Hostile Dimensions

  • 2 days ago
Two documentary filmmakers travel through alternate dimensions to uncover the truth about a graffiti artist who has vanished.
00:00:30You think I can do better than this, should I?
00:00:56Some of this shit is mean.
00:00:58Oh yeah, well yours is good, obviously.
00:01:01Which one?
00:01:02Uh, let me tell you, Trumper does.
00:01:05Yeah, I was gonna say, that's the only good one.
00:01:20Watch that.
00:01:23It's so dark.
00:01:29This is where they do the murders.
00:01:35Oh, Brian, there's one of you.
00:02:28Oh, scared the shit out of me.
00:02:42Come look at this weird door.
00:02:49Do you not think that's fucking weird?
00:02:56Do you not think that's fucking weird?
00:03:01Like, why would you bring a door down here?
00:03:05I guess maybe it was just left?
00:03:09But why is it like freestanding like that?
00:03:52Yeah, very good.
00:03:54There, slow clap if I had two free hands.
00:04:47I think this is our next film.
00:04:51I don't think I get it.
00:04:52I mean, these are just people fucking about, right?
00:04:56Well, I know.
00:04:58I know because it looks kind of like a prank video, I get it.
00:05:01But that girl, Emily, she's actually missing.
00:05:04She's been missing for like a month.
00:05:09You're trying to bait me with a missing person?
00:05:13Okay, I know.
00:05:14I know.
00:05:15That's low, even for you.
00:05:17I'm sorry.
00:05:18I'm sorry.
00:05:19Look, I think it might be kind of good for you.
00:05:23And to be perfectly honest,
00:05:28I remark it was a disaster.
00:05:30And I know this sounds really lame, but I think this is more marketable.
00:05:38You're right, that does sound really lame.
00:05:40I know.
00:05:44I actually think this is going to be good for me.
00:05:48Doing something, making a thing that might actually help someone.
00:05:53So you can have a think about it.
00:05:56Take your time.
00:05:57There's no rush.
00:05:59Just let me know.
00:06:05Yeah, I'll think about it.
00:06:08I love you, bitch.
00:06:12I guess I love you too.
00:07:23Fuck, man.
00:07:31It's a big house.
00:08:24I'm convinced.
00:08:25Let's try and help, Emily.
00:08:28Yeah, amazing.
00:08:29Where are you?
00:08:33What the hell are you doing in Butte?
00:08:38I'm doing my job.
00:08:41So, what next?
00:08:54Hi, Brian.
00:08:55It's Sam.
00:08:57We spoke over email.
00:09:04Uh, yeah, it's about the interview for the documentary.
00:09:08Sorry, is this a bad time?
00:09:11I think something's off.
00:09:12He's probably just nervous about being on camera.
00:09:15It's fine.
00:09:20Hi, Brian.
00:09:21It's Sam, and this is Ash.
00:09:36We should, uh, get started.
00:09:38I've only got 30 minutes, so.
00:09:40Of course.
00:09:41Sorry, um, thanks for letting us film this.
00:09:46Okay, let's, uh, get-
00:09:48All right, Brian, uh, we'll just ease you into this, okay?
00:09:52Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing that night?
00:09:58Well, I'm working on a big project, and I needed people like Emily for it.
00:10:05What was this project?
00:10:06Like a documentary?
00:10:08It's part of it.
00:10:09I'm not quite ready to talk about it yet, but Emily just
00:10:14just walked into it and fit.
00:10:20Emily went missing through the door, right?
00:10:25And what do you make of the door?
00:10:27I think you should leave it alone.
00:10:31I just don't think anyone should go near it again.
00:10:33Well, we can't really do that.
00:10:39I feel like fucking crazy.
00:10:41Right, so have you ever read about long-term nuclear waste warnings?
00:10:47Uh, no.
00:10:48I know.
00:10:49But, like, this isn't a conspiracy theory.
00:10:51Just, like, bear with me for a second.
00:10:55So nuclear waste remains dangerous for thousands of years.
