General Hospital 9-6-24

  • last month
00:00nothing nothing no rains in Spain's falling down the plains of whatever
00:05falling mainly mainly partially I don't give a crap this whole thing is
00:09ridiculous just can't believe that granny would hire some elitist drill
00:13instructor to fix my speech should kick that fancy pants or nut job right out on
00:18her butt Lois ultimately agreed to the lesson she
00:21was coerced have you been lurking here this whole time she's getting a speech
00:27lesson not being debriefed after an alien abduction we can hear you come in
00:35we finish for today
00:40uh-huh how'd it go well what do you think you're right something as
00:48distinctive as that tattoo might identify our John Doe that's great news
00:52can you forward the photos to me too with Commissioner Devane's permission of
00:56course will do thank you
01:14Dante hi your forensic photographer was just here taking photos of the tattoo
01:19yeah I saw hopefully that gets us something did you reach the WSB I'm
01:25waiting here from Brennan what are you doing back here shouldn't you be
01:29upstairs yeah I don't know Fred sit around I'm gonna lose my mind and then
01:34I wanted me to keep you in the loop does that mean you found something are you
01:38closer to identifying this man
01:46well I'm here I'll be fine alone with this one
01:58are you all right I heard you were stabbed I'm fine what are you doing
02:05here don't worry chance is that inspecting the mine you won't find us
02:09together why are you at this compound do you need help escaping cuz I've got
02:15in the works I'm perfectly safe
02:22perfectly safe so you're here with sit down what the hell are you doing I
02:31couldn't resist the heart wants what it wants
02:46Jocelyn let me in Jocelyn open this door you know I'm not gonna leave
02:55open the door now I'm not going anywhere
03:04did you spend the night with Sonny last night yes then there's nothing more to
03:09say mom do not shut me out I'm not gonna let you
03:15you have some privacy in here there's not much left to say Elizabeth I mean
03:21John Cates was shot and killed last night we saw Alexis drop a gun off the
03:26bridge into the water over Blackstone Canyon she was obviously trying to
03:30destroy evidence it's pretty simple we need to tell the police what we saw we
03:34don't know what we saw cuz it was dark we were kind of far away I'm not even a
03:39hundred percent sure it was a gun Alexis said it was her phone you didn't
03:43believe that then and you don't believe that now you even said it was a gun
03:46because that was my first impression but now I'm right now I'm also sure I don't
03:56believe it I never thought I would see the day
03:59that Elizabeth Webber refused to do the right thing how's it feel to be a part
04:06of Port Charles finest proud pumped nervous you've got this during
04:13graduation I thought about how good it felt to be a part of something bigger
04:17something important just like it felt when I joined the service this is your
04:27first shift yes ma'am I'll leave you both to it
04:31actually why don't you stick around I might need you what's up development in
04:37the homicide of agent Kate's you're missing a gun did you take one of my
04:44nine-millimeters no who has the combination to the lockbox no one not
04:49that I know okay when was the last time it was open a couple weeks ago I was on
04:56my medication I made sure all the you know guns were safe a lot so why'd you
05:00open it now because the doorway where I keep the lockbox was a jar you know what
05:08that's not a priority this is
05:17I heard about Jagger that bastard's not gonna mess with my family again this is
05:26the only thing tying me to the murder get rid of it
06:04it was really quite enlightening I've never had such an act and diligent
06:12student Oh Lois it was a pleasure the pleasure was all mine amazing put it
06:21back I beg your pardon wave your wand and do
06:25your little magic voodoo witchcraft or whatever you did this is not the lowest
06:29Rulo that I love you change her back live I'm fine I mean don't I sound like
06:40everyone who's on the news I really didn't think that I could do it but I
06:46must have a knack or something Tracy this time you've gone too far
06:56I know you're upset upset upset doesn't even begin to cover it how can you be so
07:06stupid and clueless I mean what happened to your self-respect are you really that
07:12desperate knock it off you get to be angry you get to be disappointed you
07:16don't get to disrespect me I have to respect you when you clearly don't
07:20respect yourself maybe just go I'm not going anywhere and let me remind you I'm
07:25a grown woman I make my own choices just like I've allowed you to do right
07:31because you would let me go back and forth with an abusive toxic man and you
07:35just sit back and watch that happen you're right but we would talk about it
07:40all right now yell scream and slam doors Jocelyn I can see you yelling and
07:44slamming a door or ten maybe but then I would hear you out are you gonna let me
07:52do the same first of all it's Elizabeth Baldwin not
07:57Weber slip of the tongue no not just a sign of how long it's been since you've
