Stephen A. Smith claims Brian Flores did not have the same sources as Mike McDaniel

  • 3 weeks ago
Marcos Mixed Bag! Stephen A. Smith on Brian Flores not having the same sources as Mike McDaniel, like Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Waddle.
00:00I got some sound here from the national pundits pundits.
00:07What does that mean?
00:08I don't know that it's
00:11it's like a judgy person, right?
00:13Yeah. The national talking heads.
00:16That's is that better?
00:17I don't know.
00:17Like, I feel like a pundit.
00:21According to dictionaries, Google can trust an expert
00:25in a particular subject or field who frequently call is called on
00:29to give opinions about it to the public.
00:32Oh, I would consider.
00:35Stephen A. Smith as a pundit.
00:40I would agree.
00:41I would call him a pundit.
00:43Yeah, well, he, as usual, gave his opinion.
00:49Very interesting one in regards
00:52to the Brian Flores era of the Miami Dolphins.
00:57All right.
00:59Now, he mentions Brian Flores did it without Jalen Waddle.
01:04Hmm. Problem.
01:07Jalen Waddle was there.
01:08I don't understand really what he means by that.
01:11But let's hear Stephen A. out, shall we?
01:13Talk and brag about how Mike McDaniels has done such a bang up job.
01:17That's a great job.
01:18But that's not what Brian Flores did.
01:21Well, I recall Brian Flores winning about 10 games in the season.
01:24I recall Brian Flores having Ryan Fitzpatrick.
01:27Now, what he said, according to Tua, is inexcusable, egregious.
01:31It was beyond apparel.
01:32It crossed the line.
01:33And nobody's here to defend Brian Flores' behavior
01:37towards Tua Tungvaluwa if those things were true.
01:40But the other side to this, guys, is this.
01:43Brian Flores didn't have Tyreek Hill.
01:46Brian Flores didn't have Jalen Waddle.
01:48I mean, you know, we're talking like Brian Flores goes out the building.
01:53Mike McDaniels comes in the building.
01:56Same identical scenario, but different results.
01:59That's not true.
02:01What would Brian Flores have done if he had Tyreek Hill and Jalen Waddle?
02:04What would he have done if he had those brothers?
02:07I'm just asking, because see, those are the kind of questions to me
02:11that are relevant, because when we talk about Mike McDaniels, again,
02:15he deserves this contract extension, Shea Shea.
02:17Jeff Saturday, he deserves it.
02:18I'm not trying to imply that he doesn't.
02:21But when we talk about him like it's such an it's
02:24such an incredible upgrade from Brian Flores.
02:29All right, there you go.
02:31Well, yes, as you point out, Marcos.
02:34Yeah, he did have Jalen Waddle.
02:36Jalen Waddle actually had more catches with Brian Flores than he did
02:39with in either season with Mike McDaniel set a rookie record.
02:43Um, here's the other thing with Tyreek Hill.
02:45Like everybody's like, oh, he didn't go to Tyreek.
02:47All right.
02:47Tyreek Hill was not available at the time that Brian Flores
02:50was the Dolphins head coach.
02:52Should he have become available?
02:53Maybe they would have gone after him.
02:55But here's the thing that I get a little.
02:56I'm I really kind of want to move on from the Ryan Flores thing.
03:00I really do.
03:01But since we're going to do it,
03:03um, I get a little tired of hearing how the Dolphins didn't go after anybody
03:09when Brian Flores was here, because it's just not true.
03:13Like, yes, Brian Flores had to withstand a stinky season
03:16where they looked maybe historically
03:19like they were on the worst on trajectory to be the worst team ever. Right.
03:24That was bad.
03:24He had to he had to take that one on the chin.
03:26We're questioning claims that he was given.
03:29He was offered lost bonuses from Steven Ross.
03:34However, they did try and offer him up.
03:38Tom Brady, you know, they did try and offer him up.
03:42Tom Brady, who went on to win the Super Bowl.
03:46Now, did he go because he's such a Boy Scout?
