The Braxtons Episode 4 - Family Legacy

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The Braxtons Episode 4


00:12Hey nephew, this is a prepaid call from Kevin an inmate at the County Correctional Facility. Are you okay?
00:21The loss of his mother maybe that's why he and his wife are having problems
00:27He doesn't speak to his dad as much either what I
00:31Didn't know that
00:32How's your book going? I'm giving a perspective of somebody who is
00:37in active therapy
00:39Because I can't figure it out by myself
00:41Scratchy is out of jail
00:43But he didn't call me to let me know he was released. I mean nothing
00:47Something must have happened when we just lay eyes on him Kevin. I'll feel better everyone hope
00:53If you want to stop Oh
00:56Look at the situation with Kevin jr. Seems to be getting worse on a day me and Katrina
01:01I gotta come to you. We can figure it all out
01:16It's almost time the living room is ready to go
01:24Hey, honey, I think it's even open this door. Oh, no, you go ahead. No, you go. Hey, I'm gonna go
01:36This is nice man, it's not bad. Yeah
01:39We are back and the DMV Aurea as Tracy would say and we always know how to have fun here because this is home
01:47You know, but we're here to check on little Kevin
01:50Because he's still grieving
01:53Rightfully so because he just lost his mom and he's going through a nasty
01:59Nasty divorce. So since he likes to withdraw and not ask for help
02:03We are planning on having a dinner to really rally the family around him to show him that he's not alone
02:10Who's over here? I wonder Oh
02:12Don't wash your dryer
02:14Same time knock on wood you owe me a vodka
02:16Same time knock on wood you owe me a martini
02:18I said gin, you said a martini
02:20Martini can't be mixed with vodka
02:22When we say things at the same time
02:24We say same time
02:26Knock on wood you owe me a
02:28Whatever the case may be
02:30So if I say same time knock on wood
02:32You owe me a lemon drop
02:34And she says same time knock on wood you owe me a vodka
02:36She wins because vodka just by itself
02:38Has a you know a higher count than a lemon drop
02:40It's hard to explain if you're not us
02:42But we get it
02:44I just have one fear
02:48I just don't want to see Vaughn butt naked with some tube socks on
02:50I just can't
02:52First of all Vaughn does not even wear tube socks
02:54I was about to say
02:56I can't guarantee you I won't walk through this bitch
02:58Buck naked
03:00Oh no we booking it
03:02And then we can have the whole place up
03:06You can be naked with tube socks
03:08Walking around our way too
03:10No don't nobody want to watch Vaughn
03:12Walk around the corner butt ass naked
03:14Open up the refrigerator
03:16Don't nobody want to see that
03:18Talking about you want some breakfast
03:20Where your ring at
03:22He lost it
03:24I didn't lose it
03:26How'd you lose it
03:28So that's not what happened
03:30What happened
03:32Let me tell you what really happened
03:34So there was some function she had where I wore it
03:36I bumped my hand or something and it cut me
03:38So I took it off and I can't find it
03:40So you lost it
03:42This is some place
03:44That's the definition of I lost it
03:46Some place in the house
03:48It can't be in the house if you just said you took it off
03:50I put it in my pocket
03:52How long ago was that
03:54It's been a while
03:56It was this calendar year
03:58You know what I'm just going to find it
04:00And shut all y'all up
04:02Let's just get another ring
04:04But if you get another ring I get another ring
04:06Just putting that out there
04:08So I know that
04:10We all know that Scratchy has been going through a lot
04:12Who's that
04:14I call him Scratchy
04:16I've been calling him Scratchy since he was a little kid
04:18Cause when he started talking his voice was Scratchy
04:20He used to talk like this
04:22So I call him Scratchy
04:24So I'm excited to see where little Kevin is
04:26But maybe we need to do something fun too
04:30Like go kart racing or something like that
04:32Before we talk about the hard stuff
04:34Yes I booked it honey
04:36We got it
04:38Growing up in Maryland we used to go go karting all the time
04:40So I thought it'd be fun to do something that reminds us of Tracy
04:42While we're here
04:44Let's go check into our hotel that's like 7 minutes away
04:46So we don't see tube socks and balls
04:48And then Trina well I'll be back
04:52Why is his balls disgusting to you
04:54Ha ha ha
04:56I be riding around the city
04:58With my range on
05:00Girl I know you looking at me baby say sorry
05:02You're like suicide
05:04All these girls want me to show them I'm so bad
