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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Episode 6 Him


00:00mouth you have a soul fine show me get out of this basement don't have anywhere else to go
00:08there will always be vengeance demons but now you Anya you're out whatever's between us
00:16doesn't matter you shouldn't be alone in this yes i should
00:26you're gonna live in a small room over there i know it looks like a closet but it's a room now
00:30you're not gonna touch my food i take the first shot in the morning and if i use up all the hot
00:33water that's your tough nookies and i hate this plan are you keeping up or do you need
00:39some kind of english to constant pain in my ass translation invitation is there something
00:45more emphatic than hate can i revile the plan fine i invite you in nimrod don't want your
00:57food anyway just don't understand when his problems became your problems more specifically
01:03mine the school basement is making him crazy we can't just leave him there why not crazy
01:10basement guy is better than stalking buffy guy it's true you guys aren't you're not starting
01:17up again with a whole no a thousand gallons of no it's just things are different now
01:24he has a soul i'm sure that'd be a real comfort when he's soulfully attacks you again
01:30yeah what does that mean exactly that spike is all soul having
01:37i don't know but he's been through a lot okay and nobody is attacking
01:44sorry no it's me i just i'll go this can't work it will it already is
01:53okay you know you've been out of the basement for half an hour and you've already stopped
01:58talking to invisible people bollocks okay so there was that one episode in the car but no
02:04bollocks to the whole thing i don't need you molly coddling it's not coddling
02:10now go to your closet
02:12so what is it what's what last night you said you weren't helping spike out of pity
02:23what is it it's a good question
02:29is sitting there drinking soda some kind of a zen non-answer
02:37no i just
02:41i don't know what i'm feeling i i think i can't stand him but then sometimes
02:50you love him no i i feel for him
02:58feel what exactly don no um i'm just trying to understand i mean none of it makes sense
03:09at first you say spike disgusts you but secretly you two are doing it like bunnies and then
03:15spike says he'd die for you but he tries to rape you for the record spike knew how wrong it was
03:25and that's why he went away but to get a soul like that would make him a better man
03:32xander had a soul when he stood on you up at the altar and now he says he still wants her
03:39i just don't think it's the skull basement that's making people crazy
03:44oh i should really get back are you coming with i just don't see why people bother i mean you put
03:51all this energy into chasing and having and brooding and i just don't understand these
03:57relationships where you all do insane things bye rant girl you could like paint a beautiful mural
04:03and every ugly wall in the world and then you could paint a beautiful mural and every ugly mural
05:33Maybe I'm not even the right oignon, but if you think about that, I mean, tons of oignons
05:57out there.
05:58Maybe one of them pissed off and said, what did you say his name was?
05:59To Hoffren from Feferer?
06:11Good thing I stopped by and didn't hurt screaming.
06:18So I guess to Hoffren decided to take you out after all?
06:24He's, uh, not ahead of vengeance for nothing.
06:33Well, thank you for the generous life saving.
06:37Now, please go away.
06:42Look, I don't need anyone's help.
06:50Or, okay, clearly I do, but I don't want to need anyone's help, so stop helping.
07:01I get it.
07:03After last week, you feel you need to be all renegade and broody, taking yourself out of
07:09the loop.
07:10I need to figure out who I am.
07:13Something bad is happening.
07:16I don't want my friends out there alone right now, okay?
07:25Well, I guess you guys could use my help.
07:32I mean, Willow's not very good with the practical strategizing, except when she's evil.
07:40And Dawn, she's not really good for anything.
07:43When I think of you, I think I'm just a fool with hands so hungry.
07:59It never fails, but I can't sleep, dreaming of you.
08:11Hey, guys, I've been thinking about it, and I think I can still cheer.
08:14I mean, I could use a chair, or we all could, like the Laker girls.
08:19Oh, honey, you need to concentrate on getting better.
08:22Don't worry, we'll find a replacement for you tomorrow.
08:26I just feel like I let you down.
08:29Hey, RJ.
08:32Oh, Dawn.
08:35Hey, Somers.
08:38So, I was wondering, you had Mr. Gurren for English back in your old school, right?
