Kill it with Fire REVIEW 75% on the Meta Quest 2

  • 2 weeks ago
Kill it with Fire REVIEW on the Meta Quest 2

The good news: Kill It With Fire VR gives you ultimate freedom to hunt down and murder spiders. With fire! And ninja stars. And rocket launchers. And a submachine gun. And a huge range of other weapons, too. Take on the role of an exterminator and destroy mankind’s most ancient and deadly eight-legged nemesis.

The bad news: It's SPIDERS. In VR. And there's a lot more of them then there is of you. Don't say we didn't warn you.
But you're not going in alone. You've got a huge arsenal of weapons and technology to help you do a little bit of population control. And if there’s a little collateral damage caused along the way? Well, it’s best to be SURE they're dead.
- Large arsenal of unique weapons and equipment
- Eight different spider species
- “Realistic” fire simulation system
- Gratuitous chaos and destruction
- Dozens of optional objectives
- Loads of hidden upgrades
- Battle in the Arachno-Gauntlet!
- A secret ending?!?! (...shh!)


01 - Game Menus - 4/5
02 - weapons/vehicles - 5/5
03 - Playable characters - N/A
04 - Enemies and bosses. - 3/5
05 - levels and size - 4/5
06 - Story, solo, campaign, multiplayer, co-op - 4/5
07 - Customisation options - 3/5
08 - levelling up options - N/A
09 - Controls - 4/5
10 - Online playability - N/A
11 - Puzzles - 3/5

Total = 30/40


If you are thinking to buy a Meta Quest Headset, please consider using my referel link below, it means when you buy your headset, we both get a $30 Meta Quest Store credit after you have activated your headset.
It costs you no extra, but we both Gain a little.
00:00Now let me say, before we start, that if you are frightened of spiders, this probably is
00:07not the game for you. This game is very simple to play and a lot of fun. The game menu is
00:15very simple, it's all right there on the board in your office, easy to navigate.
00:19So this is just a solo game, just you and your 8 little legged friends. The controls
00:25are very simple, not hard to master at all, though they can sometimes be a little tricky
00:30when you want to reload a gun or put another can of gas in your flamethrower. It's not
00:35complicated but I just feel it could be an easier and a better way, and sometimes it
00:40takes a few attempts to grab the item you require from your pop-up menu, which isn't
00:45good when you're trying to grab a gun at speed to shoot a load of spiders.
00:50When you start the game, you have to find bits of paper that will give you your objectives,
00:56things like destroy 8 toilets or kill 10 spiders, put trash in dumpsters. As you work through
01:03objectives and killing spiders, it will unlock doors to other rooms. You will also search
01:11for batteries and new gear, ammo and weapons to use.
01:16Now the weapons choice is a lot of fun, from just throwing whatever you have at hand in
01:22any room, to frying pans, a silencer pistol, a shotgun, an uzi, a flamethrower, even a
01:31fire extinguisher, a grass trimmer. You also find bags of snacks like cheese balls which
01:38the spiders like. Now I always found it amusing throwing down a few puffs and then a few seconds
01:44later you hear a spider munching away on it.
01:48I wish there was more choice in spider enemies. You do have black spiders and white spiders
01:55and green spiders and red spiders. Spiders that when you kill, they'll turn into three
02:03more spiders. You have zombie spiders and yellow spiders. But maybe it would have been
02:11fun to have maybe bigger spiders. You know, maybe ginormous spiders. I don't know if that's
02:16too much for this game, I don't know. But even spiders that shoot webs at you. But I
02:23gotta say, it can be quite scary when you open a cupboard and suddenly a spider jumps
02:29out at you. Always good, always good. Gets the adrenaline going.
02:34The level sizes are nice. Plenty of rooms and spaces to explore within each level. I
02:41found that each level would take me on average 25-30 minutes to complete and they can be
02:50from your house to out in a barn, a convenience store, a garage, even a science lab and out
02:58in the garden. Also worth noting that if you complete all your objectives then you
03:05get to press a button on a stereo looking device and competing in an arachnid gauntlet
03:13which means killing as many spiders as you can. Customisation options comes in the way
03:20of upgrades. So you can upgrade to have kerosene soaked bullets for your gun or have like a
03:28fire touch where quite simply anything that you touch turns to fire. Luckily you have
03:36options of turning these on and off because it's quite frustrating when everything you
03:41touch turns to fire. Kind of ruins the fun a little bit. Now there are puzzles in this
03:47game and they come by the way of objectives. They are not overly complicated and it's a
03:53shame there are not more puzzles with a slightly harder difficulty. So overall I got to say
04:02that it is a lot of fun throwing whatever comes to hand that's laying around, shooting
04:07at or chasing spiders around with a frying pan, opening drawers and cupboards and fridges
04:14in search of equipment and working through the objectives. Some nice puzzles in there.
04:19There isn't anything complicated to this game. It's just lots of fun searching for gear and killing spiders.
04:26And believe it or not it's quite relaxing getting to trash all of these locations.
04:32So I score this very fun game at a 30 out of 40 and you can find my scoring system in the description
04:42section below. Now please enjoy the rest of my gameplay and please like comment and definitely
04:49subscribe. Thanks guys and I'll see you in the next one.
05:19I'm ready.
05:37I'm coming.
05:41Oh shoot!
05:43That's pretty good.