Basic instinct 2

  • 2 days ago
Novelist Catherine Tramell is once again in trouble with the law, and Scotland Yard appoints psychiatrist Dr. Michael Glass to evaluate her. Though, like Detective Nick Curran before him, Glass is entranced by Tramell and lured into a seductive game.

Michael Caton-Jones
Joe Eszterhas, Leora Barish, Henry Bean
Sharon Stone, David Morrissey, David Thewlis

00:01:42Guess what?
00:01:49Yeah, well you don't have to you're in a car
00:02:00Am I trying like a pro
00:05:07Did you try to help him get free
00:05:13Briefly yes when it came down to it, I guess my life was more important to me than his
00:05:21Selfish, huh?
00:05:28We found these
00:05:34your spider
00:05:36Actually, I don't drive a spider anymore
00:05:39Now I have a c8 la violette. It's lighter faster
00:05:44swims better
00:06:10These three contain traces of ketamine the same as we found in your blood and his this one had
00:06:17pure D tubo curare DTC
00:06:21Which we only found in him
00:06:25Must have been something he took at the party. No DTC is not a party drug
00:06:30Along with the other stuff in his blood it paralyzed his lungs
00:06:34Kevin Franks did not drown Kevin Franks had already stopped breathing by the time you drove off the road
00:06:41Kevin was definitely breathing when we went off the road. How do you know he was making me come?
00:06:47What you were having sex at 100 miles an hour
00:06:52110 I must have hit a pothole
00:06:57Your friend Dickey pep
00:06:59Says he sold you 15 milliliters of DTC last Thursday. I don't know any Dickey pep, but he's lying
00:07:08Are you are why would he lie?
00:07:10Because you've got him on some other charge and he's trying to deal his way out if he even exists
00:07:19You don't seem too upset by what's happened, of course, I am I'm traumatized
00:07:27Who knows if I'll ever come again I
00:07:33Want that cunt in jail, we haven't got a case for it. Well just fucking make one, please
00:07:40And she asked for bail they'll order a psychiatric I'll make sure we get somebody good
00:08:11Dr. Glass. Hello. I'm Henry Rose. Mr. Mouse solicitor. This is Catherine. No, I
00:08:19Should be present during the evaluation
00:08:22Well, that's fine by me I will be asking mr. Mouse on fairly personal questions, but she doesn't mind you being present
00:08:28My client understands and she agrees. I should be present for maybe dr. Glass is writing. We should be alone for this
00:08:35Catherine I strongly advise you not to contemplate. Is this where we're gonna do it?
00:08:56I assume mr. Rose told you the purpose of this evaluation. I'm applying for bail in a murder case
00:09:02The crown wants to know if I'm a danger to myself or others
00:09:06You're the crown shrink. So you'll say I'm dangerous. My shrink will say I'm not and the judge will flip a coin
00:09:14And he told you that anything you tell me can be quoted verbatim a testimony and can affect the outcome of your case
00:09:19You can quote me all you want
00:09:21Thank you
00:09:24Well, I see that you're a writer
00:09:28What you write about
00:09:30Murder sex violence
00:09:33Do you ever write about yourself?
00:09:35Not into autobiography
00:09:37Really? Why not?
00:09:39Maybe I like to just sit back and get other people to reveal themselves
00:09:46For instance you look a little divorced what makes you think I'm divorced the ringline hasn't faded
00:09:57You're very observant, yeah, but am I wrong would it bother you if you were wrong would it bother you if I was right
00:10:10Tell me something you're afraid of
00:10:20Like to take risks
00:10:25Like taking drugs and having sex in a speeding car like talking to me without having a lawyer present
00:10:33Actually, that was your idea
00:10:36Like being on trial for murder. That's risky. You'd end up in prison
00:10:40Not if I'm innocent Oh innocent people end up in prison all the time not rich innocent people who are represented by Henry Rose
00:10:48That case isn't really exciting unless you're guilty
00:10:54Oh, I bet you'd like to take risks don't you dr. Glass I'm not the one who's on trial for murder
00:11:10Sorry, you're not allowed to smoke in here
00:11:20You know what I like about you you enjoy being in control
00:11:32Like me
00:11:52Would say extremely intelligent
00:11:54gifted accomplished
00:11:56Yet inside I believe she vacillates between a feeling of godlike omnipotence and a sense that she simply doesn't exist
00:12:04Which of course is intolerable
00:12:07Do you consider mr. Mel to be mentally impaired
00:12:11Not by legal definition. No
00:12:14If released is she likely to commit a violent crime. I
00:12:20Believe mr. Mel's behavior is driven by what we might call a risk addiction a
00:12:25Compulsive need to prove to herself that she can take risks and survive dangers that other people can't
00:12:30especially the subsequent encounters with the police or
00:12:33the powers that be
00:12:35Why would a person do that well the greater the risk the greater the proof of her omnipotence
00:12:41her existence really
00:12:43when you say she has a
00:12:45Risk addiction is this condition likely to get worse?
00:12:50All addiction is progressive. The addict will always need to take greater and greater risks
00:12:54And if other people are hurt or killed as a result of her behavior, that's not likely to stop her
00:13:01No, I think the only thing that would stop her
00:13:06I suspect the only limit for her would be her own death
00:13:14And she is a danger to herself
00:13:18Yes, I believe she
00:13:45What a big thing you are all of a sudden, what are you doing here Adam?
