A best Movie Comedy, Drama & Music

  • 2 weeks ago
A best Movie Comedy, Drama & Music
00:03:50Ahoy, Rockport Pirates.
00:03:52Student body president Bradley Chambers here,
00:03:54along with our lovely vice president, Emma Cunningham.
00:03:58Good morning, Rockport.
00:03:59Happy to be spreading the pirate cheer for another year.
00:04:03It's pretty good.
00:04:04Hey, baby.
00:04:05How was your summer?
00:04:09Unless you're staying after school for an extracurricular.
00:04:12Speaking of, this year's musical will be Little Shop of Horrors.
00:04:17Little Shop of Horrors?
00:04:19You look different.
00:04:20Little Shop of Ar-Arrors.
00:04:22Get your bandies ready and sign up for auditions.
00:04:28Stand up.
00:04:31Stand up.
00:04:32Stand up.
00:04:37How do you feel?
00:04:39I feel like three inches this summer.
00:04:42Kind of hurts, though.
00:04:43Growing pains.
00:04:44Ow, my knees.
00:04:45Quiet, or you're going to miss the thrilling conclusion.
00:04:48I'm excited to see our pirates get back out on the field
00:04:51and blow the man down.
00:04:53And as athletics get underway,
00:04:55remember to cast your nominations for student athlete ambassador.
00:04:58The winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship
00:05:01and represent Rockport at the state caucus in the spring.
00:05:05Shiver me timbers.
00:05:06That's a lot of booty.
00:05:08That's it.
00:05:10That was pretty great.
00:05:13Who did the summer reading that I asked everyone to do?
00:05:22You were new.
00:05:24You are Lucy Hernandez?
00:05:28Well, Lucy, since you did the summer reading,
00:05:30I'm going to ask you the first question
00:05:32that we apparently have to ask about every work of art now,
00:05:34no matter what it is about or what time period it was created.
00:05:37How are women portrayed?
00:05:40Well, I think the real question is,
00:05:43why are we still reading this book?
00:05:46It's written by some rich white guy, about some rich white guy,
00:05:50and I guess we're supposed to feel bad for him
00:05:53because he's obsessed with the only girl he can have.
00:05:56I mean, if the point is to learn about the American dream,
00:05:58we should be reading about immigrants or the working class
00:06:01or black mothers or at least someone who doesn't already have a mansion.
00:06:06Why aren't we reading Sandra Cinevas?
00:06:08I thought it was a great book.
00:06:09Hey, I was talking.
00:06:11Yeah, I know, but The Great Gatsby is a classic.
00:06:15Just because other books are good doesn't mean that this is less good.
00:06:18I didn't say the book wasn't good.
00:06:20I just wish that we would have brought in...
00:06:21Okay, you're not listening to me.
00:06:23People have read and have loved The Great Gatsby forever.
00:06:26I mean, there must be something inside this book
00:06:28that makes it so that we read it each and every year at our own school.
00:06:31Spoken like a true Nick Carraway.
00:06:35Do you know who Nick Carraway is?
00:06:40He was played by Tobey Maguire in the movie.
00:06:43Okay, first day of school.
00:06:45I know everything is lame and boring, but just tell me one thing.
00:06:48I don't know, Mom.
00:06:50I had math.
00:06:51What did you learn today?
00:06:52What kind of person were you?
00:06:54What made you smile?
00:06:55What were some of your biggest challenges?
00:06:57This conversation.
00:06:58You know, you used to be a little person who did what I said.
00:07:01I don't remember any of that.
00:07:04Hey, John. How are you?
00:07:06Good. Just getting some chives.
00:07:08Quick chive run.
00:07:10Those are leeks, actually.
00:07:15I thought I might pick these for you.
00:07:17Oh, thank you.
00:07:19Nice to see you.
00:07:20You too.
00:07:24Ew, that man was flirting with you.
00:07:27He was? Really?
00:07:30Well, one thing happened today.
00:07:32There was this new girl, and she started getting into Mitchell.
00:07:36Sometimes I think about the fact that Mitchell Wilson is going to breed,
00:07:39and his offspring will be tall, handsome assholes,
00:07:43and it makes me very, very sad.
00:07:44You're so dramatic, Mom.
00:07:46Okay, Mitchell is fine, all right? It's all good.
00:07:49Mom, milk is bad. People aren't supposed to drink milk anymore.
00:07:52Whose child are you?
00:07:53You can't take my milk away from me.
00:07:55Hey, girls. Let me help you out here.
00:07:56Oh, that's okay. We got it.
00:07:58Okay, just make sure to put the eggs on top.
00:08:01So I shouldn't open up the carton and just dump them all in there?
00:08:04I'm going to go wait in the car.
00:08:06Just trying to help.
00:08:07Yeah, I know how to pack my own suitcase.
00:08:09I can pack my own grocery bag.
00:08:11Yeah, I remember you.
00:08:19Wasting so much time
00:08:22Only knowing doubt
00:08:24Falling in a line
00:08:27Only facing out
00:08:29What do they even know?
00:08:31Gotta let it go
00:08:34Feeling so other
00:08:36Like too many senses
00:08:39Try not to bother
00:08:41The world is a fence I have
00:08:43What can they say?
00:08:46Do it your own way
00:08:48Everyone else is, everyone else is
00:08:51Everyone else is, yeah
00:08:53That's just in the fall
00:08:55That's just tears in the eye
00:08:57Everyone else is, everyone else is
00:09:00Everyone else is, yeah
00:09:02Knock it off.
00:09:27Do you want to sleep over after the game on Friday?
00:09:29We can do these face masks my aunt bought me.
00:09:31They, like, paralyze your face for an hour.
00:09:34My mom googled it and...
00:09:41Do you want to sleep over Friday?
00:09:44Yeah, sorry, yeah.
00:09:46Have you ever noticed that Seth Acosta is just, like, nice to everyone?
00:09:52Except the shrimp.
00:09:54Oh, he's not a shrimp anymore.
00:09:55He grew like a foot over the summer.
00:10:00He's just, like, friendly.
00:10:03Oh, my God.
00:10:06You want to bang Seth the Shrimp.
00:10:08Sure hope my first time isn't banging.
00:10:11You love him.
00:10:12You want to have 15 of his babies.
00:10:16You're right.
00:10:18Seth the Shrimp's gonna need a new nickname.
00:10:49Can I buy you a drink?
00:10:51No, thanks. I've got it.
00:10:52Oh, come on.
00:10:54Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier, right?
00:10:56Don't touch me.
00:10:58Don't need to freak out.
00:11:00I'm not freaking out.
00:11:02I just didn't say that you could touch me, okay?
00:11:06You know, why do you always have to be so difficult?
00:11:10I'm literally just trying to buy a soda.
00:11:12You're the one who's having this meltdown.
00:11:18That's mine.
00:11:19How is it?
00:11:29Welcome to Rockport.
00:11:49Mitchell Wilson is harassing me, and I don't feel safe.
00:11:57He's the president of the football team.
00:11:59He's bothering you.
00:12:01He's harassing me.
00:12:02Ooh, there's that word.
00:12:04If you use that word, that means I have to do a bunch of stuff.
00:12:07But if he's bothering you, and that's what it sounds like to me,
00:12:10then we can actually have a conversation.
00:12:13Lucy, I am aware that outside these walls,
00:12:17the world is experiencing a tornado,
00:12:21and that in response, young people, especially girls,
00:12:25are expressing their discontent about everything in every direction.
00:12:29But we have to be clear about things before we move forward.
00:12:34Okay, I just...
00:12:36Look, look, look.
00:12:37I step in when we find drugs in school,
00:12:40or when someone threatens on YouTube to bring in a weapon.
00:12:44This feels like something that we can solve together.
00:12:48It's your first week of school,
00:12:50in a new school.
00:12:53That can be emotional.
00:12:56It says here on your transcript that you play music.
00:13:00I think you would make a great addition to the marching band.
00:13:06Think about it.
00:13:08All those cute little outfits.
00:13:11You could blow all those big emotions into the saxophone.
00:13:15Or the piccolo.
00:13:17Whatever feels right to you.
00:13:19Gigi, let's sign her up for the marching band.
00:13:42Hey, Lucy.
00:13:45We have English class together.
00:13:47Vivian, right? He's in the back.
