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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Episode 9 Never Leave Me


00:00Eric, last time we were here, 33.3% of us were flayed alive.
00:05Nice job.
00:06Do you have any idea how hard it's been to act this cool?
00:09No, that death thing was all part of the master plan.
00:14A short round pulls off his end of the bargain, we'll both become gods.
00:27I saw mom.
00:29Things are coming, Don.
00:31Why are you...
00:32When it's bad, Buffy won't choose you.
00:35It wasn't her.
00:38It's the big bad, Don.
00:41The one we knew was coming.
00:43What the hell happened?
00:44This big evil that's been promising to devour us, I think it started chomping.
00:51Oh god.
00:52Buffy, this thing knows us.
00:55It made us think that we were talking to people we knew.
00:58I'm just a guy with his ear to the ground, but even I can feel it.
01:02Something's coming.
01:04I don't know what exactly, but something's brewing.
01:07And it's a big ugly attempt.
01:08It makes you and me look like little bitty puzzle pieces.
01:14Buffy, he's been feeding on human blood.
01:17That's gotta do stuff.
01:18I think there was something there, talking to him, making him do things.
01:23How could you use a poor mace?
01:35I remember.
01:37I've killed, and I can feel...
01:42I can feel everyone of them.
01:46There's something playing with us.
01:50Why is it doing this to me?
01:52I don't know.
01:54Help me.
01:55I'll help you.
01:56This thing has been closer to Spike than any of us.
01:59And if you want to understand it, I'm gonna have to get close to Spike.
02:06Robson, are you here?
02:16Dear god, I thought you would gather them.
02:20It's started.
02:23It's all right.
02:25I understand.
02:26I'll take care of it.
02:29So the basement was filled with bodies?
02:36And Spike could have sired countless others and buried them around town.
02:43And we're waiting for him to do what exactly?
02:45Do something crazy?
02:47It's not that simple.
02:49Shouldn't we stab him through the chest?
02:53Isn't that what we do when these things happen?
02:56Look, Buffy knows what she's doing.
02:58Well, Xander, you know what we're all talking about.
03:01I mean, you've always been part of the Spike is evil faction.
03:04I've got a house to put back together.
03:09You guys keep your heads buried in the sand.
03:12But I think we should all prepare ourselves for the possibility that William the Bloody is back.
03:18All right, getting good.
03:32How do you feel?
03:35We've got work to do.
03:36We have to do work right now?
03:38Can't I just walk around for a while in my coat?
03:41Don't go soft on me now.
03:43We're right in the trench and the exhaust port's in sight.
03:47I thought that was it.
03:49I did what you told me.
03:50It's not my fault it didn't work.
03:53Why do I have to do all the wet work?
03:57You know the rules.
03:58I can't take corporeal form.
04:09Pretty bitchin', right?
04:11I'm like Obi-Wan.
04:12Or Patrick Swayze.
04:16Believe me, I would do this stuff if I could.
04:20I can't.
04:22I need you.
04:24You're my iron fist.
04:26I just don't think I can kill anybody else.
04:29Oh, will you stop worrying about that?
04:32I didn't want to kill you.
04:33Warren made me.
04:34Hey, I'm glad he did.
04:36This is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
04:40It didn't hurt too much.
04:41I'm not very good at stabbing.
04:43You know, it wasn't that bad.
04:46It was like a sharp pain, then a burning, then a general queasiness.
04:52It was kind of like when I used to get ulcers in high school.
04:54Only at the end, I became one with light and hope.
04:57I can't do it.
04:58I can't do it anymore.
05:00Hey, this isn't your fault, okay?
05:04It's my fault the ritual didn't work.
05:06I screwed up.
05:07I'm little.
05:08I don't have as much fun as other people.
05:11I probably should have told someone I was anemic.
05:15Don't worry.
05:17We're gonna fix it.
05:19You gotta trust us.
05:20We know what we're doing.
05:22I can't kill anybody else.
05:24Okay, calm down.
05:27We can work around that.
