Méprises - Meprises

  • 2 days ago
A psychological thriller giving different points of view about the relationship between a man and the wife of a doctor who has tried to protect her and watch over her.

Bernard Declercq
Bernard Declercq
Fabrizio Rongione, Pascal Greggory, Moana Ferré
00:01:52C'est poule blanche on est encore petite
00:01:54Rien d'alarmant mais enfin c'est suffisamment sérieux
00:01:58C'est d'une petite tumeur, un glioblastome
00:02:03C'est elle qui est la cause de vos douleurs
00:02:07Je suggère que nous fassions de la proton-thérapie
00:02:11La proton-thérapie permet de cibler uniquement la tumeur
00:02:14Sans toucher aucune autre partie du cerveau
00:02:17Aucune intervention physique, juste un faisceau de proton
00:02:21Le traitement est beaucoup plus léger mais il reste quand même délicat
00:02:24Il va falloir faire plusieurs séances
00:02:29Qu'est-ce que vous appelez délicat ?
00:02:31Mais rassurez-vous, il y a de grandes chances pour que tout se passe bien
00:02:34Mais on ne pourrait pas exclure une possibilité de paralysie partielle
00:02:42Quel pourcentage ?
00:02:45Une chance sur deux pour que le traitement soit...
00:02:50Absolument efficace
00:02:54Vous êtes marié, vous avez des enfants ?
00:02:57Non ?
00:02:58J'ai un frère, un demi-frère
00:03:03Parfois la maladie rapproche
00:03:05Parfois malheureusement elle sépare
00:03:14Vous n'avez pas une femme sur laquelle vous pouvez compter les jours qui viennent ?
00:03:20Elle ne sait même pas que je suis ici
00:03:50Je suis mort, désolée
00:04:02Je suis mort, désolée
00:04:12Je suis mort, désolée
00:04:28J'adore me faufiler aux répétitions
00:04:31Vous ne connaissiez personne ?
00:04:35Et vous ?
00:04:36Moi non plus
00:04:38Vous avez perdu quelque chose ?
00:04:40Oui, mon billet d'entrée pour une expo
00:04:43Quelle expo ?
00:04:44Celle de Hunts of the Big
00:04:47Vous n'allez pas me croire, j'ai vu ce matin
00:04:51Imaginez une table toute blanche
00:04:56Des chaises blanches
00:04:58Des assiettes blanches, des tasses blanches
00:05:02Et tout dans des proportions une fois et demie plus grandes
00:05:04Comme si vous étiez un enfant de 4 ans face à une table d'adultes
00:05:08C'est vraiment ce que j'ai vu comme première impression
00:05:13Vous ne croyez pas ?
00:05:14Bien sûr, c'est très beau comment vous le racontez
00:05:17Vous vous moquez ?
00:05:18Pas du tout
00:05:21C'est impressionnant, la lucidité
00:05:25Comme si le monde s'était figé à un moment absurde
00:05:28Mais c'est vrai
00:05:30Comme si le monde s'était figé à un moment absurde
00:05:37Ça m'a donné soif
00:05:39Vous en voulez un autre ?
00:05:41Je peux pas
00:05:43Je vais devoir bientôt partir
00:05:45Je dois passer à mon bureau, j'ai rendez-vous avec un client
00:05:51Vous croyez qu'on va se revoir ?
00:06:06Je peux visiter ?
00:06:08Bien sûr, entre
00:06:15C'est un spin yard ?
00:06:19C'est la nuit, il est 1908
00:06:22J'aurais trop peur d'une telle solitude
00:06:25Je crois qu'il est un peu saoul
00:06:28Ça aide parfois
00:06:31Il lève le bras comme pour se donner de la force
00:06:34Pour conjurer quelque chose, pour pouvoir avancer
00:06:41Bon, et toi ?
00:06:43Quoi moi ?
00:06:45Ben raconte-moi
00:06:46J'aime pas parler de moi
00:06:51Je te demande pas de tout me raconter
00:06:56Pourquoi tu t'intéresses à mon passé ?
00:07:00Pourquoi pas
00:07:09Mais tu m'interromps pas ?
00:07:13Mais tu m'interromps pas ?