00:13:49Yeah, yeah, exactly.
00:13:51Look, I just wanted to say, ignore Mitchell.
00:13:55Why should I have to ignore him?
00:13:58Why can't he just not be a dick?
00:14:01He's an idiot. He has been since the second grade.
00:14:05He's dangerous.
00:14:07I don't think he's dangerous.
00:14:09I think he's just annoying.
00:14:11You know that annoying can be more than just annoying, right?
00:14:14Like it can be code for worse stuff?
00:14:17If you keep your head down, he'll move on and bother somebody else.
00:14:21Thanks for the advice.
00:14:24But I'm going to keep my head up.
00:14:28See you in class.
00:14:33The traffic was horrible.
00:14:35They let three people merge and not one wave.
00:14:38It's a heartless town we live in.
00:14:40Want some salad?
00:14:42Then why did we buy like 12 cucumbers at the farmer's market?
00:14:46We have to support the farmers.
00:15:00Thank you.
00:15:02Long day?
00:15:04There were so many DUIs and UTIs.
00:15:07I think I might have screwed some of them up.
00:15:09Hey, Mom, what do 16-year-olds care about?
00:15:12Oh, I don't know.
00:15:14When I was 16, all I cared about was smashing the patriarchy and burning it all down.
00:15:19Well, I can't put that on my application.
00:15:30Hey, you know how you're always telling me to keep my head up high?
00:15:32That's from a song, right?
00:15:34You used to play it for me when I was little.
00:15:36Yeah, Rebel Girl, Bikini Kill, why?
00:15:40Uh, history project.
00:15:42Oh, God.
00:15:43Makes me feel old.
00:15:44Sorry I asked.
00:15:54I really wanted to start directly singing to other women.
00:15:57Our fanzines were all about feminism and political issues.
00:16:01I actually wrote a rightful manifesto in the Bikini Kill fanzine called Girl Power.
00:16:31The number of women graduating with computer science degrees in the United States...
00:17:01Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:04Rebel Girl, you are the queen of my world
00:17:07Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:10I know I want to take you home
00:17:12I want to try on your clothes, oh
00:17:15Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:18Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:21Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:24Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:27Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:30That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighborhood
00:17:33I got news for you, she is
00:17:36They say she's a dyke, but I know
00:17:40She is my best friend, yeah
00:17:43Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:46Rebel Girl, you are the queen of my world
00:17:49Rebel Girl, Rebel Girl
00:17:52I know I want to take you home
00:17:54I want to try on your clothes
00:17:56Love you like a sister, always so sister
00:17:59Rebel Girl, come and be my best friend
00:18:01Really, Rebel Girl
00:18:03I really like you
00:18:05I really want to be your best friend
00:18:08Be my Rebel Girl
00:18:14Because we don't want to assimilate
00:18:16to someone else's boy's standards of what is or isn't
00:18:20Because I believe with my whole heart, mind, body
00:18:23that girls constitute a revolutionary soul force
00:18:26that can and will change the world for real
00:18:37All right, cup rallies about to begin
00:18:40Grab a pom-pom, there you go
00:18:42These are choking hazards, so wave carefully
00:18:45Oh, sure, put me in the back like you always do
00:18:47That's so original
00:18:49Whose year is this?
00:18:50Our year
00:18:52You get one, you get one, nice try
00:18:56Look at this, imagine if they actually won a game
00:18:59True, did y'all hear my girl?
00:19:01If pep rallies were for teams who actually won games
00:19:04they would be doing soccer cheers up in here
00:19:06Yeah, and maybe the bake sale could buy us new uniforms
00:19:08They would be baking some cookies and cakes and pies for us
00:19:39Whoop, whoop
00:19:47All right, love that
00:19:51Those girls got moxie
00:19:56In fact, this entire school's got moxie, am I right?
00:20:00Let me hear it
00:20:04Moxie? What is she, like 100 years old?
00:20:07All right, let's save some of that energy
00:20:09to welcome your team captain, Mitchell Wilson
00:20:13and the Rockport Pirates
00:20:29Oh, it's time to drop the bucket of moxie
00:20:38What's up, guys?
00:20:40So I was up, like, all night last night
00:20:43thinking of some words that represent this year and our team
00:20:46Viv, they posted the list
00:20:49You know, that list is, like, pretty messed up, if you think about it
00:20:53Yeah, duh
00:20:58Hey, what's up?
00:21:00Hey, what's up?
00:21:02Hey, what's up?
00:21:04What's up?
00:21:08Lunch time!
00:21:13Thank you, Bradley! That was so amazing!
00:21:15Thank you!
00:21:17Ovs, Emma got most fangable
00:21:21No, I mean, like, really messed up
00:21:24Oh, man, I called it
00:21:26Kiera got best ass again
00:21:29Did we bet on that? I can't remember
00:21:31Why have we all accepted it?
00:21:33Like, no one even blinks
00:21:35You're on here.
00:21:38It's not that bad.
00:21:42Oh, shit.
00:21:44They added a new category.
00:21:48Wow, that's a lot.
00:21:53Do you think we should say something to her?
00:21:55I don't want to have to say the C word out loud.
00:22:01Have you seen this?
00:22:02What is it, honey?
00:22:05Do you see what they called me?
00:22:08Oh, no, that's social media. I don't understand.
00:22:10No, it's a list.
00:22:12Well, this is Lucy Stinksonstone.
00:22:14Are you kidding me?
00:22:15Go back and sit down. We're having a pep rally.
00:22:17Pep rally.
00:22:30Where are you going?
00:22:33Uh, I don't feel well.
00:22:35Well, what time should I pick you up tonight?
00:22:37I'm not going.
00:22:51Uh-oh, we're in trouble.
00:22:52Her? She's not going to do anything. Come on.
00:22:55Come on.
00:22:56Come on.
00:23:27I'll be your wellie, don't climb on my tree.
00:23:29Q-X-I-Y-Z, why you looking at me?
00:23:32P-H-I-L-S, what's your philosophy?
00:23:35Green light!
00:23:38Red light!
00:23:41Green light!
00:23:44Red light!
00:23:45Green light!
00:23:55Why all the yelling? There's no stop-I-N-G.
00:23:58N-E-C-C-C, it's so necessary.
00:24:01N-C-Q-R, wait, what's the frequency?
00:24:04Q-I-L-L-O-F, I'm young and I'm free.
00:24:07Green light!
00:24:10Red light!
00:24:13Green light!
00:24:16Green light!
00:24:24I need a shitload of coffees.
00:24:28How many is that?
00:24:33Uh, 50.
00:24:35Yeah, okay.
00:25:16Oh, my God, this is so stupid.
00:25:19What am I doing?
00:25:22I don't know.
00:25:24I'm just, like, shook, you know? I feel attacked.
00:25:28I can't believe she's going to speak to us in Spanish already
00:25:31and we, like, don't even speak Spanish yet.
00:25:36Yo, have you seen this?
00:25:44It's intense.
00:25:46Who made this?
00:25:48Are these in, like, all of the bathrooms now?
00:25:54I don't know.
00:25:55I don't know.
00:25:56I don't know.
00:25:57I don't know.
00:25:58I don't know.
00:25:59I don't know.
00:26:00I don't know.
00:26:01I don't know.
00:26:02I don't know.
00:26:03I don't know.
00:26:18I can't believe you did that.
00:26:21You made me go to the game alone.
00:26:23Oh, right.
00:26:24Anyways, Bradley fell over in his pirate costume.
00:26:27It was hilarious.
00:26:32And that is the news.
00:26:48Hey, ladies first.
00:26:50Or can I say that?
00:26:52Do you want to go first?
00:26:58Hey, that's not...
00:26:59No, no, no.
00:27:01Tell me you wrote it, and I'll give it back to you.
00:27:04I'm not mad.
00:27:05I actually think it's kind of funny.
00:27:07But admit it.
00:27:08I don't care if you're mad or not.
00:27:10I don't have to tell you anything.
00:27:12God, you're such a whiner.
00:27:14You know, why don't you go tattle on me again to Principal Shelley?
00:27:17My man.
00:27:19Oh, Jay, guess what?
00:27:20We're famous.
00:27:22We made Lucy's Little Dirt Bags of Rockport High list.
00:27:28And you got biggest piece of shit.
00:27:32Oh, we win, baby!
00:27:37You know that there are real problems in the world, right?
