Dora the Explorer - 321 - Baseball Boots

  • 2 days ago
00:00Let's go!
00:01♪ Dora, Dora, Dora, the Explorer! ♪
00:03♪ Dora! Who's that super cool Explorer Dora? ♪
00:06I need your help!
00:07You've got your backpack!
00:08Let's go! Jump in!
00:10Follow us!
00:12Let's go!
00:13♪ Dora, Dora, Dora, the Explorer! ♪
00:15♪ Dora! Who's that super cool Explorer Dora? ♪
00:18I need your help!
00:19You've got your backpack!
00:20Let's go! Jump in!
00:21Follow us!
00:22You can lead the way!
00:25Hey! Hey!
00:26♪ Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora! ♪
00:29♪ Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora, Dora! ♪
00:30Oh, man!
00:32Dora the Explorer!
00:37Hola, soy Dora!
00:42And I'm Boots!
00:46Today we're going to play in a baseball game!
00:49Do you like baseball?
00:52I love baseball!
00:54In baseball, you've got to throw the ball!
00:58I'm great at throwing!
01:01You've got to catch the ball, too!
01:04I'm great at catching, too!
01:06And you've got to hit the ball!
01:15I'm not so great at hitting!
01:18But today is the day I'm going to hit the ball in the baseball game!
01:25I'm really good at throwing, and I catch well with my baseball bat!
01:30I'm really good at throwing, and I catch well with my mitt!
01:33I've played in lots of baseball games, but I've never got a hit!
01:36But when I hit the baseball, I know everyone will cheer!
01:39Hooray for the lucky player of the year!
01:42I'll hit the baseball really far, I'll win the game, I'll be the star!
01:49I practice and I practice, I'll keep giving it my all!
01:51I know that I can hit it!
01:53He really wants to hit it!
01:55I'm really gonna hit the ball!
01:58I know that I can hit it!
02:00I know that you can hit it!
02:02I'm really gonna hit the ball!
02:06I really want to hit the ball!
02:08Will you help me get to the baseball game so I can get my first hit ever?
02:16The baseball game is about to begin!
02:19We have to get to that baseball game fast!
02:24What's the fastest way to the baseball game?
02:27Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
02:31The map!
02:33Will you check the map to find out how to get to the baseball game?
02:37You have to say map!
02:43Who's the guy you need to know when you've got a place to go?
02:46What's my name?
02:47The map!
02:48Say it again!
02:49The map!
02:50Who can help you say, hey, I figured out the way!
02:52What's my name?
02:53The map!
02:54Say it again!
02:55The map!
02:56I'm the map, I'm the map!
02:57He's the map, he's the map!
02:59I'm the map!
03:01Dora and Boots have to get to the baseball game
03:03so Boots can hit the baseball for the first time ever!
03:10Well, I know how to get to the baseball game!
03:13First we have to go over the troll bridge.
03:17Then we go across Pitcher's Pond.
03:20And that's how we'll get to the baseball game!
03:26I see ya!
03:28Oh, and try to catch stars along the way!
03:31So remember, bridge, pond, baseball game!
03:37Say it with me!
03:39Bridge, pond, baseball game!
03:44Bridge, pond, baseball game!
03:50Bridge, pond, baseball game!
03:56Bridge, pond, baseball game!
04:01Where do we go first?
04:05Bridge, right! The troll bridge!
04:10So first we have to find the bridge!
04:12¿Dónde está? Do you see the bridge?
04:16Yeah! There it is!
04:18Come on! Let's all go to the baseball game!
04:21So I can hit the ball for the first time ever!
04:28That sounds like Swiper!
04:30That sneaky fox will try to swipe my bat!
04:33Then I won't be able to hit the ball in the baseball game!
04:36Hot dog, hot dog! I'm a hot dog!
04:39Hey, Dora! That's an awful big hot dog!
04:43That's an awful big hot dog!
04:45I'm a hot dog! I'm a really big hot dog!
04:48I don't think that's just a hot dog, Boots!
04:51Do you think that's just a hot dog?
04:57Yes, I am! I'm a hot dog!
05:01Yes, yes!
05:02Who's inside that hot dog suit?