00:13:50Wait, tell me you're writing about Tramiel a sexy omnipotent killer with a random house. Why would I be writing about that?
00:13:56You don't know she's a killer. I hope she is
00:14:00Pray to God she
00:14:02By the way, I hear you were brilliant in there
00:14:05You're so lucid sometimes. It's just disgusting. It's all about daytime television
00:14:11Denise is always saying you were born for the small screen. And how is my wife these days having fun ex-wife?
00:14:21Is it while we're still here just chatting about killers any chance of talking about George Tesla
00:14:26Who told you about Chesler?
00:14:30That's got the only shrinks worse nightmare
00:14:34A patient in your care suddenly runs amok beats his girlfriend to death with a brick
00:14:39That was seven years ago. Why are you talking to me about it? Now? Not quite seven actually seven in July
00:14:45Come on Michael you were talking to the guy twice a week. He never said anything to indicate he might harm
00:14:50I don't talk about my patients
00:14:53Says that's dead. Can't you talk about them when they're dead? No, not even when they're dead
00:15:28What are you doing here what did you tell Adam Tyler's about George Chesler
00:15:36Can you give us a minute
00:15:39He already knew
00:15:44Really because he said you told me no all I said was
00:15:51Listen, Denise if he writes about that if he puts it on the cover of his stupid magazine, you're just being paranoid
00:15:56So I didn't do anything. That's right. I didn't I was treating a patient
00:16:00I ended up killing his pregnant girlfriend end of story. You make sure he gets that
00:16:15Listen I'm up for the Douglas chair of the University. You know what that means to me. Do you think this is gonna help?
00:16:23Why not I think you're entitled to since you've been fucking him for over a year
00:16:30What do you think I didn't know when it started
00:16:46So, how was the court case with the mystery writer I hear she looks fabulous so very intelligent pathological liar narcissistic
00:16:55seductive manipulative
00:16:57Do you think she killed the footballer I have no idea
00:17:01Everything she does is so perfectly composed. It's like it's designed to confuse or confound you you never know
00:17:08What's truth and what is she's brilliant really?
00:17:11The mask psychotic your favorite type. I'm already working it into a paper
00:17:16Risk addiction and omnipotence. You're writing another one already. I'm writing too, but this is the more interesting. I'll catch you up
00:17:23I know glass. It's Roy Washburn. You near the television set
00:17:31What happened the judge let her go let her go why we had a guy who said he sold to the DTC
00:17:37The judge found out he perjured himself in another case and disqualified him as a witness. So she's back on the street
00:17:43I'll make you a bet
00:17:45So she'll do it again
00:17:47Soon only this time I will fucking nail the bitch
00:18:11So we have been considering those who wish to control others
00:18:15Through their insecurity and their narcissism
00:18:18Now to study Nietzsche psychobiographically may at first seem a bit naive
00:18:23Wasn't it partly Nietzsche's works itself which through deconstructive and poststructuralist readings and thus the death of psychobiography
00:18:36Well, Paul Portman said he might go over to the Tavistock I'm thinking myself I'm like
00:18:42Just be patient stay we are for about
00:18:48Dr. Gerst Michael class
00:18:53So your view of my book
00:18:56It didn't really understand what I was saying about the analytic field. That's almost the end. You made one or two
00:19:02interesting remarks
00:19:04If you'll drop by one of these days so we can discuss it be honest. Thank you very much
00:19:12One or two interesting remarks that was a compliment Michelle, dr. Gerst was very impressed
00:19:18And it appears that our Michael has just been knighted
00:20:05Can I ask you a question sure
00:20:09Day I see you writing and I'm thinking what is he writing about? Is it novel?
00:20:17No, but there was a novelist in it really
00:20:24I can't tell you that. Otherwise, I'd have to kill you
00:20:30Must be someone famous
00:20:48Excuse me, dr. Glass Peter O'Steady's Adam Taylor's assistant our Bain magazine
00:20:57Mean if I join you
00:20:59Adam asked me to come down and see if you'd be willing to give us a quote
00:21:03But the article is right. I believe he mentioned it to you
00:21:07He didn't seem to think you'd want to talk to him
00:21:17Take that as a no comment then
00:21:37Dr. Glass
00:21:42Mr. Mo
00:21:45What are you doing here wanted to talk to you about the evaluation
00:21:51Some of the things you said I've been thinking about him a lot
00:21:58Well, I'm sorry you had to hear all that
00:22:04Got a minute
00:22:22Mean being
00:22:24Addicted to risk
00:22:27But having to do more and more dangerous things
00:22:31After you said it I
00:22:34Realized I was
00:22:39What exactly scared you
00:22:43For weeks before the accident I was having the same
00:22:49Fantasy over and over again I
00:22:53Even wrote about it
00:22:55The woman's driving in the car. The man's making her come
00:23:01She drives off the road the man's killed I
00:23:04I feel like maybe I made it all happen
00:23:10That's why I'm here you're saying you'd like to go into treatment
00:23:17Yeah, I think that's a very good idea I
00:23:23Wouldn't be able to treat you myself, of course, but I'd be happy to refer you to a colleague
00:23:27Why can't you treat me?