00:27:40Like ones that are bigger than two kids at your high school not thinking you're hot?
00:27:49Now that's a righteous burn with a swish.
00:27:54Anyway, listen.
00:27:55Yeah, walk away.
00:27:57You can have mine.
00:28:02Let's do this.
00:28:03Sorry, guys.
00:28:05Sorry I'm late.
00:28:07I had a little bit of, uh...
00:28:11You know what?
00:28:12I don't have to explain myself to you people.
00:28:14Uh, all right, let's get into it.
00:28:19So I tried that face mask, and look.
00:28:22Oh, no.
00:28:24I'm Zooming.
00:28:25To be honest, it was painful.
00:28:27Hey, um, can I sit with you guys?
00:28:29Yeah, sure.
00:28:32Oh, and thanks for giving me this.
00:28:34I really needed a sign from the universe that there were actual humans here.
00:28:38What is that?
00:28:40Uh, I don't know.
00:28:41I found it in the girls' bathroom.
00:28:43It's a zine.
00:28:44In the Bay Area, there are tons of them at shows, but it's the first time that I've seen one here.
00:28:48Sorry we are not the Bay Area.
00:28:51So, are you guys gonna do the thing that it says for tomorrow?
00:28:54It says to draw hearts and stars on your hands to show support.
00:28:57Yeah, I was gonna do it.
00:28:58Me too.
00:29:03What do you mean, why?
00:29:04Oh, I mean, like, what's the goal?
00:29:06Revolution, baby.
00:29:09I just don't really see what doodling on our hands is gonna do.
00:29:12Well, it's better than doing nothing.
00:29:16I don't know, I'm just hyped that somebody made this.
00:29:18Whoever did it is dope.
00:29:50You're home late.
00:29:52I had a dinner after work.
00:29:55You look extra nice.
00:29:58That's cute, what's that?
00:30:01Uh, it's nothing.
00:31:20Hell yeah it is.
00:31:21Showing the people what's up.
00:31:23Females gotta stick together.
00:31:25Number one untapped resource?
00:31:28Wherever she goes.
00:31:29There are more of us than them.
00:31:30Break into glass ceiling.
00:31:32Lady power.
00:31:44Stars for a star, baby.
00:31:47Oh, hey baby.
00:31:49Hey Meg.
00:31:50Nice hands.
00:31:51Oh, thanks.
00:31:52You too.
00:31:56Good morning and welcome to the revolution.
00:31:59No, at least something that you didn't.
00:32:01Yeah, duh.
00:32:02Do you like it?
00:32:03Yo, I took this picture and I started the hashtag moxie girls fight back.
00:32:07But there are more of us than you think.
00:32:09Oh, that's so cool.
00:32:37That's hot.
00:32:38OK, everyone quiet down guys, grab a seat.
00:32:39We don't have a ton of time so I would like to waste some on morning announcements.
00:32:40Chris, select.
00:32:41Yo, ho, ho, pirates.
00:32:42Just a quick update on my injury.
00:32:43It was just a green break.
00:32:45And it like didn't, it didn't even hurt at all.
00:32:46So, I shall be ready to cheer again on the SS football field come Friday.
00:32:47Hey, so Bradley Chambers' parents are going out of town.
00:32:48I think to Mongolia or something.
00:32:49But he's going to have a party, which is cool.
00:32:50It's Hawaiian themed though, which isn't that cool.
00:32:51But are you going to go?
00:32:54I'm hearing in a tall sailor's tale that there's been some unrest on my ship.
00:32:55Oh, excuse me.
00:32:56I've got to go.
00:33:17Do you have that on right now?
00:33:18Excuse me Mr. Davies...
00:33:19Uh, Kaitlyn Price, do you have a sweater or a jacket?
00:33:20Um, why?
00:33:21Well your straps are a little thin and uh, you're showing lots of collar bone.
00:33:32It's like the exact same one she's wearing.
00:33:36Well, um, enough.
00:33:41Caitlin, please give me a break and just cover up
00:33:46so that we can all get back to learning.
00:33:48I don't have anything to cover up with.
00:33:53Okay, come with me.
00:33:58Ooh, girl, you're bad. You're going to jail.
00:34:01Oh, you troll. That's what you get for trying to dress like Britney Spears.
00:34:05Shut up.
00:34:06Yeah, seriously. You're wearing the same thing as her.
00:34:08You're right, and you know what? I need to go with her so we can talk about that.
00:34:11We need to stick together. I'll go with Alex.
00:34:13Sit down.
00:34:14Mitchell, you want to laugh at something? Laugh at the announcements.
00:34:17The winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship
00:34:20and represent Rockport at the state caucus in the spring.
00:34:23Another girl had the exact same tank top on.
00:34:26Like, they were wearing the same thing, but she got in trouble
00:34:29because she looks a little different than that other girl.
00:34:32Oh, she had the... Okay, I get it.
00:34:34And so Shelly was like, you got to put on a sweater.
00:34:36And she's like, I don't have a sweater.
00:34:38And so then Shelly said, come with me, and she sent her home.
00:34:42Isn't that crazy?
00:34:43Wow. I am so glad that we didn't have a dress code.
00:34:47I mean, me and my friends were such little assholes, we protested everything.
00:34:51One time someone told our friend Sarah that she smelled,
00:34:54and none of us showered for two weeks.
00:34:58But how did you know what to do? Like, how to protest something?
00:35:03We didn't. You know, we made a ton of mistakes.
00:35:06We argued with each other. We weren't intersectional enough.
00:35:09We called our meetings powwows.
00:35:11I know.
00:35:14But you're glad you did it all, right?
00:35:16Of course.
00:35:17What are you going to do, nothing?
00:35:20You sound like Lucy.
00:35:22That's that new girl, right? You like her?
00:35:26Yeah. I mean, we're so different.
00:35:28Well, you know, sometimes you meet someone different and you just kind of click.
00:35:32Like that guy, John, that we saw at the supermarket?
00:35:35I don't know. We don't really agree on things, but we have been cracking each other up at work.
00:35:40Yeah. Lucy is fine. She's great.
00:35:42Claudia, that's being weird.
00:35:44Wait. You're having problems with Claudia?
00:35:47Viv, don't stress me out. You are supposed to be best friends with Claudia for life.
00:35:51Do you remember when you guys used to sing the song from Wicked together?
00:35:54Do you still do that?
00:35:56Oh, no.
00:35:58No, Mom, we're fine, okay? We're fine. We're going to a party later. Relax.
00:36:01Don't tell me to relax. You know, that's very triggering for me.
00:36:06This looks like the place.
00:36:09My, uh, my mom had this in the fridge.
00:36:11Oh, good.
00:36:12I feel like I would love white wine.
00:36:15Wait, should I have brought something?
00:36:25Oh, there's a lot of people here.
00:36:28A lot of party people.
00:36:31I'm not sure we're party people.
00:36:33Did you bring a corkscrew?
00:36:37Maybe they have one inside.
00:36:38Here is my best friend!
00:36:45All right. Welcome, guys. Welcome.
00:36:48Listen, this is a totally safe party space, all right? So just do whatever, okay?
00:36:52There's tons of alcohol in the kitchen. Tons.
00:36:54My cousin's 29, so it's not a big deal at all.
00:36:57Just go crazy, you know? As long as everybody gets laid.
00:37:04Here, I brought this for you.
00:37:06Awesome. Very adult. Wine.
00:37:10This doesn't feel culturally sensitive.
00:37:13I don't know. It could be fun.
00:37:16Disco cat?
00:37:19Maybe we should find a quiet corner.
00:37:22Let the party come to us.
00:37:28Maybe not here.
00:37:32It could be more chill outside.
00:37:35Better for conversation, yes.
00:37:37More low-key.
00:37:42Maybe this is a little bit too low-key. Does that make sense?
00:37:50How do you know if you're having fun?
00:37:53I think I'm having fun.
00:37:55I think you just know it when you feel it.
00:37:57Yeah, totally.
00:37:58Well, I'm having fun if you're having fun.
00:38:00Yeah, I am. You are.
00:38:02Oh, no, no, no.
00:38:04No, your elbows were halfway across the table.
00:38:07How about this? You two get out of here. You two, get in.
00:38:12No wonder Emma Cunningham dates a college guy.
00:38:15There's no way she'd come to a party like this.
