Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 7 Lie To Me

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 7 Lie To Me


00:00Call her mom. She's always late.
00:23Are you lost?
00:26No. My mom's just supposed to pick me up as well.
00:31Do you want me to walk you home?
00:34No, thank you.
00:36My mommy used to sing me to sleep at night.
00:41Run and catch the lamb that's caught in the blackberry patch.
00:52Hear the sweetest voice.
00:58What will your mommy sing when they find your body?
01:04I'm not supposed to talk to people.
01:08Oh. Well, I'm not a person, see, so that's just...
01:14Run home.
01:22My angel.
01:29Hello, Drusilla.
01:32Do you remember the song mommy used to sing me?
01:42I remember.
01:44Yes, you do.
01:47Drusilla, leave here.
01:49I'm offering you that chance.
01:52Take Spike and get out.
01:55Will you hurt me?
02:01No. No, you can't. Not anymore.
02:05If you don't leave, it'll go badly for all of us.
02:10My dear boy's gone all away, hasn't he?
02:16To her.
02:23The girl. The Slayer.
02:36Your heart stinks of her.
02:42Poor little thing.
02:45She has no idea what's in store.
02:51This can't go on, Drusilla.
02:55It's got to end.
02:58Oh, no, my pet.
03:03This is just the beginning.
04:03© BF-WATCH TV 2021
04:34It's a secret.
04:38What kind of a secret?
04:40The kind that's secret.
04:42You know, where I don't actually tell you what it is.
04:44I think it's customary that when two people are going out of an evening,
04:47that they both have an idea of what they're doing.
04:49Come on, where is your sense of adventure?
04:51Well, I...
04:53How will I know what to wear?
04:56Do you own anything else?
04:59Well, not as such, no.
05:01Rupert, you're going to have to trust me.
05:05All right, all right, I'll put myself in your hands.
05:08That sounds like fun.
05:10Okay, tomorrow night, 7.30, right?
05:17Did we hunt last night?
05:19I did a couple quick sweeps downtown.
05:22Any encounters?
05:24Nothing vampire-y.
05:26I've been asserting our friend Spike
05:28and the friend file is fairly unappetizing,
05:31but I still haven't got a bead on why he's here.
05:35You'll figure it out.
05:37You all right? You seem a little glum.
05:40I'm fine.
05:42Why don't you take the night off?
05:45Okay, that'd be nice.
05:47Yes, you could spend some time with Angel.
05:51I don't know.
05:53He might have other plans.
05:59Well, it seems like Louis XVI was just sort of a weak king.
06:04That's fair enough.
06:06Any other impressions?
06:08I just don't see why everyone's always picking on Marie Antoinette.
06:12I can so relate to her.
06:14She worked really hard to look that good,
06:16and people just don't appreciate that kind of effort.
06:19And I know the peasants were all depressed.
06:22I think you mean oppressed.
06:26Whatever. They were cranky.
06:29So they're like, let's lose some heads.
06:32That's fair.
06:34And Marie Antoinette cared about them.
06:36She was going to let them have cake.
06:39Yes, well, that's a very interesting perspective.
06:43Would anyone else like to comment?
06:49I don't know. I don't think so.
06:52They seemed pretty friendly.
06:54Who's friendly?
06:55No one.
06:56Angel and a girl.
06:58Willow, do we have to be in total share mode?
07:00Hey, it's me. If Angel's doing something wrong, I want to know.
07:04Because it gives me a happy.
07:06I'm glad someone has a happy.
07:09You just need cheering up, and I know just the thing.
07:12Crazy dance party at the bronze.
07:15I don't know.
07:17Very calm dance party at the bronze.
07:21Moping at the bronze.
07:24I'd suggest a box of Oreos dunked in apple juice,
07:28but maybe she's over that phase.
07:31Hey, Summers. How you been?
07:33Oh, my God, what are you doing here?
07:35Uh, matriculating.
07:38I'm finishing up my senior year at Sunnydale High.
07:41Dad got transferred.
07:43This is great.
07:44Why'd you think so?
07:46Didn't think you'd remember me.
07:48I remember you.