00:07:19Je suis mariée depuis trois ans
00:07:22Et je ne le quitterai pas
00:07:29Je suis en totale sécurité avec lui
00:07:32Il m'aimera toujours quoi que je fasse
00:07:35J'ai besoin de ça, de cette certitude
00:07:37Pas besoin de me parler d'imbécile, je sais pourquoi j'en suis totalement dépendante et tout ça vient
00:07:42C'est comme ça
00:07:47J'ai très envie de t'embrasser
00:07:57Tiens les lèvres toutes fraîches
00:08:12Embrasse-moi encore
00:08:22Viens, j'ai envie que tu me fasses l'amour
00:08:26Tu as envie non ?
00:08:33T'as envie ensemble
00:08:35Je suis mariée, tu le sais
00:08:44Je vais éteindre ce téléphone, il me rend dingue
00:09:04Il y a un voisin qui nous regarde à sa fenêtre
00:09:34Je suis mariée
00:09:41Mets ta main là
00:09:43Alors avec ton doigt tu coinces le fil
00:09:45Tu n'arriveras jamais
00:09:46Mais oui
00:09:50Alors d'un coup sec, tu lâches le fil en même temps que tu le lances
00:09:53Prête ?
00:09:56Bah voilà
00:09:58C'est grâce à toi
00:09:59Mais non
00:10:00Un petit peu
00:10:01Bon un tout petit peu
00:10:04Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?
00:10:06On boit un verre de vin
00:10:08Où est le flûteur ?
00:10:10Il faut attendre
00:10:11Je t'avais dit qu'il fallait de la patience
00:10:31C'est un pique
00:10:33Tu entends ?
00:10:38Il tape avec son bec dans le trou d'un arbre
00:10:42Il cherche des parasites
00:10:46Il est tout près
00:11:02C'est bon
00:11:36Bon alors
00:11:37Il a dit quoi le médecin ?
00:11:41J'ai une tumeur
00:11:52Il n'y a aucune erreur possible
00:12:02Il va faire quoi ?
00:12:03Des rayons de proton
00:12:05Qui vont cibler uniquement la tumeur
00:12:09Le cerveau devrait rester a priori indemne
00:12:23Et Françoise ?
00:12:25Elle est au courant ?
00:12:28C'est elle ?
00:12:32Pourquoi tu le dis pas ?
00:12:46De plat du jour ?
00:12:48Oui, c'est parfait
00:12:50Et toi ?
00:12:55Il s'est passé un truc avec la serveuse
00:12:58Non, pas du tout
00:13:00Tu peux pas t'empêcher
00:13:03On va devoir encore trouver un autre resto
00:13:05Tant celle qui m'a jeté
00:13:29T'es sûr que c'est ici ?
00:13:36Tu crois que je vais terminer comme ça après mon opération ?
00:13:40T'es con
00:14:04Je viens pour le docteur Lepage
00:14:06Je suis Jacques Mailleu
00:14:07On vous attendait, monsieur Mailleu
00:14:09En fait, je comprends pas très bien ce que je fais ici
00:14:12Le docteur ne vous a pas expliqué ?
00:14:14Oui, mais il m'a parlé d'une clinique privée
00:14:16Il a dit que c'était une clinique privée
00:14:18Je suis là pour le médecin
00:14:20Je suis là pour le médecin
00:14:22Je suis là pour le médecin
00:14:24Je suis là pour le médecin
00:14:26Je suis là pour le médecin
00:14:28Mais il m'a parlé d'une clinique privée
00:14:30Pas d'un centre
00:14:31Nous sommes avant tout un lieu de convalescence
00:14:34Beaucoup d'entre eux sont arrivés dans des états très fragiles
00:14:37Vous permettez deux petites minutes ?
00:14:44S'il m'arrive quelque chose pendant l'opération
00:14:47Je veux que tu donnes l'espérillard à Françoise
00:14:49T'as entendu ce qu'elle vient de dire ?
00:14:50Il sent pas du tout la peur
00:14:51Je veux que tu me promettes d'appeler Françoise
00:14:57Je te promets
00:15:00Et tu reviens
00:15:03Tu me laisses pas ici
00:15:04T'inquiète pas
00:15:06Arrête de flipper, tout va bien se passer
00:15:14Tu fais gaffe à ma voiture ?
00:15:17Tu me la demandes pas ?
00:15:20Ça va bien se passer pour toi
00:15:22Et pour ta voiture
00:15:27Le docteur vous a préparé un médicament
00:15:34Il a insisté pour vous le prenier en ma présence
00:15:37Quoi tout de suite là maintenant ?