08:04actually lived in Port Charles oh you think you know me but you don't what if
08:10you turn to a life of crime now Elizabeth I've been through a lot I've
08:15made some questionable choices that I've had to own I've also learned that
08:19everything is not black and white I'm pretty sure you know that too I've
08:25written into some areas of grain maybe it's just been too long for you to know
08:29me or Alexis maybe you're making assumptions off of past grievances but
08:37Alexis would never kill anyone that much I know it's true so I can't swear
08:43that she was destroying evidence well maybe you don't know Alexis as well as
08:50you think you do or maybe I know sides of Alexis that others don't that's
08:54exactly my point Rick you haven't seen sides of me or Alexis over a decade okay
08:59agree to disagree okay what about Molly how's Molly gonna feel when her mom gets
09:05arrested based off of something her father said Molly would want to know the
09:09truth no matter what it was Oh agree to disagree okay okay bottom line federal
09:15agent is dead and I am an officer of the court and I am obligated to report any
09:21pertinent information whatsoever with regards to any kind of murder what give
09:24me a break
09:27found a cell phone the side of the road near the east side of the hit-and-run
09:31was smashed up but fingerprints pulled match the John Doe leads me to believe
09:36it's his phone think IT can access any of the phone's data I don't know like I
09:41said it's pretty smashed up so I'm not holding out much hope it would be so
09:44much easier if this guy would just wake up and tell us who he is you expect me
09:50to believe you're actually attracted to Sidwell why not I've always had a thing
09:56for bad boys as you well know and well my father never stripped mine the
10:02resources of a war-torn country true Luke was never in the same league as
10:08darling mr. said one but your father was a scoundrel
10:18one of the kind
10:21you were missed at the memorial Tracy how amsterdam yeah I was on my way and
10:33fighting heated up in Sudan and you know just you so like your father unlike him
10:43I can smell a car a mile away dad always said you were the best
10:49con artist he ever knew such a flatterer just be straight with me okay
10:57this is about a payday not a romance there must be a must be a pretty big
11:04score huh yes so it would be a pity if you blew my cover before the goods were
11:14in my pocket so I checked the firearms registry and
11:20there are 178 nine millimeters registered to Port Charles residence
11:24it's quite the list that doesn't include the unregistered ones and it does not
11:28very good point but one of those registered guns just so happens to
11:33belong to Sonny Prentice said enough for a search warrant I'm gonna try to
11:38judge Winslow that it is if you don't mind my saying the sooner you do that
11:45the better if Sonny hasn't gotten rid of the gun
11:48already it's only a matter of time until he does
11:54it's unregistered no way to trace it back to me I want it destroyed just in
12:01case and these two consider it done so that's it any other problems I should
12:19be aware of are you sure nobody saw you going to the boathouse no one saw me
12:25going but there was a witness Michael right after I killed Jagger Michael was
12:35there he's not gonna say anything he let me get to the main house and then he
12:41found the body Michael covered for you yeah he did
12:48okay what's your alibi Carly's he swore she was with Carly yeah why didn't you
12:55guys call me last night cuz there she was at the quarter mains we needed an
13:00alibi and she didn't know why she needed at the time so I'm doing what you didn't
13:04tell her about Kate's there was a lot going on but but she gets it okay so the
13:14immediate problem is the missing gun fully registered completely legit waiting
13:21to implicate me if it's in the wrong hands we got to find it we got to find
13:27it fast
13:30yes me Rick your feeble excuse and shocked expression doesn't play with me
13:36oh yeah I lost your directness the main reason for you doing your civic duty is
13:42to stick it to Alexis and the only reason you need me to back you is
13:47because your take on things is a little suspect considering how toxic your
13:52relationship is with her you're right yeah I don't like Alexis maybe we even
13:56hate each other but you know well she hated John Cates and you as a mother
14:00would do nearly anything to protect your child nearly you're accusing her of
14:05murder I'm merely suggesting that we go to the police and tell them what we saw
14:10okay fine you know what let's say you're right
14:14Alexis didn't kill kids what's the harm with coming forward and putting it on
14:20the record oh I don't know maybe implicating an innocent woman in a crime
14:23that she had nothing to do if you're so positive that Alexis is innocent then
14:28why don't you put your money where your mouth is tell the truth and then let
14:33that be that
14:40what were you doing at Sonny's this morning well I had just heard that you
14:46and Sonny had sex in Tracy's bed and of course I never believed that you'd
14:53anyways you weren't answering your phone and Pilar said that you didn't come home
