wo suburban girls fall victims of a rude, but harmless, prank by some boys whose origins are not clear HD ( Drama )

  • 2 weeks ago
wo suburban girls fall victims of a rude, but harmless, prank by some boys whose origins are not clear HD ( Drama )
00:05:33Would you like any dessert?
00:05:34I had Manuel pick up a peach pie at the farmer's market.
00:05:37That's okay, I'm full.
00:05:39Um, I have to get going anyway.
00:05:41Tonight's the big dance.
00:05:43Yeah, Dad.
00:05:44You know we always have it at the end of school.
00:05:47Maybe next year when you're a senior
00:05:49we could have a graduation party for you here.
00:05:51Would you like that?
00:05:52Yeah, that would be cool.
00:05:54Okay, sure.
00:05:55Manuel can get that.
00:05:57Never mind.
00:06:01Why don't you bring one of your boyfriends
00:06:03over to dinner sometime?
00:06:05Yeah, it would remind me of one of those mystery boys myself.
00:06:08Okay, sure.
00:06:14Okay, well, thanks for dinner.
00:06:15I have to get going.
00:06:16Are you okay?
00:06:18Okay, well, I'll see you guys later.
00:06:21Have a good time.
00:07:21Ma, you got any money?
00:07:23I'm gonna need some for tonight.
00:07:25Don't you got any money from your J.O.B.?
00:07:29Not till next Friday.
00:07:30I get paid every two weeks,
00:07:31and I already ran out of money four days ago.
00:07:34I gotta make both our car payments
00:07:37and the rent and the phone.
00:07:40Can't you get, like, a cash advance or some shit like that?
00:07:43Don't curse at me like your father used to!
00:07:49I'd be maxed out anyways if that's any of your business.
00:07:53Why don't you ask your boss for an advance?
00:07:55What's her name?
00:07:56Carrie, Mom.
00:07:57She don't give advances.
00:07:58I guess she knows you better than me.
00:08:02I'm late for work.
00:08:04Here, there's another dinner if you want it in the freezer.
00:08:07Come on, Ma, it's Friday.
00:08:09I'm going out with the guys.
00:08:10The dance is tonight at St. Mark's.
00:08:12It costs five bucks to get in.
00:08:14You don't even have five dollars.
00:08:17I just paid for my own car insurance.
00:08:19I bought gas.
00:08:21I need to sleep till at least 10 a.m.
00:08:24I'm working Saturday afternoon, too.
00:08:26Don't worry, Ma.
00:08:27I won't make a peep.
00:08:29I gotta go.
00:08:30Please, Robert, be good.
00:08:33I will, Mom.
00:08:35Don't worry, I'm not staying out too late.
00:08:37I got to work tomorrow morning, too.
00:08:39Yeah, don't wake me up, either.
00:08:40I won't.
00:09:48Let's go.
00:09:54I wonder if my dad's doing this for me again.
00:09:56You think?
00:09:57I feel sorry for you.
00:09:59I hate to have a little brother.
00:10:01He's gonna get everything he wants.
00:10:02I swear, I already see it coming.
00:10:04Wife number three, she thinks she's got my old man
00:10:06wrapped around her finger.
00:10:08Taller than a Trojan with no jellies.
00:10:12See, she don't know my old man like I do.
00:10:14I swear, I bet he's already fucking her.
00:10:16Good to meet you.
00:10:18Shit, man.
00:10:19The player.
00:10:51How the fuck can you work there, man?
00:10:52Man, I walked in there.
00:10:53Just bought an order.
00:10:54The cafe won't get out the door.
00:10:56What the fuck is a cafe won't get out the door, man?
00:10:59It's English.
00:11:00It's, uh...
00:11:01Well, it really isn't.
00:11:02Man, what the fuck are you talking about?
00:11:04You're fucking skittin', man.
00:11:12Yo, dudes.
00:11:14Check the titties on these ladies.
00:11:16Scrum delicious.
00:11:17Princess has got a date for tonight's dance.
00:11:19Oh, what a date.
00:11:20What a date.
00:11:21You big mouth.
00:11:22Get the fuck away from me, T-Pet.
00:11:23Make the message.
00:11:24You know what I mean, man?
00:11:25Right, guys?
00:11:26Come on.
00:11:29Oh, God.
00:11:30Oh, yo.
00:11:31Let them young bucks pass.
00:11:32They curfew.
00:11:33I swear, I like young guys,
00:11:34but those guys are some bitch-ass pussies.
00:11:36Oh, you mean we got this?
00:11:40Actually, okay.
00:11:41I'll check it out.
00:11:42I'll pick them up.
00:11:43I don't know what to do.
00:11:44Wow, they're doing fucking crazy, man.
00:11:45That's why I need to be back out here with us.
00:11:47You know what I'm saying?
00:11:48That is so nice.
00:11:49That seems how fucking tight that blunt is, motherfucker.
00:11:52Straight up.
00:11:53Straight up.
00:11:54What the fuck?
00:11:55When did you start listening to hip-hop, man?
00:11:56When did I start listening to hip-hop, man?
00:11:58You know I was fucking rocking that shit in the 90s.
00:12:00This motherfucker ain't never listened to hip-hop, man.
00:12:02Check this out, man.
00:12:03This is better than gangster, man.
00:12:05This is suburban urban gangster.
00:12:08What the fuck, man?
00:12:10Yo, can we please get to this dance, man,
00:12:12and turn up that music, my man?
00:12:15What's up, man?
00:12:16Oh, you corny ass fuck.
00:12:18Yo, what kind of fucking bitch is going to be at this job, man?
00:12:21I'm trying to get my dick sucked.
00:12:22You want to drive? Let me drive.
00:12:23No, I want to drive because I don't want my car to...
00:12:25Ooh, maybe you got dicks.
00:12:28I'm fine anyway.
00:12:29Fuck this bitch!
00:12:30Fucking assholes!
00:12:32Fuck you!
00:12:33I can't believe these guys are fucking assholes!
00:12:38Fuck, are you all right?
00:12:40They are not getting away with this!
00:12:42Fuck you!
00:12:43You got any towels?
00:12:44I think my towel's in here.
00:12:48Fucking assholes.
00:12:53I am so pissed off.
00:12:54Are you all right?
00:12:57Fucking dead.
00:12:58Fucking dead.
00:12:59They are not getting away with this shit.
00:13:01Let's go.
00:13:05Are you all right?
00:13:06I'm fine.
00:13:07Move it.
00:13:08No doubt I keep it.
00:13:09Hot as shit.
00:13:10New live shit, so peep it.
00:13:11So buy the shit.
00:13:12We flood the street with it.
00:13:13With the live shit.
00:13:14By now it's no secret.
00:13:15That my squad is shit.
00:13:16So keep banging on radios.
00:13:17Loud as fuck.
00:13:18Keep banging the deeps.
00:13:19Loud as fuck.
00:13:20Keep banging the streets.
00:13:21Loud as fuck.
00:13:22You would swear Pits Black was inside the truck.
00:13:25I went from Superfly to the Mac to Pits Black.
00:13:27Flipped it back to Corby Bat on my phone and...
00:13:29So you guys have been telling each other...
00:13:31You guys still on?
00:13:32Fuck it.
00:13:33Why have you changed?
00:13:34Tell her, Cher.
00:13:35I will.
00:13:38This made me so fucking mad.
00:13:40Do I look mad?
00:13:42She's mad.
00:13:43Believe me.
00:13:44So am I.
00:13:45Okay, so me and Suze are just hanging out at Burger World.
00:13:47Smoking, talking, whatever.
00:13:48Philly guys come up and start hassling us.
00:13:50They're going like,
00:13:51Check out the hooters on those babes.
00:13:53And shit like that.
00:13:54I could not believe it.
00:13:56They said that?
00:13:57They actually said the word, hooters.
00:13:59And we just tried to ignore them because they were so young.
00:14:01They don't know shit.
00:14:02They probably just felt up the dumb girl next door at a basement party.
00:14:05They probably never even French kissed a girl.
00:14:07They thought they were so cool.
00:14:09So we just decided to leave, you know?
00:14:11Yeah, we were going to go get some lipstick at the mall for tonight.
00:14:13Before we get in the car, they come up to us.
00:14:15They sneak up on us.
00:14:16They throw their soda in our face and they squeezed our breasts.
00:14:19You are practically right.
00:14:20I am fucking pissed.
00:14:22Do you think they actually thought we were white trash like them?
00:14:24Man, I am so sick of being hassled by low-life,
00:14:26row-hustling creeps like them.
00:14:28Are you guys going to tell the cops?
00:14:30Oh yeah, like what are they going to say?
00:14:31Excuse me, officer.
