A Man discovers his friend is the father of one of his girlfriends twins babies HD ( Drama )

  • 2 weeks ago
A Man discovers his friend is the father of one of his girlfriends twins babies HD ( Drama )
00:00:00Where are you going?
00:00:05Uh, just going over to Neil's.
00:00:10What's his father do? A postman?
00:00:14Uh, he drives a truck for some delivery company.
00:00:19Well, don't screw around all night. You've got training tomorrow.
00:00:34I'm just happy you're back.
00:00:37Yeah, we'll hang another night.
00:00:40All right, man. Later.
00:00:43Neil! Come here.
00:00:46What's up, man?
00:00:47What's up, buddy?
00:00:48How you doing, man?
00:00:49I'm good, I'm good.
00:00:50Can't believe the summer's barely half over and I'm already bored with all these people.
00:00:54You haven't heard from him, have you?
00:00:57Honestly, I'm starting not to care.
00:00:59Oh, is that why you spent the whole summer with his best friend?
00:01:03Because if it's to keep tabs on Ryan, I'd be careful.
00:01:07Because you and Brent are starting to look like a couple.
00:01:09And maybe not a bad thing. His dad does own one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the country.
00:01:17I mean, he's rich. And he's hot.
00:01:20He's just being a good friend, Sarah.
00:01:23Is that why he's blowing off Kristen Gates to come over here?
00:01:30Hey. You out of your game or something?
00:01:33Because Kristen was all over you and I thought you wanted to bag her.
00:01:37You're the only girl I know that talks like a dude.
00:01:41Which is why I think you can handle this.
00:01:45Actually, I'm not drinking.
00:01:47This is a hundred-year-old scotch.
00:01:49Seriously, I'm good.
00:01:54Well, here.
00:01:57I have training tomorrow, so I probably shouldn't drink either.
00:02:01So how about we toast to having some good, clean fun?
00:02:41Brent, no.
00:02:43Cam, I'm sorry.
00:02:45Hey, you know Ryan's not coming tonight, right?
00:02:48I've gotta go.
00:03:01Oh my god. Mike just danced with me. He's so cute.
00:03:05What's wrong with you?
00:03:07Nothing. It's all good.
00:03:09You sure?
00:03:21What did you get into?
00:03:35I think I'm gonna Uber home.
00:03:36What? Why?
00:03:38Your parents are out of town on curfew, remember?
00:03:40I'm tired. Okay, so I'll call you tomorrow?
00:03:42Okay. Suit yourself.
00:03:45Hey, Sarah, come here.
00:03:46I love you.
00:03:54Look, I'm sorry about what happened.
00:03:56I mean, that was not cool.
00:03:58You're like one of my buddies, and I totally should not have done that.
00:04:02It's okay.
00:04:03No, it's not.
00:04:05And to make it up to you, I'm gonna fully tell Ryan what an idiot he is for dumping me.
00:04:09I mean, look at you.
00:04:12You're awesome.
00:04:15So if he doesn't get back together with you, I might just need to rough him up a little bit.
00:04:20It's okay. Honestly, we're good.
00:04:23For real?
00:04:24Yeah. I mean, you've had to put up with me crying about him for a month, so I'd say we're even.
00:04:31Well, dear, I know it's not much of a peace offering, but it's all I got.
00:04:38And at least let me give you a ride home.
00:04:40But don't worry, I promise I won't keep my hands on the steering wheel.
00:04:50Let's go?
00:06:09Where are we?
00:06:15No one tells me no.
00:07:09Hi, this is Sarah. Leave me a message.
00:07:32Hey, it's me.
00:07:33Oh, what time is it?
00:07:35I don't know, but listen.
00:07:37Did I talk to you or anything after I left last night?
00:07:41Um, no. Why?
00:07:43I feel awful. Like, I drank that whole keg, but I wasn't even drinking.
00:07:48Oh, tell me about it. I made out with Greg Larson last night.
00:07:52At least you can remember.
00:07:54What do you mean?
00:07:55Brent was driving me home, and that's the last thing I remember before waking up this morning.
00:08:00It's like I blacked out.
00:08:04Hello? Are you there?
00:08:06I gotta call you back, okay?
00:08:17I just got back from work in Sacramento.
00:08:20I heard.
00:08:21Look, I just wanted to come here and say that I'm sorry.
00:08:25I was really, really stupid to break things off. I just thought it was the right thing to do, you know?
00:08:31I was just, I was gonna be away for a month, and my mom was putting a lot of pressure on me to not get into anything serious in my last year.
00:08:41I don't care.
00:08:45I miss you.
00:08:50You okay?
00:08:54I missed you too.
00:08:55Jess, look, I'm really, really sorry.
00:09:00It's okay.
00:09:02I'm just happy that you're back.
00:09:08I love you.
00:09:11And I swear I'm not going anywhere, okay?
00:09:15I love you too.
00:09:27So, how was training?
00:09:29It was good.
00:09:32Good enough that you've earned the right to drink a hundred dollar bottle of scotch?
00:09:37Of course you haven't, but what really bothers me is that you'd think I wouldn't notice it was watered down.
00:09:45Do you really believe I'm that stupid?
00:09:52Of course, of course not. I just...
00:09:54You have to think a lot quicker on your feet if you want to run the company, Brent.
00:09:57And we both want that, don't we?
00:10:01Well, my father taught me my lessons to prepare me.
00:10:05You need to learn yours.
00:10:15Finish it.
00:10:17Scott, come on.
00:10:18This is of no concern to you.
00:10:20Dad, no, I can't.
00:10:23Would you just say no to me?
00:10:26You don't leave until it's done.
00:10:43Sweetie, are you okay?
00:10:45Get out of my way.
00:10:48Sweetheart, are you okay?
00:10:50Give me water.
00:11:21You know, honey, that outfit drives me a little crazy.
00:11:24Is that why you couldn't keep your hands off me when I wore it to the Frasers?
00:11:27Don't remind me. I'll be late for work.
00:11:30Really, guys, you can't wait one more year until I'm off to college, and then you can do whatever you want.
00:11:34How do you think you got here, young lady?
00:11:37So we have to see you mooning over Ryan every day, but you can't take an old married couple, huh?
00:11:41Not when they're my parents.
00:11:43Have a great day.
00:11:45One more year, honey.
00:11:46One more year.
00:11:48She took my bagel.
00:11:56Come on, guys, pass it around.
00:11:58Come on, don't be a ball hog.
00:12:05Ryan Harris, you're out.
00:12:07Neil, get in there. Show them how it's done. Glenn?
00:12:10Ryan Harris, you're out.
00:12:12Neil, get in there. Show them how it's done. Glenn?
00:12:15Come on, hustle out. Come on.
00:12:17Good job.
00:12:19Let's go.
00:12:28How are trials going?
00:12:30They're all right. I mean, Brent's definitely making the team. He's like Beckham out there.
00:12:42So what? You get back together with Ry and that's it? We're done?
00:12:46I mean, it's been like forever since we hung out.