05:37We're gonna get to the bottom of this.
05:41We just can't take any chances.
05:46Make it tighter, and Nelts will give.
05:51If I get free, someone's gonna die.
07:04now guys, look.
07:05We can settle this one of two ways.
07:08You can repaint the walls, or I can suspend you and report this little incident
07:14on your permanent record.
07:19Do that.
07:22Okay, I was bluffing.
07:23I hadn't really thought that one through.
07:27Listen, this whole permanent record thing is such a myth anyway.
07:31Colleges never ask for anything past your SAT scores,
07:34and it's not like employers are gonna be calling up to check
07:37to see how many days you missed back in high school.
07:40So listen, I could suspend you,
07:45but that would mean calling your parents,
07:47alerting your teachers, filling out paperwork,
07:51and quite possibly having to talk to the school board,
07:54all of which sounds positively exhausting to me.
08:02No, I think it would be much easier if I just called the police.
08:06Let them deal with it.
08:10Oh, and in case you're wondering,
08:13this is the part where I'm not bluffing.
08:18We'll repaint it.
08:21Good job.
08:26Excuse me.
08:31Miss Summers, I'm with students.
08:36I just want to tell you that Buffy won't be coming in today.
08:38She's really sick.
08:40Oh, no.
08:42Yeah, last night she was vomiting,
08:44and then this morning she was vomiting some more,
08:46and then just when we thought she was done,
08:49she started vomiting again.
08:52Yeah, we got that stomach flu going around.
08:55Her exact words were,
08:56I've got stuff coming out of both ends.
09:02That's very helpful.
09:05Sure, no problem.
09:08Hey, guys, how's it going?
09:10Pretty good.
09:12Tell your sister not to worry about her.
09:14We'll soldier on without her here.
09:16Just tell her to concentrate on getting better.
09:20Yeah, she'll be fine.
09:22She just needs to get some stuff out of her system.
09:25I need to find him as soon as possible.
09:27He's not answering any of his numbers.
09:30Miss Summers, the Watcher's Council does not keep track of our lapsed employees.
09:36Ever since Mr. Giles pulled up his stake in Sunnydale,
09:40we've not made it our business to follow his every move.
09:45You don't need to get all British and dodgy, Mr. Travers.
09:47I know you have ways of finding him.
09:51Well, I suppose if you feel matters urgently, look into it.
09:55I'd appreciate it, thank you.
09:57Not at all.
09:58Good day.
10:02The girl knows nothing.
10:04The girl knows nothing.
10:11And we need to find Rupert Giles.
10:19As soon as possible.
10:34Can I do something?
10:50I think you should probably.
11:04He's been feasting on humans for weeks.
11:12He's having some pretty bad withdrawals.
11:15I think we need to get him some blood.
11:17Do you want me to kill Anya?
11:20No, we should probably try to wean him off humans.
11:25He'll have to make do with animal blood.
11:27I'll go get some.
11:29You don't mind?
11:31No, I have to get out of the house.
11:33Xander's installing the new windows and he keeps giving lectures on proper tool maintenance.
11:39Tool talk, not my thing.
11:47How are you doing in there?
11:51He's in pretty bad shape.
11:53Past the point where he can tell me anything.
11:57I wasn't asking about him.
12:01I'll be okay.
12:02She won't feel a thing.
12:04Just do it.
12:08Cut her deep.
12:09Cut her quick.
12:11It'll be over before she knows what hit her.
12:13What if she squeals?
12:15I better go for her throat first.
12:20Babe 2 pig in the city was really underrated.
12:22Don't think about babe.
12:25You're Conan.
12:27You're the destroyer.
12:30It's you against nature.
12:32You're the hunter.
12:33You're primal.
12:35You live off the land.
12:37You're Andrew.
12:38Everyone knows you.
12:40You play by your own rules.
12:41It's kill or be killed.
12:42That'll do, pig!
12:46Oh, you gotta corner it.
12:50Stay between Pete and the hall or...
