Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 2 Real Me

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 2 Real Me


00:00Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayers
00:06That's what Dracula called it and he was right
00:12He understood my power better than I do
00:17He saw darkness in it
00:20I need to know more
00:23About where I come from
00:25About the other Slayers
00:28I need you to be my watcher again
00:31Damn it!
00:33You know what?
00:35I'm sick of this crap
00:37I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis
00:42As of this moment, it's over
00:45I'm finished being everybody's butt monkey
00:50What are you doing here?
00:55If you're going out, why don't you take your sister?
01:04There is nothing but you
01:11You are the center
01:15And within you
01:17There is the core of your being
01:22Of what you are
01:28Find it
01:31Breathe into it
01:37Focus inward
01:40Let the world fall away
01:46Fall away
01:52Fall away
02:22Fall away
02:59Can we go now?
03:22I can't
03:24I can't
03:26I can't
03:28I can't
03:30I can't
03:32I can't
03:34I can't
03:36I can't
03:38I can't
03:40I can't
03:42I can't
03:44I can't
03:46I can't
03:48I can't
03:50I can't
03:52I can't
03:54I can't
03:56I can't
03:58I can't
04:08Nobody knows who I am
04:10Not the real me
04:12It's like nobody cares enough to find out
04:16I mean, does anyone ever ask me what I want to do with my life?
04:20Or what my opinion is on stuff?
04:23Or what restaurant to order in from?
04:28Exclamation point!
04:30Exclamation point!
04:32Exclamation point!
04:36No one understands
04:39No one has an older sister who's a slayer
04:47People wouldn't be so crazy about her if they had to live in the same house with her every single day
04:53Everybody cares what she thinks
04:56Just cause she can do backflips and stuff
04:59Like that's such a crucial job skill in the real world
05:04Plus mom lets her get away with everything
05:07Her sister's saving the world
05:10I could so save the world if somebody handed me superpowers
05:15But I think of a cool name and wear a mask to protect my loved ones
05:19Which Buffy doesn't even
05:24If this town wasn't so lame everyone would completely know what she does
05:28Then I bet they wouldn't even be that impressed because like
05:32Killing things with wood?
05:34Oh scary vampires they die from a splinter
05:44So Buffy what are your plans today?
05:50Oh actually Giles and I are going to go to the magic shop for supplies for my new and improved training sessions
05:55Well that's great
05:57Oh yeah I'm actually
05:58You can take Dawn shopping for her back to school supplies
06:03Mom I thought you were taking me
06:05Well honey I've got the grand showing tonight
06:08And there's so much to do to get the gallery ready
06:11No but see mom that doesn't really work for me
06:15We're just going to the magic shop no school supplies there
06:18Yeah mom I'm not going to Hogwarts
06:24Geez crack a book sometime
06:28Look I'm sure Giles doesn't mind dropping you and your sister off at the mall afterward
06:33Actually he does mind
06:35This is supposed to be quality watcher slayer time
06:38I told you she completely ruined my training yesterday
06:41Did not?
06:43Oh you know you did too
06:45Buffy I realize the importance of your new slayer thing but
06:50I could really use your help
06:57Morning Miss Summers
06:59You look great
07:00Oh thank you Riley
07:03Suck up
07:05What it's a nice outfit
07:08Besides I'm here to violate your first born
07:11Never goes over with parents
07:13Not sure why
07:16Riley my sister's boyfriend is so into her
07:20They're always kissing
07:22And groping
07:24I bet they've had sex
07:27Hey kid
07:29Not a kid
07:33Well this is a surprise of the nicest kind
07:36Now it's my turn to be surprised
07:39Thought we had plans today
07:43We planned plans?
07:45Well you said come over tomorrow and we'll hang
07:49And then I said okay
07:51Not the invasion of Normandy but still a plan
07:57We're not hanging today are we?
07:59Chiles is on his way to pick me up
08:01Slayer training
08:03Slayer shopping actually but equally as important
08:07I have no doubt
08:09Okay we'll hook up later
08:11Are you mad at me?