00:10:59Like, tens of thousands.
00:11:01And you have to do something with it.
00:11:02So you bury it, store it, lock it up, whatever.
00:11:08But it's a long time to keep something secure.
00:11:12How do you communicate to a society 10,000 years from now
00:11:16that you should not, at any cost, open that door?
00:11:21So scientists, philosophers, engineers, they've come up with all these ideas.
00:11:27Things like warning messages, pictures, foreboding structures,
00:11:34a landscape of thorns, menacing earthworks.
00:11:38Rubble landscape.
00:11:40All of this trying to communicate this place is best left shunned.
00:11:50So you're saying that the warehouse was built to keep people away from the door?
00:11:57What I'm saying is that within a relatively short period of time
00:12:01a complete breakdown of societal communication can occur.
00:12:06And when something beyond your understanding tells you that it's dangerous
00:12:11you should believe it the first time.
00:12:17Well, that guy's fucking batshit.
00:12:27So are you scared yet?
00:12:30Fuck off.
00:12:32And yet you have not opened it.
00:12:34Well, I have shit to do this afternoon.
00:12:36We may as well just do it tomorrow.
00:12:42What about you?
00:12:42Do you believe him?
00:12:45If I did, I would not have brought this fucking door home.
00:12:53I don't know.
00:12:55I think he believes it.
00:12:57But I think his pal's just done one over.
00:12:59I don't know, insurance scam, something.
00:13:01He's collateral damage.
00:14:02Okay, first attempt through the door to see what lies beyond the veil
00:14:14and what happened to Emily Mann.
00:14:18Are you ready?
00:14:20Go ahead.
00:14:31Oh, my God.
00:14:36What is it?
00:14:36I can't see.
00:14:37It's a mirror.
00:14:42Oh, my God, a fucking idiot.
00:14:45He saw his reflection and he freaked out.
00:14:48What do you think it was then?
00:14:49Do you think she skipped town because of death?
00:14:51Yeah, probably.
00:14:52I mean, I guess it's not a total wash.
00:14:54There might still be a story in there.
00:14:56And it's a good opening hook, I guess.
00:14:59Jesus Christ, what?
00:15:01I don't know.
00:15:02Like, I touched the mirror and it just felt weird.
00:15:05What do you mean it felt weird?
00:15:07I think I just freaked myself out.
00:15:09It just felt weird.
00:15:30Where's my reflection?
00:15:32Sam, Sam.
00:15:33It's all right.
00:15:33I'm just trying to go home and understand what's happening.
00:15:36Mom, don't listen to her.
00:15:40Wait, wait.
00:15:41Sam, what's happening?
00:15:45Sam, stop.
00:15:57Greetings, my children.
00:15:59I have taken a form that will not cause you to fear me.
00:16:17I don't think tea's going to cut it.
00:16:24You're mum, Sam.
00:16:26Are you okay?
00:16:27I'm fine.
00:16:30You know, we can talk about it.
00:16:33Baker fish to fry.
00:16:35Like, how?
00:16:40When I was touching...
00:16:45It wasn't a mirror.
00:16:46I was...
00:16:48It felt like I was touching someone.
00:16:51Like it was skin.
00:16:52I was touching another me.
00:16:56Another us.
00:16:58And that dog.
00:16:59Oh, it's that dog.
00:17:06Well, if I'm going to avoid an existential crisis
00:17:09and a year's worth of grief therapy going down the drain,
00:17:12I think we should just be scientific about this.
00:17:18Yeah, sure.
00:17:21All right, yeah.
00:17:23We've done this before.
00:17:24Just not being this weird.
00:17:26Not being this weird.
00:17:31It's just documentary brainstorming.
00:17:34Yeah, exactly.
00:17:35Like, no idea's too stupid.
00:17:38The only idea that's stupid is the one that's not set up.
00:17:44A gateway to hell.
00:17:48Could it be like our subconsciousness?
00:17:52Like we're seeing what we're thinking?
00:17:54I know, I think about talking dogs all the time.