00:12:48You may be a Davik, but I'm the better catch because I'm so good looking.
00:12:52I'm just happy you finally got Jess off your shoulder.
00:12:54I mean, she cried on it enough.
00:12:56Shut up, Kristen. Ooh, hitting her.
00:12:58Hey, play nice.
00:13:00Hey, Romeos, trials aren't over. Let's go. Get out there.
00:13:03Come on, hustle.
00:13:04Okay, move. Going.
00:13:10Okay, so if we want to apply to the same colleges, we basically need to get the same SAT score.
00:13:15Which means that you need to seriously work on your math skills.
00:13:21Okay, but right now, we need to get seriously busy before your parents get home.
00:13:40No, wait.
00:13:50Hey, hey, hey.
00:13:52Hey, you okay?
00:13:54I don't know.
00:13:56Come here, come here.
00:13:58You okay?
00:14:04Hey, hey.
00:14:06Hey, you're bleeding.
00:14:15I wanted to close the door.
00:14:19Did you want us to wait until your mother gets here?
00:14:24Why? What is it?
00:14:26The urine test I conducted came back positive.
00:14:30Your girlfriend's pregnant.
00:14:33But why?
00:14:36She's pregnant.
00:14:40But we're always safe.
00:14:42I understand, but anything can happen, even when you're using protection.
00:14:46Now, because there's been some bleeding, I'd like to do an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or any other complications.
00:14:58Alright, so far, everything looks normal.
00:15:05I'm not sure, but nope, there it is.
00:15:10You, my dear, are pregnant with twins.
00:15:20Come on in.
00:15:30How far along?
00:15:32About eight weeks.
00:15:33And you didn't know?
00:15:34She was confused because of the implantation bleeding, and it was heavier because of the twins.
00:15:40And you're sure they're Ryan's?
00:15:42What? You two were broken up for most of the summer, am I right?
00:15:46Um, my daughter doesn't sleep around.
00:15:49Well, I don't think a paternity test once they're born is too much to ask, considering the impact this would have on Ryan's life.
00:15:57Assuming you're keeping them.
00:15:58She is. And a paternity test is not too much to ask, even if it will prove what we already know.
00:16:04Right, Jess?
00:16:10Well, I have a shift starting in less than an hour, and obviously, I can't afford to lose my job. Not now.
00:16:19I'll call you later, okay?
00:16:21Mrs. Bradwell, just so you know, I never wanted to be with anyone but Ryan.
00:16:40Remember how much we struggled when we first had Jess?
00:16:44And I just agreed to a pay cut so I could keep my job.
00:16:48So how are we going to afford two babies?
00:16:50We have to.
00:16:52She can't do it by herself.
00:16:56Mom, Dad.
00:17:02I need to tell you guys something.
00:17:04And I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure, but now...
00:17:08What is it, sweetie?
00:17:10Two months ago, when you guys spent the night in San Francisco, I went to a party with Sarah.
00:17:17Brent Davick offered to give me a ride home.
00:17:20And the last thing I remember is getting in his car.
00:17:24I blacked out.
00:17:26And the next morning, I woke up and I felt...
00:17:32Jess, did Brent take advantage of you?
00:17:36You think he might have?
00:17:37Oh my God.
00:17:38Oh my God.
00:17:39I can't remember.
00:17:40And I wasn't drinking anything, I swear.
00:17:42Sweetheart, why didn't you say something sooner?
00:17:44Because I didn't believe it.
00:17:47I mean, Brent's my friend.
00:17:49And he's Ryan's best friend.
00:17:51And to think that he would drug me?
00:17:53That son of a bitch.
00:17:54Wait, are you saying that you think you might be pregnant because of what he did?
00:17:58I don't know.
00:17:59Well, we need to go to the police.
00:18:00No, please.
00:18:01Jess, Jess, he raped you.
00:18:03I can't remember, Dad.
00:18:05And I want to know for sure.
00:18:07I want to take the paternity test.
00:18:09I just need to be sure.
00:18:11Oh, sweetheart, it's safer if you wait.
00:18:13I can't wait seven months.
00:18:14Mom, I need to know the truth, okay?
00:18:17I need to know who the father of my babies are.
00:18:41You okay?
00:18:43I don't know.
00:18:45I'm sorry about my mom.
00:18:47She shouldn't have said any of that.
00:18:49No, no.
00:18:51If I were her, I'd want to know for sure, too.
00:18:55So that's why I've decided to get a paternity test at ten weeks.
00:19:00You don't have to do that.
00:19:02I want to, okay?
00:19:07I just think it's for the best.
00:19:09For everyone.
00:19:15Look, I better go, but I love you, Ryan.
00:19:21I love you, too.
00:19:28Hey, bud.
00:19:31Congrats on making the team.
00:19:33You, too.
00:19:34Hey, when I was away, was Jess, like, going out with anybody else?
00:19:40I don't think so.
00:19:45If I tell you, you promise to keep it a secret?
00:19:48No, seriously.
00:19:49Like you can't even tell Chris.
00:19:50I got it.
00:19:51It's in the book.
00:19:54Jess is pregnant.
00:19:58With twins.
00:20:02Yeah, but she's taking a paternity test, and she won't really say why.
00:20:11Well, I wasn't with her all the time, dude.
00:20:15And she was being kind of a flirt when you were gone.
00:20:23All right, you guys, let's hit the field.
00:20:24Let's go.
00:20:29Hey, not a word, okay?
00:20:43There's no easy way to say this.
00:20:45Ryan is, in fact, a father of one of the babies.
00:20:51The other baby was conceived by a different father.
00:20:57I'm sorry, how is that possible?
00:20:59It's a rare phenomenon called hetero-
00:21:01Paternal superfecundation.
00:21:03It can only happen if you have sex with more than one partner in the time leading up to ovulation.
00:21:08You're 11 weeks. That should jog your memory.
00:21:12Wait, is it possible there's been a mistake?
00:21:15CVS is over 99% accurate.
00:21:18It's a safe bet your daughter's babies have two different fathers.
00:21:23Ryan, wait.
00:21:25Ryan, wait.
00:21:26Ryan, wait.
00:21:27Wait, that's not what you think.
00:21:38You're 18, right?
00:21:41Did you get a rape kit done?
00:21:43Any blood work?
00:21:46I told you I didn't exactly know what happened, so I didn't know what to do.
00:21:49I understand that.
00:21:51And to be honest, there's only a small window of a few hours in which we'd be able to detect any drugs in the bloodstream.
00:21:57So what happens now?
00:21:59We'll talk to Mr. Davick.
00:22:00Will he know it's me?
00:22:02He'll know.
00:22:04Brent, I just have a few questions regarding the night of July 1st.
00:22:07Why? What's the relevance of that date?
00:22:10Brent, do you know a Jessica Bell?
00:22:14Um, yeah.
00:22:17Who is she?
00:22:19She's a girl in my class.
00:22:21I spoke to her earlier today about something she says happened that night.