00:38:17Yeah, college parties are probably a bit more composed.
00:38:24Yeah, she's got the hearts and stars.
00:38:26Oh, I'm allergic to Sharpie.
00:38:28Come on, I want to talk to you guys.
00:38:30You heard the lady. Follow me.
00:38:33Where are we going?
00:38:34I don't know.
00:38:43All right, what's up, guys?
00:38:45Listen, I just took a lap around.
00:38:46Safe to say this party is officially pumping, all right?
00:38:49Just have fun, as long as everybody gets laid.
00:38:56Good, you found him.
00:38:58What the hell is this room?
00:39:00I think it's a man cave.
00:39:02Yeah, I feel harassed just by being in here.
00:39:05Amaya, lock the door.
00:39:10Okay, so.
00:39:12Who's Moxie?
00:39:14Yeah, who wrote it?
00:39:15We want the who, what, where, and why.
00:39:19I found it in the bathroom.
00:39:20Yeah, I saw someone reading it in Tregg.
00:39:22So, no one knows what Moxie wants?
00:39:24Or what their plan is?
00:39:26My girl needs a plan.
00:39:27She does not join freaky cults.
00:39:29I don't know if it's a cult.
00:39:31Yeah, I just think that, you know, they want our school to be safe and, like, fair.
00:39:34You know what's not fair?
00:39:36Our team went to state finals last year, and our uniforms suck.
00:39:39You know what's messed up?
00:39:40I got sent home for wearing a tank top,
00:39:42meanwhile Jason is, like, constantly shirtless.
00:39:45Okay, you know what's really messed up?
00:39:47People refuse to call me by my new name.
00:39:49Even teachers?
00:39:50Yeah, sometimes.
00:39:52And I want to audition for Little Shop of Horrors
00:39:54as Audrey and everyone's freaking out about it.
00:39:57And I would crush Suddenly Seymour.
00:39:59You know what's also messed up?
00:40:01I don't like being voted best ass.
00:40:03You don't like it.
00:40:05Because historically black women have been judged by their asses and their hair,
00:40:08and we are done with that.
00:40:11You know what I just realized?
00:40:13The king is worth more than the queen.
00:40:17The queen is the best, okay?
00:40:18The queen can have children.
00:40:20Look at this king. He looks like an asshole.
00:40:22Guys, I'm just glad that we're talking about this.
00:40:24You know that your school is weird, right?
00:40:26Oh, it's always been weird.
00:40:28We used to have a guy who pulled everyone's pants down,
00:40:30and now he's a police officer.
00:40:32Okay, but who wrote Moxie for real?
00:40:34Come on.
00:40:35Whoever wrote Moxie is a badass.
00:40:38Definitely someone, like, in their 20s for sure.
00:40:41I feel like they have tattoos.
00:40:43I think whoever did it knows the school.
00:40:46What do you think? Did it Vivian?
00:40:51I don't know.
00:40:52I just found it and picked it up like everybody else.
00:40:56But I'm really glad I did.
00:40:59Because now we're here.
00:41:01Guys, we just had the official first Moxie meeting.
00:41:04Hell yeah.
00:41:05The football team's won two game titles.
00:41:07You know what's really messed up?
00:41:09She wrote it.
00:41:16We're Bikini Kill!
00:41:18And we want revolution!
00:41:20Girls don't know!
00:41:27Hey, girlfriend
00:41:29I got a proposition
00:41:31Girl, something like this
00:41:33Tell you to do what you want
00:41:36Tell you to be who you will
00:41:38Tell you to cry right out loud
00:41:41You got so emotional, baby
00:41:44New day up, new day up, new day up, girl
00:41:49New day up, new day up, new day up, girl
00:42:04Don't you talk out of line
00:42:09Don't go speaking out of turn
00:42:14Gotta listen to what the man says
00:42:19Talk to make his stomach burn, burn, burn
00:42:24New day up, new day up, new day up, girl
00:42:30New day up, new day up, new day up, girl
00:42:40New day up, new day up, new day up, girl
00:42:46You're the girl now
00:42:50You got no reason not to
00:42:53Oh, my God! Vivian, Vivian, yeah?
00:42:55I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
00:42:56I'm so sorry. Need help?
00:42:58No, no, no.
00:43:01Oh, man.
00:43:03You're the one who made these?
00:43:06Please don't tell anyone.
00:43:08Okay, yeah, I mean, only because secret identities are objectively rad.
00:43:14And maybe you can give me some. I could put them in the boys' bathroom.
00:43:19Look, I know you're friends with Mitchell.
00:43:22I'm not friends with him. I've just known him since second grade is all.
00:43:26I know he can be annoying.
00:43:29He's more than annoying.
00:43:32I understand.
00:43:34Well, here, I don't want to mess with your plans or anything and
00:43:37totally get it if they're just for the girls.
00:43:40I just thought all the boys here could use all the help that they could get.
00:43:46No, it's okay.
00:43:48You take it.
00:43:51Well, I don't want to keep you from your mission and
00:43:53I got here early so I could retake a physics test for
00:43:58the second time.
00:44:02Yeah, okay.
00:44:03I guess I'll see you in class.
00:44:05All right.
00:44:06Vivian, is it weird that I'm not surprised?
00:44:11Back in kindergarten, you always wanted to
00:44:13take the spiders outside when everyone else wanted to smash them.
00:44:17You remember that?
00:44:23I do.
00:44:36Oh my gosh.
00:44:37It's about me.
00:44:38Listen to this.
00:44:39Hey, Moxie girls.
00:44:40Have you had enough of these ridiculous sexist dress code sex literally me?
00:44:44They're arbitrary and focus overwhelmingly on girls over boys.
00:44:48That's true.
00:44:48Double standard straight up quadruple standard operating on the idea that
00:44:52girls are responsible for boys behavior.
00:44:56My body is my body and it is a temple in protest of this outdated
00:45:01In protest of this outdated archaic set of rules on Thursday come to school and
00:45:06a tank top.
00:45:10But Caitlin just got sent home for that.
00:45:13The only time I've been sent home was when I barfed during my Eleanor
00:45:15Roosevelt presentation.
00:45:17I don't even know if I own a tank top.
00:45:19I think I might have bought one as part of a mean girls Halloween costume,
00:45:22but then I chickened out and went as a ghost instead.
00:45:25Better put on your goggles.
00:45:26This is gonna get nuts.
00:45:31I want to find a tank top and some dope animal party something to remind
00:45:37the school that we've got claws and we're not afraid to use them.
00:45:39Will your parents care if we actually do get in trouble?
00:45:42Well, my parents care if I show my shoulders at school.
00:45:44I mean your mom won't care, right?
00:45:47I'm not sure.
00:45:48I don't think so.
00:45:49She sort of did a lot of protesting when she was younger.
00:45:52Really that's bias.
00:45:55Yeah, I was thinking actually more about a Claudia's mom.
00:45:58She's pretty intense.
00:46:02Yo, what's Claudia's deal?
00:46:03You guys are really different.
00:46:06Both INTJs on the Myers-Briggs test.
00:46:11It's a personality test for both introverts.
00:46:14You know the first time I slept over we took the test and then we made
00:46:17t-shirts that said don't talk to me.
00:46:20I'm an INTJ.
00:46:23Yeah, body is basically my family.
00:46:26We do everything together.
00:46:28Well, I know one person that would be very happy to see you in a tank top.
00:46:35The dude who did the hearts and stars all over his hands.
00:46:38Oh, Zach.
00:46:42What kind of woman am I?
00:46:48Professional ball buster who doesn't take no for an answer.
00:46:52I like it.
00:46:53Okay, now me.
00:46:53Now me.
00:46:55You're a mom with postpartum depression, but you're having an affair
00:46:59with your son's SAT tutor.
00:47:12You know, this is what you wear when you're doing your 6 a.m.
00:47:15We got the Hydro Flask.
00:47:24Go against me.
00:47:25I'll be like Swiss girl.
00:47:26Do you know how to dance bachata?
00:47:28One, two, three.
00:47:39Here, oh pics or it didn't happen.
00:47:41Let's get the other girls fired up to burn this bitch down.
00:47:46Crispy cleaning.
00:48:09It's just a tank top mom.
00:48:12It's not a big deal.
00:48:55Oh, right.