14:58last night you've done some checking around huh I went to Sonny's to prove to
15:06myself that you wouldn't be there it's like a punch in the stomach when I saw
15:10you coming out of that apartment here it was so why after everything he did to
15:19you and our family and the horrible ways he
15:25treated you how do you go back to him
15:31all right let's go over it again because it has to be somebody who had access to
15:34the penthouse who's been in the penthouse lately Dante Lois Brooklyn
15:40there's Natalia Pilar with with Avery but you know they don't know where the
15:47lockbox is much less the combination okay what about Ava well she she might
15:55have seen me use it you know the combination once when she was living
16:00with me but as a matter of fact Diane told me that Ava recanted her statement
16:05that Christina tried to kill her you know anything about yeah I mean I'll
16:09give you the short version yeah I saved Ava's life last night
16:13Isaiah's returning soon with backup and I would advise you not to be here when
16:18that happens thank you but I am going to finish what I started it's just taking me
16:23a bit longer than I had hoped to get the combination to Jen's it's safe really
16:29why is that what's in it nothing you need to concern yourself with well it
16:34doesn't sound sketchy at all my plans for tonight should give Jen's
16:40the incentive that you need but the clock's ticking
16:48Isaiah's probably contacted the WSP by now
16:53nothing on the tattoo these are his clothes right what about the labels can
17:03we pin down where you got them now look at you this working together again huh
17:09you getting tired of sitting on the sidelines at first then I get caught up
17:14in my projects right now it just feels good to be able to help somebody we are
17:20everything happening with Molly and TJ and Christina now Lulu I don't feel like
17:24I'm doing a whole lot to help anybody I feel especially helpless when I'm
17:29sitting with Lulu still no change huh nope it's not looking good either
17:35me and Laura's looking for lucky he's the best chance we have at a donor match
17:40knowing Laura she will move heaven and earth yeah but the earth she has to move
17:45is in Africa and she's got to find lucky faster we're not gonna be able to save
17:50Lulu I'm channel four you broke my best friend live I'm fine but please continue
18:02I'm not raising a son in a house with this sanctimonious snob I'm gonna tell
18:07Monica to kick Tracy out on a blooming arse I'll tipper your feet if you can
18:14fix that one too
18:20when was the last time you were back in Port Charles so Laura and Aiden
18:28while there's no shortage of places that need to help and only you can solve
18:36their problems what is this what did my mother send you here to guilt trip me
18:41no I just I just feel it must be hard for you being away from your family for
18:48so long I'm sure they're getting along just fine without
18:55someone's coming
19:00I'm not back with Sonny last night was a one-time thing and and I'm annoyed with
19:06myself because I let it get as far as I did but Sonny and I we we understand what
19:14it was and and we're able to move on because ultimately we mutually respect
19:20and trust each other mom all he has done is hurt you over and over again I know
19:25that Jocelyn Sonny and I have been through a lot okay we've survived things
19:31that I pray that you never have to experience what we have children
19:35together we're a family I mean it's a it's an unbreakable bond God you can
19:42I just told you I'm not getting back together with Sonny it was a one-time
19:47thing and I'm trying to make you understand because I want you to know I
19:52know what I'm doing okay I'm not trying to justify my actions and I certainly
19:58don't need your approval here you know who he is and what he does and you were
20:03finally free of all of that I don't understand I know he's a dangerous man
20:08with a dangerous lifestyle he attacked Dex he would have killed him if Jason
20:15hadn't stopped it and Jagger Cates was killed here last night at the boathouse
20:23I'm aware were you there when it happened yes I was with Sonny
20:31mom Jocelyn listen oh my god mom whatever you're thinking did you stop
20:40did you sleep with Sonny last night or did you give him an alibi for murder so
20:47once we got Ava to the police station she admitted that Cates forced her to
20:51sign the false statement against Christina I warned her not to go with
20:54him Boyle came clean too she said that Cates blackmailed her he made a deal
20:58with her to kill Ava slimy piece of work thank God Christina is free him he
21:05tried to break her he tried to end my family and he failed I won
21:14thank you Jason for everything you know that
21:21I'll get rid of the gun and casings then we're done with Jagger
21:34commissioner what brings you by commissioner
21:38warrant search the premises for what among other things I need to see your
21:49not yet I'll take care again and no problem I just need to wait till no one's
22:03in this room
22:08all right we made up the serial number on John Doe's phone that means if we can
22:13figure out where it was purchased we can figure out where he comes from or at