08:12Oh not at all
08:14I'm plotting your death but in a happy way
08:19Look Buffy I know what this means to you
08:22I think it's great that you've got this new mission
08:25I'll see you tonight
08:29See ya kid
08:31I'm not a kid
08:36I sympathize with you Buffy I truly do
08:39But I'm certain Riley understands better than anyone else the importance of training
08:43You can't allow personal concerns to distract you from your
08:47Dawn will you stop fiddling with the radio and sit down
08:51I don't think Buffy's watcher likes me too much
08:55I think it's cause he's just so
09:00I'm not sure how old he is but I heard him use the word newfangled one time
09:05So he's gotta be pretty far gone
09:12There's a lot of books on this list
09:14Any of them come up?
09:17There's a lot of books on this list
09:19Any of them come on tape?
09:21You know read by George Clooney or someone cute like that?
09:23You're entering a new realm here Buffy
09:25One for which I myself am not entirely prepared
09:28Are you ready for this commitment?
09:30I'm just kidding
09:32Okay this Betty's ready color me committed
09:37Put it in neutral again huh?
09:40I'm just not used to this automatic transmission eye
09:44I'll blow this sitting here not contributing
09:48No no no it's not working out
09:50Giles are you breaking up with your car?
09:52Well it did seduce me
09:54All red and sporty
09:56Little two door tramp
09:59I don't know I'm just
10:01I was so at a loose end that I
10:04Found myself searching for
10:07Some way of feeling more
10:12Perhaps as I am to
10:14Act as your watcher again
10:16A modicum of respect might be in order
10:18Do I have to?
10:20I'm serious Buffy
10:22There's going to be far less time for
10:24The sort of flighty frivolous
10:26Hey there's Willow and Tara
10:28Oh I haven't seen my new car
10:35Hey Giles sharp wheels
10:38The rest of the car is nice too
10:40Handles like a dream
10:42Where are you guys heading?
10:44Magic shop have some charms on that quarter
10:47Willow hi
10:49Hey Donny
10:51How's my favorite chess partner?
10:53Still leading with your knight?
10:55Willow's the awesomest person
10:57She's the only one I know who likes school as much as me
11:01Even her friends are cool
11:03Hey Don
11:05Like Tara
11:06She and Willow are both witches
11:08They do spells and stuff which is so much cooler than slaying
11:12I told mom one time I wish they'd teach me some of the things they do together
11:16And then she got really quiet and made me go upstairs
11:22I guess her generation isn't cool with witchcraft
11:28So Giles and I worked out a whole schedule around school
11:31A block of time every day to just focus on my new slayer training
11:35That's a work ethic
11:37Buffy you're developing a work ethic
11:39Oh no
11:41Did I make an ointment for that?
11:43People gotta respect a solid work ethic
11:45Look at you
11:47Motivated Buffy
11:49Eager to soak up learning
11:51Oh you and I are gonna have so much fun this semester
11:54Yeah that reminds me
11:56With the whole new training schedule
11:58I kinda had to drop the class
12:00That's understandable
12:02Your slayer studies are way more important
12:04So I won't be taking drama with you
12:08You have to you promised
12:10Well I know but Giles said that it just was
12:12The hell with Giles
12:14I can hear you Willow
12:16Drama is just Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
12:18You can blow off training Tuesday and Thursday afternoons can't you?
12:22What happened to people gotta respect a work ethic?
12:25Other people not me
12:27There's a whole best friend loophole
12:29Shop's kinda dark
12:31Maybe it's closed
12:33Let's go
12:55Well I think I just got up to bad
13:01Anyone here?
13:03Mr. Bogarty?
13:07The owner
13:09I come in here a lot
13:15Well maybe this happened
13:17Really late at night when nobody was
13:23I'm fine I
13:25I just tripped over
13:27Mr. Bogarty
13:30What is it is he okay?
13:32Nothing you need to see
13:33Dawn go wait outside
13:34I don't want to wait outside
13:37Ow that hurts
13:39You're hurting me
13:40I'm telling
13:41I don't have time for this
13:43Just do like I say and wait
13:59What you doing?
14:01What are you doing here?
14:03Can't loiter
14:05There's no loitering
14:07That's why I'm a cat
14:11See cats in the cupboard
14:13But they find you there anyway
14:15And it hurts
14:19Please make a stop
14:29Shut up
14:35I know you
14:37Kurt and Wade
14:41I know what you are
14:45You don't belong here
15:15You okay?