08:47We all did.
08:51I have him this year.
08:58What a drag.
09:01I actually kind of liked him.
09:06No, no, I liked him.
09:08It's just, you know, I meant drag in a good, fun way.
09:13So, you know, the tryouts tomorrow?
09:16You're going to make the new girls jump up and down a lot, right?
09:19God, gross.
09:21A vending machine fell on Cheryl, and all you can think about is new cheerleaders?
09:28Hey, um, so, you know, I heard someone saying yesterday that we're going to go all the way to the championships this year.
09:37In football.
09:40We actually have a good shot, considering we're a new team.
09:43Yeah, well, if you can get us past Highland, you got a good shot.
09:46Like you could do better?
09:48We'll see.
09:49You actually think Coach would start your quarterback over me?
09:52I'm just saying.
09:53The quarterback is the most important member of the team.
09:56He's like the rudder that guides the ship.
10:04Can I give you a hand with that?
10:06Would you really?
10:07Oh, it's okay. She can do it herself.
10:09Hey, we're all on the same team, right?
10:18You're all on the team.
10:21We'll talk later.
10:24Guys, it's cool.
10:44Go Razorbacks!
10:50Okay, awesome. Thank you.
10:53Up next we have Don Summers.
11:06Nice outfit.
11:08Nice outfit.
11:15Razorbacks, Razorbacks, we're gonna play.
11:20We've got a secret weapon and his name is RJ.
11:25So hear us cheer, hear us yell, listen to what we say.
11:30Razorbacks, Razorbacks, go RJ!
11:41Okay, thank you.
11:44Very spirited.
11:54Come on, Donnie. Come out.
11:59Don, sweetheart, it's not that bad.
12:01How would you even know?
12:03RJ's never gonna notice me now.
12:06From what you said, I'm sure he already noticed you.
12:09I mean, with the falling and the...
12:11Spirit! Spirit!
12:13They said you were spirited, right?
12:15Go away!
12:20Thing's a lot better, I see.
12:23I don't think tonight's gonna be good for video, Zand.
12:26Right, with the wailing and the crying.
12:28Still better than a cozy evening with Spike.
12:31Shall I order a pizza?
12:33Don't teens and a snit like pizza?
12:35It is not a snit.
12:38I finally met him, the guy of my dreams, okay?
12:41And I blew it!
12:43RJ hates me now.
12:46Don, what is that?
12:49It's the end of my life.
12:59Remember when she used to have a crush on me?
13:02I miss the much cuter me crush.
13:15You shredded my outfit.
13:17I'll buy you a new one.
13:20That's not the point.
13:22I don't want a new cheerleading outfit.
13:24Now, now, let's not be hasty.
13:27Not at the right time.
13:33Don, I'm sorry that you feel so bad, okay?
13:40But in the morning, this won't seem so terrible.
13:43You don't even know this RJ.
13:46Not really.
13:48I do know him.
13:51I know his soul.
13:55Don, he wasn't even on your radar yesterday.
13:58It's the jacket.
14:00It's true. Something about the big letter on the chest
14:03makes girls get all swoony and crushy.
14:05I saw it all the time in school.
14:07You couldn't just pin any old felt letter to your coat and get play.
14:11Not that I tried.
14:13It isn't a crush.
14:16It's love.
14:18I love RJ.
14:21Again, since yesterday.
14:24Don, it's awfully fast.
14:26What? You're telling me I don't feel what I feel?
14:29No, of course not.
14:31I believe that you think it's real.
14:34It seems real to you.
14:38Now what?
14:40Maybe I don't want advice from the Dysfunction Queen.
14:45You have no idea how I feel.
14:49You have no idea what real love is.
14:54Maybe if you did, you wouldn't make fun of me this way.
14:57I'm not making fun of you.
14:59Just go.
15:02Leave me alone.
15:13Hey, Rose.
15:15Man, I just talked with the coach.
15:17Yeah? I told you, man.
15:19All those fumbles in practice, he was gonna come down on you.
15:22I'm starting on Saturday.
15:27Who knew fumbling all the time was the key?
15:29Just time to let someone else have a turn, man.