00:23:28It's not advisable for a doctor who's done a forensic evaluation to then become that person's therapist why not
00:23:35Therapy requires a great deal of trust
00:23:38Which is difficult for most people. That's why it's best to start with a clean slate
00:23:43You mean you don't trust me
00:23:48What I said about you at the hearing I
00:23:51Must have seemed very negative and I'm sure you've got feelings about that
00:23:55Nonetheless, I'd be happy referring you to another doctor. This is dr. Milena Goddard. She has a clinic here alone
00:24:01You want to know the truth?
00:24:03The reason I agreed to the evaluation was because I thought it would be fun. I
00:24:08never I
00:24:12Never talked to anyone who
00:24:30Patience here
00:24:38What do I owe you you don't owe me anything, but if you'd like to call dr. Goddard, I'm sure she can help
00:24:47I don't shop around like you said trust is very hard to come by
00:24:54Hoping I might find it with you
00:25:01Listen why don't we schedule another meeting and then we can talk about this when we're not so rushed
00:25:54Look different today more relaxed the more nervous. I am the more relaxed people think I am
00:26:03Actually, I wanted to talk about something you brought up last Wednesday
00:26:07You said before the accident you had fantasies of sexual excitement and driving off the road
00:26:13To often have fantasies like that. I have fantasies all the time
00:26:19Fantasies involving violence
00:26:24People die in my novels I have to think of new and interesting ways to kill them
00:26:31It happens when you don't take risks
00:26:41I'm sorry. There's no smoking in here. It's a rule. I don't like rules. Well, I have some of them and that's one of them
00:26:54After the hearing I was interviewed by a reporter from urbane magazine
00:27:04Adam Towers, he said he knew you slightly why?
00:27:11He told me about the chest off case I was impressed by what you did
00:27:18You knew chess off was dangerous still you protected him
00:27:25You honored his confidentiality even at risk to yourself
00:27:32Do you think you made the right decision or do you think you fucked up
00:27:39Given what I knew at the time I made the right decision
00:27:45So you still believe in confidentiality within legal limits what exactly you're concerned with here
00:28:01Told you that I killed Kevin Franks, would you report me to the police?
00:28:10No, anything that happened in the past I wouldn't discuss outside this room
00:28:19But if you told me you're going to murder someone specifically and I thought you were serious
00:28:25Then yes, I go to the police. I
00:28:29Might be manipulating you to create risk for myself
00:28:37Do you want to talk about what happened to Kevin
00:28:44No, not really I was just checking your policy
00:28:50So have you decided
00:28:54About taking me on as a patient
00:29:02Shooter had an ex-wife a drinking problem a drug problem a complicated sex problem
00:29:07He was barely aware of and a tremendous amount of free-floating rage in short
00:29:13He was a cop and a very good one on
00:29:16The morning of March 3rd woman now naked at the foot of the bed her back to him her head on a pillow
00:29:23Shooter raked his fingers through her blonde hair and twisted it tight
00:29:27She groaned her breath catching as he suddenly yanked her hair like a rider pulling on a horse's mane
00:29:34The veins on his arms began to bulge as he roughly
00:29:41Remember that cop Washburn
00:29:44To him the fact that wasn't upset about Kevin Franks
00:29:49Was proof that I must have killed him
00:29:53And when I wouldn't break down
00:29:57He hit on me
00:30:01It's on you yeah, he said that if I fucked him things would go easier
00:30:08Homicide cops are usually smarter than that. I
00:30:13Knew one once in San Francisco
00:30:18Nick Coran
00:30:21They called him shooter
00:30:23we used to get in his car and
00:30:25Ride around listening to 9-1-1 calls on his scanner
00:30:29And speed over
00:30:31We ever been to a murder scene right after it happened
00:30:39The body's still warm
00:30:43The watch is still ticking
00:30:46You can smell the blood
00:30:50We'd hang around for a while and then go have sex in Nick's car
00:31:01Nick used to say death is always there
00:31:06It's the only thing that's real
00:31:09Except maybe sex sometimes
00:31:12But only sometimes I
00:31:17Fucked this guy last night
00:31:21They fucked him for hours, you know, we did everything to each other
00:31:27Full screaming Masters and Johnson's greatest hits
00:31:33You know a week from now
00:31:36Probably won't even remember
00:31:39If I was with him when he died
00:31:48Probably would never forget that
00:31:54What I
00:31:57Were you ever with anyone when they died
00:32:16Feel like a cigarette
00:32:21She just walked out
00:32:25How the Kenyan well for her times a weapon everything's a weapon everybody's an enemy
00:32:32Do you think she made it up about the policeman
00:32:37It's so hard to believe anything. She says
00:32:40She's trying to seduce you they always try to seduce you. Yes, but this one's different, isn't it?
00:32:50More fun, maybe be careful Michael
00:32:56By the way, I got a call from that reporter Adam Towers
00:33:01What did he want it's fine I made everything sound incredibly boring
00:33:05I sure didn't mean didn't have a story. But what if he calls someone else?
00:33:07What if he calls guest guest won't talk to a popular magazine reporter? Are you kidding?
00:33:31Published on this occasion and a sole authorship. Well, thank God for that
00:33:36Speaking of God his ghost coming. Well, we can only hope and pray that he comes
00:33:43I'm gonna go for a smoke. Don't talk about anything interesting. Can I get back?