15:22Is that guy dead in there?
15:39They're gonna be a little while longer
15:41Doing the detective thing
15:43Best known scoobies like you and me
15:45Stay out of their way
15:57Do you want a thumb wrestle?
16:09Judging by the bite fast
16:11I'd say it was more than one vampire
16:13I'd make it four at least
16:15Looks like someone's put together
16:17A new fang club
16:19Well I've cross checked the inventory list
16:21And things are definitely missing
16:23Mostly books
16:25Including a treatise on the mythology
16:27And methodology of the vampire slayer
16:29Oh shoot
16:31Was that the only copy?
16:33Come on Buffy
16:35This could be very serious
16:37Whoever's leading this pack of vampires
16:39Appears to be interested in learning more about you
16:41Perhaps searching for weaknesses
16:45Good lord
16:49Well I had no idea the profit margins
16:51On a shop like this
16:53Look at this
16:55Look overhead out of state orders
16:59It's no wonder there's never any trouble
17:01Attracting new owners
17:03A place like this is a virtual
17:05Death trap
17:07Well yes there is that
17:13Location you know
17:15Pedestrian traffic
17:17So what's the
17:19What's the
17:21Pedestrian traffic
17:23So what's the next step?
17:25Buffy you should begin looking for the
17:27Lair straight away
17:29I'll get Riley to help me patrol
17:31Wait aren't you forgetting something?
17:33Impressive square footage
17:35You're on dawn duty
17:39Oh duty
17:41If I drop my sister back at home
17:43My mother's gonna
17:45Kill me
17:47I bet the death rate keeps the rent down
17:53Something's been taken from this case
17:55Look here
17:57What'd they take?
17:59I think an item of value
18:01Or power possibly even
18:03A unicorn
18:0510 inch ceramic unicorn
18:07Imported from Thailand
18:09Was it valuable?
18:11List price 12.95
18:13Which begs the question
18:15What kind of an unholy creature
18:17Fancies cheap tasteless statuary
18:23First of all I want to thank everybody
18:25For a really successful raid
18:27On the magic shop last night
18:29Good job minions
18:31Yes you deserve it
18:37Remembered to pick me up
18:39The sweetest little unicorn
18:47Guess someone was feeling guilty
18:49For standing me up in the 10th grade
18:51I had to get her something
18:53She sired me
18:55Sire whipped
18:57Anyway the books you guys brought me
18:59To help with the plan
19:01Well I've been skimming through the book jackets all morning
19:03And let me tell you
19:05There's some pretty useful stuff in there
19:11Sorry I forgot your name
19:15Right Peach is his friend
19:17What's your question
19:19When are we going to do it?
19:23That's rude
19:25I barely know you
19:27And you're a minion
19:29It means the plan
19:31When are we going to do the plan
19:35The plan
19:37Well first let me tell you
19:39I'm really psyched about it
19:41And I hope the rest of you guys
19:43Are too
19:45We killed a slayer
19:55So not only
19:57Didn't you take your sister shopping
19:59For school supplies
20:01You brought her to a murder scene
20:03No I didn't bring her to it
20:05It just sort of came upon us
20:07It's not like she saw the body
20:09Or anything
20:13That makes it all right then doesn't it
20:15No that is not what I meant
20:17I asked one favor of you Buffy
20:19To look after your sister
20:21And now you want to unload her
20:23So you and Riley can go out
20:25To patrol
20:27I'm working
20:29It's not like I want to go to the sock hop
20:31I have to be at the pre-show reception
20:33In half an hour
20:35Who's going to watch John
20:37I don't need anyone to watch me
20:41Wait so what you're saying is
20:43If I can get an acceptable babysitter here
20:45Before you leave I can go patrol
20:47Babysitter? I'm 14
20:49I'm old enough to be a babysitter
20:51And who are you going to get
20:53On such short notice
20:55I can take care of myself
21:13Donna patrol
21:15Check this out
21:17They put cheese on round bread
21:19It's going to be big
21:21Xander is so much cuter than anyone
21:23And smarter too
21:25He totally skipped college
21:27And got a job working construction
21:29Which is so kind of deep you know
21:31He builds things
21:33And he's brave too
21:35Just last week he went undercover
21:37That Dracula guy
21:39Have fun