15:32And you knew this was coming.
15:34Yeah, sure.
15:46You can't do this to RJ.
15:49Oh, hey, it's you.
15:51Nice cheering the other day.
15:53It isn't fair. He works so hard.
15:56What do you care? I mean, this is how the game is played.
15:59It's dog eat dog.
16:01We have the best man to win.
16:03But nobody's better than RJ.
16:07Yeah, well, that's not really up to you, is it?
16:24It all happened so fast.
16:27I mean, one minute he was walking,
16:29and the next he stumbled, and then he fell.
16:33Why would he say you pushed him down the stairs?
16:37I don't know.
16:39Maybe he was just embarrassed.
16:41It's hard being clumsy,
16:43especially when you're popular and athletic.
16:46I bet.
16:49Yeah, well, to be candid,
16:51it wouldn't be the first time I caught O'Donnell in a lie.
16:54I mean, nice if his lies didn't involve my sister, though.
16:57Anyway, I'm going to have to call Coach Wheeler
17:00and tell him the bad news.
17:02Not a conversation I really want to have.
17:05At least he's still got RJ to take over.
17:10Well, I think we have everything we need for now.
17:13I'm sorry you had to get involved in this, Dawn.
17:16That's okay.
17:18I'm just really sorry it happened.
17:35I heard Wood hauled you into his office.
17:37Well, yeah.
17:39About O'Donnell?
17:43That sucks, facing the whole Inquisition thing.
17:48No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
17:51God, it's like I have a disease or something.
17:55It was really no big deal.
17:58No, it was.
18:00I think it's cool that you faced him.
18:05We just talked.
18:07He just wanted me to tell him about the accident.
18:13It sucks when these things just happen out of nowhere.
18:19Out of nowhere.
18:23You know, I was thinking of heading out tonight after practice.
18:27You want to meet up?
18:55No, this night definitely seemed a little more cogent.
19:01I'm just saying, once you get back to Seoul,
19:04doesn't that mean you start, like,
19:06picking up your own wet towels off the floor?
19:09No, but maybe you start to feel really bad about leaving him there.
19:13At least he's showering.
19:15And that's a refreshing and delightful change.
19:20I think that's the guy.
19:22What guy?
19:24The one who, according to Don, is the, quote,
19:27smartest, funniest, coolest, hottest,
19:29and having the thickest boy eyelashes boy in school, unquote.
19:33He don't seem so tough.
19:36Check out the fans, man.
19:43Daddy like.
19:45What is that shirt made of?
19:50I'm glad Donnie isn't here to see her precious boyfriend
19:53getting all thrusty with some slutbag hussy...
20:06Daddy, you know, I wasn't...
20:08When I was looking, I wasn't... Oh, God.
20:11Right there with ya.
20:26So, do you have plans later?
20:28Or are you just gonna go down to the docks,
20:30wait for the fleet to come in?
20:33Where do I start with the bad?
20:36First, you told me you were going to the library.
20:39Second, you do not go out on a date without informing me first.
20:43Third, Anna Nicole Smith thinks you look tacky.
20:46You know, I think I look hot, and so does RJ.
20:49Oh, I bet he does.
20:50Maybe I should go have a little word with him.
20:54Don't you dare embarrass me in front of him.
20:56I don't like this.
20:57This boy has you acting crazy.
20:59It's my life. I'll do what I want to.
21:01I don't think so.
21:02Oh, so what? Suddenly your mom now?
21:05No, I'm not.
21:07And I'm glad she's not here to see you like this.
21:15Look, I'm sorry. I just...
21:17You just can't handle it.
21:20You've always been the special one.
21:22Hot little Buffy with her boyfriends.
21:24The Slayer.
21:26And now someone likes me,
21:27and you just can't stand that I'm getting the attention.
21:31That is the farthest thing from true.
21:33No, it's not.
21:34And I'm sorry, but I like the way RJ makes me feel.
21:37And if you think that makes me a slut or whatever,
21:39I don't care.
21:41Oh, no, no, no.
21:42You are not going back out on that dance floor.
22:03I know what you're doing, slut.