12:51That's the worst attempted pig slaughtering I've ever seen.
13:06I'm not very good at stabbing.
13:08Isn't there some other way we could get blood?
13:11Number 87.
13:16I'd like 12 pork chops.
13:19Two pounds of sausage.
13:22Eight quarts of pig's blood.
13:24Three steaks.
13:28Halibut and some toothpaste.
13:36This is a butcher shop, Neo.
13:38We don't sell toothpaste.
13:44Just the other stuff then.
13:45Just the other stuff then.
13:48Then got it.
13:55Ooh, steak sauce.
14:11Number 88.
14:15Wait a minute!
14:25Don't kill me!
14:26I'm not gonna kill you.
14:27Don't torture me and send me to an eternal pain dimension.
14:31I'm not gonna.
14:32Warren killed Tara.
14:34I didn't do it.
14:36And he was aiming for Buffy anyway.
14:39Not making it better.
14:41And you got your revenge.
14:43You killed my best friend.
14:45Or even.
14:48You think I get satisfaction from what I did?
14:52Maybe not.
14:52But let me keep my skin, okay?
14:55I'm not bad.
14:56I'm not bad anymore.
14:58I'm good.
15:00Do good things now.
15:02Then why do you need lots and lots of blood?
15:08I am bad.
15:09I'm bad.
15:10I'm evil.
15:11But I'm protected by powerful forces.
15:14Forces you can't even begin to imagine, little girl.
15:19If you harm me, you shall know the wrath of he that is darkness and terror.
15:24Your blood will boil and you will know true suffering.
15:27Stand down, she-witch.
15:28Your defeat is at hand.
15:30Shut your mouth.
15:33I am a she-witch.
15:36A very powerful she-witch.
15:39Or witch, as is more accurate.
15:43I am not to be trifled with.
15:44What am I-
15:45Stop talking!
15:46Don't interrupt me, insignificant man.
15:51I am willow.
15:53I am death.
15:55If you dare defy me, I will call down my fury, exact fresh vengeance, and make your worst fears come true.
16:08Look who I found.
16:11Oh, this can't be good.
16:12Guess who was buying mass amounts of blood at the butcher shop?
16:16Hey, your hair's not even black anymore.
16:19What are you doing back in town?
16:21You'll get nothing out of me, carpenter.
16:25We'll see about that.
16:28Careful with my coat.
16:29It's expensive.
16:30Is it new?
16:33I don't think so.
16:35Is it new?
16:40Now, we can do this the hard way, if you want.
16:46But believe me when I tell you, this will go much easier if you just tell us what you know.
16:56You're barking up the wrong asparagus, man.
16:58I don't know anything.
17:00Here's the thing.
17:02I don't believe you.
17:05I haven't done anything wrong.
17:08Well, then you won't mind if I ask you a few questions?
17:11Yeah, okay.
17:13Why were you buying blood at the butcher shop?
17:17I fell in love with a beautiful vampire girl down in Mexico.
17:19Now we're trying to make a go of it on the straight and narrow,
17:22and put our lives back together here in Sunnydale.
17:25You think this is a game, junior?
17:28People are dying.
17:30Friends' lives are in danger.
17:32Hey, Anya.
17:33Now you want to waste my time with deceptions?
17:36Not on my watch!
17:38Hey, Anya!
17:40Can I talk to you outside for a second?
18:03Did you see that?
18:06I actually made him cry.
18:07You were perfect.
18:08I was worried I overdid it with the whole easy way, hard way thing.
18:11No, you were great.
18:13And I wasn't sure if I should slap him,
18:15but then he made me want to slap him, so I thought, okay, slap him.
18:18He'll be singing in no time.
18:20So what do we do now?
18:21Well, now we let him stew in his own juices for a bit,
18:24then we give him the hard brace.
18:27What's the status with your guy?
18:30He's not talking yet.
18:32We'll get there.
18:34How's your guy?
18:35The weasel wants to sing.
18:36He just needs a tune.
18:38He's primed.