21:41Not too much fun though
21:45Don be good
21:47Oh we will
21:49We're just going to play with matches
21:51Run with scissors
21:53Take candy from some guy
21:55I don't know his name
21:57Xander treats everyone like an equal
21:59He doesn't look down on people
22:01Hello there little girl
22:03Even when he should
22:05We are going to have fun fun fun
22:07Look I've got monopoly
22:11And ooh the game of life
22:13That sounds good
22:15Poor Don
22:17She was pretty shaken up
22:19Well sure
22:21Bloody death and stuff
22:23She'll be okay
22:25It's just
22:27I think it's tough for her
22:29Not being able to
22:31Allowed to
22:37Out you
22:39You guys the Slayer circle
22:43Filthy doesn't really need
22:45And I think Don's a little young
22:47I know you're right
22:49It's just hard
22:51That outsider feeling
22:59You're not an outsider
23:03Well yeah
23:05Kind of am
23:07No you're not
23:11Willow it's okay
23:13Where does this go
23:15Somebody making you feel uncomfortable
23:17Is it Xander
23:19It's Xander isn't it
23:21Xander's a sweetie
23:23It's Giles
23:25It's cause he's British
23:27And doesn't understand about stuff
23:29It's no one
23:31It's hard to break into that
23:33And I'm not even sure I want to
23:39I'm sure
23:41You're completely one of the gang
23:45Everyone accepts that
23:47You're one of the good guys
23:53I can talk to the rest of the group
23:55And we can do something
23:57Some kind of scooby initiation
23:59Maybe we can wear some kind of
24:01Special ring
24:03That identifies us as members
24:05I don't think so
24:07But maybe something like that
24:09Would be nice for Don
24:11To worry about her sometimes
24:13You don't have to
24:15She's got big sister Buffy
24:17Happily looking out for
24:19So then my mom goes off on me
24:21About how I'm supposed to watch out for Don
24:23And make sure that she's shielded
24:25From stuff that might upset her
24:27Like dead shopkeepers
24:29She didn't see him
24:31A foot, maybe
24:33A dead foot, which is bad, okay
24:35But hello, I see dead stuff
24:37All the time
24:39And you don't see mom shielding me
24:41So you want your mother to give you
24:43Space to be a slayer
24:45And shield you from it at the same time
24:47Thank you, logic boy
24:49Did I mention this is a rant?
24:51Sense really has no place in it
24:53I'm getting that
24:55So Buffy, you seem really
25:01Trash can
25:03From a distance it looked kinda
25:09I was gonna say
25:11Round, squat, shadowy
25:13Back to what I was saying before
25:15We were rudely attacked by nothing
25:17You seem really tense
25:21There's a new vampire gang
25:23In town
25:25I mean domestically tense
25:27You're on Don's case a lot
25:31I guess
25:33It's just
25:35I don't know
25:37I know it's always been this way
25:39She's the baby
25:43But for some reason lately
25:45It's just really getting to me
25:47She's always around
25:49Oh yeah
25:51You're like her idol, Buffy
25:53Her idol?
25:55I don't think so unless you like to spill things
25:57On your idol's new leather pants
25:59You know what I mean
26:03You have superpowers
26:05And college
26:07A studly yet sensitive boyfriend
26:09And a pesky life or death job
26:11That I can't quit or even take a break from
26:15She doesn't get the sacrifices
26:17She's a kid
26:19She doesn't get the bugs
26:21She gets to be a kid
26:23And she acts like it's the biggest burden
26:25In the world
26:27Sometimes I would like to just curl up
26:29In mom's lap and not worry
26:31About the fate of the world
26:33I'd like to be the one who's protected
26:35Who's waited on
26:37Hand in foot, getting her own way
26:39Always the favorite
26:41You nut
26:43Your mom loves you both equally
26:45But if I'm wrong I find money usually helps
26:47With the scale
26:49Slip choice at 10 or 20 once in a while
26:51Then we'll see who's the favorite
26:55He says I'm like a kid's sister
26:57Here come the judge
26:59But sometimes when he looks at me
27:01I feel like he sees me as I am
27:05As a woman
27:09Look at this
27:11Now I'm burdened with a husband
27:13And several tiny pink children
27:15That I can't reasonably manage
27:17That means you're winning
27:23Yes, cash equals good
27:25Oh, I'm so pleased
27:29Can I trade in the children for more cash?
