Dance Moms New Era S01E10 (2024)

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00:00:06This is not how we're going to nationals everyone in this room had mistakes Gina you screwed up today
00:00:13Ashlyn you let me down today
00:00:15Audrey she made mistakes in the group
00:00:17Everyone blew it right now. It's not looking good for most of you
00:00:22I would rather sit in my hotel room than embarrass myself again
00:00:27I have a lot to say now. Do you I want to show you something?
00:00:41You guys what is that?
00:00:54Is that a body bag it is Layla it's a body bag
00:00:59We're doing a dance next week about an epidemic that's destroying this country fentanyl poisoning
00:01:08Tragic story should scare the crap out of anyone who is watching it
00:01:13So maybe you guys can get over yourselves and realize there's far more in this world beyond you
00:01:26Her cousin overdosed
00:01:42Shouldn't as a family member that overdosed and it's sad and it can happen when you don't even expect something like that to happen
00:02:10Was your time off
00:02:12Good. I'm glad you had fun because guess what playtime is over
00:02:19We have to go into nationals as a united team a win at nationals is huge
00:02:27It's huge
00:02:28It can change your life. It's the last thing everyone is going to remember about this team. The world is watching
00:02:36They're waiting to see what we're gonna do. They're waiting to see us fail. I
00:02:41Don't want to fail
00:02:43Everyone has to give it your all everyone has to focus. Everyone has to take this seriously
00:02:51Be very clear this pyramid is based on the entire season
00:02:56We have a lot of work to do so. I'm gonna go through a pyramid quickly
00:03:01on the bottom row
00:03:15Ballet tricks last on the bottom
00:03:25Layla on the second row
00:03:36You have the best performance quality of any dancer in the studio. You were born to be a star
00:03:43When it's come down to it, I haven't seen you give those big performances that I'm looking for this week
00:03:50I'm gonna work really really really hard. I just have to get those thoughts out of my head
00:03:54There's no reason for me to have you on this team
00:03:56If you're not gonna be the performer that I put you on this team to be
00:04:00next on the second row
00:04:08Wasn't expecting that
00:04:10You are without a doubt the best dancer on this team, but it took Gina coming in to push you
00:04:17You're welcome, Tammy
00:04:22Last on the second row
00:04:27Nina you are several years younger than everyone else in this room and you keep rising to every challenge
00:04:34I give you if everyone worked as hard as you we'd have a team of stars. I
00:04:39want a whole team of me and
00:04:42on the top row
00:04:50Have been consistent Gina your solos one every time and you did exactly what I needed you to do
00:04:57And that was light a fire under every single girl standing next to you. Thank you very much
00:05:01Thank you. Give it to you another big opportunities. Thank you
00:05:04Congrats, Gina for some but I think if she was here the first five weeks
00:05:08I think that would be different
00:05:10Like I think all of us were put under a lot more pressure and challenges that we had to overcome
00:05:15I feel like Gina had one of the biggest obstacles of anyone in this room you all and you all
00:05:23Made her life a living hell
00:05:25She overcame that walked out on that stage and won overall solo
00:05:31Audrey, you can't tell me that you didn't rise to that occasion Gina beat you that first competition
00:05:36I saw the look on your face when you did the math
00:05:38It's not just Audrey who's needed an extra push this season. Not one of these girls has lived up to my expectations
00:05:45This week is nationals
00:05:46It's the final competition of the season and their last chance to show me that they are not replaceable
00:05:52It looks like no one really sees this opportunity. I have a lot of reconsidering and
00:05:59thinking about
00:06:00If we go forward and we do this again
00:06:04Who belongs here and who doesn't at this point?
00:06:06There's about three and a half of you that I would even consider having back on this team
00:06:12I'm as close at half. She was looking right at me
00:06:18So you were actually fourth on the pyramid so it would make sense that you were that half that she's talking about
00:06:26Yeah, but I don't wanna be that. I know so what are you gonna do about it?