05:06Hey Trina
05:08So are you guys in D.C. now
05:10Yeah we're going to spend some time with daddy and mom
05:12And like little Kevin
05:14How is he doing
05:16You know I'm worried about him
05:18And I know he's going through a lot
05:20I don't know how we can help him
05:22Definitely worried about little Kevin
05:24I'm excited about laying eyes on him
05:26You know what I mean
05:28I still don't know
05:30Unless you lay visible eyes on him
05:32I agree
05:34I'm just going to ask
05:36Do y'all think maybe y'all should talk to his dad
05:40That's a big negative soldier
05:42I mean
05:44I can't
05:46Are you willing to
05:52I can understand that no one really wants to talk to little Kevin's father
05:54Because there was a
05:56Pretty public rift between our side of the family
05:58And him right after Tracy passed
06:00We understood
06:02From Tracy herself that she didn't
06:04She didn't want a funeral
06:06She wanted to stay private for that part of her passing
06:08But Tracy's husband decided to have a funeral anyway
06:10And put it on the internet
06:12And you never know
06:14A marriage is a private affair
06:16So you never know what Tracy and her husband talked about
06:18Or maybe he needed that
06:20For himself so I gotta be fair about that
06:22But I'm just saying maybe
06:24It's worth finding out more information
06:26Of why little Kevin is estranged from his father
06:28So we can help him find peace
06:30Whatever that means
06:32Whatever that is for little Kevin
06:34I feel some kind of way about everything that happened
06:36But I don't know I would just like to know
06:38There is a curiosity there
06:40We heard Tracy
06:42He chose what he wanted for himself personally
06:44Over what she wanted
06:46But we don't know what goes on in a marriage
06:48We don't know what him and Tracy talked about
06:50We don't know
06:52Yes I do yes I do yes I do
06:54Because I was right there in the room when she passed
06:56I was right there in the room
06:58There was no conversation
07:00There was no talk she wasn't even able to
07:02Tony has always tried to be the peacekeeper of the family
07:04And it's probably because she's the oldest
07:06But I'm in no way in the right frame of mind
07:08To meet with Tracy's widower
07:10I think that if that's something that you guys wanna do
07:12No it has to be all of us
07:14Let's agree to disagree
07:16But agree to discuss it
07:18Right now I'm not for it
07:20But together as a family
07:22We can talk about it
07:24Okay I'll take that
07:26Tony Braxton bless your heart and all your parts
07:28For trying to make peace with this man
07:30But good luck trying to convince us all
07:32Tony Braxton
07:38So Tay I have to ask
07:40Because obviously the cameras are here
07:42Why the decision to return to the show
07:46Next time we talk
07:48Y'all are gonna take it another step
07:50I got my little plan I'm working on
07:52I visited
07:54Your mother about
07:56Who she wants to control her image
07:58Brand and likeness
08:00And that was one person
08:02Production wanted
08:04Little Kevin to film with his dad
08:06Round you OJ
08:08I'm coming
08:10Don't push me
08:16Don't push me
08:26Welcome to K1 everyone
08:28You guys will be on track one
08:30So you guys can come inside
08:32You're gonna have to take off your hats
08:34So you have a cubby hole or something
08:36I do have a little bin
08:38You're gonna put hers in my cubby hole
08:42We sure
08:44I really want to see little Kevin.
08:46And we're going to take a deeper dive with him
08:48a little later this evening with the rest of the family.
08:50But for now, we're going to just have a little bit of fun
08:53and go on these go-karts.
08:55All right, party people.
08:57Right foot down on the gas, all the way down.
09:01Did we start yet?
09:02Oh, I'm going to get behind Trina.
09:11Oh, no, it's too fast, it's too fast.
09:16Sean took first place, let's just be clear, OK?
09:22My honey, he took, my king took first place.
09:25Of course he did.
09:27And Vaughn took second place.
09:29And I wasn't far behind.
09:31But Trina, Trina weenie, mm-mm, mm-mm, this isn't mm-mm.
09:42I mean, she's acting like her foot is
09:43allergic to the gas pedal.
09:44Uh-uh, uh-uh, oh my god, Trina.
09:48Trina is so slow.
09:51This isn't fun, this is, this is not, this isn't fun.
09:54It's a lot of curvy, oh, no, no, no, no, no.
09:59I feel like we lapped Trina about at least three times.
10:02Driving isn't her gift.
10:08Let me tell you something, slow and steady usually wins
10:10the race, but they're zooming past me,
10:12and it's making me anxious.
10:13Set the high gear, boss.
10:18This is un-fun.
10:26Oh my god.
10:31I murdered them.