00:14:32Some guy squeezed my tits at Burger World.
00:14:34They'll be like, where are you wearing that thing?
00:14:36No wonder.
00:14:38I am so sick of these assholes always trying to take what we got.
00:14:41Well, are you guys going to go in there?
00:14:43Or are you just going to hang out here?
00:14:44Fuck that.
00:14:45I'm hanging out here all night.
00:14:46I'm sick of all these losers.
00:14:48I don't know.
00:14:49I saw a couple cuties go in and check it out, you know?
00:14:52Fuck that.
00:14:53Come on, we're sharing.
00:14:54Let's just stay out here and finish the bottle.
00:14:56Then do the usual and cruise the lot at the mall.
00:14:58You never did get that lipstick, Cher.
00:15:00Oh, fuck that bad luck lipstick, man.
00:15:02What's it going to take for anything to get done here tonight?
00:15:04I don't know.
00:15:06Hey, you guys.
00:15:07Check this out.
00:15:08Who's that two-toed cutie?
00:15:10Just check me out, Cher.
00:15:13I think I want to negotiate.
00:15:14I got Philly, guys.
00:15:15Oh, shit.
00:15:16Looks like three brothers, maybe.
00:15:17How can you drive a car like that?
00:15:18Wouldn't you be embarrassed?
00:15:21I know.
00:15:22My dad gave me that to drive on the street, but I wouldn't do that.
00:15:25That is truly pathetic.
00:15:27Imagine going on a date in that car.
00:15:30I got to eat, track, and everything.
00:15:52Hey, man, you fucked up already.
00:15:54You know what I'm saying?
00:15:56Yo, yo, yo.
00:15:58Yo, let me hold it.
00:15:59I'll sneak it inside to dance for you, yo.
00:16:03Oh, shit.
00:16:07Oh, man, you ain't getting no pussy, motherfuckers.
00:16:09And they didn't know me no different.
00:16:10Man, well, fuck you, man.
00:16:11You don't know the pussy I be getting.
00:16:12I know I get more than you, chump.
00:16:14Yeah, what you got this weekend?
00:16:15Drunken Don or a Bob and Robin?
00:16:17Oh, fuck you, man.
00:16:18Anyone's better than your right hand.
00:16:19I'll tell you that right now.
00:16:20You going in, or you going to smoke from there?
00:16:22No, man, I'm going in.
00:16:23I got to see a dude about that thing.
00:16:24You mean that good shit, right?
00:16:26Yeah, get that shit.
00:16:27Yo, me too, but I'm trying to get right.
00:16:28Yo, me too, yo.
00:16:29Get that too, man.
00:16:36Oh, what's up, ladies?
00:16:37Can I get a swing of that wine right there?
00:16:39Check out the little criminal.
00:16:41Yo, little dude, don't trip over your parents right now.
00:16:43Hold up.
00:16:45Yo, this Bruce Lee kung fu is my shit.
00:16:51Just so you know, this wine is Dom Perignon.
00:16:55I don't know shit about that.
00:16:56Check that out when we're done.
00:16:57All right, well, excuse me then, ladies.
00:16:59Do you mind if I join in your celebration with Dom Perignon?
00:17:02Yes, sweetie.
00:17:05All right, ma'am.
00:17:06You're on.
00:17:11I'll be right back.
00:17:15I have something important to tell you.
00:17:17Well, you can tell me, girl.
00:17:18What's up?
00:17:19You have to promise not to tell anybody.
00:17:21Yo, I won't tell anybody.
00:17:23What's up?
00:17:25Susie and Sherry were, like, practically raped.
00:17:31By these Philly guys.
00:17:32Raped at the Burger World.
00:17:33Hold up, what?
00:17:34By these two Philly guys.
00:17:35They didn't want to tell you because they were, like, upset about it and stuff.
00:17:39Hold up, hold up.
00:17:40Y'all know where they at?
00:17:41You tell me.
00:17:42I will fuck them up for y'all myself.
00:17:45We don't know who they are yet.
00:17:46All right, well, listen, right?
00:17:47You tell me and Robert, and then when y'all find out, we'll take care of it, all right?
00:17:50Um, tell the guys we'll be in a little while.
00:17:53I'm just going to finish this bottle, you know?
00:17:55All right, well, yo.
00:17:57I want that dance snack next to me.
00:17:59I'll get you in a minute.
00:18:05Fuck she like, baby.
00:18:10I'm getting it.
00:18:14Yo, yo.
00:18:15What's up?
00:18:16What's up?
00:18:17Hold up.
00:18:18What's up?
00:18:19What's up?
00:18:24Hey, guys.
00:18:25Hey, Allison.
00:18:26Hey, Allison.
00:18:27What's going on?
00:18:28My dad gave me a jump to get here, but my car's totally dead in the park.
00:18:31Is Billy coming?
00:18:32I don't know.
00:18:33We got into a fight last night.
00:18:35Kind of sick of him right now.
00:18:37Know anybody nice?
00:18:38Oh, yes.
00:18:39I do hear it's over between you and Billy.
00:18:41Yeah, where'd you hear that?
00:18:43Oh, everybody knows it already, girl.
00:18:45Everybody's wrong.
00:18:46It's over when I say it's over, not when somebody else says so.
00:18:48Well, what if he says so?
00:18:49Anyway, he's cheating on you with that girl in the bird world.
00:18:52You mean that police blonde girl?
00:18:56She's only 14.
00:18:57I'd hate to inform you of it, but it's been happening for a while.
00:19:00She was telling me the way he likes her.
00:19:02What do you mean?
00:19:03Go on.
00:19:04You know that's how those Catholic boys like it.
00:19:05No babies coming out that way.
00:19:07Oh, baby.
00:19:08Enough of it.
00:19:09You know, it's not too late for you to join our little competition.
00:19:12Oh, shit.
00:19:14The more heads, the merrier.
00:19:17You're sick.
00:19:18What are you guys talking about?
00:19:20We'll tell you later.
00:19:21Yeah, I'm watching.
00:19:22You're such a jerk.
00:19:23It's so cute.
00:19:24It's like, oh, innocent.
00:19:27Come on.
00:19:28I can't wait to get my chick.
00:19:30Are you coming?
00:19:33Okay, let's check out the losers.
00:19:37But I don't really want to.
00:19:40I don't really want to.
00:19:46Yo, man.
00:19:47You gotta forget about the band.
00:19:50I know, man.
00:19:51You gotta move on.
00:19:54I don't even know why I still feel so strong for her.
00:19:57She was your first love, man.
00:19:58I know.
00:19:59But you can't expect to be able to start fresh if you're still living in the past.
00:20:03I don't even know why I came here.
00:20:05I don't even know anybody.
00:20:16Come on.
00:20:21Come on.
00:20:25Come on.
00:20:35God, look at Bobby.
00:20:38He just goes out and does it.
00:20:40That's so cool.
00:20:43Do you feel like smoking a joint?
00:20:46No, I'm fine.
00:20:48I don't know, maybe later.
00:20:49It's cool, man.
00:20:51We'll be right back.
00:20:53Don't get all depressed and shit on me.
00:20:55Come on.
00:20:56You need to go talk to a female.
00:21:13Come on.
00:21:38Robert, what are you doing?
00:21:39Get out the door right now.
00:21:40Are you fucking serious?
00:21:41I'm gonna call the police.
00:21:42Fuck you, man.
00:21:43I'm not serious.
00:21:44Come on.
00:21:45Fuck you, man.
00:21:46Fuck you.
00:21:47Fuck you.
00:21:48Fuck you.
00:21:57Get the fuck out of that fake ass room.
00:21:58You're a motherfucking mother feed.
00:22:00Motherfucking son of a bitch.
00:22:02Get the fuck out of there.
00:22:06You pussy motherfucker.
00:22:08What's up, yo!
00:22:10You got some fucking drinks?
00:22:12What the fuck!
00:22:14What the fuck you want, bitch?
00:22:16I don't know.
00:22:28I'm gonna take the bus home.
00:22:30You wanna drive the dog home.
00:22:32What for?
00:22:34You know, I'm still worried about that little fight, man.
00:22:36I just gotta, I just gotta walk it off.
00:22:39Them boys think they little criminals or some shit.
00:22:42I'm gonna ruin it for you.
00:22:43That was a cool fight.
00:22:44That Billy can't help it.
00:22:46Look at his ass.
00:22:47Don't you guys think his brother's brave?
00:22:49Sharon knows him.
00:22:50Don't you, Sharon?
00:22:51I told you I don't, and I couldn't.
00:22:52Come on, Sharon.
00:22:53You remember him.
00:22:54He was number two or three.
00:22:55There's such a high place.
00:22:56People can't remember him.
00:22:57Come on.