00:48:59You guys are doing that whole thing today.
00:49:00You didn't do it.
00:49:03Hey, you look so good.
00:49:07Hey, we both went with the blue tank top twinsies.
00:49:10See, I told you hands would love it.
00:49:15Whose hands?
00:49:17I would take too long to explain.
00:49:18I gotta go to class.
00:49:21Me too.
00:49:24Oh, no, Mike, if I may.
00:49:37I just want to say that if this is what feminism is, then I
00:49:41really support it.
00:49:42I mean, no complaints from me or Jay, right?
00:49:44No complaints from the football team at all.
00:49:46I also have no complaints, not no complaints.
00:49:49I have no comment because this seems like a women's issue and
00:49:55I'm going to respectfully just stay out of it.
00:50:01Gosh, it's so convenient for you.
00:50:04You get to just say this is a women's issue.
00:50:05So you don't ever actually have to do anything, right?
00:50:09That's fair.
00:50:11I could do more.
00:50:13I noticing someone filming right now and I'm going to
00:50:19humbly ask maybe that you turn the phone off because not
00:50:23because I'm hiding anything because you understand.
00:50:27I'm in a tight spot.
00:50:29You know what?
00:50:29You don't understand this dress code thing may seem like whatever
00:50:32to you.
00:50:32It may seem like whatever to all of you, but I'd say it's
00:50:35another way to control women.
00:50:36And if you're doing nothing, then you're part of the problem.
00:50:39So where do you stand with these tank tops, huh?
00:50:42Where am I going to stand?
00:50:43I obviously am going to stand on the side of equality and
00:50:49freedom for all and diversity and to come together as both
00:50:55sides the male and the female the Alpha and the Omega guy
00:51:00and gal.
00:51:01I have to go to the bathroom so bad.
00:51:03Hold on.
00:51:04I'm going to check on one thing, but you guys you guys got
00:51:13Someone told me that they saw Shelly go out into the hall and
00:51:38see all the tank tops and then go back into the classroom
00:51:41and shut her door.
00:51:41Like she just fully chose not to deal.
00:51:43No way.
00:51:45Hey, hey, how'd it go?
00:51:48It was great.
00:51:49We won as always the crowd of 15 moms went wild.
00:51:58Hello Rockport.
00:52:03Before we begin the game, I'm going to announce the nominees
00:52:06for student athlete ambassador.
00:52:08This is a prestigious honor bestowed annually on one athlete
00:52:13by the votes of their peers.
00:52:16The winner will receive a national scholarship from Big
00:52:19Five Sporting Goods.
00:52:21The only place to get all your sporting good deeds.
00:52:26Thank you again to Dave Rogers former Rockport quarterback
00:52:30for your generous contributions to our athletic program and
00:52:35Dave would like me to remind you that he rushed over 100
00:52:38yards in a game back in 1972.
00:52:41He literally just rushed 100 yards an hour ago.
00:52:44And now the first and only nominee for the student athlete
00:52:49award running uncontested is the suspense is killing me.
00:52:56The captain of our Rockport high football team Mitchell
00:53:11Hey, I have a nomination.
00:53:13Excuse me.
00:53:17I nominate Kiera Pascal the captain of the girls soccer
00:53:25I'm afraid that you need five votes to support a nomination.
00:53:29I second Kiera.
00:53:32And I third and fourth and fifth that is a spirited but
00:53:36inaccurate demonstration.
00:53:37I third Chrissy.
00:53:41Again, there was a ballot box in the multi-purpose room.
00:53:54Okay, sure.
00:53:57Two fine nominees.
00:53:59Let's give Kiera a hand.
00:54:01Come on stand up.
00:54:06Good luck to both of you.
00:54:10What did you just do?
00:54:11Do you like money?
00:54:13So I'm going to get you some.
00:54:15Shut up and secure the bag.
00:54:17I can handle this.
00:54:24Just a quick reminder though guys.
00:54:26My wrist is still in the process of healing.
00:54:28So if you could please take it easy on the high fives, but
00:54:32let's play some football.
00:54:33Come on.
00:54:55What is your deal?
00:55:07Why didn't you nominate her?
00:55:09What do you care?
00:55:10Why don't you just go back to your friends?
00:55:12Is that what this is all about?
00:55:13You're just mad that I have a new friend.
00:55:15First of all, you don't just have one new friend.
00:55:18You have a lot of new friends.
00:55:20Why don't you care about this?
00:55:22I do but making a big deal is just not my thing.
00:55:26Okay, then what is your thing?
00:55:27I thought my thing was you and I thought our thing was being
00:55:31best friends.
00:55:34Here comes your boyfriend.
00:55:36Make sure to tell Lucy all about it.
00:55:40Hey, so we got ourselves a race.
00:55:44Who's there?
00:55:45Yeah, thanks.
00:55:48Why do you sound cool?
00:56:13Funeral home.
00:56:26So I come here to skate sometimes and I noticed how bad
00:56:36security is.
00:56:38It's like a joke.
00:56:39Well, if you fall and break your neck, you're in the right
00:56:42Well, that's dark.
00:56:44You're the one who's bringing me here.
00:57:03Okay, which one do you pick?
00:57:05And remember whichever Cassie you pick says a lot about you
00:57:09pressures on.
00:57:15Kind of like in this one old choice glossy.
00:57:19Love it.
00:57:19I love it.
00:57:22What about you?
00:57:23I'm going no casket mushroom suit all the way they bury you
00:57:28in it mushrooms.
00:57:29Get rid of all the toxins you compost yourself.
00:57:34Dope soil.
00:57:36Wait, so how many sisters do you have three all older?
00:57:42I bet you're a pretty cute kid.
00:57:46It's all right.
00:57:48I got my hair braided a lot.
00:57:50I also know all the names to the American Girl dolls.
00:57:52Do you really?
00:57:53Yeah, no, you don't Josefina Molly Addie.
00:57:58Oh my God.
00:57:59What is that?
00:58:01It's my heart.
00:58:02Come on.
00:58:05Okay, Samantha, Rebecca, you could fully be making this up
00:58:10Thank you.
00:58:14Cecile and my personal favorite kid.
00:58:17My personal favorite kid.
00:58:20Why is she your favorite?
00:58:22She's the tomboy that wants to become a reporter.
00:58:29Think anyone's got married in here.
00:58:31Now, that would be interesting.
00:58:33Every wedding I've ever been to has been so boring.
00:58:36My dad's was like two hours of roomy poems.
00:58:40Yeah, my sister had one of those kick-ass weddings where
00:58:43everyone does a dance down the aisle.
00:58:45Did you?
00:58:46Oh, yeah, I had to show me show me.
00:59:17So why don't you tell anyone that you're the one doing it?
00:59:21Why the secret?
00:59:25I kind of like that.
00:59:25I'm the only one that knows.
00:59:28I don't have to talk about it or explain it.
00:59:31I like that Moxie kind of just speaks for itself, you know.
00:59:36Or for me, I guess.
00:59:41Someday everyone's going to know it.
00:59:46I kind of like being the only one that knows right now.
00:59:56It's getting late.
00:59:58Should probably take you home.
01:00:11Had a lot of fun tonight.
01:00:13Yeah, me too.
01:00:17Hey, Vivian Vivian.
01:00:43Wait, wait.
01:00:45Look, it's fine.
01:00:46I was just confused.
01:00:47You have to run out of your car about it.
01:00:50I like you.
01:00:52A lot I do.
01:00:54I don't know.
01:00:54I got all in my head about it, you know, I started worrying
01:00:57that maybe I shouldn't come off too strong, you know, you
01:01:00know, like this super powerful feminist and not just a cute
01:01:04I mean, I mean you are a cute girl.
01:01:05Don't get me right.
01:01:35Hi, Jesus Christ.
01:01:38Who are you kissing in the driveway?
01:01:41Santa Costa.
01:01:43Oh, is he that little kid who peed his pants on that field
01:01:50trip to the Naval Museum?
01:01:52I don't know.
01:01:53Don't be weird.
01:01:55Well Vivian, if you're going to be kissing him more, I have
01:01:57to meet him.
01:01:58Don't keep secrets from me.
01:01:59Although I know you will be safe and smart and use your
01:02:02I'm actually already pregnant.
01:02:04You have no idea what I'm capable of.
01:02:07It's a very funny joke, right?