00:22:25Can you think of what that could be?
00:22:27I don't know.
00:22:28Just give me a minute.
00:22:29Can you think of what that could be?
00:22:31I don't know.
00:22:32Just get to the point. He has SATs to study for.
00:22:37Your son is being accused of rape, Mr. Davick.
00:22:42Okay, no, no. This is not true.
00:22:44The accuser is also claiming that Brent may have fathered one of her unborn twins.
00:22:50He is an honor student.
00:22:52He's in line for a soccer scholarship to Whittendale. He's a great kid.
00:22:56Wait, one of her babies?
00:22:59This is getting more ridiculous by the minute. Come on.
00:23:02Apparently not.
00:23:04Ms. Bell has a DNA test that proves her babies were fathered by two different partners.
00:23:09Well, who's the other father?
00:23:11And is he being accused of this?
00:23:13I'm not at liberty to say.
00:23:16Brent, is there anything you can tell me about the night in question? It would help a great deal.
00:23:21No, he won't be telling you anything, not without a lawyer present.
00:23:24Mr. Davick, no charges have been filed.
00:23:27I just want to hear your son's side of events.
00:23:30Yeah, I'm aware of what you're doing.
00:23:32Then I'm sure you know a court-ordered paternity test, if positive, would prove sexual contact, consensual or not.
00:23:40So any denials now will look far worse later.
00:23:43Look, we had sex, all right? But she wanted it.
00:23:47Okay, Brent.
00:23:48We both did.
00:23:49It's not like I raped her or anything.
00:23:51Brent, stop talking.
00:23:53Look, I already said my son will not answer any more of your questions without a lawyer present.
00:24:00Then expect a court order.
00:24:05I'll see myself out.
00:24:16She had been after me all summer. It was obvious. Come on, everyone knew it.
00:24:21Stupid fool, haven't you learned anything yet?
00:24:24I didn't rape her.
00:24:28She's just trying to make it look bad so her boyfriend doesn't break up with her again and she won't have anybody to look after her and those babies.
00:24:34Did you protect yourself?
00:24:37She told me she was protected.
00:24:39And you believed her.
00:24:43What should I do?
00:24:44Nothing, not until we find out if that baby is yours.
00:24:51Come on.
00:25:21Hey, this is Ryan. You know what to do.
00:25:52I'm sorry.
00:25:54I'm sorry.
00:26:18Is everything I'm seeing for real?
00:26:21Are you seriously pregnant with two babies?
00:26:26I was going to tell you.
00:26:28Oh my God, Jess, are you okay?
00:26:31I mean, have you seen what's been going around?
00:26:34Two babies, double daddies, hashtag slut.
00:26:37I mean, that's got to be a joke, right?
00:26:40I wish.
00:26:41Ryan, it's not like she slept with anyone else.
00:26:43Well, apparently DNA doesn't lie.
00:26:47I'll catch you in class, okay?
00:26:52So now I know why you wanted to take that paternity test so bad.
00:26:56Ryan, I wanted to talk to you.
00:26:58Oh, to tell me who you slept with?
00:27:07Come here.
00:27:13So was it him? Hmm?
00:27:16Was it Brent? Because it sure looks like that.
00:27:19He made a pass at me at Neil's party, but I turned him down.
00:27:23I don't believe this.
00:27:25He told me he was sorry, and he offered me a ride home.
00:27:28And he gave me a drink, and we left, and then I blacked out.
00:27:35I couldn't remember anything, Ryan.
00:27:37And I woke up the next morning, and my pants were undone.
00:27:42And I felt like something had happened.
00:27:44But then you showed up, and I didn't want to think about it or believe it.
00:27:48Believe what?
00:27:50That Brent drugged and raped me.
00:27:55I hear you're two for two.
00:27:56Leave us alone, Kristen, okay?
00:27:58You don't want to hear about how she was all over Brent when you were away?
00:28:01Now look at her.
00:28:03Pregnant with two babies and two different daddies.
00:28:05Quite the score, huh?
00:28:09I want to kill him. I want to kill him.
00:28:11Ryan, please.
00:28:12I want to kill him. I want to kill him.
00:28:13Ryan, please. Just let the police handle it.
00:28:15They know?
00:28:16My parents made me report it.
00:28:18So just please don't say anything.
00:28:22It's bad enough as it is.
00:28:29Come on, let's keep up the energy. Come on. Come on. Hustle, guys.
00:28:34There you go. Good job. Good job, guys.
00:28:38Brent! Ryan! Bench it. Come on.
00:28:43Come on, guys.
00:28:44Look, man, I'm sorry.
00:28:47I wanted to tell you before.
00:28:51But Jess, she made me promise not to say anything.
00:28:55But you guys were broken up.
00:28:57You know? And there I was, the shoulder to cry on because you weren't there.
00:29:01I tried to be just buds with her, man.
00:29:04Ask anybody.
00:29:06But she was coming on hard.
00:29:08Dude, shut up.
00:29:09Hey, I'm not the only one.
00:29:13People got to know because she's trying to pin this on me.
00:29:16That's why I tweeted.
00:29:19Now she's trying to pin it on me with these babies and this paternity test that I got to take?
00:29:23I mean, come on.
00:29:25You've been screwed in this, dude.
00:29:26You son of a bitch.
00:29:28Hey, hey, hey. Come on. Hey.
00:29:32Hey, break it up. Come on. Break it up.
00:29:33I know you did.
00:29:36That's enough. I don't care.
00:29:38Now, you two goons are out for the next game.
00:29:41Now, get down to the principal's office and consider yourself lucky you're not off the team.
00:29:47If I see any more crap out of you, you're off the team.
00:29:52Ladies, Detective Murray is here. She has some news.
00:30:00The results from the DNA test confirm Brent is the father of your second baby.
00:30:05My God.
00:30:07So what does this mean for Jessica?
00:30:08We have to prove it wasn't consensual.
00:30:11Wait. You're not going to charge him?
00:30:14We need more evidence that he drugged you.
00:30:16We'd like to question everyone who was at the party that night.
00:30:18Okay. Let's do it.
00:30:20Then it would be helpful if you would put together a list of everyone who was there.
00:30:23Detective, since it's proven that it's his baby, he has to pay, right?
00:30:26You can pursue child support.
00:30:29Just know that he has paternal rights whether he's found guilty or not.
00:30:33No, Dad. I don't want anything from him.
00:30:35No, honey. He should pay.
00:30:49Well, was it worth it?
00:30:52The sex.
00:30:54Because I want to know that when I'm busting my ass to get you out of another mess.
00:31:02Tomorrow, put that in her locker.
00:31:05But she wanted it.
00:31:06She is the one that came on to me.
00:31:08It is always the same with you, isn't it?
00:31:10When the hell are you going to start acting like a man?
00:31:12Look, Dad. I am sorry.
00:31:15I've been working really hard.
00:31:17Are you seeing my grades? They're good.
00:31:19Because I want to follow in your footsteps.
00:31:21Get into Whittendale and run the family business.
