Met Office Morning Weather Forecast 10/09/24 –

  • 5 days ago
Winds from the north will bring spells of rain and showers and colder temperatures. These showers will eventually push into northern England by the late morning. The yellow rain warning for the north of Scotland will remain in the late morning. - This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the morning of 10/09/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Aidan McGivern.


00:00Hi there, I suspect the weather today will feel more like late autumn than early autumn.
00:08The winds have changed, they're coming from the north and they bring with them spells
00:13of rain, showers and a cold feel.
00:17One initial spell of rain is crossing Scotland, Northern Ireland through the morning pushing
00:20into Northern England and North Wales by lunchtime and then heading south into southern parts
00:25by the end of the afternoon.
00:27It's going to fizzle out a little but it will still be a spell of relatively short-lived
00:32but heavy rain.
00:35North of that the skies do brighten, we get some clear spells but also frequent showers
00:40and for Shetland and Orkney longer spells of rain.
00:44The risk for Shetland in particular of 40, perhaps 80 millimetres of rain falling through
00:49the day, a lot of that in very heavy bursts accompanied by gusty winds, wind gusts in
00:54excess of 50 miles an hour, so the risk of disruption for the Northern Isles during the
00:59daytime, watch out for that.
01:01Elsewhere across Scotland, blustery showers, gusty winds, Northern Ireland likewise but
01:05some sunshine in between even if it will feel cold for the time of year.
01:1111 to 13 in the north, talking about 17 to 19 further south although temperatures will
01:16drop further as this spell of rain clears and that's associated with a cold front which
01:23then marks the arrival of those Arctic winds and as you can see from the colour change
01:28it's a significant and very noticeable contrast compared with the end of last week when we
01:34saw temperatures reaching 27 Celsius across north-western parts of the UK, just 11 or
01:4012 Celsius on Tuesday, heading into Wednesday for the north-west, all of that with gusty
01:46winds and frequent showers.
01:48The showers, lively at times, could see a rumble of thunder or flash of lightning and
01:53it's going to be again quite a blustery night but with the wind gusts staying up overnight
02:00temperatures will stay at 8 or 9 Celsius typically, they would be even lower than that if it wasn't
02:06so gusty.
02:08We start off Wednesday with that fresh feel to things and further showers coming through
02:12but there will be some sunshine especially in the south and the east first thing, the
02:17cloud will tend to fill in by the afternoon and there will be showers just about anywhere
02:21however it's northern and north-western areas that will see the most frequent downpours,
02:25some heavy downpours, even some more prolonged rain at times particularly for those areas
02:29exposed to the northerly winds, so for example northern Scotland.
02:33But away from the showers some bright spells, some blue skies coming through particularly
02:37towards the south, 16, perhaps 17 Celsius otherwise it's low to mid-teens and in some
02:44spots 11 or 12 Celsius, add on the wind it's going to feel more like high single figures.
02:51So a very unsettled spell during the next couple of days, unseasonably cold with frequent
02:57showers, some brightness in between.