00:15:38Si ça ne vous dérange pas
00:15:42Mais pourquoi ?
00:15:43Ne vous inquiétez pas, il ne fera effet que dans une bonne demi-heure
00:15:46Le docteur veut que vous soyez bien reposé pour demain
00:15:57Très bien
00:16:01J'en passerai tout à l'heure
00:16:26Au revoir
00:16:56Le Corbusier
00:17:26Le Corbusier
00:17:56Vous avez peur que je tombe ?
00:18:05C'est une grave erreur de toucher à Françoise
00:18:10Vous connaissez Françoise ?
00:18:14Françoise est mon épouse
00:18:17Je n'ai aucun sens du partage
00:18:19Elle a dû vous le dire, non ?
00:18:23Je comprends pas
00:18:24Moi c'est pas très difficile à comprendre
00:18:27Vous n'avez rien
00:18:29Vous n'avez strictement rien
00:18:31C'était pas vos radios
00:18:33D'ailleurs le propriétaire de ces radios n'est plus de ce monde
00:18:38Mais mes mots de tête ?
00:18:40Ça c'est très simple
00:18:42J'ai changé les médicaments pour votre diabète
00:18:44Avec d'autres de ma composition
00:18:47C'était un jeu d'enfant
00:18:49J'ai trouvé le nom de votre médecin traitant
00:18:51Sur une de vos ordonnances
00:18:52Mais vous savez
00:18:53Les médecins généralistes ils ont une vie triste
00:18:55Vous leur proposez un petit voyage, pof
00:18:57Ils vous mangent dans la main
00:19:04Je vous comprends pas
00:19:05Jamais je serais tombé dans un tel piège
00:19:07À votre place je me serais méfié de tout
00:19:13On joue pas avec une femme mariée
00:19:14Sans en subir les conséquences
00:19:25Mais vous êtes malade
00:19:29Détachez-moi je vous dis
00:20:51D'où viens-tu ?
00:21:00Ils sont belles, non ?
00:21:08A priori non
00:21:09C'est dommage
00:21:15J'ai une réponse
00:21:17Je vais d'abord me rafraîchir, j'arrive
00:21:29Qu'est-ce qui te fait sourire ?
00:21:31Tu vas me faire une crise ?
00:21:34D'où viens-tu ?
00:21:36J'ai pas envie d'en parler
00:21:38Moi j'ai envie
00:21:39Tu as oublié tes invités ?
00:21:42Oui, pour moi
00:21:46Je peux prendre une douche ?
00:21:47Tu veux bien sortir ?
00:21:49Je veux pas que ça recommence
00:21:50Recommencer quoi ?
00:21:51Mais tu sais très bien
00:21:53Tes absences
00:21:54Tu m'étouffes
00:21:56Va rejoindre tes invités
00:21:57Françoise, je n'ai pas envie
00:21:58Arrête de jouer la victime
00:22:01S'il te plaît
00:22:02Si j'ai envie de sortir, je sortirai
00:22:05Tu étais où ?
00:22:14Tu sens l'alcool ?
00:22:15C'est ridicule
00:22:18D'accord, j'attends
00:22:22J'étais avec Jeanne
00:22:24Nous avons été voir l'exposition de Hans-Abdebeck
00:22:26Et puis nous avons bu quelques Campari
00:22:29Tu rebois des Campari ?
00:22:32J'avais oublié que j'aimais autant ça
00:22:35Je te crois pas une seconde
00:22:38Regarde-toi dans le miroir
00:22:40Qu'est-ce que tu vois ?
00:22:41Tu es pitoyable
00:22:43C'est dommage, j'avais confiance en toi
00:22:50Tu sais que tu en as la force
00:22:53Tu te trompes
00:22:55C'est pas ça du tout
00:22:59Tu mens
00:23:12Je t'aime
00:23:44Vous allez voir, c'est merveilleux
00:24:03J'ai la clé
00:24:05Je vous l'appelle
00:24:06Je vous l'appelle
00:24:08Je vous l'appelle
00:24:09Je vous l'appelle
00:24:10Je vous l'appelle
00:24:12C'est pas si simple
00:24:42Do you know where she is?
00:24:44She's been in front of your house for 10 minutes. She's been sitting on the wall.