00:22:58And the bleachers.
00:22:59He was cute.
00:23:00He had a cute ass for sure.
00:23:02He was definitely cute.
00:23:04Yo, Ally.
00:23:05Take him out for a little.
00:23:07Go get him, girl.
00:23:08Make him have some rest for a while.
00:23:17Get off me.
00:23:18You're drunk.
00:23:20So no, fuck off.
00:23:21That's what I want to do.
00:23:22Get off it.
00:23:23I love it.
00:23:24Come on.
00:23:25Why are you so stuck up and shit?
00:23:27Don't curse at me.
00:23:28No, I'm getting out.
00:23:29Hey, you cursed at me first.
00:23:30Don't even try it.
00:23:32If you keep shit cars, I'm fucked up.
00:23:34It'll start without a jump.
00:23:35Yeah, it'll start.
00:23:37All right.
00:23:38Got another piece of ass waiting for me anyway, bitch.
00:23:40Yeah, go enjoy your bleach one, bimbo.
00:23:42Fuck you, bitch.
00:23:43I ain't calling you anymore.
00:23:45I can't believe what just came out of his mouth.
00:23:47See what men can do to you?
00:23:49All guys are dolls.
00:23:51One by 12, OK?
00:24:02You need a ride now?
00:24:03No, I got my car started.
00:24:04It's OK.
00:24:05Oh, cool.
00:24:07Well, I'll see you guys later, OK?
00:24:09Bye, guys.
00:24:11So are you going to come to my party,
00:24:12my birthday party on Friday?
00:24:13Yeah, I'll be there, OK?
00:24:14All right.
00:24:15Bye, honey.
00:24:20Um, where are you headed, home?
00:24:23Why so early?
00:24:26It's just, uh, I'm tired.
00:24:28Yeah, me too.
00:24:30Was that your brother in that fight?
00:24:34What was that about, anyway?
00:24:35Just Bobby getting into more trouble.
00:24:37You know what?
00:24:38Don't worry about those guys.
00:24:39Yeah, I know I shouldn't.
00:24:40It just, I don't know.
00:24:42It's kind of getting to me.
00:24:44I'm going to walk it off.
00:24:45I'll take the bus home or something.
00:24:46I can give you a ride.
00:24:47I have to charge my battery anyway.
00:24:52Uh, James.
00:24:57It's nice to meet you.
00:24:58You too.
00:25:02Wait, you know what?
00:25:03I live in Philly.
00:25:04Is that all right?
00:25:05That's no problem.
00:25:06You sure?
00:25:07Yeah, get in.
00:25:08All right.
00:25:13I think about that shit all the time,
00:25:15but I know I ain't got the heart to do it.
00:25:17Yeah, I know I could do it, man.
00:25:19I take my mom 357, stick that fucker down my throat.
00:25:23Ah, it might bring me all over the fucking wall.
00:25:25What's your mom got a 357 for?
00:25:27She got it just in case my old man comes around,
00:25:29but he never does.
00:25:30She got it right next to her bed, though,
00:25:31just in case he tries to, like, pull something on her, you know?
00:25:36Yo, man.
00:25:38Why do you think I'm always thinking about killing myself?
00:25:47You know when we sometimes stay out all weekend?
00:25:53I know my parents don't care.
00:25:55Whatever, man.
00:25:56How the fuck you know that?
00:25:57Because I'm smart, motherfucker.
00:25:59Yo, check it.
00:26:00Like, last weekend,
00:26:02yo, I was stoned as shit.
00:26:04What the fuck? I was with you.
00:26:05I know, man.
00:26:06Smoking that whacked-out stunt.
00:26:07Yo, check it.
00:26:08I was climbing out the kitchen window,
00:26:10and I kicked this coffee can my mom had on the shelf
00:26:12with a little plant in it.
00:26:13Yo, that shit was mad loud.
00:26:16I mean, like, fucking clanging and banging all over the house.
00:26:19They had to hear it.
00:26:20You wanna hear it?
00:26:21Yeah, fucking dirt flew everywhere, man.
00:26:25You know, I just froze for a minute.
00:26:27I was almost hoping they would catch me
00:26:29like my nana used to before she died.
00:26:31I never went out on a ball.
00:26:33She used to give me that look, you know what I'm saying?
00:26:38She was this old Italian female off the boat and shit,
00:26:41and she had this wooden spoon,
00:26:43and when you wasn't looking right,
00:26:45she'd whack you on the hand.
00:26:47I hit you
00:26:48because you looked like you was thinking about doing something.
00:26:51And I was like, yo, nana, but I didn't do nothing.
00:26:54She'd be like, never lie to me.
00:26:56I said, I will kill you.
00:26:58You think you wanna do it?
00:26:59I don't know, man, maybe.
00:27:02I wouldn't worry about it.
00:27:03Tony couldn't do it.
00:27:04I know you definitely can't.
00:27:06Nah, I don't wanna hear that shit.
00:27:08You know Tony's still the toughest guy we know standing.
00:27:11He tried to do that shit,
00:27:12but when he pulled the trigger,
00:27:13it slipped off at the last second.
00:27:15It's not gonna slip.
00:27:17He moved it to the last second.
00:27:18I don't wanna hear it, man.
00:27:19What are you saying, Tony ain't hard no more?
00:27:21No, man, I'm not saying that he ain't hard.
00:27:23I mean, he is a tough motherfucker.
00:27:25I'm just saying,
00:27:26when you put, like, a gun to your head,
00:27:28and your finger's on that trigger,
00:27:30at that last second that you're about to think about doing it,
00:27:33I'm just telling you that that's what happens.
00:27:35I want you to try it.
00:27:36Put a gun to your head, alright?
00:27:37Put your finger on the fucking trigger.
00:27:39I wanna see if you can do it.
00:27:40Yo, my dad ain't gonna do shit.
00:27:43Yeah, he's sleeping with some bitch from work and shit.
00:27:45Oh, shit.
00:27:46I seen him at this restaurant at lunchtime over at the mall.
00:27:50They were smooching in a booth some blonde chick and shit.
00:27:54Y'all know he saw me.
00:27:55So what's he gonna say, right?
00:27:57He know I got him.
00:27:58Because if my moms find out,
00:28:00his ass be at that motel quicker than shit, homie.
00:28:03Yo, man, that shit is for real, man.
00:28:06You got that motherfucker by the balls, yo.
00:28:09Yo, I think you Italian motherfuckers got gasoline for blood, man.
00:28:13Keep away from my fucking writer.
00:28:15Shut the fuck up.
00:28:16It's for your own fucking protection.
00:28:17You stupid Irish booze-drinking motherfucker.
00:28:20Damn right I'm fucking high, and I'm drunk.
00:28:22Your drunk ass is sorry as shit.
00:28:24I'm gonna drink some more.
00:28:26Yo, let's bounce to the mall, get some bitches.
00:28:29What's up?
00:28:30That's what's up, man.
00:28:32Les mal, my man.
00:28:33Les mal.
00:28:36You can take the 40.
00:28:38I'll take the...
00:28:39This one's for me.
00:28:40No, no.
00:28:53Bobby, man, those are some real moves you were pulling back at the dance.
00:28:56I think you ducked some shots, too.
00:28:58Yeah, well, you know, I got some moves.
00:29:00What can I say?
00:29:03Yo, man, anyway, word is,
00:29:06Springville Boys is after some Philly guys,
00:29:08raping one of their girls or something.
00:29:10I heard these guys talking about it right before we left.
00:29:12Yeah, they're always saying some bullshit like that
00:29:14when they get their load on, you know,
00:29:16gets their blood up or whatever.
00:29:18Yo, man, just watch it a little, all right?
00:29:21Yeah, well, that won't be hard now the school's out.
00:29:23Yo, man, you guys should stop by my dad's crib up at the spot.
00:29:26Just put up the basketball net.
00:29:28We'll play some hoops.
00:29:29Oh, yeah?
00:29:30Yeah, we'll play ball.
00:29:32Yo, your old man is the man.
00:29:34I know James will want to see that.
00:29:36Check you later.
00:29:40No problem.
00:29:50But I don't know if I go so far as to be, like, stalking him.
00:29:53I'm not stalking him.
00:29:55Hey, Michelle.
00:29:59Is your mother all right?
00:30:00Is she still sleeping?
00:30:01Yeah, she's fine.
00:30:03Gary, what are you doing here, man?
00:30:07Yeah, we ain't doing nothing with Gary.
00:30:10It's cold.
00:30:12Guys, it's after midnight.
00:30:13Don't you think you should send him home and get to bed?
00:30:18Hey, did you tell Gary to go?
00:30:19No, Gary.
00:30:20Dad says you got to go.
00:30:21I'm not going.