07:50Duh. We only went to school together for seven years.
07:53You were my giant fifth-grade crush.
07:55So, you two know each other?
07:57Oh, I'm sorry.
07:59Um, this is Ford.
08:01Uh, Billy Fordham, this is Xander and Willow.
08:06Nice to meet you.
08:08Uh, Ford and I went to Hemry together in L.A.,
08:10and now you're here. For real?
08:12Dad got the transfer, and boom,
08:14he just dragged me out of Hemry and put me down here.
08:17So, you two were sweeties in fifth grade?
08:19Not even.
08:21Ford wouldn't give me the time of day.
08:23Well, I was a manly sixth-grader.
08:26Couldn't be bothered with someone that young.
08:28It was terrible.
08:30I moped over you for months,
08:32sitting in my room listening to that divinal song I touched myself.
08:38Of course, I had no idea what it was about.
08:43Hey, are you busy tonight?
08:45We're going to the Bronze.
08:47It's the local club, and you have to come.
08:49I'd love to,
08:51but if you guys already had plans,
08:53would I be imposing?
08:55Only in the literal sense.
08:57Okay, then.
08:59I gotta find the admissions office.
09:01Get my papers in order.
09:02Well, you know what? I'll take you there,
09:04and I'll see you guys in French.
09:06It's good to meet you.
09:10This is Ford,
09:12my bestest friend of all my friends.
09:15Geez, doesn't she know any fat guys?
09:18Oh, that's what that song is about.
09:32Ford, you made it.
09:33Wasn't hard to find.
09:35Buffy Ford was just telling us
09:37about the ninth-grade beauty contest
09:39and the, uh, swimsuit competition.
09:42Oh, my God, Ford, stop that.
09:45The more people you tell,
09:46the more people I have to kill.
09:48You can't touch me, Summers.
09:50I know all your darkest secrets.
09:52Care to make a small wager on that?
09:54I'm gonna go get a drink.
09:56Ford, try not to talk.
10:08I was hoping you'd show.
10:10That's Angel.
10:11He's Buffy's beau.
10:13Her special friend.
10:15He's not in school, right?
10:17He looks older than me.
10:19You're not wrong.
10:25What'd you do last night?
10:30Nothing at all?
10:32You ceased to exist?
10:34No, I mean, I stayed in. Red.
10:46You didn't want that soda after all?
10:49Not thirsty.
10:51Hey, Angel.
10:56This is Ford.
10:58We went to school together in L.A.
11:00Nice to meet you.
11:02Whoa. Cold hands.
11:04You're not wrong.
11:06So, you're here visiting Buffy?
11:09No, I'm actually here to stay.
11:12Just moved down.
11:14Hey, Angel. Do you want to play?
11:16You know, it's getting really crowded in here tonight.
11:19I'm a little hot.
11:21You wanna take a walk?
11:23Um, sure. That'd be nice.
11:25Okay, then.
11:27I'll see you tomorrow.
11:31Good night. Take care.
11:36Okay, once more with tension.
11:38He just moved here?
11:40Yeah. And boy, does he move fast.
11:43Well, Angel, we could still play.
11:48See? You made him do that thing where he's gone.
11:56So, that was your boyfriend?
11:59No. Uh, yeah.
12:03Can we lay off the tough questions for a while?
12:09So, what else do you do for fun around here?
12:12Um, my purse.
12:15I love my purse in the bronze.
12:17Could you get it for me?
12:19Uh, okay.
12:21Good. Run. Thanks.
13:17What's going on?
13:19Um, there was a cat.
13:22A cat here.
13:24And, um, then there was another cat.
13:27And they fought. The cats.
13:30And then they left.
13:34I thought you were just slaying a vampire.
13:36What? Whatting a what?
13:39I know, Buffy.
13:41You don't have to lie.
13:43I've been trying to figure out the right time to tell you.
13:46I know you're the Slayer.
13:51Just like that, he told you?
13:54Just like that.
13:56Said he found out right before I got booted from Henry.
13:59Wow. It's neat.
14:01Is it neat?
14:03Yeah, I guess it is.
14:05I don't have to constantly worry that he's gonna find out my dark secret.