00:17:57Maybe it's a multiverse key.
00:17:59You know, like all imagined possibilities are possible.
00:18:05Maybe it's just a giant hallucination and maybe there's a gas leak.
00:18:09It's a hallucination and she ran away.
00:18:13Yeah, or she's in a ditch.
00:18:17Thing is, Emily really is missing.
00:18:20Like, she did vanish.
00:18:28So the question is, can we go through the door?
00:18:35I'm more worried about things coming through here.
00:18:41Well, we're not going to find out anything more unless we go through the door again.
00:18:45I mean, come on, we've already got two pink post-its up there.
00:18:48You want to go back through the door?
00:18:50Well, we have to, don't we?
00:18:52I mean, Emily is missing.
00:18:54We need to help her.
00:18:56Bring her back to the shithole, Sam.
00:19:00All right, all right.
00:19:02God, I'm just trying to be funny.
00:19:05You're such a bitch.
00:19:07OK, OK, yeah, you're right.
00:19:09We need to help her.
00:19:11We need to help her.
00:19:13Thank you for being my moral code.
00:19:16Your moral code.
00:19:19High of 10 markers right now.
00:19:21It's sweet.
00:19:48What the fuck are you looking at, mate?
00:21:18What is that?
00:21:31Are you ready?
00:21:33I guess.
00:21:34I mean, yeah.
00:21:40It's through.
00:21:41It's through.
00:21:42OK, wait, stop.
00:21:44Turn it around so we can see if there's a door on the other side.
00:21:48That's weird.
00:22:04All right, keep going.
00:22:14It's so creepy.
00:22:19Why Prendis?
00:22:22It's like the most useless animal ever.
00:22:36So what are you thinking?
00:22:39Safe enough for you?
00:22:43So I'm wait here.
00:22:50Take this.
00:22:52We don't want the door to close behind us.
00:23:00It's still all right.
00:23:14Come on.
00:23:16Fuck, it's cold in here.
00:23:19I think Emily is in here.
00:23:26Hello, Emily.
00:23:27Will you be quiet?
00:23:30Why are you whispering?
00:23:32Why are you not whispering?
00:23:40Oh, my God, you have to try this.
00:23:42Sam, stop fucking about.
00:23:44Let's go now.
00:23:46You go if you want.
00:23:48Just give me the camera.
00:23:49Splitting up is the worst idea.
00:23:52Let's go.
00:23:53Give me the camera.
00:23:57Go back, that won't be long.
00:24:04I'm gonna fucking leave you here.
00:24:06I mean, look at it.
00:24:09All right.
00:24:10Okay, bub.
00:24:20There's a sign here.
00:24:24Muffet Allingan.
00:24:28My Gujarati is very rusty, but that looks like Gujarati to me.
00:24:33That's weird.
00:24:35What's that mean?
00:24:37I think it means free hugs.
00:24:51I don't even like hugs at the best of times.
00:24:58Oh, my God, there's a panda.
00:25:12A panda?
00:25:14Yeah, a teddy bear panda.
00:25:20I wanna see it.
00:25:21My fuck, it actually is a fucking panda.
00:25:25Or, you know, some drunk guy in a suit.
00:25:29Hello, panda.
00:25:31Sam, come on.
00:25:32This place is, like, really fucked up.
00:25:34I think we should go.
00:25:39Sam, come on.
00:25:42It's fine.
00:25:43Sam, we've got to go now.
00:25:47Okay, let's go.
00:26:04Go, go, go.
00:26:06Close the door.
00:26:08Close the door.
00:26:10Close the door.
00:26:12Oh, God.
00:26:14What the fuck?
00:26:28It puts things into perspective.
00:26:30You think so?
00:27:00Go to bed.
00:27:28What is reality?
00:27:46If it's the things that we can see and touch, can we not see and touch our dreams?
00:27:52We'll never see and touch galaxies and nebulae across the universe.
00:27:57The other side, does that mean they aren't real?
00:28:01Things we imagine, our thoughts, they can seem real.