10:33All right, y'all, I have your medals.
10:35I already know, I already know.
10:37First place, you already know.
10:38Don't play with me, don't play with me.
10:40Second place, Vaughn.
10:42Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
10:44Third place, Vaughn.
10:48Look, I'm OK with being the slowest driver.
10:50That means that my insurance rates are lower, OK?
10:54So if y'all want to go driving all crazy,
10:56and then your insurance company sees
10:57how y'all driving all crazy, I'm still
10:59going to have my low rates.
11:01And y'all rates are going to go up.
11:05Oh, that was fun.
11:07It was cool.
11:08It was fun.
11:09Can I say something, y'all?
11:11I want to be addressed as a number one place winner
11:14and lord of all.
11:15That's my new name.
11:16I got another word for it.
11:17What is that?
11:18OK, gotcha.
11:22Sean, I know you like barbecue.
11:23No, he's got a share.
11:24I want some, too.
11:25Oh, that looks good.
11:26You cooked this, honey?
11:27I did, just for you.
11:28Man, that's awesome.
11:30Y'all are acting like a married couple.
11:31And speaking of which, are we going to hear
11:33wedding bells any time soon?
11:37Going to get it.
11:38Going to get it.
11:39Well, I'm just saying, when Braxton Family Values
11:41was on television, Sean went to go talk to daddy
11:43about your hand in marriage.
11:45He did?
11:47You did that?
11:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
11:52All I know is that when we last shot Braxton Family Values,
11:57Sean asked my father for Tawanda's hand in marriage.
12:01You know, me and Tawanda have been kicking it for a long time.
12:04So I was coming to ask you for your blessing.
12:07You really don't want my blessing, because if I say no,
12:09you're going to marry her anyway.
12:11That's all I'm saying.
12:12You don't go to the cash register
12:13and ask for a burger if you're not planning on eating it.
12:17What'd you eat, O?
12:21Or would you do the whole grandiose sweating thing?
12:24All the time.
12:25People keep asking me, what are your feelings
12:27about Sean proposing?
12:30That's not a question that you need to ask me.
12:32That's a question that you need to ask Sean.
12:34Because first of all, I can't propose myself.
12:38I'm never, ever, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
12:43never, ever pushing any man to propose.
12:48That's the worst thing that you could ever do.
12:51So you went to talk to him about some
12:53s*** you wasn't going to do?
12:56That's how it sounds to me.
12:57Give me the f*** back.
13:00I'm sorry, I thought we were all saying
13:01things that don't make sense.
13:17Yo, let's go.
13:18Five minutes, she's wrapping up makeup.
13:20Let's get it, let's get it, let's get it.
13:21It's time?
13:22It's time.
13:23All right, audio speeding.
13:26Welcome to another week of We Sound Crazy.
13:29Special, special edition.
13:31I got champagne already.
13:32It's the 100th episode.
13:34I couldn't do our 100th episode alone.
13:37Tamar Braxton's in the building.
13:39Hey, man.
13:40Hi, guys.
13:40Hey, hey.
13:41Thanks for having me on the anniversary.
13:43I was trying to wait and be cool.
13:45No, it's not wait, let's toast.
13:46Everybody's had theirs, but it's time for a toast.
13:49It's time for a toast.
13:50To a hundred more.
13:51To a hundred more.
13:52To a hundred.
13:53A hundred.
13:53Phil and I have been really good friends
13:57for maybe like five years.
13:58And he's been an intricate part in my career.
14:01So when Phil decided he was going to do a podcast,
14:05I was one of the people who showed up for them.
14:08And to 100 Melly.
14:09OK, you guys deserve it.
14:10We miss it.
14:11It just felt right to do their 100th episode.
14:13Because, you know, from the time that I did the show,
14:15it wasn't very well known to one of the biggest
14:18music-related podcasts that is out right now.
14:21So, Tay, what are you working on these days?
14:23What are you excited about?
14:24What's new?
14:26I am wrapping up my album.
14:31I get so shy talking about myself.
14:33I hate talking about myself.
14:36I know why.
14:36Because she got candles.
14:38She got a whole bunch of stuff going on.
14:40Well, the candle line is very near and dear to my heart.
14:42It's called Intentions by TB.
14:45My spiritual candles became very close to me
14:48when I became aware of my mental journey.
14:53And I started to set intentions on what
14:55I wanted my life to look like.
14:57And so these are intentional candles that you burn.
15:01And there is also a stone.
15:02And it's just to, you know, to remind yourself to pray
15:05over what you want to manifest.
15:08I love that.