27:47Come out and die
27:51I'm waiting for you, Buffy
28:03I know you're in there
28:09What do you mean she's not in there?
28:11She has to be
28:13I'm calling her out
28:17Then I bet she'll be real sorry she missed your call
28:19Afraid you and your buddies are gonna have to come back
28:21And be killed by Buffy later
28:23They're not my buddies
28:25They're my minions
28:27They're what now?
28:31You know, lackeys
28:33They work for me
28:35What's so funny?
28:39What could be funny?
28:41Just look out
28:43It's the terrifying Harmony Gang
28:45Stop laughing
28:49I just
28:51I just can't picture anyone pathetic enough
28:53To be following
28:55Is that Brad Connick?
28:59Hey, Brad
29:01Who'd have thought
29:03Hey, Brad
29:05Who'd have thought when you're beating up kids in gym class
29:07You'd end up Harmony's lap dog
29:09Screw you, Harris
29:11You should know all about
29:13Being somebody's lap dog
29:15I hear you were a good little puppy
29:17For Dracula
29:19You heard wrong
29:21Don't feel bad
29:23I hear that mind control thing he does
29:25Works really well on weak
29:27Fraidy cat losers
29:29You didn't stand a chance
29:31Shut up
29:33Dawn, I'm handling this
29:37Shut up, Harmony
29:39Make me
29:41Afraid I don't feel like getting into another hair pulling contest with you
29:43You're the hair puller
29:45You big girl
29:47Oh yeah?
29:49Come inside and see that
29:51Dawn, no
30:01The invitation was for what?
30:03Not to push over anymore
30:05Am I
30:07Slayer's house
30:09I've been working out
30:11Learning some new tricks
30:13Owning my
30:29Owning my
31:01Harmony has minions
31:05That was pretty much my reaction
31:07I'm sorry, I'm sorry
31:09It's just
31:11Harmony has
31:15And ruffles have ridges
31:19Buffy, there's actually a more
31:21Serious side to all this
31:23I'm sure I'm so good I'm having trouble
31:27What is it?
31:31She did come here to kill you
31:35Buffy, come on
31:37They have killed ones that we know of
31:39She could be a threat to you
31:41Especially now that she can enter your house anytime she wants
31:51Uh, yeah
31:53Actually, she
31:55Harmony kind of happened to
31:57Sort of get an invite
32:01You guys can't invite her in
32:03Only someone who lives here can
32:11Where is she?
32:13In her room
32:15Look, I think she's still pretty freaked out
32:19Buff, it was an accident, she didn't mean it
32:21Well, that just makes it okay then, doesn't it?
32:23No, but believe me
32:25Nobody feels worse than her right now
32:27What a total
32:31My first plan
32:33I so wanted it to go well
32:35Plus, I didn't even get to kill stupid Xander Harris
32:37God, that was so
32:41Go back later
32:43No, it's no good
32:45Buffy's gonna expect us now, the whole surprise is blown
32:47Who are you growling at?
32:49Me, my stomach
32:51If I don't eat somebody soon, I'll get dizzy
32:53Let's go back to the lair
32:55That census taker may not be empty yet
32:57Not me, this night is young
32:59And I want some action
33:05Happy to oblige
33:07I thought it was gonna be a slow night
33:09Step on up, kiddies
33:11Frashing's for all
33:19What's wrong with you?
33:21A little hot
33:25I mean, spike
33:27Long time
33:29You look good
33:31I feel good
33:33I remember
33:37How have you been?
33:39Not bad
33:41Just got a brand new telly
33:43In the crypt, so
33:45Why you talking to him?
33:47It's okay, we used to go steady
33:51Spike, Mort, Mort
33:53I know who he is
33:55He kills our kind
33:57Oh, yeah
33:59What's up with that?
34:01Well, let's go to have a hobby, don't we?
34:03Piss off, Mort
34:05Mort, just give us
34:07A couple minutes, okay?
34:13He's really testy
34:15Some of us are thinking of voting him out of the gang
34:19Oh, yeah
34:21I've got my own gang now
34:25Is that what those circus freaks are?
34:29I mean, shut up
34:33We're gonna kill the Slayer
34:35Singing my song now, are you?