22:17least where he's been no no I don't want to know and I don't know what's
22:23worse you falling for Sonny again or you helping him get away with murder
22:29Jocelyn you have no I don't want to hear it mom I don't want to hear it because a
22:33week ago you were telling me how horrible you felt facing prison for
22:38making a terrible choice and how that last-minute risky decision almost cost
22:43you your kids your job your freedom and if that evidence against you hadn't
22:50miraculously disappeared I know John no you don't know because here you are
22:57again a few weeks later doing it again so whatever this is however you've let
23:07Sonny back into your life you're back to risking everything for him we start
23:15with the main bedroom and then go to the office
23:19I'll rather Christina or Avery are they here can you make sure they don't mess
23:24up a bridge room because she's just a kid yeah just go easy on the kids from I
23:29doubt that you would stash a smoking gun in her room
23:34what smoking gun are you talking about one used to kill agent Kate's
23:41there's wasting time
23:45why don't you make it easier for everyone who produced your registered
23:49nine-millimeter gun just for laughs because I don't want to make it easier I
23:55know where he keeps his lockbox
24:00thank you officer Heller
24:05all right you know what might you go ahead and go you don't want to see this
24:08play out we'll get we'll keep in touch just a minute Jason
24:17thank you chase yes yes I'm attorney Rick Lansing we were told that you're in
24:24charge of the John Kate's homicide investigation we yes hi Chase
24:32Elizabeth what's this about oh good you two know one another I forgot what a
24:38small community Port Charles is you have information regarding the Kate's
24:41investigation yes maybe I'm not sure Elizabeth and I were walking in
24:47Blackstone Canyon last night and we well we saw something suspicious more like
24:52odd semantics what did you see well when we got to the bridge we noticed
24:59the woman at the railing and she had a gun and she dropped it into the water
25:06can you describe the woman
25:16it was Alexis Davis
25:22are you really into this do you like the way you sound I'm still getting used to
25:32it it's fun it's like I'm pretending to be somebody else now I understand why
25:41Meryl Streep always picks the roles where she has to learn accents oh yes
25:47Meryl Streep is a wonderful role model emulate her by all means we're talking
25:53here look I just I don't want you to feel like this is something you have to
25:58do just because of some hateful comments at home in heart that's not the
26:03only reason look there are a lot of idiots that hide behind the anonymity of
26:08social media and their presumed superiority I love you just the way you
26:13are and so does everybody else
26:17thanks honey I am stunned by Lois's transformation after just one lesson
26:28do you have a magic wand or are you just that good the latter Lois is an
26:35exceptional student she has a virtuosic ear and an aptitude for linguistic
26:41convergence so thank you for bringing her to me
26:46what about the other one Bensonhurst to the bone anyone can overcome their
26:51beginnings take you for example come again well you lived abroad for many
26:59years did you not in Amsterdam amazing mm-hmm amazing you really know your
27:07stuff yeah your upstate New York accent has been almost completely replaced by a
27:15Mid-Atlantic or a transatlantic one and I can still hear traces of New Jersey
27:22Hoboken perhaps get out my work here is done Lois we will be in touch
27:37hello darling I was bored without you so you came here to
27:42amuse yourself while I was okay you picked my curiosity with this one's
27:48poker skills so I thought I'd test them out myself and lost every hand which is
27:56worse than being bored but now you're back sorry maybe another time
28:04I'm gonna go and get ready for our special night you coming I might need
28:10some help with my is it I'll be there soon my sweet
28:20lucky and I have yet to play a hand today he has to win his right to keep
28:30when you encountered Alexis Davis she said she was out for a walk yes at night
28:34because were we and she told you she just dropped her phone she said that
28:41her phone had been acting up I wasn't taking or receiving calls and she got
28:48frustrated so she just dropped it in the river
28:51if there's anyone would with a thousand dollar phone when they can't make phone
28:54calls but you believe it was a gun yes most definitely
29:01Elizabeth would you like to speak somewhere privately no no last night I
29:11had the impression that Alexis was holding a gun but I would like to go on
29:16record say that I do not believe for a second she had anything to do with the
29:21death of agent Kate's I I'm sorry to worry you about what happened between me
29:34and Sonny at the time I wasn't thinking about the long-term ramifications you
29:40know I just truly thought I was doing what was best for me and Sonny no you
29:45didn't you put Sonny ahead of yourself again and ahead of everybody else what
29:56happened was consensual Jocelyn to consenting adults right adults not two
30:02teens in the back of a movie theater I know you I know what you're doing and