00:33:50So, how are you lifting
00:34:16Thank you
00:34:20The beauty about antisocial behavior is that it takes you away from other people however briefly
00:34:28You're not an analyst
00:34:32I'm a writer
00:34:34Really? What'd you write about? Oh
00:34:38sexual violent
00:34:41Basic instincts. They're the most powerful, aren't they?
00:34:58Elena Oh Michael. I'm sorry. I didn't ask your name
00:35:03Catherine Tramell
00:35:05Milena Goddard
00:35:08You're dr. Gardash, I've heard so many wonderful things about you
00:35:16There you are
00:35:20Elena dr. Glass I see you've met Catherine
00:35:24She's doing research for a novel about an eminent psychoanalyst. I thought she might enjoy an occasion like this
00:35:34Well, may I take a coat
00:35:38Thank you
00:35:40Excuse me
00:35:43Would you put that in my pocket
00:35:50Catherine come this way
00:35:54What's going on this girl's thinking I'll bring you here I'm sure he's no idea who she is
00:36:02Where did you meet her? Oh, she would have met him believe me
00:36:04I can't stay here. Why I've got a patient's here
00:36:17Aren't you asking who's the patient and who's the doctor?
00:36:37You leave him because of me
00:36:42You must have known I'd be here is that a problem I
00:36:47Know some people who play tennis with their shrinks. I'm sure you do
00:36:52Have sex with them sell them drugs work on their screenplays
00:36:56But I don't do that. I
00:36:59Was upset about our session today
00:37:04Apology, that's why I came
00:37:10Well, we can go into that tomorrow
00:37:12I've got a better idea. How about I ditch everybody and we go somewhere quiet for a drink?
00:37:19I've told you I don't socialize with my patients
00:37:24Another one of your rules, don't you get kind of tired of them? You know, that's the nightmare of shrinkdom doctor
00:37:32too many answers too many questions
00:37:34Nobody gets laid
00:37:41Okay, forget getting laid
00:37:46We'll just talk
00:37:49We'll talk tomorrow
00:38:12There you are, oh my god, did you see that woman the girls but with him? Yeah
00:38:19Actually Michelle I was just looking for you
00:38:23Right in there. Well, I was looking for your coat. I thought we could go for a drink. Yeah, that's all right
00:40:12Denise hey, what's happened?
00:40:39Hey, okay
00:40:45It's okay, I'm here now, okay
00:41:31What happened I don't know
00:41:34The doors are locked I just came in I just saw him lying there
00:41:41We call the police
00:42:34Hello Michael
00:42:37What are you doing it it's my wife my ex-wife she found him like that and then she called me I
00:42:50See and how did she happen to find him like that?
00:42:56Well, they've been seen each other, you know
00:43:03Since when
00:43:06It's why I moved out
00:43:09So I assume you weren't the best of friends
00:43:17As I saw you talking to him after the trim L hearing yeah, it was just journalist stuff, you know
00:43:22He was asking me questions about trouble
00:43:25You think she killed him?
00:43:33Denise no. No, not a chance. I've known her for a long time. She could never do anything like that
00:43:43Listen right after I've told my story twice so if it's all right if I go home
00:43:48All right
00:43:52Well, by the way
00:43:56This yours
00:44:03Just found it on the floor
00:44:05How did it end up in the rubbish I
00:44:09Stepped on it. It was leaking. I just threw it away
00:44:16Can I go
00:44:21Yes by all means
00:45:27Assume you know Adam Towers was killed
00:45:31Why would I
00:45:34Because of Denise
00:45:36Denise your wife your ex-wife. Yes. I know who she is. How do you know her?
00:45:42Adam introduced us a couple of times
00:45:45Was all very open. I knew about her. She knew about me knew what about you
00:45:54That I was seeing him to
00:45:57The Masters and Johnson guy that was him so you were sleeping with Adam Towers
00:46:09So, of course Washburn thinks I killed him why would he think that I
00:46:15Kill because I'm addicted to risk
00:46:19We're to prove that I exist. I'm not really sure which one it is
00:46:22I never said you killed anybody, but you think I did you think I killed Kevin Franks?
00:46:27And now you're wondering if I killed Adam Towers. Why don't you just ask me or is that?
00:46:37Did you kill him if I said I didn't would you believe me
00:46:46Depends on what the quality of my performance
00:46:52You know what?
00:46:53I'm glad Adam Towers is dead and you should be glad to if you're too uptight. I'll be glad for you
00:47:00It's whoever killed him. Did you a favor?
00:47:04Yeah, if he'd written that article about Cheslop it would have ruined your career
00:47:09Well, you still haven't told me if you killed her. Can you put that out, please?
00:47:15Put out now or you can leave okay
00:47:22Is that better
00:48:05When you think about fucking me and I know you do
00:48:12How do you picture it?
00:48:18Oh, I know you can't answer me so just think it
00:48:24Do you want it straight up you on top me on top
00:48:30Do you want it from behind
00:48:36On your knees my face in the pillow
00:48:41Do you want to beat me up just a little
00:48:47Not too hard. Oh
00:48:51A little harder than that
00:48:57Do you want to come in my mouth
00:49:02What if I told you that I masturbate thinking about you
00:49:09That I make myself come thinking about you making yourself come
00:49:26Guess we're out of time for today
00:49:39I'm terminating therapy. Send me the bill
00:50:17Are you feeling all right?