00:30:22You're my hero, Bobby.
00:30:23Gary, let's go, man.
00:30:24I'm tired.
00:30:25No, really, you are.
00:30:26The way you helped out my mom, I thought that was really nice.
00:30:28Yeah, no problem.
00:30:30Gary, let's go.
00:30:31I have to.
00:30:32You have to.
00:30:33Let's go.
00:30:34I'm not fine.
00:30:35See you guys later.
00:30:36See you, man.
00:30:38Night, girls.
00:30:39Get some sleep, why don't you?
00:30:40It's after midnight, for Christ's sakes.
00:30:50You're not going to tell on me, are you?
00:30:52No, why would I do that?
00:30:54I don't know.
00:30:55James would.
00:30:56My mom thinks I'm down to share Joey's.
00:30:59Well, you better turn around and head that way, little G.
00:31:03I guess you're right.
00:31:04See you later.
00:31:05Night, Gary.
00:31:06Thanks, Bobby.
00:31:10That guy got out good, though.
00:31:13That guy got out good.
00:31:14He deserved that shit.
00:31:16It was, like, huge.
00:31:17He was a cool fight.
00:31:19He took everyone's whole gallon.
00:31:21He didn't get the fucking attention.
00:31:23That's what the cool fight was about.
00:31:25It's fucking funny how you ran up in this shit.
00:31:28Like, muscle and everybody.
00:31:30It was fucking funny how you messed this up.
00:31:33It was like that's how you do it.
00:31:35That's how you do it.
00:31:36how you ran up in that shit like my sister my sister bullshit yo you check
00:32:04into Michelle yes I did she and kitty Gary over there again so little G
00:32:12trying to get some hope you know when I'm on your girl well she's not my girl
00:32:16all right looks to me like you're smirking there what's up with your girl
00:32:23situation and I know you don't got the Mac like me so let me tell you about the
00:32:28Mac okay go ahead so now once he's the instant black girls man what's up y'all
00:32:39looking oh good shit yo yo Dave wake the fuck up how you feeling
00:32:44oh damn yo Dave get up yo how you doing still your dad's car yo not stole just
00:32:50brought for the night yo where's Sherry at she's not here she's at home spugging
00:33:01out about those guys that harassed her in suits what guys did this I never saw
00:33:05before but they were definitely Philly fucking white shoes shoes shoes everybody
00:33:14is talking about really yeah everybody so pissed and shit about those fuckers
00:33:18did to us they practically raped us at all I'm saying you know so you guys
00:33:22won't do anything about it the fuck you want me to do about it
00:33:25oh we're guys are supposed to do you know out you can't let them get away
00:33:29with that you know what the fuck to do that's what I want to know so anyway yo
00:33:33what you guys want to do tonight I can't even avoid the subject do anything it
00:33:38was right on the border can we bounce they get the fuck off
00:33:46that's what I'm talking about hold up you get to go first because you're my
00:33:51baby she's got a Volkswagen is she with two ski racks on top to your dad a
00:34:13Volkswagen yeah beetle number she's got a Scirocco it's old but it's kind of
00:34:20classy what's her name Allison so you're gonna go out with her it's a
00:34:28story she's got a football player boyfriend she's a jeep and she lives in
00:34:35Springfield jeez I mean if she likes you she'll probably drop them I mean you
00:34:40never might but I doubt I mean look you get used to a Jeep you don't even easy
00:34:44Nova yeah they'll wish they had it that's true shit I've completely forgot
00:34:52about that what happened oh you three must have been his lucky number oh good
00:34:58cuz he needed to get laid you know what I'm talking about
00:35:01that shot was probably heard around the world all right I'm heading up will you
00:35:05come now I'm gonna stay down here and watch TV all right you don't read a book
00:35:09right just like that like that just don't trick off on a girl to that now
00:35:17right I'll tell my hand I will come in the sheets like you do I was very funny
00:35:22very funny
00:36:09thought about that yes my you know you should give me more money when I was in
00:36:39school that was different I don't even know what you do all day work months
00:36:46what I do yeah yeah but but at night what do you do every night that's when
00:36:49you work it's just how it is I can't change my shift at the hospital you know
00:36:57and that is what pays the rent for us to live in this nice neighborhood with all
00:37:00these doctors and lawyers jeez I know why Johnny's mother told me you're not
00:37:10going to your job training program anymore I'm at the end of my rope with
00:37:16you Robert I mean you know I asked you I say be good and you still do whatever
00:37:21you want what do you expect me to do
00:37:28nothing nothing I gotta get work I'm gonna be late
00:37:37yo Bobby man tell the guys about how you got that Springville punk in a headlock
00:37:41last night I think the dude was crazy or something getting all up in my fist he
00:37:46would dance with a black girl I dance with all the girls if it moves he'll
00:37:49dance with it I guess so I mean he doesn't go to st. Mark's at least not
00:37:54more there's a bunch of them there last night they just came in there looking to
00:37:58beat some heads and just pick the wrong ones you know what I'm saying Bobby I
00:38:01don't know how you go to that school man sounds rough my dad thinks he'll be good
00:38:05for me to get away from my reefer friends you know James hooked up with
00:38:08one last night yeah she gave me a ride home in her
00:38:11Scirocco new ladies stop him by tonight so you can meet she's friends with this
00:38:15girl Sherry the super June I smell pussy what's up with that
00:38:19here's a jerk off dream though oh no she's too flat-chested for me though I
00:38:23guess you like him that way like Michelle right
00:38:25Sherry the cherry doll you shut the fuck up ass Bobby my man next year when her
00:38:30titties sprout then she'll be legal
00:38:36what's going on with that guy you like get him yet maybe like bring the life
00:38:41you know what guys like I wouldn't have told you my blue man anyways it's all
00:38:45set for tonight oh so excited another conquest so you've been practicing on
00:38:50your carrots again so what are you doing first do the little let's take a light
00:39:00a little light necking under the bleachers
00:39:04oh she tugs at first and gives him a giant
00:39:09she likes the bleachers anyway well what the guys think we're sluts anyways
00:39:20so what are you up to you better catch up you better catch up roll down the
00:40:00me and Bobby both start over at the supermarket tomorrow you guys work
00:40:05together yeah we always do I don't know it's kind of fun yeah I mean we know
00:40:11everyone there cuz dad works there and also we drive in together I'm going away
00:40:17for the summer I'm leaving in a few weeks
00:40:22work somewhere I'm going to Spain my dad's sending me over to study Spanish
00:40:32have you ever been to Europe me no only the shore and what's up to the Adirondacks
00:40:40my dad took this campus that why are you ever been here twice last summer I went
00:40:48to France and before that Germany my dad flies a lot so he gets his free
00:40:53tickets from his frequent flyer miles
00:40:56maybe you and I could have a couple nice weeks
00:41:18I got a work early tomorrow
00:41:24that's important
00:41:26can I see you again before I go?
00:41:28yeah let's shoot for Friday
00:41:30come on we'll walk you to your car
00:42:19I just need some coffee that's all you know coffee just just always brings me
00:42:25back you know
00:42:31Jesus Christ dad
00:42:33you alright?
00:42:35I'm okay I got it I'm fine
00:42:37let me help you
00:42:39I got it
00:42:41are you sure?
00:42:51door opens
00:42:53door closes
00:42:55where's the
00:42:57where's the extra closets?
00:43:01you know the uh
00:43:03the filters there
00:43:05open the cabinet
00:43:07right there where they always are
00:43:11who did this you?
00:43:18I made you coffee remember?
00:43:20now I'm going to have to make cowboy coffee
00:43:22come on just go to bed
00:43:24no I want coffee I'm going to make coffee
00:43:26yo yo yo
00:43:30he's been in Europe
00:43:32what's wrong?
00:43:36dad's making this grunt coffee again
00:43:38you used up all the god damn
00:43:40it's alright James
00:43:42I forgive you
00:43:44but guys you gotta help me out a little bit more
00:43:47come on dad
00:43:49we do already
00:43:53damn his breath stinks
00:43:55what was he drinking again?
00:43:57what did he make us with the yolk?
00:43:59the potato
00:44:01I hear you got a girlfriend
00:44:03how come I haven't met her yet?
00:44:05well the time is right dad
00:44:07when's the time right?
00:44:09dad you're not exactly in the best state
00:44:11we need somebody right now
00:44:13oh I'm sorry
00:44:16what's her name?
00:44:18I mean is she nice?
00:44:20what's she like?
00:44:22she has a Chiraco
00:44:24I had one of them
00:44:26dad you had a beetle
00:44:28there's a big difference
00:44:30besides this one's got a ski rack
00:44:32which means she skis
00:44:34so what? I skied once
00:44:36dad we know
00:44:38this isn't James
00:44:40he's telling me about his new girl
00:44:42jeez I can't even talk in my own house
00:44:44I mean this is the girl that picked you up
00:44:46after he had a fight right?