14:10It just makes everything easier.
14:32Good job.
14:36Hi. Fourth?
14:40Well, how did it go?
15:00Well, how did it go?
15:05Good? That's it? That's all?
15:09Well, when are we...
15:13Oh, soon. Okay.
15:15You know, you could give me a little more information here.
15:17I'm trusting you. I'm out on a limb here.
15:19Not to mention the lease is almost up on this place.
15:21Who's gonna cover that?
15:27Come on. It's Diego now.
15:31Everything's gonna be fine.
15:36Just make sure you're ready when I say.
15:39True believers only.
15:41I can't wait.
15:43All right, whatever. I still think I should be in on the plan.
15:46Diego, you gotta trust me.
15:50All right.
15:52A couple more days and we'll get to do the two things
15:55every American teen should have the chance to do.
15:58Die young.
16:02And stay pretty.
16:12You play your wits against mine.
16:17Me, who commanded armies hundreds of years before you were born.
16:26Who is it?
16:41Oh, Angel.
16:43What are you doing here?
16:45I wanted to talk to you.
16:47Oh, well...
16:53I can't. Unless you invite me, I can't come in.
16:56Oh, well, okay.
16:58I invite you to come in.
17:07If this is a bad time, I...
17:09No, I just...
17:11I'm not supposed to have boys in my room.
17:14I promise to behave myself.
17:17Okay. Good.
17:20I guess I need help.
17:22You mean like on homework?
17:24No, because you're old and you already know stuff.
17:28I want you to track someone down on the net.
17:32Oh, great. I'm so the net girl.
17:35I just want to find everything I can. Records, affiliates.
17:39I'm not even sure what I'm looking for yet.
17:41Great. What's the name?
17:43Billy Fordham.
17:45Uh, Angel, if I say something you really don't want to hear,
17:50do you promise not to bite me?
17:53Are you going to tell me that I'm jealous?
17:56Well, you do sometimes get that way.
17:59You know, I never used to.
18:02Things used to be pretty simple.
18:05A hundred years, just hanging out, feeling guilty.
18:09I really honed my brooding skills.
18:12Then she comes along.
18:16Yeah. I get jealous.
18:20But I know people, and my gut tells me this is a wrong guy.
18:27But if there isn't anything weird...
18:30Hey, that's weird.
18:34I just checked the school records, and he's not in them.
18:38I mean, usually they transfer your grades and stuff,
18:41but he's not even registered.
18:44He said he was in school with you guys, right?
18:47Let me just see if I can...
18:49Willow? Are you still up?
18:51I'm just going to bed now, Mom.
18:54Come by tomorrow at sunset. I'll keep looking.
18:57Don't tell Buffy what we're doing, all right?
18:59You want me to lie to her? It's Buffy.
19:02Just don't bring it up till we know what's what.
19:05Okay. It's probably nothing.
19:08That'd be nice.
19:15What's up?
19:19Do you want to hang? We're cafeteria-bound.
19:21I'm going to do work in the computer lab
19:25on schoolwork that I have,
19:28so I cannot hang.
19:31I'm sorry.
19:33It's okay.
19:35It's okay.
19:37It's okay.
19:39I cannot hang just now.
19:41Hi, Ford.
19:44Okay, well, fess up.
19:46What? Are you drinking coffee again?
19:49Because we've talked about this.
19:52It makes me jumpy.
19:54I have to go.
20:00Nice girl.
20:02There aren't two of those in the world.
20:04Buffy, um...
20:07Miss Callender and I are going somewhere tonight,
20:11and she's given me the number of her beeper thingy,
20:16in case you need me for, um...
20:19study help, uh, suddenly.
20:22He knows, Giles.
20:26Ford knows I'm the Slayer.
20:28I know.
20:30Oh. Very good.
20:33Buffy, you...
20:36You are not by any chance betraying your secret identity
20:40just to impress cute boys, are you?
20:43I didn't tell him.
20:45He knew.
20:47Oh. Right, then.
20:49Well, just remember, if you...
20:51Go. Experience this thing called fun.
20:54I'll try not to have a crisis.
20:58And on your right, once again, the beautiful campus.
