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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 21 Becoming Pt 1


00:00I will offer an ugly death to everyone I met.
00:03What changed?
00:06The elders conjured the perfect punishment for me.
00:09They restored my soul.
00:11One moment of true happiness, of contentment, and that soul is taken from you.
00:18Angel, there must be some part of you inside that still remembers who you are.
00:22Your boyfriend is dead.
00:24You put the secrets to restoring my soul here.
00:31I can't hold on to the past anymore.
00:35Angel is gone.
00:38Nothing's ever going to bring him back.
00:47Here's the thing.
00:48There's moments in your life that make you, that set the course of who you're going to be.
00:54Sometimes they're little, subtle moments.
00:57Sometimes they're not.
01:00I'll show you what I mean.
01:18Come on.
01:20We'll sneak in and take some of your father's silver.
01:23He'll never miss it.
01:25He's with his hands, the pig.
01:31Why don't you rest right here?
01:33Come on.
01:55So, I'd ask myself,
01:59what's a lady of your station doing alone in an alley with a reputation that this one has?
02:08Maybe she's lonely.
02:10In that case, I'd offer myself as escort to protect you from harm.
02:17It's a while away, the dole hours.
02:20You're very gracious.
02:22It's often been said.
02:24Are you certain you're up to the challenge?
02:29My lady, you'll find that with the exception of an honest day's work,
02:35there's no challenge I'm not prepared to face.
02:43But you're a pretty thing.
02:46Where are you from?
02:53I've never been anywhere myself.
02:56I always wanted to see the world, but...
02:59I could show you.
03:01Could you then?
03:02Things you've never seen, never even heard of.
03:06Sounds exciting.
03:08It is.
03:10And frightening.
03:12I'm not afraid.
03:14Show me.
03:18Show me your world.
03:22Close your eyes.
04:08Nice try.
04:27I want you to get a message to Angel for me.
04:30Tell him I'm done waiting.
04:32I'm taking the fight to him.
04:34You got that?
04:35You need me to write it down for you?
04:44All right.
04:45I'll tell him myself.
04:57I'm good.
04:59Don't worry about me.
05:01You know, you don't have to patrol with me.
05:04I had that guy under control until he resorted to fisticuffs.
05:08What is that?
05:10Five vampires in three nights?
05:14But no Angel.
05:16Are you really that anxious to come up against him?
05:19I want it over with.
05:21I hear that.
05:23Oh, I better go.
05:25I haven't even started studying for finals yet.
05:28Oh, yeah, finals.
05:30Why didn't you let me die?
05:32Ah, look on the bright side.
05:34It'll all be over soon.
05:37Yes, my love.
05:40It will.
07:10Careful now.
07:12Concentrate in this area.
07:14There you go.
07:19Rupert Childs?
07:23Doug Perry. Thanks for coming.
07:25Oh, not at all. It's a pleasure to be asked.
07:28I spoke with Lou Tabor at the Washington Institute,
07:30and he told me we had the best authority in obscure relics right here in Sundayville.
07:35Well, he may have exaggerated a little.
07:39Ah, this is...
07:41This is our baby.
07:43Construction workers dug it up outside of town.
07:46Don't have a clue what it is.
07:50Any ideas?
07:53A few, but none I'd care to share until I can verify.
07:57You have carbon dated it?
07:59Results will be back in a couple of days.
08:02I'll go on a limb and say old.
08:07Um, it certainly predates any, uh, settlements we've heard about.
08:13Um, may I?
08:15Yeah, sure.
08:26I assume you've, uh...
08:28You haven't tried to open it.
08:30Open it?
08:32Oh, I'll be damned.
08:34I figured it was solid.
08:36What do you think is in there?
08:38I don't know.
08:42Well, I guess we won't know until we open it up.
08:46Could I ask, um...
08:48Would you wait?
08:50I'd like to work on translating the text.
08:53It might give us an indication of what we'll find inside.
08:59You don't want to be surprised?
09:01As a rule, no.
09:03Right. You're the expert.
09:06I'm pretty damn curious, though.