34:37You should pay me royalties for that one
34:39Or at least get your own tune
34:41I'm not gonna make the same mistakes you did
34:43I've been doing my homework
34:45Reading books and stuff
34:47What, evil for dummies?
34:49I mean, look at you
34:51All puffed up and mighty
34:53Thinking you're the new big bad
34:55It's, uh
34:59Well, let's face it
35:01It's adorable
35:03You just can't stand the fact
35:05That I'm my own person now
35:07There comes a time
35:09In every woman's life
35:11When she realizes she needs
35:13To take the next step
35:15I've taken it
35:17I've found the real me
35:19And I like her
35:23Hope you'll be very happy together
35:27In the meantime, save Slayer-slaying
35:29For the professionals
35:31You'll see
35:33Buffy'll be dead by sunrise
35:35I've got a plan
35:37Let me guess
35:39Snatch one of her friends
35:41Use him as bait, lead her into a trap
35:43That sort of thing?
35:47Much, much better one
35:51I'm not gonna tell you
35:53Thought as much
35:55Best of luck
35:57Let me know how this
35:59Arch-villain thing works out for you
36:01I'll do that
36:03And after Buffy's gone
36:05I'm gonna kill everybody in this town
36:07Don't you ever mean to me, Spike
36:17Guys, new plan
36:23That's a lot of weapons for somebody
36:25You weren't sweating 20 minutes ago
36:27Well, that was before Dawn gave Harmony
36:29A backstage pass to kill us all in our sleep
36:31Buff, I left word with Willow
36:33She'll come do a return engagement
36:35Well, she probably still has the stuff from last week
36:37And bang, boom
36:39You're back in the Fortress of Solitude
36:41All better
36:43No, not all better
36:45I mean, it's not like Dawn hasn't grown up in this house
36:47Knowing all the rules
36:49Especially the biggie
36:51Numero 1-0
36:53Do not invite blood-sucking
36:55Dead people into our home
36:57I mean, please
36:59I would never have Harmony over
37:01Even when she was alive
37:03But Buffy
37:05Your mom did
37:07She invited in the masked Dracula
37:09In for coffee
37:13Well, that was different
37:15I mean, she
37:17He would
37:21She was lonely
37:23And she didn't know he was a vampire
37:25The vampire
37:29Dawn knew exactly what Harmony was
37:31When she rolled out the welcome mat for her
37:33She's just a kid
37:35You know, will everybody please stop saying that
37:37I was just a kid
37:39When I met my first vampire
37:41But somehow I still managed to remember the rules
37:43You had to, it was your job
37:47No, it was common sense
37:49But nobody expects even that much
37:51From Dawn, do they?
37:53No, she has to be protected and coddled
37:55From the big bad world
37:57Well, you know what?
37:59I'm turning her into a little idiot
38:01Who's going to get us all killed
38:13She just has to be more careful
38:17I can't be there to protect her 24 hours a day
38:21I just can't
38:31Hey, don't
38:43What do you think you're doing?
38:45Leave me alone
38:47I will, I'm going to come back inside the house
38:49Let go of me
38:51No, it's not safe out here
38:53You got that right
39:27Vampires took
39:29This head wound looks bad
39:31We better get her to a hospital
39:33They took her
39:35He's the end
39:41Well, what about Dawn?
39:43She ran out, they took her
39:47Oh god
39:49Oh god
39:51Oh god
39:53Uh, take care of Anya
39:59Alright, once again
40:01Nice work, Minionators
40:03I'm really, really proud of you guys
40:07Ah, Mort
40:09I trust you made our guest
40:13You told me
40:15To chain her to a wall
40:17Yeah, I know, I'm being
40:19You know
40:21Sarcastic or whatever
40:25I'm feeling really good
40:27About this new plan, people
40:29I think it's a winner
40:31When do we eat the girl?
40:33We don't, not yet
40:35Why not?
40:37Because, that's not the plan
40:39What's the plan?
40:41Do I have to go over the plan again?
40:45We use the sister as bait
40:47We send Buffy a note
40:49More notes?