00:31:25It's all I ever wanted.
00:31:27All I've ever wanted is a son that I can be proud of.
00:31:30Not humiliate me.
00:31:33I will make you proud.
00:31:34I promise.
00:31:45I just can't believe it's not enough to charge him.
00:31:48I know. It's crazy.
00:31:50The detective said that we need more evidence, but at least we have proof it's his.
00:31:55Does it ever bother you?
00:31:57You know, having his baby?
00:31:59Why does it bother you?
00:32:00Why does it bother you?
00:32:03I mean, it just doesn't seem fair that we should have to deal with what he did.
00:32:07We shouldn't have to deal with it, or you shouldn't have to deal with it?
00:32:12It's not my baby, Jess.
00:32:14I get it, but just so you know, I didn't want it either.
00:32:20Look, I better go. I'll talk to you later.
00:32:30Jess, I made you a sandwich.
00:32:38Everything's going to be okay.
00:32:41I said, Mom, because I have two babies inside of me.
00:32:45And one that I could love because it's Ryan's baby, but then the other one...
00:32:49Hey, it's still your child.
00:32:52No matter who the father is.
00:32:54But he raped me, Mom.
00:32:56And I don't know if I can love his baby because of that.
00:32:59Because I'm pretty sure Ryan can't.
00:33:02The worst part is that everyone thinks that I wanted it.
00:33:06Like you should see these tweets and these comments, and it's like I did this on purpose.
00:33:11He did this to you.
00:33:13Don't you ever blame yourself for that.
00:33:15How can I not?
00:33:17Especially if he gets away with it.
00:33:20He's not going to get away with it, okay?
00:33:22I promise you, he won't.
00:33:24He won't.
00:33:51So, the detectives called my parents.
00:33:54They want to question me about Neil's party.
00:33:56What, were you okay?
00:33:58Yeah, it's the morning sickness.
00:34:02Jess, you really look like crap.
00:34:04I guess it would suck knowing that your life's pretty much over.
00:34:07Who's going to want you now?
00:34:13Oh my God, you look so disgusting.
00:34:15I'm going to take her to the bathroom.
00:34:17Can you get me some paper towel or something?
00:34:19Go, Jenner.
00:34:43Listen, just forget about her. She's a bitch.
00:34:45No, she's right.
00:34:47Everything I planned is gone.
00:34:49Well, you still have Ryan.
00:34:51Would you stick around and care for somebody else's baby?
00:34:54Especially when you didn't even want one in the first place,
00:34:56because I don't know if I could.
00:34:58Okay, don't worry.
00:35:00When the police question me, I am going to bury him.
00:35:07It was obvious.
00:35:09I mean, everyone knew that she was after him all summer.
00:35:11It was like they were a couple.
00:35:13Now what's she saying?
00:35:15Well, she was like dancing and flirting.
00:35:17There are pics to prove it.
00:35:19She was still in love with Ryan.
00:35:21That's the only reason she was hanging out with Brent.
00:35:22And she called me the next day
00:35:24because she knew something had happened.
00:35:26I don't believe they were going out,
00:35:28but it kind of looked that way.
00:35:30She's a liar, okay?
00:35:32Brent is one of the most popular guys in school.
00:35:34He could have anyone.
00:35:36Jess doesn't sleep around.
00:35:38Trust me.
00:35:40Ryan was her first, and he would have been the only one.
00:35:44Yo, Brent.
00:35:46Hey, man.
00:35:48I'm being questioned after the game tomorrow.
00:35:50Shouldn't be a big deal.
00:35:52I mean, everyone saw she was all over me.
00:35:54Yeah, well, I saw something else.
00:35:58What's that?
00:36:00I saw you, Brent.
00:36:02You put something in that can of soda, man,
00:36:04it's not right.
00:36:07Are you kidding me with this?
00:36:09You were so drunk, you don't know what you saw.
00:36:12Yo, I do know.
00:36:14All right?
00:36:16I'm not going to lie.
00:36:18Well, if you're so sure,
00:36:20why didn't you do something about it then?
00:36:24And if you did see me do it,
00:36:26and you didn't do something about it,
00:36:29wouldn't that make you just as guilty?
00:36:49Listen, I know this is far from
00:36:51being an ideal situation,
00:36:53guy here, but it is what it is.
00:36:56And it's my job to do what's in the best interest of the team.
00:37:00Which is why I've got to cut you.
00:37:03I'm sorry, Ryan, but I just,
00:37:05I can't have a team that can't work together.
00:37:08Clean out your locker.
00:37:16Look, just make sure when you're in that prosecutor's office
00:37:19you don't miss anything.
00:37:21All right, see you on the green.
00:37:25That was Larry.
00:37:28They might just be getting lucky here.
00:37:30So far the cops don't have anything.
00:37:34Neil Goodchild says he saw me put something in Jess's drink.
00:37:40He says he's going to tell the cops
00:37:42when they question him tomorrow.
00:37:50Did you?
00:37:53Dad, it's not like last time.
00:37:55She wanted to get high.
00:37:57I don't want to hear any more about it.
00:37:59I do not want to have to lie under oath.
00:38:01Do you realize the position you've put me in?
00:38:04I can't believe this is happening again.
00:38:06It was...
00:38:10All right.
00:38:13Not a word to anyone, you hear me?
00:38:16Not your mother, not your friends.
00:38:30Hey, Artie.
00:38:32Hey, Scott. What can I do for you?
00:38:34Well, actually I was hoping you could do me a favor.
00:38:37Sure, anything. What do you need?
00:38:39I need whatever you can pull up on the Goodchilds.
00:38:50All right.
00:39:02Are you feeling any better?
00:39:04I guess.
00:39:06My mom said that hopefully the morning sickness will go away soon,
00:39:09but with twins you never really know.
00:39:14I heard you got cut from the team.
00:39:17Yeah, I...
00:39:19I don't want to be on the same team as Brent anyway.
00:39:23He was my best friend for two years and now I just hate him.
00:39:37But I don't hate his baby.
00:39:43I mean,
00:39:45it's your baby too, right?
00:39:49If it has a part of you, I know I can love it.
00:39:54I'm sorry if I made you consider doing something
00:39:59that I know wasn't in your heart.
00:40:09I'm just so scared
00:40:12that I'm going to end up alone
00:40:15one day with two babies.
00:40:18Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
00:40:22I told you,
00:40:25I'm not going anywhere.
00:40:27And I mean it.
00:40:29You are never going to be alone.
00:40:42Bill! Bill!
00:40:45David Hussler.
00:40:48David Hussler.
00:40:53Go Brent!
00:40:57Neil, you and Brent
00:40:59did a damn good job of playing off one another, you know that?
00:41:02Thank you, sir.
00:41:04You thinking of applying to Whittendale as well?
00:41:07No, I doubt it.
00:41:09I mean, my parents can't really afford to send me there
00:41:11and there's no way I'll get a scholarship.
00:41:13I mean, Whittendale is one of the best business schools in the country.