15:09I just want to say this.
15:10I've appreciated how you've been candid
15:12about just your mental health and everything
15:15that you've gone through.
15:16Because for me, like, it helps to kind of put
15:18a lot of the music into context.
15:20We can kind of connect a certain song
15:23to something that she might have spoken on previously.
15:25So I appreciate you for that.
15:28Yeah, man.
15:30Well, you know, the truth about mental health
15:31is that it shouldn't be a silent thing, you know?
15:34Because when you're silent about it,
15:36that's when it kills you, you know?
15:38And, you know, we have to normalize
15:40talking about things that bother us
15:43and talking about things that no one wants to say,
15:46just not only to save your life, but someone else's too.
15:51I have a question.
15:52I hope I'm not going too deep.
15:53We've seen the highs.
15:55We've seen the lows.
15:56And you just continue to just push past through it all.
16:01What keeps you going?
16:04Even when I want to quit, I don't want to quit.
16:06Does that make sense?
16:08If I'm supposed to stop, then I wouldn't be here, right?
16:11And then it's also my son.
16:13I also want to be a good example for him,
16:17not just from a woman's standpoint, but from a human
16:21If there's nobody else in the world that he can look up to,
16:23I need him to be able to look up to me.
16:26And I deserve, you know, to be proud of myself
16:29at the end of the day.
16:30I deserve to be happy.
16:32So I can't be happy about my life
16:34if I'm not proud of myself.
16:36So Tae, I have to ask, because obviously the cameras are here.
16:39They're the Braxton's TV show cameras.
16:42Why the decision to return to the show?
16:46Oh, y'all really tried me today.
16:49It's crazy, because for me, being a Braxton is my legacy.
16:55It's my birthright, right?
16:58But not all of the things that comes along with that
17:02am I proud of.
17:12Hey, Danny.
17:13Hey, Mom.
17:14I'm finally taking off my bra.
17:16Hey, Danny.
17:17Hey, Mom.
17:17I'm finally taking this modeling thing seriously.
17:20So you want to do modeling?
17:23Why do you wait until you're in a state of emergency
17:26to call on your family?
17:27As a man, I'm trying to figure things out myself.
17:30If I come to y'all all the time and I'm having hardships,
17:34where does that leave me?
17:36Let me just say that this ain't about production.
17:40This part of the narrative was never told.
17:43We didn't leave our sister.
17:47What he don't want me to do is really tell the truth.
17:50Oh, no.
17:59So, Tay, I have to ask, because obviously the cameras are here.
18:03Did the Braxtons TV show cameras?
18:06Why the decision to return to the show?
18:08Oh, y'all really tried me today.
18:10Um, well, it became important to my family.
18:22It was really important for Tracy to tell her story.
18:24I remember when she was on her deathbed.
18:26She wanted people to see her journey
18:29and what she was going through.
18:31I told her then that I would do it.
18:33Then when the rest of my family signed up,
18:36my mom really came to me humbly and asked me to do it.
18:40I just didn't want any more regrets.
18:42So you were the last one on board?
18:47And as amazing the Braxtons was for everyone,
18:50for me, that wasn't my story.
18:53For me, it was another story.
18:54For me, it was a lot and mentally draining.
18:58I was like, so when is everybody going to get to know the real Taylon?
19:01When is that going to happen?
19:03I miss the funny moments.
19:05The funny moments of the songs.
19:08You know, so many good songs.
19:10Even so many crazy songs.
19:13For me, that's one of the things that made me continue to tune in every week.
19:17So yeah, if I could just have that, that would be...
19:20I would love for the show to get back to that, you know,
19:23because that is the true Taylon.
19:27So what changes this time then?
19:28How do you protect your mental, your soul this time around?
19:33Well, I protect my mental space no matter what.
19:38No matter what I'm doing.
19:39And so I know that I am highly and easily triggered, right?
19:46By this show, by my sisters, by what we talk about.
19:50So there is a therapist on set, whenever I step on set.
19:54Because I can't lose control.
19:56I can't go backward.
19:57Is that on every set or is that a special demand?
20:00It depends on the show and depends on the individuals involved.
20:03But to me, it's a necessary.
20:05It's a lot.
20:06A whole lot.
20:07It's a lot.
20:08Especially when, you know, you feel that, you know,
20:11the picture that is being painted looks nothing like you.
20:14Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:15You know, it takes a lot for a person to really feel comfortable
20:21and vulnerable enough to spill their guts out
20:24and how their past traumas has prohibited them
20:28from being their best selves.
20:30Well, it's going to be better this time.
