Ало Ало 3 Епизод 1 (2002)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Hello, hello.
00:19May I join you? I too have something to celebrate.
00:24I have been appointed as a personal aide to General von Klinkerhoff.
00:28Congratulations, Lieutenant Gruber.
00:34May I join you? The back part of the castle is very lonely.
00:38You should come and see it.
00:43I cannot wait.
00:46So you will be working for the General.
00:49Does that mean you will be in charge of the wine?
00:52First of all, I have to organize a banquet in the castle to celebrate the birthday of the Emperor.
00:59The General is my relative and he is very proud.
01:02By the way, he is a snob.
01:04You and your subordinates are invited, Colonel.
01:07Party! I love the party.
01:10Will there be a lot of wine?
01:12Of course, in abundance.
01:14There will be a head of a gligon with an apple in his mouth,
01:17the chicken and the traditional giant chocolate cake in his mouth.
01:22I can prepare everything for you.
01:24And René will bring it to you.
01:26Right, René?
01:28Well, I...
01:29I will serve the General all night long until he is released.
01:37Edith, I suppose the General will bring his own staff and cooks from outside.
01:42On the contrary, the people in the village are not inclined to help.
01:46The boy from the bakery was very drunk.
01:49I was about to ask you to do it.
01:52Of course we can.
01:53And if you drink, René, you can stay for the night.
01:57We have a big table.
01:59You think of everything, Lieutenant.
02:02Bread! Bread!
02:07I am an old baker.
02:10Who will buy my bread?
02:14Who will buy my bread?
02:20Ah, you are René Artois.
02:28It is I, Leclerc.
02:35I have a message from the opposite.
02:37Michel tells you to take these little ones.
02:43All of them.
02:45There is dynamite inside to blow up the General.
02:50Thank you, bread-maker.
02:53Do you think I'm going to throw this around me and explode?
02:56No, no.
02:58Your wife will make a chocolate cake for Chateau.
03:03A cake for Chateau?
03:06She will put dynamite in it.
03:09These candles will be lit from above.
03:12One of them will be the fuse.
03:16Which one?
03:19This one.
03:21There is a little candle on the side.
03:25The candle with the candle.
03:28Good luck.
03:30And long live France.
03:31Long live De Gaulle.
03:35The tall one with the big beak.
03:38Long live everyone.
03:41Bread, who is going to buy my bread?
03:55Everything in this list will be delivered tomorrow morning.
03:59Edith, I will never forget your kindness.
04:02I will send Maria to put a candle in the bed.
04:06There is no need.
04:07The captain has left.
04:09He had a headache.
04:17Now, put the upper part.
04:24Now, in the center we have to put the candle with the fuse.
04:28This will burn for 10 seconds,
04:30it will activate the detonator,
04:31and the dynamite will explode.
04:34Will it be a big explosion?
04:37The dynamite will explode in the kitchen.
04:39There will be eggs, cream, and medals everywhere.
04:43We will see about Von Klinkerhofen.
04:45Michel, why don't we give a signal to the colonel and the captain?
04:50I know they are Germans, but they are very good customers.
04:54The captain gave me flowers.
04:57They are enemies.
04:59This is war.
05:01They are merciless and we must kill them.
05:05Harriet, take the bag with the bones.
05:10The chickens are in the bones.
05:13Take that and put them in the bag.
05:15Here, give them this note.
05:17Tell them to pay the delivery.
05:19The service is included in the sum.
05:21What do I do next?
05:22Come back here with the money
05:24and run the first 100 meters.
05:28What is it, mom?
05:31How long are you going to keep your cucumber in the cellar?
05:37Until they repair your apartment.
05:40What did you do with the cheese?
05:43I couldn't stand the strong smell,
05:46so I ate it.
05:49Who is Svorzak?
05:52Svorzak is the head of Wimbledon.
05:55We told him to pay the money because there was a war.
05:58The operator was on the phone.
06:01He said he saw David Pence's cigarettes.
06:04I don't want to go home.
06:07Hello, mom.
06:08He is carrying a cigarette.
06:11I don't want to go home.
06:14I don't want to go home.
06:17My God, aren't you in the telephone booth at the station?
06:21No, I'm in France.
06:24I can't talk loud.
06:25The guards are everywhere.
06:27The guards are everywhere?
06:29Are you in a hospital?
06:32No, I'm with the Bumbley Carstairs.
06:36That's him.
06:37He's doing a little repair.
06:40Nigel, are you crazy?