00:41:16You do want to go to college, right?
00:41:20In that case, I doubt that you're planning on putting that
00:41:22DUI charge on your applications.
00:41:26You do that and you're really screwing up your chances.
00:41:29What are you talking about?
00:41:33Don't play dumb, Neil.
00:41:35Be smart about this.
00:41:38Because if you talk to the police about what you
00:41:41thought you saw Brent do,
00:41:44well, then every college in the country will know the
00:41:46truth about your record.
00:41:56David, out.
00:42:04Everything all right?
00:42:06Aside from the pass you just missed.
00:42:10There he is.
00:42:12Come on, guys, come on.
00:42:18Mr. Davick?
00:42:20I don't think we've officially met.
00:42:22I'm Jessica Bell.
00:42:24I'm the girl your son raped.
00:42:26You know, that's not true, Jess.
00:42:28After all, you wanted me to give you a ride home and-
00:42:33If you want to discuss something,
00:42:35I'd be more than happy to arrange a meeting at my office.
00:42:38With our lawyers present, of course.
00:42:39That won't be necessary.
00:42:41We just want to tell you that
00:42:43I'm keeping my babies.
00:42:46No matter what kind of games you want to play.
00:43:01Did you see them leave together?
00:43:03Yeah, everyone did.
00:43:05And how did Jessica sing?
00:43:09Is there anything else that you saw or heard
00:43:11that you'd like to tell us?
00:43:21That was fun.
00:43:23That was so much fun.
00:43:25Ryan's going to be bummed.
00:43:27Oh, I know.
00:43:29Poor him.
00:43:31He didn't get to go shopping with the girls.
00:43:33He doesn't know what he missed.
00:43:35What is it, honey?
00:43:40I just spoke with Detective Murray
00:43:42and she said they're not going to prosecute.
00:43:46How is that possible?
00:43:48They didn't find any witnesses.
00:43:50So it's still your word against his, honey.
00:43:53I don't believe it.
00:43:55He raped me and now he's going to get away with it.
00:43:57No. No, no, no, no, no.
00:43:59Look, Jess, I know this is hard for you.
00:44:01It's hard for all of us.
00:44:03But the detective was very clear from the beginning
00:44:06that it was going to be difficult to make this stick.
00:44:07Okay, so what?
00:44:09He just gets to continue on with his life?
00:44:11I mean, I know I said I didn't want anything from him,
00:44:13but now it just doesn't seem fair
00:44:15because I've seen what you both are sacrificing.
00:44:19And the Daviks, who have everything,
00:44:22just get away with whatever they want.
00:44:32Is there nothing we can do?
00:44:34No, we can sue, but it'll cost us.
00:44:35Well, we should at least talk to a lawyer.
00:44:41All right, Larry.
00:44:45I'll talk to you.
00:44:47Well, it seems the Bells are threatening a lawsuit.
00:44:50It's typical.
00:44:52Well, if they don't have any proof,
00:44:54then there's no way they can win.
00:44:56They don't need any proof.
00:44:58All they have to do is file the lawsuit,
00:45:00go to the media, make a lot of noise,
00:45:02and the damage is done.
00:45:03And I'll do anything to make this go away.
00:45:06Believe me, you'll do plenty.
00:45:11Six o'clock?
00:45:14I got to discuss it with my wife.
00:45:16Okay, let me know.
00:45:20You're not going to believe it.
00:45:22That was Scott Davik on the phone.
00:45:24What does he want?
00:45:26He wants us all to meet.
00:45:28Yeah, us and his team of lawyers.
00:45:30No, no, no.
00:45:31It sounds like he wants to work something out.
00:45:33No, there's nothing to work out.
00:45:35Look, I think we should at least go,
00:45:39see what he has to say.
00:45:41We know what he has to say.
00:45:43Tricia, the cost of this lawsuit.
00:45:45I mean, the retainer alone is over $10,000.
00:45:48Where are we going to get that kind of money, huh?
00:45:50And even if we do find it,
00:45:52what are the chances we're going to win this thing in court?
00:45:54Why don't we just go and listen to him?
00:45:57Fine, but I am not accepting any money from that man.
00:46:01I want to go, too.
00:46:03Oh, no, no, no. That's a bad idea.
00:46:05I mean, Dad, this is about me.
00:46:07I have a right to be there.
00:46:09I have a right to make a decision for myself.
00:46:17So, how are you feeling?
00:46:25You know, twins, that's really something special.
00:46:28We never had any twins on my set.
00:46:32I'm sorry.
00:46:38Any morning sickness or anything yet?
00:46:41Yeah, a little bit.
00:46:43Yeah, I always thought that was the hardest part,
00:46:47was the morning sickness.
00:46:50You sure I can't get you a drink?
00:46:55I do have a fine cognac over there.
00:46:58No, no, I don't drink.
00:46:59Then, it's all right.
00:47:02Well, I am glad to see that Jessica is staying hydrated for the babies.
00:47:09I know how important that is from when Candace was pregnant.
00:47:12Yes, I drank ten bottles of water a day.
00:47:15I don't understand why all of a sudden you're so concerned about the babies.
00:47:19Last I heard, you wanted to get rid of them.
00:47:23I think we can all agree that some mistakes were made here.
00:47:27That's what you call it? Because I call it rape.
00:47:29If you think I raped you, why would you even want to...
00:47:32Brent, that is enough.
00:47:37I just want to have a civilized conversation.
00:47:40Without lawyers.
00:47:42Because none of us needs to spend that kind of money.
00:47:45I don't see why we can't all just come to our own agreement.
00:47:49I think we all know that raising one child is costly enough, but two?
00:47:53Well, that can put a strain on anyone.
00:47:56So, I was thinking...
00:48:05that this might help.
00:48:15Now, just so you don't go thinking that Brent is shirking his responsibilities,
00:48:19that money comes from his trust fund.
00:48:22We don't want your money.
00:48:24Oh, wait a minute. Just wait a minute.
00:48:28Tricia, please.
00:48:30What are you asking us to do in exchange for this?
00:48:33I think, considering the sum,
00:48:35an agreement that you'll refrain from filing any lawsuits would be fair.
00:48:41Also, an agreement that you will never comment on this issue ever again,
00:48:46publicly or privately.
00:48:48You think you can just shut me up with a check?
00:48:51Jess, just let me...
00:48:53No, Dad, no! Look at what he did to me!
00:48:55You think that a big fat check just makes that right?
00:48:58No! Someone needs to kick his ass!
00:49:02Let's go.
00:49:04Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Just a second.
00:49:06Just a second here.
00:49:08You don't need to decide right now.
00:49:10Just think about it.
00:49:12Think about how far that money would go to help raise those two kids.
00:49:16Those two children.
00:49:28That's your answer.
00:49:31Okay, but there's one thing you might want to consider before you leave.
00:49:37You go ahead with this suit.
00:49:39I promise you,
00:49:41my lawyers will drag this out for years and bleed you financially until you have nothing.