00:24:52Her phone?
00:25:12I'm late.
00:25:28I don't want to go out anymore. I'm too tired.
00:25:32There are some things in the fridge you made.
00:25:36Did you drink?
00:25:42A little, yes.
00:25:46I'm going to bed. I want to read in my bed.
00:26:06Good night.
00:26:32I'm listening to you.
00:26:40Did you have a good day?
00:26:43Very good. And you?
00:26:49Can I know what you did?
00:26:52You took your time.
00:26:55I don't want to argue. I just asked you if you had a good day. That's all.
00:27:01I don't want to talk to you about my day.
00:27:09Did you drink?
00:27:10Less than you, I think.
00:27:18I'm going to bed in my friend's room. I'm too tired.
00:27:23You're too tired to answer a question?
00:27:53I'm going to bed.
00:28:14You're adorable.
00:28:37I have to go to Lille.
00:28:39Stay, please.
00:28:40I can't. It's impossible.
00:28:44It's impossible. They're waiting for me.
00:28:47You know I don't like to stay alone in this house.
00:28:50Do you want to come with me?
00:28:52What do you want me to do in Lille?
00:28:55I'll be back as soon as possible.
00:28:57Will you call me tonight?
00:28:58I promise.
00:29:01As soon as I can.
00:29:05The proton beam is directed through the tumor, layer by layer, pixel by pixel,
00:29:10in order to perfectly respect the shape of the tumor.
00:29:14This active scanning technique allows the doctor to modify the intensity of the beams
00:29:20according to the area to be reached.
00:29:22The ray only touches the chosen part, unlike radiotherapy,
00:29:26whose rays pass through the tumor and will also attack the breast tissue behind it.
00:29:33The proton does not touch any breast tissue after the tumor.
00:29:37It only targets what you have chosen.
00:29:46So we arrive in the lab here.
00:29:49Excuse me.
00:29:52Excuse me.
00:30:06It's not the time to send messages.
00:30:08Excuse me.
00:30:09This way?
00:30:10Yes, come on.
00:30:23Here they are.
00:30:25But you don't have glasses.
00:30:27No, no, but I have this.
00:30:28Look at the zoom.
00:30:29The zoom is there.
00:30:30You'll see, it's very powerful.
00:30:31Okay, thank you.
00:30:32You can leave me, thank you.
00:31:26Hello, you are on the answering machine of François.
00:31:29I am not available at the moment, but please leave a message and I will call you back.
00:31:39Hello, this is François.
00:31:41I am on the answering machine of François.
00:31:43I am not available at the moment, but please leave a message and I will call you back.
00:32:08I lost her.
00:32:11You're kidding?
00:32:12I'm really sorry, it never happens to me.
00:32:14What happened?
00:32:16She went to get a suitcase from your house and then they disappeared.
00:32:19He was with her at my house?
00:32:21They were waiting for me at the end of the street, but they turned around and I got caught.
00:32:26They're not at his place?
00:32:28I think they left a while ago.
00:32:33Find a locksmith, go back to his place and double the key.
00:32:37No, I can't...
00:32:38I don't want to hear anything anymore.
00:32:51Find a locksmith, go back to his place and double the key.
00:32:55Find a locksmith, go back to his place and double the key.
00:33:25Find a locksmith, go back to his place and double the key.
00:33:56Hello, this is François's answering machine.
00:33:58I'm not available at the moment, but please leave a message and I'll call you back.
00:34:03I won't give you three days to get kicked out.
00:34:06No one, no one, do you hear me?
00:34:09Can't stand you for more than three days.
00:34:13You'll see, he'll disappear, like the others.
00:34:22No, no, but don't worry.
00:34:26Everything's fine.
00:34:27Excuse me.
00:34:32Yes, come in.
00:34:38Well, you stay in front of the house.
00:34:41And don't lose it this time.
00:34:44That's it.
00:34:48Well, where were we both?
00:35:17I didn't hear you.
00:35:21I missed you, I hope.
00:35:22Always without news.
00:35:23Never again.
00:35:25Where were you?
00:35:27Far away.
00:35:29Very far away.
00:35:36It's wonderful, whatever happens, you love me.
00:35:38No, you're wrong.
00:35:41Look at yourself.
00:35:43You can't hide it.
00:35:47You see?
00:35:49I made some Rietveld.
00:35:52Your favorite dish.