21:02I think you've now seen everything there is to see in Sunnydale.
21:06Well, it's really...
21:09Feel free to say dull.
21:11Okay. Dull's good.
21:16Or maybe not so dull.
21:19Is that more vampires?
21:22Must be the weather.
21:26Must be the weather.
21:36Stay close to me.
21:51Maybe they were just passing through.
21:54I don't think so.
22:10You've got one chance to live.
22:12Tell me what I want to know, and I'll let you go.
22:20Where's the other one?
22:22I killed her.
22:25I killed her, and she just turned to dust.
22:28It was... amazing.
22:33The only thing I could track down was this address, the Sunset Club.
22:37Still didn't find anything incriminating.
22:40He leaves no paper trail, no records. That's incriminating enough.
22:43Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with dead boy on this one.
22:46Could you not call me that?
22:50We're friends of Ford's.
23:05Boy, we blend right in.
23:08No way do we stick out like sore thumbs.
23:11Let's look around. You guys check out downstairs.
23:14Sure thing, bossy the cow.
23:17Okay, but do they really stick out?
23:21Sore thumbs. Do they stick out?
23:23I mean, have you ever seen a thumb and gone,
23:25Wow, that baby is sore.
23:28You have too many thoughts.
23:42Are you noticing a theme here?
23:45As in vampires, yay?
23:48That's the one.
23:51You guys are newbies, I can tell.
23:54Oh, no, we come here all the time.
23:56Don't be ashamed. It's cool that you're open to it.
24:00You welcome anyone who's interested in the lonely ones.
24:03The lonely ones?
24:07Oh, we usually call them the nasty, pointy, bitey ones.
24:11So many people have that misconception.
24:14But they who walk with the night are not interested in harming anyone.
24:20They are creatures above us, exalted.
24:24You're a fool.
24:28You don't have to be so confrontational about it.
24:32Other viewpoints than yours may be valid, you know.
24:37Nice meeting you.
24:41You really are a people person.
24:43Now nobody's gonna talk to us.
24:45I've seen enough. I've seen this type before.
24:48I mean, they're children making up bedtime stories of friendly vampires
24:52that comfort themselves in the dark.
24:54Is that so bad?
24:56These people don't know anything about vampires.
24:59What they are, how they live, how they dress.
25:08You know, I love a good diatribe,
25:10but I'm still curious why Ford,
25:12the bestest friend of the Slayer,
25:14is hanging with a bunch of vampire wannabes.
25:17Something's up with him. You're right about that.
25:22Are you okay?
25:24Sorry to beat you guys in the middle of stuff,
25:27but it seemed really weird.
25:29No, you did the right thing. Absolutely.
25:32You hated it that much?
25:34No, but vampires on campus could have implications.
25:39You could have just said something.
25:41Honestly, I've always been interested in monster trucks.
25:48You took him to monster trucks?
25:50I thought it would be a change.
25:52It was a change.
25:53Look, we could have just left.
25:55What, and missed the nitro-burning funny cars?
25:57No, couldn't have that.
25:59Okay, can we get back on the vampire tip here?
26:01These guys were here with a purpose.
26:03Yes, yes, and we must ascertain what that purpose is.
26:08Where's your friend?
26:09I sent him home.
26:10Oh, good.
26:11The less he's involved in all this, the safer he'll be.
26:15He did bag a vamp his first time out.
26:17Gotta give him credit for that.
26:23Something wrong?
26:27Who's this?
26:29Um, she's called Drusilla,
26:32a sometime paramour of Spikes.
26:35She was killed by an angry mob in Prague.
26:38Well, they don't make angry mobs like they used to,
26:40because this girl's alive.
26:43I saw her with Angel.
26:45With Angel?
26:46Isn't he supposed to be a good guy?
26:49Yeah, he is.
26:51I think maybe we need to read up on this nice lady.
26:54Well, some of my newer volumes may be more helpful.
26:58My own research has...
27:00Don't you...
27:03Are you guys okay?
27:05Her book.
27:07It took one of my books.
27:09Well, at least someone in this school is reading.
27:12He said he killed it.
27:15That's the vampire Ford said he killed.