00:28:03Especially if you're on drugs, or if you're having a psychotic episode.
00:28:09So, I'll postulate this.
00:28:11Does that mean that what we imagine can create a new reality?
00:28:17And I'm not talking about realities where, you know, the Nazis won the war,
00:28:21although they probably exist.
00:28:22I'm talking about a reality where, you know, you've forgot to brush your teeth
00:28:28when you're 11 years old in one of them, and in the other, you remembered.
00:28:32You know, not exactly Netflix material.
00:28:34But there's a million billion atoms in a mole of dust.
00:28:38Now, those atoms are all juggling about at 300 meters per second.
00:28:44So, within one second, those atoms, or one of those atoms,
00:28:49all it needs to do is juggle left instead of right,
00:28:53and there's a new reality.
00:28:56In every microsecond.
00:29:00Now, that is infinity.
00:29:07Dr O'Neill?
00:29:08Dr O'Neill.
00:29:09Didn't the media department say that you were going to be a doctor?
00:29:13Didn't the media department tell you you don't like to get filmed?
00:29:17Um, well, we're not students, we're filmmakers,
00:29:19and we think we might have something that will be of interest to you.
00:29:25Oh, what might that be?
00:29:32This, this is real?
00:29:37Well, I always heard about these things,
00:29:40but I always thought people were, like, making them up.
00:29:44This, you've got this in your flat right now?
00:29:54What is it?
00:29:56Uh, well, you heard my lecture, what do you think it is?
00:29:59Don't worry, it's other worlds.
00:30:02Wait, you've heard of these before?
00:30:05Yeah, I mean, on creepy pasta posts and things like that, but...
00:30:10Well, you know, I take everything with a pinch of salt,
00:30:12but, like, you know, it's, there's, there is, there is a subreddit,
00:30:16like, a video on the subreddit, um, it was kind of similar to this.
00:30:20Uh, do you mind if I...
00:30:21Yeah, go for it.
00:30:22Right, okay.
00:30:27It freaked me out before, but it was like,
00:30:29I just thought it was a horror short film or something like that, but...
00:30:34If you guys are to believe, be believed, it's, it's plausible this is, like, something.
00:30:39Um, basically, an urban explorer went missing, uh, in Mexico in an abandoned building.
00:30:47An abandoned building?
00:30:50Yeah, and his camera was found a few weeks later.
00:34:18There's another 40 minutes of this once the tape runs out.
00:34:23So, what is it?
00:34:26In what sense?
00:34:28Like, that door, is it, is it a different door from ours, or do we have that door?
00:34:34And if it is different, does that mean there's lots more doors?
00:34:38How are they being made?
00:34:39Who's making them?
00:34:41Why are they being found in abandoned buildings?
00:34:44Well, I mean, you're getting into, kind of, tinfoil hats, subreddit, 4chan stuff here,
00:34:48but basically, there's a theory that suggests that there was ancient civilizations
00:34:52which figured out a way to reach other planes of existence.
00:34:55Now, this is through meditation, changes in states of being, drugs, of course.
00:35:00There's, uh, you've heard of, like, vision quests?
00:35:02Well, there's, like, a Venn diagram that links these two phenomena.
00:35:05So, again, this could just be creepypasta rubbish,
00:35:09but there's a theory that these practices were developed into a physical tool, these doors.
00:35:18There's different names, but I like wolf doors.
00:35:23You know how people are.
00:35:24Technology, sufficiently advanced, appears to be magic.
00:35:30And from magic comes superstition, and when there's superstition,
00:35:33you know, and belief, eventually people start killing people in its name.
00:35:38Anyway, some people think that they're believers, or cult, or whatever.
00:35:42They think they need to sacrifice people to the other dimensions in order to keep our world stable.
00:35:50Let's hope they don't exist.
00:35:54So, why the abandoned buildings?
00:35:57Uh, don't know.
00:36:01You satisfied?
00:36:07We've not told you everything.