00:50:59Mr. Mel, it's dr. Glass here
00:51:02Listen, I'm concerned about how our session ended today
00:51:05If you could call me I'd like to talk through any misunderstandings that there might be between us
00:51:10As soon as you get this message, please just give me a
00:51:15Just call me when you can
00:51:17Even in dr. Glass
00:51:20They have a word sure
00:51:26Hick reek blood that German can I get you anything? No
00:51:34So here's a surprise. I don't towers and a girlfriend besides Denise
00:51:40Guess who?
00:51:43Catherine Tramiel
00:51:46Well, you don't look surprised she's a private patient of mine, oh I see since when how long
00:51:54So your ex-wife and your private patient were both screwing Adam towers
00:51:59That's quite a coincidence it if they know each other. I don't know. I don't think so. Did you?
00:52:07So anyway
00:52:09Tramiel's prints were all over towers apartment along with lots of others, obviously
00:52:13But what's interesting is the last call he made was to her mobile phone 90 minutes before he died
00:52:19Her story is she was out walking all that time two hours strolling around Clark and well, and nobody saw her. So
00:52:26Come on, Michael
00:52:28Talk to me
00:52:30Can't tell you anything even if I knew something which I don't
00:52:34Look Frank's was a first tower is a second. There's bound to be a third. This goes beyond confidentiality
00:52:40You've got a legal obligation to protect a potential victim
00:52:43You can't lock somebody up just because you think they might do something
00:52:48All right, why don't you tell me what you know about this article towers was writing about you and our old friend George Chislow
00:52:57Who told you he was writing an article his editor
00:53:01His editor
00:53:03Apparently he'd been very busy and a lot of information on you
00:53:08What and you think I killed him stop him writing some stupid article
00:53:14But just for the record, why don't you tell me how you spent last night?
00:53:18Between say 7 p.m. And 2 in the morning, you know broad strokes. I
00:53:24Had patience until 8 p.m
00:53:26And then went to a party and calling of gardens. I left there about 11 with a woman
00:53:31I know we came back here and I was on my knees fucking her when Denise called
00:53:40On your knees
00:53:42Sounds like your evening was better than mine. Did I get a name? So there are no loose ends
00:53:54Look Michael, Adam Towers was fucking your ex-wife and about to do the same to your career. I I gotta ask
00:54:07Michelle Brodwin
00:54:10She's a psychopharmacologist the Victoria Psychiatric Hospital
00:54:18Thank you
00:54:21I'll be in touch
00:54:26Reek blood. What does that mean? I
00:54:33Smell blood
00:54:51Not all of them, of course, but you know some of them
00:54:57Sanctimonious and
00:55:02You know all my friends they drink too much
00:55:05It's not too much coke. Mr. Mouse. It's dr. Glass here again. I'm just a little concerned. I haven't heard from you
00:55:12I was wondering if you're okay
00:55:15Look let me give you my home
00:55:58Now the thing about ghost is this
00:56:00The Selection Committee is just a formality. This is the real interview
00:56:07Relax be direct candid
00:56:20Meet my new Mughal painting not another one
00:56:25An Indian goddess of peace
00:56:27It has a tranquility to it. Don't you think?
00:56:30I wonder what the mayor's are doing loitering so close to her
00:56:34It's obvious
00:56:36They're worshiping her as they should
00:56:39Perhaps that's why she has eight arms to fend them all off
00:56:43Now, why don't you girls go outside while dr. Glass and I have a chat?
00:56:51Come with me
00:56:53Enjoy it
00:56:59So dr. Glass I have a question do you think I'm insane
00:57:07nuts bunkers of my trolley
00:57:10No, no, not at all
00:57:13But I might be if I recommended you for the Douglas chair
00:57:18I'm sorry. I don't understand George Cheslove a
00:57:23major drug dealer
00:57:24How did your care?
00:57:26Brutally mad as his girlfriend an inquiry is held
00:57:31Where detective Roy?
00:57:34Washburn testifies that you acted professionally at all times
00:57:38You're blameless. That's right. I was
00:57:43After the trial
00:57:45You experience what we might term an emotional meltdown
00:57:51occupational underachievement
00:57:53marital problems and
00:57:57Questionable professional combat much discussed at dinner parties around a great city
00:58:05I'm sorry. Now you want my support for the Douglas chair
00:58:14No more chess loves Michael
00:58:28No more chess loves
01:01:44Go out dramatic. Hello. I
01:01:47Know I thought I thought she was in danger, but I know that's not the point
01:01:52She could be a murderer twice over and you're acting like she's a princess. You have to rescue don't patronize me, please
01:02:01It's driving me crazy
01:02:06You're in love with her, aren't you?