09:11Yes, so am I.
09:14Tell Angel I'm gonna kill him.
09:17No, wait.
09:19I'm gonna kill you.
09:21Die! Die! Die!
09:29Is that it?
09:31That's it.
09:35That's exactly how it happened.
09:37I thought it was riveting.
09:39I was a little unclear about some of the themes.
09:42The theme is, Angel's too much of a coward to take me on face to face.
09:46And the other theme was bi-American, but it got kind of buried.
09:50Do you think you're ready to fight Angel?
09:52I wish people would stop asking me that.
09:55Yes, I'm ready. I'm also willing and able.
09:58Just one test I might actually pass.
10:01Don't say that.
10:03You're gonna pass everything.
10:05I will get you through this Mr. Fight to sweat blood.
10:08Do you think you're likely to?
10:10Because I'd like to be elsewhere.
10:12There's only metaphor blood.
10:14I think you'd sweat cue blood.
10:18Sixth period after my computer class, we'll rock on chemistry.
10:21Ready to rock.
10:23Boy, Willow, you really got the teaching bug.
10:25Taking over computer class, tutoring.
10:28I love it. I really do.
10:30I think it's great to do that before you go out and fail in the real world.
10:33That way you're not falling back on something.
10:35You're falling... well, forward.
10:38And almost 65% of that was actual compliments.
10:41Is that a personal best?
10:43Gee, Xander, what are you gonna teach when you fail in life?
10:47Advanced loser being?
10:49I will teach the language of love.
10:53Don't touch me. You have fish hands.
10:55Come, let me come next to you.
10:57Stop it.
10:59That's enough of that.
11:01And you, are you having a chair shortage?
11:04I didn't read anything about...
11:06Oh, I get it.
11:08These public displays of affection are not acceptable in my school.
11:12This isn't an orgy, people. It's a classroom.
11:15Yeah, where they teach lunch.
11:18Just give me a reason to kick you out, Summers.
11:21Just give me a reason.
11:26How about because you're a tiny, impotent Nazi...
11:29with a bug up his butt the size of an emu?
11:32Sums it up, don't you think?
11:34Do you want to come by my house tonight and study, too?
11:37Maybe. I do have to patrol.
11:42Do you really expect Angel to turn up tonight?
11:45No, I don't expect him to.
11:47But that's usually when he does.
12:02Come on.
12:32Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
12:35It's been two days since my last confession.
12:43That's not very long.
12:46Oh, Father, I'm so afraid.
12:49The Lord is very forgiving.
12:53Tell me your sins.
12:55I have...
12:57I've been seeing again, Father.
13:00Yesterday, the men were going to work in the mine.
13:04I had a terrible fright.
13:08My stomach all tied up, and I saw this horrible crash.
13:14My mummy said to keep my peace. It didn't mean nothing.
13:19But this morning...
13:22they had a cave-in.
13:24Two men died.
13:26Go on.
13:31My mum says I'm cursed.
13:35My seeing things is an affront to the Lord,
13:39that only he's supposed to see anything before it happens.
13:43But I don't mean to, Father, I swear.
13:47I swear.
13:49I try to be pure in His sight.
13:55I don't want to be an evil woman.
13:59I don't want to be an evil thing.
14:01A harsh child.
14:03The Lord has a plan for all creatures.
14:07Even a devil child like you.
14:10A devil?
14:12Yes, you're a spawn of Satan.
14:15All the Hail Marys in the world aren't going to help.
14:18The Lord will use you and smite you down.
14:21He's like that.
14:23What can I do?
14:25Fulfill His plan, child.
14:27Or just give in?
14:31I want to be good.
14:33I want to be pure.
14:35We all do at first.
14:37The world doesn't work that way.
14:42I beg you.
14:46Please help me.
14:49Very well.
14:51Ten our fathers in an act of contrition.
14:55Is everyone good?
15:02Yes, Father. Thank you.
15:05The pleasure was mine.
15:09And the child?
15:14God is watching you.
15:26Nice walk, that.
15:28I met an old man.
15:31Didn't like him.