27:19He sang the sweetest little song.
27:23Why don't you sing for me, hmm?
27:26Don't you love me anymore?
27:31I heard a funny thing just now.
27:35Lucius told me you were in love with him.
27:39I'm not in love with him.
27:42I'm in love with you.
27:45I'm in love with you.
27:48Lucius tells me
27:50that you went out on a hunt the other night.
27:54My tummy was growly,
27:57and you were out.
28:00Come on.
28:04Hop out if you don't sing.
28:06Do you, um, meet anyone?
28:10Anyone interesting?
28:13Like Angel?
28:22what might you guys have talked about then?
28:26Old times?
28:28Childhood pranks?
28:31It's a little off, you two so friendly,
28:34him being the enemy and all that.
28:36I'll give you a seed if you sing.
28:39The bird's dead, Drew.
28:41You left it in a cage,
28:43and you didn't feed it,
28:45and now it's all dead, just like the last one.
28:51Oh, I'm sorry, baby.
28:55I'm a bad, rude man.
28:59I just don't like you going out, that's all.
29:02You are weak.
29:06Would you like a new bird?
29:10One that's not dead.
29:12This is so cool.
29:16I would totally live here.
29:18Do I have anyone on watch here?
29:21It's called security, people.
29:23Are you all asleep?
29:27Well, didn't we finally find a restaurant that delivers?
29:33I know who you are.
29:35Yeah, I know who I am, too, so what?
29:38I came looking for you, Spike.
29:41You've got a real death wish.
29:45It's almost interesting.
29:51Oh, this is great.
29:54This will be very useful.
29:57So, how did you find me?
29:59That doesn't matter.
30:01I've got something to offer you.
30:05I'm pretty sure this is the part where you take out a watch
30:08and say, I've got 30 seconds to convince you not to kill me.
30:11It's traditional.
30:14Well, I don't go much for traditional.
30:18Quiet, love.
30:28Oh, come on. Say it.
30:31It's no fun if you don't say it.
30:38You've got 30 seconds to convince me not to kill you.
30:43See, this is the best.
30:45I wanted to be like you.
30:48A vampire.
30:50I've known you for two minutes, and I can't stand you.
30:54I don't really feature you living forever.
30:57Can I eat him now, love?
30:59Well, feature this.
31:01I'm offering you a trade.
31:04You make me a vampire,
31:07and I'll give you the Slayer.
31:26Well, can I come in?
31:33I thought once you'd been invited, you could always just walk in.
31:36I can't. I was just being polite.
31:41We need to talk.
31:43Do we?
31:45It's about your friend, Ford.
31:47It's not what he seems.
31:49Who is these guys?
31:51Willow ran them down on the computer.
31:54We found this address, we checked it out with Xander, and it turned out...
31:57And Xander?
32:01Everybody's in.
32:03It's like a great big exciting conspiracy.
32:06What are you talking about?
32:08I'm talking about the people I trust.
32:10Who's Drusilla?
32:15And don't lie to me. I'm tired of it.
32:18Some lies are necessary.
32:20For what?
32:21Sometimes the truth is worse.
32:23You live long enough, you find that out.
32:26I can take it.
32:28I can take the truth.
32:31Do you love me?
32:37Do you?
32:46I love you.
32:49I don't know if I trust you.
32:52Maybe you shouldn't do either.
32:54Maybe I'm the one who should decide.
32:58I did a lot of unconscionable things when I became a vampire.
33:07Drusilla was the worst.
33:11She was an obsession of mine.
33:17She was pure, sweet, and chaste.
33:23And you made her a vampire.
33:26First I made her insane.
33:31Killed everybody she loved.
33:34Visited every mental torture on her I could devise.
33:40She eventually fled to a convent.
33:43And on the day she took her holy orders...
33:47And on the day she took her holy orders...
33:52I turned her into a demon.
34:04I asked for the truth.
34:09For it's part of some society that reveres vampires...
34:14Practically worships them.
34:18I don't know what he wants from you.
34:23But you can't trust him.
34:43I had a great time last night.
34:46Well, an interesting time.
34:49I'm glad.
