Dora the Explorer - 316 - What Happens Next?

  • 2 days ago
00:00Next on Nick Jr.
00:06Come on!
00:08All right!
00:12Let's go!
00:14-♪ Dora, Dora, Dora, the Explorer! -♪
00:16-♪ Dora! It's a super cool Explorer! -♪
00:19-♪ You need your help? Grab your backpack! -♪
00:21-♪ Let's go! Jump in! -♪
00:23-♪ You can't leave the way! Hey! Hey! -♪
00:27-♪ Dora! It's Dora! It's Dora! It's Dora! It's Dora! -♪
00:30-♪ There goes my meat! There goes my meat! -♪
00:32-♪ Oh, man... -♪
00:33-♪ Dora the Explorer! -♪
00:35Hola, soy Dora!
00:38And I'm Boots!
00:40We're going to read the story about the Three Little Pigs.
00:43Do you know the story of the Three Little Pigs?
00:46I know that one! I know that one!
00:52Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.
00:55Yeah, yeah! Three little piggies!
00:59The first little piggy built a house made of straw.
01:03Along came the big bad wolf.
01:06And the big bad wolf puffed and he puffed and he blew the house down.
01:12The little piggy ran all the way to his brother's house.
01:16The second little piggy built a house made of sticks.
01:20Along came the big bad wolf.
01:22And the big bad wolf puffed and he puffed and he blew that house down too.
01:29And the two little piggies ran to the last brother's house.
01:33The third little piggy built a house made of really strong bricks.
01:38And the big bad wolf puffed and he puffed and...
01:42Could the big bad wolf blow down the house made of bricks?
01:50No, the wolf couldn't blow the brick house down.
01:54You'll never blow my house down, big bad wolf!
01:57And the little piggy was so brave, the wolf gave up and ran all the way home.
02:03The end.
02:05And what happens next?
02:07Well, that's the end of the story, Boots.
02:10But what happens next? I really want to know!
02:14Let's stop and think.
02:15We can use our imagination and make up the rest of the story.
02:20Yeah, yeah, yeah!
02:23The story of the brave little piggy was told throughout the land.
02:31Soon the...
02:33Yeah, yeah, I love kings!
02:36Soon the king heard the story and went to visit the little piggy.
02:40You are very brave, little piggy.
02:42Oh, thank you, thank you, king!
02:44And I need someone brave and fearless to bring my mommy back home.
02:48My mommy's far away and I miss her very, very much.
02:52But, but I'm too scared to get my mommy because you have to go past bears.
02:57And giants.
02:59And dragons.
03:02Only someone brave and fearless like you can make such a journey.
03:05Only someone brave and fearless like you can make such a journey.
03:08Oh no, your majesty! No, no, no!
03:11I'm not brave and I'm not fearless.
03:13And I'm too scared to go get your mommy.
03:19What happens next, Dora?
03:22Just then, a monkey rides in on a horse.
03:26And riding with this monkey is his best friend.
03:29A brave and fearless girl named Dora.
03:32Together they would help bring the king's mommy back home.
03:35Don't worry, king. We're brave and fearless.
03:38Yeah, we'll bring your mommy back home.
03:40Yay! For Dora and Moose!
03:43Thank you, thank you.
03:50Come on, let's go get the king's mommy!
03:53But Dora, we don't know where the king's mommy is.
03:57Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
04:02The map!
04:03The map, right.
04:04Will you check the map to find out where the king's mommy is?
04:08You have to say map.
04:10See map, see map!
04:14I'm the map, I'm the map.
04:16He's the map, he's the map.
04:17I'm the map!
04:19Dora and Boots need to go get the king's mommy.
04:23Do you see the king's mommy?
04:26There she is, at the end of the rainbow.
04:29El Arco Iris.
04:31Well, I know how to get to the rainbow.
04:34First you have to go through the three bears house.
04:38Then you go around the beanstalk.
04:42And that's how you'll get to the rainbow to find the king's mommy.
04:49Oh, stars!
04:52Oh, stars!
04:54Try and catch stars along the way.
04:56So remember, bears, beanstalk, rainbow.
05:02Say it with me.
05:04Bears, beanstalk, rainbow.
05:08Bears, beanstalk, rainbow.
05:13Bears, beanstalk, rainbow!
05:19Bears, beanstalk, rainbow.
05:24El Arco Iris.
05:26Where do we go first?
05:30Bears, right, the three bears house.
05:34So first we need to go through the bears house.
05:38Donde esta? Where is the bears house?
05:44Yeah, there it is.