15:33He got stuck in my teeth.
15:38But then the moon started whispering to me.
15:45All sorts of dreadful things.
15:49What did it say?
15:51Oh, look who's awake.
15:53What did the moon tell you?
15:56Did you have a vision?
15:59Something coming.
16:01Oh, yeah.
16:03Something terrible.
16:09At the museum.
16:11A tomb.
16:13With a surprise inside.
16:17You can see all that in your head.
16:21You can see all that in your head.
16:23No, you ninny. She read it in the morning paper.
16:34Oh, my.
16:36That's what's been whispering to me.
16:41Oh, yeah.
16:43Don't worry, though.
16:46Soon it'll stop.
16:49Soon it'll scream.
17:01This doesn't make any sense.
17:03Well, sure it does. See?
17:07Oh, no, this doesn't make any sense.
17:10It's senseless.
17:13It is, but at least you know that, so you're learning.
17:17Amy, it doesn't matter anyway.
17:20When in the real world am I ever going to need chemistry or history or math or the English language?
17:27Okay, I see your problem.
17:29I'm a moron?
17:31Will you stop that?
17:33You're not stupid. You've just had a lot on your mind.
17:37You can learn this real easily, but if you're just going to give up, then don't waste my time.
17:44Wow, you really are a good teacher.
17:47Okay, look at this.
17:49A covalent bond, which means these two atoms are linked by this.
17:55Hold that thought.
18:02Okay, I'm a learned girl.
18:05Okay, so see here.
18:07Deja vu.
18:13I had this perfect memory of the pencil and...
18:22Oh, hey.
18:26You got this.
18:29It's not mine.
18:31It might be something of Miss Gallander's.
18:36This feels kind of morbid.
18:39I've gone through most of her files already.
18:42Does that make it less morbid or are you really morbid?
18:47I had to to teach her class.
18:49Relax, Will. I was making with the funny.
18:56Does that say restoration?
18:59It's one of her spells, I think.
19:01Miss Gallander wasn't a practicing witch, but she did...
19:06Oh, boy.
19:09Oh, boy.
19:13Oh, boy.
19:35Oh, boy.
20:05Oh, boy.
20:29It hurts.
20:35Where am I?
20:37You don't remember.
20:39Everything you've done for a hundred years.
20:43In a moment, you will.
20:45The face of everyone you killed.
20:49Our daughter's face.
20:52They will haunt you.
20:54And you will know what true suffering is.
21:00I don't...
21:21What are you saying?
21:23The curse.
21:25This is it.
21:28Looks like Miss Gallander was trying to replicate the original curse...
21:33to restore Angel's soul again.
21:36She said it couldn't be done.
21:38Well, she tried anyway.
21:40And it looks like it might have worked.
21:43So he killed her before she could tell anyone about it.
21:47What a prince, huh?
21:49This is good, right?
21:51I mean, we can curse him again.
21:55Well, this certainly points the way.
21:59But the ritual itself requires a greater knowledge of the black arts...
22:04than I can claim.
22:06Well, I've been going through her files...
22:09and researching the black arts for fun.
22:13Or educational fun.
22:15And I may be able to work this.
22:19Willow, channeling such potent magic through yourself...
22:24it could open a door that you may not be able to close.
22:28And I want you putting yourself in any danger, Will.
22:31And I don't want danger.
22:33Big no to danger.
22:35But I may be the best person to do this.
22:38Hi, for those of you who've just tuned in.
22:41Everyone here is a crazy person.
22:44So this spell might restore Angel's humanity?
22:48Well, here's an interesting angle.
22:51Who cares?
22:53I care.
22:54Is that right?
22:56Let's not lose our perspective here, Xander.
22:59I'm perspective guy. Angel's a killer.
23:02Xander, it's not that simple.
23:05What? All is forgiven?
23:08I can't believe you people.
23:10Xander has a point.
23:12For once, I wish you would support me.
23:14And I realize right now that you were, and I'm embarrassed.
23:17So I'm gonna get back to the point.
23:19Which is that Angel needs to die.