00:06:29I'm gonna promise glow wrong at national like you're like talking like running on your words. You're gonna be more articulate
00:06:41This week we have two solos the first solo we already know is going to Gina
00:06:46Gina you've very clearly earned yourself a solo at nationals. Thank you
00:06:54And the second solo is going to Audrey
00:07:03Gina your solo be called the monster
00:07:07Audrey your solo will be called seeing red
00:07:09Kaylee's in town this week to choreograph for you. You know, I'm easy on you
00:07:13Sometimes that prevents me from pushing you to your full potential
00:07:16But I know Kaylee's not gonna hold back on you and you better be prepared for that girl
00:07:21Kaylee it does go really hard on me. Then. I think she's gonna work me until I break
00:07:24I mean, I do think her choreography is a little better than her mom's
00:07:28so since it's an even playing field right now and
00:07:31Someone didn't have their soul for a year and a half. I have a very very very good chance. Gina's going down
00:07:38This week I am putting the most powerful dance I have ever choreographed on stage
00:07:45All eight of you will be dancing this week
00:07:50However, some of you will be dancing longer than others I
00:07:58Challenged Audrey and Gina to go out and give me the performance
00:08:03I needed to choose a lead for this group dance this week
00:08:06I think I definitely proved that I can be the lead at nationals
00:08:09I think throughout this season through a solo and the group dance and I think I've proven that no matter what the
00:08:15director of the competition text to me after you danced and said
00:08:20They're all backstage crying and I said they should be and you know what? She said. Yep. They should wet Audrey
00:08:28I wasn't crying backstage. It was only the lunch, you know, okay, I never cried
00:08:33You were tearing up when you walked back and you were saying how you messed up on the turns
00:08:41You were late for what it's okay
00:08:44Well, she got offstage and then she started to cry. I was just tearing up. I
00:08:49was upset with my performance and everything, but that doesn't
00:08:55Mean that I can't get upset like you can be upset and stuff
00:08:58But I don't think you should be able to show that on your face
00:09:00Because when you can't see to the judges to can see you can still hear you
00:09:03I mean as far as I'm concerned basing a decision off of this week. None of you blew me away
00:09:13But when you're making a big decision for nationals of like and you want to win
00:09:17Do you have to consider the entire season? I don't have to consider anything Tammy. Okay, fine
00:09:21The assignment was who was earning it this week
00:09:26Not just about making mistakes in the choreography, it's about the performance I've made a decision
00:09:33the lead of the dance is going to
00:09:37At least this time Audrey versus Gina will actually be on an even playing field spider
00:09:44If she can pull it off
00:09:46It's got this lever it's because Gina
00:09:52Mom's I want you to go to one of the bags and I want you to write your kids name on it
00:10:02In my entire career, this is the most
00:10:05Important story I have ever told through dance and it's so important that these kids do this routine justice
00:10:24Have made a decision the lead of the dance is going to
00:10:41Have given Ashlyn chance after chance after chance and she's let me down each time but she's come really close
00:10:49Ashlyn can cry we all know Ashlyn can cry and Ashlyn has an emotional connection to this story
00:10:54the only way we're gonna beat these technical dancers in Florida is to bring the most beautiful and
00:11:00Compelling story to the stage and I think Ashlyn can do that. We have a close family member that was impacted by
00:11:08an overdose
00:11:09Yeah, I was sad cuz little did I know that one day that I saw him was the last day it would see
00:11:18You understand how serious this is you all have spent your entire
00:11:26training for this moment
00:11:28Regardless of what your moms might think I believe in each of you. It needs to be the best thing you've ever done
00:11:37Moms, you can go kids stretch, please
00:11:44Remember the name of the group is body bags. Yeah, this is the most intense story any of you will ever tell
00:11:50Ashlyn you're starting on stage. You're in the midst of something horrific
00:11:55There's body bags around you and
00:11:58Your friends are dying. So you have this gruesome discovery and this whole beginning is you acting?
00:12:06You have to set the tone right from the minute you start moving the emotion has to come pouring out
00:12:12Everyone is joining you and you're losing them one by one by one and you have no control over it
00:12:18And you're there trying to help your friends
00:12:20You're the last one left by the end of this dance
00:12:23I want you to bring yourself to tears if that's something you think you can do
00:12:29Then you will sell this number the way that it needs to be sold. Oh
00:12:33My god
00:12:41Action doesn't do that the performers last week, but still gave her the chance to be the leader for this
00:12:46So, I mean it's every week like that being jealous not jealous Ashlyn not performing in glows eyes
00:12:52It's still her performing better than everybody else. So I think she's still putting her in these roles because of that
00:12:59This girl said this is Ashlyn story depends on Ashlyn's performance. I
00:13:05Just feel that whole group dances add a risk high risk. I
00:13:10Know I should have cried a lot
00:13:13Not on the stage, do you think Ashlyn can cry?