22:06I saw you. I saw you with RJ.
22:10We were just dancing.
22:12You think I'm stupid?
22:14You're gonna back off now.
22:18You know what's sad?
22:20A girl who can't move on when she's been dumped.
22:23He didn't dump me!
22:26He didn't dump me!
22:42Okay, first with the lap dance, now with the cat fight.
22:45Hey, you wanna get drunk and barf next?
22:47Let go of me!
22:49This isn't finished.
22:50I'll never let you have him, bitch!
22:53RJ is mine! I mean it!
22:55Stay away from him!
22:59Well, at least someone agrees you shouldn't be dating this guy.
23:07How about if you tried doing your own homework for a change?
23:11All right?
23:12No more getting these young, impressionable women to do it for you.
23:17Avoid detention, RJ.
23:19Sound good?
23:22Oh, sweet and infectious enthusiasm.
23:31Whoa, hang on there, slappy.
23:34I'm not done with you yet.
23:36Oh, man.
23:37Like, it's not bad enough I got that guy riding my back all the time.
23:41Now I gotta deal with you two?
23:43Actually, I'm a bit more formidable than Mr. Wood.
23:46You might come to look fondly on his back riding.
23:49Yeah, but come on.
23:53Hey, I told him I was sorry about the homework.
23:56Mm, not the homework, Mr. Wizard.
23:59The girls.
24:00What you're doing to them.
24:02In specific, my sister.
24:04Hey, I didn't do anything to your sister.
24:07And you saw how hot she looked last night.
24:09I think that proves that she...
24:10Ha, ha, ha! No more of the talkie.
24:15Look, I know how guys like you work.
24:17You turn on the charm, you get whatever you want,
24:19no matter who gets in your way, right?
24:21Okay, look, it's not like that.
24:23I just get along really well with girls.
24:26Oh, I see how you get along.
24:28Oh, look at me. I'm Mr. Quarterback.
24:31I crush little girls and all their little feelings.
24:35All I have to do is...
24:38lead a team of high school athletes
24:42trying their best to do a good job.
24:46Everyone depending on me.
24:49Boy, that is a lot of pressure.
24:52But it doesn't mean you get to disregard other people's feelings.
24:57That's not like I meant to hurt anyone.
25:03Look, I know that.
25:05It's just...
25:07you're a leader, a captain, okay?
25:10People look up to you,
25:12and you need to keep that in mind when you...
25:17I bet...
25:19you run a lot, huh?
25:21I mean...
25:23they work you pretty hard, don't they?
25:32I guess so.
25:34I get that.
25:36I do.
25:38I'm there.
25:40Or at least I was there when I was still in high school.
25:43Which I was just a couple of years ago, really.
25:48You know, I just realized
25:51I'm basically the same age as you.
25:54I'm not really older at all, actually.
25:58I'm just like you.
26:03But with the sexual experience and stuff.
26:09I think I hear what you're saying.
26:15I'm really glad that we had this talk.
26:19So, uh...
26:21I think you better get back to class.
27:01You wanna come talk to me?
27:13I wanted to tell you that I talked to R.J. today.
27:17He's okay.
27:19I think he likes you.
27:23Tell me what he said about me.
27:25Every word, including intonation and facial expressions.
27:29Well, he thinks you're...
27:31you're funny and pretty and interesting.
27:34Didn't have a thing to say against you.
27:38Yes, he did.
27:40I can tell.
27:44It's the tiniest thing.
27:47He might have said that...
27:50you came on a little strong.
27:53Oh, my God.
27:55I'm the pushy queen of slut town.
27:58No, honey, honey, not at all.
28:00No, no, it's just...
28:02You know, lay back a little.
28:05Let him come to you.
28:07I'm just scared that while I'm laying back,
28:10some other girl's gonna come and sweep him up.
28:13But we have inside info.
28:15We know he doesn't like being swept.
28:18He likes to be the sweeper.
28:20Dawn, you're gonna come out the winner here.
28:23With me looking out for you.
28:26Yeah, I guess so.
28:31So we do know that 6x plus y equals 16.
28:35So we can solve for y in terms of...
28:38Sorry to interrupt.