00:36:11Thank you, you can close the door.
00:36:18Mr. Maillot, open your eyes.
00:36:28I see you're sensitive to light, that's good.
00:36:32And to sound.
00:36:34I'm very proud of myself.
00:36:36Because the brain is so complex.
00:36:39The right dose of protons in the right place,
00:36:41and I gave you the state of vegetables.
00:36:43Although a vegetable is a potential gastronomic adventure that you no longer have.
00:36:49You understand everything I'm saying.
00:36:52Yes, that's good.
00:36:54Get out.
00:37:00Don't expect anything anymore.
00:37:04You can't even raise your little finger.
00:37:07In the clean sense, as in the figurative sense, that's what I mean.
00:37:10That said, it doesn't matter, because...
00:37:12you won't look hard enough for women.
00:37:14You're drooling.
00:37:19Stay dignified.
00:37:23I know you more elegantly.
00:37:28Doctor, Mr. Maillot wants to see his brother.
00:37:30Come in, I'm his brother.
00:37:32Come closer.
00:37:35I'll leave you for a few minutes.
00:37:38He's weak, he's tired.
00:37:41I'm waiting for you.
00:37:42Don't worry.
00:37:44I'll wait for you in my office.
00:37:45Very well.
00:38:13Don't worry, I'm here.
00:38:23You're in my room, I sleep here.
00:38:25Julien, I'm his little brother.
00:38:31And you are?
00:38:50I'm going to see the doctor.
00:38:53I'll be back.
00:39:13I won't walk in your game.
00:39:16I know you're a doctor's accomplice.
00:39:21Cameras are no longer enough for him.
00:39:43I'm sorry for your brother.
00:39:46His condition was terrible.
00:39:49He's in a lot of pain.
00:39:52I'm sorry.
00:39:54I'm sorry.
00:39:56I'm sorry.
00:39:58I'm sorry.
00:40:00I'm sorry.
00:40:02I'm sorry.
00:40:04I'm sorry.
00:40:06I'm sorry.
00:40:08I'm sorry.
00:40:10I'm sorry.
00:40:12I'm sorry.
00:40:14I'm sorry.
00:40:16I'm sorry.
00:40:18I'm sorry.
00:40:20I'm sorry.
00:40:22I'm sorry.
00:40:24I'm sorry.
00:40:26I'm sorry.
00:40:28I'm sorry.
00:40:30I'm sorry.
00:40:32I'm sorry.
00:40:34I'm sorry.
00:40:36I'm sorry.
00:40:38I'm sorry.
00:40:40I'm sorry.
00:40:42It's awful.
00:40:45We can't leave him like that.
00:40:49We can wait.
00:40:51Can't we?
00:40:53Wait for what?
00:40:55Give him some time.
00:40:58I wasn't talking about...
00:41:00He didn't tell you?
00:41:02I warned him about this possibility.
00:41:12I think it's best if you go home.
00:41:16Take your time.
00:41:43Did he disappear?
00:41:45As if you didn't know.
00:41:48Without saying anything?
00:41:50He went abroad for his work.
00:41:54Did you believe him?
00:41:57He's still a butterfly.
00:41:59Yes, but this time it's over.
00:42:03I know, I say that every time, but this time it's the last.
00:42:05What if it's the last?
00:42:11I'd like to believe.
00:42:18What are you doing with me?
00:42:22I don't know.
00:42:24Maybe I'll get bored with someone else.
00:42:35I don't know.
00:43:05I don't know.
00:43:35I don't know.
00:43:55I'm almost done.
00:43:57Oh, finish quietly.
00:44:06I'll leave you with the doctor.
00:44:11You still have a little more time, it will pass.
00:44:35Look at this poor guy.
00:44:39It's a nice gift I made you by putting you in his room.
00:44:42Because he has a lot to tell you.
00:44:45Some of you will look like a real person.
00:44:49But where is the truth?
00:45:06Mr. Jacques, do you hear me?
00:45:09My name is Regis.
00:45:11I'm the one sleeping in front of you.
00:45:14Mr. Jacques, excuse me, I was wrong.
00:45:16You're not the spy I thought you were.
00:45:19I'll talk to you, but at night.
00:45:21So no one can hear us.
00:45:35Oh my God.
00:46:05I'm sorry, I did everything in the house.
00:46:10Who are these two guys?