23:21Killing Angel seems to have been Jenny's last wish.
23:24Yeah, well, Jenny's dead.
23:26Can't you hear what I'm saying?
23:28Stop it! Stop it!
23:31What do you want to do?
23:36I don't know.
23:39What happened to Angel wasn't his fault.
23:42Yeah, but what happened to his calendar is.
23:44You can paint this any way you want.
23:47But the way I see it, is that you want to forget all about it.
23:51I don't.
23:53I don't.
23:55I don't.
23:57I don't.
23:59Is that you want to forget all about Miss Calendar's murder
24:01so you can get your boyfriend back.
24:54I'll have one of these to go.
25:03Save me some.
25:09Well, I'll do a couple of sweeps and then I'll stop by.
25:14Yeah, as in there was pretty much being a...
25:18Willow! Where did you learn that word?
25:21My God, you kiss your mother with that mouth?
25:29I don't know.
25:31I don't know what I want to do.
25:48I'll see you in a little while, okay?
26:04Come on.
26:06Come on.
26:29You know, polite people call before they jump out of the bushes and attack you.
26:33I just wanted to test your reflexes.
26:35About testing my face punching, because I think you'll find it's improved.
26:39I was on my way to your house.
26:41Saw you walking.
26:43Couldn't help myself.
26:47Which begs the question, and don't think I'm not glad to see you, but...
26:51Why are you here?
26:53Oh, wait. No, let me guess.
26:55Your watcher informed you that a very dark power is about to rise in Sunnydale.
26:59That's about it.
27:01Great. Does he have any idea what this dark power is?
27:18It's a big rock.
27:21I can't wait to tell my friends.
27:23They don't have a rock this big.
27:26Spike boy, you never did learn your history.
27:29Let's have a lesson, then.
27:31Kothla the demon came forth to swallow the world.
27:36He was killed by a virtuous knight who pierced the demon's heart before he could draw breath to perform the act.
27:44Kothla turned to stone, as demons sometimes do,
27:49and was buried where neither man nor demon would want to look.
27:56Unless, of course, they're putting up low-rent housing.
28:06It fills my head.
28:10I can't hear anything else.
28:12Let me guess.
28:14Someone pulls out the sword.
28:16Someone worthy.
28:18The demon wakes up, and wackiness ensues.
28:22He will swallow the world.
28:24And every creature living on this planet will go to hell.
28:33My friends, we're about to make history.
28:50I've been on the front of the museum.
28:52The artifact in question is missing, and the curator has been murdered.
28:59And you're sure this was the tomb of Alfalfa?
29:04And, yes, the information provided by Kendra's watcher seems conclusive.
29:09Okay, somebody explain the whole
29:12he will suck the world into hell thing, because that's the part I'm not loving.
29:17Well, the demon universe exists in a dimension separate from our own.
29:24With one breath, Akathla will create a vortex, a kind of whirlpool
29:30that will pull everything on Earth into that dimension,
29:34where any non-demon life will suffer horrible and eternal torment.
29:43And I would be the literal kind of sucked into hell.
29:51Willow, I think you should try the curse.
29:54I tend to side with your friend Zandra on this one.
29:57Angel should be eliminated.
30:01Oh, I'll fight him. I'll kill him if I have to.
30:04But if I don't get there in time, or if I lose, then Willow might be our only hope.
30:11I don't want to be our only hope. I crumble under pressure.
30:15Let's have another hope.
30:17We have.
30:19Blessed by the night who first slew the demon.
30:23If all else fails, this might stop it.
30:28I think.
30:30Oh, may I? May I?
30:35Well, let's hope all else doesn't fail.
30:38How close are you to figuring out the ritual of the curse?
30:42I need about a day.
30:44And an orb of Thessala? Whatever that is.
30:49A spirit vault for rituals of the undead. I've got one.
30:53I've been using it as a paperweight.
30:56This means I can't help you study for tomorrow's final.
31:00I'll wing it. Of course, if we go to hell by then, I won't have to take them.
31:05Or maybe I'll be taking them forever.
