Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 Episode 16 Time Of Your Life Pt 1

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 Episode 16 Time Of Your Life Pt 1


00:19Bad day started out bad stayed that way
00:28Starting with not chronologically, but an order of immediate importance
00:34Who the hell is this person?
00:39Also, where am I
00:44Where's everyone else and seriously, what is up with dog?
01:02You really haven't lived so you've had Scottish Chinese takeout
01:06Anybody wants more sweet and sour haggis? I think it's chickens and er, although I'm not gonna guess which part
01:13Ah, which are gross in two days time will be in the home of the best Chinese takeout in the world
01:19Well after San Francisco, I suppose probably China
01:24But why New York?
01:26Is it really a good idea to go now Chewbacca has a point?
01:30Well, do we really want to be abandoning the fort on the basis of some goth vamp speaking in tongues?
01:36Someone was using her to send me a message
01:41Elsewhere and that someone wouldn't happen to be a really hot even though she's got kind of a snake body demon lady by any
01:49No, no, you're making it made of things
01:53Okay, explain how you know that slowly
01:56With many visuals and moving on
01:59Buffy's site is the power source of our entire Slayer army
02:05My contact who shall remain name and snake body lists told me it would be found in New York
02:11But we got it back. How can it be found if it's not lost that message was sent for a reason
02:17We need to find out what it means
02:20Before we get attacked again before we lose another
02:25Another fight, okay prosecution rests guys. I
02:31Appreciate the eggshells, but Renee's dead
02:35I'm dealing with it
02:37By myself. I'm not being a guy. I'll ask for help if I need it. We have to stay focused
02:44so I
02:46Need to know everything about this demon lover with the snake body and don't shield me from
03:06What's wrong
03:08Wait up
03:09Are you sick? Can you stand I am?
03:14Standing you mean you got shrunk. What's this trunk?
03:21Yay, Donnie, ooh
03:37This is primo
03:41Look copperhead. We busted our asses on this baby, and it will do the job
03:50It will do its part. I'm sure but it's only a small part
03:55in a great scheme
03:58Hey, I have no skin which means I don't have your cute little sunset symbol carton
04:04And I'm in this for myself and myself is telling you right now that this baby
04:13Gonna bring the noise
04:21Good you let me know where
04:26Come on slowpoke. Sorry. I'm here
04:31This will drop you at the airstrip
04:33Soon as something interesting happens you call in
04:36Sorry to leave you holding the bag of boats look and I will be fine
04:40I don't feel good about leaving my squad right now anyway
04:48This is nice buff
04:53More largest from your mysterious benefactor who is actually you stealing things you know we do have some legitimate funding
05:02You got a time frame on this mystical event thingy
05:07Guessing midnight. Hmm. How come I'm a witch
05:11We like midnight
05:14I'm gonna need a couple hours
05:17Gotta take a meeting eating with a thing. That's no big
05:22I'll respect your crypticality for now Slayer. I still need to get some clue about the event
05:29We really don't know what we're walking into Dewey do we ever
05:35We'll be in and out in a day and as for the possibility of encountering hostiles. Well, I
05:42Sent an advanced team
05:44Hey red
05:46Didn't miss you
05:48Didn't even think about you kind of forgot you
05:52The boss of bosses need a hand with that. No, I'm good. I'm balanced
05:58Buffy had an outfit crisis. We should have seen the warning signs. Well, I've never been to New York
06:04I want to look New York II and there could be weather
06:08Please I don't go to Denny's without packing three bags sad, but true, but also cute
06:17We're working with the Manhattan squad on security and housing but my group's taking point on the op
06:22Violet's okay with that. She's got plenty to do. It's vampire heaven. We'll mostly stay out of their way. Oh
06:31Empire State Building
06:33She's never been in New York
06:38Or apparently a limo what can I tell you?
06:44We've got mystical turf wars raging in almost every section of the city, that's just Manhattan
06:51Oh and an angry spirit is attacking the cast of Xanadu. Don't ask me why
06:56All of which means that tracing the mystical signature willow sent our Wiccan squad has been a little tricky
07:04we think
07:06Operative word think it's coming from this high rise on 53rd and Lex
07:11But it seems to be coming and going it would be
07:17Can I use your board a sec
07:23Is time as we experience it
07:27There's the past
07:29There's now and there's the far-off future
07:33The event happens
07:36Sometime around here, but it's a temporal anomaly
07:39which means it affects the time stream almost exactly like a pebble thrown into a pond and
07:46Once you girls are picking up I hear whispering and we are not playing Pictionary
07:52So clam the hell up is the last subsiding ripple of the event an event completely fluid
08:01How hot am I for teacher right now, you know, she took over the computer science class at Sunnydale wasn't even a senior
08:10My will hey grubby paws off les faux
08:13I love that you're in your experimental phase
08:16But you put the moves on red and I'll kill you like a chicken him new I still hear whispering
08:26And wills pretty sure we know the parameters three magic number three
08:33Three magic enchantments. We're in my ass is huge. Are you kidding?
08:40You really don't know how awesome you look
08:43You're a freaking centaur
08:45majestic creature of legend
08:48I'm actually jealous
08:50Sleep standing up. I pee a crazy amount of pee. I want hey, I actually want to eat. Hey
08:59It's temporary Donbo. It's a lot better than trampling Tokyo. There must be a non whiny way to deal with this
09:08And when I say whiny
09:13This foot tastes delicious, what are you gonna do who can fathom the mystery that is horse slash woman
09:38Hmm, it's quiet
09:41Hmm. Are you about to say it's too quiet dear. No, I'm gonna say I think we're okay
09:48Not to jinx. I think your source played us straight
09:53Of course, I still wouldn't hate a hint as to who your source is
09:57We're on the furthest edge of a temporal rift, yeah, I saw a diagram oh
10:05So the event is in the future, but every time those ripples swell
10:10anomalies can occur
10:12Something may be coming through to us
10:15Hopefully something helpful
10:18It's about the side. Yes, and
10:21Buffy has the side. Yes, but we don't have Buffy. Hi you have me. I'm had I'm on time
10:29I'm not in trouble
10:32Well, I feel underdressed
10:35Must have been some no big I'm undercover. I thought we weren't expecting fighty, but I can change
10:51The other look was fine
10:59Hey slayer flank and contain new pain
11:10Damn most pain and just when you think it's never gonna end
11:22Into something else what it doesn't
11:32You think you can spin me with the half-coy glam of a slayer been dust more than two cents
11:42You're lower than a lurk
11:48English English English
12:18English English