05:08We have to say, Swiper, no swiping! Say it with us!
05:12Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!
05:17Oh, man!
05:22Thanks for helping us stop Swiper!
05:24Let's put our baseball stuff in the backpack for safekeeping!
05:29Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Delicioso!
05:31Hey, Dora, look!
05:33The troll bridge!
05:36I don't see that grumpy old troll!
05:39Do you see the grumpy old troll?
05:44I'm the grumpy old troll, who lives under the bridge!
05:48Hey, I'm the grumpy old troll, who lives under the bridge!
05:52Who's there?
05:53If you want to come over, all you have to do is this!
05:57All you have to do is this!
06:00Excuse me, Mr. Troll.
06:02But can we go over your bridge?
06:04No one goes over my bridge! Not one, not one, not one!
06:07But we have to go over the bridge!
06:09Yeah, we have to go to the baseball game so I can get my first hit ever!
06:14No one goes over my bridge, unless...
06:17you can catch all the baseballs that I hit!
06:25I love to hit baseballs! Baseball is great!
06:29I love to hit baseballs! Baseball is great!
06:32But to get over the bridge, you have to catch eight!
06:37We need to catch eight baseballs!
06:39I can do it! I'm a really good catcher!
06:42We need to help Boots catch all eight balls!
06:45Ocho pelotas!
06:47If you see a ball, say pelota!
07:30Put your hands in the air and catch the pelota!
07:33Catch it! Catch it! You caught it!
07:36Good catching!
07:38Let's count and see if we caught all eight pelotas!
07:41Count with me in Spanish!
07:43Una, dos, tres,
07:46cuatro, cinco, seis,
07:50siete, ocho!
07:53Great! We caught ocho pelotas!
07:56Eight balls!
08:01You are really good at catching!
08:03You can go over my bridge!
08:05I'm not Grumpy Old Troll! Yes, indeed, that's my name!
08:08But I wish you good luck in your baseball game!
08:15The game is about to start!
08:17Where do we go next?
08:23Baseball game!
08:25We went over the troll bridge!
08:27Where do we go next?
08:32Pond! Right! Pitcher's Pond!
08:39Pitcher's Pond!
08:42We need to find Pitcher's Pond!
08:45¿Dónde está? Where is Pitcher's Pond?
08:51Yeah, there it is!
08:53Come on! Let's all go to the baseball game!
08:56So I can hit the ball for the first time ever!
09:04I start!
09:06Do you start?
09:08Here I am!
09:12Let's play!
09:18Baseball! Baseball!
09:26It's Baseball the Explorer Star!
09:30I'm going to catch the baseball star!
09:35We need to catch all the stars!
09:37Reach up to catch the stars!
09:39Reach up!
09:41Catch them! Catch them! Catch them!
09:44We caught them!
09:46And we got the baseball one!
09:50Baseball! Baseball!
09:52Let's put them in the star pocket!
09:54The star pocket!
09:56Baseball! Baseball!
10:01Good star catching!
10:07Pitcher's Pond!
10:09We need to get across Pitcher's Pond!
10:11We need a boat!
10:13Do you see a boat?
10:17Yeah, there's a boat!
10:19And it looks like a big baseball!
10:25Life jackets!
10:27So we can be safe!
10:33A gate!
10:35How are we going to get through that gate?
10:37To open the gate,
10:39pitch a baseball in the air,
10:41but make sure that you pitch it
10:43at the red square.
10:45Doro, we need a baseball!
10:47We need a baseball!
10:49I know!
10:51Let's call for the baseball star!
10:53Say baseball!
10:57The baseball star!
11:01We have to help the baseball star
11:03find the red square!
11:05Where's the red square?
11:21Look! Another gate!
11:23You opened the first gate!
11:25Nice pitch! Good for you!
11:27Now help your star ball
11:29find the square that is blue.
11:31Let's do it again!
11:33Let's find the blue square!
11:35Where's the blue square?
11:49Another gate!
11:51To open this gate,
11:53find the green square.
11:55But you better look fast,
11:57because here comes a bear!
11:59A bear?
12:05Quick! Where's the green square?
12:13All right!
12:15We have to close the gate!
