• 3 months ago


00:00You failed! I finally stole the Krabby Patty!
00:20That's nice.
00:22Aren't you going to try and take it back from me?
00:25Oh goodness no.
00:27Go ahead, take it.
00:28But Mr. Krabs, Plankton will figure out the Krabby Patty formula!
00:31Nonsense. Run along, little fella. Enjoy your Krabby Patty.
00:35Wow, you must have snapped, Krabs. The Krabby Patty formula is finally mine!
00:43What happened?
00:45Oh, just a little security measure I've been working on.
00:47Now all Krabby Patties self-destruct ten feet beyond the Krusty Krab, sucker!
00:53Those Krabby Patties really hit the spot.
00:55Next time you might want to try chewing them. You're going to blow up like a balloon.
01:00Never listens to me.
01:02Oh man, I stole that Krabby Patty fair and square!
01:06Oh, poor wittle baby-wabie. This wittle planksy-wanksy need his nappy-wappy.
01:12Why are you two always fighting? You were best palsy-wowsies once!
01:18Can't you two make up and be friends?
01:20Yee! Those days are over, SpongeBob!
01:23Krabs and I are bitter enemies!
01:25And that's the way we like it!
01:28If only there was some way to bring you two back together.
01:31Forget it, SpongeBob. Nothing will make me friends with Eugene Krabs.
01:37What is that delicious smell?
01:42That doesn't smell delicious!
01:44No, not that. It's coming from this way.
01:48Ah-ha! That delectable odor is coming from that shack!
01:52I must know more!
01:55The Flabby Patty?
01:56Another restaurant. Looks like Krabs has some real competition, eh? Interesting.
02:02Wow! A Flabby Patty!
02:10T-minus three, two, one, liftoff!
02:17That was fantastic!
02:20Forget the Krabby Formula, I must have the Flabby Patty recipe!
02:27Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs, I have great news!
02:30The bank is handing out free samples of money?
02:33There's a new restaurant down the street called the Flabby Patty,
02:36and now Plankton only wants to steal their recipe. Isn't that wonderful?
02:39What? Some imitation patty? He's trying to steal me business?
02:42Oh, but me customers are loyal. They won't leave for some nasty Flabby Patty.
02:52The Flabby Patty shack has stolen all me customers!
02:55Get used to it, Krabs. Your Krabby Patty is old news.
02:59And once I steal the Flabby Patty recipe, your customers will be eating at the chum bucket!
03:03Oh no they won't, because I'll steal the Flabby Patty recipe first!
03:07Hey, stealing recipes is my shtick! You haven't got a chance against me.
03:12Ha! I bet I get that recipe way before you!
03:14Bet you don't!
03:15Bet I will!
03:16Whoa, whoa, whoa now! Instead of competing,
03:19why don't you cooperate and steal the recipe together?
03:27You're a loser, Krabs.
03:28Same to you!
03:34Sweet Flabby Patty, here I come!
03:38Sweet Flabby Patty, here I come!
03:43Digs, SpongeBob, digs!
03:45I'm digging, Mr. Krabs. I'm digging.
03:48I've so got the trap on that Dunderhead, Krabs.
03:52What the...
03:55Krabs, I think we're here.
03:57Recipe thieving is as easy as pie!
03:59Yeah, pie!
04:03Where are you hiding?
04:06Oh, there you are, my sweet.
04:08Mr. Krabs, do you hear something?
04:14I got you, Mr. Krabs! I got you!
04:16Mr. Krabs?
04:33I'll show you.
04:37Don't you see? If you work together,
04:40the Flabby Patty recipe would be yours.
04:42I'll never work with that malignant microbe.
04:44Look what that skinflint did to my antenna.
04:47I've heard all I'm going to hear from the likes of you.
04:49You'll be hearing from my lawyers what you'll be hearing.
04:57Stand aside. Restaurant critic coming through.
05:01I'm a restaurant critic, so I get cutsies.
05:03Cutsies? What's a cutsy?
05:05I get to cut in line, so move aside. Move aside!
05:10What is this world coming to when a fake restaurant critic can't get cutsies?
05:16Okay, so here's the plan. I want you to...
05:20I'm sorry, do you mind?
05:22Let's go someplace more private.
05:26Once I stand in line, I want you to...
05:32Waiting in line here.
05:33Yeah, that's amazing.
05:35Hello? I have an announcement to make.
05:37Ooh, an announcement. We should listen.
05:40It might save your lives.
05:43Um, I need to...
05:48I'm okay.
05:51The fishhooks are coming!
05:56Brilliant work, laddie.
06:03Hey, how come you're not trampled?
06:06That fool Krabs, he blew it again.
06:09He blew it again!
06:12Now to steal that recipe.
06:14Aha! There it is.
06:16And it isn't even guarded.
06:29Looks like you blew it again, Plankton.
06:31I did better than you, Eugene.
06:33Says who?
06:34Now I think we all need to calm down. Fighting is pointless.
06:37You two would have the recipe by now if you only worked together.
06:41Okay, fine. We'll work together.
06:44Yeah, I don't see that working out.
06:46Not to worry, gentlemen. I have a plan.
06:49Oh, yeah. Perfect.
06:51We look ridiculous. Nobody's gonna buy this disguise.
06:54I agree. This is a horrible idea.
06:57See? You guys are agreeing already.
07:00That's the first step to co-operation.
07:07Okay, what's your stupid plan?
07:09Look over there.
07:10Little more. Little more.
07:12The Flabby Patty is hiring.
07:14If you can get the job, the recipe is yours.
07:19Why am I on the bottom?
07:21Stop whining!
07:26Hello. I'm here to steal... No!
07:28I mean, apply for a job.
07:34You're hired.
07:35Your first assignment? Memorize this recipe.
07:38Well, I'm going on break. Keep an eye on the place.
07:41Yes! The recipe is mine!
07:43Not so fast, Krabs!
07:48No, you don't, Plankton!
07:52Give it here!
07:53No, you don't!
08:04Yeah, you like that?
08:05The recipe. We did it!
08:07We co-operated.
08:09Now let's see what's the Flebby that's in this patty.
08:12Four pounds grade A love.
08:14One tablespoon listening.
08:16Two tablespoons understanding.
08:19Mix ingredients thoroughly.
08:21Fold in warm heart.
08:23Sounds like a recipe for cannibalism.
08:25Wait a minute. This isn't a recipe for patties.
08:27It's a recipe for friendship.
08:30You see, boys, this recipe is no secret.
08:33But I do have a surprise.
08:37I started the Flebby Patty restaurant just to get you two rascals to team up.
08:40And so the power of friendship triumphs again.
08:43What? You mean all this was one of your goofball schemes?
08:46Now, now, Krabs. SpongeBob has taught us important life lessons.
08:50Such as, oh, how to fall out of an airplane, for instance.
08:53Yeah. And how to comically bludgeon meself.
08:55In fact, I think it's time we repay him, don't you?
08:59Great idea, pal.
09:02We'll teach you about teamwork.
09:06Get back here!
09:07We should do this more often, Krabs.