00:13:16Yeah, I think she can I think you should really talk to her this time so that you can get her to cry and then
00:13:22That way she can get into character and like really perform this for the rest of us
00:13:26It's kind of funny to me that all of the moms are really upset that Ashlyn's the lead this week
00:13:31But I think that glow doesn't have any faith in this group
00:13:35And she doesn't want to put my daughter as the lead for a possibly losing nationals dance
00:13:41Honestly, I'm fine with it Ashlyn starts Ashlyn goes Audrey comes on
00:13:47Gina comes on Layla you're come on and you join Audrey here. Oh
00:13:54Once you die you go into the body bag and those of you who are not performing obviously will be dying off first
00:14:02So what you do in this dance is based on how you perform in rehearsal
00:14:08clothes going to be
00:14:10Zipping them each up in a body bag
00:14:13Yeah, like the value do the quicker you can sit down in the back and the less you'll be dancing, correct?
00:14:21The kids are gonna be in a body bag for upwards of a minute
00:14:27So yeah release and kind of morbid it is morbid. I'm not sure how much Mina understand about his topic
00:14:35What's this story?
00:14:46Know what dance you're doing Bellatrix. You can't forget the dance when you add the face. Do you know the timing?
00:14:53Your head goes back there Bellatrix
00:14:57Bellatrix I'm having a really hard time watching you perform this because it's so contrived and not genuine at all
00:15:06Ashley and spends the first
00:15:0864 counts doing absolutely nothing
00:15:10Very subtle movements and subtle energy and I feel more from that than like just in your face fake emotion if you can't perform
00:15:19Then you know that could jeopardize your spot on this team
00:15:26Do you see your face right now look in the mirror
00:15:29Why can't you bring that to the dance
00:15:37Think Bellatrix by nature holds her emotions in she does she needs to just pull it out
00:15:45Bellatrix you're gonna walk straight forward slow slowly
00:15:50To that one. Okay, ask you don't start speeding up get in the best you can everybody else
00:15:57This there's another ding you all look to your right ding
00:16:01This is sooner than I thought she was gonna start putting them in the bags
00:16:05My kid is spending the majority of the dance dead in the body bag. Then I think that's up
00:16:10They shouldn't be giving up on her like how it's supposed to show miss glow that she can come back next season if she's in
00:16:16The stupid body bag do not zip it all the way up everyone. Did you hear me?
00:16:20You don't zip it all the way up when I talk to my kid. Sometimes when people do drugs, they do crazy things
00:16:25That's not happening
00:16:27Come here
00:16:29Roxy we're teaching. I know but she should be fighting to be dancing more
00:16:34Roxy she doesn't care. Yes. She does care. I
00:16:39Know she wants to dance like all the kids wanted this
00:16:45She should be wanting it more you're absolutely right, but she doesn't and there's nothing that you can do it's art the decisions made Roxy
00:16:53You're making this far worse I do want it more just I'm not gonna complain
00:16:59Actually to show you let you dance more you can't see this decision has been made, but she wants to keep dancing more
00:17:06No, you want her to keep dancing. She should is national. She should but she doesn't
00:17:11She's scared. She's scared. She doesn't want to be disrespectful. She doesn't want to be you
00:17:18Look at what you're doing to your child. Yeah more emotion that I've seen her show this entire season and it's because of you, right?
00:17:27I told you I'm gonna take her out get out get out Roxy
00:17:34My god
00:17:41Not yet
00:17:42Gina you can't come into rehearsals and just be sloppy. Are you perfect? I'm not
00:17:48So why do you expect to me to be perfect? You'll come for the competition. It's a word hard to talking with you
00:17:55If you don't care just go home
00:18:01You interrupted my rehearsal get out get out Roxy
00:18:12It is so hard for you to take a correction just as it is yes, it is look at what just happened
00:18:18You're like, oh, she must be perfect. And now you're realizing that maybe she's not and maybe she
00:18:24Likes that I'm fine with that. Yes technique. Oh, that's what she places. So hi
00:18:28She's always a puppy smiley. Isn't she? Okay, then just because your daughter has plateaued doesn't mean that you know
00:18:33I don't care. It shows that's where your kids in the body back first, right?
00:18:40Whack it look. No, it's your thigh. Not your shin your thigh. Whoa, you tried to kill me
00:18:50I'm next in the bag and
00:18:52one two three four and five six seven eight and one two
00:18:59Oh my god, Smiley. You literally did a bop mom with your foot like this
00:19:05Appreciate that emotion, but the technique is not where it needs to be at this point as soon as you bought ma
00:19:11with a very awkward foot you're just gonna like
00:19:15Take a breath
00:19:17Like really flex it to start your walk walk right here. I think they're putting
00:19:25Smiley in a body bag
00:19:27Just gently walk walk walk. There you go. Perfect. That's really good because you're right there
00:19:33Fabulous. Why is Smiley next? Guess what? Who's next?