00:36:08Um, there's a girl who went missing through our door,
00:36:12and we want to help her, but we have no idea how,
00:36:16because every time we open the door, it just leads us to some other place.
00:36:20Do you have any ideas?
00:36:25I might.
00:36:34All right, may I move this?
00:36:36Go on.
00:36:41All right, so you've already seen that these things have some bad shit on the other side,
00:36:45but I've heard there's a knack.
00:36:47You all give it a try?
00:36:48Yeah, let's give it a try.
00:36:51Hold on.
00:36:58Okay, yeah.
00:36:59All right.
00:37:00Sam, what do you think?
00:37:01All right.
00:37:02Sam, what's your favorite animal?
00:37:05What's your favorite animal?
00:37:08I'm not seven years old.
00:37:10All right, Ash?
00:37:13I'm fat quails.
00:37:14All right, perfect.
00:37:15Okay, just give me five seconds.
00:37:17Just, I need complete quiet, please.
00:37:31Oh, my God, it's real.
00:37:40Oh, shit.
00:37:49Where are we?
00:37:51I don't know.
00:37:54Like, fuck, is it safe?
00:37:57Don't know.
00:37:59It's like an invocation.
00:38:00You just picture in your head where you want to go, what kind of world.
00:38:03They all exist.
00:38:04It's infinity.
00:38:06All imagined worlds.
00:38:08There are flies in infinity.
00:38:10Innes, what did you picture?
00:38:21What was that?
00:38:23Innes, what was that?
00:38:30If you imagine it, it's a world that exists.
00:39:01Your face, you were just like...
00:39:04I could not believe it.
00:39:06I've never seen a whale ever.
00:39:07You have such an amazing imagination.
00:39:12Thanks very much for bringing me into this.
00:39:14It's amazing.
00:39:14I still can't believe it.
00:39:16Thanks for helping us.
00:39:17This is so cool.
00:39:19Cheers again.
00:39:20Cheers, yes.
00:39:21To the whales.
00:39:23A world where I am an astronaut.
00:39:28Almost certainly.
00:39:31How about a world where lobsters are now the dominant species of this planet?
00:39:38Definitely, yeah.
00:39:42A world made of marshmallows.
00:39:45Probably not because, well, unless there was alternate laws of physics.
00:39:52I thought you said that if you can imagine it, it exists.
00:39:56Yeah, but I said that when there was like whales going over our head and I...
00:40:00Thought it would sound cool.
00:40:02Yeah, but you're a liar.
00:40:06How about actual hell?
00:40:09Oh, that's this universe.
00:40:12You're funny.
00:40:13I'm not joking.
00:40:14You're a jokey person.
00:40:16I like you.
00:40:19Okay, do you want another drink?
00:40:22No, I'm fine.
00:40:27So this is quite a contrast to bear market.
00:40:31A useful bear market.
00:40:33I had to see if you guys were any good.
00:40:37Well, I think you're about the fifth person to have seen that, so congratulations.
00:40:43How do you go from doing a documentary about a boutique teddy bear business,
00:40:48struggling under the weight of capitalism, to this?
00:40:54Yeah, well, as I say, there's not much of an audience.
00:40:59I don't know.
00:41:00This sells better.
00:41:12No, not really.
00:41:15I just said it to make Ash feel better and get him on board.
00:41:21I don't know.
00:41:22I'm just...
00:41:23I'm just over it.
00:41:27I'm just over...
00:41:29trying to make a better difference.
00:41:33Just keep bashing my head up against a wall and nothing is changing.
00:41:38You get me?
00:41:41I don't know.
00:41:44I try so hard.
00:41:46Like, so hard.
00:41:48I'm always wanting to be the best, to do the best, and I keep trying and...
00:41:56I don't know.
00:42:01I just wanted to make something fun.
00:42:05You have a weird definition of fun.
00:42:09To be fair, I didn't think this was going to be real.
00:42:16I mean, it's real, isn't it?
00:42:19It's really, really real.
00:42:22There's, like, a version of my mum in another part.
00:42:29Of the universe?
00:42:32She's, like, there?