40:53We send Buffy a note
40:55Telling her that if she wants to see her sister again
40:57She has to come alone
40:59To a place we choose
41:01She comes, we jump her
41:03We kill her
41:05So it doesn't really matter
41:07She's holding the Slayer's sister
41:09Just as long as she thinks we are
41:11She'll walk into the trap
41:15I guess
41:17So it won't make any difference if we eat the girl now
41:19We're not eating the girl
41:21Why not?
41:23Because, that's not the plan
41:37Oh, thanks
41:39You don't have to pinch me
41:41With those satellite dishes
41:45Well, speaking of dishes
41:47What do I owe this unpleasant
41:51I don't have time for banter, Spike
41:53Where's Harmony's lair?
41:55Haven't seen her in months, how should I know?
41:59Where is she?
42:01At least lay off the nose
42:03Okay, okay
42:05Used to have a cave
42:07In the north woods
42:09About 40 meters past the overpass construction site
42:15I was telling you the truth!
42:17I know
42:23They don't respect me
42:25They pretend they do
42:27But deep down they think I'm nothing
42:29I mean, I'm the one
42:31Who put this group together
42:33But they treat me like I don't even matter
42:37Do you have any idea
42:39What that feels like?
42:41A little
42:43They have no idea how much
42:45Pressure I'm under
42:47I have to make all the hard decisions
42:49And it's hard
42:55Excuse me
42:57I didn't hear anybody knock
42:59We've been talking it over
43:01No one decided we don't like this plan
43:03Except for Brad
43:05He abstained
43:07Oh really?
43:09You have a plan you like better?
43:11We're gonna feed on the girl
43:13And kill you
43:15Maybe not in that order
43:19I don't think I like your attitude, Mort
43:23Kill him for me
43:33You're all on my list
43:39This isn't fair
43:41Okay, so things haven't been perfect
43:43I just need a little more time
43:45To grow into my leadership role
43:47Time's up
43:57Touch me and my sister's gonna kill you
44:01Ha ha ha ha
44:17Can't say she didn't warn him
44:19And you didn't like the plan
44:21Dawn, close your eyes
44:25So Slayer
44:27At last we meet
44:29Harmony, you half-wit
44:31I'm the half-wit?
44:33Um, excuse me
44:35But look who's fallen into my
44:51When you tried to be head cheerleader
44:53You were bad
44:55When you tried to chair the homecoming committee
44:57You were really bad
44:59But when you try to be bad
45:01You suck
45:03Buffy, watch out!
45:09Oh, good shot Mort
45:11I think you got her on the
46:31Are going to be in so much
46:33Trouble when we get home
46:35Yeah, well
46:37I'm telling mom you slayed in front of me
46:39Fine, I'll just tell her
46:41That you ran out of the house in the middle of the night
46:43That you got on your person
46:45Invited a vampire in
46:47Got kidnapped
46:59It ran so late
47:01Everything uh
47:03Go okay?
47:07Yeah, you know
47:09I got the vamps
47:11And we watched some TV
47:13Well I know at least one of us
47:15Who's supposed to be in bed by now
47:29So how was the exhibit?
47:31Oh, it was fantastic
47:33Buffy probably would have gotten in way more trouble
47:35Than me anyway
47:37But I guess it was
47:39Pretty okay for her not to say anything to mom
47:41Anya's gonna be okay
47:43And Xander wasn't mad at me
47:45So stuff mostly worked out
47:47Charles, are you sure
47:49About this?
47:51Why wouldn't I be?
47:53I mean you know the fact that most magic shop owners
47:55In Sunnydale have the life expectancy
47:57Of a spinal tap drummer
47:59And have you ever run the store before?
48:01I was a librarian for years
48:03This is exactly the same
48:05Except people pay for the things in over return
48:07That'll give me focus
48:09Help increase my resources
48:11And it'll prevent you lot
48:13From trampling all over my flat at all hours
48:15There may even be some space
48:17For you to train in the back
48:19Boy you really thought this through
48:21How bored were you last year?
48:25I watched Passions with Spike
48:27But it's never speak of
48:37Don't break anything
48:45Just don't touch anything
48:47Not that Buffy's really changed at all
48:49Like she ever would
48:53What you're doing right now?
48:55Not moving?
48:57Good. Keep doing that
49:03She still thinks I'm Little Miss Nobody
49:07Just her dumb little sister
49:13Is she in for a surprise