30:10you know there are people in my life that I won't give up on people I love
30:18and Sonny's one of them and with that love comes loyalty nobody who truly
30:25loves you would ever ask you to sacrifice yourself I'm not sacrificing
30:29myself for Sonny yes you are if you are his alibi and he did kill Jagger Kate's
30:36then you are an accessory to murder murder mom Jocelyn I can't lose you I'm
30:44scared I just faced this I can't keep doing this with you I can't keep
30:52picturing living my life without you again you don't have to do that honey
30:57I'm gonna be okay I don't know what you can't promise me that I assume your
31:05presence here means that you're back working for Sonny Sonny and I are
31:09partners in crimpless coffee that's never changed I enjoyed working with you
31:15I can see that's over now I'm the same person I always was then you need to
31:22stay out of my way from now on I have a job to do I was actually on my way out I
31:30would think if Sonny's right-hand man you'd want to stay commissioner yeah
31:40thank you
31:45do you want to open this or give me the combination I'd love to thank you I
31:50appreciate you
32:00oh you appear to be missing a gun
32:12well that's done good riddance good riddance riddance shall we decamp to the
32:26dining room excellent idea indubitably
32:34the phrase hoisted by her own petard springs to mind
32:41I appreciate you both for coming down sure there's a perfectly innocent
32:57explanation for Alexis's actions we've done our civic duty now whatever happens
33:02is up to the PC PD well that wasn't too painful then why do I feel nauseous oh
33:16oh I sorry I think I left my pen in the room or somewhere it's expensive well I
33:24have to get back to the hospital oh okay well I'll um I'll catch up with you
33:35ah like this yes yes thank you oh and I just um
33:44Ellie never mind there's something you want to add
33:49it's just it's been bothering me
33:55Alexis is so angry about agent Kate's trying to railroad Christina and I just
34:05you know I know Alexis would do anything to protect her daughters that's right
34:10you're your Molly's father yeah yeah Alexis I we we go way back that's that's
34:17why this is so upsetting I mean considering that she's killed
34:20before and I'm I'm sorry I I thought you you knew it's it's in a record is
34:30there anything else you'd like to add no it's just such a shame you know
34:35especially she's putting her life back together she got her law license back
34:41you know
34:44my actions are not going to affect you I will make sure of that I promise you I
34:51need you to trust me they're making that very hard I know
35:01there's one more thing I would appreciate it if you didn't share this
35:08with Dex the last thing we need is I'm getting the wrong idea and bringing you
35:14in for questioning that would not be good for either one of you I'm not gonna
35:18tell him anything I don't want him involved he just got on the force good
35:26the bottom line is it's my personal choice it's not his business or anybody
35:33else's sleeping with Sonny apart yes I love you and I'm gonna be okay I love
35:45you too it is your loyalty to him that I don't love I know I'm scared that one
35:54day he's gonna ask you for a favor and it's gonna cost you your life what if it
36:00already has happened what if this is that favor we understand
36:07that you have a registered nine-millimeter should be right there
36:12you haven't reported it missing I didn't know it was gone until right now oh it's
36:17very interesting agent case was killed with a nine-millimeter last night and
36:22now it's missing yeah should I call my lawyer
36:25it's up to you really everyone knows you had reason to want tapes did well
36:32it's a good thing I have an alibi oh yeah I heard some kind of tryst with
36:38Carly it's really a coincidence that you would reconnect with her just around the
36:44time of the murder things happen even though she insists that the two of you
36:50are over what are you gonna have to talk to Carly about this okay anyone other
36:54than your ex-wife saw you around the time the case was killed I don't think
36:58there was an audience that is a shame because unless you can produce this
37:03registered nine-millimeter of yours and we can run tests on it there's no way to
37:08prove that it wasn't involved in the homicide of agent Kate
37:14hey Jordan anything IT trace a serial number of the damaged phone it was
37:20purchased at the Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi that's where Laura and Kevin
37:26went to look for lucky that's right this can't be a coincidence I agree with this
37:29so we got to figure out how our John Doe is connected to lucky
37:36Holly is quite the woman isn't she yeah she is but a poker player she ain't I'll
37:45try and give you a bit more of a challenge bring it I know you've been
37:51biding your time waiting for your friend to arrive with help and I hate to be the
37:57bearer of bad news it's not gonna happen
38:32I'm the next general hospital my anger out I could see me right now I am afraid
38:37of what I'm gonna do are you sure you want to put your life on hold for that
38:42what if he knows that Anna's barking up the wrong tree