?
00:55:48Why are you hanging out with Elvie?
00:55:54I'm pregnant.
00:55:57This is yours.
00:55:59You're the last person I slept with.
00:56:05I'm here because I love you.
00:56:07I'm here because I love you.
00:56:10I'm here because I thought that you should know.
00:56:15You're lying.
00:56:16But you weren't answering your phone and now I know why.
00:56:21Elvie's the investor's daughter.
00:56:23He told you to screw off and so you screwed her.
00:56:30You're not going to ruin this for me.
00:56:33So fuck off.
00:56:34Or what?
00:56:36You'll tell Elvie?
00:56:39Because I will.
00:56:40I think she deserves to know how we really know each other.
00:56:43You don't deserve to be in that baby's life.
00:56:47Or this one's.
00:56:48Listen, I don't know if you're really pregnant or a psycho.
00:56:52But if you are, I will pay for you to get rid of it.
00:56:56I will do anything to get rid of you.
00:57:01You would have already told her by now.
00:57:04But you didn't because you won't.
00:57:06So why don't you piece together some form of a life and stay the hell out of mine?
00:57:46I wanted to drop these off.
00:57:48I have quite a few myself and it's a shame to let any of them go to waste.
00:57:57One of my favorites.
00:58:00The skin isn't as waxy as other pears.
00:58:03They're out of season but I just unfroze them.
00:58:05Oh, I'm sure I'll love them.
00:58:07I just wanted to see if you're happy in this place.
00:58:11You find that guy that you were looking for?
00:58:12Oh, um, yeah.
00:58:15He's not too pleased about it, but I did.
00:58:17Well, he's a fool.
00:58:19Men can be idiots, trust me.
00:58:21I know.
00:58:24You need anything?
00:58:26Need to talk?
00:58:28I'm just a few doors down.
00:58:31One more thing I almost forgot.
00:58:33Could you lean your bike against a post just a little farther down the way?
00:58:37You're blocking the walkway.
00:58:39I will move that.
00:59:30Are you sure that she didn't say anything to you when she left?
00:59:33For the last time, no.
00:59:35She just left.
00:59:36She just suddenly said she had to go.
00:59:39That's so weird.
00:59:41What are you talking about?
00:59:42You don't even know this chick.
00:59:44And what are you doing hanging out with her alone?
00:59:47You're going to be a mom soon.
00:59:48You've got to be smarter than that.
00:59:50Ramsey, she's my friend.
00:59:51What's wrong with that?
00:59:52Don't do that, Albie.
00:59:53Don't do what?
00:59:55For all you know, she could be dangerous.
00:59:58And listen, I offered to take over the day-to-day so that you could relax,
01:00:02not hang out with some random yogi.
01:00:05She's a fucking stranger, for Christ's sake.
01:00:06I understand that you've taken over, and I'm very grateful and appreciate it.
01:00:09Listen, I just want to keep us safe.
01:00:12All of us.
01:00:14I just want to protect us.
01:00:20Where are you going?
01:00:21I need to go for a walk and get some air.
01:00:22Can I do that?
01:01:48Dad, what is all of this?
01:01:50You have a whole team of people here to help you.
01:01:52Please, honey, if I don't do it, somebody else is going to screw it up,
01:01:55and that is not fun.
01:01:57What are you doing traveling all this way in your condition?
01:02:00Oh, come on, Dad.
01:02:01I'm pregnant.
01:02:02I'm not an invalid.
01:02:03Plus, I know the only way that you're going to take your meds is if I'm here to make you do it.
01:02:07Honey, I'm not a vegetable, okay?
01:02:09I take care of myself.
01:02:13Look at you.
01:02:14You look great.
01:02:15The country agrees with you.
01:02:18So does being pregnant.
01:02:19I'm happy for you.
01:02:22I'm not so thrilled about the dad.
01:02:23Come on.
01:02:24Ramsey is going to be a good father, Dad.
01:02:26Well, we'll see.
01:02:28I don't know.
01:02:29I don't put much faith in that kid.
01:02:32He's a good-looking guy, you know, but what else do you say of him?
01:02:38What about you?
01:02:39What did you see in all of those women that you dated after Mom?
01:02:44Well, there's the legs.
01:02:45The legs.
01:02:46There was a lot to see.
01:02:47There was a lot of parts.
01:02:50Honey, you know there's no love lost.
01:02:53But when your mom passed, you know, I wanted to have fun.
01:02:59And you'd be surprised.
01:03:01You know, money makes your family handsome.
01:03:04Dad, you have always been handsome.
01:03:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:03:08Look, I know that Ramsey has not always been your favorite or maybe your first choice, but...
01:03:17for whatever reason, he makes me really happy.
01:03:22He makes you happy, I'm happy.
01:03:25Because I want him to spend time with you and your future.
01:03:28That's what I want.
01:03:29Yes, he's been spending so much time.
01:03:32He's been working on his company every day.
01:03:33He's been writing this new proposal.
01:03:35He's been talking about how he wants to show it to you nonstop.
01:03:37Oh, God, honey.
01:03:39I'm telling you.
01:03:41There's nothing there.
01:03:43It's a lot of flash, a lot of show, and there's no substance.
01:03:50Sometimes it's best in life.
01:03:53You give up your dreams and your aspirations and face reality.
01:04:00He wants to be a tech parent.
01:04:03It's not in the cards.
01:04:07Okay, okay.
01:04:10Maybe you would take a look at it for your favorite daughter who comes to visit you.
01:04:16All right, honey, I'll take a look.
01:04:19But I want you to recognize who this guy is.
01:04:23And what you're getting yourself into, okay?
01:04:25Because an Einstein he is not.