06:43The Bumbleys are in France and doing repairs.
06:46How are you doing?
06:48It's absolutely hell.
06:50We're having a party tonight.
06:52But the cook is mobilized.
06:55Don't worry.
06:56That's how it is.
06:58Honey, give us your address and your father will try to get you out.
07:03You can't do it, mom.
07:05Don't be stupid.
07:07It's very close to the church in Windsor.
07:11I want to tell you that I can't give you my address.
07:14Someone may be eavesdropping.
07:16Your time is up.
07:17Will you pay for another three minutes?
07:20Mom, can I have your address?
07:23My address...
07:26Damn it!
07:27We're late.
07:28Did you win the boat race?
07:31Damn it!
07:32I knew we called.
07:33I knew we called.
07:40It seems very quiet without the Germans.
07:43It won't be quiet until they eat the cake.
07:47Poor boy.
07:48All this excitement can give him a headache.
07:53I wish to tell you something, colonel and captain.
07:57We get on quite well, you know.
07:59We work quite well together.
08:02As long as you do your orders, they won't shoot you.
08:08My friends.
08:10Loyal people.
08:12The nasty Germans are not among us tonight.
08:18They may never come back.
08:20On this day, we climbed another step on the ladder to freedom.
08:28She's been reading Victor Hugo again.
08:31We lit a torch to drive the darkness away from our homeland.
08:37She just baked the cake.
08:39At a time like this, the French can only sing one song.
08:43You all know it.
08:45Why is my heart beating so fast?
09:08My God, they have found the dynamite.
09:10This restaurant is being requisitioned by the German army.
09:14Everybody out!
09:15Everybody out!
09:16Fulfill the command of the colonel!
09:19Arrange the masses!
09:23What happened, colonel?
09:25Herr Flick of the Gestapo found out there was a conspiracy to attack the castle.
09:32Who would do such a terrible thing?
09:34The resistance.
09:36These resistance people are everywhere.
09:40Are you sure you don't know anything, René?
09:43I would have told you, but of course, colonel.
09:46I am sure it's not a personal matter.
09:48I expect they want to get rid of General von Klingerhofen.
09:51We all want to get rid of General von Klingerhofen.
09:54What a shame.
09:55And now he's found the whole society.
09:58All is not lost, René.
10:00By my order, we will celebrate Kaiser's birthday in your restaurant.
10:08Oh, what an honor.
10:11General von Klingerhofen!
10:17Heil Hitler!
10:18Heil Hitler!
10:20Sit down, generals.
10:23Anywhere you like it.
10:25This is my table.
10:27Make yourself comfortable, Herr General.
10:32Yes, colonel?
10:33We've been good friends for a long time.
10:36I want you to do me a favor.
10:39Hide this.
10:41Of course, colonel.
10:42What is it?
10:43Just a pill.
10:48It will be safe.
10:50Colonel, come and sit.
10:52Coming, generals.
10:54No, this seat is reserved for your assistant.
10:57Thank you very much.
10:58No, you. The girl.
11:00Oh, Helga.
11:01Coming, generals.
11:03Do you have the shotgun ready?
11:05Yes, Herr Flick.
11:06Do you know what to do?
11:08Yes, Herr Flick.
11:09My hands are shaking.
11:12When a girl sits next to a general, it's normal for her hands to shake.
11:17That seat is reserved for me, Adjutant Lieutenant Gruber.
11:21It will be safe.
11:23Should you need something.
11:27Where's the food and the wine?
11:29We're melting the pills, Herr General.
11:31René, give me the wine.
11:33And make sure it's the best.
11:35Yes, general.
11:37And make sure it's the wine of the general.
11:40Yes, general.
11:41And make sure it's the best.
11:43Yes, general.
11:44And make sure it's the wine of the general.
11:48Yes, Herr Colonel.
11:52René, René.
11:53The colonel gave you the pill.
11:55Where is it?
11:56The pill is in the cupboard.
12:00Where's the wine for the general?
12:01Here, in this jug.
12:03The pill contains the medicine.
12:05The pill is in the cupboard.
12:07Take it and put it here.
12:09Put the jug in the wine.
12:12You forgot the most important part of the celebration.
12:17Oh my God!
12:18It's ready for the chateau.
12:21What about the bomb in the chateau?
12:23It contains a bomb.
12:24A bomb in the ready for the chateau?
12:27It's just to kill the general.
12:29You must make sure the candles don't fuse.
12:31But where is the candle?