00:49:47You really want to lose everything?
00:49:49Your savings, your house?
00:49:53I think my offer is exceedingly fair considering the alternative.
00:49:58I hope that you are both very proud of your son.
00:50:17What about the lawsuit?
00:50:19Are you sure you want to put yourself through that?
00:50:21Yes! Whatever it takes to get that sick jerk.
00:50:24Yeah, but remember what Daddy said.
00:50:26We could spend all that money and still lose.
00:50:30And then what?
00:50:32Do you really want Brent to be able to hurt us again?
00:50:36Okay, so he just gets up and leaves?
00:50:41Does he want to be able to hurt us again?
00:50:44Okay, so he just gets a pass?
00:50:47He gets to go to this nice college and he gets to keep his stupid trust fund and I'm stuck raising two kids?
00:50:54No, no. You have me and your dad and Ryan.
00:50:57And you're going to have two wonderful children.
00:51:01Brent will never have anything as beautiful as that.
00:51:07I failed them today.
00:51:11For the first time.
00:51:13It was just this little flutter, but I knew it was then.
00:51:22I failed them!
00:51:24I think that's the one on the right.
00:51:26He or she's a bit spunkier.
00:51:31Oh, sweetie.
00:51:36I don't know.
00:51:38Roy! Get the car!
00:51:41It's okay, sweetie. It's okay. Come on.
00:51:43You're going to be alright. You're going to be alright.
00:51:52How are you doing?
00:51:56Where's my mom and dad?
00:51:58I sent them downstairs for a break. They haven't slept a wink all night.
00:52:02How are the babies?
00:52:05Behaving. Back to normal.
00:52:09We've got you on progesterone, so this shouldn't happen again.
00:52:13Did I do something?
00:52:16Did I cause this?
00:52:18Oh, no. Honey, no.
00:52:21But it's a good thing we got you in here when we did.
00:52:24Another hour, things could have turned out differently.
00:52:28Hey, hey, hey.
00:52:30You okay?
00:52:32I came as soon as my mom called.
00:52:34Everything's fine now.
00:52:36Oh, I have something to show you.
00:52:40They took this photo during your ultrasound.
00:52:47They were able to determine the sexes.
00:52:50Do you want to know?
00:52:57Well, sometimes they trick us, but from the looks of it, you're having a boy and a girl.
00:53:03Can they tell whose is Ryan's?
00:53:06Hey, it's okay.
00:53:09It doesn't matter.
00:53:13They're brother and sister, and we're a family.
00:53:16You're a strong young woman, Jessica.
00:53:19I'm proud of you both.
00:53:22I'll be back in a little while to take your blood pressure.
00:53:27They're incredible.
00:53:29And they're ours.
00:53:31Look, you see that?
00:53:34It looks like they're holding hands.
00:53:39I don't care what people think.
00:53:42I mean, they can judge me if they want, but I'm not ashamed or afraid.
00:53:48The only one who should be afraid is Brent.
00:54:27Have you seen it?
00:54:53You're not going to get away with this.
00:54:55I already have.
00:54:57Just like you got away with drugging me and raping me.
00:55:00Did you not hear what my dad said?
00:55:02Oh, so you're going to go call your daddy?
00:55:04Hey, Daddy, make this little girl stop pestering me.
00:55:06I know I raped her, but she won't leave me alone.
00:55:10What are you going to do?
00:55:12Hit me?
00:55:13You raped me and then you beat me up?
00:55:16Yo, back off, bro.
00:55:17You don't want to go again.
00:55:31Hey, Brent.
00:55:40Just got off the phone with Dean Nordoff at Whittendale.
00:55:43Someone tipped him off to this mess.
00:55:45Since then, he's been scouring social media.
00:55:48He put your application on hold.
00:55:51It's Jess.
00:55:53She's messing with me, Dad.
00:55:55She put up a banner at school calling me a rapist.
00:55:59I thought you said she couldn't do that.
00:56:02That you were going to stop her.
00:56:04Oh, you're blaming me?
00:56:06You're the one who swore never again.
00:56:07And here we are.
00:56:09Now both of us, all of us, are paying the price.
00:56:12Let's not go there, Scott.
00:56:13Let's just try to...
00:56:14I will take care of this, Candace.
00:56:17Now this is the last time I bail you out.
00:56:21Yes, sir.
00:56:32Are you against me now, too?
00:56:47I cleaned these off your floor the day your father made you drink that scotch.
00:56:59Your father's not the only one looking out for you.
00:57:07That son of a bitch, he just can't let it go!
00:57:09Can we fight this?
00:57:11Honey, we have to.
00:57:12He's suing Jessica for defamation.
00:57:14And you know, either way we lose.
00:57:16We lose money paying the lawyers or we lose money paying out to that bastard.
00:57:19So what are we supposed to say to Jess?
00:57:20That she can't say anything?
00:57:22Well, honey, if she keeps talking, things will just get worse.
00:57:24Yes, but how do we explain to her that she can't say things about...
00:57:28I'm sorry.
00:57:30I'll stop.
00:57:33I was being selfish.
00:57:35I won't do it again.
00:57:36I promise.
00:57:37No, no, no.
00:57:39I'm the one who's sorry.
00:57:44Oh, my God.
00:57:45If only we could do more.
00:57:54Yeah, we can walk around and then we can grab some food or something.
00:57:57Sounds good.
00:58:01Okay, I have to go.
00:58:03Who are you talking to?
00:58:04Just a friend I might meet up with later.
00:58:06Well, you're not going anywhere.
00:58:09It's my 18th birthday and we got to celebrate.
00:58:20What's going on with you?
00:58:22Look, Brent, there's a reason that it's just you and me on your birthday.
00:58:26Okay, nobody wants to hang out with you anymore.
00:58:28I don't care what anybody thinks.
00:58:31Well, I do, okay?
00:58:33I'm done.
00:58:36Let go!
00:58:39Get off me!
00:58:40It's fine.
00:58:41Brent, stop!
00:58:42It's okay.
00:58:43Get off!
00:58:44It's okay.
00:58:46It's fine.
00:58:47Ow, ow!
00:58:51Nobody tells me no, okay?
00:58:55You're getting huge.
00:58:58Thanks, feel great.
00:59:03That's a nasty bruise.
00:59:05What happened?
00:59:08The new resident.
00:59:09Oh, no, no, no.
00:59:10I'm sorry.
00:59:11I'm sorry.
00:59:12I'm sorry.
00:59:13I'm sorry.
00:59:14I'm sorry.
00:59:15I'm sorry.
00:59:16I'm sorry.
00:59:17I'm sorry.
00:59:18I'm sorry.
00:59:19I'm sorry.
00:59:20I'm sorry.
00:59:21I'm sorry.
00:59:22I'm sorry.
00:59:23The new resident.
00:59:25I heard about you and Brent.
00:59:27Did he do that to you?
00:59:30If he did, you have to say something.
00:59:33If enough of us speak up, we can stop him.
00:59:36Look, I'm not you, okay?