18:39I'll be pumping him in no time.
18:43He'll give us information soon.
19:01I don't remember anything.
19:08Well, you were having pretty bad withdrawal.
19:10No, not that.
19:13I don't remember when I did.
19:20Some flashes here and there.
19:23It's like I'm watching someone else do it, kill people.
19:31I've been losing time for a while now.
19:35Waking up in strange places.
19:41When did your chip stop working?
19:44Wasn't aware that it had, you know.
19:47Not until now.
19:49And the losing time?
19:51How long has that been going on?
19:54Well, things have been wonky for me ever since I got back, ever since...
19:58...you got your soul.
20:03Figured that's what it was like.
20:05Been so long since I had one.
20:09How did you do it?
20:11How'd you get your soul back?
20:16Saw a man about a girl.
20:23I went to seek a legend out.
20:26Travelled to the other side of the world, made a deal with a demon.
20:31Just like that?
20:33No, not just like that.
20:35There was a price.
20:36There were trials.
20:45Of sorts.
20:47Of sorts?
20:48Well, it's all relative, isn't it?
20:56Meaning I have come to redefine the words pain and suffering since I fell in love with you.
21:05How can you say that?
21:09Apparently I just slaughtered half a Sunnydale pet.
21:12I'm not really worried about being polite anymore.
21:17So that's what this is about?
21:20You're feeling sorry for yourself, Spike?
21:22Feeling honest with myself.
21:25You used me.
21:30You told me that, of course.
21:34I never understood it, though.
21:36Not till now.
21:40You hated yourself.
21:43And you took it out on me.
21:47You figure that out just now?
21:52Soul's not all about moonbeams and pennywhistles, love.
21:56It's about self-loving.
21:59I get it.
22:01I had to travel around the world, but...
22:06I understand you now.
22:09I understand the violence inside.
22:14William the Bloody now has insight into violence?
22:19Not the same.
22:22As bad as I was, as evil and as wretched as I was, I never truly hated myself back then.
22:30Not like I do now.
22:47How's your face?
22:53Sorry about that.
22:53She shouldn't have hit you.
23:06Go on.
23:11That chick's psycho.
23:14You don't know the half of it.
23:17She's a vengeance demon, you know.
23:20She's bad news.
23:23This one time I saw her having sex with Spike.
23:29She's killed more men than smallpox.
23:31Does smallpox still kill people?
23:33She's killed a lot of men.
23:35She tortures them.
23:37Anyone who incurs her wrath.
23:41One time she...
23:44Now, never mind.
23:45It's not important.
23:47What'd she do?
23:48What'd she do?
23:50Well, there was this one guy.
23:53There was this one guy.
23:54He, uh, he hurt her real bad.
23:57So she paid him back.
24:00She killed him.
24:01But she did it real slow.
24:05See, first she stopped his heart.
24:08And then she replaced it with darkness.
24:11And then she made him live his life like that.
24:13But he still had to go to his job.
24:16And see his friends.
24:18And wake up in the morning.
24:20And go to bed at night.
24:21But he had to do it all empty.
24:26Without anything to look forward to.
24:31Sounds bad.
24:34Well, then she tore at his intestines.
24:35And rubbed it in his face.
24:36And took pictures of it.
24:37Oh, God.
24:38But she's downstairs now.
24:40Don't worry about her.
24:43See, the thing is, we've all been a little on edge lately.
24:48Some bad things have been happening.
24:50And the girls, they're all looking for someone to blame.
24:53Didn't do anything.
24:54You lying son of a bitch!
24:56You're gonna tell us what we need to know.
24:58And you're gonna tell us right now!
25:00On your nose!
25:01Stop it!
25:02Get off me, Paris!
25:09Come here, you pipsqueak!
25:11Get her off me!
25:13I'll tell you!
25:13I'll tell you what you need to know!
25:19Excuse me.
25:34We've got ourselves a problem.
25:39Somebody help!
25:42Everything okay?
26:11Who are you talking to?
26:17What's that?