00:46:13They look stupid.
00:46:16Come on, let's go.
00:46:33Caress me.
00:47:04Slowly, slowly.
00:47:13Don't worry.
00:47:18I became his friend.
00:47:21Watch out for cameras in the room.
00:47:24We are listening.
00:47:33He scared me.
00:47:35Is he far away?
00:47:36A little.
00:47:37A lot?
00:47:38I don't care.
00:48:03How are you?
00:48:06Do you remember Sophie?
00:48:15Do you know the reverse game we used to play when we were kids?
00:48:24The name you used.
00:48:28It's incredible.
00:48:30Do you remember?
00:48:33It drove my mom crazy.
00:48:35Your mother again.
00:48:44Wait, move your hand.
00:48:46It's wonderful.
00:48:54Can I kiss him?
00:49:00Hello Jacques.
00:49:18I don't know who wants to go out.
00:49:22You want to go out.
00:49:28Mr. Maillot.
00:49:31You are not alone.
00:49:32Hello doctor.
00:49:33How is your brother?
00:49:34He's fine.
00:49:35I think he understands everything I say.
00:49:37That's wonderful.
00:49:38He even moved his hand.
00:49:39Well, Mr. Maillot.
00:49:40I only hear good news.
00:49:47I'm going to ask you to let him rest a little.
00:49:50What? He never had an appetite.
00:49:51His stomach is weak and he had a bad night.
00:49:56I'll come back tomorrow.
00:49:58We'll go for a walk.
00:49:59We'll see you again.
00:50:00All our patients don't have this chance.
00:50:04No, but don't worry.
00:50:07I'm here.
00:50:09I won't let you go.
00:50:12I'll come back too.
00:50:15Goodbye doctor.
00:50:18Goodbye miss.
00:50:27Don't get carried away too quickly.
00:50:30At home, visitors get tired very quickly.
00:50:32Especially the family.
00:50:35You'll have to get used to loneliness.
00:50:38Left or right?
00:50:40Are you crazy?
00:50:41Left, of course.
00:50:46You win.
00:50:54It's beautiful.
00:50:55Show me.
00:50:57Do you like it?
00:50:59Do you like it?
00:51:03You have beautiful hands.
00:51:07So soft.
00:51:08Can I bring you the entrances?
00:51:09Not right now, thank you.
00:51:16Do you want to drink?
00:51:27Kiss me.
00:51:28But the waiter...
00:51:29Kiss me, we don't care.
00:51:30Kiss me.
00:51:45You don't know her, I guess.
00:51:48It took me a long time to conceive her.
00:51:51Talk to her, she's as dangerous as death.
00:52:05It's because of her that I've been locked up here for three years.
00:52:12She's a spider of the worst kind.
00:52:14She imprisons you until you die.
00:52:16She imprisons you until you die.
00:52:30We're stronger now that we're two.
00:52:35We're going to escape.
00:52:38I'm going to think of an infallible strategy.
00:52:46I'm going to sleep after you.
00:52:48Of course.
00:52:52You have to give me a little more time.
00:52:54You're doing well.
00:52:59Do you believe me?
00:53:06I believe you.
00:53:10I believe you.
00:53:16I want to believe it.
00:53:23She's very beautiful.
00:53:26Yes, she's going to amaze you.
00:53:30Give me your arms.
00:53:38One day you're going to leave me.
00:53:42I deserve it.
00:53:43No, you know very well that I'll never do it.
00:53:46You promise?
00:53:49Of course.
00:54:13I promise.
00:54:30I don't understand what you're doing to me.
00:54:33I made a promise.
00:54:35It's a little late for promises.
00:54:39I promised to...
00:54:43give you this.
00:54:46What is it?
00:55:06Why me?
00:55:08I don't know.
00:55:09He told me about the ladies and the arms raised.
00:55:11I admit, I didn't quite understand.
00:55:16Where is he?
00:55:18He's still abroad.
00:55:20When is he coming back?
00:55:22I don't know.
00:55:23Not right now.
00:55:25It's complicated.
00:55:28I don't understand.
00:55:32I promised him not to say anything.
00:55:33I'm sorry.
00:55:39I'm sorry.
00:55:51What are you doing here?
00:55:53We have a permission to leave.
00:56:00Who wrote this letter?
00:56:02The doctor, of course.
00:56:04You really think so?