20:32I'm a glass half full person.
20:34It's going to be better this time.
20:36Well, I'm better this time too.
20:38Yeah, bro.
20:38You know, I know when to say when
20:40and I know the things that I need in order for me to even be present to do it.
20:44Real talk.
20:45This has been one of the wonders shared with anyone but you.
20:50Thank you guys for having me.
20:51It's always a pleasure to come.
20:53We're out of here, y'all.
20:54We sound crazy.
20:54See you next week.
21:06We're expecting a lot of people tonight.
21:09A camera's up.
21:11B camera's up.
21:12Audio, you guys happy?
21:14Are we ready?
21:14Is everything ready?
21:16Is the food ready?
21:19We are 10 minutes out.
21:2010 minutes out.
21:22Wanda's about to arrive.
21:25Everybody ready to rock?
21:27This is nice.
21:29Where are we sitting, honey?
21:30Here, here.
21:30All right.
21:31Okay, stay wide.
21:33Here comes Mr. Braxton.
21:36Hey, Dr. Braxton.
21:38It's been a long time since we all got together.
21:42Kissing all on my woman.
21:44Hey, daddy.
21:45Even though we all have our own paths and journey,
21:48we always come together whenever someone needs someone in the family.
21:54And I hope this will help little Kevin know that he can go deeper
21:59when it comes to relying on us and to tell us how we can help him.
22:04Our motto says, listen, we may fight hard, but we love even harder.
22:09How'd the trip up?
22:10It was good.
22:11It was quick.
22:14So how you been?
22:15You know, I'm still...
22:17Trying to get things straight.
22:18What you mean?
22:20Last time we talked, you said y'all were going to take it another step.
22:28Um, yeah.
22:32Well, I'll be right back.
22:33I'm going to go use the restroom.
22:34I'll be right back.
22:36I know my daddy is going to inquire about him taking my hand in marriage.
22:41So I'm just going to go ahead and excuse myself and allow Sean to take it from here.
22:46Um, my primary objective is to make sure she's happy.
22:50We just in a great place.
22:52And you know, I got my little plan.
22:53I got, you know, I'm working on.
22:55So, you know, if something happens, you'll be the first to know.
22:58I don't want to be first.
22:59Twana be first.
23:00I'll be second.
23:02All right, you be the second.
23:04Hey y'all, look who we...
23:05Look what I found.
23:06Look who I have.
23:08Hey, Trina.
23:12I'm so glad you're here.
23:14One thing about the Braxton family is that we roll deep.
23:19Look at this.
23:20Hey, Mikey.
23:22Hey, Mikey.
23:24I thought it was going to be daddy, little Kevin and Mikey.
23:29But little Mikey came, little Conrad came, baby Enza, Denise.
23:34And it's so good to see everyone.
23:37I think it's good that we all get together.
23:40It's been a long time since we were all together like this.
23:42When was it?
23:50How have y'all been since my mother's passing?
23:53It's moments of, damn, she ain't here type of thing, you know.
23:57But for me, I feel her energy and I feel her spirit everywhere.
24:01You know, your mom used to call me every day, every morning.
24:05She would send me some little quirk that I laugh in the morning.
24:11And I miss that.
24:25You OK?
24:27I'm straight.
24:31I'm straight.
24:33I could tell that he's really, really grieving still deeply.
24:37And you cannot put a time stamp on a person's grief and healing.
24:42So, I mean, I can't even imagine how he feels right now.
24:46So what can we do for you as a family?
24:51That's a good question, Mike.
24:53I feel like I'm at a certain point where, like, I don't know how that looks for me.
25:01But if I'm reaching out, it's an emergency.
25:05Why do you wait until you're in a state of emergency to call on your family?
25:10Why can't we be there for you throughout the whole process?
25:14Yeah, going through y'all are, you know, ups and downs.
25:20And it's not an and thing.
25:22You know, when I am going through my ups and downs, it's like,
25:27as a man, I'm trying to figure things out myself, too.
25:31So if I come to y'all all the time and I'm having hardships,
25:37where's I leave me?
25:46Let's go.
25:49I'm going to the gym because bitch, I'm fat.
25:52If this girl hit me with this thing, I swear to God, I'm gonna give you 10 swings.
25:57Your mother gave you permission to record her.
26:01And I did.
26:02We recorded the whole conversation every time.
26:13Why do you wait until you're in a state of emergency to call on your family?
26:17Why can't we be there for you throughout the whole process?
26:21As a man, I'm trying to figure things out myself.