34:51Do you want to go out again tonight?
34:54Not busy.
34:56I sort of had an idea. It's a secret.
35:00I kind of want to surprise you.
35:03I like surprises.
35:06Can you meet me here?
35:09At nine?
35:11At nine.
35:16It's gonna be fun.
35:32Did, uh, Angel...
35:35He told me everything.
35:38Angel came to my room. He was just really concerned for you.
35:42We didn't want to say anything in case we were wrong.
35:46Did you find out what Ford is up to?
35:50I will.
36:01Angel is in your bedroom?
36:04Ours is a forbidden love.
36:09Chanterelle, is everything ready?
36:12Of course. It's ready.
36:14Hi. I took care of it. I always take care of it.
36:17Is it time? Tonight?
36:19Are you nervous?
36:23No. I'm ready for the change.
36:26Do you really think they'll bless us?
36:29I know they will.
36:32What about your friends? Are they coming?
36:36What are you talking about?
36:38Your friends. They came last night. Two guys and a girl.
36:40One was mean.
36:42Why didn't you tell me about this?
36:44I have to do everything around here.
36:46Sorry, Mr. Flawless Plan Guy. It slipped my mind.
36:49It's gonna be all right, isn't it?
36:51They're not gonna let us down.
36:54It's gonna be fine.
36:57I need them to bless me.
36:59It's gonna be fine.
37:01No. It's really not.
37:06It's kind of drafty in here.
37:09I'm sorry, Ford.
37:11I just couldn't wait till tonight.
37:13I'm rash and impulsive. It's a flaw.
37:17We all have flaws.
37:19I'm still a little fuzzy on exactly what yours is.
37:23I think it has to do with being a lying scumbag.
37:27Everybody lies.
37:30What do you want, Ford?
37:32What's this all about?
37:34I really don't think you'd understand.
37:36I don't need to understand. I just need to know.
37:40I'm gonna be one of them.
37:43You want to be a vampire?
37:46I'm going to.
37:48You know, vampires are a little picky about who they change over.
37:55You are gonna offer them a trade.
37:58I don't think I want to talk anymore.
38:02Yeah, well, I still feel awfully chatty.
38:04You were gonna give them me tonight.
38:10I didn't know I'd figure it out.
38:13Actually, I was counting on it.
38:28What's supposed to happen tonight?
38:30This is so cool.
38:32This is just like you played in my head.
38:34You know the part where you ask me what's supposed to happen?
38:37It's already happening.
38:49Rigged up special.
38:51Once it's closed, it can only be opened from the outside.
38:55As soon as the sun sets, they'll be coming.
38:59Ford, if these people are still around when they get here...
39:01We'll be changed. All of us.
39:04We're going to ascend to a new level of consciousness.
39:07Become like them. Like the lonely ones.
39:11This is the end, Buffy.
39:14No one gets out of here alive.
39:29There's got to be another way out of here.
39:31This is a bomb shelter, Buffy.
39:34I knew I wasn't going to be able to overpower you.
39:37But this is three feet of solid concrete.
39:40At least let the other people go.
39:42Why are you fighting this?
39:44It's what we want.
39:46It's our chance for immortality.
39:48This is a beautiful day. Can't you see that?
39:51What I see is that right after the sun goes down...
39:54Spike and all of his friends are going to be pigging out...
39:57You can eat more, Hunt Bar.
39:59Okay, that's it. I think we should gag her.
40:01I think you should try.
40:03She's an unbeliever. She taints us.
40:05I am trying to save you.
40:08You are playing in some serious traffic here.
40:11Do you understand that?
40:13You're going to die.
40:15And the only hope you have of surviving this...
40:17Is to get out of this pit right now...
40:19And, my God, could you have a dorkier outfit?
40:23You got to back her up, Dee.
40:26You look like a big nanny.
40:42When we get there, everybody spread out.
40:44Two men on the door. First priority is the Slayer.
40:46Everything else is fair game.
40:48And let's remember to share, people.
40:51Are you sure you're up for this?
40:53I want a treat. I need a treat.
40:58And a special one you'll have.
41:02Lucius, bring the car around.