05:46Come on, let's go get the king's mommy.
05:51Hurry, hurry, the king's all alone.
05:53Let's get the king's mommy and bring her back home.
05:58Look, there's seven dwarfs.
06:00Seven dwarfs were alone each night.
06:02Until they found their friend, Snow.
06:07What was her name?
06:09Snow White.
06:12Look, there's Cinderella.
06:14Cinderella, her clothes are a mess.
06:16To go to the ball she needs a nice...
06:21What does she need?
06:24A dress!
06:27Hurry, hurry, the king's all alone.
06:29Let's get the king's mommy and bring her back home.
06:36We made it to the bears house.
06:39We made it to the bears house.
06:42And the doors open.
06:45But it doesn't look like anyone's home.
06:50Look, there are one, two, three bowls of porridge.
06:55But one's empty.
06:56Someone ate all the porridge.
06:59Look, there are one, two, three chairs.
07:03But someone broke a chair.
07:06And look, there are one, two, three beds.
07:11But someone's sleeping in that bed.
07:14Who's sleeping in the bears bed?
07:18Goldilocks, right.
07:20Hola, I'm Goldilocks.
07:24Uh-oh, who's coming home now?
07:29It's the three bears.
07:31Oh no, the bears don't look happy.
07:34What happens next, Dora?
07:36The bears come home and...
07:39...they're happy to see us.
07:43It's so nice to have visitors.
07:45I was very hungry and ate a bowl of your porridge.
07:48I'm sorry.
07:49That's all right.
07:50We've got plenty more.
07:52And I wanted to sit down, but I broke one of your chairs.
07:55I'm really sorry.
07:57That chair always does that.
07:59You can help fix it.
08:03Let's find a stick that fits in the chair.
08:06Does this stick fit in the chair?
08:11No, that stick's too long.
08:13Does this stick fit in the chair?
08:18No, that stick's too short.
08:20Does this stick fit in the chair?
08:23No, that stick's too short.
08:26Does this stick fit in the chair?
08:32Yeah, this stick is just right.
08:35Now the chair is fixed.
08:37Thanks for helping.
08:41Thanks for fixing the chair.
08:43Come on, we better go now.
08:45We're going to get the king's mommy.
08:48We're going to sleep.
08:49Good luck.
08:54Where do we go next?
09:01El arco iris.
09:03We went through the bears' house.
09:05Where do we go next?
09:10The beanstalk.
09:14We need to find the beanstalk.
09:16¿Dónde está?
09:17Where is the beanstalk?
09:23Yeah, there it is.
09:25Sí, ahí está.
09:26Come on.
09:27Let's go get the king's mommy.
09:32Hurry, hurry, the king's all alone.
09:33Let's get the king's mommy and bring her back home.
09:39Look, it's Little Red Riding Hood.
09:41She's got goodies in her brown box.
09:43She better watch out.
09:44Swipe for the...
09:48Who should she watch out for?
09:51Swipe for the fox.
09:52He'll try to swipe Red Riding Hood's box of goodies for her grandma.
09:56We know what to do.
09:58We have to say,
09:59Swiper no swiping.
10:01Say it with me.
10:03Swiper no swiping. Swiper no swiping. Swiper no swiping.
10:07Oh, man.
10:11And Little Red Riding Hood gives her box of goodies to her grandma.
10:15Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.
10:17Come on, let's go get the king's mommy.
10:23We made it to the beanstalk.
10:25And look, it's Jack and the beanstalk.
10:28And Jack's got a golden egg.
10:31Hi, Jack.
10:33Hola, amigos.
10:36Something funny's going on.
10:41Who says fee-fi-fo-fum?
10:47The giant.
10:49And he looks mad.
10:51What happens next, Dora?
10:53It turns out this is...
10:56A nice giant.
10:58And he's going to give Jack more golden eggs.
11:02Hi, Jack.
11:04I've got more eggs for you.
11:06Wow, that is a nice giant.
11:10Oh, no.
11:12I had 12 more golden eggs for Jack and now they're lost.
11:15Don't worry, giant.
11:17We'll help you find the golden eggs.
11:19Will you help us find the golden eggs?
11:24We need to find 12 golden eggs.
11:27Count with me.
11:29One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
11:38One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
11:50Twelve eggs.
11:55Here are some more golden eggs, Jack.
11:59Muchas gracias.
12:01De nada.
12:02Come on, we have to go get the king's mommy.
12:09Where do we go next?
12:17El arco iris.
12:19We went through the bear's house and around the beanstalk.
12:23Where do we go next?