00:44:52that's a nice name
00:44:54yeah I don't know she's maybe a little too nice
00:44:56yeah too good for ya
00:44:58you gotta clean rich girls off
00:45:00the hair always smells so good in the shit
00:45:04your mother was one of those girls
00:45:06her father hated me
00:45:08from the day he met me
00:45:10he thought I was a bum
00:45:13it took her a while to figure it out
00:45:15but when she did
00:45:17she left
00:45:19it took her 5 years
00:45:21see that's what I mean
00:45:23she lives up in Springville Heights
00:45:25what you mean I won't want that big gate
00:45:27around the house
00:45:29I mean I know she likes me
00:45:31and I like her but
00:45:33dad I just don't I don't know
00:45:39you know
00:45:43I've been marrying your mother
00:45:45all over again
00:45:51I got two sons out of the deal
00:45:55I don't care what
00:45:57her father says about me
00:46:05yo dad come on
00:46:07don't get all mushy and shit
00:46:26it's alright kid
00:46:30it's gonna be okay
00:46:32I know
00:46:37I love you guys
00:46:42more than anything
00:46:44anything in the whole world
00:46:55I'm tired
00:46:57I'm gonna go to bed
00:46:59yeah go to bed
00:47:04I love you
00:47:12I love you
00:47:19dad coffee
00:47:25you guys have it my treat
00:47:27thanks dad
00:47:39that sauce really makes him sad
00:47:42it's better than Michelle's mom
00:47:44at least he hasn't hit
00:47:46you mean nothing more
00:47:50you buzzing
00:47:52I was
00:47:54oh boy
00:47:56look out here he comes
00:47:58no it's like I said to
00:48:00it's like I said to dad
00:48:02I mean I just don't know
00:48:04hey I don't blame ya
00:48:06I mean after all a car cost more than the old man makes a year
00:48:08you know
00:48:11gotta admit she's kinda cute
00:48:13she's more than that
00:48:17she's not like those other Springville girls
00:48:21she's real
00:48:25maybe that's what scares me
00:49:10I don't even really know
00:49:16what am I saying though
00:49:20why don't we just go on a date or something
00:49:22instead of just
00:49:24you know
00:49:37where do you wanna go
00:49:39I don't know
00:49:41the movies or something
00:49:43somewhere where we can talk
00:49:45you wanna talk
00:49:47what do you wanna talk about
00:49:49I don't know
00:49:51about stuff
00:49:53like school
00:49:55I hate school
00:49:57you sure you wanna go out with me
00:50:03yo I know those bitches be dogging
00:50:05yo I figured that shit out
00:50:08they got a game going on
00:50:10like fucking Nazis on the bed boasting shit
00:50:12nah man better than that
00:50:14they each got a little black book
00:50:16alright they writing it all down man
00:50:18Suzie and Tommy and them
00:50:20yeah dude
00:50:22yo they running a game
00:50:24where they bust on all the underclassmen
00:50:26they like
00:50:28me and Lil Dave saw them sucking this guy off down in the bleachers
00:50:30man they was all taking turns
00:50:32they was all down doing shit like
00:50:39my man was like
00:50:41yeah baby
00:50:43ah baby do it
00:50:45oh shit I'm gonna come in your mouth
00:50:47oh shit
00:50:49oh shit
00:50:51I was on the fucking back of his head like
00:50:53oh shit
00:50:55you guys are so full of
00:50:57fucking shit it ain't even funny
00:50:59wait you mean to tell me they giving away free blowjobs
00:51:01to dudes just because they're virgin
00:51:03Rob my man
00:51:06this shiat is real
00:51:08yo but they hoes anyway
00:51:10so what can you say right
00:51:12yo man I know Sherry's a hoe
00:51:14I fucking bitch myself one night after a party over Johnny's dad's
00:51:16I just told her to shut the fuck up
00:51:18I gave it to her good man
00:51:20I got news for you fam
00:51:22she fucked a couple of bros that night
00:51:24you wasn't the only one
00:51:26yo bro
00:51:28get your ass to your fucking room
00:51:30man fuck you
00:51:32my dick
00:51:35alright man
00:51:37yo you stay safe alright
00:51:39I'm out of here
00:51:41I'm tired of looking at this shit
00:51:43me too yo
00:51:45oh shit
00:51:47no no no check out this idea
00:51:49what's up man
00:51:51let's take a ride right
00:51:53score some weed down in south philly
00:51:55yo I heard on TV
00:51:57we can get some good shit
00:51:59yo they call it la cosa nostra
00:52:01and shit on the expressway
00:52:04wait you saw this on TV
00:52:08what the fuck you want to go down to philly for
00:52:10it's not trying to be a mafia motherfucker
00:52:12hey yo my mom is black and my daddy's a wop
00:52:14so that makes me at least half of each
00:52:16and according to this country's fucked up ways
00:52:18that makes me a mafia nigga
00:52:20alright Al you a mafia nigga
00:52:22and Robert you're a regular fucking wop
00:52:24and I'm a stupid ass mick
00:52:26who gives a fuck
00:52:28now with this idea to get some herb
00:52:30why you driving my car down there
00:52:33it has too scared to deal with the real mafia anyway
00:52:35alright if it's so easy
00:52:37then I'm driving but I'm making the buy too
00:52:39alright Al if you want to take off go ahead
00:52:41I got your back any day my man
00:52:43even in death
00:52:45what's up chillin man what's going on
00:52:47find a couple burgers for me and my girl
00:52:49no doubt man but gotta watch the manager
00:52:51alright man
00:52:53here you go
00:52:57no problem no problem
00:52:59you hear about the rumble friday nights
00:53:01it's payback time for what those philly guys did to sherry and suzy
00:53:03yeah a bunch of guys meet up at the mall friday night
00:53:05what time yo
00:53:09Tammy is having a bash at her place afterwards man
00:53:113 kegs
00:53:13tell your boys
00:53:15no doubt they'll be there man
00:53:17thanks for burgers man
00:53:19you be peace mate
00:53:21take it easy
00:53:23I don't know who to believe man
00:53:31I don't know who to believe
00:53:33I don't know who to believe
00:53:35I don't know who to believe
00:53:37I don't know who to believe
00:53:39I don't know who to believe
00:53:41I don't know who to believe
00:53:43I don't know who to believe
00:53:45I don't know who to believe
00:53:47I don't know who to believe
00:53:49I don't know who to believe
00:53:51I don't know who to believe
00:53:53I don't know who to believe
00:53:55I don't know who to believe
00:53:57I don't know who to believe
00:53:59I don't know who to believe
00:54:01I don't know who to believe
00:54:03I don't know who to believe
00:54:05I don't know who to believe
00:54:07I don't know who to believe
00:54:09I don't know who to believe
00:54:11I don't know who to believe
00:54:13I don't know who to believe
00:54:15I don't know who to believe
00:54:17I don't know who to believe
00:54:19I don't know who to believe
00:54:21I don't know who to believe
00:54:23I don't know who to believe
00:54:25I don't know who to believe
00:54:27What you wanna do?
00:54:29What do you want?
00:54:32Think I can get a couple dime bags, man?
00:54:34How could you sell fucking dime bags, mother fucker. I sell ounces here.
00:54:38How much is an ounce, huh?
00:54:40100. You want one?
00:54:42Ah, man, I thought I could get a couple dime bags.
00:54:44I just told you I don't sell fucking dime bags.
00:54:50Hey, yo, T, come on.
00:54:51Baby, you take care of it, all right?
00:54:54These nice young ladies would like to buy a few dime bags.
00:54:58Tell them.
00:55:01What do you call a white guy driving a nigger around town?
00:55:08Hey, you're under arrest.
00:55:10Yeah, we can hook you up, though.
00:55:11We can hook you up.
00:55:12How much you got?
00:55:13Don't tell them.
00:55:14Shut the fuck up, you stupid moolie.
00:55:16I wasn't talking to you.
00:55:17I'll shoot you right the back fuck wherever
00:55:19you came from, all right?
00:55:23Where is you from, anyway?
00:55:29We got a lot of you motherfuckers
00:55:31down here visiting us in La Cosa Nostra in person.
00:55:34Yo, you fucking see us on TV last night?
00:55:36Yeah, here we go.
00:55:37I look good, right?
00:55:39Yo, fellas.
00:55:40They saw us on TV last night.
00:55:42We're fucking movie stars.
00:55:43I'm in a fucking movie.
00:55:44I look nice.
00:55:45I'm looking nice.
00:55:46Whoa, hey, whoa.