00:56:05Do you want me to call him?
00:56:18We'll find another solution.
00:56:20Don't worry.
00:56:34Where did you write this?
00:56:36Did you find Françoise?
00:56:40You're both ridiculous.
00:57:02Look at me.
00:57:05Françoise has been my passion for years.
00:57:09You don't know anything about her.
00:57:12And you're nothing to her.
00:57:25I feel sorry for you.
00:57:39I love you.
00:58:09I love you.
00:58:30Would you mind getting up?
00:58:32You're in a museum.
00:58:35Have you tried?
00:58:39It's incredible.
00:58:42I feel like a four-year-old.
00:59:00Your shoes.
01:00:10I love you.
01:00:12I love you.
01:00:40I love you.
01:00:48Would you like another one?
01:00:50I can't. I have to leave soon.
01:00:53I have to go to my office. I have an appointment with a client.
01:00:59Do you think we'll see each other again?
01:01:03I didn't dare ask you.
01:01:05Would you give me your number?
01:01:08And your name?
01:01:20I'd like yours too.
01:01:21My name is Françoise.
01:01:25And your phone number?
01:01:27I can't give it to you.
01:01:29My husband is jealous. A simple detail drives him crazy.
01:01:31My husband is jealous. A simple detail drives him crazy.
01:02:01I love you.
01:02:02I love you.
01:02:40You'll see, it's wonderful.
01:03:01You'll see, it's wonderful.
01:03:31You'll see, it's wonderful.
01:04:01Have you been awake for a long time?
01:04:11Have you been awake for a long time?
01:04:15I don't want to go home.
01:04:31I don't want to go home.
01:05:02Hello, this is Jacques Mailleux's phone.
01:05:05Sorry, I'm not available at the moment.
01:05:07Please don't call me back.
01:05:11Hello, this is Jacques Mailleux's phone.
01:05:14Sorry, I'm not available at the moment.
01:05:16Please don't call me back.
01:05:24Hello, this is Jacques Mailleux's phone.
01:05:26Sorry, I'm not available at the moment.
01:05:31Hello, this is Jacques Mailleux's phone.
01:05:35I won't give you three days to get dumped.
01:05:38Nobody, nobody, do you hear me?
01:05:41Can't you last more than three days?
01:05:45You'll see, he'll disappear.
01:05:46Like the others.
01:06:01Like the others.
01:06:05Before ten, the flutter disappears and everything is fine.
01:07:03I should please.
01:07:31I should please.
01:08:01I should please.
01:08:32Where did you get this painting?
01:08:34You're going to make me happy by taking it off.
01:08:35No way.
01:08:37You're mistaken, it's not a paper.
01:08:40Go ahead.
01:09:01Go ahead.
01:09:31Go ahead.
01:10:01Go ahead.
01:10:15Open the door, please.
01:10:20I'd like to talk to you before I leave.
01:10:31I'd like to talk to you before I leave.
01:11:02You're a real pervert, my dear friend.
01:11:04I'm chasing you out the front door, you're not coming back.
01:11:08I was going to give Françoise a ring.
01:11:11Your painting has made my gift...
01:11:16Don't you suffer enough?
01:11:24What's with that little smile?
01:11:27You think Françoise doesn't know you're here?
01:11:29Are you really naive?
01:11:31No, I'm not.
01:12:02You're not going to spend your life in front of this painting, are you?
01:12:14You're not going to spend your life in front of this painting, are you?
01:12:24Leave me a little space.
01:12:26We can look at it together if you want.
01:12:31You're ridiculous.
01:13:01Leave me a little space.
01:13:31Leave me a little space.
01:13:58Hello, Doctor.
01:13:59Come in, please.
01:14:00I'm looking for my brother.
01:14:03Have a seat.
01:14:08Your brother has a new room.
01:14:11I don't understand.
01:14:12Is there a problem?
01:14:15He finally has his own room.
01:14:17I promised him before his treatment.
01:14:19I don't understand.
01:14:20He really likes his neighbor.
01:14:22Who told you?
01:14:23I told him.
01:14:29And you, what did you promise him?
01:14:33He seems to be a very secretive boy.
01:14:36You should never hide anything from your doctor.
01:14:43He's not very talkative, is he?
01:14:47Let's go see your brother.
01:14:53Let's go.
01:15:24Look at this beautiful room.
01:15:27Where is Jacques?