12:17To get the gate to close,
12:19we say sierra!
12:21Can you say sierra?
12:23Say sierra!
12:29The gate can't do any close!
12:33That was close!
12:37Thanks, baseball star!
12:41De nada!
12:51Where do we go next?
12:57Baseball game!
12:59We went over the troll bridge,
13:01across Pitcher's Pond.
13:03Where do we go next?
13:07Baseball game, right!
13:11We need to find the baseball game!
13:13Donde está?
13:15Where's the baseball game?
13:19Sí, ahí está!
13:21Hurry up! The baseball game's about to start!
13:23Come on! Let's go to the baseball game!
13:25So I can hit the ball for the first time ever!
13:31Hey, wait a minute!
13:33We need our baseball stuff!
13:35Right! We need our ball, our bat,
13:37and our baseball mitts!
13:39Will you check my backpack for all the baseball stuff?
13:41You have to say backpack!
13:45Say backpack! Say backpack!
13:53Backpack, backpack!
13:55Backpack, backpack!
13:57All the backpacks are loaded up
13:59with things and knick-knacks too!
14:01Anything that you might need,
14:03I got inside for you!
14:05Backpack, backpack!
14:07Backpack, backpack! Yeah!
14:09Hola, baseball fans!
14:11We need to find all of Dora's
14:13and Boots' baseball stuff!
14:15Do they need guantes for baseball?
14:17Right! They need mitts for baseball!
14:19Do they need una pelota for baseball?
14:25Sí! They definitely need una pelota for baseball!
14:29Do they need un osito for baseball?
14:33No! That's Dora's teddy bear!
14:35You don't need a teddy bear for baseball!
14:37Is there anything else they need for the baseball game?
14:45Right! The bag!
14:47Boots' bag!
14:49Smart looking!
14:51Good luck in the baseball game!
14:53Yum, yum, yum, yum, delicioso!
14:59Good catch, Boots!
15:03Now we're ready to play baseball!
15:11Hey guys! Bienvenidos!
15:15Good thing you got here!
15:17Hola, prima!
15:19Hey, Boots! We were worried that you wouldn't make it!
15:21Dora! Boots!
15:23You made it just in time!
15:25Papi, Boots is gonna get a hit today!
15:27Right, Boots?
15:31Our best catcher and thrower is going to get a hit, too?
15:33Yep! I've been practicing real hard!
15:35All right!
15:37It's Boots the monkey's turn to try to hit the ball!
15:39Okay, Boots! It's your turn to hit!
15:41If I get a hit, we win the game, right?
15:43That's right, Boots!
15:45Come on, Boots! You can do it!
15:47Today's the day!
15:51The dinosaur team is changing pitchers!
15:53In for Little Pete is Big Mike!
15:59Uh-oh! That's Big Mike!
16:01He throws the ball really fast!
16:03Now remember, Boots!
16:05You have three tries to hit the ball!
16:15Now batting, number two!
16:17Boots the monkey!
16:23You'll never get a hit when I throw the ball!
16:25You'll never get a hit when I throw the ball!
16:27You'll never get a hit when I throw the ball!
16:29You'll never get a hit when I throw the ball!
16:31You'll never get a hit when I throw the ball!
16:41That's okay, Boots! You have two more tries!
16:43Remember to look at the ball!
16:51See? I told you!
16:53This monkey can't hit the ball!
16:55Don't listen to him, Boots!
16:57You can hit the ball!
16:59Yeah, you can hit it! Don't joke, Boots!
17:05I have one more try to hit the ball!
17:07Will you help me hit the ball?
17:11When you see the ball, yell,
17:19Wow! What a hit!
17:21It's going!
17:23It's going!
17:25It's gone! A home run!
17:39I knew you could do it, Boots!
17:41You did it!
17:43Boots did it!
17:45Wow, Boots!
17:47You showed me!
17:51We did it!
17:55We did it!
17:57♪ We did it, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
18:27yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
18:57four stars and we cut baseball star couldn't have done it without you thanks for helping
19:15let's have a catch with baseball try to catch it
19:18good job let's try again try to catch it here we come
19:39let's try to catch him again
19:48catch it