00:55:47He's not pretty.
00:55:48I'm pretty.
00:55:49Yo, man, yo, I got $20, man.
00:55:50What can I get for $20?
00:55:51$20, fuck, you get a blowjob on South 3.
00:55:52That's what you get.
00:55:53What do I look like, a hooker to you?
00:55:54I don't look like a hooker to you?
00:55:55Hey, that's a nice car.
00:55:56Is this daddy's car?
00:55:58Fuck you, man.
00:55:59Fuck me?
00:56:00Whoa, whoa.
00:56:01Fuck me.
00:56:03Frosty's all right here, you know?
00:56:05Hey, you want to sell these guys?
00:56:07Yeah, go ahead.
00:56:09Fucking make it quick, though, because my fucking trigger
00:56:11finger's getting itchy, man.
00:56:13I haven't fucking killed someone in over a week.
00:56:16All right, let's get it.
00:56:17Who's got money?
00:56:19Carry all this in cash.
00:56:22That's $20.
00:56:23Give me a large coconut flat.
00:56:27Put your seatbelts on.
00:56:30Y'all come on back now, you hear?
00:56:37That's a massive snooker.
00:56:54Yo, you think there was real Mafia guys mapped out?
00:56:56What are you talking about, man?
00:56:57Didn't you see they fucking car?
00:56:58It was a Corvette.
00:56:59That is like the state car of the Mafia.
00:57:00No, it's not, man.
00:57:01A Cadillac is, man.
00:57:02Yo, like little Nicky Sampo, he always drove Caddy's.
00:57:05Cadillac's for old head Mafia guys, man.
00:57:07Not these guys.
00:57:08Yo, that was fucking cool as shit, though, right?
00:57:10It was, man.
00:57:11It was.
00:57:12Oh, no, no, no.
00:57:13But I seen you, though, man.
00:57:14You got scared as shit.
00:57:15Get the fuck out of here.
00:57:16I was not scared, yo.
00:57:17Whatever, man.
00:57:18I was sitting back here the whole time.
00:57:19I seen you.
00:57:20Get the fuck out of here.
00:57:21You wasn't scared.
00:57:22All right, yo.
00:57:23You was a little scared, too, though, right?
00:57:24No way, hombre.
00:57:25I'm down with them.
00:57:26Oh, get the fuck out of here.
00:57:27Just because you made Dubai, you the man, right?
00:57:29Those Mafia guys are my cousins, man.
00:57:31Hey, guys.
00:57:33Hey, this is a nice surprise.
00:57:34You want to meet my dad?
00:57:35He's in the back.
00:57:37Bobby, go get dad.
00:57:38All right.
00:57:39No more fooling around.
00:57:40Go get him.
00:57:41Do you want to go to the pool?
00:57:42No, I'm good.
00:57:43I'm good.
00:57:44I'm good.
00:57:45I'm good.
00:57:46I'm good.
00:57:47I'm good.
00:57:48I'm good.
00:57:49I'm good.
00:57:50I'm good.
00:57:51I'm good.
00:57:52I'm good.
00:57:53I'm good.
00:57:54I'm good.
00:57:55I'm good.
00:57:56I'm good.
00:57:57I'm good.
00:57:58I'm good.
00:57:59I'm good.
00:58:00I'm good.
00:58:01I'm good.
00:58:02Do you want to go to the Greenday concert Friday night?
00:58:03I'd love to.
00:58:05But I can't.
00:58:07I don't get my paycheck until next week.
00:58:08I already got you tickets.
00:58:09Don't worry about it.
00:58:11You don't have to pay me back.
00:58:12It's my treat.
00:58:14You must be Allison.
00:58:16Nice to meet you, Mr. Gannon.
00:58:17Nice to meet you too.
00:58:18So boys, how's it going?
00:58:19The boss says you're almost back to speed from last summer.
00:58:21It's going great, dad.
00:58:23Let me walk you out.
00:58:26Nice meeting you.
00:58:27Bye bye.
00:58:28Bye bud.
00:58:29What's wrong with James?
00:58:32It's a love thing, Dad. You know.
00:58:34No, I don't know, so tell me.
00:58:36Dad, come on.
00:58:38I know you think that what you did was okay,
00:58:41but I don't feel good about it.
00:58:43Look, no girl has ever bought me anything.
00:58:45James, if it makes you so uncomfortable,
00:58:48I'll go with someone else.
00:58:50Is that really how you want it?
00:58:52I guess so.
00:58:54Look, I don't know what you want from me.
00:58:57I really don't.
00:58:59I was just trying to do something nice for us.
00:59:01You just should have asked me first.
00:59:56Tony's coming back.
00:59:57Motherfucker got kicked out of the camp.
00:59:59I'm gonna kill that motherfucking shit.
01:00:01That is Tony right there, man.
01:00:03I miss how he's jerking off in the sleeping suit.
01:00:05Oh, yo, that shit is for real.
01:00:07That shit is so fucking nasty.
01:00:10You must have wished that big rumble was coming.
01:00:12I mean, I'm ready to fuck a motherfucker up right now.
01:00:15All we got is this shit.
01:00:17This ain't cool, Tony.
01:00:18Hands up, white trash.
01:00:19Your hand over the door.
01:00:21Easy, motherfuckers, yo.
01:00:24Yo, guess what I am, yo?
01:00:26You're my dick.
01:00:28Yo, Philly blues, not to be confused with Philly blunts.
01:00:31They're rap that makes the world spin round.
01:00:34Hey, yo, yo.
01:00:36Check what little Dave heard last night from Billy.
01:00:38What you got, man?
01:00:39Don't tell him that, yo.
01:00:40Why not?
01:00:41These three or four Philly motherfuckers
01:00:42that fucked with Sherry and Susie at Burger World,
01:00:44those motherfuckers ganged them in the back seat of their car.
01:00:47Yo, why didn't they tell us this shit?
01:00:48Because they was embarrassed, man.
01:00:49They fucked him, man.
01:00:51They fucked him?
01:00:52Yo, they was, like, in the back seat of the car.
01:00:54They was, like, fondling their titties and shit.
01:00:56What the fuck is that, dude?
01:00:58How come you didn't tell me this before, man?
01:00:59I don't know, man.
01:01:00I guess I forgot, man.
01:01:01You forgot?
01:01:02Yeah, I forgot.
01:01:03Whatever, man.
01:01:04Because, yo, they had these guns, yo.
01:01:05They had guns.
01:01:06You're kidding me.
01:01:07What the fuck is real, man?
01:01:09That motherfucker ain't lying.
01:01:10Yo, Philly ain't gonna lie.
01:01:11Yo, I know this.
01:01:12When we go back, you know what I'm saying?
01:01:13When we go back.
01:01:14Of course I believe him, man.
01:01:15Why you bugging?
01:01:16This shit is real.
01:01:17They ran a game on us about the dick sucking shit.
01:01:18They know Black Book.
01:01:20How you know they not running the game again, man?
01:01:21Yo, where the fuck were these boys from?
01:01:23Yo, Philly, yo.
01:01:24No, no, no.
01:01:25The point is, if these motherfuckers from Philly,
01:01:27they shouldn't be fucking with our girls.
01:01:28You know what I'm saying?
01:01:29No doubt.
01:01:30We gotta fuck these balls up.
01:01:31Yeah, man.
01:01:32Yo, they shouldn't have raped them, yo.
01:01:33Straight the fuck up.
01:01:34Yeah, man.
01:01:35And they was, like, talking shit.
01:01:36They was, like, oh, these motherfuckers is pussy.
01:01:37Bah, bah, bah.
01:01:38They don't know what the fuck they fucking with Philly.
01:01:39You know what I'm saying?
01:01:40Same balls.
01:01:41Yeah, man.
01:01:42Yo, it's the same motherfuckers at the dance.
01:01:43That's good, man.
01:01:44Straight up.
01:01:50Listen to me, though.
01:01:51Y'all not fucking listening.
01:01:52Yo, check it, yo.
01:01:53Friday night.
01:01:54Billy said a group of guys is getting together at the mall.
01:01:56So we get our shit, bring whatever we gotta bring.
01:01:58You know what we gotta do?
01:01:59Yo, is the bitch gonna be there?
01:02:00Oh, you know the bitch is gonna be there.
01:02:01Yo, make sure you tell Tony.
01:02:04Any of you guys see him, make sure you tell him.
01:02:06I'm gonna grind a motherfucker by his neck, right?
01:02:07You know what I'm saying?
01:02:09You deal with this?
01:02:10It's whatever, man.
01:02:11What the fuck, man?
01:02:12I think you scared.
01:02:13We gonna go there.
01:02:14We gonna do what we gotta do.
01:02:16Get Tony.