28:40Um, we need to see R.J. Brooks down in the guidance office.
28:45There's no one here.
28:50Yeah, there is.
28:53Oh, come on.
28:56No one's here.
28:58Well, maybe.
29:02There's someone here.
29:04I'm sure there is.
29:12There is, there's one of you, and there's one of me.
29:25You were the one in math class.
29:27Tell me what that adds up to.
29:31I'm not coming on too strong if I just look at him.
29:40I've always been fascinated by football.
29:53So what's it like to lead a team?
29:56The thing of it is, the time.
29:59Nobody gets how much time goes into it with practices and games.
30:04I totally get it.
30:06I was kinda juggling some stuff when I was in high school too, which was also very recent.
30:12Principal Snyder was always on me.
30:15Well, I still say, what's the worst?
30:19You haven't seen the way that guy rides me.
30:21I wish somebody would just get him off my back.
30:24Yeah, that would be cool.
30:29And sometimes I didn't even do anything wrong.
30:35Oh, you're like a teacher.
30:42Not really, but I mean, does it bother you?
30:51Not so much.
31:38What's wrong?
31:39Is this...
31:40Is that guy in the jacket?
31:43I don't even want to hear his name anymore.
31:48I just called him that guy in the jacket.
31:51That's what I used to call him in my head before I knew his real name.
31:56Donnie, honey, you seem extremely perturbed.
32:02Maybe I should go get Buffy.
32:04I don't ever want to see her again.
32:10I thought this was about that guy in the...
32:15That guy with the thing.
32:19No, it's about both of them.
32:26Buffy, I think Don needs you.
32:32This is RJ.
32:34Yeah, it's called knocking.
32:37I'm sorry, it's just checkout time was an hour ago.
32:40We were hoping to make up the bed.
32:42And also, it's a classroom, you chatterhead.
32:46Now, get after the boy, Buffy.
32:48We're going home.
32:51Don, please stop crying.
32:56Crying isn't going to make his love for me go away, you know?
33:00Listen, you're under a love spell.
33:02That's what this has to be.
33:04You're right.
33:06He's right.
33:07You're under a spell.
33:09Poor little Donnie.
33:11But we're working on it.
33:13It'll be better soon.
33:15Soon, neither one of you will be in love with this boy.
33:19He's not a boy.
33:20What do you know about our love?
33:23It's true and real.
33:25This isn't magic.
33:26This is my heart.
33:31We'll be working.
33:33Look, I know this feels terrible, but it isn't real.
33:37Try to hold on to that.
33:39Did you hear that?
33:40It isn't real.
33:42You're just crazy.
33:43It is so real.
33:45I love him.
33:47You knew how I felt like I'd finally found something, and you betrayed me.
33:53I betrayed you?
33:55You're the one that constructed this elaborate fantasy about you and my lover.
33:59Your lover?
34:01Your lover?
34:02Guys, guys, I tried to get you to back away.
34:05That's right.
34:06You lied to me.
34:07But did you want me to tell you that he's in love with me?
34:10That your little crush is hopeless?
34:13It's not a crush!
34:16You're not supposed to do this!
34:19Because he's younger than me?
34:21You know, I'm extremely youthful and peppy.
34:27Because you were the one I trusted.
34:34Dawn, wait!
34:39Crazy little ass puppies, aren't they?
34:41Well, at least the yelling went away.
34:43They're starting to sound like Christmas morning with my family.
34:46Love spells.
34:47People forget how dangerous they can be.
34:49Hey, been there.
34:54Stop it!
34:59Good times.
35:03She's locked her door.
35:05That spell has her good and loopy.
35:07Info, I'm on R.J. Brooks.
35:09Oh, let me see.
35:10Is there a picture?
35:11Family stuff.
35:13Hey, I knew his brother.
35:15He was a big jock at Sunnydale High, too.
35:17A couple years ahead of us.
35:19Used to stick chewing gum in my hair.
35:23What are you thinking?
35:25Oh, I think my relationship with R.J.'s brother was complex at best,
35:29but maybe he's a way in.
35:32Now look for a picture.