00:59:38I don't need to lead a crusade.
00:59:54You got anything more to say to me?
00:59:56Get out of my way.
00:59:58What happened to that mouth of yours, huh?
01:00:00Cat got your tongue?
01:00:01I wouldn't be so smug, Brent.
01:00:03I'm not the only one who knows about you.
01:00:06You're not a thug yet.
01:00:10So he did the same thing to this Emily girl?
01:00:13Well, you have to tell the cops.
01:00:16I can't.
01:00:17I can't.
01:00:19I can't.
01:00:20I can't.
01:00:21I can't.
01:00:22I can't.
01:00:23Emily trusted me not to say anything.
01:00:25I mean, she hasn't even told her parents that she's coming forward.
01:00:31Well, when are you meeting with her?
01:00:35I'm going with you.
01:00:38She wants me to come alone.
01:00:40I don't think that's a good idea.
01:00:43I'll be fine.
01:00:44Maybe we're finally going to get him.
01:01:46I just didn't mean to stare.
01:01:48I'm a lot bigger because of the twins.
01:01:52It kind of makes me feel like I'm lucky in a way.
01:01:55I mean, Brent raped me, but I didn't get pregnant.
01:02:07Can I ask you, how much do you remember?
01:02:10Not a lot.
01:02:12We'd gone out a couple of times.
01:02:14The third time he wanted to sleep with me and I said no.
01:02:19He seemed okay with it, so he took me home.
01:02:23Except I don't remember getting home.
01:02:27I just remember the next morning knowing he...
01:02:34I had a rape kit and a drug test done.
01:02:37I had everything I needed to nail him.
01:02:40And then his father offered us a deal.
01:02:43I know how that makes me and my parents look, but it was the only way I was able to go to college.
01:02:49It's okay.
01:02:50No, it's not.
01:02:52Because look at what happened to you.
01:03:00I don't care about this deal.
01:03:02Let them sue me. I'm going to talk.
01:03:05So he can't ever do this again.
01:03:19I have to go to class.
01:03:21I'm going to go home and talk to my parents.
01:03:23I have to tell them what I'm going to do. They signed the deal too.
01:03:26But tomorrow, I promise, I'll talk to this detective.
01:03:29Thank you, Emily.
01:03:30Good luck with everything.
01:03:44Yeah, that's great, Mom.
01:03:46Alright, I'll see you in about an hour.
01:03:50Why were you talking to Jess?
01:03:53Did you follow me?
01:03:54You better not be planning on breaking the deal.
01:03:57My father will sue you.
01:03:59Leave me alone.
01:04:01I hope you have like a million dollars.
01:04:04Because you're going to need it.
01:04:06You and your dad don't call the shots anymore, Brent.
01:04:09Sue all you like.
01:04:43You're welcome.
01:05:13Oh, my God.
01:05:48The police report is pretty clear.
01:05:51The accident that killed Emily Harding was due to a combination of excessive speed and distracted driving.
01:05:57What do you mean? What distracted her?
01:05:59Just before the accident, she had pulled up a number on her cell phone.
01:06:03Her parents.
01:06:04It probably contributed to her losing control of the vehicle.
01:06:07How awful.
01:06:08She was probably calling to tell them that she's coming home to talk about Brent.
01:06:12Because of me.
01:06:13Sweetie, it's not your fault.
01:06:15Your mother's right.
01:06:16That stretch of road is known for speeding.
01:06:18Her accident hadn't been the first.
01:06:20What about Emily's story?
01:06:22It proves that Brent did this before.
01:06:25She never came to us.
01:06:26We never saw the evidence.
01:06:28The whole thing was handled privately.
01:06:30I spoke to the mother this morning, told her about the situation.
01:06:33But she made it clear they didn't want to have anything to do with it.
01:06:36They're afraid of the Davics.
01:06:39They're not going to help you.
01:06:42We can't just sit back and pretend that everything's gone back to normal.
01:06:46We have to.
01:06:47My dad said I can't talk to or go anywhere near Brent because of the lawsuit.
01:06:51Looks like I'm just going to have to lay low for a little while.
01:06:55Well, I don't.
01:06:56He's not suing me.
01:06:58He can't keep all of us quiet, Jess.
01:07:02All right, listen up, guys.
01:07:03Listen up.
01:07:04This is the biggest game of the year.
01:07:05There is a team out there that is coming after you.
01:07:08We are going to play hard.
01:07:10We are going to play until that clock says zero.
01:07:12We are going to hustle, hustle, hustle.
01:07:14Neil, what is the key to the game?
01:07:17Everybody plays like a team.
01:07:18We get in there, we're going to win this thing, all right?
01:07:20Let's go.
01:07:21One, two, three.
01:07:23One, two, three.
01:07:29Pass the ball.
01:07:30Pass it.
01:07:32Come on.
01:07:33Hustle, guys.
01:07:35Come on.
01:07:36Way to go, Debbie.
01:07:37Neil, get in there.
01:07:38Come on, hit the wings, guys.
01:07:39Keep hustling.
01:07:40Come on.
01:07:41Keep it going now.
01:07:42Don't stop.
01:07:43There we go.
01:07:44There we go.
01:07:45Keep it going.
01:07:46Don't stop.
01:07:48Way to go, Debbie.
01:07:49Oh, yeah.
01:07:50Go, go, 18.
01:08:31Your best friend ever.
01:08:34Do something.
01:08:35What do you want me to do?
01:08:36Have them all arrested?
01:08:41What are you doing?
01:08:42You benching my son?
01:08:44He's the best you've got!
01:08:45He was.
01:08:47Sit down.
01:09:07You okay?
01:09:09Come here.
01:09:37No one tells me no.
01:09:45The cell tower.
01:09:47I know where he did it.
01:09:53You're sure you saw the cell tower near the parking lot?
01:09:56I'm sure.
01:09:57Well, sometimes the drugs won't cause a total blackout.
01:10:01Bits of memory can come back to you.
01:10:03How can that help her case?
01:10:04The school has security cameras.
01:10:07One of them might have caught something.
01:10:11I assure you, this will in no way tarnish the image of the school.
01:10:15It's all over the internet.
01:10:16Yes, yes, I understand that.
01:10:18But tomorrow there'll be another whole viral video and this one will be forgotten.
01:10:22It's a safety issue, Scott.
01:10:24Well, how about our money?
01:10:25Huh, Frank?
01:10:26How's that treating you?
01:10:27We have paid for more libraries and wings and your personal bonuses than anyone else.
01:10:32So don't sit there on your holier-than-thou throne and tell me that my son is not good enough for Whittendale.
01:10:41So how does it feel?
01:10:45To lose the championship.
01:10:48The coach said not to worry.
01:10:51We'll get the trophy back next year.
01:10:53The year you're supposed to be at Whittendale.
01:10:56I guess.
01:10:57Well, you can kiss that goodbye.
01:11:03You know, when I was your age, I had one goal.
01:11:07One goal.
01:11:10To make my dad proud.