00:42:39That sucks.
00:42:47Oh my god, did we tell you that we saw a talking dog?
00:42:53And we saw a panda that just shoots spikes out of itself.
00:42:57What? Why didn't you tell me this before?
00:43:57What's happened?
00:44:02It's just, there was something watching me and I...
00:44:06What was it?
00:44:07Was it the panda? Was it the panda?
00:44:09It was big, but it wasn't that big.
00:44:11I think it was a person.
00:44:12Okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:44:15Let's just go.
00:44:16We can do this, come on.
00:44:19Just stay behind me.
00:44:41What did you see?
00:44:43I saw it in the corner over me.
00:44:48There's nothing there.
00:44:50I can't see anything.
00:44:51Turn on the light.
00:44:52Don't turn it on, we need to turn the bedroom light on.
00:44:56Oh my god!
00:45:00Come here.
00:45:05You're okay, you're okay.
00:45:07You're safe now.
00:45:09Whatever it was.
00:45:13You're safe now.
00:45:14It's okay.
00:45:28And sorry for scaring you.
00:45:30Oh, honestly, don't worry about it.
00:45:33We've got Brian, he's on his way.
00:45:38I still think you should go to hospital.
00:45:40It's fine, I'll be fine.
00:45:42Where were you? Do you remember?
00:45:47It's all fuzzy.
00:45:50I was in...
00:45:51In where?
00:45:53In this.
00:45:56It was dark and it might have been a church.
00:46:02There were these things.
00:46:06And then...
00:46:09That door appeared and I followed it back through here.
00:46:14My head's all over the place.
00:46:17Seriously, you're fine now.
00:46:19You're safe.
00:46:19When you say there were things, what things do you mean?
00:46:23Just let me go.
00:46:31Oh, God.
00:46:32How are we, Brian?
00:46:33Um, Ash, can you let him in?
00:46:35I think the buzzer's broken.
00:46:36Yeah, okay.
00:46:37There you go.
00:46:38Just in case.
00:46:41Take it easy.
00:46:44Right, I'm fucking coming.
00:46:45Oh, jeez.
00:46:52Yeah, I stumbled across Brian's video of your disappearance.
00:46:57He put it online?
00:47:02She came back?
00:47:03Yeah, she just walked out on her own.
00:47:08It's pretty weird.
00:47:11No, I am feeling a bit better.
00:47:13It'll be good to see his big stupid face again.
00:47:20Brian, she's okay.
00:47:22Like, she seems healthy, at least.
00:47:26Yeah, it's a miracle.
00:47:30My bed, I think.
00:47:35We're back.
00:47:40Where's Brian?
00:48:05Come here.
00:48:11Come on, that's it.
00:48:13That's it, man.
00:48:39Ines, can you hear me?
00:48:44Look, Emily, are you okay?
00:48:48Who the fuck was that?
00:48:51We thought it was Brian.
00:48:53It wasn't.
00:48:54No fucking shit.
00:48:55Emily, have you seen Ash?
00:48:58Camera's still going.
00:48:59Maybe you can see him now.
00:49:02This is crazy.
00:49:04You can't change my mind.
00:49:06They could be dead or in a war zone.
00:49:08Or in a volcano.
00:49:09Don't say that!
00:49:12Please, Ines.
00:49:15I need to stop him.
00:49:17Just tell me.
00:49:18Just tell me how.
00:49:20They wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me, so please.
00:49:25All right, okay, okay, right.
00:49:27You do what I did before.
00:49:28You picture in your head where you want to go.
00:49:30Picture Ash.
00:49:31Clearly, that'll get us there.
00:49:33All right?
00:49:34I'm coming.
00:49:34Don't get all heroic just because there's a camera on there.
00:49:38Someone has to go and find Brian.
00:49:40The real Brian.
00:49:41I don't know.
00:49:41Hopefully he's just locked in a cupboard or something.
00:49:43Is that not a job for the police?
00:49:45No police.
00:49:46All right, Captain Acab.
00:49:50Right, where is he?
