Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder: What You Need to Know!

  • 2 days ago
Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder: What You Need to Know.
Summer is usually bright and cheerful, but Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can still hit during these months. SAD is a depression that occurs at the same time each year, typically in winter due to less sunlight, but some experience it in summer, often called “reverse SAD.”

00:00Welcome back Sunbro, we hope you all in great health and great money. Before we start,
00:05please at least subscribe so we can have little money for food and paying bills.
00:09Alright, today we are going to talk about, Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder, what you need to
00:14know. Summer is usually bright and cheerful, but seasonal affective disorder, SAD, can still hit
00:19during these months. SAD is a depression that occurs at the same time each year, typically in
00:24winter due to less sunlight, but some experience it in summer, often called perverse SAD. A 2023
00:30study suggests sunlight changes can disrupt your body clock and serotonin levels, worsening
00:34depression. Melatonin imbalances caused by sunlight can lead to sleep issues, mood swings,
00:39and other SAD symptoms. High heat, excessive sunlight, and body image concerns in summer can
00:44also trigger depression. Research in JAMA psychiatry found mental health-related visits
00:49increase on hot days. Extreme heat might worsen depression and other conditions, though it's not
00:53the sole cause. Climate change is also linked to more mental health issues like depression and PTSD.
00:59Symptoms of summer SAD, unlike winter SAD, which often causes weight gain and more sleep,
01:04summer SAD might lead to weight loss, insomnia, restlessness, and agitation.
01:08For a SAD diagnosis, symptoms must start before the season, end after, and occur for at least two
01:13consecutive years. About 5% of the US population experiences seasonal depression each year,
01:19mostly ages 20 to 30, but data on summer SAD is limited.
01:23How to manage summer SAD? Treating SAD might involve limiting sunlight exposure,
01:27using air conditioning, therapy, and possibly antidepressants.
01:31Here are some tips to manage symptoms. 1. Mind your sleep, stick to a sleep schedule,
01:36avoid naps that interfere with nighttime sleep. 2. Stay active and eat well, try to get outside for
01:42a walk, especially when the sun isn't too strong. Even with a low appetite, eat healthy foods like
01:47fruits and veggies. 3. Watch for triggers,
01:50track how seasonal changes affect your mood, be aware of what triggers your symptoms.
01:554. Consider medication, medication before and during the season might help balance your mood.
02:005. Explore holistic options, aromatherapy, sound therapy, and a healthy diet can also
02:05help manage symptoms under a professional's guidance. 6. Talk to a professional, if you're
02:10struggling, reach out to a mental health professional who specializes in mood disorders.
02:147. Accept summer SAD, acknowledging that SAD can happen in summer reduces stigma and encourages
02:19you to seek help. 8. Stay cool, beat the heat by staying
02:23in a cool, quiet room, using a fan or AC, and drawing the shades. Recognizing and managing
02:28summer SAD can help you get through the season feeling better.
02:31Thanks for watching, Sunbro. Please subscribe,
02:34like, comment, and share if you find this helpful. Come again to our next meeting Sunbro.