12:27The rainbow, right.
12:29El arco iris.
12:32So next we need to find the rainbow.
12:35But there's all these clouds in the way.
12:37We need something to blow the clouds away.
12:43I hear stars.
12:44Do you see stars?
12:59Look, it's an explorer star.
13:04Gusty can blow the clouds out of the way.
13:06If we can catch him.
13:08We need to catch the stars.
13:10Reach up to catch the stars.
13:12Reach up.
13:13Catch him, catch him, catch him.
13:15We caught them.
13:17And we caught Gusty.
13:19Let's put them in the star pocket.
13:22The star pocket is safe.
13:24Gusty speaks Spanish.
13:26So to tell him to blow, say sopla.
13:30Say sopla.
13:34Yay, Gusty.
13:42Good star catching.
13:44Now do you see the rainbow?
13:49Si, ahí está.
13:50Come on, let's go get the king's mommy.
13:55Roar. Roar.
13:58Who's roaring?
14:00The dragon?
14:02The dragon, oh no.
14:05What happens next, Dora?
14:07The dragon turns into...
14:10A friendly dragon.
14:16Oh, oh, oh.
14:18Uh-oh, the dragon's crying.
14:21I think she needs our help.
14:26Tengo una espina en mi pie.
14:28Tengo una espina en mi pie, ay, ay, ay.
14:31The dragon has a thorn in her foot.
14:34Do you see the thorn stuck in the dragon's foot?
14:40There it is.
14:44Mucho mejor.
14:46Now we need to get something to cover the dragon's boo-boo.
14:49I need your help.
14:51Will you check my backpack for something we can use to cover the dragon's boo-boo?
14:55You have to say backpack.
14:58Say backpack, say backpack.
15:05Backpack, backpack.
15:07Backpack, backpack.
15:09All the backpacks loaded up with things and knick-knacks too.
15:12Anything that you might need I got inside for you.
15:16Backpack, backpack.
15:18Backpack, backpack. Yeah!
15:21Hola, I have lots of stuff,
15:23but Dora and Boots need something they can use to cover the dragon's boo-boo.
15:27What can they use to cover the boo-boo?
15:32The bandage, right.
15:34Can you find the bandage?
15:39There it is.
15:41Now find the lollipop for the dragon for being such a good patient.
15:45Do you see the lollipop?
15:50Smart looking.
15:52Muy bien.
15:54Yum, yum, yum, yum. Delicioso.
15:58Gracias, gracias, gracias.
16:02¿Dónde van?
16:04Vamos al arco iris.
16:08Yo los llevo al arco iris.
16:10The dragon will give us a ride up over the rainbow.
16:18The dragon speaks Spanish,
16:20so let's say the Spanish word arriba to get the dragon to go up.
16:24Say arriba.
16:43We made it over the rainbow.
16:46Who do we see at the end of the rainbow?
16:51The king's mommy.
16:55Excuse me, Your Majesty.
16:57The king misses you very much,
16:59and we've come to bring you back home.
17:02Oh, I miss my cute little sunny boy, too.
17:05Let's go home.
17:09Say arriba with us.
17:21I want my mommy.
17:23Where's my mommy? Where's my mommy?
17:27Do you see my mommy?
17:31There's my mommy.
17:39Mommy, mommy, I missed you so much.
17:42I missed you, too, sunny boy.
17:45Thank you for being so brave and fearless
17:47and bringing my mommy back home.
17:56We did it!
18:00We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!
18:03We did it!
18:05We went through the bear's house and the Goldilocks.
18:08You did it! They did it! We did it! Hooray!
18:11We saw Litter-It riding hood and stopped right for the fox.
18:14We did it! They did it! We did it! We did it!
18:17The king missed his mommy, so we brought her home.
18:20And now the king will never be alone.
18:23Yay! Whoo! Hooray!
18:25We did it!
18:29We had such an exciting trip today.
18:32What was your favorite part of the trip?
18:39I like that, too.
18:41My favorite part was taking a dragon ride over the rainbow.
18:45My favorite part was seeing the king get an extra big hug from his mommy.
18:49Let's see how many stars we caught.
18:51To call to the stars, say, Estrellas!
18:58Count with me.
19:00One, two, three, four, five, six.
19:07Six stars.
19:09Say, Estrellas.
19:11We couldn't have done it without you.
19:13Thanks for helping. Gracias.
19:22Help us fix what's broken.
19:24Picture. What's wrong here?
19:32What's wrong here?
19:40What's wrong here?
19:45What's wrong here?