35:37I'm just saying we're tangling with a powerful spell here,
35:41and we don't know what the deal is,
35:43so keep an eye out if this guy looks twitchy.
35:46And don't let this guy charm you, either.
35:48He had everyone around him practically kissing his ring back in high school.
36:06Construction, huh? That's awesome.
36:09So what's up with R.J.?
36:11How's he doing at the old alpha-modern?
36:16It's just...
36:18I know a girl that might be going out with him,
36:21and I was wondering...
36:22Got it. You want to know if he's a good guy.
36:24Truth is, he's the best.
36:26Following in my footsteps.
36:28You might not know it now,
36:30looking at me with a couple extra pounds,
36:32but back then I was quite the guy.
36:35Yeah, I gather that R.J. is pretty popular, too.
36:39I gotta tell you,
36:41there was a time I was worried about R.J.
36:44Used to be all into comic books,
36:46Model U.N., geek stuff.
36:48No offense, Harris.
36:50One time, I found all this poetry under his bed.
36:55Turns out, he wrote it.
36:58Then he, uh...
37:00What do you call it? Blossomed.
37:02That's what it was like.
37:05And do you have any idea why he, you know,
37:09burst into a flower all of a sudden?
37:11You're wearing your brother's jacket.
37:14Here in this picture.
37:16Oh, no, dude, he's wearing mine.
37:18That jacket was with me all the way through high school.
37:21Gave it to him when I graduated.
37:23Right before I started over at the pizza barn.
37:26I'm in the management program.
37:28So, Lance, where did you get the jacket?
37:31Oh, Dad gave it to me.
37:33He made a big deal about it, too.
37:35How he met Mom wearing that jacket.
37:37She was a former Miss Arkansas.
37:39Very hot in her day.
37:41Wow, that's wonderful.
37:43Boy, it's getting late.
37:45Hey, you guys don't have to take off if you don't want to.
37:48I got sort of a rumpus room set up in the basement.
37:52There's air hockey and a mini-fridge.
37:55We could party.
37:57Lance, do you have guests down there?
38:01There's little boxes of raisins if you want snacks.
38:04We really got to go.
38:07Damn love spell.
38:09I have tried every anti-love spell spell I can find.
38:13Even if you found the right one,
38:15Guy would probably just do an anti-anti-love spell spell spell.
38:22I'll get it.
38:24Maybe it's Xander with some answers from the brother.
38:31Oh, you have to be...
38:33I was looking for Buffy.
38:35Miss Somers?
38:37Buffy's not here. Go away.
38:39You sure?
38:41No Buffy for you.
38:43Leave quickly now.
38:47Tell her to call me.
38:53Good thing Buffy and Don are upstairs.
38:56They knew he was here.
39:02You don't even know him.
39:04Yes, I do.
39:06I looked into him and I saw his soul.
39:08He was walking away.
39:10So, unless his soul is in his ass...
39:12A.J. is my best friend and my dearest darling.
39:15It's R.J.
39:17And what you were picking up on was his deep caring and devotion to me.
39:21What's going on?
39:23I don't know.
39:25I don't know.
39:27What you were picking up on was his deep caring and devotion to me.
39:31What's going on?
39:33Willow thinks she's in love with my boyfriend, R.J.
39:35What? No.
39:37You two can't do this.
39:39Willow, you're a gay woman.
39:41And he isn't?
39:43This isn't about his physical presence.
39:45It's about his heart.
39:47His physical presence has a penis.
39:49I can work around it.
39:51This isn't fair.
39:53How can you all be doing this to me?
39:55I think I know what this is.
39:57Clearly, you've both been affected by the same love spell that cut Dawn.
40:03This isn't a spell.
40:05He owns my heart.
40:07Dawn, be quiet.
40:09We're trying to work this out. We don't need you interfering.
40:11There's a simple answer to this.
40:13Just think about who loves him the most.
40:15Clearly, I do.
40:17Since I'm willing to look past the whole orientation thing.
40:20I need him.
40:22Well, you're going to have to do better than that.
40:24I'd kill for him.
40:26You'd kill for a chocolate bar?
40:30Yes. Kill for him.