03:49And he goes, Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:51I could never tamper or or as he has taken a lot of his stuff from New England.
03:58Did he just think Tom Brady stunk?
04:00Did he just think he was washed?
04:02Either way, they did try and get him, Tom Brady.
04:06They did peruse and snoop around to Sean Watson
04:10before all the allegations came out. Correct.
04:12So it's not like the guy was never in a situation
04:16where they tried to improve things, but when it didn't go his way,
04:20washed out, washed out, was awful to his quarterback.
04:24Yep. Acted like it was such a burden to have him around.
04:28That is right. Tackle two. Right.
04:30Oh, and and Austin Jackson.
04:32And it's been Minka Fitzpatrick.
04:34Yeah, that's off a ship because he didn't like being here.
04:36You call him stinker.
04:37Quits bad.
04:38What did I stand by that?
04:40He was a bit of a baby on Twitter about it.
04:42True. You know, stick it out, stinker.
04:46Still a root for him to get out stink, you know, but
04:50it's not like the Dolphins never went after anybody
04:53when Brian Flores was here.
04:54Like, I get it.
04:56He didn't have Tyreek Hill.
04:58Guess what? He was in Kansas City, not available to Brian Flores at the time.
05:03You know, so and and the whole thing with Jalen Waddell, like, OK, he had this.
05:08Oh, he wasn't. It was a rookie.
05:10He was a pretty great rookie.
05:12And by the way, before the Dolphins got Tyreek Hill,
05:17remember how excited Mike McDaniel was to remember him in the Leviton show?
05:20He was like, oh, who's like a guy in fancy?
05:22We should get. And he was screaming Jalen Waddell.
05:24That's how excited he was to have Jalen Waddell and Jalen Waddell's production
05:30went through the roof, probably because he didn't have a fossil calling plays.
05:34So I don't know, man, I get it.
05:36Did Brian Flores have some elements of getting a raw deal?
05:39Maybe, you know, it's it's definitely
05:43I understand why he's pissed off, because you have a winning record.
05:47Who deserves to get fired?
05:49But also, as we've seen to Stephen Ross and you valuing.
05:55Workplace camaraderie, workplace environment.
05:58This guy seemed like he was really bad at it.
06:01He's even admitted that on the record now.
06:03Yep. A lot of things that I should have changed.
06:05Why Mike McDaniel?
06:07Seems to have a harmonious workplace that he's built.
06:10Ultimately, yes.
06:11Getting the playoff wins are the most important thing.
06:14Nobody's going to care about the other stuff.
06:16But Brian Flores didn't playoff wins either.
06:18And it's not like the Dolphins never offered up.
06:21Hey, we got big improvements that could be on the on the horizon for it.
06:23He goes, oh, I could never go on a boat with Tom Brady.
06:26Oh, that old who knew, knew, knew, knew.
06:30You know, like it's so
06:33I don't know.
06:34It's it's one of those things where.
06:37I'm not going to be completely
06:41deaf to understanding why Stephen Ross is looking at that
06:44and feeling like Brian Flores got a raw deal.
06:46But we got to say, hey, guess what?
06:49Sometimes you're Mark Jackson and sometimes you're Steph Curry.
06:53I mean, you're you're Steve Kerr, where you like you have the guys
06:56and then those guys take their leap.
06:58Yeah. You know, like it's it's it's it's unfortunate.
07:01But I don't I don't understand.
07:04Like, we're going to continue to say poor Brian Flores never got Tyree kill.
07:07Is that going to be on this tombstone?
07:09Yeah, I can imagine that.
07:11Like, you know, the heat would have been good.
07:13It's just they didn't have Michael Jordan.
07:14But by the way, the dude hates personalities.
07:18Yep. Hates big profile guys.
07:20Imagine how he would have dealt with time.
07:21How do you think you would have dealt with Tyree kill?
07:23Because I'm going to say probably not great.
07:25Yeah, true.
07:27Probably would have turned him into like Wes Welker.
07:29Oh, yeah. 200 catches for a thousand yards for for for Tyree kill.
07:34What do you know? Another slant.