01:02:09Not love it
01:02:20You have to terminate this therapy right away
01:02:24Well, it's already done she terminated it herself good if she calls again give her my number
01:02:37I'm a woman. She'll relate to me differently
01:03:25What are you doing here
01:03:27Where she goes I go since when since she started coming to your office five days a week
01:03:39Adam Towers
01:03:40Seems all his research has gone missing all his notebooks audio tapes
01:03:45Even his hard drive everything on George Tesla and Michael glass. You think Catherine has it? I know she does
01:03:51She ever tell you about them when she's chatting up there on the couch, you know, I can't discuss that. Oh, come on, Michael
01:03:57I've been very good to you these past few years. I'm practically a psychopath delivery service. I can't break privilege
01:04:05Pity I have something you might like to know about someone says you've been lying at the chess lab inquest
01:04:14You want me to break privilege
01:04:18Since you're a friend it was your ex-wife
01:04:23You want to sort her out who knows while you're at it she might tell you where towers notes were
01:05:03You do
01:05:09You want a drink
01:05:13Meeting someone at the Atlantic bar
01:05:17Listen to me. Did you tell towers that I lied at the chess lab inquiry?
01:05:23This is always an agenda
01:05:27No, I said you knew he was gonna kill his girlfriend
01:05:32Yes, you did
01:05:34After the inquest you kept saying how you knew all along and how you should have gone to the police I
01:05:38Didn't know Denise. I sensed
01:05:41And I told you that as my wife in confidence. I didn't think you're gonna repeat it in bed to some moron reporter
01:05:49Do you want to ruin my life is that it did you want to ruin my practice your life?
01:05:56Your practice Catherine was right
01:06:00Everything's always about you. What about me? Adam's dead and I'm a murder suspect
01:06:05You'll make washburn keep going on about how I'm not cooperating like I'm a liar
01:06:09I don't know where Adams notes are
01:06:13I'm scared to go out. I'm going out of my mind, but Denise just be careful about Catherine. Okay, tell me what to do
01:08:29Oh Denise
01:08:49Look at me call an ambulance do it now
01:08:59Stay with me
01:09:04Stay with me
01:09:38Have a problem Michael
01:09:43Witnesses say they saw you arguing she was crying you grabbed her. She almost fell down
01:09:50Five minutes later somebody slits her throat
01:09:53Also, there are people here and think you killed Towers Towers
01:09:59What didn't you speak to Michelle? Yeah, but now I'm hearing about this cigarette lighter with your prints
01:10:04I just picked up your ex-wife. Suddenly. She's in a coma just as she's about to say something very
01:10:10Inconvenient for you. I was trying to save a life
01:10:12Inconvenient for you. I was trying to save a life
01:10:20Look I
01:10:21Spoke to towers assistant at a Bain magazine
01:10:24He expected Denise to say that you perjured yourself at the chess lab in me. No, look she wasn't gonna say that
01:10:30Well, what was she gonna say?
01:10:37Sorry guys
01:11:50Your ex and Catherine Tramiel were girl buddies, did you know that?
01:11:57What do you mean girl buddies well according to Catherine they met through towers and they hit it off
01:12:08Fact Denise told Catherine the towers have been trying to pressure her into saying that you've perjured yourself
01:12:14Not Denise or nothing she was gonna say you were clean as a whistle
01:12:19You didn't know the chess lab was gonna kill his girlfriend, did you in fact it came as a complete surprise
01:12:31Of course she's lying
01:12:32How do you know because everything that comes out of her fucking mouth so lie even the truth so lie with her
01:12:38It's just a way of getting you to think what she wants you to think that's her art the art of mind fucking
01:12:43Might have some talent as a writer when it comes to mind fucking she's the all-time genius
01:12:52She really got to you didn't she
01:12:57Do you mean what did she tell you about me?
01:13:02What is this hotel don't play games with me Michael she can pull it off you can't
01:13:12Where do you think you're going someplace else unless you have evidence to charge me
01:13:18Do you I
01:13:22Didn't think so
01:13:54Didn't think so
01:14:02He let you go finally I was worried
01:14:07You lied to Washburn for me why I knew you hadn't hurt Denise
01:14:14How could you know that?
01:14:17Because I know you
01:14:19And I know the cops are keeping you just to play some kind of game what like getting me to talk about you
01:14:25Yeah, but you wouldn't do that
01:14:28Because you're into confidentiality
01:14:34Why were you missing with the news
01:14:37Research for my novel research about what about you?
01:14:44And chest love the mass psychotic
01:14:50The analyst in my book is obsessed with that sort of thing
01:14:56You know Washburn thinks that you slit Denise's throat
01:15:00Me you're the one that hated her maybe I'm acting out your unconscious impulses stop it
01:15:12Do you think it's possible that you want me to be the killer
01:15:15You know how some guys are into blondes and some guys are into killers
01:15:24Isn't that what you're into
01:15:28Isn't that what turns you on
01:15:33It tells me
01:15:39Isn't that why you're over here
01:17:55Is there some way we can talk a beer
01:18:14Guess where you got it. Let's just find out what it is
01:18:18Well, it'd be highly improper of me to accept any evidence in this fashion
01:18:24And take me a few days to get it analyzed
01:18:28You know, you'd have made a good cop Michael
01:18:31I like the smell of blood
01:18:46I'm just thinking about you. I might have some more psychiatric evaluations. Oh, that's very nice
01:18:53But I'm a bit busy at the moment. Oh
01:18:56That's a pity
01:18:57You were so good with Catherine
01:19:00She tells me you're very perceptive
01:19:04Well, she's very perceptive herself I
01:19:09Hope detective Washburn isn't giving you cause for concern
01:19:17What do you mean I'm giving his past record
01:19:24What past record
01:20:28I want to talk to you
01:20:31So now you want to talk look this dirtiest cop in London
01:20:34It doesn't mention him by name, but this detective X is that Roy Washburn?