01:02:43You're a much better athlete than Mitchell.
01:02:49You win games.
01:02:50He doesn't and yet you're the underdog.
01:02:52Because she's a junior.
01:02:54Okay, because she's black.
01:02:55Yes, not what I was going to say, but yes, also because
01:02:59we've been told in big ways and in small ways for our whole
01:03:02lives that the achievements of men are much more important
01:03:04than the achievements of women.
01:03:05Well, forget that forget that.
01:03:08And when you win this thing and you will win it.
01:03:10She's like Serena Williams.
01:03:12It's going to prove that we're done with that shit that
01:03:14that show is canceled.
01:03:16Yeah, it's much bigger than Kira.
01:03:18It's for girls everywhere.
01:03:20Oh, hey Emma.
01:03:21Hey, do you want to join us?
01:03:25No, no, I just came to grab this.
01:03:33Anyway, so we have to get Moxie to endorse the campaign.
01:03:37I have an idea.
01:03:38Why don't you text yourself?
01:03:40It's not me.
01:03:42Well, if it was me, you all would know there would be a
01:03:45giant parade Vivian put this in the minutes.
01:03:49If we stick together things are going to change.
01:03:52Can't stop.
01:03:52Won't stop next stop here.
01:03:54Pascal gets the scholarship.
01:04:00Let's win this thing.
01:04:08I'm pretty sick with it.
01:04:12Okay, CJ, you are auditioning for the role of Audrey.
01:04:16Nobody's ever treated me kindly.
01:04:21Daddy left early.
01:04:23Mama was poor.
01:04:55It's a hundred.
01:05:01Hey, over here.
01:05:02You know, you don't want to go.
01:05:03Hey over here.
01:05:04How you doing?
01:05:12Who is the protagonist of the story?
01:05:20You're welcome.
01:05:22I caught Shelly trying to tear you guys posters down because
01:05:25you never officially registered Moxie in the office.
01:05:28So I did Moxie is now officially a school club and gets access
01:05:32to elite privileges such as hanging stuff on walls.
01:05:36We might just also have to learn how to play chess.
01:05:39You guys have been busting your asses and it would be lame
01:05:42for a technicality to ruin it.
01:05:52I do care.
01:05:54Just have to let me do things my way.
01:05:57I think Kiara might actually be able to win this.
01:05:59I know.
01:06:00I know she's winning this thing.
01:06:01I think the only people who are actually going to vote for
01:06:03Mitchell are the dirt bags of rock for us.
01:06:05Yeah, we got this ladies.
01:06:07Yeah, we need to celebrate.
01:06:08Oh, I have somewhere we can go.
01:06:25Hey, listen up.
01:06:28We're here to celebrate the end of the mediocre white dudes
01:06:32chokehold on success.
01:06:35Yeah, Helen.
01:06:36I see you.
01:06:39Girls to the front.
01:06:41Kiara is going to win this thing tomorrow.
01:06:49So let's give it up for the youngest members of the Revolution
01:06:52from the Rockport Middle School the Linda Linda's for girls
01:07:09Do you want you?
01:07:14Good morning, mermaids and pirates.
01:07:17I'm being inclusive.
01:07:19What's the one thing can't be pirates?
01:07:22Are you going to let me get to the rest of the announcements
01:07:24or horse?
01:07:24Good morning Pirates of any and all genders.
01:07:27Yeah, look who's not here.
01:07:30Oh, it was little Mitchell Wilson too scared to lose.
01:07:35How should I come over in there?
01:07:38Also, my mom wants to meet you.
01:07:41All good.
01:07:42Yeah, mom's like me.
01:07:43Don't forget to cast your vote for student-athlete ambassador
01:07:46before halftime.
01:07:48The winner will be announced after the game.
01:07:57That's right Emma and speaking of which we're now going to
01:07:59hear from one of the candidates our football team captain
01:08:03Mitchell Wilson.
01:08:04Wait, what?
01:08:08They didn't tell us about this.
01:08:10If he gets to talk Kiara should too.
01:08:12Excuse me.
01:08:18Welcome to our humble TV studio.
01:08:22Looks like you're in my looks like you're in my house.
01:08:25Student body.
01:08:27My name is Mitchell Wilson and in the past few weeks, I've
01:08:31been the victim of a targeted attack by anonymous group
01:08:34called Moxie.
01:08:36This group has spread propaganda and is defamed my character
01:08:41and short.
01:08:44Moxie's bullied me.
01:08:45Oh my God.
01:08:46He really is scared.
01:08:47We got to him.
01:08:50But the worst part is that we don't know who Moxie is.
01:08:56A person gets to spread lies about us and not tell us who
01:08:59they are.
01:09:02We call that weak.
01:09:04So tonight when you go to cast your vote, just think about
01:09:11Who is Moxie?
01:09:13And who will they go after next?
01:09:17Because it could be you.
01:09:25Mitchell guys on three.
01:09:35Hey, hey, hey.
01:09:36My mom.
01:09:37What like as a gift?
01:09:38Just trust me.
01:09:39Hi there.
01:09:41Hi, Mrs.
01:09:42Oh, I'm not Mrs.
01:09:45You guys have different last names.
01:09:46Yeah, I kept my maiden name.
01:09:48Her last name is Carter.
01:09:49Mine's not you can call me Lisa.
01:09:52Okay, Lisa.
01:09:54This is for you.
01:09:55Thank you.
01:09:57The ice cream.
01:09:57I bought myself yesterday.
01:09:58Handed back to me.
01:09:59How sweet mom.
01:10:01No, I love it.
01:10:02My daughter thinks that I shouldn't drink milk anymore.
01:10:06Yeah, I don't mess with dairy.
01:10:09Milk is good for you.
01:10:10Mom when we literally talked about this.
01:10:12It's not good for you.
01:10:13It is good for you as it makes your bones strong.
01:10:15It's been proven to be bad for you.
01:10:16We've talked.
01:10:17There's all different science about that.
01:10:19There's not do you believe in science?
01:10:21I do.
01:10:22I do believe in science.
01:10:23Yeah, Seth.
01:10:23Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
01:10:27And take your time years.
01:10:28Um, well, you know, probably be skateboarding still.
01:10:34Hopefully so no plan.
01:10:37You know, you don't have to answer that right now.
01:10:39Okay said, okay.
01:10:40We do have fun at the game.
01:10:42Thank you so much and Seth try not to pee your pants this
01:10:46Oh my God mom.
01:10:47Can you not bring that up right now?
01:10:49You can just ignore her.
01:10:51Do you remember Naval Museum first grade?
01:10:54I was a room mom.
01:10:57It's coming back to me.
01:10:57Okay, I knew it was him.
01:11:00Yeah, we're leaving.
01:11:01All right.
01:11:02Nice meeting you.
01:11:02You too.
01:11:04Have fun.
01:11:23Okay, I'm sorry.
01:11:24No, no, no, no way.
01:11:26I'm sorry.
01:11:31I'm 100% want to be with you.
01:11:37I just don't know if we should hurry up and do it before
01:11:39a football game.
01:11:42I want to be the only thing you're thinking about.
01:11:51You're really looking at me.
01:11:53Is that bad?
01:12:06Your heart's beating super fast.
01:12:09Are you nervous or excited?
01:12:17Oh my God, Kira is going to win this thing.
01:12:21And if she doesn't?
01:12:23You can come right back here.
01:12:30Do you?
01:12:32I like it here.
01:12:53Wow, what a close game.
01:12:57Let's give it up for our rock.
01:13:07Miss Vivian.
01:13:08Is that hand?
01:13:15There's a boyfriend.
01:13:19Also, also, also look at I brought champagne.
01:13:23Okay, we pop the bottle.
01:13:25And now, will the nominees for student athlete ambassador,
01:13:30please step up.
01:13:46Mitchell Wilson.
01:13:53Oh, and he'll also be able to use this $10,000 scholarship to go to any academic institution of his choosing.
01:14:12Akira, it has been a fun campaign as an educator.
01:14:18I just think it's wonderful and exciting to see everyone getting involved.
01:14:23Healthy, fair competition is good.
01:14:28Speaking of fair, the price isn't bit by sporting goods.
01:14:33Very fair.
01:15:18She lost.
01:15:42Hey, you're home early.
01:15:45Who are you?
01:15:46That's my spot.