00:19:38So karma's a bitch talk about my kid
00:19:47What is happening six seven eight go go go y'all were late Belgics come out sweetheart
00:19:56you need to know the difference between soft and
00:19:59Strong all of you need to make this correction just because it's soft doesn't mean it doesn't have energy
00:20:04Everyone needs to do it full out with face and emotion every single time you do it
00:20:08This is the culmination of everything that you've worked for all season and you want it to be your best
00:20:15And if you don't you don't belong in this room
00:20:18You guys can have a break go see your mom's go get some water
00:20:29I'm not helping you with your emotions at all. I'm gonna let me be your dance. Mom
00:20:37Miss Glen needs to see you baby girl. Don't fade away
00:20:41Look at me
00:20:43Do it for yourself. I love tricks. How do you feel? I'm tired
00:20:47Okay, do some crunches make your call better. You're trying to set. Okay, okay
00:20:59You see cannot up
00:21:03Audrey you're doing a contemporary. It's called seeing red. Audrey is a woman scorned
00:21:08You're seeing red you're angry and you're taking a stand for yourself
00:21:12This phone is right here in front of you and you're struggling because you don't know if you should call the police for help or
00:21:18You know what? This reminds me of there was an incident in Northern, Virginia
00:21:24What's her name Lorraine Bobbitt the one who cut off her husband's member have you heard of this, Dominica?
00:21:31Okay. So while he was asleep she cut off his
00:21:36And threw it out the window and the police officers come to look for it. I
00:21:42Guess she saw red
00:21:47Yeah, all right, let's do it so here up like down up like how that feeling about me you're the contraction and the arch
00:21:56contract torch
00:21:58If you're going to hit someone you're not gonna be like, oh, let me have my arms perfectly placed right down up
00:22:04Like just energy here
00:22:06Step down
00:22:10More not so big
00:22:14It's not pretty
00:22:19Here in that music we already know Audrey can it's like three seconds in and I'm already feeling like an emotion of her
00:22:26Come like you look at her already in the phone. Like I'm already roped in right now and invested. I
00:22:32Like the story I think for Audrey like she was seeing red at the competition when she heard the scores
00:22:40the highest scoring award
00:22:49Think that anger sure is motivating
00:23:14Yeah, and also like if my mom says all the time if everything is big then nothing's big as
00:23:19Amazing as you are
00:23:20It's a shame if you don't have any style with that like you have to know how to actually dance
00:23:24So if all the tricks in the dance were taken out
00:23:28What would the rest look like?
00:23:30And right now that's where I think we're we're lacking a little bit
00:23:35Gina you're doing a lyrical you're a monster
00:23:39But what you really want is for everyone to accept you even though you're a monster
00:23:45What's gonna make this a little trickier for you is?
00:23:51Watch Bella move them
00:23:55Ain't that cool
00:23:56Now you're gonna bring them in wrap and now you're gonna step back rond de jambe this leg
00:24:01Make sure it starts on front of you turned out finally
00:24:05Jing has a solo like all of our girls have been doing with crazy props
00:24:11Crazy costumes and makeup and hair and learning a brand new dance and she's gonna have to have a different face
00:24:17She can't have a smiley pretty face. At least this time Audrey versus Gina will actually be on an even playing field
00:24:23Well, maybe this lyrical will be more memorable if she can pull it off
00:24:30Are you okay?