01:02:18We gonna do what we gotta do.
01:02:19Get our bats.
01:02:20Get whatever we gotta bring.
01:02:21And do what the fuck we gotta do.
01:02:22Straight up.
01:02:23Straight up.
01:02:24Like that.
01:02:25Straight up, man.
01:02:26I'm fucking down for this shit.
01:02:27Um, little Dave, are you with this?
01:02:28I asked him already.
01:02:29He's down.
01:02:30He's down.
01:02:31It's whatever.
01:02:32It's whatever.
01:02:33As long as let's go to that party after.
01:02:34No doubt.
01:02:35No doubt.
01:02:36No doubt.
01:02:37We got our time.
01:02:38We got your time, man.
01:02:39Don't worry about it.
01:02:40Let's do this.
01:02:41Yo, I'm gonna meet you there.
01:02:42All right?
01:02:43All right.
01:02:44All right.
01:02:48Will you bring me that aspirin bottle?
01:02:49I've got a headache.
01:02:52OK, guys, I'll show you how to do it.
01:02:53Stand back up.
01:09:15Come on, man, what's my mom gonna say?
01:09:17Oh, fuck, don't go getting all pussy on me and shit, okay?
01:09:20Look, I got some money back at my mom's.
01:09:22I just don't feel like seeing her right now.
01:09:24Come on, man, I'll buy the shit back tomorrow.
01:09:27I promise.
01:09:29I promise.
01:11:01Well, can you meet me here?
01:11:04Because I miss you.
01:11:06Oh, yeah, yeah.
01:11:08Okay, well, I'll pick you up in, like, ten minutes.
01:11:10Okay, I'll be there in ten.
01:11:12Okay, bye.
01:11:14Hey, Cher, what's up?
01:11:16Hey, what's up?
01:11:18What you doing?
01:11:20You know, at the mall in an hour.
01:11:23It's a rumble, don't you know?
01:11:25Shit, it's tonight?
01:11:26Yeah, it's tonight.
01:11:27Shit, I forgot.
01:11:28She doesn't remember.
01:11:29Oh, it's payback time for the little punks did to us.
01:11:31Do you remember how that shit felt?
01:11:33All right, what time?
01:11:34Just get your butt to the mall by seven, all right?
01:11:36All right.
01:11:37Oh, oh, party afterwards.
01:11:39I know, I know, I know.
01:11:40You going?
01:11:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:11:42All right, I got to do one thing, and then I'll see you later.
01:11:44All right, see you.
01:11:45Where's she going?
01:11:47So what's going on with her?
01:11:49Maybe she actually likes this new guy, Tom, or something.
01:11:51Doesn't she know that all kinds of dogs?
01:11:54Oh, maybe we should inform her.
01:11:59Oh, and I'm famished.
01:12:00Let's get something to eat.
01:12:01We got to get something to eat.
01:12:02We're going to be fine.
01:12:04We're going to be fine.
01:12:05All right.
01:12:06Here we go.
01:12:07In command, 6-2.
01:12:09All player procedures.
01:12:10Game is on.
01:12:1116, 26.
01:12:14Blender on us.
01:12:15Big launch strike.
01:12:16Moving up his path.
01:12:17Putting in the flare.
01:12:19We got to pick up the phone, or what?
01:12:21No point in doing the flares on.
01:12:23You get it.
01:12:24Look, my hands are full of soap.
01:12:26You're scared, right?
01:12:30What a check.
01:12:31Yo, James.
01:12:32Blender has just made a check you wouldn't believe.
01:12:36People say he's a pussy, but I don't.
01:12:40Hi, Bobby?
01:12:41It's Allison.
01:12:42Is James there?
01:12:43Can I talk to him?
01:12:44Yeah, hold on.
01:12:45Yo, it's Allison.
01:12:46I can't talk to her about this.
01:12:47Tell her.
01:12:48Come on.
01:12:49I can't.
01:12:50You tell her for me.
01:12:51Yeah, Allison.
01:12:52He can't talk right now.
01:12:53He's washing his hair.
01:12:54Just call when I call, okay?
01:12:55All right, I'll talk to you later.
01:13:18That was fun.
01:13:19I swear, most guys never take the time to make me feel good.
01:13:28You mean this was your first?
01:13:30Um, well sort of.
01:13:34I mean, well, yeah, I mean I didn't have to do it.
01:13:39I didn't have to do it, you know.
01:13:46Shit, what time is it?
01:13:49Shit, I gotta go.
01:13:51Oh my God, I gotta meet my girlfriends.
01:13:55Fine, I'll call you, okay?
01:13:57Can you drop me off?
01:13:58I can't, I can't, I can't.
01:13:59I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have to go.
01:14:02I'll call you, Bill.
01:14:09I ain't going anywhere.
01:14:14She said something stupid about Richard.
01:14:18And he didn't take her call.
01:14:19Boom, bam, boom, bro.
01:14:21You never do that to a chick.
01:14:24I know, I'm stupid.
01:14:27I think I'm gonna call her back or something.
01:14:34It's getting late, you wanna start going back or what?
01:14:37Oh, come on, we just got here, let's play one more.
01:14:40Fine, game's 11.
01:14:45Deal, I'm hanging up.
01:15:00Mr. Gannon?
01:15:01Oh, hi.
01:15:02Hi, it's me again.
01:15:03Have you seen James?
01:15:04I've been looking all over for him.
01:15:05We got into a fight.
01:15:06It was all my fault.
01:15:08Oh, that's okay.
01:15:09I think he's over at John's shooting some hoops.
01:15:12That's near our place.
01:15:13It's over on Wisconsin Avenue.
01:15:15I'll write down the address for you.
01:15:27Here you go.
01:15:28Thanks, I hope to see you again soon.
01:15:29Yeah, me too.
01:16:06Of course I believe it, man.
01:16:08Why you bugging?
01:16:09They win a game on the spot, the dick-sucking shit.
01:16:11They know Blackwood.
01:16:12How you know they're not wearing a game of gems, man?
01:16:20Yo, where the fuck are these boys from?
01:16:22Yo, Philly, yo?
01:16:23This shit is ill.
01:16:24This shit is so ill.
01:16:25Yeah, that's cool.
01:16:25Yo, that's cool.
01:16:26No, no, no, no, the point is,
01:16:28these motherfuckers from Philly,
01:16:29they should be fucking with our girls,
01:16:31you know what I'm saying?
01:16:32Yo, fuck this shit.
01:16:32Fuck this shit.
01:16:33Fuck this shit.
01:16:34Fuck this shit.
01:16:35You know what I'm saying?
01:16:36Yo, fuck these boys up.
01:16:37Yo, they shouldn't have raped him, yo.
01:16:39Straight the fuck up.
01:16:57Yeah, man, and they was like talking shit.
01:16:58They was like, these motherfuckers is pussy,
01:16:59blah, blah, blah.
01:17:00They don't know who to fuck.
01:17:01They fuck with Philly, and I didn't mean no harm.
01:17:03Just chill, because we got some time
01:17:04to plan this motherfucker out real good,
01:17:06you hear what I'm saying, Dre?
01:17:12You're getting ass.
01:17:14Tell your dad thanks for putting up the record,
01:17:16thanks a lot.
01:17:16Yeah, it's real sweet.
01:17:19I'll see you guys tomorrow night, right?
01:17:20Yeah, yeah.
01:17:22He'll be around all the time now you got this up.
01:17:27We're gonna go there.
01:17:28We're gonna do what we gotta do.
01:17:30Get toned.
01:17:31Get our rhymes, get our bass,
01:17:33whatever we gotta bring,
01:17:34do what the fuck we gotta do.
01:17:35Straight up.
01:17:36Straight up, like that.
01:17:37Straight up, man.
01:17:37I'm fucking down for shit.
01:17:38I'm a little down, you believe that?
01:17:51When we going, we gonna go in time,
01:17:53you know what I'm saying?
01:17:54Motherfuckers like dropping bombs on motherfuckers.
01:17:56They just wanna be like, yo, check it, yo.
01:17:59Friday night, Philly sent a group of guys
01:18:01to get together more.
01:18:03Get our shit, bring whatever we gotta bring,
01:18:04do what we gotta do.
01:18:05Yo, is the bitches gonna be there?
01:18:06Oh, no, these bitches don't.
01:18:07Yo, make sure you tell Tony.
01:18:08Yeah, you guys, make sure you tell him.
01:18:10Yo, yo, yo, yo, get up, that's right.
01:18:13Little Dave, man.
01:18:16Hey, John, John, John, have you seen James?
01:18:18Yeah, he was just here.
01:18:20Him and Bobby are walking home.
01:18:21They took a shortcut to the school.
01:18:23Could you show me?