01:20:43Is it Washburn, excuse me
01:20:56Are you sure look Adam might have been a sloppy writer, but he had excellent sources
01:21:02What about this bit perjury witness intimidation falsifying evidence? Is that true?
01:21:07Fabricating evidence. Yep. Did you have proof? How about Kevin Frank's in the case of the killer orgasm?
01:21:13When I did the assessments on Catherine's from L. I read that report those syringes found in the car contained DTC
01:21:19Yeah, well who found the syringes in the car?
01:21:23Well, why would Washburn do that? I don't thought he did it to set up Catherine to mail. Well, why didn't he write about?
01:21:32That's the whole point he was going to then he got killed
01:22:03Owe you an apology about Roy Washburn. I don't like apologies. I
01:22:11Also don't like people stealing things from my apartment
01:22:18The insulin in case you haven't had it analyzed yet
01:22:24Think so. My friend's diabetic
01:22:28Let yourself out doctor
01:23:26Know Michael
01:23:31What do you want I got the lab analysis back D to bow curare
01:23:37Only that
01:23:39Well, you're sure it's not insulin
01:23:45Can I see the report?
01:23:49You've got some trust issues there Michael you might
01:24:02This isn't an official forensic services report
01:24:08That's an unpreserved or contaminated chain of evidence will be deemed as being inadmissible in a future trial inspector bucking clue. So
01:24:18So do you want to tell me where you found it
01:24:26She's not worth it Michael people are dying and I will have her for it and if you stand in my way
01:24:32I'll fucking have you as well. I can fucking promise you that
01:24:40I've got something. I want to show you get in the car
01:24:47Get in
01:26:03Ruggie give me a minute
01:26:27Who is he Richard Pepevich known to his friends as Dickie pap
01:26:36You know, no look at this
01:26:53We'll have to wait for the lab results, of course, but what's the bedding he's using to bow curare
01:27:02Now do you want to tell me who gave you the sample
01:27:11You don't know she did it
01:27:17But then again
01:27:19Maybe I killed him
01:27:21Hey, isn't that what she's gonna tell you
01:27:24He had something on me. So I killed him
01:27:26Then I pulled down his trousers and jerked him off even though he was dead just to make it look like there was come everywhere
01:27:32To make it look like it was her
01:27:38Towers was right about me. I put him away whatever it takes so fine. Don't trust me
01:27:45But you know Catherine Tramiel better than me
01:27:47And if you've got five seconds when you're not dizzy with the smell of a pussy ask yourself. Do you trust her?
01:28:01She's George Cheslove time is three we both know it
01:28:05The question is how do we put it away now?
01:28:07If you tell the courts that she's made some kind of direct threat against someone
01:28:12No, but if you say she did and that gonna put on a psych ward stopped her from killing someone else
01:28:18Will not be worth it
01:28:20some kind of redemption for Cheslove at last
01:28:27No, I'm prejudiced don't take my word for it
01:28:34Talk to this guy
01:28:41Listen to him
01:29:08Lieutenant Walker, it's Michael. Look thanks for talking to me. It's just that I didn't
01:29:25Darkness had fallen and even before the buzzer sounded Kelly knew it would be the doctor
01:29:32He'd come to accuse her of more crimes
01:29:36They'd fight about that and then have sex and everything would be all right again
01:29:41Except it wouldn't be if he didn't trust her
01:30:21Handsome my new novel. I'm anxious to hear what you think about it
01:30:28I've just been speaking to lieutenant Phil Walker the San Francisco Police Department
01:30:34paranoid Phil
01:30:36Now there's a blast from the past
01:30:39He said you murdered a Johnny bars and two detectives in San Francisco. I was never even charged
01:30:46Grand jury said that Nick Coran's girlfriend did it
01:30:52I'm going to take a jacuzzi care to join me
01:30:56All right, all right, I killed Johnny buzz why I didn't like him
01:31:05For the money to see if I could get away with it
01:31:11To show the death really isn't very important because I was bored and you know how I hate being bored
01:31:19Well, you know what? I'm not gonna do it
01:31:22And you know how I hate being bored
01:31:27Adam Towers Adam was insufferable and you were something special
01:31:34Adam was trying to ruin you just out of spite and I couldn't bear it
01:31:52Denise was good in bed
01:31:55Denise would have spoiled everything. I'd accomplished by killing Adam Tower
01:32:01God you can't tell the truth about anything. Can you?
01:32:06You know, you don't believe me when I say I did it you don't believe me when I say I didn't do it
01:32:12What is the point of talking to you anyway?
01:32:19Oh, come on
01:32:22Why don't you take your clothes off and get in, huh?
01:32:38This is worse than chess love, isn't it this time you knew right from the start what I was
01:32:48And you let it happen again didn't you
01:32:52It's almost like you killed them yourself
01:33:05Who do you think I'm gonna kill next
01:33:13Come on you can figure it out
01:35:10Kelly met the analyst during her little stay at Holloway prison
01:35:15His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue
01:35:19Did Kelly trust the doctor?
01:35:21Did she mean it when she told him she wanted help?