00:24:32So I was afraid of these fingers could be a blessing or a curse
00:24:36Gina is a beautiful lyrical dancer, but to stand out at Nationals Gina has to be extra strong and captivating
00:24:43If Gina can embrace these hands, she can beat Audrey and every other dancer at this competition
00:24:49But if Gina can't tell the story with all the help I've given her then I'm gonna have to really rethink her position on this
00:24:56team next season
00:25:03The corner I
00:25:07Wasn't feeling any emotion from it. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel
00:25:12I just see like the hands, but I can't tell I feel like that a Gina dance is not trying to scale the kids
00:25:19She want to be loved without the kids. I think you hit the nail on the head man since Gina came, you know, she
00:25:27Has taken their spots and opportunities away from them
00:25:32Yeah, you guys already treated her look like the monster
00:25:36We all know Gina's not a monster what we're saying is her coming here is a threat
00:25:43She scared the children you guys make me and my daughter look like the monster you guys are real monsters
00:25:51No, I'm not
00:25:54Pull reach pull more now this arm Gina is just that reach your arms look lazy
00:26:00I can see how lazy they are when the fingers are just room
00:26:03here head back
00:26:09Step out turn turn you're not on any counts that you're supposed to be on
00:26:17Gina this is the first time you're gonna be learning a solo and putting it on stage quickly
00:26:21You can't come into rehearsals and just be sloppy because I don't know that you can do it on stage
00:26:27Especially something with this intensity
00:26:29Hi, Jane, we're talking about in rehearsals, I'm on her on her on her she's seriously giving you same corrections
00:26:36We're all getting corrections over and over but a lot of it is about you not knowing the dances
00:26:43Don't give these people an excuse to say I told you so I want you to do your best
00:26:49Gina that is good. I don't feel like you're listening. Okay, go get a drink of water
00:26:56Come here, Gina
00:27:00I'm so hard to talking with you Gina. Are you perfect? I'm not. So why do you expect to meet me? I
00:27:07Want you to do better
00:27:10But you don't why you come here
00:27:13You come here for vacation. No, do you come for the competition? It's very hard to talking with you
00:27:20That's why it's miss glow give you a bunch of the correction you don't take in your heart you just don't understand
00:27:28If you don't care just go home
00:27:36Don't cry
00:27:47What about you mom
00:27:52What's in the hands on your heart hold up
00:27:56You're a girl. Give me the she won't tie down the soil. We won't wait. You have another yardly
00:28:01Then don't see this
00:28:04What are going to jump? Go and do sit down. You can watch my shoulder. Do you hope go?
00:28:10What's good, you have a chance
00:28:13What's on that? Maybe you have a mom?
00:28:17What's it? We have kind of it? You should you go
00:28:24Gina stop crying and just do something about it understood
00:28:33Get it together
00:28:47To get her up
00:28:54I'm happy that the school has faith in me and that I can be a lead especially were nationals
00:29:00But my part is basically like one of my worst nightmares because I don't want my friends dropping dead because
00:29:06They're basically family to me and I don't want them to die
00:29:16Everybody come out. I hate to say that was not nearly enough emotion
00:29:20We're not just doing a bunch of dance steps. Everybody forgets the story and I don't feel anything
00:29:28They're here I
00:29:29Have Ava Kota coming in to speak to you all her mother is coming as well. Ava was on the ALDC
00:29:36She's gone on to have a really great career acting modeling her brother
00:29:41passed from fentanyl poisoning
00:29:45This is such an important story to tell they have to draw from emotion that some of them have never experienced
00:29:51asked Ava and Jeanette to come speak to the girls because I want them to understand their story and
00:29:57Really be able to connect to this dance on a much more emotional level
00:30:13If the kids aren't able to tap into that emotion
00:30:17It's going to feel like they're playing pretend with something that is very deeply
00:30:23Personal and tragic it is so good to meet you guys. You guys are so beautiful and I'm so proud of you
00:30:29I know this is nationals for you guys who have probably been through a lot
00:30:33we heard that you guys were doing your nationals dance about fentanyl and
00:30:37That's obviously a very personal topic for my mom and I
00:30:42How many of you guys have brothers and sisters?