01:11:15He was a great man and I wanted to be just like him.
01:11:19And you?
01:11:21All you seem to want to do is let me down.
01:11:24You know, mom said grandpa was a bastard.
01:11:29Mom said grandpa was a bastard.
01:11:32Get out.
01:11:59I'm sorry.
01:12:11You got him?
01:12:18Rendavik, you're under arrest for the rape of Jessica Bell.
01:12:22Put your hands behind your back, please.
01:12:26Alright, what the hell are you doing?
01:12:27You have the right to remain silent.
01:12:28I hate you, something!
01:12:32All right, you call Larry.
01:12:34Go on.
01:12:40Brent Davick, the son of Scott Davick,
01:12:42CEO of Davick Pharmaceuticals,
01:12:44was released on bail today
01:12:46after formally being charged with sexual assault.
01:12:48A spokesman for the family
01:12:50continues to deny all of the charges
01:12:52and to insist that they will fight this in court
01:12:54until the younger Davick is fully exonerated.
01:12:56When asked about the alleged video evidence,
01:12:58a spokesman said...
01:13:00I can't believe they let him out.
01:13:02The power of money.
01:13:04Well, it's okay,
01:13:06because there's no way he dodges jail time.
01:13:08I'll believe that when it's over.
01:13:14I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
01:13:16It doesn't look good.
01:13:18The video evidence is the most compelling in any case.
01:13:20Now that they have it,
01:13:22they'll be seeking the maximum.
01:13:24And what is that?
01:13:26Eight years.
01:13:28Eight years?
01:13:30There's no way.
01:13:32Like I said, that's the maximum.
01:13:34But we can try a plea.
01:13:36The jury might go easy on you
01:13:38after all this is your first offense.
01:13:50Excuse me, Larry.
01:13:54Where are you going?
01:13:58The shareholders want to talk to me right now.
01:14:02I'll be in my office.
01:14:12With this scandal,
01:14:14I don't feel comfortable with the Davick name anymore.
01:14:16You should just resign, Scott.
01:14:18It's all for the good of the company.
01:14:48You might as well keep that name.
01:14:54You destroyed everything my father built.
01:14:58Everything I built.
01:15:02You're a disgrace.
01:15:10I'm your son.
01:15:12I don't have a son anymore.
01:15:14Get out.
01:15:20Dad, before you...
01:15:22I said, get out.
01:15:26I never want to see you again.
01:15:28So don't be here
01:15:30when I get back.
01:15:44Get out.
01:16:02What are you doing?
01:16:10Don't act like you give a damn.
01:16:12Because I know you don't.
01:16:14Brent, where are you going?
01:16:18I'm going to do what I should have done
01:16:20in the first place.
01:16:22No, Brent, don't.
01:16:24Oh, God.
01:16:36What did you say to him?
01:16:38I kicked him out.
01:16:42Candace, I've made my decision.
01:16:44Well, he just left.
01:16:48With your gun.
01:16:50Did he say anything?
01:16:52He said something about doing
01:16:54what he should have done in the first place.
01:17:06Still hungry?
01:17:08Eating for three, remember?
01:17:10Well, should I get takeout?
01:17:14What, are you trying to gain baby weight, too?
01:17:16I just want my kids a good, good meal. That's all.
01:17:18Anyway, call me if you need anything.
01:17:22Sounds good. I love you, too.
01:17:38Mom? Dad?
01:18:10Change your mind about takeout?
01:18:12No, Ryan, I think it's Brent.
01:18:14I think he's here.
01:18:16What are you doing?
01:18:18What do you think I'm doing?
01:18:20Get out of my house.
01:18:22We were all friends, Jess.
01:18:24And now all you want to do
01:18:26is destroy my life.
01:18:28For what?
01:18:30Ten minutes?
01:18:32You can't even walk.
01:18:34You can't even walk.
01:18:36Ten minutes?
01:18:38You can't even remember.
01:18:40But hey,
01:18:42you got what you wanted.
01:18:44You get to play house with Ryan.
01:18:46But what about me?
01:18:48What did I get?
01:18:50I got nothing
01:18:52because of you.
01:19:02You're right.
01:19:04You're right.
01:19:06I shouldn't have said
01:19:08all those things.
01:19:10I didn't mean to hurt you.
01:19:12I'm really, really sorry.
01:19:14I'm sorry.
01:19:18Shut up.
01:19:20You're not sorry.
01:19:24You knew exactly what you were doing.
01:19:46Please don't hurt my babies.
01:19:50I am so sick of hearing
01:19:52about those babies.
01:19:54I'm done with them.
01:19:56With you,
01:19:58and with all of it.
01:20:12Go home.
01:20:14Dad, you said...
01:20:16I know what I said.
01:20:18And I was wrong.
01:20:20Do what I say
01:20:22and everything will be okay.
01:20:26No, no, no.
01:20:34Brent put down the gun.
01:20:54No, Dad.
01:20:56You're okay.
01:20:58Come on.
01:21:00You're okay.
01:21:12I'm sorry.
01:21:14I'm sorry.
01:21:26How's my family doing?
01:21:30While Charlotte here was trying to have a nap,
01:21:32but then I swear
01:21:34that Charlie was purposefully trying
01:21:36to poke her with his foot.
01:21:38So she's up now.
01:21:42Come here.
01:21:46Is that right, buddy?
01:21:48Were you bugging your sister?
01:21:52Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.
01:21:56Yes, you were.
01:21:58I'm sorry I can't stay longer to help,
01:22:00but I'll come by tomorrow to give the kids a break.
01:22:04Goodbye, sweetheart.
01:22:08Bye, Mom.
01:22:10I'll see you tonight.
01:22:16Okay, so now that you're back from school,
01:22:18why don't you let me have the babies?
01:22:22Oh, yes, I could.
01:22:24And I can feed them.
01:22:26And you guys can get going on your studying.
01:22:30If we have to.
01:22:32Yes, you do.
01:22:36Come on.
01:22:38People listen to these days.
01:22:40Oh, great.
01:22:42Okay, you two.
01:22:44The milk's going to be ready in one minute.
01:22:46Let me just warm it up.
01:22:56Hello, Tricia.
01:23:00What can I do for you?
01:23:02I was hoping I could see my grandson
01:23:04for just a minute.
01:23:10My husband's dead, and my son is spending
01:23:12the rest of his life in prison, so...
01:23:14So please.
01:23:18I have no one else left
01:23:20except for my grandchild.
01:23:24Oh, is that him?
01:23:28Please, for just one minute.
01:23:52Oh, my goodness, Charlie.
01:23:54You're getting so big.
01:23:58Oh, she wants her bottle.
01:24:00Excuse me.
01:24:06Shh, shh, shh.
01:24:12That's okay, Charlie.
01:24:16You're a Devick, you know that.
01:24:18That's right.
01:24:20And you know what's special
01:24:22about that?
01:24:26So do as I tell you.
01:24:30And one day, you're going to make Grandmother
01:24:34very proud.
