Met Office Afternoon Weather Forecast 09/07/24 - Rain moving north

  • 2 months ago
The band of rain moves northwards into Scotland and Northern Ireland, bringing wet conditions to many. Elsewhere remains largely cloudy with a few bright spells in the south. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 09/07/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Aidan McGivern.


00:00Hi there, fans of summer sunshine may not appreciate what's on offer during the next
00:06couple of days across much of the UK. Over the last 24 hours we've certainly seen some
00:11very gloomy and soggy conditions across the south. This is 3pm on Monday and just playing
00:16the sequence forward. The cloud from the satellite imagery and the rainfall radar shows the heavy
00:22and persistent rain that really moved across southern and then central parts of the UK
00:28through Monday afternoon, overnight and then into the start of Tuesday. This band of rain
00:32is moving into north Wales, northern England, southern and central Scotland, Northern Ireland.
00:36It's also slowing down with further showery outbreaks of rain emerging in the south. Now
00:40northern Scotland has fared best as far as summer sunny and bright weather and mostly
00:46dry conditions are concerned. One or two showers possible into Tuesday afternoon but otherwise
00:50the Northern Isles, the far north and north west of Scotland are seeing reasonable summer
00:55like weather but elsewhere outbreaks of heavy and at times persistent rainfall edging into
01:01central Scotland continuing across Northern Ireland, southern Scotland, northern England
01:05and further south a lot of low cloud across the map. There will be some breaks developing
01:10in that cloud but even where the breaks develop and as temperatures rise it's more humid out
01:15there. That could spark a few heavy showers across northern England for example into the
01:18Midlands parts of Wales, even some longer spells of rain, perhaps some thunderstorms
01:23emerging over the continent and affecting the far south east of England. So all in all
01:28a messy picture across the UK, a lot of cloud cover. However in the south it is going to
01:34feel more humid as I mentioned where the sun does break through 21-23 Celsius is possible,
01:39where the sun fails to break through I think 19 Celsius more likely. But where we've got
01:43the persistent rain and the breeze picking up from the North Sea there across parts of
01:48north east England, for example south east Scotland 12-15 Celsius at best. And the north
01:53of Scotland although brighter weather is expected here we're in the cooler air, so
01:5714 degrees likely for Orkney. Now through the evening those heavy showers continue across
02:03many central parts and the more persistent rain continues across Northern Ireland and
02:08into much of the rest of Scotland that will move. And as we go through the night a lot
02:13of cloud remains so with that cloud and relatively more humid air across many parts of the country
02:19is going to be a mild night. Temperatures in some spots not falling below the mid teens.
02:25But it's another gloomy start to the day on Wednesday, a lot of low cloud across the map
02:29and the persistent rain continuing across Northern Ireland, central southern Scotland
02:33and increasingly across north east Scotland. And that's the focus for the rain really starting
02:38to build up through Wednesday and the rain turns heavier into the afternoon as well with
02:44north east Scotland's coast seeing the highest rainfall amounts as we go through Tuesday
02:49night and into Wednesday. Elsewhere it is turning slowly more dry and bright especially
02:56in the south of England and the east of England some sunny spells and just the odd shower
03:00here but it's going to be a damp and cool day for Northern Ireland. Parts of northern
03:05England, north Wales for example with temperatures languishing in the mid teens and just 13 Celsius
03:10there for the north east of Scotland with the rain turning increasingly heavy and the
03:14breeze picking up on Wednesday as well. A yellow rain warning in force because the rain
03:19is really going to accumulate throughout Wednesday and some uncertainty about the rainfall totals
03:24for north east Scotland and likewise for Northern Ireland. But most likely through Tuesday and
03:31Wednesday these are 48 hour rain accumulations so we're looking at the order of 20-50mm or
03:38so for parts of Northern Ireland into northern England, southern Scotland but the risk for
03:42north east Scotland in some spots of 80 or 90mm particularly over northern parts of the
03:48Grampians, North Highlands for example. So yes that could cause some impacts that's why
03:54there's a yellow warning. Meanwhile after a wet start to the week in the south it is
03:59turning drier so rainfall amounts on Tuesday and Wednesday here more hit and miss depending
04:03on shower development. But brighter weather is on the way as that front pulls through
04:10on Thursday. Higher pressure builds towards the north west of the UK. It's not going to
04:15be completely fine and sunny everywhere. Still quite a number of showers developing across
04:20the UK and still some weather fronts close to the south east to bring some longer spells
04:24of rain perhaps. But actually for many it is going to be a drier and brighter end to
04:28the week compared with how we've started and worth checking the Met Office website for
04:33all the latest details on the weather warnings as well.