00:30:44Yeah, my brother was 23 and three years ago
00:30:48He passed away from what's called an accidental fentanyl poisoning Devin used to come and watch me at these
00:30:54competitions, so he
00:30:57First of all, I want to say was one of the most incredible humans. He was my best friend
00:31:02we were five years apart and you would think we were
00:31:06Too. Oh, wow. I'm gonna cry
00:31:09He struggled with his mental health and he decided to turn and get something from someone he trusted
00:31:15He had gotten a pill that that wasn't prescribed to him to try to help him go to go to sleep
00:31:20It wasn't what he ordered and it was actually a pill that was 100% fentanyl
00:31:25And he had absolutely no idea so he was in his room
00:31:29And he probably took it at like late. It was like 3 a.m
00:31:32And he passed in the night and then I found him in the morning. I
00:31:39Just think sorry, I
00:31:45Think it's just um if
00:31:49There was the right amount of information out there
00:31:51He would not have made that decision because he wanted to live his life
00:31:54It's a really beautiful lesson for you guys to learn that
00:31:59Dancing can save lives and dancing can change someone's mind and change their decision and I truly feel
00:32:15I don't think that we know or have
00:32:19The full ability to understand how powerful this really is and
00:32:23The amount of lives that my brother has saved because what happened
00:32:27I think is one of the best things that can come out of something so tragic Wow
00:32:52Remember it is so important for it to be real. It can't come across as fake. I think maybe we could all
00:32:59Pull something from Devin and honor him by doing this and maybe make the difference in one person's life
00:33:05I would love to be there for you guys and see it on stage and cry again
00:33:10I think it would mean the world if they were able to do it for you
00:33:13Devin has never missed a dance competition with her and I don't think he's gonna miss this one
00:33:34She's not sure
00:33:37You do how I love five more minutes. I'm gonna tell five more minutes. You're quite Anna
00:33:47All right, let's get like a base makeup on you
00:33:52You're hurting me Audrey cut it out. Oh, you just died in the eye with a soft brush with hard bristles
00:33:59Let me stab you in my makeup. Sorry
00:34:02Today's gonna be a big day. You got to get up
00:34:09Look at me
00:34:17Go brush your teeth you weirdo
00:34:21It sent me that I'm the lead event. I never thought that would come to me
00:34:26Let's go said that there were three and then she said that there would be a half and I'm pretty sure I'm that
00:34:31Because I don't have as much technique as everyone else
00:34:34I want to be on the scene and I want to make this go power
00:34:37So maybe the star of the season would be amazing
00:34:53Nationals we're gonna be going against some of the best studios in the country and this could be the last time that the girls dance
00:34:59Together as a team they need to step up and make sure that's not the case
00:35:04Nationals we're here
00:35:07First up we have the rematch showdown between Gina and Audrey
00:35:15How are we feeling ladies feeling good?
00:35:18Do you think you're gonna be one this time?
00:35:21Mm-hmm. Is Gina confident? Yes, Gina is Gina. Don't talk for her. Do you think you're gonna win today? Yeah, why?
00:35:30Because I'm good
00:35:32Audrey, why do you think you're gonna win today? Cuz I'm great
00:35:35Whatever. I'll do that today. Oh, it's because Tina
00:35:44Better yeah
00:35:47You can do a punch front you can barely do a back tuck
00:35:53Audrey's never lost probably in her life till she lost to Gina
00:35:57She's finally feeling the pressure that the other girls have felt all season
00:36:01And I think she's picking at Gina cuz I think you know, she's threatened Gina
00:36:07How do you practice your performance to get into your monster character?
00:36:11I got with your mom
00:36:17I'm going to our dance Gina. I want to learn I could dance these little fingers off
00:36:23This could be the last time we're all together here
00:36:26We have worked too hard to do less than beyond our best
00:36:31Do you want that win or do you want to go home losers from Nationals?
00:36:48Hands first
00:36:52Audrey is a firestorm of a dancer
00:36:54But with that much passion and power comes small mistakes that the judges can deduct points for
00:37:01Gina is much more precise and technical, but I'm not sure she can be that precise and technical with just three days of rehearsal
00:37:12Come on Audrey
00:37:16That feeling doesn't look genuine you're late
00:37:21I totally thought you had it in the bag
00:37:24That was just normal Audrey
00:37:26Audrey can be better than that
00:37:28We don't have the same Nationals
00:37:30Gina's not the only soloist here
00:37:33It's not just about beating Gina
00:37:35It's about you killing the solo and wanting to win and fighting for it with your life. I have raised you I
00:37:41Have pushed you to be amazing. Don't blow this opportunity for yourself
00:37:46All right, Gina
00:37:51You're sad, that's not sad I
00:37:56Couldn't be more bored. I have no idea what you're dancing about
00:38:01Stay there
00:38:03Now slowly pull them in Jing you're apparently the only person who can pull any emotion out of her
00:38:10I'm so disappointed you Gina when I saw your dance
00:38:14I feel like no motion the whole dance is a sad story, but you make your face silly
00:38:20You were the first person to earn a solo for Nationals. I don't understand how you don't realize
00:38:26This is the biggest opportunity of your life
00:38:30Gina a win for you today makes a name for you in this competition world
00:38:36Everybody's gonna know who you are
00:38:38Audrey a win for you means you're back on top. I believe in both of you
00:38:43You two have earned these solos. This could be the last time we're all together here
00:38:49Both of you need to fight for this with your life today
00:39:14I'm going to outdance Gina. I believe that I can outdance Gina. I'm going to outdance whoever I have to I want to win
00:39:26Please welcome to the stage entry number 11
00:39:29This is Audrina with seeing red
00:39:50Did you really think I just forgive and forget
00:39:59After catching you with
00:40:12Your two-timing she's lying wanna be
00:40:22Just let this go
00:40:49Did you really just say she didn't mean anything
00:41:14You're so
00:42:19Saw red when I was out there I was mad
00:42:20I thought of this one particular thing in my head the whole time and I was mad about this one girl
00:42:27So I'm gonna do this make sure they work
00:42:31The pressures on me because if
00:42:33Audrey beats me and it proves all the moms right that she's better than me
00:42:38I need to show more face and not let the other moms bring me down. I'm ready
00:42:43I could dance these little fingers up, please. Welcome to the stage entry number 10. This is Gina performing monster
00:43:12Can see
00:43:20Let it go
00:44:23Feel it
00:44:26You can't tell me
00:45:55Don't think another mama is right
00:45:57So when Gina is on the stage, that seems like this is a minor. She's gonna be one this competition
00:46:07Well, well, well, I think we can declare the winner to Audrey I agree that's you
00:46:15Of course I think it's you not gonna win
00:46:18Last time a Gina will be Audrey and you think I'll do make some mistake
00:46:22You think Audrey doesn't show the performance. Are you sure that Gina gave the performance?