40:32I'm a Slayer. Slayer means kill.
40:36I'll kill the Principal.
40:38That is hard to top.
40:40Yeah? Well, I have skills.
40:42I can prove my love with magic.
40:45You're right.
40:47What are you going to do? Use magic to make him into a girl?
40:50Oh, damn.
40:52Oh, wait.
40:54I know what he'll like.
41:02Sorry, Dawnie.
41:04You're never going to get him.
42:17Oh, Hecate.
42:19I call on you.
42:21I humbly ask your will be done.
42:24Hear my request.
42:26A simple change.
42:28Create a daughter from us.
42:33Oh, man. Now I've got to start all over.
42:36Hecate hates that.
42:38What the hell are you doing?
42:40Proving I love R.J. the most.
42:42Will, honey.
42:46R.J.'s a guy.
42:48Yeah. That's why I'm doing my spell.
42:50Because, you know, he doesn't have to be.
42:52Now hand me back my crystals. I don't have much time.
42:55Much time before what?
42:57Before Buffy and Anya and Dawn have a chance to prove that they love R.J. the most.
43:01And how are they going to do that exactly?
43:03Well, Buffy's going to kill Principal Wood.
43:05Fine. Okay. Let's start there.
43:43What are you guys doing?
43:45Locator spell. Human variety. Almost done.
43:49I've got a principal to kill.
43:51What's going on?
43:53Who are we looking for?
44:13You realize that Anya's probably seducing R.J. even as we speak.
44:17My God, you think so?
44:19Well, I wouldn't put it past her. She's recently evil, you know.
44:22Well, so am I. Why should I miss out?
44:25Hey, crazy chicks, look.
45:17What were you doing? And what is this?
45:19It doesn't matter.
45:21This is a plan? You're going to steal R.J. by being trisected?
45:25What am I, going to compete with you?
45:27You're older and hotter and have sex that's rough and kill people.
45:32I don't have any of that stuff.
45:34But if I did this, then his whole life he'd know there was someone that loved him so much
45:39they'd give up their life.
45:44And it would be true.
45:49No guy is worth your life, not ever.
45:52R.J. is.
45:54And don't say he isn't. Look what you were willing to do.
45:57Dawn, I would give him to you in a second if I could.
46:01It's how much you're scaring me.
46:05But I... I thought you wanted him.
46:08For you.
46:14Well, yeah.
46:18My God, that boy is hot.
46:24I think I might be under a spell here.
46:27I hear you.
46:34Come on.
46:43Now, you sure you understand the plan?
46:45I think I got it, yeah.
46:51Hey! Ow!
46:59That, my friends, is the smell of sweet, sweet victory.
47:04Also, burning cotton-poly blend.
47:07Xander, be honest.
47:09You didn't, you know, think about slipping that jacket on just a little bit?
47:14I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it didn't fit.
47:18Oh, man. This tool gets his jacket from his brother.
47:22Got it from their father, and we'll never know where he got it.
47:25That bites.
47:27Nah, welcome to the Hellmouth, where even Attaway isn't safe.
47:31I can't believe I almost... I can't believe I almost...
47:34It was a spell. We were helpless.
47:37We're not responsible for anything we did, morally or, you know, legally.
47:42True. You fell for a mystical ancient curse.
47:46Who hasn't made that mistake seven, eight times?
47:53Can you hear that?
47:56It's not your fault.
48:01I'm just so...
48:04The way I acted...
48:07The way I talk to you...
48:10I feel so stupid all over a spell.
48:14Get ready to feel even stupider when it's not.
48:19Hey, Anya, you never told us what you...
48:23Can't believe you almost...
48:26Almost who now?
48:29No. You can't be the only not-embarrassed one.
48:32What did you do?
48:35I, uh, wrote a poem.
48:38An epic poem.
48:41Comparing him to a daisy and a tower and a lake.
48:45And now the latest on Sunnydale's late-night bandit who is still at large.
48:49A mass thief held up a number...
48:52Okay. Great. Ice cream. My treat.
49:16Subtitling made possible by Acorn Media
49:28Grr! Arrgh!