00:49:52The address is on the fridge.
00:49:53Right, okay, okay.
00:49:56Be careful.
00:49:57You don't know what side he goes in.
00:50:02Got it!
00:50:07Emily, who are you going with?
00:50:10All right?
00:50:11No arguments here.
00:50:16If you can, it's a VR camera, so you don't even have to point it.
00:50:19Just turn it on and hold it.
00:50:22Okay, all right then.
00:50:24All right then.
00:50:31Last chance to turn back.
00:50:36Better let me go first.
00:50:37I know Ash better.
00:50:42Oh my gosh.
00:50:44Where did you go?
00:50:53Are these all wolf doors?
00:50:56Wolf doors?
00:50:58Yeah, it's what Ennis calls them.
00:51:02They look a bit shitter than ours.
00:51:18I could have gone through any of these doors.
00:51:21Only one way to find out?
00:51:25You getting a good feeling about any of these?
00:51:32Please, God.
00:51:34At last, you have come to accept my guidance.
00:51:40What the fuck was that?
00:51:42Just this talking dog.
00:51:49Okay, come on, Ennis.
00:51:52They're all relying on you.
00:52:00Okay, let's just try it again.
00:52:13What's that smell?
00:52:15I have to be here.
00:52:26Okay, keep going.
00:52:30Apparently there's something to do with abandoned places.
00:52:33That is so cool.
00:52:35Still fucking stinks, though.
00:52:38I don't know. I think this is a dead end.
00:52:40What do you think?
00:52:54Good thing you had your bottle.
00:53:03Try, try, try, try.
00:53:09Fuck, fuck, fuck.
00:53:11I want to try.
00:53:14You sure?
00:53:15I just picture the place, right?
00:53:17Yeah, that should do it.
00:53:19Ennis said if I just think of Ash, then I can find them.
00:53:31That one?
00:53:38What do you think?
00:53:40Feels promising.
00:53:43That's good enough for me.
00:53:49This could be it.
00:53:51Ash, Ash, wait.
00:53:52Let me speak to him.
00:53:55Okay, you lead the way.
00:54:13Don't try to fight anything.
00:54:16The thing's in here, just don't go near them.
00:54:19But if I see not right, I'm gonna kick him in the fucking nuts.
00:54:22Yeah, that's fine.
00:55:08Oh my god.
00:55:10No, help me.
00:55:11What is this?
00:55:13This is the wrong universe.
00:55:15She's not gonna be here.
00:55:17Ash isn't gonna be here.
00:55:18What do you mean?
00:55:20This isn't the right place.
00:55:21This is the wrong place.
00:55:23We need to help her.
00:55:27She's not a problem.
00:55:28What do you mean she's not a problem?
00:55:36Emily, I'll explain later.
00:55:39Come on, we need to go.
00:56:04What was that?
00:56:05It's another you.
00:56:06It's another universe.
00:56:08It's like this, but I guess with another Emily.
00:56:13There could be infinite versions of ourselves.
00:56:16I couldn't say that.
00:56:21Does that mean there's just like infinite versions of me dying like that?
00:56:26I don't know.
00:56:33Okay, here we go.
00:56:34Here we go.
00:57:11My mum died last year.
00:57:19It brought me of everything.
00:57:23She was young.
00:57:26She was healthy.
00:57:30She dieted all the time.
00:57:31She said, if I can just lose 10 pounds, I'll be happy.
00:57:36You know, I told her I wouldn't.
00:57:41I told her I loved her.
00:57:47But I couldn't make her happy.
00:57:51And she literally left me.
00:57:57For what?
00:57:59You know, for fucking what?
00:58:02Because I saw her two days ago in an alternate universe and she was fine.
00:58:07She was fine and happy.
00:58:11And she just slammed the door in my face.
00:58:16I am so done feeling this helpless all the time.
00:58:26I'm gonna find Ash.
00:58:29My Ash.
00:58:32No one else's.
00:58:35I owe them so much more than just survival, but that is all I can give them right now.