01:15:48This is John.
01:15:49I'm John.
01:15:50Wait a minute.
01:15:51You're the grocery store guy.
01:15:54You're the chives guy, aren't you?
01:15:57You're sneaky Pete.
01:15:58You're the one that's keeping secrets from me.
01:16:00You're so busted.
01:16:02Go to your room, young lady.
01:16:04Are you drunk?
01:16:06Yeah, because why not?
01:16:08You know, I mean you try and you try and you try and nothing actually happens and nothing works.
01:16:14So, you know what mom?
01:16:16You don't know anything about my life and I clearly do not know anything about your life.
01:16:20So, I think I should just do my thing and you should do your thing.
01:16:24Welcome to the family, John.
01:16:33You're an asshole.
01:16:35Am I going to get one of these?
01:16:37I don't know.
01:16:37Are you?
01:16:40Is this the best idea?
01:16:41Maybe not, but it's the idea I had.
01:16:44Bye, Frank.
01:16:45Hey, go get him.
01:16:46Come on.
01:16:58You're an asshole.
01:17:02Man, the women at this school is tripping.
01:17:17What are you doing?
01:17:18Haven't you heard?
01:17:20I'm the winning asshole.
01:17:23Are you serious?
01:17:24You know what?
01:17:25You are an asshole and you don't get to touch these, okay?
01:17:29If you keep doing this, you're going to hurt my feelings.
01:17:31Mitchell, take the stickers off and get to class.
01:17:34Vivian, come with me.
01:17:37You're in trouble.
01:17:39Where did you get these stickers?
01:17:42They were in the bathroom.
01:17:43This is serious.
01:17:45People have defaced school property and someone is going to get suspended for it.
01:17:50And apparently, Mitchell Wilson is the only one that Moxie doesn't like.
01:17:54Principal Shelley has made it clear that she has no interest in supporting the female population of this school
01:17:59and unfairly gave Mitchell Wilson the morning announcement for his hate speech.
01:18:03Hate speech!
01:18:04Well, why did you let Mitchell give a speech on the morning announcements?
01:18:08He got it because he asked for it.
01:18:10If anyone from Moxie would have asked for it, they would have gotten it too.
01:18:13But how were we supposed to know we were supposed to ask for it?
01:18:15If you want a seat at the table, pull up a chair.
01:18:19Listen, Vivian, I think all of this is wonderful,
01:18:22but it has to stay within the confines of the rules of the school.
01:18:27Do you like him?
01:18:31I just think the girls of the school would love to know what you think.
01:18:33Well, I'm a girl at the school and I would love to know who started Moxie.
01:18:38Do you have any idea?
01:18:43Someone put a bunch of stickers on your car.
01:18:47The asshole stickers?
01:18:50Is this something for the fire department?
01:18:52God, Gigi, no.
01:18:53Cover it up, cover it up.
01:18:55Yes, Janet.
01:18:57Get the tape.
01:19:27Are we still mad at each other?
01:19:29You don't need to apologize.
01:19:30It's okay.
01:19:32I thought you were going to apologize to me.
01:19:35What? Why would I apologize to you?
01:19:39So if you're going to be an asshole teenager now, this is how we're going to do it.
01:19:43Because you came home drunk, you have to have dinner with me and John tomorrow night.
01:19:49Is this punishment?
01:19:51It's one of those horrible punishments where you have to have dinner with your mother.
01:19:55And the first guy that she's been excited about in a long time.
01:19:59Only if Seth comes.
01:20:03And I can't guarantee I won't throw up again.
01:20:05I'll let everyone know.
01:20:09But it means that she's scared.
01:20:10It means that we're doing things here.
01:20:12I mean, honestly, seriously.
01:20:14I cannot believe that.
01:20:15We're making waves, okay?
01:20:16We aren't.
01:20:19What's going on?
01:20:22Claudia got suspended from Moxie.
01:20:26What do you mean?
01:20:27Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
01:20:29She took one for the team.
01:20:31That's not awesome.
01:20:33She's going to be fine.
01:20:34She'll write about it on some college application and people will freak.
01:20:38She'll be fine.
01:20:39Hey, don't tell me about Claudia, okay?
01:20:41She's been my best friend my whole life and you only just got here.
01:20:46Okay, wow.
01:21:16Front door didn't go so great, huh?
01:21:18I'd call it a bust.
01:21:22My mom would literally prefer that I die of contracting bacterial meningitis and get suspended from school.
01:21:27Disease is at least an honorable death.
01:21:30Is this going to screw everything up for you?
01:21:33I don't know.
01:21:35Shelly's blaming me because I'm the one who put my name down for Moxie.
01:21:39I can't believe we did that.
01:21:43She kept asking me who the leader was and I said I didn't know.
01:21:50Is there anything you want to say to me?
01:21:56How did you know?
01:21:59We've been best friends since we were four.
01:22:02You really think you could lead a revolt and I wouldn't notice?
01:22:08Why didn't you tell me?
01:22:10Because at first you were being so shitty about it.
01:22:13Yeah, because I knew it was a bad idea and look, it was.
01:22:16I didn't ask you to get involved.
01:22:18Yes, you did.
01:22:20You made me feel bad because I wasn't doing enough.
01:22:23And you don't get it, Viv.
01:22:25You don't get what's going on with me because you're white.
01:22:29Do you know what my mom had to sacrifice to get to this country?
01:22:33What she had to do to make it so that I could go to college?
01:22:37I am under an insane amount of pressure and I don't have the freedom to take the risks that you do.
01:22:43Claudia, I'm sorry.
01:22:46My mom was making me deep clean the rugs to atone for my sins.
01:22:51If you knew it was me, why didn't you tell her?
01:22:55Because I'm not a coward, unlike you.
01:23:07All right, this whole thing.
01:23:22We have so many breadsticks.
01:23:25Oh, are those the ones I gave you?
01:23:28I got fresh ones just for you.
01:23:31What is that voice?
01:23:34It's my voice.
01:23:36No, it's not.
01:23:43So, what's new in teen life these days?
01:23:47Not much, man.
01:23:49Physics is really crushing me.
01:23:52Physics took me out.
01:23:54Oh, look at that.
01:23:55You guys have so much in common.
01:23:56Maybe you should share a high five.
01:24:00Do they still teach you those mnemonic devices to help you remember all the laws?
01:24:04If they do, it's not working.
01:24:06It was like for thermodynamics.
01:24:09Something, something, never really tire.
01:24:12PV equals NRT, pure virgins.
01:24:16It was a different time.
01:24:17Why is nobody asking me about physics?
01:24:20What, do you think because I'm a girl, I don't know about science?
01:24:22Not at all.
01:24:23No, you want to talk about physics?
01:24:25You made a salad?
01:24:27With green things in it?
01:24:29Yes, that's the colors that are traditionally found in a salad.
01:24:32This isn't normal.
01:24:33She usually lives off, like, frozen pizza and ice cream.
01:24:36Well, you know, with our hours, it's hard to find time to make dinner.
01:24:40That's okay.
01:24:41I love to cook.
01:24:44Why do you have an American flag on your car?
01:24:47Do you love America?
01:24:48Do you think it's perfect?
01:24:50Do you know that it's going to take 300 years to reach gender equality in the U.S.?
01:24:54Well, I don't love that part.
01:24:56Okay, well, if you don't love that part, what are you doing about it, John?
01:24:58Hey, it is.
01:24:59Okay, okay, what?
01:25:01What, you want me to calm down?
01:25:03You want me to be nice, like you, and make sure everybody's comfortable?
01:25:07Be your cute little girlfriend with a little ponytail?
01:25:10Forget hearts and stars on my hand.
01:25:12Why don't I just write your name on my arm and tell everybody that I'm your property or something?
01:25:18Fuck the patriarchy!
01:25:27What's going on?
01:25:29I'm not like you.
01:25:31I don't want you to be like me.
01:25:32I want you to be like you.
01:25:33I hate that!
01:25:34That is, like, the suckiest thing you can say to someone.
01:25:36Just be you, just be yourself.
01:25:38I mean, like, that is just such bullshit mom talk.
01:25:40Okay, okay, what do you want me to say?
01:25:43Can you just leave?
01:25:44No, this is my house.
01:25:45I get to stand wherever I want.
01:25:47Oh, right, yeah, I forgot.