41:09Hey, you never give up, do you?
41:11No, I don't.
41:13That's good quality in a person.
41:15Too many people, they just lay back and take it.
41:17But us...
41:18Us? We have something in common now?
41:21More than you think.
41:23Yeah, well, let me explain something to you.
41:26You're what we call the bad guy.
41:29I guess I am.
41:32These people aren't going to get changed, are they?
41:36The rest of them, they're just fodder.
41:39Technically, yes.
41:41But I'm in.
41:44I will become immortal.
41:46Well, I've got a news flash for you, brain trust.
41:49It's not how it works.
41:51You die, and a demon sets up shop in your old house.
41:55And it walks, and it talks, and it remembers your life,
41:58but it's not you.
42:00It's better than nothing.
42:02And your life is nothing.
42:05Ford, these people don't deserve to die.
42:08Well, neither do I.
42:11But apparently no one took that into consideration,
42:14because I'm still dying.
42:19I look good, don't I?
42:23Well, let me tell you something.
42:26I got maybe six months left,
42:28and by then, what they bury won't even look like me.
42:34It'll be bald and shriveled,
42:37and it'll smell bad.
42:40No, I'm not going out that way.
42:44I'm sorry, Somers.
42:47Did I screw up your righteous anger rift?
42:50Does the nest of tumors liquefying my brain
42:53kind of spoil the fun?
43:02I'm sorry.
43:07I had no idea.
43:10But what you're doing is still very wrong.
43:13Okay, well, you try vomiting for 24 hours straight,
43:16because the pain in your head is so intense,
43:19and then we'll discuss the concept of right and wrong.
43:27These people are sheep.
43:30They're wannabe vampires, because they're lonely,
43:34miserable, or bored.
43:37I don't have a choice.
43:39You have a choice.
43:41You don't have a good choice, but you have a choice.
43:44You're opting for mass murder here,
43:47and nothing you say is gonna make that okay.
43:50You think I need to justify myself to you?
43:53I think this is all part of your little fantasy drama.
43:56Isn't this exactly how you imagined it?
43:59You tell me how you've suffered,
44:02and I feel sorry for you.
44:05Well, I do feel sorry for you,
44:08and if those vampires come in here and start feeding,
44:11I'll kill you myself!
44:17You know what, Somers?
44:22I really did miss you.
44:38Help me stop this.
44:53People, listen to me!
44:56This is not the mothership people!
44:59This is ugly death come to play!
45:36Take them all.
45:39Save the slayer for me.
46:19Everybody stop!
46:25Good idea.
46:27Now, you let everybody out or your girlfriend fits in an ashtray.
46:31Let them go.
46:36Come on.
46:48Down the stairs.
47:06Come on.
47:15Um, where's the doorknob?
47:29You guys are just in time.
47:32Are there vampires?
47:34They're contained.
47:36They'll get out eventually, though. We should probably go.
47:40We can come back when they're gone.
47:43Come back for what?
47:50For the body.
47:56What happened?
47:58We're stuck in a basement.
48:04She's not stuck in a basement.
48:08Hey, well, I delivered.
48:11I handed her to you.
48:13Yes. I suppose you did.
48:19What about my reward?
49:25I don't know what I'm supposed to say.
49:28You didn't say anything.
49:32It'd be simpler if I could just hate him.
49:36I think he wanted me to.
49:39I think it made it easier for him to be the villain of the piece.
49:44Really, he was just scared.
49:48Yes, I suppose he was.
49:50Nothing's ever simple anymore.
49:53I'm constantly trying to work it out.
49:56Who to love or hate.
49:59Who to trust.
50:02It's just like the more I know, the more confused I get.
50:06I believe that's called growing up.
50:12I'd like to stop then, okay?
50:15I know the feeling.
50:17Does it ever get easy?
50:35You mean life?
50:40Does it get easy?
50:44What do you want me to say?
50:50Lie to me.
50:54Yes, it's terribly simple.
50:57The good guys are always stalwart and true.
51:01The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats.
51:06And we always defeat them and save the day.
51:09No one ever dies and everybody lives happily ever after.
51:53The End
51:58Grr! Arrgh!