31:08Adol has a ritual of his own to perform before he can remove the sword and awaken a Cuthler.
31:15With any luck, it should take some time.
31:29Spike, my sweet, the fun's about to begin.
31:46I will drink.
31:49The blood will wash in me, over me.
31:55And I will be cleansed.
31:58I will be worthy to free Cuthler.
32:04Bear witness.
32:07As I ascend.
32:12As I become.
32:25Everything that I am.
32:28Everything that I have done.
32:31Has led me here.
33:41God, are you disgusting.
33:44This is really an unforgettable smell.
33:47This is the stench of death you're giving off here.
33:50And the looks, this crazy homeless guy, it's not good.
33:55Get away from me.
33:57What are you going to do, bite me?
33:59Horace, a vampire.
34:04Ah, but you wouldn't bite me on account of your poor, tortuous soul.
34:08So sad, a vampire with a soul so poignant.
34:13Who are you?
34:15Let's take a walk.
34:21What are you eating, like a rat once a month?
34:27Look, you're skinny bones here.
34:29Butcher shops are throwing away more blood in a day than you can stand.
34:33Good blood.
34:34You lived in the world a little bit, you know that.
34:37I want to know who you are.
34:39And I want to know who you are.
34:41I already do.
34:42Not yet.
34:43But I'm looking to find out.
34:45Because you could go either way here.
34:49I don't understand you.
34:50Nobody understands me.
34:51That's my curse.
34:54Dog me.
34:58My name's Whistler.
34:59There you go.
35:01Anyway, lately it is.
35:06You're not a vampire.
35:09A demon, technically.
35:11I mean, I'm not a bad guy.
35:13Not all demons are dedicated to the destruction of all life.
35:18What do you mean, I can go either way?
35:20I mean that you can become an even more useless rodent than you already are.
35:25Or you can become someone.
35:26A person.
35:28Someone to be counted.
35:30I just want to be left alone.
35:32Well, yeah, you've been left alone for, what, 90 years already?
35:35And what a package you are.
35:38The stink guy.
35:40What do you want from me?
35:42I want you to see something.
35:46We'd have to leave now.
35:49You see?
35:51And then you tell me what you want to do.
35:54Where is it?
36:15So, I'm like, Dad, you want me to go to the dance in an outfit I've already worn?
36:31Why do you hate me?
36:33Is Tyler taking you?
36:35Where were you when I got over Tyler?
36:37He's of the past.
36:39Tyler would have to crawl on his hands and knees to get me to go to the dance with him.
36:43Which, actually, he's supposed to do after practice, so I'm going to wait.
36:46Okay, see you later.
36:49Call me.
36:51Call me.
36:52Call me.
36:53I will.
37:06Buffy Summers.
37:11I need to speak with you.
37:12You're not mad from Bullock's, are you?
37:14Because I meant to pay for that lipstick.
37:17There isn't much time.
37:19You must come with me.
37:20Your destiny awaits.
37:23I don't have a destiny.
37:25I'm destiny free, really.
37:27Yes, you have.
37:29You are the chosen one.
37:32You alone can stop them.
37:36The vampires.
37:50Oh, God.
37:52Oh, God.
38:07Not the heart.
38:22You see?
38:24You see your power?
38:32Why didn't you call?
38:34I'm sorry.
38:36I didn't know it was so late.
38:38Tyler and I were talking.
38:41That boy is irresponsible.
38:43No, Mom.
38:44It's not his fault.
38:47You know we worry.
38:48That's all.
38:52Dinner's in ten minutes.
38:54Did she say where she was?
39:07She was with Tyler.
39:09I don't want her seeing him anymore, period.
39:11You're overreacting, dear.
39:13Don't do that.
39:14Don't talk to me like I'm a kid.
39:17Just forget it.
39:18Just because you can't discipline her, I have to be the other.
39:21I am not having this conversation again, all right?
39:30She's going to have it tough, that Slayer.
39:33She's just a kid.
39:36World full of big, bad things.
39:42I want to help her.
39:46I want...
39:52I want to become someone.
39:55Jeez, look at you.