01:04:29But I love you.
01:04:30I love you too.
01:04:31That's it.
01:04:32That's all I want for you.
01:04:35I'm only thinking of you.
01:04:38I know you are.
01:04:39I love you.
01:04:41I love you too, Dad.
01:04:53Where the fuck have you been?
01:04:55I can't cover for you much longer.
01:04:57I know.
01:04:58I'm sorry.
01:04:59I'll be back this Thursday.
01:05:01I promise.
01:05:02You said that a few weeks ago.
01:05:04You should be a fucking Olympic gold medalist by now.
01:05:07I know.
01:05:08I just got caught up in some things.
01:05:10I'm sorry.
01:05:11Okay, fine.
01:05:12Just come by the studio when you're back.
01:05:14I'll be there.
01:05:15All day.
01:05:18Hey, I just want you to know I'm sorry.
01:05:21Hey, I just want you to know I'm ready for this.
01:05:23Well, I'm happy to hear that, so get your ass back here.
01:05:26I gotta go.
01:05:57The hell?
01:06:10What do you want?
01:06:11Did Al be back yet?
01:06:17Excuse me.
01:06:18What do you think you're doing?
01:06:21You've got a minute to say whatever the hell you want and then I'm calling the cops.
01:06:25That really won't be necessary.
01:06:27You need to leave us alone.
01:06:28I know.
01:06:30I plan to.
01:06:32And I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna go get that part.
01:06:36So you lied.
01:06:38You're not pregnant.
01:06:39I am.
01:06:41It's yours.
01:06:43What are you gonna do with it?
01:06:45That is absolutely none of your business.
01:06:50In fact, you're the one who made that very clear to me.
01:06:56So is that it?
01:06:57Are you done?
01:06:59Is this why you came up here?
01:07:00Listen to me.
01:07:03After tonight, this is the last time you will ever see me.
01:07:07And whatever decision I decide to make, you will not be involved.
01:07:10That sounds great to me.
01:07:11I'm not finished.
01:07:15I'm gonna give you some free piece of advice.
01:07:18Not that you deserve it, but for Albie.
01:07:23There's gonna come a day where she finds out who you really are.
01:07:28And she's going to leave you.
01:07:30Okay, so you're giving me advice.
01:07:33That thing in you.
01:07:36Thing in you?
01:07:39That hole that you try to fill with your books and your suits.
01:07:48Your cruelty.
01:07:52Success won't fill it.
01:07:55Abbott's money won't fill it.
01:07:59You're gonna have to do the work.
01:08:01All I do is work!
01:08:02You are so fucking unaware of your own bullshit.
01:08:06It's ridiculous.
01:08:07No, you don't get to come out here and ruin my life because you're jealous.
01:08:12Are you insane?
01:08:13Am I insane?
01:08:14You're the one who's stalking us, you crazy bitch!
01:08:21So you're gonna leave us alone, okay?
01:08:23Say it.
01:08:24Say it!
01:08:29I was trying to do something for us.
01:08:31Don't you understand?
01:08:43Hey, Sabina!
01:08:44No, no, no!
01:08:47No, you're okay.
01:08:48You're okay.
01:08:52No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
01:11:56It's about this king who, during a long drought, falls madly in love with this beautiful dancer.
01:12:06And he wants to marry her, but the problem is he already has a wife.
01:12:12And so he begs to God, and God tells him that if he surrenders his crown to the poorest man in his kingdom,
01:12:20and he sacrifices his wife, he's free to marry his beloved.
01:12:59He hands his crown over to a beggar, and he kills his queen.
01:13:05And the king and the dancer run away and live quietly on this little farm.
01:13:12Until one day, his wife just evaporates into the sky.
01:13:20And suddenly it begins to rain from the heavens.
01:13:23The king spends the rest of his life trying to catch his wife's remains in a bucket.
01:14:38Babe, I'm back!
01:14:43Oh, hi!
01:14:45Missed you too.
01:14:47You smell like a distillery. What have you been doing?
01:14:50I had a couple.
01:14:52Did you?
01:14:53Yeah, but how are you? How's your dad?
01:14:56Um, he's okay. You know, it's just hard to see him like that.
01:15:00I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?
01:15:03Well, you could not blow this meeting that I got you.
01:15:06He was sitting there, and all he wanted to do was talk about work, so...
01:15:11I brought you up, and he said he would meet with you.
01:15:15He would meet with you.
01:15:21Are you kidding me?
01:15:25You're welcome.
01:15:26Oh my god, thank you so much.
01:15:31Oh, um, did Sabina come by? Or call her? I mean, I've been trying to reach her, but she wasn't answering her.
01:15:39No, she hasn't.
01:15:42Okay. Well, I hope she's around to see it.
01:15:48Wait, see what?
01:15:50Oh, let's go look by the door.
01:15:53Go on, go get it.
01:16:05You can set it right here.
01:16:11Open it up.
01:16:41What the hell is going on?
01:17:12Oh my god.
01:17:37You have everything you need, honey?
01:17:39Come here, come here. All done. Just hold on.
01:17:47Don't be nervous.
01:17:49I'm not. Why? Did I say something?
01:17:51No, no, no, babe. Just take a breath, alright? You're gonna be great.
01:17:56You're gonna be great.
01:18:07You're gonna be great. Don't be nervous.
01:18:11Please give my dad my love, okay?
01:18:19Thank you for everything.
01:18:21Of course.
01:18:23I love you.
01:18:24I love you too.
01:18:26I love you too.
01:18:56I love you too.
01:19:26I love you too.
01:19:56I love you too.
01:20:54Come on.
01:20:56Come on.
01:21:26Come on.