26:19I heard you through the door.
26:20Who are you talking to?
26:23I was just keeping myself company.
26:27Are you okay?
26:31How are you?
26:34Now, you could talk.
26:35Or I could keep hitting you.
26:37Believe me, I'd love to keep hitting you.
26:41I'm fine, Buffy.
26:44I'm just...
26:46Feeling a bit peckish, I suppose.
26:50Do you mind?
27:11Well, we needed more blood to activate the skill of damage.
27:41He didn't seem to want anything to do with me.
28:03I mean, he just pushed me aside and charged at the wall.
28:06Are you hurt?
28:08Not really.
28:09How's... What's his name?
28:13He's got a good chunk taken out of his neck.
28:15It'll be all right.
28:16Had to tie him up again, but mainly just to keep him from scratching at his bandages.
28:21What the hell happened up there?
28:24I don't know.
28:26Spike and I were having a conversation and he was fine.
28:30I mean, you know, fine as Spike can be.
28:32And then I went to check on you guys.
28:34And when I got back, it was like he was a completely different person.
28:39Different like William the Bloody type different?
28:43He was talking to someone.
28:45I heard through the door he was having this conversation.
28:48And then he started singing.
28:50Maybe it's another musical.
28:54A much crappier musical.
28:56He mentioned something about a song in the cellar.
29:00And he changed there, too.
29:01I mean, instantly became another person.
29:05The horse?
29:07No, in his head.
29:09It's a trigger.
29:10It's a brainwashing term.
29:13It's how the military makes sleeper agents.
29:16They brainwash operatives and condition them with a specific trigger.
29:22Like a song that makes them drastically change at a moment's notice.
29:27Is this left over from your days in the army?
29:31No, this is left over from every army movie I've ever seen.
29:34But it makes sense.
29:36We've had ghosts or something haunting us, right?
29:40Well, what if Spike's ghosts have figured out a way to not only haunt him?
29:45What if they figured out how to control him?
29:48Spike said he's been seeing things since I found him in the basement.
29:52So he gets his soul back.
29:55He starts seeing spooky things.
29:57And he goes extra, extra crazy.
30:00This trigger.
30:01How do we holster safety or, I don't know, guns?
30:05How do we make it stop?
30:08Well, usually the operative completes his task and either blows his head off or steals a submarine.
30:16All right.
30:17I need information.
30:18If Spike's a bomb, then I need to know how to defuse him.
30:21You two.
30:22I want to know what did this to him.
30:23Spirits, ghosts, demons.
30:25Check the lot of them.
30:26Look for anything that could haunt or possibly control like this.
30:30I need to know exactly what we're dealing with.
33:08Did I hurt anybody?
33:11You took a good bite out of Andrew.
33:17Tucker's brother.
33:23He'll be okay.
33:26I don't remember.
33:30It's okay.
33:36I don't know why.
33:39We think we do.
33:41Something's playing you.
33:44Some ghost or demon has figured out how to control you.
33:49I've got the gang researching it right now.
33:51Xander has this theory that you're being triggered.
33:57Kill me.
34:01Buffy, you have to kill me.
34:06You don't understand.
34:08When I left the room earlier, I heard you talking.
34:10Do you have any idea what I'm capable of?
34:19I was in the same room.
34:21Cellar with you.
34:23I saw what you did.
34:24I'm not talking about the cellar.
34:26People in the cellar got off easy.
34:29I'm talking about me.
34:33Buffy, you've never met the real me.
34:39Believe me, I'm well aware of what you're capable of.
34:44You got off easy too.
34:52Do you know how much blood you can drink from a girl before she'll die?
34:57I do.
34:59You see, the trick is to drink just enough.
35:03To know how to damage them just enough so that they'll still cry when you...
35:15Because it's not worth it if they don't cry.
35:19It's not your fault.
35:21You're not the one doing this.
35:23I already did it.
35:25It's already done.
35:29You want to know what I've done to girls, Dawn Sage?
35:37This is me, Buffy.