00:58:43And then I'm done.
00:58:45I'm done.
00:58:46I'm done.
00:58:47I don't care anymore.
00:58:49For a nihilist, you care way too fucking much about filming everything.
00:58:58You do not know existential pain.
00:59:03Until you've produced a film.
00:59:42Brian, hello?
00:59:49Are you in here?
01:00:18Are you in here?
01:00:42I tried to film.
01:00:44Tried to do things.
01:00:45Tried to fucking be the way that everyone wanted me to be.
01:00:49But I'm sick of trying to fit in.
01:01:00I'm sick of trying to fucking just please people that I don't give a shit about.
01:01:07That just like look at me as if I'm nothing.
01:01:10I prayed.
01:01:14I prayed.
01:01:18And there was no answer.
01:01:27Fucking made the answer.
01:01:29Made the answer.
01:01:37I played nice.
01:01:38I played nice.
01:01:38No one else played nice back.
01:01:44You try, you just, you try and do the things.
01:01:46You fucking try and do the things.
01:01:55Time to play nice now.
01:03:32hello hey it's upstairs up there I forgot my keys
01:04:30Brian you can come up now it's safe.
01:04:32It's safe.
01:04:37Open torch.
01:04:40Okay I have turned the torch on.
01:04:41I'm doing this.
01:06:21where's the door frames
01:06:24he doesn't need doors he draws he draws the outlines with chalk
01:06:29he's gonna open them all over the city why
01:06:32at least try in the fucking world
01:06:37fuck me
01:06:48you got this
01:06:50we don't know what's on the other side of that door it could be
01:07:02me wait no you go through that one
01:07:08find ash I'll get this brick
01:09:24fucking hell
01:09:26I don't know what you're fucking dealing with
01:09:45oh come on you're not gonna fit through that I'm not trying to
01:11:43dead good well let's get out of here
01:11:56you fucking
01:11:59bitches do you know who you're messing with I have a god on my side a god
01:12:06fuck you fuck you fuck you shut up
01:12:12I have a god in my sight and you've just you're messing with it it's almost upon us
01:12:18cleansing in the world
01:12:22fuck up I thought you said this fucking guy was dead apparently he has a god on their side
01:12:27please they're so close just a few sacrifices short but
01:12:35I mean I tried I tried let's just kill these fucking bitches
01:12:45let's just smite them
01:12:56this fucking
01:13:00it's got empty doors
01:13:04what come on Sam
01:13:06we have to go before this wall disappears
01:13:08come on
01:13:10I'm not going
01:13:12what do you mean
01:13:14about this inside
01:13:16I can't go back there I just I can't
01:13:18look Ash I am done feeling helpless
01:13:20you're not helpless
01:13:22I won't change my mind
01:13:24I love you Ash
01:13:26I just
01:13:28I can't go back to that world
01:13:30I want the perfect world
01:13:32and I'm gonna make that happen here
01:13:36finish it
01:13:38never stop trying to make things better
01:13:44I'll be okay
01:13:46I'm going to find the place I've been
01:13:48you're such a fucking twat
01:13:56stop coming
01:13:58shut the door
01:14:00shut the door
01:14:36Sam's still missing
01:14:38I hope she's happy
01:14:40I hope she found
01:14:42the place where she belongs
01:14:46I know
01:14:48she wouldn't be happy to know that
01:14:50there are several open
01:14:52police investigations surrounding
01:14:58Emily this documentary
01:15:06that's just not gonna matter soon
01:15:14before we told the police anything
01:15:16we went through Brian's place
01:15:18looked through everything
01:15:22we found out how to make wolf doors ourselves
01:15:26Sam wasn't cut out for this world
01:15:28some people just aren't
01:15:32I couldn't live anywhere else
01:15:34that doesn't
01:15:36mean I like it
01:15:38there's always room for improvement
01:15:42we need all the help we can get
01:15:52a while ago
01:15:54you said now is the time for change
01:15:58what kind of change were you talking about
01:16:04are you ready
01:16:06to begin