39:58She must be prettier than the last Slayer.
40:02This isn't going to be easy.
40:05The more you live in this world, the more you see how apart from it you really are.
40:11And this is dangerous work.
40:13Right now, you couldn't go three rounds with a fruit fly.
40:17I want to learn from you.
40:23All right.
40:25But I don't want to dress like you.
40:28Again, you're annoying me.
40:30You're lucky we need you on our side.
40:35I have strayed.
40:37I have been lost.
40:40God redeems me with this act.
40:47We will be free.
41:11Someone wasn't worthy.
41:15Damn it!
41:17This is so disappointing.
41:22There must be something I missed.
41:24The incantations, the blood.
41:26I don't know.
41:29What are we going to do?
41:31What do we always do in a time of trouble?
41:34Turn to an old friend.
41:37We'll have Armageddon.
41:39I swear.
42:09Tonight, sundown, at the graveyard.
42:19Excuse me.
42:20You will come to him.
42:22You will come to him or more will die.
42:27His hour is at hand.
42:36She said more would die.
42:38I have to go.
42:39Then I should go with you.
42:42I need you here just in case.
42:45I can take care of myself.
42:48And look, as long as Angel's fighting me,
42:50then he can't do this end-of-the-world ritual thingy,
42:53and that's a good.
42:54Will, what do you think?
42:56I just want to cross-check.
42:58We don't have time.
43:00If this is going to work, it has to work now.
43:04Then I need maybe half an hour once we're all set up.
43:08Which means you just have to hold Angel off.
43:10Don't let him close on you.
43:13If the curse succeeds, you'll know.
43:19Why don't you just wait here to find out if it worked?
43:22See if he phones you.
43:23I can't risk him killing any more people.
43:27I better go.
43:29Be careful.
43:31I will.
43:36In case the curse does not succeed,
43:39this is my lucky steak.
43:41I've killed many vampires with it.
43:45I call it Mr. Pointy.
43:49You named your steak?
43:54Remind me to get you a stuffed animal.
44:03Watch your back.
44:20Hello, lover.
44:22I wasn't sure you'd come.
44:25After your immolationogram?
44:28Come on, I had to show.
44:30Shouldn't you be out destroying the world right now,
44:32pulling the sword out of Al Franken or whatever his name is?
44:35It's time enough.
44:36I wanted to say goodbye first.
44:38You are the one thing in this dimension I will miss.
44:42This is a beautiful moment we're having.
44:44Can we please fight?
44:47I didn't come here to fight.
44:51Gosh, I was hoping we can get back together.
44:55What do you think? Do we have a shot?
44:58All right, we'll fight.
45:18Not dead, nor not of the living.
45:21Spirits of the interregnum, I call.
45:29Come on, Willow.
45:31I know the pain of humanity, gods.
45:35Reach your wizened hands to me.
45:38Give me the sword.
45:43Get out! Go!
47:07Is it me or is your heart not in this?
47:10Maybe I'll just go home, destroy the world.
47:13I think Mr. Pointy will have something to say about that.
47:16Come on.
47:18Let's finish this.
47:19You and me.
47:23You never learned, do you?
47:25This wasn't about you.
47:27This was never about you.
47:32And you fall for it every single time.
48:27Look at me, dearie.
48:35Be in my eyes.
48:43Be in me.
48:57Be in me.
49:22No, no.
49:27Let's get what we came for, dears.
49:58Bottom line is, even if you see him coming,
50:02you're not ready for the big moments.
50:05No one asks for their life to change.
50:08Not really.
50:10But it does.
50:27So what are we, helpless?
50:33The big moment's gonna come.
50:35You can't help that.
50:37It's what you do afterwards that counts.
50:40That's when you realize you're not alone.
50:43You're not alone.
50:45You're not alone.
50:47You're not alone.
50:49You're not alone.
50:51You're not alone.
50:53You're not alone.
50:55It's what you do afterwards that counts.
50:58That's when you find out who you are.
51:13You'll see what I mean.
51:25You'll see what I mean.
51:55Grr! Arrgh!