01:35:24Even she wasn't sure
01:35:26If things went well, then she meant it
01:35:29If not, she didn't that way whatever happened. She would be protected
01:35:33She remembered the first time she met Irina at the party in Bloomsbury
01:35:37She felt a deep affinity for the older woman as if the two of them
01:35:41Leaning against the walls silently smoke the next time they saw each other only brought the two women even closer
01:35:46They talked even as dr. Green watched them through the window looking for any sign of conspiracy Kelly found herself opening up
01:35:54Trusting the older woman revealing things about herself. She hadn't told. Yes. Kelly thought she liked Irina was trustworthy
01:36:02intelligent beautiful
01:36:05It was a pity Kelly was going to have to kill her
01:36:25Dressed carefully. She liked to be well-dressed when she killed
01:36:31Killing Irina and telling dr. Green she was planning to do it. That was the riskiest thing she could do
01:36:55Much as Kelly hated her shrink. She also loved him
01:37:01She took a last glance at herself in the mirror
01:37:05Irina deserved a good death and Kelly would give it to her
01:37:10Hello, this is Roy Washburn
01:37:13Roy is Michael glass. Look come as soon as you can with 23 Highgate Street
01:37:19Hampstead I
01:37:21Think Catherine is going to kill Milena Goddard
01:37:31It was almost midnight by the time dr. Green got to Hampstead
01:37:53Could listen
01:37:56We don't have much time you're in danger. She's gonna try and kill you talking about who's trying to kill me
01:38:09But I was wrong I should have listened to you I'm gonna try and get a section is the only thing that will stop
01:38:16I've already spoken to Catherine
01:38:22She's very upset you terrified her I
01:38:27Terrified her
01:38:28She's a multiple murderer. She's already admitted it Christ's sake Michael. You had sex with your own patient. You assaulted her. She nearly drowned
01:38:36You've broken the law not to mention the
01:38:38Entire ethical canon of our profession. No Milena wasn't like that. I don't Michael. Listen to me, please
01:38:44You're not well
01:38:47You're the one who needs help
01:38:52I've spoken to to Gerst and he thinks that he thinks if you volunteer for a 28-day observation
01:38:59You might be able to avoid criminal charges
01:39:01However, they they will have to revoke your license
01:39:10She's right it's for your own good Michael
01:39:19She asked me to take over her treatment
01:39:23She's my patient now
01:39:25Please don't
01:39:31He's no idea what you're getting into
01:39:35Tell her the truth
01:39:39Tell her the truth
01:39:42Well, I'll make it
01:40:07She's right, you know, you really do need help
01:40:25So what's this about?
01:40:29Protection. Oh, yeah from who?
01:40:41Go ahead
01:40:47Kelly lash kills Irina. Dr. Green's colleague now. I read your book
01:40:53So you just rushed right over here to save her
01:40:57It's just a story doctor or maybe I really am omnipotent
01:41:05The control freak finally, let's go. This is what you wanted from the start wasn't a to ruin me to fuck me up
01:41:13It's good, doesn't it?
01:41:18No more I should have stopped chess love from killing his girlfriend
01:41:24No more whining over nothing
01:41:28It wasn't over nothing it was
01:41:31Cheslough did not kill his girlfriend
01:41:35Washburn did
01:41:40What do you think Adam Towers was writing about when he was killed?
01:41:46You're a lion fucking bitch
01:41:49Sure, I am if it makes it easier for you
01:41:56Where did he kill the government
01:42:00To nail chess love
01:42:13That's right
01:42:16Your seven years of hell
01:42:19You meltdown your divorce
01:42:25Just so your good friend Roy could nail a truck dealer
01:42:38Ah, don't take it so hard even Oedipus didn't see his mother coming
01:42:57Give me a gun
01:43:03He knows I've got towers notes he wants to see me dead
01:43:08He's gonna kill me and he's gonna say you did it
01:43:15You don't know what you're doing give me the gun give me the gun he's gonna kill me give me the gun give me the gun
01:43:42Never she told you she's lying
01:44:37Got it
01:46:03Hello Michael
01:46:10Brought you a present I
01:46:15Know you read an earlier draft, but you gave me a better ending. So, thank you
01:46:35She liked me to tell you the plot
01:46:42Got an American a
01:46:46Blonde a novelist
01:46:49People around her just keep dying
01:46:52But the question is who's killing him?
01:46:57Is the beautiful blonde novelist a serial killer
01:47:03Or is it the crooked cop
01:47:07Her analyst isn't sure but he goes crazy trying to find out
01:47:14But that's just half the story there's a twist
01:47:20You see the novelist never really killed anybody and neither did the cop
01:47:28The real killer all along
01:47:31It's the shrink
01:47:48You know from the moment he saw her he knew she was the smokescreen he was looking for
01:48:00His best opportunity to get even
01:48:03First he deal with that scumbag journalist
01:48:14See you don't just go around stealing another man's wife
01:48:22It's humiliating
01:48:30Not that she was a complete innocent
01:48:34We can't
01:48:39How could she let that sleazebag touch her
01:48:49It's hurtful and there's some hurts you don't just get over
01:49:01Jealousy can make us do crazy things
01:49:15Getting away with it
01:49:25That was genius
01:49:29Unfit to stand trial
01:49:33No prison for him just a happy ending in a quiet sunlit
01:49:40peaceful psychiatric Institute
01:49:50Of course that could all be a fiction
01:49:55It might really be insane
01:50:37Miss you