00:46:27Yes, she gave it a performer and she's so clean. I'm not worried about Audrey beating Gina. Audrey's gonna be Gina
00:46:32Well, I think Audrey had an amazing performance. Thank you. I just don't know that she has it in the bag
00:46:38I don't think we can be that
00:46:40Confident because she did stumble on a few things and Gina's was very very clean
00:46:44I just wouldn't be too arrogant about it. Do you know right off the bat the judges were like
00:46:49Push that they were like, I know
00:46:52No, I'm talking you're talking. Thank you
00:47:01Why can't you show those emotions on stage you always think it gave the artist a big hat saying she is the number one
00:47:12Who's nothing nothing
00:47:22Like that ever ever I already talk about that way dumb bitch
00:47:30You're dumb bitch
00:47:33Good one repeat me
00:47:36Gina Tammy are both dumb bitch. Why fighting each other?
00:47:41When you should push your kids to be better. All right, I need everyone getting hair and makeup
00:47:48We have very little time. I need everyone focused getting ready quickly
00:47:57All right, Ashlyn, this is the last dance of this season everyone's gonna be counting on you
00:48:06This could make or break the whole group
00:48:10Okay, I don't want to get in your ass Ashlyn I have seen you crumble on stage you might need to be scared
00:48:16Let your mom help you
00:48:18Okay, now's not the time to cry. You got to save it. Okay, we got it
00:48:21My mom's making me feel like she doesn't know if I can do it
00:48:24I want her to have faith in me and I want her to believe in me, but she's not making me feel like she believes
00:48:29I mean, I just want her to show some love
00:48:33That is unkind. Well, you're not helping me you're being unkind. I want you to be able to do this
00:48:39I don't want you to end this season and have any regrets
00:48:41Don't walk away with me with your hands in your ears. That's rude. Yeah, you're being rude. You're bothering me
00:48:50Okay, I just want you to understand the severity this could be your last time on the stage
00:48:54I know
00:48:58Girls our job today is to scare the crap out of
00:49:04Everyone in that audience so that something like this never happens to you
00:49:10Something like this never happens to them or someone they love
00:49:16With that in mind moms, I want you to come over to the table. I want you to grab a sharpie. I
00:49:23Want you to go to one of the bags and I want you to write your kids name on it
00:49:27Oh and put it back in the pocket and I want you all to watch them and
00:49:33Imagine how that would feel
00:49:37You don't want that to be your mom, right?
00:49:41Okay, Lisa, why don't you go first I
00:49:46Would never want this to be you you understand that right everybody can join her
00:50:00Don't know what I would ever do Ashley
00:50:05This is obviously my worst nightmare, it's not gonna happen. Okay
00:50:12You know when we write down your daughter's name
00:50:16On the body bag. We just become a mom
00:50:20Not a dance mom. We won't fight each other
00:50:23Just be quiet focus on your daughter
00:50:28Remind this set set moment when my son passed away again again
00:50:35You need to look at your mother and how hard this is for them take that emotion and
00:50:40Perform this dance like you've never danced in your life dance for Devin dance for every single person
00:50:47Who's lost someone that they love?