01:18:24Yeah, sure.
01:18:25John, did James say anything to you?
01:18:27Yeah, he feels really bad.
01:18:30And I know he wants to call you.
01:18:32I'm gonna grab him, motherfuckers.
01:18:35I'm gonna grab him.
01:18:36Wow, he's a fucking faggot.
01:18:38Holy shit.
01:18:39We're both faggots, man.
01:18:41Ah, yo, what up?
01:18:42Real man.
01:18:43Oh, yeah.
01:18:46Grab him, motherfuckers.
01:18:47That's right.
01:18:49I'm gonna put him in my bag and fuck you all, all right?
01:18:51I'm gonna kick you in the shoulders,
01:18:52motherfuckers, motherfuckers.
01:18:54Oh, motherfuckers.
01:18:55You can see me, motherfuckers.
01:18:56I'm gonna send a train on that motherfucker.
01:18:58I'm gonna fuck you all.
01:18:59I'm gonna fuck you guys, motherfuckers.
01:19:22Yo, here he is.
01:19:26We better run.
01:19:27Go get John.
01:19:28Hey, man, maybe we should stick together.
01:19:29We should split up, like I always say.
01:19:31Hey, get John.
01:19:39Move back.
01:19:40Move back.
01:19:40Get down, motherfucker.
01:19:41Get down, motherfucker.
01:19:42Get down, motherfucker.
01:19:43Get down.
01:19:44Get down.
01:19:45Get down.
01:19:46Get down.
01:19:47Get down.
01:19:47Get down.
01:19:57You guys, I'm gonna fucking kill you.
01:19:58You know what, man?
01:19:59We got him.
01:20:20Finish him off.
01:20:50Finish him off.
01:21:20That's the power.
01:21:43That's the fucking power.
01:21:44I'm going to finish him off.
01:21:51Finish him off.
01:21:56Finish him off.
01:22:04Grab that motherfucker so hard by his neck.
01:22:11Punch that motherfucker so hard in his face, man.
01:22:13Oh my God, yo, Al, you should have seen the way that fucking dude was crying, man.
01:22:19That shit was real, man.
01:22:23Fucking insane right now, man.
01:22:25That's the fucking power.
01:22:27Damn, yo, yo, fuck, man, yo.
01:22:31Oh, I never made it to a dude so hard.
01:22:33I can still feel it in my hands.
01:23:03Oh my God.
01:23:10Oh my God.
01:23:34Well, you know what?
01:23:47Come up on with us.
01:23:48Let's go.
01:23:49I'm telling you, shut up.
01:24:11All right, all right, all right, all right.
01:24:12I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm listening.
01:24:13All right, all right, shut up.
01:24:15I'm listening, man, I'm listening.
01:24:16All right, let's go.
01:24:17Let's go.
01:24:18Fuck you, dick.
01:24:19Let's go.
01:24:20I can't.
01:24:21Let's go.
01:24:22Let's go.
01:24:23I'm a mom.
01:24:24Let's go.
01:24:25I said I went there.
01:24:26Let's go.
01:24:27Let's go.
01:24:28I said I went there.
01:24:30I said I went there.
01:24:31I said I went there.
01:24:32I swear.
01:24:33Who brought the bats?
01:24:34Is this extremely confidential?
01:24:35Between me and you?
01:24:36It's between me and you.
01:24:37Who swung the bat?
01:24:38Let me out.
01:24:39Who swung the bat?
01:24:40Who brought the bats?
01:24:41I did.
01:24:42Who brought the bats?
01:24:43This kid named Tony.
01:24:44How many people were there?
01:24:45Who brought the bats, man?
01:24:47I don't know.
01:24:48Is this getting funny to you?
01:24:49Yeah, it's getting real fucking funny to me.
01:24:50That's good.
01:24:51Oh, you got a fucking attitude.
01:24:52It was Tony.
01:24:53I'm telling you, the motherfucker is crazy.
01:24:54All right, well, how many bats did he have, man?
01:24:55Like six.
01:24:56He gave, he brought them to some people, man.
01:24:57To some people?
01:24:58Who brought the bats, then?
01:24:59Come on.
01:25:00It's Tony.
01:25:01It's Tony.
01:25:02It's Tony.
01:25:03It's Tony.
01:25:04It's Tony.
01:25:05It's Tony.
01:25:06It's Tony.
01:25:07It's Tony.
01:25:08It's Tony.
01:25:09It's Tony.
01:25:10It's Tony.
01:25:11It's Tony.
01:25:12It was Tony, man.
01:25:13He brought the bats.
01:25:15Tony brought the bats?
01:25:17We saw them.
01:25:18It was...
01:25:19You were fucking there.
01:25:22The fuck is wrong with you?
01:25:23I'm telling you, it was Tony, man.
01:25:24And Robert!
01:25:25I just hit him one time, man.
01:25:26I just hit him one fucking time.
01:25:27Fuck you, man!
01:25:28Watch your fucking mouth!
01:25:29I hit him one time, I didn't hit him with a bat.
01:25:30I hit him in my hand.
01:25:31I didn't touch him, man.
01:25:32What were you doing then?
01:25:33Why were you touching him?
01:25:34I didn't touch him.
01:25:35I didn't touch him, man.
01:25:36I'm telling you, I didn't touch him.
01:25:37I didn't touch him.
01:25:38I didn't touch him.
01:25:39What were you doing there?
01:25:40Why were you there in the first fucking place?
01:25:43It was Johnny.
01:25:45I tried to tell him not to do it, man.
01:25:47It was Johnny and El.
01:25:48Johnny held the what?
01:25:50They held him up, man.
01:25:51It was Robert.
01:25:53Robert was the one that hit him with the bat.
01:25:54I didn't swing no fucking bat.
01:25:56I'm sure you did.
01:25:58I'm gonna tell you something, El.
01:25:59Johnny, Tammy, all of them, they dimed your fucking ass out, boy.
01:26:04You're going down.
01:26:08I ain't going nowhere.
01:27:09Shut the fuck up.
01:27:10Stop it.
01:27:11Shut the fuck up.
01:27:12Shut the fuck up.
01:27:13El, we got you.
01:27:14Stop it.
01:27:15Shut the fuck up.
01:27:16What the fuck?
01:27:38What's that?
01:27:39She's laughing.
01:27:40Besides, she likes it when bleachers end.
01:27:41Yeah, I do, but anyways, it's more exciting in there, loud and dark.
01:27:42It's mysterious, pretty cool.
01:28:08There's your mom.
01:28:09Oh, God.
01:28:22Don't run! Don't run!
01:28:24You're fucking stupid!
01:28:45Fuck it!
01:29:14Yes, um...
01:29:16I would like to report a crime.
01:29:19Um, well, you know that kid who got beat up in Springville tonight in the schoolyard?
01:29:36Yeah, yes. I was there. I saw it happen.
01:29:41There was a lot of kids, and I saw this one kid get beat up.
01:29:50You know, there was a whole bunch of us. I didn't see exactly who did it.
01:29:57It was really crowded.
01:30:00Fuck it!
01:30:02Woo! Woo!
01:30:05Don't cry! Don't cry!
01:30:30Oh, my God.
01:30:39Oh, my God.
01:31:13It's okay, Bobby.
01:31:42Don't care. It's gonna be okay.
01:31:48I know.
01:31:51I just miss him, you know?
01:31:56I really miss him.
01:32:12I really miss him.
01:32:29Well, today is the first day of the rest of my life, and, uh, I guess it starts right here.
01:32:37It all started that day last spring, the first warm night, the day my brother went down in a rumble.
01:32:48It's not a rumble. It's more like 50 on 2.
01:32:54Those dudes from Springville thought they were in a rumble, but the only fight going on was in their own minds.
01:33:03They're in jail and all now, not that it makes me feel any better, because he's still going, you know?
01:33:13You know, at least they're getting what they deserve for killing him.
01:33:19I told my father they should be dead too, but he says they're all now dead in a way.
01:33:25He says you're never the same after you kill someone.
01:33:30And I guess he knows about that kind of stuff because he was in Vietnam, you know?
01:33:35And he killed some people over there.
01:33:39He never came out and said, yeah, I whacked some guys, but...
01:33:44I can't do it. I can't get on this bus, but...
01:33:49I gotta remember what Dad told me. He said...
01:33:52You gotta get on that bus.
01:33:53Just to get on and let it take me there.
01:33:55And you gotta let it take you there.
01:33:56Let it take me to my new life.
01:33:59Because I can never go back.
01:34:01We can't look back.
01:34:03I don't want to do it, but I got no choice.
01:34:07I can't let what happened to James stop me from living too.
01:34:59You coming, kid?
01:35:02Yeah, man. I'm coming.