26:24So if I come to y'all all the time and I'm having hardships, where's I leave me?
26:30You know, we don't try to figure it out for you.
26:35We just want to let you know we understand what you're going through.
26:38We've been there.
26:39And we just want to tell you, it's OK.
26:41It's OK to hurt.
26:44It's alarming to think that every time Kevin Jr.
26:47is contacting a family member, that it's an emergency.
26:50But we want to make it clear to him that we're here for him to lean on
26:54whenever he needs to talk to us, not just for emergencies.
26:57What's been going on?
26:58You want to share?
27:00You know, we'll do a divorce.
27:02Do you have to go back to court from what happened that night or what?
27:05Yeah, I do.
27:06Are you serious?
27:07I sure do, yeah.
27:11How is your relationship with your daddy?
27:14I'm feeling that there's a wedge in between what Tracy wanted,
27:19what you wanted to see, and her wishes.
27:23You know, my mom and her will, she put a lot of things in place for me
27:29to handle her arrangements.
27:31It was something that she already put into place before she even got sick.
27:36The confusion is with my father, because he feels as though
27:41maybe she wasn't in her right mind.
27:45My father felt like it was an influence on my mother's condition.
27:49The things that your mom decided, excuse me.
27:54I'm sorry, Auntie.
27:55No, no, no, no, no, don't be sorry to me.
27:56I apologize.
27:57My sadness right now isn't even for me.
28:00It's for you, because I know that you're hurting and I feel your confusion,
28:05but the thing is, the things that your mom left, she didn't leave to us.
28:10She left to you, sweetheart.
28:12And she made that very clear.
28:13She made that extremely clear.
28:15Very clear.
28:16She made that extremely clear.
28:18She didn't put us in charge of anything.
28:22When it comes to me and my father, it's like the questions
28:25and the positions that I've been placed into, it's like, it's your fault.
28:33I'm not, I'm not the one that asked for this.
28:37Well, you know, maybe you can say, hey, dad, you know what?
28:40That was between you and mom.
28:41And I say that already.
28:43And then the answer I get was, you don't understand how it is to be a husband.
28:50Well, you weren't married to your mom.
28:52As you said, she already told you what she was going to do.
28:56We know mothers do that with their kids.
28:58Mothers do that with their sons, especially.
29:00My sons, they'll talk to their mother.
29:03And I know she tells them stuff when it comes to me.
29:07You know, you've had the experience of your dad telling you certain things
29:12that you just can't comprehend.
29:13And it confuses you, probably makes you feel worse.
29:17My thing is you can't be mad at Kevin Jr. for what Tracy wanted.
29:22This is what she wanted.
29:24That's the very inconsiderate, disgusting thing that you could ever do to your child
29:31is to make them feel guilty about something that someone else did.
29:36And regardless on if you agree with it or not, you just have to respect it.
29:41Only thing that confuses me about being my father is where do I stand in his life?
29:47And I was talking to him and I was like, you're sitting there asking me about yourself.
29:55All right.
29:56What about me?
29:59I'm sad right now.
30:01I'm by myself at this time.
30:03I'm like, I miss my mom.
30:10We heard Trina had an interesting day today.
30:17I'm still here watching Game of Thrones.
30:24Hey, where is he?
30:25They were FaceTiming and then he started slurring.
30:28Then she said the phone blacked out.
30:40What's up, love?
30:48How you doing?
30:49I'm going to the gym because bitch, I'm fat.
30:54I'm Jerry.
30:55Good to meet you.
30:56I'm an LA girl.
30:57So that's what we do in LA.
30:58We work out all the time.
31:01And it's time to gather all the girls to the yard.
31:04So you guys ready to get pumped up here?
31:08So I'm going to turn this bell on here.
31:10Each round is three minutes of pop.
31:12Now you tell me if you want a level 10 or you want a level 7.
31:17Just start off?
31:19Oh, it's been a minute for me, babe.
31:20We need to go to level 2.
31:23Let's go.
31:25Give me 20.
31:28Give me 10 swings.
31:30If this girl hit me with this thing, I swear to God,
31:32I'm going to give you 10 swings.
31:33Back it on up.
31:36Darius is 21.
31:37Yo, he still got Similek behind his ears, right?
31:43Get on up for me, T.
31:44Get on up for me.
31:45A lot of my gay friends that are older, they go to the gym all the time.
31:49But those young generation of friends,
31:51Can I get some water?
31:52You need water for what?
31:54They don't go to the gym.
31:57They just eat lemon peppers.
31:58Lemon pepper wings, lemon pepper shrimps, lemon pepper fries.