01:15:28I'll explain.
01:15:29First, tell me what you think of this room.
01:15:32I think it's very good.
01:15:34Have a seat.
01:15:36Imagine that you are in your brother's place.
01:15:38Look at the beautiful view from his bed.
01:15:43And lie down.
01:15:45Lie down.
01:15:46You can do that for him.
01:15:48You can do that for him.
01:15:50You can do that for him.
01:15:51You can do that for him.
01:15:53Come on, make an effort.
01:15:54They are very comfortable.
01:15:55So you can talk to him.
01:15:58So what effect does it have to be lying down here?
01:16:01Imagine that you are here for the rest of your days.
01:16:03It completely changes the way you look at a space, doesn't it?
01:16:07Are you trying to send me a message or what?
01:16:09You'll see.
01:16:10Messages are everywhere now.
01:16:12We are in the era of zero tolerance.
01:16:13The slightest mistake, paf!
01:16:14We'll lock you up.
01:16:15Be careful.
01:16:16No one is safe.
01:16:18I don't really follow your humor, Dr. Lepage.
01:16:20Where is my brother?
01:16:24He was suffering from a headache.
01:16:27We transferred him to another hospital to do some tests.
01:16:30But how come a headache?
01:16:31Nothing serious, I hope.
01:16:32No, no, no.
01:16:33No, no, no.
01:16:34Nothing serious, no.
01:16:35I'll keep you posted.
01:16:37As soon as possible.
01:17:30I'm leaving.
01:17:32Naked? Like this?
01:17:33I can't get dressed.
01:17:35It's the first time I've enjoyed looking at myself.
01:17:39You're pregnant.
01:17:41I love that word, madness.
01:17:47I don't want you to get hurt.
01:17:48Look at my belly.
01:17:50It's going to get bigger.
01:17:53The bigger it gets, the more I'll get away from you.
01:17:56You can't imagine how much freedom I feel.
01:17:58But you can't live alone.
01:18:00I'm not alone anymore and I don't need you anymore.
01:18:02Then come, I'll take care of you.
01:18:03Don't touch me.
01:18:05You won't last a week.
01:18:07His brother is waiting for me.
01:18:09I told him I was pregnant.
01:18:19Where are you going?
01:18:24Come back tomorrow morning when the doctor is here.
01:18:27Sir, I can't do anything for you.
01:18:28Besides, the visiting hours have ended a long time ago.
01:18:30Stop talking to me like you're sick.
01:18:32Open this fucking gate!
01:18:33Sir, please be reasonable.
01:18:35We can't open the gate.
01:18:40Open this gate, my husband is aware.
01:18:41But I received...
01:18:42I'm telling you, my husband is aware.
01:18:46Okay, madam.
01:18:48Let's go.
01:19:18Let's go.
01:19:53Regis, do you recognize me?
01:19:55I'm Jacques's brother.
01:19:56I'm looking for him.
01:19:58Where is he?
01:20:05I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:07I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:09I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:11I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:13I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:15I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:16I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:20:24You know him?
01:20:26Yes, we have a long history.
01:20:36Regis, I'm Françoise.
01:20:37But you knew he was here.
01:20:39No, my husband didn't want me to come.
01:20:41She's lying.
01:20:43She's been here several times.
01:20:46She's a liar.
01:20:47She's a horrible liar.
01:20:48Calm down.
01:20:50I didn't know.
01:20:51I swear, I didn't know.
01:20:53Tell him you're lying.
01:20:55Do you hear me? Tell him.
01:20:56Tell him.
01:20:57You're a horrible liar.
01:20:59It's because of you that I'm locked up here.
01:21:13We're getting out of here.
01:21:18I didn't know.
01:21:20Believe me.
01:21:23I'll take care of you, I promise.
01:21:37I'm sorry.
01:21:38I didn't see anything.
01:21:59Where are you going?
01:22:02It's too late.
01:22:03You can go out tomorrow.
01:22:08Be reasonable.
01:22:09Go back to your room.
01:22:12But Françoise...
01:22:14Go back to your room.
01:23:22Do you know him?
01:23:26Then why are you smiling at him?
01:23:28I wasn't smiling at him.
01:23:29He was smiling at me.
01:23:36Do you want me to invite him to our table?
01:23:38Stop it, Jacques.
01:23:421, 2, 3, 4, 5.
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