00:50:52This is the performance of your life, babe. You can get this team a national title
00:50:57I don't care what you have to draw from to get there. You have to get there like you've never gotten there before
00:51:03Do you want that win or do you want to go home losers from Nationals? I?
00:51:08Want this win too. I want it for all of you. I love you all. You're amazing. Let's go kick some butt
00:51:20This is what we worked all year for we have amazing impactful group in my entire career
00:51:26This is the most important story. I have ever told through dance and
00:51:31It's so important that these kids do this routine justice. I
00:51:35Really want to go out with a bang. I want these kids to go away winners
00:51:39But if we can tell a story that just saves one person then we've done our job
00:51:49I think it's only fair that I let you all know now who will be coming back next season
00:52:19Give it your all
00:52:20Ashley you're gonna be amazing right now as I'm about to go on stage. I can't think about miss glow yelling at me
00:52:26I can't think about my mom. I just look at the girls like even just seeing their faces is really getting me
00:52:33More deep down to the emotion. I just have to go out there and kill it. We only get one chance
00:52:39Nervous no rhinestones
00:52:41Are we yeah
00:52:47Please welcome to the stage entry number 79 performing body bags
00:56:26Did a beautiful job you really did. Thank you. I'm really proud of my performance. I think that this was a national title worthy
00:56:37Even though I'm really happy she did it
00:56:42100% I think I did really good. I
00:56:46Mean way to go out with a bang
00:57:22All right dancers we are going to get started with our top five
00:57:27Solos, I think that'll be Gina today because it's finally an even playing field. I'm a better dancer than Gina
00:57:34I was on Broadway while she was still learning how to turn so I think it's pretty obvious that I'm gonna score way higher than
00:57:42Fifth place is awarded to
00:57:48Entry 11 seeing red from Studio Blue Dance Center
00:57:58I'm disappointed Audrey got fifth overall Audrey is a better dancer than fifth
00:58:02But Audrey needs to learn how to change up with the song and the choreography. She can't just be intense all the time
00:58:10Second place entry 55 away from me from Magic Dance Studio
00:58:20And your next our national champion is awarded to
00:58:28Entry 71 Creek from Magic Dance Studio
00:58:34Makes me feel upset with myself that I didn't place
00:58:38I really wanted to and I needed to be Audrey, but I did it. I might not be on the team anymore
00:58:46We are moving into our top five level three junior small groups
00:58:52If Gina and Audrey didn't win their solos, I'm really scared for the groups at this point
00:58:57fifth place
00:59:01Entry 76. I remember her from Dancing Pet
00:59:05there are a lot of good dancers at the studio in this area and
00:59:09Everyone's gonna want to be on this team and we don't want anyone trying to
00:59:14Audition or we don't want anyone else coming here because we're the elite team and we're good together
00:59:19That's why we need to win today second place
00:59:23Is going home with entry
00:59:27The first time from Magic Dance Studio
00:59:31Everything this season has led up to this moment all of the wins all the losses
00:59:37All of the tears all the chaos all the drama. I gave everything I could to these girls and
00:59:45Even though I think they did give a winning performance today. What matters is what these Florida judges say
00:59:51And your next star and national champion is awarded to
01:00:04Entry 79 a body
01:00:06Congratulations to our national champions and the loud and proud the studio that you represent
01:00:25First place national championship, let's go
01:00:46Am thrilled that Audrey beat Gina this comparison between Audrey and Gina hasn't silly so we feel vindicated
01:00:54But we're still proud of Gina because she worked her butt off
01:01:29Think you're more than a half
01:01:35Was some tough competition there
01:01:37But somehow through that tough competition our group still won
01:01:42And I do think that we can thank Ashlyn for pushing us over the top
01:01:47This performance and this acting job that she did made everything real and believable and that was amazing
01:02:04Thrilled that our group won and it's amazing to win as a team
01:02:08But I also need soloists who are going to win a national championship for me
01:02:14Audrey, there's no question. You should be my star soloist and you got fifth Gina. You didn't even place overall
01:02:21Yes, there were some amazing talent here, but I needed to come to nationals with my winning soloists
01:02:28Neither of you pull that off
01:02:31Everyone come line up, please. I
01:02:34Wanted a whole team of stars this season and I'm not sure I got that I
01:02:40Want kids who are willing to work hard and win first who want that? I?
01:02:47Was very honest with you guys when I said some of you might not be back next season
01:02:52So I think it's only fair that I let you all know now who will be coming back next season
01:03:06Get back in line, please if I call your name step forward