32:05You're lying.
32:06Come here.
32:07You did not win me on that thing.
32:11Not with all that mouth.
32:13You don't win me on.
32:15Come on.
32:17Come on.
32:18Because I'm from Baltimore.
32:19We bop, bop.
32:20Like, I fight all school.
32:21We picked up that bop.
32:22Although, I'm fighting him all the way back in the day, Tay Tay.
32:24You guys did amazing.
32:25I have another client to go to.
32:26But it was so great meeting you.
32:28Have an awesome one.
32:29All right, T.
32:30You're welcome, my love.
32:31You guys have a good one.
32:32All right.
32:34Did you like that?
32:36I'm not calling you.
32:36We have in the scruffle.
32:38I'm calling 9-1-1 first.
32:40You know, you're going to have to get in shape.
32:41Because this schedule is ridiculous.
32:45Speaking of schedule, I think tomorrow we have the studio with Nye.
32:50I haven't put out an album since Bluebird.
32:53How long ago was that?
32:54Five years ago.
32:55I'm so nervous about it.
32:57I understand your nervousness.
32:59But you're so good with your talent.
33:02Like, your music has helped me through a lot of stuff.
33:04So you got to.
33:06People are ready.
33:07My book, though.
33:08The book.
33:08Oh, I'm ready for the book.
33:09How's the sessions going?
33:13Some are therapeutic.
33:15Some are very, very hard.
33:18Because I'm talking about everything from, you know, my relationship with Vince.
33:22And why we're not together.
33:24And the real reason why we broke up.
33:26And the real reason why I left reality TV.
33:29And the real reason behind everything.
33:32You hold back a lot.
33:34You know, I feel like I have to.
33:36My book is about self-reflection.
33:38And you can't really have a real self-defining moment unless you're honest with yourself.
33:46I have to be comfortable with not just my truth, but the truth.
33:51And my book is not just helpful to me,
33:55but helpful to other people to see the truth in their lives.
34:01Listen, I'm gonna start as a workout group.
34:02No, for real.
34:03You're gonna do it?
34:04I gotta get a six-pack.
34:06Some muscles.
34:06You gotta get a six-pack.
34:08And I gotta un-big my bag.
34:10What bag?
34:11This bag.
34:12No bag.
34:13All the bags.
34:31Who's there?
34:34Hey, yo.
34:37Today, I am meeting with Lil' Kevin and attorney Antavious Weems.
34:42He has been a family attorney for a very long time.
34:44Over here?
34:45Yeah, wherever you want to be.
34:46Wherever you want to be.
34:47The purpose of visiting with attorney Weems' office
34:50is to clarify a few things that were outlined in Tracy's will.
34:54Last time I saw you, we were here because I came to take you to the courthouse
34:59to probate your mother's will.
35:01There's still some issues between, I guess, how my father feels and how I feel.
35:08Tell me a little bit about that.
35:10I guess he feels, like, I want to say blindsided,
35:12but it's not like it's not done the right way.
35:17So I think that's just hard for him to understand,
35:18like, why did she put everything in my hands?
35:22So I think that's the biggest thing that he has.
35:26It kind of hurts me.
35:28I felt like she was in her right mind.
35:29Do you feel as though she was OK at that time?
35:33I visited your mother before she began to decline.
35:39And a lot of people don't know this, but your mother gave me permission to record her.
35:46And I did.
35:48We recorded the whole conversation?
35:49Every time.
35:50Maybe she believed that somebody was going to, in some way, challenge it.
35:56She knew exactly what she was doing.
35:59About who she wanted to be her executor and who she wanted to control her image, brand,
36:06and likeness.
36:07And that was one person.
36:20Your mother, she was incredibly confident about who she wanted to be her executor.
36:28And that was one person.
36:34It was you.
36:36And your mother was absolutely lucid.
36:40Your mom stood in her kitchen and cooked me oxtails.
36:45The famous oxtails.
36:47And the curry chicken.
36:48And Tavius visited Tracy on several occasions when she was, in fact, in her right mind.
36:54How do I know?
36:55I was there.
36:56And the only caveat in there was she wanted to make sure that you were ready.
37:02There were certain things that Tracy wanted to keep between Tracy and her attorney.
37:07But Tracy was absolutely in her right mind.
37:11She trusts me so much with her legacy that she'll put it in my hands.
37:15It's the stuff she told me when I was young.
37:20So this was no surprise to you?
37:21It wasn't a surprise to me.
37:22See, if something ever happened to me, I'm putting everything in your name.