35:40You've got to kill me before I get out.
35:45We can keep you locked up.
35:48I'll keep you here and we'll figure out...
35:49Have you ever really asked yourself why you can't do it?
35:52Off me?
35:54After everything I've done to you, to people around you?
35:59It's not love.
36:02We both know that.
36:03You fought by my side.
36:06You've saved lives.
36:07You've helped...
36:07Don't do that.
36:11Don't rationalize this into some noble act.
36:17Because we both know the truth of it.
36:20You're like men who hurt you.
36:33You need the pain we cause you.
36:36You need the hate.
36:38You need it to do your job, to be the slayer.
36:45I don't hate like that.
36:46Not you, or myself.
36:51Not anymore.
36:55You think you have insight now, because your soul's drenched in blood?
37:00You don't know me.
37:04You don't even know you.
37:07Was that you who killed those people in the cellar?
37:11Was that you who waited for those girls?
37:14Was that you who waited for those girls?
37:16There's no one else.
37:17That's not true.
37:21Listen to me.
37:23You're not alive because of hate or pain.
37:30You're alive because I saw you change.
37:34Because I saw your penance.
37:37Kindle dressing.
37:39Be easier, wouldn't it?
37:41If it were an act.
37:43But it's not.
37:47You faced the monster inside of you, and you fought back.
37:53You risked everything to be a better man.
37:56And you can be.
38:00You are.
38:03You may not see it, but I do.
38:08I do.
38:08I believe in you, Spike.
41:19She's okay.
41:21Is this it?
41:21I thought there was more of them.
41:39They were so fast.
41:43And organized.
41:45They were after Spike all along.
41:48And we were just in the way.
41:58I know these guys.
42:02I know you.
42:05I know you.
42:08I fought them before.
42:13We aren't being haunted.
42:15This isn't some demon.
42:19It's all the same thing.
42:21Spikes, ghosts.
42:23The people that you guys saw from beneath us.
42:29It's all the same thing.
42:33I know what we're up against.
42:35The first.
42:44They took our files, wiped out our records.
42:47We've lost contact with operations in Munich, Switzerland, and Rome.
42:52We've got casualty confirmations coming in from as far away as Melbourne.
42:58So, we are crippled.
43:02Sir, we are crippled.
43:08It's all right, Lydia.
43:11We are still masters of our fate.
43:15We are still captains of our souls.
43:22Yes, sir.
43:23Ladies and gentlemen.
43:26Our fears have been confirmed.
43:30The first evil has declared all-out war on this institution.
43:36Their first volleys proved most effective.
43:42I, for one, think it's time we struck back.
43:46Get me confirmations on all remaining operatives.
43:51Visuals and tacticals.
43:55Highest alert.
43:57Get them here as soon as possible.
43:59Begin preparations for mobilization.
44:02Once we're accounted for, I want to be ready to move.
44:07I want to be ready to move.
44:10I want to be ready to move.
44:12Once we're accounted for, I want to be ready to move.
44:18We'll be paying a visit to the Hellmouth.
44:22My friends, these are the times that define us.
44:29Proverbs 24-6.
44:32For by wise counsel, you shall make your war.
44:42You'll have to excuse the spectacle,
45:01but I've always been a bit of a sucker for the old classics.
45:11Oh, don't look at me that way.
45:30I wanted to do this more subtle life.
45:33My harbingers have a tendency to call attention to themselves.
45:41You're the one who couldn't hold his end of the bargain.
45:49You're the one who couldn't take care of what's-his-name.
45:52You're the one who had to make breakthroughs and learn something about himself.
46:00And so now, fittingly, you're the one who gets to do the honors.
46:08I have to admit, I'm glad it worked out this way.
46:11I was going to bleed Andrew, but you look a lot better with your shirt off.
46:24To be honest, I'm getting a little tired of subtle.
46:33I think it's about time we brought some authority to our presence.
46:37Now, Spike, you want to see what a real vampire looks like?
48:07Grr! Arrgh!