12:33The candle with the anvil.
12:36René, you don't need to kill the general.
12:38We've already cleaned it.
12:41If we kill him with the pill in the cupboard
12:43and put the wine in the jug,
12:45we won't have to burn the candle
12:47with the anvil in the ready for the chateau.
12:57Simple plans are always the best.
13:01Put the pill in the jug.
13:09I will take care of it.
13:11You don't have to mess with the others.
13:15Here we are!
13:20René, I saw you put something in the general's jug.
13:23What was it?
13:24One of my men's headdress.
13:26They wanted to kill him with poison,
13:28but I'm not having that sort of thing in my restaurant.
13:30It's bad for business.
13:32If the cake explodes, you won't have any business.
13:35It's one thing at a time.
13:37René, these cakes are baked and ready.
13:43We'll serve them.
13:46Gentlemen, your helmets.
13:56Gentlemen, we are here to celebrate
13:58the birthday of my birth mother,
14:00Victor Albert,
14:022nd Margrave of Brandenburg,
14:04also known as the Kaiser.
14:08Did it very well in the ship's operations?
14:14Fill the cups.
14:18Allow me, General.
14:21No, Helga, this wine is only for the General.
14:25For the General!
14:33For the Kaiser!
14:50What time is it, Hans?
14:52Aren't you in a hurry, Colonel?
14:54No, General, I don't think I'm in a hurry.
14:58I'm sure he's hidden at the bottom.
15:01A toast! To the Kaiser's wife!
15:04To the Mistress!
15:17Did the Kaiser have a dog?
15:20Let me pour you, General.
15:22Of course.
15:24Where's the food?
15:26Just coming, General.
15:31this is the best regiment in the German army.
15:35The 7th Prussian Infantry Regiment.
15:38Who wants more baked cake?
15:41For the best regiment!
15:43For the best regiment!
15:49For the best regiment!
16:03Where's my chicken?
16:08It is a bit tall.
16:10The others will bring you another one.
16:20I am his adjutant.
16:22Should I tell him?
16:24One of the first things you learn in the academy
16:27is not to tell the General
16:29when his chicken has fallen on his head.
16:33What will happen when the sauce flows into his mouth?
16:38The wine should work before that.
16:41Drink some more, General.
16:44Ivette, Maria, we need a bucket of water and a bucket of sand.
16:48We must put out the fire before it explodes.
16:51You won't do it.
16:53When the candles are lit, you have 10 seconds to escape.
16:56They will destroy my restaurant.
16:58In the crater of his place, a monument will be erected
17:01in honor of the enemy.
17:03You are out of your tree.
17:06To Adolf Hitler!
17:08To Adolf Hitler!
17:14And Eva Braun!
17:16And Eva Braun!
17:20And their little dog!
17:30After the Fuhrer's toast, you can smoke.
17:37Oh, my God! It's the poisoned arrow!
17:40Not in my restaurant!
17:42Obviously, I forgot my cigarette.
17:44It must have been in the closet.
17:46May I take your cigarette?
17:50It seems to be smoked.
18:02Oh, my God! Hit the Gestapo!
18:06Do you think he will give up?
18:12I don't know.
18:32The antidote!
18:42The antidote!
19:07What happened to this man?
19:09The fish is hungry.
19:15General, it's midnight.
19:18We're running out of time.
19:20But it doesn't matter.
19:22Gentlemen, at this hour, our beloved Kaiser
19:25has taken his first breath of fresh air.
19:27According to tradition in my family,
19:29I will light the candles now.
19:31Maria, Ibad, bring the coffees.
19:33Where are you going?
19:34To drink.
19:35Sit down.
19:37Colonel, do you also want to drink?
19:39I don't.
19:41Do you?
19:42I don't.
19:47Yes, I do.
19:49Sit down.
19:52Open up.
19:55Stand in your places.
19:56When I count to ten, you all turn around.
19:59The candle with the hand.
20:01Here, everyone is lit.
20:04And now, in memory of his death,
20:0682 years later,
20:08I will extinguish them all.
20:14For a moment, I thought I was going to kill the Kaiser.
20:19René, the candle with the hand is still burning.
20:35Why did you do that?
20:38I did this in memory of the Kaiser's funeral.
20:45For the Kaiser's funeral.
20:48For the Kaiser's funeral.
20:52René, this is the candle with the hand.
20:57After all the time we've been through,
20:59I could put the candle with the hand.
21:02After all the time we've been through,
21:04I could put the candle with the hand.
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