01:25:48You're such a rebel girl, and no one tells you what to do unless it's some lame dork who flirts with you once in a grocery store.
01:25:54Hey, you know what?
01:25:55You can't talk to me like that.
01:25:57I am your mother, and I am also a person, and I get lonely, and it's nice when someone likes me.
01:26:01Okay, fine, then just go enjoy your spring salad while I sit here with my entire life falling apart.
01:26:07What is falling apart?
01:26:11Just that Claudia won't talk to me, I might get kicked out of school, and I might have sex.
01:26:16Wait a minute, you might get kicked out of school?
01:26:18You don't care that I might have sex, mom?
01:26:20Okay, Vivian, slow down.
01:26:22Shelly said that anybody associated with Moxie is gonna get kicked out.
01:26:25Claudia already was.
01:26:27What is Moxie?
01:26:29It's a feminist club I started.
01:26:32You started a feminist club?
01:26:34Yeah, and it's all your fault.
01:26:36I mean, I only started Moxie because you made me believe I was, like, strong or something, but I am not that kind of person.
01:26:42And none of it is working, and no one is helping me, and I am all alone in this.
01:26:52Why isn't dad spending Christmas with me, mom?
01:26:58Oh, honey.
01:27:02Please just go away, I just want to be alone, okay?
01:27:19For sure, I mean, he's the victim of revenge for a crime he didn't even commit.
01:27:23I mean, there's no evidence, there's no proof, there's nothing.
01:27:26How could you not feel bad for the guy?
01:27:27He's a gangster.
01:27:28Yeah, but Mike, at the core...
01:27:31He's a romantic, and this is what they do to him at the end.
01:27:34I just can't take him, Jared, please.
01:27:36I'm so mad that he was at the end.
01:27:37I mean, is he good, is he bad?
01:27:39I don't know.
01:27:40He wants you to ask that question.
01:27:41He wants you to look under yourself and look around.
01:27:44He can't get with us with that kind of advice.
01:28:01Hey, are you mad at me?
01:28:24You mean for yelling at me at the table and then ditching me during dinner?
01:28:31No, Vivian, why would I be mad at you?
01:28:34I'm sorry, I've been under a lot of pressure lately.
01:28:37Have you? Really?
01:28:39Seems like you've just been doing reckless shit and then letting other people take the blame for you
01:28:43while you just take cheap shots at me, your mom, and your mom's perfectly nice boyfriend.
01:28:49I've done nothing but support you.
01:28:51I don't deserve to be your punching bag.
01:28:55Maybe you're not who I thought you were.
01:29:01Dear Moxie,
01:29:27This is probably a mistake, but I don't know who else to turn to.
01:29:32Last year I was raped.
01:29:35I wanted to come forward, but I didn't want anyone to know it was me.
01:29:40You get things done and no one knows who you are.
01:29:44Can you help me?
01:29:45From one anonymous to another?
01:30:27You are the reason, you are the reason my heart broke in half, mother.
01:30:33You are the reason, you are the reason, you are the reason my heart broke in half, mother.
01:30:42You are the reason, you are the reason, you are the reason my heart broke in half, mother.
01:30:50You are the reason, you are the reason, you are the reason my heart broke in half, mother.
01:31:03Oh, unbelievable.
01:31:10Go on, go on, go ref, go ref.
01:31:16I'm gonna read you the school policy.
01:31:18Any student who walks out will be seen as demonstrating support for the Moxie group,
01:31:22who has vandalized school property in a fence that is punishable by expulsion.
01:31:28This is serious stuff, guys.
01:31:32Really think about it.
01:31:34Because if you do this, it's your funeral.
01:31:40And I'm washing my hands of the whole thing.
01:31:48Wow, it is elegant.
01:31:56Turn the music down.
01:31:59Get out here.
01:32:09Do we know who and that's where we are.
01:32:12And we march, march, and we march, march, and we march, march, whoa, like a warrior.
01:32:43Speaking in front of people is my worst nightmare.
01:32:51I'm not brave.
01:32:54I'm not fierce like some of my friends.
01:33:00And I do not fit the prototype of a leader in any way, but here I am anyways.
01:33:05I hate that we are shoved aside, that we are dismissed, ranked, assaulted.
01:33:16And I mean, nobody does anything about it, you know? Nobody listens to us.
01:33:21And that is why I walk out today.
01:33:26That's why I'm standing up here, yelling at all of you.
01:33:36It's why I started Moxie.
01:33:43And you know what? If you're going to expel somebody, expel me, okay?
01:33:48It's me. I started Moxie. I am Moxie.
01:33:53Then expel me too.
01:33:55I started the Moxie Instagram, and I did that shit proudly.
01:34:00I got you.
01:34:01I got you.
01:34:03I protested the dress code.
01:34:06I wear what I want, no matter what my body looks like.
01:34:10And I'm never changing.
01:34:12So expel me.
01:34:14I trip Bradley in his dumbass pirate costume.
01:34:17That's feminism right there.
01:34:19And I do not feel bad about it.
01:34:22Moxie forever.
01:34:32I wrote the note.
01:34:54I'm the one who reached out for help.
01:34:56Because it felt like Moxie was the only one who was listening.
01:35:02We're listening.
01:35:04We're here.
01:35:05And we believe you.
01:35:10Last year, after prom,
01:35:14Mitchell Wilson raped me.
01:35:23He was my boyfriend.
01:35:25He was my boyfriend.
01:35:29And he raped me in my own bedroom.
01:35:33And then I got voted most bangable.
01:35:39What does that even mean?
01:35:43Sorry, I don't know what to say.
01:35:46I don't know what I feel.
01:35:50I guess I'm just angry.
01:35:51I'm angry and I want to scream!
01:35:54Do it.
01:36:13And what does that mean?
01:36:21Mitchell Wilson.
01:36:26Come with me.
01:36:29I knew it! I knew it was you!
01:36:31Wait, no you didn't.
01:36:33It is always the quiet ones you have to look out for.
01:36:36My mind is blown.
01:36:37I'm so proud of you.
01:36:39You killed it.
01:36:40Pretty good for an introvert.
01:36:41What are you doing here?
01:36:43Your mom throws me.
01:36:44Are you even allowed in here?
01:36:45What are they gonna do, double suspend me?
01:36:48What would I do without you?
01:36:50I guess we'll never find out.
01:36:52Let me hear it!
01:36:54I can't really hear you.
01:36:58One, two, three, Moxie!
01:37:01One, two, three, Moxie!
01:37:07Are you okay?
01:37:09I think so.
01:37:11Thanks for inspiring me.
01:37:16No vamos a quedar con este machismo, ¿verdad?
01:37:21I want to let you know that Moxie is for everyone, okay?
01:37:25Does anybody want to speak?
01:37:26Come on.
01:37:29Come on, girlfriend.
01:37:31Speak your truth.
01:37:33I want to say...
01:37:35I just want to say
01:37:37that I'm 110 black,
01:37:40my hair is not a wig,
01:37:42it's not nappy,
01:37:44it's thick, curly,
01:37:46and it's who I am!
01:37:51And no, you cannot touch it!
01:37:57That was amazing!
01:37:59Yeah, and y'all need to stop touching our hair, okay?
01:38:04All right!
01:38:06Now that everyone is aware of how much of a problem this is,
01:38:09we have a lot to talk about.
01:38:11I want to know a better way.
01:38:20I want to know a better way.
01:38:22I want to know a better way.
01:38:24I want to know a better way.
01:38:26I want to know a better way.
01:38:28I want to know a better way.
01:38:30I want to know a better way.
01:38:32I want to know a better way.
01:38:34I want to know a better way.
01:38:36I want to know a better way.
01:38:38I want to know a better way.
01:38:40I want to know a better way.
01:38:42I want to know a better way.
01:38:44I want to know a better way.
01:38:46I want to know a better way.
01:38:48I want to know a better way.
01:38:50I want to know a better way.
01:38:52I want to know a better way.
01:38:54I want to know a better way.
01:38:56I want to know a better way.
01:38:58I want to know a better way.
01:39:00I want to know a better way.
01:39:02I want to know a better way.
01:39:04I want to know a better way.
01:39:06I want to know a better way.
01:39:08I want to know a better way.
01:39:10I want to know a better way.
01:39:12I want to know a better way.
01:39:14I want to know a better way.