37:27Only thing that kind of changed for me is when she said she didn't want a funeral service or viewing.
37:35She did not want a service.
37:37She didn't want her sorority or any other organization to do a memorial.
37:42Not because she didn't love them.
37:44But she said, I don't want people to have to grieve that hard looking down on me.
37:52The people I love, I want them to be able to go celebrate.
37:56Because you know your mom was down for a party.
37:59My father, you know, me being married, I can understand where it's kind of a difficulty.
38:04But I got born into this family.
38:07You got married into this family.
38:11I mean, you have the lineage.
38:13You have the bloodline.
38:14And you have grown incredibly since that time I've seen.
38:20I didn't even expect that.
38:20Nah, I was just the mental.
38:23She knew you had it in you.
38:25She's smiling right now.
38:26She is smiling.
38:27Tourney Wings has really armed Kevin with a lot of knowledge, clarity, and information
38:32to get some understanding about why Tracy did things the way she did for little Kevin.
38:37Anytime you can hear something from someone who can remove themselves from a situation
38:42is always a good thing.
38:44I'm putting y'all out.
38:45You're kicking us out?
38:47Putting out and kicking out over Tuesday.
38:49You've been put out by much better.
38:53All right.
38:55Bring them into the kitchen, OK?
39:05Yes, sir.
39:14Hey, Tourney Wings.
39:16The second Trina got back to the rental, Sean and I ran over as fast as we could
39:22to hear how the meeting went with Antavious.
39:25And I just pray that there were no surprises.
39:28Hey, Trina.
39:29You want something to drink?
39:31I do.
39:32What do you have?
39:33What do you have?
39:33I have burr and I have vodka.
39:36With what?
39:37With limeade.
39:39I would love that.
39:39That sounds great.
39:40And we also have orange juice, lemonade, cola.
39:45You want me to get my own, dear?
39:46You can mix us up a cute little cocktail.
39:49What are you doing?
39:51You said yes.
39:52I said yes to what, my darling?
39:53I said, do you want me to get my own drink?
39:54And you said yes.
39:56Was I talking to them?
39:57I don't know.
39:58I thought you told me to get my own drink.
40:00But when did you start making your own drinks?
40:01I'll wait.
40:03Let me sit over here and watch the game.
40:05What would you like, though?
40:07To drink?
40:08Um, what do we have?
40:12When the game's going on, that means I'm not going to get any hugging and loving
40:14and getting with the kissing.
40:15That's just fine.
40:20We heard Trina had an interesting day today.
40:24Very, very, very much so.
40:25Can you fill us in?
40:26What happened?
40:27So in a nutshell, in Trina's opinion, it's a tug of war of who's in control.
40:35It just feels like his dad blames him.
40:37That Tracy made the choices that she made.
40:39It wasn't that our sister was on her deathbed and then decided to make these decisions.
40:44She made these decisions years before she was even sick,
40:48way before she was even diagnosed with having esophageal cancer.
40:51You're just mad for whatever reason.
40:54That she didn't choose you.
40:55That she didn't choose you.
40:56To be that person.
40:57But how dare you?
40:58You lived your life.
40:59Let the baby live his.
41:02Oh, and I'm going to tell you what little Kevin said.
41:05And I was so proud of him for saying this.
41:07He said, my dad married into this family, but I was born into it.
41:11Come on!
41:12That is what little Kevin said.
41:13He said those words.
41:16He got his blood running through his veins.
41:21In my opinion, his dad is just a little jealous that Tracy put him in the wheel the way that
41:26she put him in the wheel.
41:28I think he believes that it should have been him.
41:32That's it.
41:33You know, earlier today, production wanted little Kevin to film with his dad and our dad.
41:41But I'm not sure what that was going to, wait a minute.
41:45Because I'm going to be honest.
41:47I made it very clear, I'm not trying to give a platform from his dad to film in any way,
41:53shape, or form.
41:54Why would y'all want him to have a, where's OG?
41:56Where's OG at?
41:58Where's OG?
41:59I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
42:02Why would y'all want him to be on the show?
42:04I'm asking.
42:05This is a question.
42:05This is for real.
42:06Why would we want?
42:07I'll wait.
42:08I'll wait.
42:09Because to me, honestly, this is the Braxton's.
42:11And what this is about is his y'all.
42:14So you guys ain't okay with it, then it's not going to happen.
42:19By no means do I ever want that individual to have any type of platform on our platform
42:28ever again.
42:31Won't happen.
42:32All right.
42:33Don't push me.
42:38Don't push me.